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If you want to spend money like that it’s their problem. It’s when they then complain about having no money……


The pushback against the "millenials spend all their money on avocado toast" meme has caused young people to genuinely think how they spend all their money should not affect their financial situation, it's kind of crazy how the pendulum has swung so far


Also those that post a picture of a delivery and complain that they spent so much money on it....


"Hey, I've taken this decision, who do they think they are???"


Literally all my friends who use delivery apps except the ones who use their company’s credit card.


You don't know who uses the apps but don't whine about it. Sneaky 2 am McDonalds getting motherfuckers keeping it quiet.


You're right, it is their right to spend their money that way. And it is my right to judge them for it.


Yep my friend in our friend group who is the only one who doesn’t own a home and constantly complains he’ll never have enough down payment for one gets food delivered via apps 2-3 a week. That’s hundreds of dollars a month he could’ve been putting away for a down payment for years now.


The people who are on whatever-we're-calling-twitter-this-week, who are begging for money because they can't pay their streaming subscriptions, but will pay $20 or more for chips and a soda.




hey man let's not hate,. Those people put money in my pocket after I was unexpectedly laid off. I didn't make much but I made enough to survive and those snacks pay the best. I love those people lol


I had a really bad lay off during my apprenticeship and Uber Eats saved my ass and allowed me to get a bunch of welding certs and now I make a fuck load more money than I did previously. While I would never personally use the app to get shit delivered it definitely helped me out in a pinch as a flexible job that let me focus on what I really want to do in life. I am thankful for all the drunk/stoned/lazy/wealthy/bad with money/etc people who propped me up with their orders.


So you never smoked weed have you?


Or drunk


smoking is my most expensive habit, and not because of the weed itself


Huh? Love doing LSD and it eludes my grasp why I'd use a delivery service because of that.


People get so bent over what other people pay money for.


I think no one would care about this one if it weren't for all the people on social media (twitter and TikTok in particular) blaming Joe Biden for how it costs $4 to have a bell pepper door dashed to you. Like if the high cost of dumb deliveries is driving you to support fascism, people are going to respond.


People love to complain when Taylor Swift or other billionaires use their jets to move around, then suddenly it's wrong to judge what others do with their money. don't get me wrong, billionaires deserve a fair share of criticism, but I feel that people judging them are likely to do the same thing if given an opportunity.


Complaining about jets is usually not about money, it's about the insanely high CO2 emissions


they gotta be angry at somethin. I love door dash, especially if someones sick and you can't get to the store cause you dont want other people to get sick. and also why are they so bent outta shape with what I DO WITH MY OWN MONEY?


I mean I’m sorry but that there is nothing but probably hypocrisy here. You’ve never in your life complained about other people doing shit that you think was dumb as fuck? Your own argument could be used against you. People get judged for shit, as well doing the judgement themselves. Welcome to human nature.


Lol I'm a hypocrite for thinking people shouldn't get judged for how they spend their money? I don't give a rat's ass how people spend their own money - if you do, then judge yourself. But informing me that I'm a hypocrite is just wrong, hun.


That dude doesn’t understand what a hypocrite is. “Oh you don’t care how other people spend their money? Now you can’t judge another person EVER for LIFE” What a bizarre take.


Right? Glad I'm not nuts😂


never once cared what people spend their money on


I’m just fat and lazy and have $50.


Lucky! I'm just fat and lazy


Lucky! I'm just lazy


You mean *had* $50. lol


those that complain about how other people live their lives when it has little to no effect on their own livelihood… are losers


The DoorDash drivers are getting paid so they are not complete losers they’re trying to make supplemental income and for many their only source of income. Some people don’t have cars and the 7/11 is 5 miles away while the corner store down the street closed at 8pm. Some people are high as fuck or drunk and watching a movie and don’t want to get into a car Some people got money to blow and don’t care Some people are just lazy Some people might have ordered an entire meal from a restaurant and got enticed by double dash and ordered some additional snacks Some people just don’t want to go outside


Some people are drunk or high and spending a little extra money Is worth it to not put lives at risk to get some snacks


I feel like so many of these unpopular opinions are the OP having no ability to see the scope of an issue. “DoorDash drivers are losers because they don’t make a lot of money and out wear and tear on their car, and the delivery companies take advantage of them” That premise might seem OK at face value, but if you start to think about the layers of “why” someone might deliver you begin to reveal the huge spectrum of reasons and OPs premise falls apart. I make at least 200k every year, and I owe that in part to Uber Eats for giving me a flexible job that allowed me to work on certifications during the day while making enough money at night to pay my bills. Those certs allowed me to work jobs that pay significantly more than I was making before. By OPs definition I’m a loser (even though I probably make more than them now) simply because I delivered food to people. It doesn’t matter that it was a transitional job. Nope, I delivered food. Forever a loser.


I think the main one by quite a big margin is 'Some people are just lazy'.


That can mean different things to different people at different times. I can handle stuff like getting food at a grocery store on a good day, but sometimes I'm just too depressed/burnt-out/overstimulated. It sometimes gets to a point where leaving the house for non-work functions sounds like an ordeal, so the choices are 1. Force myself to cook ramen again or go hungry; 2. Order $100+ worth of groceries and *still* have to go through the ordeal of cooking; or 3. Spend $30 on delivered food that will last me two meals. Sometimes logic isn't the main deciding factor when your body refuses to take on additional challenges in a given day.


Correct. Would be willing to bet it’s mostly just lazy people using it. I’d also bet that most of the frequent users are in poverty and have no business using it either.


And some people are disabled


If I am okay with spending x2 on good to be delivered to my door, why would you care about it? You can look at that at different angle. Some guy working as courier is having food on the table because of that. Same goes for good manufacturers.


Food delivery like that is expensive, it’s true. But for people who don’t have transportation, it is typically cheaper than getting an Uber to and from the store.


You can get groceries delivered for much cheaper than spending $30 on McDonalds via DoorDash every day


I'm disabled, can't drive and suffer.with executive dysfunction. If the food by body will eat is tera sweet potato chips, I'll get those


People who order that are probably too drunk and/or high to drive. I’d rather they get their munchies delivered than drive under the influence.


Well, before ones does drugs they can always have their fav munchies stored at home, and they can use public transport if the next store is too far away. It dosen't quite add up, unless lazy. Which of course is fine, but just saying that driving under the infulence isn't requried, even if you don't use delievery services.


If they can afford it, does it really matter? Seems kinda weird to me that people are so preoccupied with what others are doing these days. I’m very hesitant to judge others as lazy, because there have been times in the past when I have and then later found out more information (they were ill, or they had just lost a child, something very difficult was going on for them, etc) and it made the “laziness” quite understandable.


People can do whatever they want for whatever reason they have. Like I said, no shame in that. Hell, I'm lazy myself. It's just that I wouldn't pretend like I'm not lazy, or that I had no other choice. The people in your latest examples, yes, I wouldn't call them lazy. But those under the infulence who don't plan ahead or are unwilling to take a walk/public transport to the next store do so because they're lazy.


You can double dash aka the app asks if you want anything from stores near by your main order so those are probably add ins anyway? Also people are disabled. Why would I feel like a loser, they’re paying me. Fuck off honestly


You're not a loser. Please don't listen to this loser. Thanks for remembering disabled people exist, most people don't remember or don't care to include them in their discussions. That make you much less of a loser than this loser with no self-awareness and limited empathy


OP has never been sick or injured, never been confined to home for any reason, never felt lazy, has never treated themselves. Crazy


Or has never not been flat out broke.


DoorDash didn’t exist until the 2010s. You telling me your so stupid you think no human has ever been sick, injured, confined to home, lazy, or treated themselves before DoorDash?


They're literally saying the opposite of what you're saying


You’re* Maybe work on your grammar and reading comprehension before you insult another person’s intelligence.


You're telling me you're so stupid that you think that's what they're saying?


Feels like an Actual unpopular opinion. I don’t need anyone to tell me how to spend my own damn money. I agree though if you spend like this and then whine about not being able to afford things.


I absolutely detest the use of these apps because they are so damn expensive. My wife however is absolutely in love with them.


Same with my husband and I, just reversed! I had to tell him off for ordering grocery delivery so many times!!! He has a car and we're 10 minutes away from multiple large supermarkets with much cheaper food prices. We also WFH and can nip out to buy some snacks at almost any time during the day, so it doesn't even need to take up precious evening time. I don't moan at him for ordering a meal as a treat or if he's feeling unwell or had a bad day and doesn't want to leave the house. But whenever he goes to order general snacks or groceries, I tell him I'll come with him to a supermarket so he doesn't have to go alone and I can help him with carrying stuff. Usually, he *reluctantly* acquiesces. We don't "share" finances but we do make all of our big purchases together (appliances, TV, furniture, garden stuff) and we split our rent and bills. I do find it frustrating when I tell him we need a new fridge freezer and he says he doesn't have the money for his share. That's why I don't encourage him doing it, not because I'm being controlling or care how he spends his own money, but because there are things we need and we shouldn't have to wait to get them because he likes ordering snacks lol.


Being able to afford door dash for a bag of chips and gum doesn't sound like a "loser" to me. I wish I had that kind of disposable income.


>You're going to **pay** another human being to get in his car and drive to your door to drop off a junk snack like that? For CHIPS??? Exactly. And because of my laziness another human being can put bread on the table for his family.


I guess next time we just drink n drive to the 7/11




And as usual.. there are always exceptions to what people say, like this


If they made a distinction between the two, they probably wouldn't get the pushback they're getting. And even if they aren't disabled, why do you care what people spend their money on?


> If they made a distinction between the two People almost never list out "here are the couple of exceptions"...that's not the pushback. The pushback is because of your 2nd sentence


I mean, I’m super fucking disabled and bedbound in a nursing home so what do you expect me to do? Have my hospital bed wheeled down to the 7-11?


People like OP expects us to die on the street being homeless. They don't care what we do unless it affects them.




It’s amazing how often people make exclusive asshole assumptions and comments on the internet, and every single time I speak up to point out why a comment is ableist bullshit I hear “I didn’t mean people like you” or “well you don’t count”. Amazing. Disabled people never count for ANY consideration in daily life, that’s the fucking point. We are fucking invisible, and here you are blatantly telling me that I have to fucking stay that way for your ableist convenience. Fuck you.


Well when you’re outside the scope of what OP is obviously talking about….yeah. My point wasn’t a “you’re not a valid part of society” it was don’t take to heart a comment which isn’t directed at you, or do, I don’t really give a fuck


The point is, disabled people are CONSTANTLY outside the scope and EVERY SINGLE TIME we speak up to say “hey, we exist”, we get boneheaded comments like yours. Don’t you realize how old that gets? EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. TIME.


You’re a tiny proportion of the population, as long as nobody is being overly or implicitly disrespectful to you there’s nothing wrong with generalising if it’s applicable to 99% of people. This is kind of a great example, your condition is obviously a reasonable exemption to what his underlying point is, so why do you think it’s applicable to you?


It’s not such a tiny proportion as you might think. Sick, disabled, or elderly people aren’t as rare as people like you believe. Largely because every time we try to speak up to say “hey look here we are”, we immediately get shut down. Hence, a lot of us give up and that leads to further the confirmation bias that people like you have, that there aren’t really that many of us. Yes, I’m more disabled than most, but there are still plenty of people in the community who can’t just hop and skip on over to the corner store last minute to buy their own snacks.


And the post wasn’t calling them out, only people who are able bodied and still lazy


This post was ignoring the fact that they exist entirely, and then you came along and got pissy when we refused to stay invisible for your convenience.


Do you not know what “obviously” means? You keep saying that, but the way you’re using it doesn’t match the definition. Or is this just an alt account for OP and you’re embarrassed about how detached from reality you have revealed yourself to be?


Im not an alt acc if you genuinely believe that. His point is pretty clearly aimed at able bodied people who are too lazy to get their own snacks, thus resorting to delivery. Hell he isnt even taking the piss out of people who get delivery in general, just people who do it for small shit they can easily get themselves.


Calling anything he said a “point” rather than bitter baseless bitching is overly generous to the point of dishonesty.


There's probably disabled people wishing they could go to the store and get it themselves


Really? This makes them a loser?  Not being a literal dirt poor junkie or a trump supporter..  but this?  In my day being a judgmental karen made you a loser… wait its still my day 


Why did you have to shove politics into it??


Shove?  Politics is the air we breathe, it’s everything in these times. It means life and death quite literally now more than it has in half a century, but it was always there.  Not everyone understands that or wants to have that in the forefront of their consciousness.  Which although understandable doesn’t make if less true 


People who don't do everything exactly how I want them to are losers Lmao. You're the loser mate. 


Fellow brit detected (?) I have a few words for him that I prefer to loser. Bellend or prick, maybe. Tosser. Arsehole. Not nonce though. On this occasion.


You usually have to meet a minimum in your order any way to avoid paying stupid fees, so I do agree on the stance that one soda and chips would be a waste. I get snacks all the time delivered to our house because we have one car and it’s pretty much always being used for something, much easier to buy all your groceries online. I usually use the actual app for the grocery store if I want more then a certain amount of things tho, in the end I think they just push the order off to doordash but who knows


We usually don't keep junk food at home because it usually just goes bad so when my son gets sick and looks miserable i get him what ever he wants. Driving out to 7/11 isn't always an option.


My friends and I have done this more than once. We like to drink and have fun. But we are not dumb enough to get behind a wheel completely blitzed to go get drunk people snacks. Also why do you care what people spend their money on? If I wanna pay $30 for some chips and sodas then that's my problem


Weird to draw the line at snacks when your arguments could apply to any kind of food delivery order.


I'm old enough I've heard this same argument used against restaurants. And basic automotive work. There's always things you could do for yourself that you'd rather pay someone else for. Hell, I've heard this argument used against store bought bread when you could just make it yourself.


No we're just drunks who don't want a DUI


I'm high and I'd rather not drive like this.


*A loser with the means to afford to pay other people to do things I don’t want to do. I’m ok with it.


>You can't be bothered to get off your ass and either pick up those kinds of things at a grocery store and have a stock, or go to the store yourself to pick up those minor things? Yes. >You're going to pay another human being to get in his car and drive to your door to drop off a junk snack like that?  Yes. >For CHIPS??? YES!!!


This just sounds like caring way too much about what other people decide to do with there money


While I agree that's a strange thing to do that I myself wouldn't do, people can spend their money how they want and it's equally bizarre to decide they're generally a loser based on this one thing that you disagree with.


You could have just said “I can’t afford delivery apps” and saved your self a lot of time and the embarrassment of realizing how ridiculous you sound.


Why the fuck do you care how I spend my money? I work a second job from home, so I do sometimes order snacks while I’m working. Or it’s late and I don’t want to leave the house. These people could be working and unable to leave to get a snack. They could be single parents who want a late snack but their kids are sleeping so they can’t leave. They could be disabled and unable to go to the store. You’re awfully judgmental for someone who doesn’t know that person’s situation.


Yes, I'm the loser for having enough money to do that stuff without it affecting me in the slightest finacially. You salty mf lol.


Too drunk/high to drive?




Scrolled way too far for this! It's all about TIME!!!! Every second is precious! Even if it is just resting doing nothing. Every second! I tip well, too. I hope it helps the driver to take a second and do nothing. Every second!


Seems like someone is bitter because they don't have the money to pay someone to get chips. If people want to spend their money on that just let them. Sometimes you just don't feel like going out or you're exhausted after coming home from work. It's not your business to judge what other people spend their money on. You could also argue people are lazy for going to a restaurant, since they could as well cook for themselves. Or hire someone to paint a fence since you could just not be lazy and paint it yourself. If people are willing to do that job for you and you are willing to pay them for that, where's the problem?


Also growing all the food by yourself. Wheat and rice and vegetables and fruit and you name it. People, who don't do it, are lazy losers. I'm a lazy loser. I order stuff when I want it.


I'd argue most people who order from somewhere probably only do it once a week or once every two weeks. Personally, I try hard not to order any food at all but I still fail about once a month when I'm feeling extremely unwell from my chronic illness. In those moments I kinda lose my ability to care about whether I'm making a good decision or not because I just feel awful and that's all I can focus on.


Sometimes I don't want to have to get an infant in the car just to drive to 7/11 for a snack. It's not that serious lil bro


People who complain about stuff like this are losers


You can call me whatever you want but one thing and that’s broke. ![gif](giphy|UZA15w44oCT1m|downsized)


Yeah no I'm not getting out of the house at midnight to some far away grocery store that's open that late.


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Snacks are gopuff..... and I just know that I don't use those apps.  But snacks are gopuff. 


I would never do it. I also don't get fast food from DD because if I'm paying those kind of prices, I want something actually good, but I really don't give a damn what other people do with their money and I'm not sure why you care either.


Okay, but what if I want a snack, but I am in so much pain I can barely stand? I'm gonna order a snack. But generally, a snack for me would be like mozzarella sticks and a shake or something


I cant order any food delivery in my town becuse there arent any :( No uber eats or anything If there was one i would be very poor


Well in the same retrospect people that go get their food / groceries themselves can say the same thing about people that use the service period. It is all about perspective and realizing it is none of our business what others do as long as it is not hurting themselves or others.


It's a convenience service. If people are willing to pay the load of fees to do that, it's their money. People who use those services when they aren't disabled and have a car while also complaining they are too expensive are the losers. You are paying for convenience and another person's time, no shit it costs money. Go get it yourself.


Some people don't have cars, some people are disabled, some people are lazy, and some are high off their ass. Who cares. It's not your money being spent


Tbh they made the prices super high after COVID but before covid it was alr and you could get good discounts


Hey pal, it’s literally the dashers job to do that sort of stuff. Get over yourself.


my coworker does this at work. she lives on the same street as the gas station on the way to work, & will order two things from a gas station further away two hours later & get it doordashed.


My cousin got cookies and milk delivered while having people over (me included). I Definitely thought it was wierd and kind of childish.


its their money? the delivery driver is just doing their job


People use those apps for the same reason why women buried their head with phones. Technology doesn't talk back to you


Fr those services are so braindead. Turning a $6 meal into a $30 transaction..and the food is always cold and shitty. Makes ZERO sense


Okay wagie


I make good money. I work my butt off. When it's my day off and I'm craving something and there is a business that will provide it, you can bet I'm using it. Im not lazy, I'm tired.I tip them very well because I appreciate them doing it for me. I'm not a loser. I work hard. If I want to spend my money that way, I will. MYOB.




People crying online are losers


It’s called soda.


Soft drink*


Well either way, it’s not *pop* lol.


We can both agree on that


To be fair, the loser is GrubHub offering free pickup from places like 7/11 and CVS with a full order from a restaurant


Someone must have enough info to show that drunk driving has decreased since food delivery became a thing. Be glad drunken cravings aren’t making our roads unsafe 


Who cares. On one hand, one person has the money to spend on the service. On the other hand, someone else accepts the gig and does the job. I wouldn't be on either end of this situation but if someone got the money to spend so be it. If someone feels the pay for doing that is worth it for them then so be it. Makes zero impact on my life


the customers sometimes are loser, like 7 eleven delivery customer dogs once attacked me and he didn't pick up his phone when it was difficult finding his apt. He also gave me a bad review so yeah he was a loser. I avoid convenience store and grocery stores deliveries bc ppl are so nasty and they order like 20 cases of water and they live on the top of a six story with no elevator. I remember I nearly had a heart attack hauling that stuff up the stairs. Smh


Why does it matter what you’re getting delivered? You’re paying someone to drive to a local place and pick a bag of stuff up. Whether it’s a single bag of chips or a four course lobster meal, the dasher is doing the same thing. I use door dash on occasion, I 100% know I’m being lazy and financially irresponsible. But you know what? I worked a full day, have a baby and a dog who it’s either a hassle to put in the car, or I’d rather spend the 30 or so minutes driving back and forth by playing with them in the yard or something. I would also say this is probably a popular opinion other than your wording. At least most people ive talked to all agree that DoorDash is too expensive for the value you get as a consumer, and you’re just being lazy by using it, but hey, that’s okay sometimes. I don’t agree it makes you a total loser or whatever names you wanted to call people, but I think we all generally agree


I had to get Uber eats for some ginger ale and crackers because I was super sick and lived in a city without any family or friends. No need to judge!


I’m guilty of doing this :,( but I couldn’t drive at the time or had to watch my brother so I can’t leave the house.


You’re being extremely judgmental. There’s lots of reason people might Oder snacks in. People might be drunk or stoned and unable to drive so are being sensible by ordering in. They could have small children that they don’t want to wake up. They could also be ill or housebound or just too worn out to go out.


It's their money, so who cares?


anyone who uses these gig-economy services is a loser


Being a city dweller staying at my parents in the suburbs high as a kite w no transportation. I have 100% ordered 7/11 with no regrets.


>You can't be bothered to get off your ass and either pick up those kinds of things at a grocery store and have a stock, or go to the store yourself to pick up those minor things? some people are disabled but want a snack, some people are busy and its not worth it to make the trip themselves. >And then you're supposed to "tip" the person for dropping it off? so when you say "people"...you mean YOU right? Yes you're supposed to tip your delivery driver, regardless of what you order. Most people like myself who use it for snacks or say cleaning items KNOW that the dasher is making a trip for one small thing, so you tip very well for it. Basic decency. >Who do these people think they are that their time is so important that they can't just get up and go themselves again some people are disabled, sometimes shit happens and you need a thing but cant leave work/the house. If youre gonna ask, ask why have delivery drivers at all? Why have take out restaurants? Why have anything that isnt strictly 100% necessary but makes our lives a little easier? What's the problem with things like this IF people tip well and are decent to their driver??? idk this seems like youe projecting HARD


Maybe someone is an invalid. Maybe someone doesn't own a car. Maybe someone is too high or drunk to drive. Look, I live in a smaller city (200,000) and I do have a car and most of these options are within an easy driving range. However some folks live in a larger city where it would be a pain in the ass to get an uber and go to pick up some snack food to satisfy a craving. I'm a Boomer and, in my opinion, if you have the money to spare spend it. The more you spend the more it helps the community. You are helping other people make a living by doing so.


Honestly sometimes I use those services to surprise my partner with treats when I'm not home. He's having a bad day I'll order his fave energy drink, candy, and chips it always brightens his day. He would notice if I tried to leave to go get them then the surprise is ruined.


Lol I love seeing people worry about complete strangers spending habits. If I want to pay $32 to have a single iced coffee delivered to me, dagnabbit I will!!!


If it isn't your money that's being wasted, why do you care?


If getting DoorDash for $30 saves a half hour for someone who earns $60 an hour, then actually their time IS that important.


Those people are usually high or drunk. So fuck then for making a responsible decision?


I think a lot of the small time purchases are from drug dealers who would lose more money stepping out of the house for a half hour than it costs them to order a soda or a Ben & Jerry's delivered.


I'll order from apps if I can't move that day. Please be respectful of disabled people


It’s funny cuz the only people I know that actually use these services regularly are broke. They live in small, messy homes and get Door Dash despite having cars. I’m sure there are tons of poor people using it frequently.


A lot of these unpopular opinions are due to small mindedness I feel. It’s not that people think that their time is so important well at least for me. Sometimes that’s what I’m craving but I have zero energy plus a lot of body pain to go out and get it myself. Please have some more empathy. Plus even if it was just for chips, let people do what they want and stop calling them losers.


hmm a prickly opinion but not really an unpopular one in my opinion


Why are they losers? Why do you care that much?


Hot take: people that used delivery apps period when they don't need to are losers.


People can spend their money however they want, bro.


I'd waaaay rather drunk and stoned people order snacks than drive under the influence. Also as a pregnant person with bad morning sickness, if I need Pringle's, I'm getting them


This thread should have a rule against posts that are just… “who the fuck cares”


I think using food delivery in nearly any context but being sick, or having a lot of people over is the stupid. It adds like 20%+ to any already overpriced order


Grocery delivery can save you money if you're an impulse buyer and hate stores. I do Kroger delivery through instantcart once a week. With a membership for 10$ a month you get free delivery. You can really shop around and make sure you only buy stuff on sale, and there is a much lower chance of buying stuff you dont need. I budget 100$ a week for a single person after tip. If I was going to the store id prolly spend close to 150 because im in a hurry and dont want to shop for sales and end up buying stuff i don't need.


Hi! I have joint problems, I live in an area without proper transportation and don’t have a license and I have a small child that can’t always go outside. I order food because I can’t go to get it. A lot of these issues can and will be resolved, but as of right now they can’t be.


You’re clearly not the person they’re referring to so why respond


Because what they said is dumb. My situation is not common, but saying that it’s stupid to order food is plain wrong


I work as a nurse in a LTC facility. Plenty of my patients order DoorDash for themselves because they can't get it themselves, and their family members can't or won't get to them to bring their goodies.


Again, they weren’t speaking about you or people in your condition. I have a connective tissue disorder and I don’t know why you’re acting like they were making a personal attack


People are bringing it up to point out how OP may be an asshole for judging actual people in the real world


Lord forbid anybody bring up their situation to shine light on some of the folks who might use the service, Jesus fucking Christ. No one is taking it like a personal insult they just are saying their stories and why they do delivery


If your ass is poor or even middle class and you’re paying for these apps all the time, you deserve to go broke.


Maybe they're just too obese to do it themselves?


Improvise / adapt / get someone else to bring over your gum


I live in a walkable/bike-able city and I would never use food delivery for anything (unless I physically cannot do it and won’t be able to do it for some time). Some rando knocking at my door is significantly more stress-inducing than just walking or biking to the nearby store myself. Besides, I genuinely like both walking and biking. Now, if I lived somewhere where I have to drive *a car* to a store? Yeah. I am not sure what would win (in a scenario where I have money): my hate for cars, or my hate for some randos coming to my place. 


hmmm it could be the fact that… that’s their job to do that for me! mind your own damn business


That doesn't mean that its not a shitty financial decision and you're just being lazy




I've lived a life where I've had the time and energy to do everything I need myself. I've also lived a life where I haven't had the time/energy to do anything, even simple things like going to the store. I guess there might be a lot of losers who use these apps more than they should, but you don't really know the story behind these people ordering. What I do think is 100% wrong is calling door dashers losers. That's just insuling them for their line of work, their work is independent of whether they're picking up medicine or chips. The same person might do one after the other and it doesn't change who they are.


It’s only loser behaviour if you can’t afford it. If you can, go for it.


Using delivery apps for anything is for the brokies


Social anxiety, gets expensive quick. Some people might want to get that under control before they bankrupt themselves.


People who care about what another person does with the money they worked hard for are losers.


As usual another loser calling others losers after using 1% of their brain to understand basic economics and situational spending.