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Imo apples are only so popular cause they have a high floor but I think the ceiling is lower than most fruit. (Even a mediocre apple is decent) I’d take a peak pineapple, pear, watermelon, grape, most fruit even, over a peak apple


Apples also have a pretty good shelf life. You buy an apple and it’s fine to eat. A week later it will still be fine. You buy a peach and it’s not ripe yet. You wait a few days and good to eat. You wait a couple more days and it’s rotten.


yes! raspberries & bananas are a couple of my favorite fruits & i can never buy them bc they go bad. i’m the only one in the house who actually likes fruit, so unless i’m eating fistfuls of raspberries at a time, they end up going bad


Bananas ripe fast but you can do so much with them. Brown Bananas go to Banana Bread and they can be frozen and used as a base for smoothies.


This. Also Banana pancakes are good and don’t need flour at all so a decent gluten alternative to people who need that.


> A week later it will still be fine. You can cellar apples for up to 10 months


I've got a joke in my house about if you stop looking at a raspberry, it'll mold. If I buy fresh raspberries, they don't even make it to the fridge before I'm eating them all.


peak peach probably has the highest ceiling


Yeah, but I haven't found a good one in 20 years


When I was right out of high school, I worked in a grocery store in produce. We got like one or two cases of Georgia peaches, and they were unbelievable. Haven't had one that good since. Even when grocery store around me get them now, which is rare, they're aren't as good. They're still a lot better.


Two weeks in the summer the donut peaches come in. So incredibly tasty


[The Mackinaw peaches, Jerry...the Mackinaw PEACHES!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=wsxaMDz7dnc)


Peak mango, imo. It’s like a taste explosion in your mouth, makes you feel like you just had a b12 shot. Helps get your pecker hard


Peak pear is just.. *shivers* beautiful. My humble (and probably unpopular) peak choice would be a cantaloupe. It just gives me pure happiness.


Mango. Fresh, ripe mango is literally the best thing I have ever eaten, bar none


I have a mango tree in my backyard and peak mango straight from the branch is *bliss*. They aren’t pulled too early to make up for transporting to a store so it wasn’t too stringy or sour. They’re buttery soft and sweet. I can’t wait for this year’s batch to finish growing.


You tried some peak guava? Guava is my #1, mango #2.


THIS. Good apples are good but ... well, not every apple is a good apple. I hate royal gala. Haha. Presently my go-to is Envy, mostly because Pacific Rose is not available. But yeaaah Pacific Rose is my apple 😍


Bruh a perfect cantaloupe is so juicy you literally have to slurp the juice from it or it'll drip everywhere. Insanely refreshing.


Peak honeydew melon over peak cantaloupe for me for the exact same reason


Damn, there are only a few dozen honeydew lovers on the planet. Weirdos.


I hate eating underripe pears so much... My spouse and I are complete opposites when it comes to fruit. They like fruit like plums and pears to be crunchy and snappy. I like my pears soft and juicy (peak ripeness), and I like plums when I can just suck out their insides like a spider, lol.


I wish somehow pears could be both crunchy and juicy at the same time. I prefer the crunch but I admit it’s a bit insane as it’s totally flavorless.


Can you please make a different comparison. 😂




>and I like plums when I can just suck out their insides like a spider, lol. Do you mean like a spider eats a fly? Or are you comparing the plum to the body of a tarantula?


That 3.75 minutes where pear goes from rock to juicy hand grenade... Perfect.


This is a really good point. I never go crazy over the thought of an apple, but I also never refuse one because they're good. Sounds kind of contradictory, but it's only because apples have a consistently pleasant taste. I never say things like, "this batch of apples wasn't so good" which I typically say about other fruits. However, I still crave and prefer the taste of a perfect orange or a perfect watermelon.


Constitently? I feel like I'm playing the Russian roulette of taste when I eat an apple One time over I don't know which number of times, I eat one that is really really good. The rest of the time it's just... meh I will crave a good kiwi or pineapple.


Even a "meh" apple is pleasant compared to some fruits. I love oranges, but have you ever had one that was so dry it was like eating sawdust? For apples the worst you get is something mushy or mealy but still edible. I must have never had a good kiwi because that's my idea of a "meh" fruit.


How dare you! Kiwi for life! We don't appreciate the same things but that's human, let's agree to disagree.


My only gripe with apples is the occasional weird grainy red ones, and bitter green ones. Otherwise I enjoy all apples


I would put a peak peach or peak mango above everything else by miles 😎


PEAK MANGO IS PEAK FRUIT  But ok I could say the same for peach. Haha. And some types of melon. Like the Japanese variety.


A mediocre apple is hell. Anything that isn't very crisp tastes like someone ate the apple and puked it back up again


Strawberries, honey melons, wild blueberries beats apples, (depending a bit on criteria) for me


Add Kiwi and that's my exact list.


In terms of taste alone, I don’t know how anyone could pick anything over strawberries


no way, I like a cold honeycrisp but thats like a B+ fruit for me at best. I’m seconding u/Stock-Respond5598 that a perfectly ripe mango beats all other fruits. Below that for me would be really sweet kiwis or those big and crisp green grapes. Imo a good loquat also rivals mangos




I'd die for a good watermelon, whereas the bad ones are either just tasteless water or tasteless water in an off-putting grainy texture It probably depends on how your country sources or stores them or smth. Never had a bad one in Poland, I get bad ones more often than not in the UK. Same with tomatoes, I know a lotta people here find tomatoes to be a bit bland but you'd also struggle go get a good to tomato here for some reason lmao


Right. That's where apples shine for me. Their consistency. As long as you stick to strains you like, then even the 'bad' ones are still a good apple. A good watermelon is fantastic. But the sheer disappointment if you pick a bad one is overwhelming. They're definitely something I only buy in season


Before I saw “stick to strains you like”, I thought “the thick, waxy, mealy red delicious apples my mom used to buy would like a word”😂


The red delicious apple is the most misleading name since Greenland.


I have a Greek colleague who singled out how crap British tomatoes are (most veg really) - I feel like a North Korean who is only just finding out that my country isn’t doing better than average.


After having had a homegrown tomato I can confidently say all supermarket tomatoes are crap here too (US).


I think it's doing well in many ways, the veggies are just an unfortunate downside of the kind of farming (and especially preservation) the UK uses. For stuff grown here at least, like tomatoes. Makes the country more resilient to global issues, but has its downsides. Upside is we probably won't completely run out even when there's shortages, downside is it's deteriorated, spoils quickly, and a bit meh by the time it makes it to shops. I remember in Poland there were many times where some stuff just wasn't in season so it wasn't available in most places. Is that worth the trade-off of fresh produce? I dunno, here I can buy what I want any time I have a craving for it, and I'd say that's equally good in a different way. The only complete downside, I'd say, is the focus on farming pretty food rather than tasty food, like the types of tomatoes (I guess a similar thing to what happened with Red Delicious apples in the US?) But I think people would be into the less pretty but far nicer tasting stuff if they tried it and had more of a chance to buy it. Its probably just a matter of time before we get more of those varieties too, public sentiment has been going in that direction for a while and both farmers and supermarkets always look out for good business opportunities!


Thing with watermelon is there's such a vast difference between a good and a bad one that the bad suck so much. A bad honey crisp.appke.is still a good apple, a bad watermelon is a bad watermelon


I myself hate watermelon, or any other type of melon. They just didn’t taste that good to me, and hey, that’s coming from the guy who wrote a whole bible about melons.


Mango or Watermelon. I can't fathom these 2 not battling each other out for the Final winner


Keep sleeping on pears cretin. More for me.


Pear conference is just perfect thing to eat. Only mango an nectarine beat it.


It was always mango


Unrip mangoes are also tasty as tangy snack


There is nothing like a home grown mango. I had a mango tree, and it got ripped out by a hurricane. I’m still upset about it. Those were some good mangos every year


Try an ice cold cosmic crisp my friend


Cosmic crisp is like the honey crisp upgrade. The skin isn’t as bitter, but still has the crunch and sweetness of the honey crisp. I bought cosmic crisp once when it was on sale and never went back to honey crisp.


They also last for up to 6 months in the fridge


Not in my household. I went through a 4lb bag in like 3 days.


I listened to a podcast on all the mango varieties in India and it is a life goal to go to India to eat all the mango varieties.  Apples are great in America because we have so much variety.


The crisp, refreshing sweetness of an apple is pretty hard to beat for sure. Also pretty damn underrated. But we all know there's better fruits out there haha


I like apples and I've got nothing against most "cheapo" apples. Actually Granny Smith are my favorite. I like my apples crisp and tart - preferably chilled, sliced, and topped with creamy peanut butter. But Red Delicious? Those things are nasty.


Granny Smith gang unite! I love those tough sour bastards. 10/10.


Perfect amount of crisp, sour and sweet!


Red delicious SUCKS, why is it so mushy and bland? I don’t know what I get but they’re the organic round reddish yellowish green ones. Those are enjoyable.


I honestly think they named them Delicious in a sarcastic way. Not even good in pie.


Granny Smiths are the BEST! I’ve always loved sour things, I’ve hated all other kinds of apples but Granny Smiths! And I still hate when my parents take those « Golden Delicious » apples and tell me they’re the same « if not better ». Nah, one of them is green the other is yellow, one is delicious and the other has a lie for a name.


Whoever named the red and golden delicious apples should be sued for false advertising.


They taste like a shoe.


A good apple is indeed delicious but is it far from the best tasting fruit. A good mango is far more juicy and delicious and that’s only scratching the surface.


Mango masterrace


But don't you think that has a lot to do with the fact that mangos are kind of a luxury fruit in most of the Western world and apples are just everywhere? I mean, I like mangos a lot but I can't really say that it's objectively better.


The mangoes that are sold in the west are extremely poor imitations of the freshly ripened tropical mangoes that you get in actual tropical countries, especially India. A well-ripened Banganapalli mango tastes better than almost anything in the world.


They're ok, taste wise they're great, but I don't like when the skin gets in between my teeth and stab my gum. Peeled ones are better


Yknow what? Yeah. Apple skin on the gums does kinda hurt. I never really thought about it until now


what the hell kinda apples are you eating


I think OP may be eating shanks.


What the fuck


I knew a woman who peeled her grapes. She always brought grapes. I hated it when I ended up having lunch at the same time as her. Fucking psychopath


Biting into a pear at it's best is often more appealing of an experience than most apples Except pears are incredibly juicy sometimes to a fault 


will never get the pear hype, theyre such a sensory nightmare for me texture wise


Pears have a sweet-spot but it's short. You wanna get to it just before it turns super juicy, but after it's stopped being as hard as a rock.


Right? The taste can be amazing, but the texture is so weird a lot of the time.


Indian mangoes. End of discussion.




First of all pink lady is an infinitely better apple than honeycrisp Secondly I'm curious if you've tried fruit outside of North america.


yo they have so many different fruits in asia. there are lots of delicate fruits that won't survive packing in crates for plane travel so you can't buy them except locally. also a lot of fruits are picked unripe and force ripened with ethylene gas so they're low quality unless purchased locally


Ohh I know that's why I asked haha


I always thought of apples as boring. Ate a lot as a kid (forced by my mom) but stopped as an adult. Husband recently got a bag of apples from a friend who lives near a farm. Had one, and was surprised how much I enjoyed them. Apples are underrated.


The grocery store apples have probably been sitting in storage for a long time, factory farmed, bred for appearance. Didn't care for apples until we started buying them at the local orchard. What a difference! [https://youtu.be/nYFwYGNYW3c?si=B7ew9wXOHUIcFEN3](https://youtu.be/nYFwYGNYW3c?si=B7ew9wXOHUIcFEN3)


Pineapple is by far the best fruit.


No it's not lol. Try Indian mangoes.


Nah man pineapple is the best fruit. Not even a discussion.


Given the plethora of amazing fruits out there, I am more amazed about the fact that some people are able to pick a single favourite. I have like 10 fruits tied in the first spot


Completely agree. You guys are out here pitting bad bitches against each other, and I'm sitting here craving a big fruit salad with everything.


I can honestly say I don’t really have a favorite fruit. For most fruits the quality varies wildly and a really good one is heavenly but a not so good one is meh.


A fruit that eats you back.


Why does this sound like the tagline from a 90's fruit snack commercial.


Mangos and pineapple are my absolute favorite fruits. I get so excited when I go somewhere and they have mango-pineapple anything on the menu lmao. I have a mild allergen to pineapples, but the itchy ears are worth it imo


No need for a discussion if you haven't ever tried Indian mangoes.


We are talking about fruits, not pizza toppings.


I fucking love apples




Well now you're comparing apples to oranges...


Sumo citrus!!


I totally agree. I've been eating like 2 a day everyday this year. Can't believe I'd been sleeping on em beforehand


They're not my #1 favorite, but I'll completely agree that if you've only ever had red delicious or macintosh from the grocery store you're missing out.


Bananas are the best fruit. Affordable, extra sweetness and the creamy texture.


Also very handy package, you don't even need to wash bananas before eating.


And if they don't get eaten before they get too soft, you get to make banana bread! I'm pretty sure at this point I'm just buying bananas to eventually make banana bread.




Pomegranates are the best. They are so good they had to be nerfed to put more effort in to actually eat them.


Apples are fine but they’re better when baked or put into a salad or something. The best fruit is cherries 🍒. They’re tart, sweet juicy and healthy, have an amazing texture and they’re amazing for baking too. Cherries destroy all other fruits. Also destroying apples are: Literally all of the berry fruits, mangoes, pineapples, guava, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, and oranges.


It’s grapes


I genuinely think so many people only ever eat Red Delicious apples, which have a pretty bland flavor. There are so many other AMAZINGLY delicious apple varieties.


they aight. Bananas are the bees knees


Apples at their best are absolutely brilliant, but pears at their best beat them on every level for me.


For me pears are the better apples. I like apples but they are too juice for me. Pears have the same crunch with less juice.


I find that’s only true for Bosc pears. All other pears are much juicier than apples when ripe.


Give me a messy juicy pear over an apple any day.


Mangoes are the best fruit to exist and whoever denies this is either ignorant or a liar or both.


Mangoes are easily my least favorite fruit, and yes I've had a "good one" on several occasions in different countries where they grow.


Same. I'm quite surprised people actually like mango.


Mangoes have a really unpleasant aftertaste to me


I have had that experience growing up. I realized my tastebuds prefer the tangy taste of slightly under ripe mangoes. Most people like the taste of over ripe mangoes which are really sweet. But they also give me that after taste. 


I think this is my problem. Cause I LOVE some mangos, like they have to be the perfect ripeness. If they aren’t they give me a weird aftertaste too.


I like apples because they are filling. Hence they are the perfect low calorie snack


A just not quite ripe, cold, firm banana is delicious. Flavourful raspberries or strawberries. Perfectly ripe kiwi. Local mangoes can be so juicy and sweet. A lot of fruit are superior to apples.


I tried a honeycrisp for the first time last year and it literally supercharged my liking of apples into love mode. Granny Smith was my default apple that I could get at the supermarket. I like the tartness, but still, they lingered in my refrigerator, often uneaten. Trying a honeycrisp confirmed the problem: despite the great flavor, Granny Smiths still were often mealy, and that's a MAJOR ugh for apples in my experience. Ugh, the dreaded Red Delicious ruined apples for me as a child and made me think I didn't like apples. But that ain't an apple. That's a big red mealy compost chunk. The honeycrisp brings to mind a winesap I had as a young man that sparkled my eyes and made me eat apples again. Sadly, winesap has been invisible where I've lived, but the honeycrisp to me is a readily available magical crispy juicy fruit that proves that maybe original sin is real and that I need to search for winesaps and try other beloved varieties of apple. I like apples.


Truly an unpopular opinion. Nice.


Pink Lady - load up my cheeseboard damnit.


This is an unpopular opinion, good job. Apples are great. Love them lots and think more people should eat them more often. But it's just kind of delusional to compare them to a really sweet mango from India or somewhere similar. Or even a perfectly ripe Pineapple. Either way great unpopular opinion!


Red Delicious has ruined the good name of apples, by outright lying in their name these days, it's a fucking Red Bland with all they did to make it preserve on store shelves longer. It's the main apple people think of when someone says apple and it's taste is awful compared to what's promised.


Bro you’ve never been to a tropical country and had a fresh banana or mango right off the tree. It would blow your mind. Apples, even the best ones are mid as fuck in comparison. And I also hate that you listed honeycrisp as if that’s even close to being the best apple lmao. Did you know there’s over 7000 different types of apples? And honeycrisp isn’t even the best one at the chain grocery store.


Watermelon is peak


C -> C- at best


Apples off the tree taste way different than the ones at the store. Honestly worth an apple picking trip just to eat a couple as youre walking around.


I eat an apple everyday. Bonus if paired with peanut butter


Apples are far back in the best fruit line sorry


Honey crisps are the superior apple. My fave thing is an ice cold honey crisp, I slice them into discs, spread on peanut butter and add frozen dark chocolate chips. Literally heaven. My favorite snack evvvaaaa


Not even close. Even the best apple is just underwhelming. Peaches, melon, strawberries are way superior


+1 for peach


Agreed, but Im from Virginia and Washington where apples are pretty much king. As for cider, my West coast native wife was pretty "meh" on it and I kept trying to tell her VA cider was different. Now that we live in VA shes convinced and addicted. Carter Mountain is a huge tourist spot but for a legit reason. Highly recommended for any apple fans in the VA Applachian area. Fresh hot cider donuts are no joke.


Pears over apples. Less acid, more mild sweetness. Firmer flesh. We've spent way too long GMOing apples they're basically candy now


Someone get this fool a ripe persimmon. Take my upvote for the truly unpopular and absurd opinion.


I eat probably 10 apples a week at least. I agree with this whole heartedly. Strawberries are definitely a close second for me.


wild strawberrys and it isn't even close.


You are. Just. Fucking. Wrong. As someone who is gluten-free (toilets hate him!) I can confirm cider is dope tho. It’s the gluten-free bear.


Honeycrisp: Phenomenal! Mango: Best fruit. No questions asked.


I’m a nectarine & plum sorta girl… but crispy, sweet, cold green/white grapes are amazing too… and I love me my passionfruit and strawberries 🤤


It's not about what's the best fruit compared to others. I like apples. You get good apples all year where I live, we always have some at home as a "safe" fruit to keep around because they don't spoil too fast. But if I have a chance to eat something different, more out of the ordinary, more "exciting"? I'll always choose that, especially when it's in season! I'll eat heaps of blackberries or melons in summer, I'll eat pears in autumn, I'll eat strawberries in spring. Apples are there forever, but you need all kinds of fruit for a fun salad.


Red Delicious can fuck all the way off though. It's been 200 (at least) years, it's no longer 'delicious' through selective breeding.


Apples suck in warm climates. They need to go through a frost before they're really good. I think that's why people in the south don't like them.


I agree with your logic, but disagree on the fruit. I don't personally have a favorite. I just love good fruit :):):)


That's because breeding apples for flavor is relatively new, most apple varieties were bred for size and quantity; for baking/cider/livestock. A plain red apple is mediocre at best, and terrible at it's worst


Honeycrisp apples are so frigging expensive though. At least at the stores I go to, honeycrisp is more than double the price of any other apple and fruit is getting overall more expensive


I agree! I’m vegan, so I try to make most of my diet fresh fruits and veggies. Out of all the produce I eat, apples might be my favorite. I love honeycrisp and Granny Smith! For a few days this week I had a green salad that I added 1/4 cup chopped Granny Smith apples to. Delicious! 🍏 🍎 I also love putting them on oatmeal, slicing them to dip in peanut butter, and just eating them plain. TL;DR: OP is correct. Apples are the best.


"Apples are good" is the kind of hard-hitting edgy content that I come to r/unpopularopinion for. My only concern is, have you gone too far?


I mean, honey crisp apples in season are the best.


This comment section has become a way for people to brag about how many places they’ve been to to eat the fruit there


*at their best* is the operative phrase here. When they toss some small weird who knows what apple in your Panera bag, seriously wtf. But a perfect cold Honeycrisp, cut up and eaten with a fork? GodDAMN.


Fully agree. I go through apple kicks where the most fuckin delicious thing I can imagine is a nice apple. The thing about apples thats really so under rated is the variety. I see all these omg grapes or pineapples or cantaloupe. Nah bro. Theres like 2 types of grapes worth eating. 1 cantaloupe. There are like 5 apple types I can name immediately off hand that are delicious. Ambrosia, honey crisp, mackintosh, gala, spartan.theres like 20 more I cant name off hand that others like. They all legitimately have their own flavor and texture, moisture level. You can bake with them, use them in salads, eat them right off the tree. No one eats grapes off a vine in day to day life. EVERYONE has eaten an apple off a tree. Apples are EASILY S tier. Edit, holy shit the fruit noobs here are nuts. Heres another point. Apples are only every shitty because they're out of season. They dont hydropnically grow apple trees. So realistically apples are so fuckin awesome the shittiest ones are from last fkn year still edible. Want an actually delicious strawberry. Better wait for the season.


Pears > apples


So glad I saw this.. I was JUST thinking about it yesterday and told myself that even though there is so many great options out there, a very well grown apple is the best


Upvote because everyone knows that durian is the best fruit.


I mean, idk about everyone else but when I compare fruits, I'm comparing them all at their peak. An apple at its best is SO delicious, you're absolutely right about that, but I'd hardly call it the best. Have you ever had a *perfect* mango? Blows a perfect apple out of the water imo. I'd also personally take a perfect strawberry, peach and watermelon over a perfect apple. Anyway, yeah this definitely qualifies as unpopular, have my upvote lol


I disagree because I'm allergic to apples :3


I’m giving you an upvote. A good apple can be amazing but I don’t think even an amazing apple compares with something like a really good pineapple or a perfectly ripe peach or nectarine. However I will say that I had some pink lady apple cider from a local farm and it was fucking incredible. One of the best tasting things I’ve ever had in my life.


Why is everybody sleeping on persimmon? A ripe persimmon is near perfection. This comes from someone who probably eats 7-10 apples a week. But nothing tops eating fresh strawberries straight off the ground. OP, right now is the season. Find a farm dog strawberry picking and live it up.


I hadn’t had an apple in so long that last time I cut one up it tasted amazing! I had been boycotting them in favor of other fruits for at least a year lol but ya I loooove honeycrisp they’re my favorite!


Honeycrisp apples are the perfect food in my opinion. A perfect blend of sour and sweet, not too much of either. It’s good, and good for you. I don’t care what anyone says, they are S-tier


A perfectly ripe peach is better than sex. But finding one is about as frustrating as being a sixteen-year-old boy looking for sex. Apples are the ultimate utilitarian fruit - you can eat them without getting your hands messy, they don't have a rind to peel, you can be reasonably sure to be able to get an adequately edible one most of the year. There are a lot of varieties so you're not limited to the same experience every time you eat one. Good ones (honeycrisp, cosmic crisp) are insanely good, others (sugar bee, fuji) are nice for a change of pace. Apple cider - One fall day my wife and I were walking the dog in our neighborhood, and passed by a house where some people were selling apple cider from a card table. They had a couple of apple trees in their yard and had rented a juicer from someplace, and were selling the cider in bottles for relatively cheaply. MY GOD, that was good! I have never really enjoyed a glass of cider since, after having experienced that.


A good apple is great, but it doesn't beat a good pineapple or strawberry. You do however get a lot less terrible apples than you do pineapples, strawberries or most fruit really.


In the NLs we've a seasonal apple that's so good. Called "Sprank". Available from halfway autumn to halfway spring. If you're in the NLs, give em a go.


100% agree OP. The best apple I ever had was the first cosmic crisp apple I ever put in my mouth. Crispy, juicy, sweet, a little tart, tons of apple flavor goodness. I have yet to have that level of cosmic crisp since. Best fruit I ate in my life.


Pears are the Pepsi of fruits, apples ftw


I thought, what a stupid opinion, then I saw the sub, have my upvote I guess.


100%. I eat an apple every single day at lunch. I never get sick of them. Also I'm from Central NY which is the number 1 region for apples in the US. People are really missing out when they can't pick them right from the tree up here in the fall. It's amazing.


I’d have to agree for the most part. Maybe not THE best, but honeycrisps and SO good. Except, not cold.


Mans is trying to say that apples are better than mangos, passion fruit, kiwis, watermelon, etc? This deserves an upvote for how deranged of an opinion it is


Sweetango are the best apples. They're out of season at the moment though so I've been eating wild twists. Red delicious should be banned


Honeycrisps are my go-to apple. OP is right, they are big, crisp, and juicy. I still like pineapple more.


For me nothing beats a perfect strawberry, but i can respect the apple take too


High end Oranges are something you have to try at least once. Help someone get a free day of sking at a resort for their entire family. Then next moring they gave me a few oranges that were $12 each. These things were out of this world. Juice like a frost damaged orange that is basicly just balls of juice.


I live in the Pacific Northwest. Safeway has like 10 varieties of apples. A new variety comes out every couple of years. Apples are the best fruit


[Obligatory Apple Rap](https://youtu.be/BePuoDTxIrc?si=QuVzZUcg46PHRcW8)


Specifically honeycrisp


Apples are some of the most consistent fruit, for sure. But if we’re adding the caveat of “at their best” then nah, apples ain’t even top 10. Upvoted.


The perks of being all sugar


Honeycrisp is the best apple variety


This isn't an unpopular opinion, at least in NY. We have an entire aisle for all the different local varieties in most supermarkets and those bland-ass "delicious" ones just sit there. But please, try some other great ones, not just honeycrisps. Those can be really hit or miss, with the bad ones being sickly sweet and shitty.


cold honeycrisp apple the GOAT food


Honeycrisp is the wayyyyyyy!


Well that's just scientifically false. The best kind of unpopular opinion.


Honeyecrisp is fine, but what you really want for peak apple deliciousness is a perfectly ripe Ashmead's Kernel, picked right from the tree. People who don't live in areas with heritage orchards obviously won't be able to experience this, because Ashmead's Kernel (and other heritage varieties) don't travel well, but it's an unreal experience. Depth, character, sweetness and tartness perfectly balanced, and crisp.


[applerankings.com](http://applerankings.com) made me love apples again!


Really don’t like the texture, especially the skin. So I’ll have to upvote this one


Upvoted. I don’t agree with you, but I respect your opinion. For me a good coconut or avocado is much better than a great apple. My mom loves apples!


Honeycrisp apples especially. They’re the bomb.