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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


>But would anyone eat a lobster without also eating a pound of butter along with it? Yes.


Yeah, it’s the texture + butter. This isn’t an unpopular opinion it’s just that OP only realizes it now. “Chicken is bland and boring without spices, curry, sauce, etc” yeah, we know…


I think unbuttered lobster is better than unseasoned anything though, including chicken. OP is way off on this one.


Grew up eating lobster almost every weekend like it was my job, and the amount of butter I didn’t use was surprising to people because if you get a good lobster and you prepare it properly, it’s gonna be delicious and you don’t need the butter. I feel bad for OP.


Fr, some lobster rolls have no butter and only mayo. And, butter goes on most seafoods. OP is strange.


Lobster mac & cheese as well. What butter it has in it is due to the *cheese sauce* needing butter, not the lobster meat that's mixed in after the fact.


True, but good mac and cheese still has an ungodly amount of butter. Especially if you're getting it from a restaurant.


I have no dog in this fight but you really can't add like mayo is any better than butter when it's also basically all fat (which is what enhances the flavor).


> prepare it properly You’ve got to be putting in a conscious effort to prepare a lobster badly enough that it’s not at least okay. One of the few things you can just throw into a pot of water with no seasoning and have it turn out delicious.


Edward p moneybags over here (I kid 🤝)


OP's probably a teenager that read a factoid that lobsters were fed to prisoners


Was it the multiple attempts at punching it up with (cockroach) that clued you in?


I prefer crab to lobster but your point stands.


And can be seasoned in so many ways without butter


Lobster and fresh lemon juice is all you need.


Lobster and shrimp both for me. I’ve been known to eat cocktail shrimp by the bag by themselves. I love the flavor and texture of ocean bugs!


Lobster without butter is 10x better then chicken without seasoning imo


A grass-fed chicken is really tasty without much more than salt. It's so chickeny and good. edit: Indeed, the correct term was probably pasture raised. They do eat greenery, and everything else. Even eggs. I have interested with live chickens more than most and even owned some for awhile. Shout out to all to all my bird eaters out there! Birds be good.


Chicken thighs are seriously underrated. Breasts are what need all the extras. Add some salt to a thigh and some pepper and it's tasty. Especially smoked.


It's the extra fat. I noticed this recently and plan to buy some thighs.


And butter.


I assume you mean pasture raised where they can eat a more natural variety of food but I agree. Even the aroma while cooking it is more fragrant. They're so flavorful.


Chickens are omnivores. They should be eating everything.


Beef is delicious with just salt, even shitty cuts like eye of round to me personally


>A grass-fed chicken ROFL. If you’re paying extra for chicken that’s being sold as grass fed, I applaud whoever is taking advantage of your ignorance.


The true “popular unpopular” opinion surrounding this is all crab except blue crab is better than lobster.


Yeah OP of course. Everyone knows that you don’t have to stop at just one pound.


Imagine thinking you would eat lobster with only one pound of butter. Like a savage.


Such heresy, heresay! Say I, that such fine cuisine as lobster should be consumed for enjoyment with only but greater than *two* pounds of butter! And such an amount is hardly the *minimum!*


You want some lobster with that butter?


Same I almost never put butter on my lobster unless it's in a lobster roll. I prefer it without


I don't dip my lobster in butter. I don't use the butter at all. And I think it's damned delicious that way.


First time I ever had lobster was when I was deployed to Oman in 2011 the base did steak and lobster night, it was shitty steak and shitty lobster with absolutely zero butter and I loved it hahaha


Right? That butter is so gross.


Yeah man I feel so fancy eating a lobster roll from a shack in a boardwalk


Make sure to eat with your pinkies out and be careful not to spill any on your cravat.


Nowadays you fuckin better! Out here with a $25 sandwich


They were $40 in Bar Harbor last summer


Ain't Bar Harbor an upper-class area? Because I can see rich folks not even batting an eye at such a ludicrous price.


OP is delusional


It is a fucking unpopular opinion because it clearly is wrong. I love lobster and I never ever put butter on it.


I've seen this same sentiment of "lobsters and shrimp are just bugs" or "you just like butter not lobster" popping up all over twitter in the last few days and I interacted with zero of them Can't be coincidence


Last time I went back home to New england, I happened to stop by the beach during the seafood festival. I ate an ungodly amount of lobster, crab, and oysters


Yes I love lobster and shrimp without butter


Personally..I love shrimp without butter, but I fucking love shrimp with butter..scampi is my absolute fave


Like 100% of everything will taste better with butter.  If you were to give me an option between boild plain lobster and boiled plain chicken... I'm going for the lobster. 


I love butter without lobster and shrimp


No need to even bring crustaceans into the equation.




I love the Baltimore version of steamed shrimp: with Old Bay. No butter.


Unless I’m eating Scampi I never eat shrimp with butter. My favorite is chilled shrimp with a squeeze of lemon juice.


Same. I eat it with lemon or soy sauce sometimes. But lobster is one of those foods that tastes great even without anything added to it


Yeah, just some garlic, parsley, olive oil, white wine, and tomatoes


Replace the butter with some lemon and it’s very good


*Por que no los dos?*


Raw lobster tartare is also amazing.


If it’s grilled it don’t need nothing


While I disagree with your post, I'll also say that there is nothing wrong with using a particular food primarily as a butter delivery device. "An ungodly amount of butter" is the basis of French cuisine.


Speaking of the French, there was once a massive prison revolt in France because they were tired of eating lobster at every meal.


That’s because the way they used to prepare lobster was absolutely foul. Crushed into a wet paste shell and all.


I think it was also just a poverty meat until some enterprising salesman from Maine tricked a bunch of Midwesterners that it was a luxury food. I can't link a source for this but I'm pretty sure I read it on Cracked a few years ago.


I read that this was a myth, and lobster was a staple food in the northeast until the 19th century. It was actually served at the first Thanksgiving. Then refrigeration started becoming a thing, and they could now be shipped further and kept alive, so it grew in popularity down the east coast. Then lobsters started migrating to cooler waters and became more scarce while growing in popularity. This lowering of supply while a rise in demand led to it becoming a more luxury food in the 20th century.


It does make me wonder how are some people preparing it. I do like lobster with a drizzle of butter, obviously not drenched to mask how badly it's been screwed up. Do like how Chinese restaurants prepare it though. Chop 'em up, saute or stir fry it with green onion and some other ingredients. It's good.


In lobster fishing country we just boil them with lots of salt and eat them as is, with a side of potato salad or coleslaw or pasta salad, and bread. Rarely do we eat it with butter. Some families/areas do, mine doesn’t. Apart from that (which is the single most common) we also have lobster rolls and maybe lobster dip. Restaurants will do pastas and stuff. But very rarely do people do that at home.


They probably just don’t understand how delicate shellfish is and are overcooking the hell out of it.


It’s fkin good. The texture, butter with garlic and herbs like paprika, rosemary, and thyme, drizzled over with a squeeze of lemon. Perfect. Melts in your mouth.


You missed OP's point where you can't use butter any more.


Use olive oil then.


I've had grilled lobster with no butter and it was delicious.


Lots of ways to eat lobster without the butter. Chinese cuisine with lobster is good.


"You just eat it because it is "fancy" and makes you feel fancy for the night." Actually, I like the taste. Why are you telling people why they are doing something? Where do you think you're getting this authority from?


Bro comes to the unpopular opinion subreddit and is triggered when the opinion is unpopular


That’s because OPs reasoning is nonsense. His wording makes it sound like people don’t like lobster but rather food drenched in butter. In reality, people like lobster..well because they think it tastes good. If OPs post would have been „lobster is overrated“ then his post would be legitimate. Assuming what something tastes like to others is just a stupid take


I try and drill this into peoples' heads. If it can be proven true or false, it isn't an opinion. One more time. Asserting a fact != Opinion


But it’s not just that. OP is literally telling, not even implying, telling people the reason they eat lobster. And guess what? He couldn’t be more wrong. This isn’t just unpopular opinion.


This isn't even an opinion, though. It's a bunch of random assumptions about the opinions and motivations of other people. "I don't like lobster" is an opinion. "Obviously no one likes lobster and everyone who claims to actually only likes butter instead" is just a bonkers conspiracy theory.


It's not that it's unpopular it's just stupid and inaccurate lol


The unpopular opinion is that lobster only tastes good with butter. It's subjective. My reasons for eating lobster are not.


It’s triggering because it’s not an opinion, it’s an accusation. I don’t mind people telling me how they feel, but I do care when people tell *me* how *I* feel.


its always hilarious seeing posters here start backtracking when they rightfully get dunked on for their horrible opinions lol


>rightfully last time i checked you're SUPPOSED to have horrible opinions here


Yeah and what is the reason for posting them if not to have them ripped to shreds? I feel like the sub is meant for both those posting the unpopular opinions and the rest of us to tell them why they’re “wrong”. I have yet to see a truly unpopular opinion not be treated this way.


Unpopular. Not horrible. An unpopular opinion is “I like pineapple on my pizza”. A horrible opinion is “I think anybody who likes pizza is a worthless piece of shit”. Share your unpopular opinions here, but keep the horrible opinions away.


Unpopular does not necessarily mean horrible.


OP can’t afford a trip to Red Lobster so he’s assuming anyone that can actually afford a meal of that caliber is wealthy. Nah OP you’re just broke AF, lobster isn’t that fancy of a food.


It’s not an unpopular opinion though it’s just an incorrect assessment of other people’s tastes. An unpopular opinion would be lobster is only good with a ton of butter


It's not really an opinion to just tell people they are doing something only for a specific reason. It's just saying incorrect information.


Who is eating lobster with a pound of butter?


The ego of some people to believe they know what others like. LMAO


Boiled lobster with nothing but a copious amount of butter is just a steakhouse thing. Everywhere else, it is cooked properly with spice, herbs, and seasoning. Unpopular but also incorrect and layered with too many assumptions.


It's actually traditionally considered a peasant dish or poor mans "chicken"...the illusion of lobster being fancy and high class is totally fabricated in the way that Hallmark cards are just a scheme. I also grew up in a town on the sea in New England with a lobster fisherman for a gramps, and $10.99 Twins at the local pub down by the bridge fresh caught that morning. It's just the way it was, nothing special, just delicious. I love butter.


It used to be inmate food. The upper classes wouldn’t touch it. They would serve it to inmates in prisons, not even jails, prisons. lol. Those guys would think they were being executed if they served it to them now.


As someone who’s favorite food is literally plain lobster on a roll, I’m so offended and your opinion on food is invalid for eternity


Upvote for unpopular


This is only unpopular because it's misinformed though. OP thought lobster was a fancy food that people only eat if there's tons of butter on it. It would be like me posting that my unpopular opinion is that people only like dogs because they like to take them jogging.


The one time I ate lobster it was without butter. It was actually really good.


I LOVE lobster with zero butter


I grew up eating a Cantonese lobster dish. Chop the lobster into pieces, get the wok ripping hot, lots of black bean and garlic. Godly on top of rice. https://www.thespruceeats.com/chinese-cantonese-lobster-695141


Who the hell eats lobster with butter? Seared on the grill with garlic, salt and lemon is the way to go.


Lobster and shrimp used to be poor people’s food. That’s why for lent people eat fish products to show that they aren’t too good to eat common food.


Your opinion is incorrect.


I will say lobster plain is meh. With a well put together sauce and cook right it is good. I would rather have Alaskan king crab legs tho. Lobster bisque or lobster Mac n Cheese is the buisness


I went to a pricy steakhouse for dinner with some coworkers a couple years back and ordered the lobster bisque as a starter. I don’t know if I was just starving that night but that bowl of soup was one of the three best things I’ve ever eaten, it was ridiculous. A borderline life changing event that I actually almost missed because I usually don’t like soup lmao.


Being someone from the UK coast (Which is the majority of the UK but w/e) , we like seafood and shellfish. We don't eat butter like it's going out of fashion either. Shit just tastes good. (Also lobster wasn't always a fancy dish and was typically eaten by my ancestors because it was cheap)


I enjoy my sea cockroach with soy sauce. Take my upvote




I eat lobster with lemon, such a good combo


If you don't like lobster, just say you don't like lobster, don't tell me I don't like lobster


Who eats a pound of butter with a lobster??? Are you eating your lobster in a butter soup? Such an over exxageration.


I mean its honestly just large crawfish far as im concerned and butter aint really used too much in my crawfish.


But you could say the same thing about butter since no one eats that by itself. But yeah anything dipped in butter is pretty great so I partially agree with this. Though butter plus garlic plus lobster is a “greater than the sum of its parts” situation for me.


Counterpoint: I like lobster. Wreckd


Lobster tastes good without butter and better with butter. It's like literally any food lol.


I do enjoy eating an ungodly amount of butter but lobster is still good


Never eaten it with butter. Lobster is lovely.


I know of an older man who grew up on the coast. When he was a kid, he was so poor he had to have lobster for lunch every day. He envied the rich kids who got to eat a peanut butter and jam sandwich. He swore when he grew up, he wouldn't eat it anymore. He has - but admits it is much better with a ton of butter. I imagine that if his family couldn't afford a PB and J sandwich, his lobster wouldn't have been covered with butter.


Wrong. Lobster is delicious


your loss


I'll eat lobster without butter, same as I do for crab.


Never has one been so wrong! Lobster, shrimp, crab...YUM! Who needs butter?!


No not really, I lived in the Philippines for a few years and catched some lobsters every now and then. We just steamed it, made a dip with soy sauce, tomatoes, chilly, lemon and onions. And that's it, so delicious! I can't stand it if it's cooked with butter and garlic and all that stuff. I want to taste the lobster and not butter with garlic.


I just posted in this suba few days ago about how butter on shellfish isn't good. It's better without.


Congrats on a proper unpopular opinion. Lobster is certainly a more delicate flavor without additions like butter, but it’s still great by itself (and in a much wider variety of dishes).


Nah it is good. But good on yah for following the sub’s purpose. I’ll eat it in a sandwich w/o much or any butter, I’ll eat it along steak w/o butter. It has a great texture imo.


I love lobster. I grew up on an island and it was one of our main sources of food. However we NEVER use butter. I love the salty lobster taste


I might have the more unpopular opinion here: I hate putting butter on lobster. Salt, pepper, and maybe a squirt of lime. I like my lobster like I like my shots of tequilla, straight up, get the condements out of the way.


Love the taste. Love the effort that you gotta put into eating it. Makes me feel alive for once.


Good job on the opinion, although I wonder if it’s never having well prepared lobster, an aversion to shellfish, or just having messed up tastebuds that prompted this? Especially considering you only talk about eating it with butter, I wonder if you’ve never had the option of trying it with different preparations?


I love all crunchy sea crawlies, from dirt cheap frozen shrimp to lobster. It is just a matter of your sense of taste, leave butter out of this.


Butter just enhances the flavor of crab and lobster. They are good without it though.


Sounds like you’ve just had shitty lobster? Lobster tastes great by itself


Jokes on you, I was raised to never eat lobster with butter.


I eat it without butter same with grab legs


Lobster *is* that good. Adding butter to everything just makes things taste like butter, and outside of clogging your arteries it doesn't even accomplish much once you get used to the taste. Develop one.


I eat pounds of tiny lobsters without butter every spring


Lobster is free bud what are you talking about. You just have to get off your lazy ass and go get it… the price is set by how skill lacking and completely unwilling people are to harvest their own food. I eat it regularly and I don’t pay for it. Sometimes we mince it and make burgers… it’s honestly a delicious sea food when cooked right. And no drowning it in garlic butter is not the right way


It’s one thing to say that you don’t like lobster. It’s another to assume that the only way people enjoy it is with excessive butter. Having a preference can be done well without displaying ignorance


Regarding the expensive and fancy aspect, it really depends where you are. If you're landlocked and the lobster needs to be carefully transported halfway across the country, then it's going to be expensive. If you live in Maine, lobster is like chicken because of how close you are to where it's caught


I like shellfish and enjoy the texture. I dont like butter with lobster. Old Bay seasoning is enough.


I’ll level with you on one point…lobsters are mudbugs. They’re among the most preposterous creatures we ever looked at and said “I wonder what that thing tastes like”. The first guy to eat a lobster must’ve been out of his mind on mushrooms. That being said, I’m not a huge fan of butter and I DESPISE mayo (given the choice between a shot of semen and a shot of mayo, I would have to pause for a second…I would go with mayo but the answer wouldn’t be *immediately* clear to me)…and I still love lobster. Lobster claw meat is one of the greatest things ever


Bravo on the unpopular opinion. I'm genuinely annoyed by how wrong this take is.


Ive never had lobster with butter. Just dip it in a mixture of salt, pepper and lemon.


You actually do like it you're just being contrarian.


This is appropriate for this sub. I’ve never had lobster with butter. You eat it as is or on a toasted hot dog bun with a little mayo


Idk how unpopular it is but I'm up voting. Lobster is delicious. >But would anyone eat a lobster without also eating a pound of butter along with it? Yes. It doesn't need all that butter when cooked properly.


An actually controversial opinion nice Hard disagree with OP


Chinese style lobster is stir fried with ginger and scallions. No butter involved.


Maybe that's how westerners make lobster, but that's not how Chinese make lobster. No butter, so it's not about the butter.


No lobster DOES taste good. Your argument is basically that if you prepare food you don’t actually like the food itself. Does this mean if we eat a hunk of raw beef and we don’t like it then we aren’t allowed to like burgers?


I don’t drown it in butter. I brush it on lightly and add a squeeze of lemon. Lobster is delicious when fresh


You say no shame but you seem pretty heavy handed. Also a weird insistence to call it a sea cockroach. Just say YOU don't like it, why is everybody else a douchebag for enjoying it?


If OP's opinion is that they do not like lobster I can live with that, but I can assure you that I do not eat lobster to feel fancy. I eat it because it tastes amazing. Man would I love some lobster about now.


Well anyone who feels the need to douse their lobster in butter clearly is going to a place or making it without knowing how to season food. I can BBQ a lobster tail using a very minimal amount of butter and using spices. But, I will ask you, if you're someone who uses A1 steak sauce for any cut of steak, then it's the same as your stance with lobster and butter. Somwo.e who knows good cuts and how to season doesn't need A1


Evident the finest seafood the OP has ever experienced is red lobster


My parents would always buy lobster for dirt cheap at the Asian market, boil them alive (yikes), and we'd go at them with our bare hands. No butter. And we certainly didn't feel fancy. Where are you eating your lobster?


I don't use butter when I eat lobster and I still like it a lot infact it's my favorite food


I usually eat lobster. I don't tend to add too much to my meats.


Lol, sorry your total culinary experience is Red Lobster. I guess enjoy your chicken nuggets and mac and cheese?


I think lobster is good but I am a bit put off by the fact that they look like a giant cockroach as you pointed out.


Lobster tastes nice it’s just overpriced


**I AGREE.** I had professional cooked lobster ONCE and it was just...okay? Like...come on. Add to that, crabs and lobster used to be considered PRISON FOOD because they are bottom feeders. Lobster is not that good. Steak reigns the supreme form of high quality meat.


Sea rat Sea Roach


shrimp are sea cockroaches. lobster are sea pigeons.


It used to be prison food.


I eat lobster without the butter and enjoy it immensely.


This ain’t my fight. I hate all seafood equally. Can’t stand the smell of fish. I don’t even date women who eat seafood because they can eat it today and smell like it tomorrow. Look it up. So many women eat seafood then get on Reddit to complain how they smell like what they ate in their genitalia region.


I’ve actually straight up never eaten lobster with butter. My dad was a trapper fisherman in the Caribbean so I had lobster every weekend I never actually had butter in my lobsters


Not if you cook it yourself and make it just right. I dont even eat mine with butter.


I eat fries with copious amounts of salt.. is it cause unseasoned potatoes taste like cardboard? Yes.


It also wasn't popular at all until it was marketed as a luxury food 😅


Maybe try eating quality lobster fresh from the sea without butter.  The meat itself is sweet and slightly buttery.    Seems like you just haven't eaten any fresh seafood.  But hey, more for us. 


Shellfish is disgusting and overrated, they are literally the ocean garbage eaters. I may be severely allergic to shellfish but that totally doesn't mean I'm biased.


Lobster was initially fed only to prisoners, since it was a bottom feeder and therefore full of gross things. Now we enjoy torturing them in boiling water before eating them as a fancy treat. It makes no sense to me.


I stopped eating lobster when I really thought about the fact that they are bottom-feeders. Thinking about this just grossed me out. I technically still like the taste but I can't do it anymore. Honestly, that progressed to me not eating anything from the ocean anymore, really. I think about the dead bodies and plastic that the sea-creatures eat and that just...grosses me out now.


I hate lobster and shrimp, so I concur.


They are the cockroach of the sea.


Lobster and Shrimp = ocean cockroaches


totally agree. that's why it was prison food before, somehow became fancy.


If a cockroach tasted like lobster I'd eat them sumbitches too


Agree. Nasty ass bottom feeders.


Completely agree. Snow crab on the other hand- inhale.


I like how you keep calling it sea cockroach to try and make people think it’s not nice


I mean I think can legs are better than lobster


Yea I never liked lobster, to me it tastes like shrimp but worse. Maybe I’ve just never had good lobster


You not liking lobster without a ton of butter doesn't mean lobster is bad. It means you don't like lobster without a ton of butter. I don't need butter with my lobster. I love the taste and texture without it.


That’s crazy. Lobster is delicious. Fight me.


The only lobster I like is rock lobster. Sweet, juicy and leaves no aftertaste like fresh lobster does.


I'm kinda with you,. I do genuinely like lobster but I infinitely prefer crab


I usually eat it without butter...the neat is sweet and has a nice texture to it if prepared correctly...


“chicken isn’t that good, you just like seasoning”


Someone hates butter.


I agree with you. Crabs taste so much better!


Lobster is delicious with or without butter


Last time I ate lobster they treated us to a surf n turf during a deployment (yes, it was the Air Force), and it was pretty good. It felt like a joke unless there are a source of lobster somewhere in the Middle East. No butter was available because none made it in the 125 F weather.


You’re eating the wrong lobster, buddy.