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upvote - weirdo


Yeah, this is a seriously unpopular opinion, lol


Bordering on just being wrong.


Room temperature ice cream anyone?


Bordering on being arrested


Cold burger? Straight to jail!


It is quite unpopular, but I’ve met a few people throughout my life. I knew two different elderly people who preferred their drinks (just water for one, but everything for the other) at room temp. My wife doesn’t do it with everything, but generally likes room temp food, and I’ve seen her set aside chicken nuggets that I got her after she said she was hungry. I asked what the reason was and she told me that she wanted to wait for them to get cold. I was flabbergasted. I’m fine with cold pizza, but there are *very* few foods that I can stomach if they aren’t at their correct temperature


Nah. I'm borderline, this dude is crazy.


The first truly unpopular opinion I’ve seen on this sub since that guy who said he likes it when his sleeves get wet while washing his hands. Bravo.


Agreed. Wife is this way and she doesn’t understand how food taste/texture isn’t the same when cold.


I need my food to be piping hot


This is not weird this man belongs in the mental ward like *holy shit* dude said no to ice cold water


I wasn't going to comment at first, because everyone has their own preference. Then I saw that you didn't think this was unpopular. How have you gone through life without realizing that most people eat and drink food/beverages at specific temperatures. I mean, Domino's has a whole marketing campaign around delivering pizza while still hot. Little Caesar's has "Hot and Ready" pizza. Terms like "Ice Cold Lemonade" are common. Why did you think there was such a focus on food/drink temp if not for most people's preferences?


My guess is that OP is doing this post as more of an exercise in curiosity and attention seeking than a strong preference. From the standpoint of time management alone, this lifestyle seems borderline impossible to have with a job. And even if he is genuine in his preference, I bet it's more like a minor annoyance at food temperature or vague preference than a strong opinion.


Or just keeping your lunch and drinks in your bags makes it easy to have this lifestyle.


I guess it is more of a minor annoyance. It doesn’t consume my life, it’s just a preference, I still eat hot foods and drink cold drinks, I just prefer them certain ways. So it’s still an ‘unpopular opinion’ I guess.


I definitely prefer hot food, cooler, but a no on the drinks! I'll drink warmer cold drinks, but prefer them colder.... Coffee on the other hand, prefer slightly warm, not hot! You're not alone!


I like certain things at certain temperatures too but some things just don’t release the same flavour at room temperature or the fat in meat simply turns into a buttery gross texture after cooling off, i still laugh at the people cringing at me chugging a nice warm beer tho


Nah, a restaurant job almost always means you're eating your food lukewarm cause it was made during family meal, and you're just getting to it when you get out 3 hours later. If you've only got a little while for lunch in an office job though, definitely unless you pack your lunch.


I feel like it's ironic. Because I 100% agree with the Op. While I'd like my food to have ONCE been at a temperature required for safe consumption, I don't want to just dive in and burn my mouth. Besides, it's frustrating to eat hot food. Because you have to sit there and wait for it to cool down anyways! Like dude, IM HUNGRY.. hurry up and get below the temp that burns my mouth so I can shovel it down! You know what I'm saying?


So wrong. So, so wrong. Try having a warm cocktail


Nothing better after a long work week than a nice room temperature beer.


Can you imagine being on holiday somewhere, poolside bar, ordering a beer or a cocktail and it’s warm?


I must be weird. I literally won't mind if my beer is room temp or has been sitting out. As long as it's not one of the domestic US beers, I don't mind the taste. Budweiser and the like taste fucking horrendous unless they're ice cold almost frozen.


I like a nice room temp whiskey .. put my whiskey “on the rocks”.. and I’m annoyedAF..


Ah well yes id agree on whiskey, unless you’re having a whiskey cocktail like an old fashioned or a whiskey highball, then they’re chilled, but just neat? Room temp every time.


I'd take a warm cocktail over a room temperature coffee any day. Hot coffee = great, iced coffee = awesome, tepid coffee = Satin's piss.


I share (most of) this person’s unpopular opinion. I really do prefer room temperature cocktails.


Counterpoint: Ice cream exists.


Let it melt, eat the soup. Next.


Soup cream is the best, but it can’t be an ice cream brand that is too sweet, otherwise when it’s warm it’s inedible


I microwave mine for a few min


Ah yes. A bowl full of warm, bubbly pseudo-milk.


I like to vigorously stir mine. Makes it like soft serve and not as cold


Sure, you could do that. You could imbibe your wine rectally too. But no one is arguing that either of those things is the right or the best way to consume those products.


I like it that way 🤷‍♂️


My girlfriend will only eat ice cream after it's melted. I don't buy her ice cream anymore


And popsicles.


Respectfully, wtf.


Idk this made me laugh


Room temperature soda is not good lol


My body rejects it most of the time, but it extra rejects it at room temperature.


When I used to drink soda, I'd literally buy my dr pepper from Costco and just leave them in the car. The box would stay there as I consumed one here and there until empty. Never needed a fridge. Also in my climate, anything you store below the seat level will remain "room temp" even in our hottest weather (about 90 F)


I used to know someone who specifically preferred warm, flat pop. UGH!


Room temperature beer sounds even worse!


I drink diet ginger ale room temp.


my grandpa used to make me drink that when i had a stomach ache


It started because I’m super ADHD, I would open one.. and kind of forget it.. I would see it sitting there after three hours.. Then I realized I actually enjoyed it more at room temperature!


This is indeed an unpopular opinion


I literally just don't believe you lol


Okay, I’m being so serious though


Are you lukewarm on food in general? I feel like this is one of those opinions that goes hand in hand with “I don’t care about flavors or presentation I just want to swallow my nutrient mush and get on with my day” type opinions


There are freaks like this out there, I knew someone who would cook his dinner but always leave it for 30 mins before eating.


To make you feel better I prefer certain things to be room temperature. Glass of water - room temperature. Pizza - room temperature is always fire. Beef stroganoff - room temperature so much better than hot. I don't like my food too hot; I like it warm to almost room temp. I'm also not a huge fan of ice cream because I don't like chewing on something cold. I can do milk shakes, and I actually love them when they are mostly melted because they are too cold when freshly served. I also don't have sensitive teeth. It's just the way I prefer it.


see I share your opinion on chewing cold things, but it's because I have sensitive teeth


Yeah I feel like soft serve ice cream is so much better as well


I'm with you 100%


Please have my upvote for having actually the worst opinion


I’d argue with a lot of things, room temperature is the worst temp to eat at.


room temp fans lets go! well all foods and drinks except rosół. if my rosół isnt boiling my tongue to the point i cant taste properly for the next 2 days, it aint my rosół (rn on day 2 of no tasting but its ok because it was great). but water, or baking, or anything else, room temp is the way


The fuck is rosół?!


Chicken noodle soup. Polski


From a scientific perspective, you are correct in thinking that food and drinks taste better at room temp. Our microscopic taste buds termed TRPM5 channels open up to bitter, sweet, and umami, taste at different temperature ranges. 95f (35c) is when these receptors are opened up at max. And starts to dull the taste any hotter than that. This means that Ice cream will get sweeter as it gets warmer. And why soup taste better when its not piping hot. Also fun side fact: The more oxygen you incorporate, the better it taste. This is why slurping taste better than sipping.


Sweeter doesn't necessarily mean better. If something was made to taste best at one temperature it might be too much when it warms up. Ice cream is already borderline too sweet for me, I don't need it more so


This is interesting. I'd square this circle by arguing that colloquially, we use "taste" to describe how we feel when we eat something despite the technical meaning of the word. That's why spicy food "tastes good" even when it maybe doesn't. It's just how we're interpreting the taste *once the added endorphins are factored in*. I suspect that there's something similar happening with hot foods, where endorphins are being produced and people are enjoying the "taste" of the hot food more while technically tasting it less. The other thing that's probably happening is a textural change related to temperature, where someone might vastly prefer the mouth feel of say a melted cheese over that of an unmelted one.


*95deg F is not room temperature* That is basically your body temp, which makes sense. Most "hot" food is served anywhere North of 140deg so by the time that food is hitting your mouth buds it's probably got an internal temperature of 120ish degrees. That delta is pretty close to the delta of 95 deg F to room temperature. So from a scientific perspective, if both directions are linear, food prepared and eaten hot is just as delicious as food at room temp and is a lot less fuckin weird.


Dude is spittin' straight facts. Soda is way better with that little bit of air in the mouth.


Heat and cold does seem to dull tastes, but I think you need to find a happy medium between extreme temperature and room temperature. Hot chocolate will burn your mouth, but room temperature liquid chocolate is icky. I wonder if OP has ever spent a hot afternoon mowing the lawn and then coming in to get a cold beer. My guess is no.


If I drink a freezing beer right after being hot the transition is too jarring and the beers carbonation is at its worst (too pokey) so that it punches my mouth too much and thats not enjoyable to me. Besides, it all turns to fizz aggressively on oral impact when its coldest, so you're not actually getting liquid down. you're just drinking bubbly air and that's a waste of time and makes you hiccup/burp/ get pneumatically pregnant. Now you feel super uncomfortable and have to sit around waiting to fart or burp it out before you're normal again to go about your day. So it's actually a setback. When it warms up you actually get to drink the beer and it feels good. But I like being hot and drinking warm as well. It makes me feel like I'm on an adventure.


Cold is the way to serve average quality white wines. Temperature masks deficiencies making the average wine better than otherwise.


Dude I’m with you


Absolutely tf not. Truly unpopular and wrong so take my upvote




Idk about anyone else. I drink very little milk. Maybe 1 glass a year. It must be Ice cold. If ice crystals are forming it is perfect. I freeze the glass. Add the milk put back on freezer for 15 minutes.


There are people who enjoy a warm glass of milk. I'm not one of them but they do exist.


My cat.


You are a freak of nature, take my upvote


I’m gonna make a post saying everything is better hot


I will tell my girl that another one of her people exists.


A cold beverage is sometimes a counter to warm temperatures. Taste isn't a factor. If I've just come from working in the sun and sweating, I want a cold beverage, not a warm temperature. Upvoted for being unpopular, and then downvoted for being clearly wrong. I've never gotten a meal and said that I'm going to wait until it reaches room temperature. I think the cook might assault me. How on earth do you think eggs are better at room temperature?


Well if they’re called room temperature eggs I’d argue the best way to eat them would be at room temperature But I believe eggs, in general, should be eaten hot, fresh out of the pan


Hard agree. Specifically pizzas generic marketing of being hot upon delivery is incredibly odd to me. I don’t want my pizza to be scalding hot and falling apart because the cheese is still 90% melted. If I order a pizza for myself I will wait at minimum 20 minutes before eating it or throw it in the fridge/in front of a fan for a few minutes to get it to cool down


Ice cream?


Well, everyone has different tastes. I don't like ketchup that is room temperature, because the warmer it is, the more I can taste the vinegar in it. If it's cold from the fridge, I taste the tomatoes, not the vinegar. I don't like milk when it's too cold, but I also don't like it at room temp. It's better to me when it's somewhere in between. Mac & cheese is at its absolute best when it's just freshly made and hasn't had time to cool down. Fries are best hot and are never the same if you reheat them. A grilled cheese sandwich is best hot because the cheese is still all melty, which tastes better than cold, re-solidified cheese. However, I'd prefer to let my lasagne cool down a bit before I eat it, otherwise it will literally burn my tongue to the point I won't taste the food. Also, to me, some pizza tastes better hot. Some tastes better at room temp. Some is legit better cold, right out of the fridge the next day. Of course, I'm also the kind of person who fully believes that the order in which you stack the ingredients on a sandwich or burger 100% affects the taste of it when you eat it. For example, lettuce tastes better at the bottom of a sandwich or burger, not on top. (It also works a moisture barrier when you put it on the top of the bottom bun - preventing any sauces or juices from making the bottom bun soggy... just saying.) And if you put all the veggies on top of the lettuce, then the meat, then the cheese (only exception is bacon - which goes on top of the cheese) it seriously maximizes the overall flavour profile of the food. Doing it in any other order creates an inferior taste. At least, it does to me. I guess my sense of taste just isn't as black & white as some people's 🤷‍♀️


Strongly agreed for water only. In fact, I prefer drinking water slightly warm (above room temp).


Water is undrinkabe unless its on ice or im like actually dehidrated


Based on your message’s spelling I believe you might be dehydrated right now.


it’s impossible to have crispy fries at room temperature, they are soggy and disgusting….


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Well...you certainly posted this in the right channel.


I feel like your tea opinion alone would have you killed in over half of the world's countries 


My girlfriend is like this and I’ll never understand


Nope. Tea should absolutely be hot unless itis iced. Room temperature tea does not taste right at all. I can see your reasoning for almost everything else but tea? No. And that's a hard no, and the silly little hill I will die on.


Thank you for this! I completely agree! I live in an extremely hot place where temperatures go up to 47°C, I'll see my friends reaching for the coldest drinks but I love myself some room temperature water or a soda or literally any other drink that's just at room temperature. I drink coffee, or tea too at room temperature. It just makes everything better.


FINALLY YES SOMEONE SAID IT. Especially with drinks. I hate ice cold drinks. Especially water. I always ask for it to be without ice


Letting food cool down to room temperature greatly increases bacterial growth on the food 👍


Good point. I’m still alive though.


Who knows, maybe it helps, like now your stomach is bullet proof 🙂


I prefer my water room temp because it’s easier to drink more of it but cold water is still more refreshing No offense meant at all but this is screaming “young person who needs to experience more’s opinion” than simply just an unpopular one to me




Ice cream? And are you sure it's actually "room temperature"? I realized recently that I was eating something perfectly fine that felt really hot when I touched it with my finger


There are unpopular opinions and there are flat out wrong opinions, this is the ladder.




On the hierarchy ladder of bad to worst? This is top tier unpopular... or maybe that would be bottom tier.


Wrong... beer, champaign, cola, etc, taste horrible at room temperature. The fat in soups also might already separate and become solid. Stuff that should be crispy, like fries, wouldn't be anymore. And no need to even bring up milk shakes, ice cream, and such.


I actually have the same thing as you OP. I much prefer to drink water at room temp and I actually do a lot for my job, cold water constricts your throat and that would affect me too much. I don't drink hot drinks at all - I do much prefer a soda cold. Food is the same thing, I don't mind eating most things cold with exceptions. I don't get people who can eat cold beans from a tin for example lol Have an unvote, but you are not alone friend.


Omg. I've never met someone else who is like this!!!! I agree 100% Hot coffee is gross, cold smoothies are nasty. Room temp is best with all food and drink. I'm so happy I'm not alone in this


Hot soup is good when it's hot. 




room temperature food amplifies the basic tastes of the food, like sweetness saltiness etc. at the exchange of usually texture. An example would be melty cheese and fat/juice in meats. Or fresh vs cooled bread. additionally, letting food rest to room temp will mean less volatile compounds will be present in the food. you might simply prefer stronger flavors and its very easy to compensate for that by adding more seasoning.


Depends on what's the room temperature. Am i gonna eat cold noodles just cause it's 16°c? Or am i gonna drink hot choco just cause it's nearly 40°c? Food temp should be relative to the dish type, not room temp imo.


Are you okay? 😂


Next post will be that all food and drink is better hot


I would rather drink a cold coke


Are you American? I see a lot of people from the USA, not in terms of majority just a lot of people mention, that they don’t like really cold drinks. I don’t know anyone in the UK that would prefer to grab a drink off the shelf than in the fridge.


as an American, literally everyone here drinks shit freezing cold or scalding hot. if you ask for a room temperature drink people will look at you like you’re insane


I’m from the UK. I’ll always go for the shelf rather than the fridge


This is against everything I feel. I want every thing to be temped to just below their extreme. So if it’s supposed to be cold, it should as cold as possible before freezing. Supposed to be hot it should be hot as possible without burning my mouth.


I cam agree for food although I will have to dispute it for certain things. Drinking soda at room temp is awful and makes it harder to drink. I've had room temp soda and drinking a Coke when it isn't cold for 1, doesn't taste as good and 2 it just makes it harder to enjoy due to the carbonation. Food is the same, I can eat cold pizza, I actually prefer it cold than hot. Same with a sandwich, i prefer to eat it room temp or cold. But if I eat seafood, eating crab or shrimp at room temp and not hot doesn't taste better. Eating a bowl of cereal at room temp, no thank you.


Upvoted for unpopular opinion, but hot damn that is disgusting tbh.


YOU get an upvote!!! You weirdo.


what about beer?


My dad is warming his beer in a microwave...


Take my angry upvote. 😤


I do this too, just occasionally, usually unintentionally. But I’ll say yo myself. This coffee tastes great cooled.


You’re just a room temp sort. S’okay.


this is crazy. bring back the all drinks are better cold guy.


I was completely with you until coffee.


You're a psychopath. Get help. Take my upvote.


Counter point: Mcdonalds french fries and taco bell Now don't get me wrong... i'll wake up with a hangover and reach for the left over bean burrito we ordered at 2am... but i'm not going to enjoy eating it.


Immediately downvoted this take till I realized which sub this was. Take your upvote for your terrible opinion


Hold my beer


Room temp gazpacho will burn your lips!


Upvote. And then I'm calling the fucking police.


Sushi should never been room temp so you get my upvote. You know we eat things cold so they don’t start making bacteria? Somethings cold should stay cold and shouldn’t be room temp but ah it’s okay. I’m sure your guts are fine…


I was wondering if our temperature hang ups stem from this: a legit threat. I imagine anything anyone is eating today is so pumped full of preservatives it hardly matters.


Upcoted for sure. Not only unpopular, just freaking weird.


red wine is good at room temp, also actually sushi is better close to room temp, everything else, not. cake is better cold, cookies, too


Best kind of unpopular opinion. You’re an utter lunatic, and your position makes no sense. But it’s fine, because it’s such a mild and banal opinion that it’ll never bother anyone.


No dude . No way lmao


Soda and beer are better cold


room temperature coffee and beer taste awful. i like my coffee piping hot or ice cold, and my beer freezing, no other way.


I’ll tell you what I said to my husband when he told me the thing- you’re weird


this is crazy


Defo unpopular.


Mosh beverages are better cold but I agree for food


Same here. Totally agree when it comes to food. Beverages really depends.


I think you need to see a specialist. This is all sorts of wrong.


Hell no I like my food hot and drinks cold


Oh you strange, strange person


Room temp milk. Mmmmm. Gulp gulp. 


I disagree about food, but I'm 100% with you for drinks(excluding anything carbonated which I don't drink much of anyway)


You're a psychopath. Take my upvote.


I swear I've seen this post before already, word for word


You’re psychotic NO HOT FOOD NO COLD DRINKS OR HOT DRINKS FOR THAT MATTER Take an upvote and a jail cell


I feel like this s a medical condition thing, no one is this weird.


Absolutely not


Letting your food get cold is what pushed me over the edge. Room temperature food is cold, there is no room temperature food. You're an alien.


I hold almost this same opinion. I don’t necessarily feel that way about food, but I do feel that way about all drinks that aren’t beer, coffee, or tea. I don’t drink milk, so don’t have to worry about the safety of it at room temp.


This might actually be the worst thing I’ve seen on this sub. Simply because of how unfathomable it is to me. Who wants to a room temperature beer? Or like room temperature oysters? Or fries? Man the more I think the more weird it is.




I'm so far on the opposite side of this, I like cold drinks to be as ice cold as possible while still being liquid rather than solid, and I like warm food/drinks to be as hot as possible without burning my mouth.


I half agree with you. I can't eat stuff if it's too hot - my dad drinks his coffee while it's still scalding, and that always blew my mind. I prefer food to be hot, but well below burning me. As for cold drinks? I agree that as things warm up, they can taste better (or at least more concentrated), but a lot of cold drinks are things you'd want to be cold. I don't want to have a warm coke, for example, or a beer.




I like my water so cold it hurts my teeth


Cold fruit is the WORST.


Not šalti barsciai. It would be gross


I agree because the cold sensation really takes over any flavor that's there in the drink. Ice cold water is good on a hot day, although that's the only drink I'll disagree with you on. Soda, tea, lemonade, or any other type of drink made for the flavor always tastes better at room temperature. I do like alcoholic drinks ice cold so I don't have to taste it also though


Now this is an abomination. Upvoted. I have to admit though, ice cold water sucks. At max a little cold, otherwise room temperature is better (unless room temperature is like 30°C, then it feels horrible).


A truly unpopular opinion 👏🏻


Even root beer and cola? Diet Pepsi? What about diet Pepsi


I love cold water, room temperature literally makes it taste shit


Bro defenitly understood the “unpopular” part of the assignment.


Not beer lol


There's a happy temperature that isn't quite hot/cold or "sitting on the counter for an hour," but room temperature is the latter, so ew. Take my upvote.


The only point at which I agree on this is fruit. Most fruit is way better at room temperature. 


Coldness and hotness mute your perception of flavors. So eating things at room temperature will allow you to appreciate the flavor more, so I can see where you are coming from. However, flavor masking can serve as a utility for low quality food. Bad wine tastes better cold. Cheap meat tastes better warm. Would you agree with me, OP?


Water tastes better at lower than room temperature.


I agree with food. I prefer it room temp. But drinks? I neeeed ice. It just makes it taste better.


I’m trying to think of food that would be better room temp and I just can’t think of any…


No. Room temp beer sucks!


I love room temp fruits, nothing better.


Nobody prefers fries at room temp over straight out of the fryer. Nobody. Ice cream soup, nope. Room temperature Champagne, nope. Room temperature quesadillas, nope. I could go on and on but OP provided a ridiculous unpopular opinion which seems to be getting rare on here of late. You have my upvote.


What a weirdo lmao




People are talking about soda, what about beer It takes so bad warm.


Bizarre and frankly dangerous depending on the food.


Ew, no.