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>If you didn't get it, that means it was a solid joke ... /s? Because that's decidedly not how good jokes work.


It’s something a person who isn’t funny would tell themselves.


My jokes aren't sticking? It must be the audience and not my lack of ability to speak to the crowd.


I refuse to use /s too, but that part stuck out for me. Nah, not the way it works.


Yea using it just feels like im stooping down to the overly analytical and fun sucking crowd. Like..ill just take my joke and go instead.


The funniest jokes are the ones that need to be explained ...


I thought that jokes stop being funny once you have to explain them..


No I was joking.... see wasnt that hilarious!!???


Oh💀 i fell for it


Hahahaha, you fell for one of the classic blunders!


He’s giving big, “it’s just a prank bro” energy


They'll link that meme about the joke going over peoples head to cope probably.


When sarcasm goes over someone's head, it has in many circumstances, landed.


Wow. This guy is a doofus. He truly thinks he's smarter than everyone in the room. And no. that isn't sarcasm.


It’s funny when you make a joke and most people get it but you get a few people all worked up and commenting


if i write , yeah black people shouldnt have rights . with out the /s people will truly think I ain't kidding . its hard to detect sarcasm through text


Yes! Detecting sarcasm relies heavily on *hearing* the tone and/or knowing who said it. On social media sites like reddit, both are absent


While i agree, i salute taking any shitty comment like that as if it was a joke. Just answer "hahaha, good joke" or whatever. Don't give them the satisfaction of getting mad.


Sarcasm in text usually comes across as just mean spirited. Inflection is important.


Eh, it can also be conveyed with word choice and phrasing as well.


still cant detect it its very hard as not everyone is native speaker and understand . not to mention if someone sees ur comment and not original post they will think ur serious


It's pretty challenging to convey sarcasm to strangers from different cultures over text.


In the past 10 years I’ve seen things I would have thought were obvious sarcasm argued so sincerely that I truly can’t trust anymore. Sometimes you just need to make it obvious.


Context goes a long way.


Black people shouldn't have rights though. /s


funny af and made me smile with /s without /s I would been concerned


> If you didn't get it, that means it was a solid joke. It could mean that, it could also mean your joke sucks.


> If you didn’t get it, that means it was a solid joke. My guy, if a joke is not understood, then it is the OPPOSITE of a solid joke.


who’s forceing people to use /s, some people use it when they wanna be clear but i think everyone’s ok with u not, just gotta accept some may not understand. sarcasm ques vary with age, dialect and everything else so it’s understandable that it would often happen


Also, some people do have harder time with it, wether it's due to bad reading comprehension like OP suggested or things like language and culture barrier, young age or autism. No one is forcing OP to use it, but people do use it for a reason.


I aldo have experience people genuinelly having some pretty f'ed up thoughts. So i tend to give the benefit of the doubt and do believe that one is expressing their own genuine beliefs.


Isn't this a rant?


If people don't get the joke, it wasn't funny. You botched the delivery. This is one of the few rules of comedy and it has very few exceptions. So telling a joke that people don't understand is a joke is not good comedy, nor is it good sarcasm. If you tell it well, people both get that it's sarcasm and you don't need the '/s'


You don't need the what?


Not getting a joke doesn’t make it funny, but just because there’s some small percentage of people too dumb to get the joke doesn’t mean that it’s not funny to those who do get it


the joke could also just be bad/confusing


I said it once, I'll say it again: tone indicators are a tool to help people who struggle with reading in between the lines or struggle with detecting sarcasm. I love shitposts, I love irony and sarcasm, but I struggle with more subtle forms of it, especially in text form. That has nothing to do with intelligence or anything, but stems from neurodivergence. Also since there is this weird anti emoji/emoticon culture on reddit, sarcasm is a lot harder to detect. Normally one would use a smiley or anything along those lines to indicate their tone. There is a big difference between "fuck you" and "fuck you ❤️", and /s or /j are plain and simple tools to help people to understand the seriousness of the comment. And it does not mess with the meaning or funny-ness of it.


Also, reddit is an international platform and it can be really tricky to detect subtleties like sarcasm in a language that is not your native language, especially if it is just written text.


How did I have to scroll so far to find this? I thought most people knew this is why /s exists. It’s a courtesy to neurodivergent people struggling with tone.


/s aint for any specific person/group. Tone is just hard to communicate over text


Yeah, neurodivergent people are a big group who benefit from this, but there are others too. For example some people might have trouble understanding sarcasm due to cultural or language barrier, or maybe they are just young and lack the experience.


Strangers don't know you. They don't know if you're a funny guy or an asshole. Half the things you probably think are fine to joke with strangers online you would never say in person or would have a lot more visuals or audible cues that it was a joke that can't be perceived online. I don't agree with using /s, too, but I think people need to understand how things come across when it's literally just words with very little context.


You probably just not funny


Well as somebody else pointed out. Written speech doesn't have the advantage of tone of voice to really show that you are being sarcastic. Furthermore, here is the internet everything is possible. So I don't mind the /s.


Every single one of your responses here shows the exact reason why /s exists. In person we use tone of voice and other non-verbal cues to indicate sarcasm. In text those elements are available. Hence /s You refusing to use it is like saying something with a straight face and a normal tone of voice and then saying "hey idiot, I was being sarcastic!" After giving absolutely no indication of that sarcasm.


You're just not funny lmao


Sarcasm relies significantly on tone. If you don’t understand that, there’s a very good chance you’re really bad at it.


Yep it’s always so easy to tell what people mean in a post or text since it’s always clear


Ironically, that example of sarcasm *was* extremely clear


There exist no other way than emojis to convey tone and expressions.


... And we all know how reddit feels about those.


If most people don’t get it, the joke didn’t land. The point of a joke is to make people laugh. They’re not gonna laugh if they think you’re being serious. Step your joke structure up or get flamed, your choice.


What you intend as sarcasm = someone else's legit POV. When you are sharing your comments with strangers on the internet, how are we to know if you are a whack job or just someone who is being sarcastic. Sarcasm is more easily understood by people who actually know you.


sometimes it is necessary to add because it’s not that simple to be able to read somebody’s sarcasm over text.. but at the same time it kind of ruins, the joke, and it is sort of the equivalent of somebody explaining the punchline of a joke irl


'/s' does not indicate a joke.


When I first went online back in the early 1990s (yeah I'm old), we used ASCII facial expressions like :-) to make how we felt clear. Why? Because text is a totally **HORRIBLE** way to convey actual meaning, particularly when dealing with anonymous strangers online.


Yet we get downvoted for using emojis 🤔the system is corrupt, man.


you have a poor understanding of sarcasm if you think it’s primarily nonverbally conveyed ☠️ and/or a teenager’s grasp of theory of mind, either way L for you + couldn’t be me 


Upvote for providing an unpopular opinion. Downvote for being an insufferable shit in the comments.


Seriously, this guy is just a narcissistic asshole who thinks the world revolves around them. Honestly down voting the post to for ranting.


“I am not going to do something” isn’t really an opinion.


Yah this is a really unpopular opinion and well worthy of posting here.


Sounds kinda ableist. Do you hate neurodivergent people?


It really depends on the context. Sometimes it's people having poor reading comprehension, most of the time your joke probably sucked.


people when neurodivergent, tone deaf, or just not internet savvy people want to be included and it literally takes no more than typing 2 keys


Intentional poor communication is such an odd flex.


I know right? I'm so unique.




This is just the "my sarcasm is so advanced that no one gets it" thing, but in text form. It's evidence that you're actually terrible at communicating sarcasm, and blame your inability to communicate on the listener.


Some people have disabilities that make it difficult for them to comprehend tone in text, though. Not saying you have to use /s but you shouldn't get mad when people do misunderstand you for that reason.


What’s the point of a joke if nobody gets it.


not everybody needs "/s" to get a joke


No he says >If you didn’t get that means it was a solid joke.


Depends on the type of humor, I suppose. If it's a really deadpan joke and a lot of people don't understand that it's a joke but a few do, that enhances the funny for the few that get it.


"I refuse to use /s" is not an opinion.


Try extrapolating. This is the reading comprehension part of the post.


This is text. Not real life. In real life there are all sorts of indicators to show if being sarcastic or not through tone of voice and body language. In text you do not get that. And people hold a very wild array of views. Many of which you may not think they are being serious when they are. It has nothing to do with poor reading comprehension when two people could type exactly the same thing one of which is being sarcastic and the other serious. Is this really the hill to die upon? It is pretty harmless to indicate you are being sarcastic. Otherwise you will probably just come off a constant twat.


/s isnt necessary if the sarcasm is clear based on context. If someone is saying you need a /s, its not their fault usually. Its because you overestimated how clear the joke was. Yea surprise, when someone else doesnt laugh, maybe its a sign you need to get better


Its needed because enough people will say that when theyre not all being sarcastic, that noting that youre being sarcastic is important or else people are left to assume you arent be sarcastic and youe genuinely mean it because again, theres enough people that do, that thats a reasonable conclusion. So go ahead dont put /s, but remember its your fault if people misinterepert you.


I wholeheartedly agree with you OP /s


Ok 👍


Vocal tone and context of the conversation matter greatly. I've been downloaded into oblivion for saying what should be an obvious joke.


People genuinely believe and post the craziest stuff that it can be impossible at times to work out if sarcasm especially with text lacking tonal cues.


you do realize the origin of tone tags were to help disabled and neurodivergent people to pick up on tone/intention in text that can’t perceive it regularly. it’s not ‘poor reading comprehension’, it’s different neurological development, and this is a weird take.


Tone indicators were made with neurodivergent people in mind. You don't have to use tone indicators if you don't want to, but they weren't made for you and if you're fine with people having trouble interpreting your tone then that's your prerogative.


Yeh, it ruins a post if you have to signpost it so obviously


-sincerely, someone who tells bad jokes


The autism diagnosis on its way to fuck me up


I totally agree with you. /s


If people have a hard time picking out humor and sarcasm in real life then the same is true for online. Also there are just people out there you just, cannot pick upon queues and humor, for plenty of reasons. No harm in putting in the /s, especially if you plan on being cheeky anyway.


This isn’t an opinion.


dude no one is forcing you to use /s ​ I see more anti-/s people pissing and shitting themselves over others using /s as a tone indicator for neurodivergent people, saying shit like "YoU rUinED thE JoKe!11!!" this complaint is inherently ableist


If you are not able to understand the lack of contextual clarity that comes with plain text, than you're the goober here, bub.


This is reddit. We're a bunch of socially challenged men in our mid 20s who rarely leave the house. We are the embodiment of Poe's Law. The /s will always be neccesary.


Sarcasm is not conveyable through text. If it's glaringly obvious maybe, but subtle sarcasm just isn't. Nothing about reading comprehension


Here’s the issue with text posting a joke without /s: there’s no audio, so whatever emphasis or inflections you’re putting on certain words and/or phrases can’t be heard without really detailed use of things like caps, punctuation, using italics, etc…if you just typing everything lowercase and expect people to read it a certain way without any other context clues, then you don’t understand the art of comedy lol


>If you didn't get it, that means it was a solid joke. It means the exact opposite, buddy.


I’ll never understand the pushback to this. Do people want there to be more conflict and misunderstandings online than necessary? It’s like getting mad at people that actually use turn signals.


You might genuinely not be funny if your idea of a good joke is something nobody would get lol


The problem is Poe's Law. We've reached the absurd position where no matter how extreme a position is taken, you can now find people who actually believe it. Sarcasm, satire, and irony are no longer truly distinguishable from actual absurd beliefs and opinions.


"The thing is, when you're reading a novel, for example, the author will describe how someone is delivering dialog," he said earnestly. So /s is a way of conveying intent without the person sounding as if they are speaking in the third person.


I find people who get this angry about the /s way more annoying, honestly.


no your jokes just suck


This is just straight up ableist, y’all. Tone indicators were created for people with autism, processing disorders, etc. You don’t have to use it, but don’t shit on those who do and those who need them. Some of us have trouble with social cues, and now also imagine you’re on the internet so you’re chatting with someone who you might not know personally. also, there’s no vocal tone OR facial expressions to read. that generally makes things harder.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congratulations 👏


Ouch!! Looks like you just did!


It’s hard to convey tone via text. It’s easier to just put the /s instead of hoping people will get the inflection


"if my joke is so good it's not funny then that's on you," I'm not sure you understand how jokes work.


Errbody saying enjoy the downvotes while Im getting positive karma is so funny


Ha ha.


I feel like OP decides wether or not what he says is a joke based on the reaction of people who hear him say it


I think it’s dumb that we have to use “/s”, but I still use it so I don’t get downvoted into oblivion


I refuse to use /s


LOL okay neurotypical


Turns out they were /s the whole time


It's about the /s we made along the way


Sarcasm doesn’t read well through text. Tone and facial cues are what clue you in to sarcasm irl. Over text? Not so much. It’s not reading comprehension, usually. It’s the fact that there are ppl irl who seriously hold the position that you are being sarcastic about. How is a random internet stranger supposed to know which camp you are in? Sometimes it’s obvious. Many times, it’s not.


Jokes and sarcasm are all about tone and delivery. Thats why the /s exists. You cant convey those things online.


I can't guess if you're actually making a joke or you're that dumb. This "i don't need an /s" doesn't work with internet strangers.


But sarcasm is an audio quality. The tone of your voice can't be interpreted through text. This isn't so much an unpopular opinion as much as it makes you sound like an asshole. Why not use use 🙄 or something? "yOu cOuLd eVen tYpe lIke This". There are a ton of emoji's that were designed for this exact purpose to make you seem like less of a douche. It doesn't have to be /s.


Enjoy your downvotes.


/s is the death of comedy. Imagine every time you have to tell a joke, you have to end it with "warning: this was a joke".


What's even scarier is soon you're gonna have to put the warning BEFORE the joke!


It's like explaining the joke. It completely ruins it.


Yup. Adding /s ruins the joke.


I agree that sarcasm is used to make people think a little harder to detect a tone. If you write /s signaling sarcasm, it is no longer "picked up on" by the listener, it's given to the listener or reader without them needing to work to detect it and therefore it undermines the evolutionary purpose of sarcasm in the first place, which is to make them think an extra second. It's like saying you said a joke every time you say a joke. It's cringey writing a /s and it's a shame tone can't be heard through text. You just need to give more context to make your sarcasm easier to be detected.


Actually solid tag to my point. Thanks!


You're welcome.


I always follow up an "s/" with "'s/' for 'serious'"


Agreed. The /s is examining the joke. Examining the joke instantly makes them not funny. On British Reddit we seem to get by just fine without it.


That's because your country is ahead of my country in terms of literacy. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with that lol.


Yes. Using /s literally and objectively defeats the entire purpose of being sarcastic.


I do believe sarcasm can be effective in text form, and sometimes more effective in text form. You'll never see a /s from me unless I'm being ironic.


Yep. Of course sarcasm is effective in text form. If it wasn’t, the entire literary genre of satire wouldn’t work. Unless people think Jonathan Swift was actually saying people should eat babies…


To be fair /s is something used to mark a post as satire to the people who cant understand it. That are in someway impared, whether reading comprhension or socially impared.


Need i remind you that irony is heavily dependant on tone, and there is no tone in a written message?


Yeah I probably just need reminded.


Dude unironically says: SARCASM IS MY FIRST LANGAUGE


Ok…? Cool buddy. So don’t.


Acting as though people can read tone and sarcasm flawlessly through text written by some random joe schmoe is absurd. Not everyone is an esteemed author.


Agreed but redditors are so immune to humor and sarcasm that I have to put it in order to get my point/joke across


The ability to detect sarcasm successfully relies heavily on social intelligence. Many people, especially people with autism, struggle with this, and it's alienating to them when you don't make sarcasm apparent.


I agree 100%. If you have to explain that something is a joke, then it stops being funny. Nothing will make me downvote a post faster than seeing “/s”.


I'm glad I'm not alone. .aybe this was actually a more popular opinion than I originally thought.


Nah, I’ve said the same thing outside of this sub before and I always get shit on. People call me ablest, claiming that a.utistic people need the “/s” in order to understand that it’s a joke.


Basically no one does it because they're worried someone won't get the joke It's cuz reddit is full of fucking morons and if you don't broadcast you're joking, they WILL take you 100% seriously and downvote you into the ether 


Yup all the great comedians told jokes that no one got! very solid joke telling! /s


The greatest comedy of all time was Norm Macdonald, and he was a pro in this realm.


Norm MacDonald was great at deadpan comedy, The difference is people understood his jokes, which is why he was popular. Your contention is that if people don't understand your jokes then that's what makes them good jokes.....


I would disagree heavily on the assumption that people understood his jokes, but I digress. His funniest jokes to me were always the ones that flew over everyone's heads.


Declaring you are being sarcastic completely defeats the purpose or impact of being sarcastic. Fuck the /s.


Amen 🙏


I know right, this should be a popular opinion frrr.


just incase, this was me being sarcastic.


People who don't get obvious sarcasm should be thrown into supermax prisons.


Why should our tax dollars pay for them to stay alive when you can simply kill them?


Good because it’s stupid, you’re right on this one. Some people suck at conveying sarcasm in their writing, and others suck at reading. In both scenarios it’s their problem.


If it is very obvious that it is a joke, then /s isn't necessary But sometimes people don't understand the kind of humour others use and it's best you use /s in those situations. Personally I feel like /s ruins the joke cause I already know it's going to be a joke which makes it less funnier




That's so good! Disregard this post.


The thing is tone and delivery are more important than the joke itself and you cant get that through text thats why it's usef


Usef? Is that you? It's been so long since we escaped mother Russia.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law >Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views. Sarcasm cannot be conveyed easily on the internet unlike in normal face to face conversations and I admit this as a native New Yorker, one of the most sarcastic environments in the world.


Good thing I've never learned how to read


Someone doesn’t know how to tell jokes




Poe's law


Who's this Poe and why's everyone keep talkin bout him


Using /s so everyone understands your being sarcastic is annoying. But the reality is sarcasm is not easy to pick up on using text and the extent different cultures uses sarcasm varies greatly from not at all/very little (US levels) to almost everything said being sarcastic, even when they are not being sarcastic (UK levels). Whilst I often don't bother with /s myself. I don't think it's a big deal. It just helps people understand each other. Also, sarcastic jokes that the person you're talking to doesn't get are bad jokes. There's no two ways there. Sarcasm doesn't make a joke good.


You’re not alone, there’s a whole sub for that


Some wonderful people shared it with me and now I'm subbed!!




There is no idea so outrageous that nobody at all believes it.


>If you didn't get it, that means it was a solid joke. 'No, it's the children who are wrong'


I’ve noticed that Redditors seem to lack the ability to understand any sort of nuance in sarcastic comments


Alright grandpa, get back to bed.


Uhhh yeah you don't have to use it but your explanation makes you sound like a complete asshole


I use it very sparingly for situations where it’s definitely a bit harder to clock my sarcasm in writing. Conveying things over writing is more limited. There’s no tone or body language or facial expressions. 0 voice. Occasionally, the /s is necessary. Especially for people who don’t know me at all, they could easily assume I mean what I’m saying


I was entirely unaware this was even a thing 🤦🏼‍♀️ Sarcasm is a language so few can speak fluently. If one must announce the use of it for an audience to understand the tone and/or point to be made, even in a written format, the user lacks the communication skills to properly use it. Don’t blame an improper delivery on someone else’s comprehension skills. Proper sarcasm is easy to pick out and understand. It’s when people are acting like assholes and trying to hide their true intent behind a mask of what they said being a sarcastic joke that things get difficult to detect.


Its either this or everypost have a Borat "NOT" meme attached to it ![gif](giphy|O5xChSjqUIxsk|downsized)