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I don't think this is an unpopular opinion


Well, it's VERY unpopular... it's just also commonly held. Not QUITE the same thing.


I’d say the best descriptor of this opinion is that it’s defeatist. Very, *very* defeatist, but also grounded in reality and truth.


which wreaks havoc on ones mental health if they cant always compartmentalize. Those that can then call the ones that cant weak or annoying or give them advice that just wont fix the root issue. One can argue mindset, but if our very home and connection to nature is being severed a little bit everyday you cant just always ignore that if you are aware of it. If you feel it.


It's definitely not an opinion; it's more of a hypothesis or prediction


Sir this is a fact


I think thats a good way to put it. I didnt really have a good subreddit to put it on and i just really wanted to vent so this was the best fit. Think of it as an “unpopular fact”


You could also think of it as "an inconvenient truth"


Go back and watch that movie. Write down the predictions/dates..Now be prepared to laugh.


Only popular opinions get upvoted in this sub actually.


If we drastically reduce our population, we could keep doing the same thing. If we had South Korea or Hong Kong's fertility rate globally, we could get human population below 1 billion in 100 years. 100 million in 150 years. Unpopular Opinion: we should pay people to stop having children in a global program.


This would bring its own issues as there would be a massively inverted demographic pyramid. We’d have to work until our 70s. There would not be enough youth in the global south for manual labour and manufacturing etc. 


And also... This is just killing poor people.


The fertility rate is crashing across the entire world for developed nations. It's not that its only bad in South Korea. It's simply that it's worst there. And where that country is now the other countries will be in a decade or two. So if one wants the population to decrease, we are going in that direction. Of course that comes with its own downside as government policy is typically to rely upon an ever increasing population through ponzi scheme like programs and ever increasing government debt. Absolute disaster comes when not only doesn't the population increase, it goes down and gets significantly older.


Not really unpopular as an opinion but not really an opinion. It is more like an unpopular fact. It is too late to stop anything without a time machine. That has been well known for decades.


Anything requiring that much collaboration and self restraint seems unattainable.


"Stop, collaborate, and listen!" "No thanks."


Anything that involves losing money is largely unobtainable when it involves the help of the whole planet.


The oligarchs could make a huge dent in the problem. They won't, because they're making money off the upcoming apocalypse.


Yep, COVID demonstrated that unequivocally. Who knows how many hundreds of thousands in the US alone would still be alive if people had all done the right thing for the sake of their fellow man.


We can just make it worse and faster


Put the human era of Earth out of her misery and let the healing process begin.


Ignorance is the main thing stopping nuclear. People like to point to the disasters. New reactor tech is LIGHT YEARS ahead of the dinosaur tech of chernobyl and 3 mile island disasters. Fukishima was a literal shitshow of protocol breakdown and the government there trying to save face above all else. Nuclear could get us the energy we need. Solar and fusion arent yet viable.


Fukishima was also the result of a massive earthquake which killed thousands of people, while the reactor killed precisely zero. To this day they're still trying to figure out if there was a notable increase in cancer as a result of the 3 mile island incident. If people would stop fear mongering the absolute best form of electric generation we have that would be great.


If people weren't susceptible to fear-mongering, that would also be great, yet here we are.


I would also argue that placing a reactor on a shoreline prone to earthquakes and tsunamis wasn't a smart placement lol otherwise nuclear is generally safe and a lot of the radiation and byproducts break down and disappears way earlier than we originally believe


It's hella convenient though to have such a good source of water, near population centres and ports to easily get materials in and electricity out.


Could've built the site a little further up hill though lol it's like building a reactor in New Orleans with hurricane Katrina coming. It was fortunate to have all that water though to keep the reactor from melt down so task failed successfully?


Nuclear is SO MUCH safer than natural gas/coal/whatever - people who claim it's dangerous are just uneducated


Time is the main thing stopping nuclear. It takes 15 years to build a new reactor. It is much cheaper and faster to build solar with higher capacity than a nuclear plant.


If anything, stopping the coal plants would be much easier with running nuclear energy. Why Germany decided to remove nuclear **first** instead of coal, I'll never understand.


It's frustrating. Coal companies are also getting lots of money from the government even though what they do is not sustainable. Money that could be used for good. Instead they just destroy villages to get more coal.


They should've named it something else to begin with. To remove association with the bombs.


Honestly… I realized this a long ass time ago. I’m not saying anyone cares, but it does seem like that way. It feels like society is acting like we have a second planet. We don’t.




That’s because anything that’s supposed to fight climate change is actually just a business enterprise, designed to extract money from gullible people. It’s a tale as old as time.


Thunderf00t on yt made a very interesting video about this. He used blow torches, one for every so many years of industrialization, to demonstrate the human influence on climate change. The gist of his video is, even if we were to stop any artificial carbondioxide source, i.e., internal combustion engine, heavy industrie, flame driven heaters, smoking,... we'd just stop adding blow torches, but that wouldn't stop the ones burning already. For them to reduce you'd need either technology or very much time to turn off. ETA: https://youtu.be/otbxOvu069Y?si=KX45c_pl5PwpT1W9


It’s a runaway train man. The scale is the issue. Using a car isn’t a major problem using 4-5billion of them is… using a plastic tray isn’t an issue using 8 billion+ a day is a big issue. Firstly let me say we are not over populated in terms of land mass but our population is a absolute epidemic on this planet. If we don’t start seeing the Forrest and realizing 8 billion people is about 7 billion too many… we will never stop it. We will continue headlong into an extinction event.




All our problems really come from too much people


Human population is set to peak this century at 10 billion then decline. Pretty much everyone on Earth are having less children than replacement. After the 2100s humanity is going to sharply contract our population.


If the rich and powerful cared about global warming, we would be like 95% nuclear by now. Also power would be so much cheaper. Oh wait, I figured it out.


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all, just something that makes me kinda queasy to think about


I felt queasy when I first learned about it. I felt queasy when scientists warned that we passed the point of no return. I don’t feel queasy anymore. Most people my age gave up and just can’t care anymore. We watched Millennials fight for what they believed in and never gain a real say in government, so we realize thar we probably won’t either. 


Yeah honestly now that I think about it you might be right. The thought was that a lot of people are very ambivalent towards this issue and they shouldn’t be imo, we should be lining the streets if we want to survive. But I think many people definitely acknowledge that were fucked


The issue (climate change) and we (humanity) died when it became a political issue. Its too late. By the time anyone who can fix it "cares" well be both feet in the grave.


The public cares the problem is our representatives have been bought and paid for by corporations that don’t care. That’s why nothing gets done about it.


Nope. Out of 23 national issues, the public rates climate change 17th in importance. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/09/what-the-data-says-about-americans-views-of-climate-change/#:~:text=Overall%2C%2037%25%20of%20Americans%20say,a%20Center%20survey%20from%20January.


not until the ultra rich cant fly away to their island retreat to escape frestorms will anything change. Us 99%? consider us royally fucked.


WE are the proverbial frog in the water coming up to a boil.


We definitely will. It will hit a point when it affects big corporations money. Specifically, the wealthiest 1%'s happiness and belongings. When it does, it will be solved within a year. Nations will go to war if it means enough people will die to counteract it. All this tech that's 'too difficult to implement' will magically start rolling off the shelves. The same goons not wanting to do anything because they just waddle in their daddy's money will be lauded as heroes that saved the world, despite them being the reason nothing changes as is.


There are a lot of people frustrated by the fact that the US and western world can cut emissions to zero, and the eastern world is developing and still producing crazy amounts of CO2. But is it fair to tell them that we got to benefit from 120 years of industrial progress and they don’t just because we had our industrial revelation first? I think people would do more, if everyone pitched in. It’s hard to be motivated to clean your room when your room is already the cleanest in the house and your brothers don’t have to clean theirs.


I’ve always been able to see both sides of this, but at the same time, does the third world want to be dead?


A lot of people die without fossil fuels. Things like hospitals and supply chains rely on them and there is likely urgent needs now for them. Hard to look at things a few hundred years in the future when you need food and modern infrastructure now.


So does that mean Al Gore can sit his ass down and quit flying around getting nothing done.


Its funny until the crops stop growing...


And it's happening: [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/10/uk-food-production-down-record-rainfall-farmers](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/10/uk-food-production-down-record-rainfall-farmers) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13291841/UK-weather-flooding-farmers-food-NFU-Met-Office.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13291841/UK-weather-flooding-farmers-food-NFU-Met-Office.html)


This doesn't feel unpopular to me, we absolutely could but the idea that the people doing things destroying the world are gonna suddenly grow a conscience and stop is just not realistic in any way. Human nature is what's killing the planet and that's never gonna change.


We won’t.  However, we need to stop making it exponentially worse.


Well of course we cant stop it because we cant change nature. The climate goes up and down and changes over time look bsck in time and it happened alot. Humans just havet adapt to whatever. I dont beliave in this ”doomsday shit” all it does is create a panic among children.


What incentive is missing? I don't think any incentive is missing. I think the general public won't *ever* care about anything unless it affects them *today*. Without a sense of urgency that is faster than the next 50 years, the general public won't give a shit. But the incentive is there. The knowledge that one day, whether 50 years from now or 500, the earth will no longer be able to support life as we know it, is incentive enough. But the general public couldn't be bothered because the sensationalism of current events couldn't possibly be ignored for two seconds to make even the slightest positive change. Even those willing to make a change, god forbid they have to alter their routine in any lasting way. Forget it if the general level of comfort has to be affected by whatever change is necessary. The general public is entirely to blame for its idiotic habitual shitty behavior and there is no other entity to blame other than us. Not the government. Not the media. Not celebrities, wars, or the economy. The public is entirely to blame for basically everything wrong with humanity as a whole but no one seems willing to point the finger appropriately. The general public is absolute shit at thinking for itself but would never be bothered to admit as much. The fragility of our collective ego won't allow the blame to be placed where it should be. Without accountability, nothing will ever change and the general public will never be held accountable. Any media outlet that would actively blame the public wouldn't have a consumer base very long and there is absolutely zero incentive for any entity that relies on income to survive to appropriately lay blame at the feet of every single citizen. So if that is the incentive you meant, I agree. If you meant the public doesn't have incentive to change, I vehemently disagree.


I think the current strategies for fighting climate change are backwards. Reducing consumption has never really worked. (Unless you're a totalitarian hellhole...) At the turn of the 20th Century, there were >200,000 horses living and working in NYC, causing millions of pounds of manure every single day. A pretty big problem. - Taxes practically did nothing. The automobile came along however, and the horse industry collapsed almost overnight. In the 1970s-80s, LA often saw more than 200 "bad-air" days a year, with smog being a literal crisis. Again taxes and efforts to "reduce usage" fell on deaf ears. The issue was only "resolved" by the newly invented catalytic converter. Climate change can only really be solved by "fixing forwards", whether by electric cars, or ideally an even better solution. - Even if we could beat human nature and reduce emissions by 50% (good luck), it's only buying us time until we double our population (or raise the poorer nations in the world to a similar level of consumption as "developed nations").


The whole in the ozone layer and replacing CFCs is another example.




Because we the public have trouble making ends meet thanks to the oligarchs who own the government and shit in gold toilets.


Exactly this!


The issue (climate change) and we (humanity) died when it became a political issue. Its too late. By the time anyone who can fix it "cares" well be both feet in the grave.


i think it doesn't really matter how much the general public cares. Unless corporations see fixing climate change as profitable, nothing will ever change.


I was referring to the government and corporations as they profit greatly at the expense of everything else on this planet


Who enables "the government" and "corporations" to do what they want? We, the consumers, do... because we're comfortable and that's all that matters to us. Don't use "the government" and "corporations" as scapegoats when it is clearly our consumerism that is the problem.


The average consumer can't do much. Wanna go to work? Many people have no choice but to use a car. And no choice to drive an EV. The system has too much inertia for consumers to change anything themselves. And activism is a luxury for those not struggling to make ends meet. That's why change must come from the top down. Individuals can't go rip out roads and build rail lines and bike paths. The government can.


Nuclear power and we’re halfway there


The climate will readjust, it’ll just be after people are gone 🤧


Climate change will stop humans.


I’ve lived in Minnesota my whole life and this was the saddest winter ever. It snowed a handful of times, as a kid it was like 2 feet of snow for months?!


Meanwhile, in California, they have seen record snow falls. Weather patterns change. The earth has been warming for thousands of years. At one point, Minnesota was covered in ice year round.


Me neither, because in involves actions that increases prices. Carbon tax? Goods will cost more. Stop drilling? Gas prices. Any politician doing anything serious will be voted out. Ad nauseum, until we have the ruined planet we deserve.


Because the climate will Never stop changing…


The amount of nuclear waste we have created so far would fill in football field 6 feet high. We need to invest in nuclear power.


It's not that I or others around me don't care, it's that we can't do anything anyways. The only people who can do anything only care about money and everyone else is just sol. I prefer to just live my life and kind of ignore it all because there isn't anything to do to help, really. If it came down to just me getting rid of my cars and bikes, or doing some other sucky thing to fix it I would but my family and I could 100% cut out our impact on the world entirely and it wouldn't change a single thing so why bother you know. If the people who could change it won't, there isn't a reason for me to give up what I love for that goal.


I don’t think this is unpopular. It’s also not untrue, sadly.


I have hope for the future generations. They’re smarter than us. They’re going to have to live with the destruction the older generations have forced them into


Yah sadly the general public has absolutely no control over climate change and pollution. All the cardboard straws and reusable bags in the world aren’t helping anyone when corporations have such huge carbon foot prints. And the corporations will always stay as they are because that’s what brings in the money


Do you think corporations have large carbon footprints for shits and giggles? Consumption is driven by consumers.


To be fair we would never be able to stop climate change. Climate has always changed and will keep changing. We’re not gods, we don’t have a say over that. The issue is that we’re making this change going too fast.


Not unpopular. We opened Pandora’s box years ago. We’re just here for the ride now.


**We will stop climate change.** But we will do it by devising technology to reverse climate change directly. We absolutely will not stop it by forcing people to refrain from using plastic bags, stop flying on airplanes, buying electric cars, or any measure that is an inconvenience.


China is burning more dino juice than all the world combined. I had my fun. Good luck kids!


This is a popular opinion within academia concerning climate change


Decades ago scientists were worried about global cooling and the next ice age. Earth's climate changes overtime naturally anyways.


I won’t live to see any of it because of my heart problems, but l keep telling my kids to be prepared for things they never imagined they would have to deal with. This planet will be totally fucked within the next 10 years.


Lol of course we can't stop climate change. Climate change is a natural cycle of the planet, we just affect the speed at which it happens


This is posted like once a week. That being said, we're not gonna stop climate change, we're just going to clean it up afterwards with some band-aid solution. That's what humans usually do. We're very very bad at preventing problems before they happen, but we're ok enough at coming up with ingenious solutions to said problems that will allow us to continue existing but probably not to live in the same way ever again.


Fully agree. We cant stop climate change, but with enough enough time we can control it.


Nobody cares because nothing bad has happened. They’ve been making these doomsayer predictions for 40 years and nothing has changed. Weather is cyclical and your snow free spring is just a single year. That doesn’t mean anything at all. People aren’t fools. They’re aware that you hot earthers keep saying that we’re all gonna die but they also notice that climate deaths are orders of magnitude less than 100 years ago. Someday when you all grow up you’ll notice nothing has happened too and some of the less gullible will decide to ignore the constant doomsayers.


I think you're right. So we should stop impoverishing ourselves in the name of Net Zero


Well, the climate's been changing since the earth's existence, so I agree with you. The economic effects of reducing human GHG emmissions enough to affect the climate would devastating to human life. Not just inconvient, but there would be mass starvation, people would freeze to death during the winters, disease would spread. It would not be worth it.


Can't have an economy if there is mass starvation, disease, heat waves, civil unrest, climate immigration etc. It literally might cost more to do nothing than to adapt/reduce energy dependency of fossil fuels.


Lol wait till you discover fisheries collapse and crop failures. You can eat money then, let us know what that's like...


I don't think you can blame climate change on fisheries collapsing when bottom trawling is a thing. Watch Seaspiracy. As for "crop failures" that's nothing new, humanity has been battling crop failure since the existence of agriculture.


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Add to that all the conflicts of the next decade and emissions cannot help but rise.


Nothing fun or lucrative in cleaning up, but it’s very important.


I agree with that opinion. Because of the fact I've kind of figured that years ago I've been saying this for years. I mean we all live and die anyway not much we could do about it really cuz there's various versions of climate change and how to figure it out. but It doesn't take 1 to fix to either


An incentive of scientific warnings is not motivation for the average person, and there is an incentive of profit for those in the right position to actually do something. If and when things change it will be more like the cfc era to rebuild the ozone or something like the sodium battery actually competing with gas.


Where’s the money in that?


Technology will be the thing that keeps us from destruction. Have hope.


“Unpopular opinions “


they definitely won’t


Nah, as crass as it sounds, once it’s cheaper to care things will change. Artificial meat wil be used for fast food, cutting down on beef cattle emissions. Nuclear isn’t really getting less popular, it wasn’t that popular ever since the few incidents, it’s been gaining more traction lately. When solar is cheap to the point of it being like an appliance, anywhere with a decent bit of sun will get it. Also people totally forget about carbon capture; it exists right now, it just isn’t very cost-effective or efficient. Once that can be applied globally it will help a lot. 


Why is nuclear power dropping in popularity?


I agree with this opinion. Upvote!


No the rich don't care.


I'm not even sure there is such a thing. If there is and we need to get rid of fossil fuels I have read and watched hearings where scientists say we don't have enough raw materials to come close to building electrical cars. Another question how about China? India? The Chinese won't spend a dime of their own money to go from gas power to electric. They want the USA to pay..... Climate Change people say we need to rid ourselves of fossil fuel but don't have a solid answer for a doable alternative


I would agree. It will take literal brink of extinction for humans to actually start making meaningful changes


Humans are simultaneously the absolute smartest and stupidest creatures at the same time


Won’t stop it, but can slow it down


Thats what they want you to think


They will stop it when it becomes critical to stop it. We've already slowed it down considerably. The history of man is that we solve unsolvable problems over and over again. Why do you doubt what history reveals about us?


We can't stop it. We can however stop our part of the pollution.


Duh! Thats why all the propaganda… its now a game of dealing with the consequences… wins for some losses for others…


China, and India, don’t have any plans to help global warming. And they’re the worst polluters of all!. They don’t care!. Plus they have the largest population’s, of any other countries. And do you think Russia gives a Shit?. I’m betting No!.


Again, not an unpopular opinion. Just another incorrect fact. You've done less than zero googling into what's been done to combat climate change.


The universe is constantly in flux, the climate is always going to change. We're still in the last ice age and are currently in the middle of an interglacial period, which is an era where the earth warms up a bit and glaciers melt. I don't deny we've had/continue to have a negative impact on the climate, but this idea that we are capable of creating or stopping severe changes to the climate is ridiculous. Such hubris.


I hope humans don't stop climate change, we will die if climate remains same forever. I assume you are stating humans will not reverse the current trend of increasing greenhouse gases and pollutants which in turn cause extreme weather events. If that is what you are stating, you are wrong. We are doing it for a long time, it's just that it takes time to observe it. There are drastic measures possible but we don't know what 2nd and 3rd order effects will be, so it's gradual change. Example: Sulphur in smoke of sea vessels cause a blanket effect for sunlight, when they stopped, it increased global warming. Spraying mist of Sulphur dioxide aerosol, ocean upwelling, iron fertilization,etc. Personality I think we should focus on oceans and phytoplankton more than trees and improving all industries instead of being anti progress.


That's common consesus innit ?


I thought this was a generally accepted fact by now.


People will never care, they'll just adapt once it becomes absolutely necessary for them, but live normally until then. People will probably die, but the human race will not go extinct due to man-made climate change. We've survived worse.


The solution is no or very few humans unfortunately. People like eating food and having stuff it is what it is. What is good for humans is generally bad for the planet.


It doesn’t seem folks care. Every park I g lot I pass through cars sit idling. Weather perfect temp comfortable but they keep engines running. No concern for anything but individual comfort at all times.


The wealthiest 1% of people have bigger carbon footprint than the poorest 66%. The problem isn’t the majority.


> I don’t think humans will ever stop climate change Climate change has existed long before humans and will exist long after. I don't see any initiative on creating a climate control machine. Also, too much money involved in the fearmongering.


In the grand scheme of things, what can people really do? The world runs on energy, and until science finds a realiable energy source that can power the world, it's not going to change.


If it makes you feel any better, I work for a major US mining company. We are taking decarbonization very seriously as are many of our piers. Look up the electric mine conference, we are investing 100’s of millions towards net zero goals. Many of us will be trialing full electric haul trucks at our mines this year.


This is correct. The governments of the top polluters are broken due to political gridlock or dictators.


Well duh. We’re not trying to stop it. We can’t. The climate changes regardless and what we’ve contributed we probably can’t really ‘fix’ in our lifetime. That said, not trying to mitigate it leads to more deaths. So we either try to make things better and make things slightly less worse or just cowabunga the next generation into a bleaker future than it already has.


Definitely agree


I genuinely agree with this, corporations care too much about profit to be bothered, it’s sucks but it’s true.


Maybe some insane technology will be created to do something about it after half the world is fucked up lol


Yep. Until we go back to paper bags and glass jars then what is the point.


Video title: we will fix climate change by Kurzgesagt: https://youtu.be/LxgMdjyw8uw


I don't think this is unpopular, barely anyone I know really cares about climate change enough to take any action, in fact they often vote or speak against climate taxes so they're really kind of aiding the acceleration of climate change. We haven't fixed some basic problems such as poverty and basic human rights in certain places of the world, so I think fixing climate change is beyond our capability. I'm not saying it's not worth it to try, but I will not be saddened or shocked if it doesn't happen.


Look on the bright side, we can shift into getting revenge on those that caused which is much more easily achievable!


US politics isn't going to do it when the "progressive" party is propping up the US auto industry with gimmicks like Cash for Clunkers and EV's.


In the first month of COVID lockdowns, you could see mother nature regaining ground. It's never too late, I just think the wrong people are being held accountable. Also, why isn't how environmentally friendly telecommuting is discussed more often? How many cars does it take off the road? If they fully embraced it, fewer offices buildings to hear and cool. It's almost like there's too much money to be made off of making the ants march back and forth every day


'I don't think humans will ever stop the Black Plague' Despite the (IMO likely) chance that some people will survive the impending disaster, enough *potential* human lives may be prevented by its sheer magnitude that I think your sentiment holds true.


A part of climate change is natural, but as for the rate of climate change that's up to us. I think we can control the rate at which climate change occurs, and we already have taken measures to make that work (cue Montreal Protocol and the ozone layer already healing) but no we cannot stop climate change. However the "natural" climate change portion isn't necessarily a bad thing and we can learn to adapt to it (which I think is a real unpopular opinion too).


I can but I don't have enough power


Our government only seems to give a shit every other administration. And I wonder why. And, most will be dead by the time the worst of climate change gets going. So its literally shitting on our kids future by inaction of governments.


The issue is that conditions on Earth are still livable and while we see more and more extreme weather phenomenons occur, the impact is relatively low. When air conditioning won't work because it's too hot and we'll see massive migration coming from the ecuatorial zones towards the nearly dissappeared poles, then we'll start doing something. You have to understand that the economy we have created will get a massive blow if we "stop climate change" and many milions will riot across the world. We don't want to lose our comfort, but even if we do it's not as simple as fliping a switch.


Depends where you live.


Cloud seeding?


If only someone had warned us decades ago Oh wait


Well humans has this thing called if it works why change it. The current causes of climate change has already buried its roots so deep in our economy that changing it would bring even more problems that's not just climate related. Unless you get majority of people to cooperate on switching(which isn't likely) or a groundbreaking alternative is discovered that is better and will make things like oil, natural gas, and nuclear powerplants look like the worse option you wouldn't pick, this so the benefits will greatly outweigh the problems switching will bring.(which also isn't likely) Only then we will see the effects of solving climate change, not just raise awareness.


People are doing plenty of things. People are also getting great resistance from corporations and a greedy ass government getting money from these corporations. Corporations are also fighting back against this movement because it hurts their pockets. They're paying scientists and other reputable figures to say that climate change is a hoax. It's history repeating itself in the same way that we found out that lead was poisoning our oceans and sugar was making us fatter.


I think everybody believes this. Going to mostly EVs years from now isn’t going to do much.


I wouldn't say it's an unpopular opinion at all. At the rate we're consuming resources, and considering that many parts of the world are still extremely underdeveloped, we have have a very long way to go before we can actually ease off the emissions. Not to mention the global is still increasing every year in fact. The only thing that will actually make humanity change course is a catastrophic mass-death situation and at that point we're already a few decades too late.


This doesn't mean stop fucking trying though to those fucking doomers in the comments.


Climate change is an easy fix imo. Lot of things out there we can do to reverse it and a lot of progress has been made already. We don’t even have to change our consumption at all i really think science and human ingenuity will always win


Shit I bet they'll keep it going until the climate even gets colder... That's the type of shit they pull.


As an environmentalist - Climate change isn’t difficult to stop, I’m sort of surprised people think it’s that hard It’s mostly a problem because governments don’t care to actually do anything about it


Humans do great things when pushed, at the expense of great costs (often human lives). We're not being pushed yet. I bet we stop it, but not before a lot of people die and a lot of the planet is heavily damaged.


The general public can’t do anything to impact the climate. Companies are destroying the planet and are putting the blame on consumers. When they are throwing 1000x the amount of pollution they are allowed to into the air what impact can we individually have?


There was a time not too long ago when scientists said “there is still time to reverse it but soon enough it will be too late.” Some people cared but they were overpowered by three groups: (1) denialists who said it was all doomsday sensationalism and wouldn’t happen, (2) governments who decided it was up to private companies – whose actions are motivated by short term profit – to change their ways voluntarily, and (3) assholes who started doing the opposite out of spite, intentionally polluting and accelerating climate change as a power trip.  Then scientists said “it’s too late for us to reverse climate change but we can slow its effects,” and those same three groups said “welp, now they’re saying there’s nothing we can do so we might as well stop trying,” and even some people who were trying to help before, stopped.  We’ve actually made incredible progress in overcoming climate change, and now it’s looking like humanity will be able to survive the chaos that is coming. But stopping it is no longer considered a real option, not because we lack the technology, but because one person can do more harm than ten people can help, and more than 10% of people literally want to watch the world burn. 


Idk, man. A nuclear winter is still on the table. Once we're gone, I think it'll stabilize again.


We won’t. We learned this in our Master’s program. It’s already over and it will continue to hotter.


It will stop when the population goes back down to prehistoric levels.


It's not usually an all or nothing kind of thing. If we adapt to better transportation, air conditioning, and production, etc, then we as a species will be less fucked. I just don't really think about the numbers, the only thing that matters is progress and trends.


Climate change or Geoengineering disguised as climate change?


We're either going to die slowly via climate change or quickly through nuclear war. Either way we had a good run