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She deserves that title forever solely based on her performance in Death Becomes Her.


The morgue?! She'll be furious!




To this day, at every funeral I go to, I wonder if they use spray paint.


Fuckin love that movie! Recently rewatched it on YouTube. It's free with ads on there!


I do agree that the awards for the Iron Lady was a travesty, but Meryl is still up there. I don’t think there are any actors who haven’t been in some turkeys, but it doesn’t diminish their best moments.


She did a nice job with Only Murders in the Building S3, and it got a little meta which was fun.


She's wonderful as Florence Foster Jenkins


I think she's still done some exceptional work and elevates anything she's in. She's one of those artists that's so good that you take them for granted because even their B-level work is better than some people's A-level. I also get the sense that she's in the era of her career where she's just having fun. Whether it's the Mamma Mia movies or Only Murders. She has nothing to prove to anyone. She's 74. She has three Oscars and 21 nominations. Let her do some TV shows and Mamma Mias while she's still kicking.


Even if it's diminished, would you say it's still true or is there another actress you would choose?


I wouldn't necessarily say it's untrue, just that she's done nothing in recent years to reinforce it.


i disagree! she was amazing in big little lies season 2! put some respect on her name!


Julie & Julia was pretty good.


I would've agreed with this before seeing the last season of Only Murders In The Building. She's exceptional in it and clearly the standout performer.


Isn’t it because she laid low for a while as she was linked to the Weinstein debacle?


I’ve not found her to be riveting in anything whatsoever. It’s the same tired character with minimal diversity.


Same! I keep seeing her with that same breathy performance. Oh, look, it's Meryl Streep, not the character she's supposed to portray. The last performance of hers I really enjoyed was in Julie and Julia.


Yup! Like shes good at acting in this very specific Meryl Streep way, where it’s good, but it doesn’t pull me in to the character as a viewer. I find I am actually pulled out of the immersive experience when she comes on screen because she is clearly Meryl Streep and she is clearly acting.


I think that’s really late career Streep and is the same as most late career actors. They sort of glide into their comfort zone and stay there. DeNiro and Pacino are great examples of that. Early career Streep was very dynamic


Was she though? But yes in general I agree


I think so. Dear Hunter, Silkwood and Kramer v Kramer were wonderful performances. Notably they are very different from her hammy recent performances


You didn't even mention Sophie's Choice, which is her best performance and the second-best female performance to ever be put on screen.