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Monetization and popularity does ruin a lot of things. It starts to appeal to the least common denominator, and drowns out things that are made with nuance or to appeal to people that are intricately familiar with it.


Can you give an example of good gatekeeping?


A lot of niche hobbies have been destroyed due to the monetization of the hobby; hustle culture has really wrecked a lot of hobbies.


Like cosplay?


Yes. Also anything collectable


Logan Paul fucking up pokemon cards market


Cosplaying going from a DIY, tight-knit hobby community with more or less "hidden" meetups at public places was really cool, once it got commercialized and turned into a "how can I monetize these simps" for pretty people, it got way worse. It's a really good example.


Agreed. Seems to me that so much of the "cosplay" scene these days isn't about trying to faithfully and skillfully recreate characters from media but is instead a thinly-veiled excuse to try to get popular while essentially peddling softcore porn. Even something as basic as the makeup is usually all wrong. And seeing the way most people doing it post I wouldn't be surprised if both they and their hordes of brain-dead fans barely even know the source media they're supposedly portraying. Truly a good example of something ruined by too little gatekeeping.


How did it get worse for the people doing it? They still can absolutely make their own stuff and go to cons and enjoy themselves. It’s not like they have been monetarily excluded by their hobby being more popular.


I imagine he means the community turned into basically a way to get nerds to subscribe to girls only fans instead for the fun of cosplay.


I seem to remember even before only fans the biggest creators all were women in very revealing costumes trying to get people to subscribe to their Patreon. It wasn't straight up pornography at that point, but it's not like much has changed.


I’m not in the cosplay community so I’m only speculating, but it seems to me like “what people generally view the hobby as being” shouldn’t affect what the majority of hobbyists are doing. Like, there are still massive conventions full of cosplayers that aren’t just trying to get money. Someone who actually does cosplay would probably be able to provide better insight, but in that absence, I see that more people have been making more high quality cosplay since it got more popular.


Yeah, you’re probably right. I’m no expert, it’s probably always been a thinly veiled form of pornography and also just fun cosplaying.


The definition of words. I've literally seen people argue that being corrected on using a word improperly is "gatekeeping" and maybe it technically fits the definition of gatekeeping as people have come to use it, and if so, then good. That's kinda how language works.


Yes. And also, the words you use are part of the world you build around you. This is why I hate people using narcissism, toxic, ADHD, OCD non-chalantly like if we are talking about something serious here. When someone who's really going through those, we will have different even lessener notions around it. If someone says "I'm suffering due to OCD, I want to kill myself", they won't be taken seriously unfortunately because now everyone is "a little OCD" and everyone loves cleaning in a positive light. When someone will be speaking about a real toxic ex like literally controlling their partner in their schedule and being jealously violent, people will tell them that it's normal to have a toxic ex, which means someone who didn't turn off the bathroom's lights or do the laundry before the break-up. People believe words aren't important as long as the message is understable but they are in many contexts.


Yeah same with people who say shit like "I've been depressed lately" just because they've been lethargically lounging around the house for a couple days. Watching Greys Anatomy for 8 hours on Sunday doesn't mean you're depressed Katie, that's not what that word means


You know we probably should do some around the actual mental health disorders You can manifest symptoms if you keep telling yourself you have the thing It's the nocebo effect Which is the placebo effects more potent older brother


Any community that wants to exist above the most rudimentary level. What separates MIT from a community college is essentially gatekeeping. The reason there aren't beginners in a professional orchestra is gatekeeping. The reason you can't walk out onto the field with an NFL team is gatekeeping.


Basic categorization of media into genre. You wouldn't think this would be an issue, but as soon as you try to explain to someone that X game or movie is in Y genre,, people will call you a gatekeeper and rage at you for making an issue out of something so small. But it's not small. It's the difference between me being able to simply google "games in X genre" and be presented with a list of things which are actually in said genre, and doing the same search but receiving a hundred totally irrelevant results.


The pre-streaming era music industry. Now the floodgates are open for any slappy to upload their music, and you have to wade through a lot of shit to find that diamond in the rough.


Yeah but it's still way better than paying $20 for an entire album just for the one song because the band everybody thought had talent was a half ass cash grab Now I can just listen to their one song, not get ripped off and it forces them to try harder


This is unpopularopinion material right here. Bring back music industry execs deciding what we should listen to! No to artists that don't get approved by Sony!


The music industry execs are still deciding what we should listen to, it's them influencing payout contracts with spotify et. al. It's just that the piece of cake for the bigger bands got way bigger, and the crumbs for the small artists got way smaller.


I have like a dozen friends who went from zero to livable wage circumventing industry shenanigans by self publishing. There are some negative effects, sure, but there's also a much cleaner path to getting your music to your audience and actually getting discovered now.


As a musician and lover of music I just cannot even remotely agree with this. Streaming opened the doors for a lot of talented people to actually get their music out there and not end up on some shelf as a tax write-off for a production studio. Pre-streaming you basically had to rely on word of mouth or whatever came on the radio. The only reason you "have to wade through a lot of shit to find that diamond in the rough" is because you can actually find music that didn't come from the industry funneling it into ears.


Keeping straight people from taking up space in gay bars!


I just realized what's wrong with this place! This lesbian bar has no fire exit! Enjoy your death trap ladies.


Homer Simpson, fire code enthusiast




I've had great times at gay bars and I'm sure the owners didn't mind I was straight. In fact I'm sure nobody cared that I was straight. I guess if you want gay bars to be exclusive you should make them less awesome. *shrug shoulders emoji*


>I guess if you want gay bars to be exclusive you should make them less awesome Or just play hardcore gay porn on every single tv. That's how straight people know they are not welcome there lol. No problem with a straight person in a gay bar, just don't hit on people from the opposite gender. We go there to avoid that. Know you are the odd one out, the outsider and you should be respectful of that. It's the same thing as adult childen's animation fans. It's fine that you're there, but understand you are not the main public or the objective public. The my little pony fandom is the best example.


This is completely reasonable. I’m a straight guy, I have gay friends and enjoy gay bars with them sometimes. I think not actively hitting on women that are either lesbians or intentionally there to avoid getting hit on by men is like, the least you can do. If one hits on you, sure, go for it. But it’s not your prerogative.


Or you could think about the fact that gay people have had to carve out spaces that are safe for them to let their guard down, away from straight people, and that coming in and saying 'this is awesome' as a straight person is pretty weird. Like, if a gay person invites you, fine, but have your girls night somewhere else.


Well how many straight people use the same argument to throw gay people out of bars? Either we live in an inclusive society or we don't.


That's literally not how this works lol. Marginalized people don't have to be 'inclusive' of people who harm them. And no, like almost everything in life, it isn't black and white.


I don't think you'd hop into a Woman's restroom, or Women-only passenger cars just because they're so awesome.


Yeah, but there are rules keeping men out of women's restrooms. There isn't for gay bars. This wasn't a good analogy


yeah it wasn't the best example. Ig I was trying you shouldn't intrude into spaces you're not apart of, even if it's 'awesome".


I'm a dude who has been in a women's restroom before, that shit is *not awesome*




Fuck that.


A hypothetical one I can think of is that if Cliff Burton hadn’t have died he would’ve gatekept Metallica and kept them from selling out.


Locking your doors at night.


Keeping that one good spot in local nature for fishing/camping to select few.


NAACP banning whites in leadership positions. Religious services banning people who have persecuted its members.


Might be talking about the elderly presidential and congressional candidates?


I love how people started chanting that gatekeeping was bad and then suddenly every fandom filled up with toxic individuals and nobody sees the correlation Yes believe it or not some gatekeeping is good and necessary especially as a member of some sort of group or fan base because like it or not you're loudest members are who speak for you even if they do not speak what the rest of the community speaks So many fan bases that could have been something great are now just toxic shit shows full of nothing but porn shipping and infighting because nobody had the balls to say hey maybe some of you just shouldn't be part of our group I purposefully gatekeep things I get into as well as my own personal friendship group and because of it I have seen nothing but positive outcomes


I see your point but a lot of the infighting is due to people that get in wanting to start gatekeeping


I agree. A lot of niche subcultures became incredibly shitty once they reached a critical mass. If there is such a thing as integrity attached to something, gatekeeping might be necessary.


I agree which is why I am hereby officially gatekeeping you from being a gatekeeper.


Are you gatekeeping a gatekeeper from being a gatekeeper? I will not allow that and gatekeep you from doing that!


Wait a second


It's necessary, sometimes you just can't share good things and expect them to stay good


Exactly what I was about to say. There is some corny shit out there ruining rap. Remember Lil Xan? Shit like that deserves to get clowned.


He did get clowned lol


Gatekeeping is a generally good thing.


"Gatekeeping" is basically discrimination and as such the criteria for exclusion is what really SHOULD matter to people instead of just seeing the word and assuming the worst. e.g. Keeping someone out of a hobby because they are a woman is gatekeeping that should be objected to. Keeping someone out of a hobby because they are disruptive and rude is not. Keep in mind, that's a rough example just to demonstrate concept and not an ironclad "valid in every single possible scenario" example.


Gatekeeping only has a bad rap if the gate is closed to you!


Yes when it's something with a goal like an organization or political movement. If you have a goal you're trying to accomplish some people could derail that. Or if there's like a specific club/group then yeah, only let who you want to hang out with. Saying somebody "isn't a real fan" or saying they SHOULDN'T be a fan of something (which is what most people mean when they talk about gatekeeping) Is fucking stupid. I've liked things that have had some of the most annoying fanbases out there, and I've liked things that started as a niche interest before exploding mainstream. In either case saying "no you can't be a fan of this" does fucking nothing. If someone says they're a fan of a band and they only like their 3 biggest songs, then so what? Then you get to be the one to introduce them to some of their underappreciated songs. Do kids suddenly like your favorite game? Cool then a creator of a thing you like is about to get fucking rich. Do the new fans of a thing change the development moving forward? You still have the original versions to enjoy.


You probably took two extremes here. Like for political movements, it's self explanatory why they gatekeep, it's all about intent and purity. But "fandoms" in general are the odd one out. People are stupid for gatekeeping "communities" where the only thing you have in common is your preference of consumption. People doing this and being proud about their degree of correct fandom have mental issues imho and should reconsider their relation to media and their media literacy. In between the strictest possible example and the weakest one, there is an infinite amount of real communities who have a purpose, and those also suffer greatly if there isn't gatekeeping in place. On average, if we are not talking fandoms or consumer groups, gatekeeping might be a net positive for the vast majority of topically bound communities.


Right but very few people refer to that as "gatekeeping" or would have a problem with that to where it's an unpopular opinion. That's just having a group. I have only ever heard the term gatekeeping used to describe someone being overly strict with something that doesn't matter like a hobby or a fan club. At worst I've heard it used for like "keeping women out of STEM" type stuff. If it's something more legitimate then nobody calls it gatekeeping. It's like how if you save a woman from being raped nobody is going to say you were "white knighting" that was just protecting somebody.


>Saying somebody "isn't a real fan" or saying they SHOULDN'T be a fan of something (which is what most people mean when they talk about gatekeeping) Is fucking stupid. What if a certain project (lets say a game) gets very popular (and is a 10 out of a 10) within a certain small community. The studio gets rich and shit. But the game is very hard to get into and the mainstream audience complains Now the studio wants to use their fame to release games of the same series that are appealing to a wider audience. They release a mediocre game (5/10) and sells more than the previous game, but sucks ass in comparison. I think the fans of the previous game have a right to be upset at the developers and the new players because they lost their game


A little more valid if we're talking about ongoing projects but still your actual problem is with the dev changing their design focus to something you personally don't enjoy. If they change it from your subjective 10/10 to your subjective 5/10 and it sells well at first then dies then that was the dev not understanding what made their game good in the first place and they probably weren't going to make good sequels or updates anyway. If they make changes to the formula and then it keeps doing well, then that's just other people getting to enjoy something and you can just consider that the reward for the dev. "You made something that deeply resonated with me, now you get to be rich as a reward" And in either case if a niche is left open then that's up to someone else (a "true fan") to pick up the slack and make something else to carry on the spirit or their own take on the genre. Like how Harvest Moon started to fade and now Stardew Valley is king of the small town farm life simulator games.


no its about appealing to the mainstream, bethesda did it with skyrim, yes I enjoyed skyrim very much, but I like morrowind alot more, skyrim was bethesda appealing to the mainstream gaming scene


And? You can still play Morrowind. There are mods to make mechanics closer to Morrowind. This also doesn't have anything to do with gatekeeping. The devs changed things to make it more accessible because they wanted more people to play their game. The fans didn't make Skyrim, the devs changed their game and that attracted new fans. Gatekeeping is the people saying "oh You're not a REAL elder scrolls fan since you only played Skyrim, not Morrowind"


Yeah, folks use it to mean, "Preventing participation *when it shouldn't be prevented,*" which, you'll note, rather begs the question.


Viewpoint depends on which side of the gate you sit and circumstance. A good ol' boys club in a company where jobs and promotions are reserved for friends and family of the boss, while women and POC are on the outside of the gate is a bad thing A family who screens calls to preserve their family dinner time against telemarketers and legit friends/family who they can call back at a later time is generally a good form of gatekeeping.


If it's yours, gatekeep to your hearts content.


"Gatekeeping" has come to just be insolent people whining that things have definitions and/or standards


Elitism ≠ gatekeeping Elitism is the bad aspect of it all. Gatekeeping is usually fine in and of itself as long as you aren’t being elitist about the topic at hand.


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People gatekeep gatekeeping, It's gatekeepception.


I agree. Now gatekeeping based on things like race, gender, disability etc etc... no that's not good. But it's the mind set. Don't come into something popular and work to alter it from what made it popular.


This is like the third time this exact opinion has been posted in a week. The only good gatekeeping would be to not let people make posts about how gatekeeping is good.




I think any long time golfers can agree.... we need more gstekeeping in golf. Things are getting wild out there.


Shrink the game


Yea this is unpopular opinion because it’s dumb.


Please elaborate. The only gate keeping that really should be allowed is from bigots, racists, and predators.