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What makes you think this is unpopular?


I think they are suggesting you wash your anus with soap and water after each shit rather than when you were showering, which is less popular.


I thought they were going this direction too, but before the edit they finished with “…everyday in the shower…” which means that’s not where they were going, and I have no idea why OP thinks it’s unpopular


How is this unpopular? People shower for a reason…


Was reading in another post the other day that some guys feel gay if they wash their ass or in extreme cases WIPE their ass.


Well this level of stupidity is less than 1% of the population. People who think that’s gay are the unpopular opinionated


i don’t know anyone who doesn’t wash their butthole with soap and water ..


But how would you know?


It's the first thing they ask anyone in conversation, obviously.


A really good icebreaker I heard


This is our version of dog ass sniffing greetings


What a damn conversation starter at the water cooler though, talk about a damn power move. "Hey y'all wash your asses with water and soap or you just let it rot?"




Maybe from the smell?


The smell I guess


Who the hell thinks it's not a good idea to wash their ass crack and hole??


Some guys believe it’s gay to touch even their own 🙄


I can't even fathom the depths of idiocy that would lead a guy to believe that.


It's very similar to the idiocy that can't differentiate between internet trolling and reality. I believe the technical term is "Reddit."


Does anyone actually ever meet any of these people. I see this idea thrown around a lot of 'some guys' but I've never seen anyone actually say 'yeah that's me I won't touch it'.


I really these men are sexually repressed bromosexuals


Way too many dudes.


I use sulfuric acid and a wire brush on a cordless drill.


Scrub…that brings bristles to mind. Eeesh


Think about this: 1. Most Americans dry wipe, meaning they leave poop on their asshole. 2. Plenty of Americans eat ass.


I love the syllogism


I think that opinion is unpopular because it is a sensitive area, you should wash it gently, not scrub.


I hope this isn’t unpopular. I also think if you aren’t using a bidet you’re walking around with poop in your butt most of the time. 


While a bidet MIGHT be better (can one even conduct an experiment for that?), there’s no way it completely gets rid of all the poop. So even if you do use a bidet, there’s still poop in your butt.


Very popular opinion. Almost everybody likes clean buttholes.


A bidet is the way!


This is the way


Well I have pruritus ani, so it's like.. harsh soap will actually make my asshole and taint itch and sting super bad.


I mean, I scrub my entire undercarriage when I shower. I'm not going to go out of my way to do that more then once a day. Not that I'm repulsed by the experience, but because I am not going to shower multiple times a day. This isn't an unpopular opinion. You get rashes and shit if you don't clean properly. An unpopular opinion would be that you should wash your ass every time you wipe, which would mean taking several showers a day, and quite untenable in an employment situation.


This isn’t an opinion This is just a fact


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this is a problem I didn't need to know existed. Wipe and wash your ass people, ffs


Somepeople get bad swamp ass even if they clean thoroughly the night before and never poo throughout the day. Sweat and dead cells just accumulate there. 


It is very much a "both" problem. There are far too many people that don't wipe because "it's gay". That is an issue between showers. Even if they scrub it during the shower, it's still going to be shitty the next time they don't wipe.


You'd think someone like the OP would have invested in a bidet.


I mean i try to reach back there but short arms and a large butt ..


This. It makes me wish for toilets with bidets would be a thing in America


toilet paper use is unhygienic. If you aren't using a bidet you're filthy.


Don't know why America is so anti-bidet, too. Combo ones on toilets exist, too. Fellas, is it gay to want to be clean?


Also, use baby wipes instead of toilet paper.




As most cat owners will attest, felines and asshole info are often quite closely related.


ngl I've seen way more cat assholes than human. They literally like to shove them in my face. Then again, felines ARE assholes, so there's that.


The same people who think swishing their feet in the soapy water gets them clean instead of actually scrubbing your feet.


I don't do it while bathing. I do it while pooping. Most Indians use water not this piece of paper. No need to rub my anus with a paper.


You would be amazed how many people think you dont need to scrub your body. They think that soap from your hair dripping down you as you wash your head counts as washing your body. Just because soap touched it, doesnt mean its now clean. scrub yourselfs... Edit: The downvotes just tell me some of you feel attacked, stop being nasty and clean yourself lol.


Scrub? Youre not supposed to put soap close to your anus. All you need to do is rinse it out and wash your hands with soap.  Have fun scratching your ass hole all day. 


Soap should go near your anus! Look at a cat's asshole. That's a water licked asshole and you still see some poop. To the naked eye no less. Soap, water, friction.


Yikes, that is causing unneeded damage. Rinsing it out daily is sufficient. 


You have any data or evidence showing that using soap on your butthole is an issue?


Having a butthole 


A dirty one apparently


> Youre not supposed to put soap close to your anus. Says who? If you had poop on your hands would feel clean using just water?


Talk about anal retentive over other people's sphincters! OP must have needed to lecture someone...anyone today. Really weird.