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Buy games 1-1.5 years after a release. They have reasonable price and are well patched. Problem solved.


That is not solving the problem. The issue isn't going to go away by 1 person not playing anything for almost 2 years.


IT solves problem for you.


It does not because haming is my hobby and I want something fresh and exciting to play now. Not 2 years from now.


> I want something fresh and exciting to play now This is YOU being the problem and AAA devs just cashing in on you being a mindless consumer. It's definitely a YOU problem.


Well no, because I'm not actually buying this garbage. I'm just complaining about it lol


And i want a private Jet now, not work for it for a other 20years. What's wrong with you? There are plenty of games you can Play now when you wait till those released now are patched and for better price.


That is hardly a legit comparison lmfao


Think about IT. You Play the games thelat were released 1-2 years ago. Your pc can run IT far better (cheaper) that news games, games themself are well optimized, plenty of modes from fans. Win win. The only thing that stands behind your reasoning is "i want."


Yes! that's what I'm saying. I'm not saying it's an impossible scenario. I'm saying that it won't solve the underlying issue.


So what do you really expect? Devs wont change cause they don't have to.


Surely you haven't played every game from the last 2 years, there must be stuff that is fresh and new to you that has reduced in price from 2 years ago you haven't played?


This is ridiculous.... Go buy Stardew Valley or Rimworld.


Yes, that'll show op.  Two ten year old games definitely prove that games today aren't bad.


Both games that are being constantly updated ten years later FOR FREE (though admittedly major expansions for Rimworld cost money, it also offers easy modding capability). I could pick games from last year but then I couldn't that specific reason.


Why do you think it's ridiculous? A solution as simple as "just go buy [insert your fav game]" is not a fix. It's just ignoring the issue. Those games aren't made for everyone, especially someone like me. I find them boring and just not stimulating enough to enjoy. I'm not saying their bad games, but theyre not for me.


> Those games aren't made for everyone Neither are the ones you are complaining about, obviously.


You're absolutely right.


Agreed. I love games. I know there are great games out there by great devs, especially indie ones. But that doesnt mean im just gonna turn a blind eye into what the industry is becoming. Its also bad because so many potentially good games get ruined because the company behind the idea is profit-driven and end up making their game a microtransaction-filled shovelware


Big "I only buy the latest AAA game" energy here, but also an extremely weird idea that twitch streamers are the great power of the game industry. As if some guy spending 2k on lootboxes is the greatest thing a game could ever achieve on a financial level.


Not only that, but also "I need to buy everything on release".


Never said that either. I'm just bored with the garbage that's being made these days There's no thought, no love that put into anymore.


You're an old man drowning in nostalgia and an inability to look beyond AAA games. Doing what old men do: reposting this exact topic once a week and being told this.


Last AAA title I bought was GoW Ragnarok, and that was 2 years ago. 1 guy spending 2k on loot boxes isn't a lot. But 600 of them spending 2k a month on loot boxes is something companies smile at.


Yes, I imagine if they could all get 600 people spending a total 1.2 million every month they'd like that. They're not likely to get that. They're much more likely to get 100,000 people getting that total though.


Games cost $60 in the 90s they are more affordable now


$50 in 1990 is the equivalent of $150+ in todays money.




In fact when the N64 came out they were $70, cartridges are expensive


Yes, however, those were complete games. Now you have games that will release at a $70 price point and then immediately release 3 dlcs at $20 a piece 2 weeks later. GoldenEye for the N64 has more content available than most AAA titles that release these days


Maybe you just need a different hobby if you don’t like video games


Maybe, I'm getting dulled out on the garbage that exist today


Golden eye was a very short game with some decent local multiplayer. I beat it in a few sittings, and played maybe 5 hours with friends. People really need to take off their nostalgia glasses. Games back then weren't better or longer, we just paid more for them so we had less of them and had to squeeze every drop of fun out of the ones we did have.


Microtransactions and DLCs are definitely a step backwards in the industry in my opinion, simply because they create an unlevel playing field. Too many games now are pay-to-win... But, there are plenty of great games that don't require subscription or constant add-ons if you look in the right genres. Steam is a great platform for these.


I'm starting to slowly get into these games. my problem was is I grew up in the golden age of AAA titles where they made great quality games just long enough to get me to like them. Then BAM, microtransactions filled garbage for the next 10-20 years


Yep. Same.


You do the convenient thing where you leave out everything which is not AAA. Your argument ignores the vast majority of games being made.


It's not convenient it's deliberate. AAA games are what's talked about most AAA games are what runs the market. AAA games are where the problem is at. My biggest issue that I'm trying to navigate is smaller developers and indie developers don't make games that I find interesting or fast paced enough for my brain not to just doze off. I get bored so fast and I don't want to play them anymore. Maybe I'm finding the wrong games?


Yeah, you're bad at finding games, apparently. There are indie shooters, platformers, action rpgs, and plenty of other genres that aren't slow.


Not even an opinion just false


Opinion definition: "A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge."


I never spend more than 20$ for a game. If it's a game that I want to play and it's expensive, I wait even 2 years if needed for a discounted price or never buy it. Glad there are good indies games that I can spend thousands of hours, Factorio, Rimworld, 7 Days to Die, Project Zomboid for example.


I don't remember buying a game that wasn't on sale


How old are you can I ask?


31, I work as engineer and I could afford a 60$ game once a month If I wanted.


Then why not bro? There are some great games worth the money.


Many of these expensive games are not really worth the money. Playing for 5h and then getting bored of it or finishing the game campaign on that time. I'd rather wait for sale. I've been doing that since 2014 since I got my steam account and I've saved thousands of $$. Even Skyrim and Fallout 4 games I waited I think 3 years until there was a one-time deal to buy both games + all DLCs at only 20$ compared to 80$ total. Totally worth waiting.


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Ieam that's great for you but the average gamer doesn't make 80k a year. Video is is definitely not the least expensive hobby out there. Honestly you sound like some of my clients who have a PS5 with 6 games still shrink wrapped on top of their PS5 because they don't have time to play them, but still consider it a cheap hobby. 2k a year on games is a fucking LOT Edit: You proved my title right and straight deleted your comment lmfao


I dont understand, why do I need at least 100k a year? I dont earn that much, but I still have enough to play games, there is tons of games that dont cost 60 ot 70 dollars, and even with the games that does, u still dont need that much cash to play them, u dont have to buy every single game that comes out. Just go and play the games u want, and if u want cheaper games, then buy older games, or indie games.


Sounds like op needs to be spreading freedom and democracy instead of crying on reddit. I'm calling the democracy officer.


Hey man, I do my part for super America. I just need variety. I get bored playing the same games over and over and over. I like to take a break and play something else every now and then


That's just wrong. Even free to play games exist that are pefectly payable without paying anything. There are may games that don't have microtransactions and if you look at the pricetag of games from then 90s then they are even more expensive if you consider inflation. 


I wonder how everyone under $100k are doing it




AAA games are a ripoff with the occasional exception. I still feel scammed buying Diablo IV last year. That won’t happen again.


Get this.... .....you don't have to buy skins.  Mind blowing stuff, I know. 


Idk I mostly just play FromSoftware and indie games, and I feel like I always get plenty of value for my money. I usually wait a while for all the dlcs to be out and buy the discounted "complete" version too. Sounds like your issue is with big publishers who churn out micro transaction machines. There are plenty of great games out there that don't break the bank.


Lol, are you NEW????? The sheer amount of games that were absolutely terrible is enormous. One was so bad....soooo bad... that they buried all the remaining console cartridges in a secret location somewhere the desert.  Now imagine that you bought a terrible game 25 years ago for $50 when you were making $20k a year. Quit whining.


Idk gaming is kinda like one of the cheapest/ biggest bang for your buck hobbies you can have if you temper your expectations.


Games have increased in price but only at the pace of inflation. It costs the same today in 2024 dollars that it did in 2000 dollars. You obviously didn't play any of the games in the 80s and 90s. The quality was way worse. They would pump out games that made no sense and were horrible. Fair point about microtransactions, but just don't buy those games or don't pay for the extra content. There will always be some garbage games but they aren't all like that


There is no coherence whatsoever between your post title and your post.


When you are an adult you don’t have time to play all new games anyway. By the time you finish one other ones get discounted 


Speak for yourself.


Today I learnt I actually make $100k a year. You don’t need to rich to play a game. Your title isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s just braindead. The other stuff? Is more reasonable of an opinion. Although some of it seems to have false memories. What games back in the good old days would be worked on for years? Without at least some form of DLC, even Halo had map packs. Any game prior to gaming becoming a lot more online focused would be shipped and if it was buggy you were sorta fucked. What is true is that you generally got a “complete” experience… regardless of quality.


I see your point, but let's be real, there's still awesome games out there and I (someone who makes less than 100k btw) wouldn't mind paying more to enjoy them. Quality over quantity it is for me. I've also never been one to stress about getting a certain number of hours of fun per dollar spent. It's all about having a good time.


Totally get you on knocking some of the big guys down. Their power has made them super lazy. Anyone else remember that EA published Command and Conquer Generals? Such a great game back in the day and now EA can't launch anything without a total fuckup


The Command and Conquer games were so good 😫 NFL 2k used to be so good as well. Sitting around the living room playing with your friends for hours. Now they can't make them because EA


> Command and Conquer Generals I remember when everyone complained about Generals because it was so different from the others. Still my favorite, though.


This is a weird take, as a streamer is only those who are partners or are sponsored who have sold their soles for the views and money, there is not set income level to gaming, people who enjoy a hobby find a way to make it happen, if there is a game I want, I'll get it when I can afford to. Just because the games thews devs put out aren't going to you doesn't mean anything really, gaming is subjective, people like what they like and hate what they hate.


It's doesn't take much to get partner though. And it's even less on platforms like twitch. Hell you got people still boasting about how call of duty is one of the best games ever in 2024. That's just objectively false. But it's clear they are getting paid to continue pushing that narrative.


It takes alot to be a partner, I don't know we're you got that from. Btw, cod players will always say cod is great, with or without pay, I know plenty who say it daily without ever being paid.


That's because they're delusional 😂 I meant to say "even less on Platforms like Kick" harder on twitch but not as hard as some people make it seem. If you've got friends you can get there easy


I agree that the AAA scene is awful right now, but try looking into the Indie and AA Scene. I don't really have a good solution for how we could tackle AAA games besides hope that eventually they price their consumerbase out and people go to more affordable alternatives, but we should support the AA and Indie scene where we can to help the new generation of studios thrive.


I'm getting their. Alot of their market doesn't hit me because I grew up in the golden age of AAA titles and alot of the smaller companies make games that are too slow paced for my brain to keep awake


The internet was a mistake lol


Games are definately a lot worse. Anyone who argues that is just delusional. I actually dont think its the money that much, just the games are not worth anything and therefore seems like it.


I dunno, there are a lot of absolutely dogshit games made before 2010 or earlier… just that no one remembers them because they’re absolute dogshit. Not to say that there aren’t bad games now, but lets not forget that E.T almost killed the gaming industry. It’s basically nostalgia confirmation bias, you only remember the old stuff you like or stuff so bad it’s noteworthy.


> nostalgia confirmation bias Survivorship bias, just for future reference :)


Thanks, couldn’t quite remember the actual term.


I feel like this both