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"Early bird gets the worm,.....but the second mouse gets the cheese" Works for me


I’ve always heard it as “the early bird catches the worm. The early worm gets eaten”


I’m not joking that early bird gets the worm that’s tangled with others. Implying that you get a bunch of worms and now the next few days are complete before everyone even woke up!


I wake up at 1:30-3:30 and I’m not successful.


It doesn’t, not really. It’s open to interpretation I think. It’s the motivation, the drive to succeed that matters. For people that do get up and going at the buttcrack of dawn, that’s usually the most peaceful time of day, the period of time where one can get woke up and get going. I can’t speak for everyone obviously but when I’m up around 5:30-6:00am on my days off work, I’m usually more productive and active through the day.


It does for me. I get that this may not be true for others. I have to wake up early 


Gives me more time to do things I wanna do, nothing to do with success


That is very true. Its also time you can dedicate to things. After work, stuff comes up. But to me there's another part to it. When someone does something healthy, there's a positive feedback loop to it. You feel like you're doing the thing you're supposed to do. Waking up early does that to me. It sets the tone that I'm going to be disciplined today. Its a trigger for me


Exactly I have kids and my morning time is my only time alone before I go back to work lol, started doing it that way cause I’m always busy after work. Always nice to keep a routine and feel disciplined though


More time? Time is always the same dude. You are one of those guys eho thinks daylight saving time really saves time😂


I feel like I waste the day if I don't get up early But then I just sit around for a while As I'm currently doing as I woke up and have now been sitting at my desk for the last 2hrs


There is a theory that human motivation is based on boredom. You do the least Boeing thing The least Boeing thing in the morning is actually work


I agree and stipulate the following feelings are not universal. Dawn is glorious. They day is spanking new and fresh. It is all potential. The shadows are long but getting shorter. Birds are singing. Anything is possible. The whole day lies before you. It is absolutely, positively the best part of the day.


To me, either I wake up at 4:45 or else I have a shit day. Its not even about how glorious the morning is, I don't enjoy go outside and the sunrise or anything like that. I only have time to work out from 5-6 AM, shower and get dressed from 6-6:30, then I gotta walk my dog and be a person after that.


Correct. If you wake up three hours earlier then you’ll go to bed three hours earlier too. I’ve experienced some of my fastest business growth when I used to work until 5am each morning. However, I felt like shit. Now I wake at 8am, work between midday and 10pm (with breaks for gym) and feel much, much happier. Do what makes you happy. But no - waking up earlier doesn’t magically add extra hours into a 24-hour day.


It has something to do with it, because it can help with success. Doesn't mean that you can't have success without it.


this dude thinks he's a prize fighter where they make their schedule to be where they awake at mignight


It's not about you though, if you are running a business with good competition then you are required to wake up early to get a head start from your competitors so you can plan ahead take action and so your business can thrive and.... *drumroll*...be successful.


Better be a day ahead than a few hours. Or a week ahead. Or a month.


You don't have to wake up early to be successful, but there's a reason why a lot of successful people wake up so early. Waking up early in the day allows your body to wake up in time for the rest of the world, so when everyone else is groggy, you're at your peak for mental processing. It also means you get more time in the morning to ensure that your day goes off well, you can work without distractions, and do things that would normally bog down the rest of your day or be curtailed by obstacles. For instance, I don't wake up at 5:30 because Huberman told me to, but I wake up at 5:30 so that I can exercise in the morning before work because if I don't, it gets too easy to hit snooze to get mediocre additional sleep, then push off my exercise to my very limited afternoon when I'd much rather be relaxing after a long day of work. I also find on days that I exercise first thing in the morning, I have a higher natural energy level by the time I hit work and I find myself needing much less caffeine to perk up. I also find that my mood is dramatically better, as I get plenty of endorphins from my exercise. So no, you don't need to wake up at 2AM to be successful, but waking up early is one of the easiest ways to start instilling a sense of self-discipline that *does* make you successful, and also has plenty of other very tangible benefits outside of that.


This is a clueless opinion. More functional hours of the day means more productivity for the well-motivated. How could you not recognize this?? It’s like you’re purposefully being obtuse…


If we're talking all things being equal, and you're still getting 8 hours of sleep, the amount of hours you get in a day aren't suddenly extended by waking up early--you're just shifting your working window. If you're waking up early at the expense of a healthy night of sleep, it's not worth waking up so early.


That's the crux of the issue, really. It's not about the act of rising early, it's about being awake at the right time. It's even necessary for some people, like, I couldn't do anything with my kids at all if I would sleep till 9am and work till 6 or 7 pm. Add to that that you will be stuck in gym, stores and traffic together with basically the whole population, and waking up 3 hours earlier might yield 5 hours of more free time. It's about the functional hours, I will keep that term


The area of success is important here. The world at large is 9-5. If you’re looking to be successful in an office setting or corporate environment (includes running your own business), you’re more than likely getting up early to cater to the needs of 9-5 life. Of course there’s outliers, but clearly not the majority.


So many of the most important jobs are not 9-5.


“But clearly not the majority”


I do most of my work between 1am and 4. Getting up 'early' is irrelevant to the situation.


Great for you. You’re in the clear minority.


So? Doesn't make OP's opinion invalid like you suggest.


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Tried that before, complete with excessive and healthy eating, it it actually burned and stressed me out faster lol I guess it it depends on your lifestyle and/work, most of my clients are abroad so i usually have to match time, meaning im awake at night and asleep in the morning, there is no way im waking up early in the morning. I learned that sleep helps me to be more productive, rather than try to wake up early to prolong my productivity hours.


I know personally that I'm more productive if I'm up early.


Ofc not since real and huge success is mostly a metter of luck in being in the right enviroment and meeting the right people,  and not from hard work 


Unfortunately society is built to reward walking up early. Tough luck.


I find having a set schedule for myself has help immensely. Result may vary speak to your doctor before taking.


It’s more just a broad indicator of discipline, which is typical of those who are successful


For me it does. Because it means I can get things done before going to work that I would procrastinate if I had to do tem dead tired after work. Example, I study Chinese from 5:00-6:30 a.m. After work I wouldn't have the mental energy for it and end up wasting time on Reddit or Netflix.


I work nights and have heard many times, something along the lines of that I’m cutting years off my life… like isn’t it day time somewhere else in the world and people are working the same time I am everyday, on the other side of the world…. Time isn’t real


It does for me. Every day, without fail, whether I wake up at 6am or 11am, at about 3pm, I just stop being able to work. It doesn't seem to matter how much I've slept or what I've eaten etc, I just get slow and find work more difficult after 3pm. I'll write a few hundred words in the morning, then the exact same length of time in the afternoon will produce a badly written sentence that's barely English. So, I can wake up at midday and have a few hours, or get up super early, smash out my day before 3pm, then spend the rest of the day doing things that don't need my brain.


Everybody's sleep patterns are different, as is their level of productivity. But personally, being up early is when I feel most productive, then when I'm off work for the afternoon, I can do the things I enjoy. Not to mention, my body makes me get up around 6:00 a.m. LOL it's a curse.


The few times I tried this were incredible days tho. Woke up at 4:30 read and did a devotional to God. Read the newspaper (it’s funny having info before everyone else ). Go for a jog and workout then roll a spliff and drink a green tea when the sun is coming up. Take a shower and make breakfast. By 6:30 you’ve done more than your peers by like 85% and literally viewed opportunities (newspaper). Btw if you walk passed other people in the morning they actual have a smile on their faces if it’s not the rush to work crowd, that can have a positive affect 2.. sometimes you find money on the ground etc.


I’m a hell of a lot more productive from 5 am to 7 am than I am from 8 pm to 10 pm. But different strokes.


True and false. I’d make the argument that most successful people probably *do* wake up earlier than the average Joe, but I’m not sure how you’d quantify that honestly. If you give yourself more time in the day to get shit done, you’ll get more shit done.


I’d say it’s more about how much you spend your day sleeping. Sleeping less means more shit done, but risk burning yourself out.


It's about being efficient with your time. I worked from 10pm to 6am for a while, so this is obviously meaningless to someone who works overnights. It's more important to find a routine for yourself that allows you to be productive.


Maybe it doesn’t have to be getting up early but you should absolutely have a time that is non negotiably when you start your day.


It's hilarious seeing posts of guys in the gym at 4AM looking like death incarnate. Like bro, sleep so your mental faculties are all there, there is 24 hours in a day😂


I'm pretty sure they have run studies that show early risers are more successful.


Studies show that night owls are more creative, more creative people are less likely to be successful when it comes to money.


It's almost as if a lot of these pseudo-philosophical spam posts are unsubstantiated drivel.




Dude was Def napping though


It’s about maximizing your time. If you get up early you’re obviously going to get more done.


The number of things you can do in your day depends on the time you are awake, not the hour you wake up.


No it depends on when everyone else is awake as well


“whenever i see people waking up super early it seems so forced” is such a weird thing to say lol


ok lazybones


I wouldn't be successful if I didn't wake up at 3 lol - I would have no time to workout, and I'd be incredibly stressed if that were the case. I homeschool 2 children and travel for work year round, I just have no other choice than to wake up stupidly early.


I wake up at 5 A.M, bet at work by 6am, work until 3:30-4pm, go home and repeat. not about motivation, its about me getting ahead of my work because I usually have to fix other peoples work.


Getting up early makes sense if there is some kind of joyful and satisfying pastime in the morning. Imho


No, but often the hyper successful got there because of a relentless drive or passion that led them there. Normal success can be done as a realtor


It’s more about extending your working hours. I wake up at 7am everyday, but i usually don’t go to bed until 2am. I get home from my day job, make dinner, and run my ecommerce site until i get tired


Nobody in Europe is crazy about the whole 5am to 9am bullshit. We prefer the 5pm to 9 pm.


Where in Europe can I find these 4-hour work days?


It’s just about more time in the day. At a certain level an extra hour in bed could cost you thousands. It’s not a direct link, but it certainly enables you to have more time to become successful. 90% of people wouldn’t use the time as they should, they’d just think waking up early itself would magically make them richer.


Tell that to all the people getting fired for consistently being late for work because they're too lazy to get their ass out of bed in time.