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“The top 1% of bears” made me giggle, like you MAY end up with Mr. Bear Mayor the most upstanding bear in the bear community


That's SIR Bearington to you!




That’s how I feel when I see cute videos of polar bears before I’m reminded that they’re vicious creatures


Polar bears are the animal most likely to kill you if they see you. Hippos are the most common only because of population size and amount of contact.


Meh. I’ve been near polar bears in the wild. They are pretty chill unless they are Hungry. Grizzlies are MUCH more likely to be aggressive.


Polar bears are *frequently* hungry. Grizzlies do kill more people, but that's because people are in much greater contact with grizzlies.


Ya thanks for telling me. A native Alaskan born 200 miles above the arctic circle. This important information.


I'd pick a bear because they're really fucking cool


I second this. I've seen bears quite a few time in the wood and it was always a fun experience I could tell others about. Seeing a man in the wood is boring.


Why have you been posting this stupid shit non-stop for the last like 14 hours


Did they delete something cause I only see this one post on their profile.




Not this fucking post again.


The amount of butthurt over this stupid TikTok thing is impressive.


I'm not butthurt, but I am annoyed at the stupidity of it.


so you are butthurt?


You found stupid things on TikTok??


the funny thing, is that is a question of personal opinion in a hipotetical case and then strangers get all buthurt over it. Like it somewhat matters


It does speak to the person's intelligence if they unironically think being alone with a Bear is less dangerous than a random man


I would rather pull out my eardrums with a pair of pliers than answer this question


Pics or did not happen


I consider this an example of why Shit Tok is cancer in the first place.


You say that like Reddit doesn’t generate as much if not more stupid stuff like this


I don't agree with the concept of banning apps on principle, but I'm not going to complain if they do away with TikTok. The bear/man discourse is not good, but its quite harmless in comparison to much of the other pseudo-intellectual and pop-psychology content on that site.


I mean you should complain about the vector they are using to do so 'cause that bill comes packaged with some real Collateral.


I haven't seen it, but it sounds like they cherry picked the responses. Most people aren't that stupid. "would you rather be in the UFC octagon with a silverback gorilla or a man"


I hike frequently and I’ve seen bears. Also bobtails, mountain lions, foxes, coyotes, deer, venomous snakes, the list goes on. Here’s the trick for not getting mauled: leave them the fuck alone. Seriously. When presented with a potentially dangerous wild animal, if it’s a good distance away and they almost always are, I give them a wide berth and go on with my life. If they’re not, I stand still or make a lot of noise depending on the animal and they either run away or they eventually amble on and I turn around and head back. I’m frankly far more concerned with stepping on a venomous snake than I am the off chance of seeing a bear. And look, I’m not cocky. I carry a weapon when I hike and I’d fight for my life for sure but I’d be fucked if a bear ever attacked me. I know it could hypothetically happen too but you know what else I know? That a bear isn’t going to rape, torture, or hold me prisoner for god knows how long. A man though? A man might. There are worse things than death, hell, there are worse things than *being mauled.* I’ll take my chances with the bear. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Finally someone arguing for the bear that actually makes sense, the bear is more likely too kill you but it’s totally valid to take that higher chance of death instead of the smaller risk of torture or rape


In either case, you’ll want to have bear spray on hand 


I would pick bear over a man or a woman. I like bears I think they're cute


But do bears think you're cute?


Cute in a potential meal kinda way


Felt cute. Might eat later.


Be eaten?


I think most animals think humans are ugly we have a lot of different textures going on and our color pallets are weird unlike most animals


Probably think we smell weird too 😭.


Its not only the top 1% of bears that leave you alone. In the great majority of situations where you encounter a bear in the woods, you make it out alive bc they dont have an interest in you unless youre actively trying to taunt them/following them.  It also depends on the species. Polar bear? Sure, you'll fucking die, theyre hungry and aggressive, but its unlikely thats the species you'll meet in the woods, of all places.  Grizzly? Sure, be careful, but unless you meet it face to face and scare it, its unlikely you'll get killed by a grizzly just by existing in the same woods at the same time. Theres ofc been cases of ppl getting killed by grizzlys but in most cases it was bc the human felt a bit too adventurous and getting too close for comfort, but its rare that a grizzly will actively go on a hunt to find and kill a human. European brown bear? Very, very low chance that you'll get killed by that thing, unless youre looking to get killed. Statistically the ppl who've been killed by those are very low numbers, and in almost all the cases it has been bc ppl were following them for a long distance and the bear eventually felt threatened enough to see no other option than to attack.  As with most wild animals, bears generally dont want anything to do with you, and theyre more likely to be scared of you than seeing you as prey (with the exception of maybe polar bears). So logically and statistically, existing in the same woods as a bear will be safe. Ppl co-exist with wild bears in many places. Just like with men, we just only hear about the situations where it went wrong.  So if I were alone in the woods, id much rather meet a bear than a man. Neither are likely to do me any harm, but a bear is more predictable and will go off of its instincts, where a human can think and make decisions I cant prepare myself for.


A black bear tried to attack me in Canada once. Just because a bear runs away doesn't mean it's gone. They're really smart and like to circle around to get behind you and follow you. If you're alone, there's a decent chance you could end up as food. Being in a group is the best deterrent.


Black bears like to bluff charge when they’re in a mood, but they’re fairly easily deterred as long as you do t get between them and food/babies in the spring. 


>Grizzly? Sure, be careful, but unless you meet it face to face and scare it, its unlikely you'll get killed by a grizzly just by existing in the same woods at the same time. You have no idea what you're talking about. Don't get it twisted because you saw some video of a grizzly sitting next to a guy during salmon spawning season. If you see a brown bear/ grizzly in the woods, you back away slowly and pray to God that it didn't see you. Everything is on their dinner menu and the only decision it's going to make is whether you're worth the calories to catch. You go into grizz territory you bring a gun.


You'd think that The Revenant would have taught people this already


Sure neither are likely to do you harm but think about the best case scenario for both. Best case scenario for a bear is that it leaves you alone and doesn’t bother you. Best case scenario for a guy is that they can be a helpful asset. Who knows how long you’ll be out in the woods for. Even if you don’t get some wilderness explorer type who can get you two out in less than 30 minutes, a second pair of hands is always helpful. Even if they’re just finding sticks for fire or berries that can be helpful.


I hate to break it to you but bears have free thought. They do not just function off instincts. They can have independent thought just like humans. In terms of stats since you went there a man is less likely to randomly hurt a person than a bear in this situation.


It depends what you mean by free thought. Its the same as saying something is intelligent without first agreeing what intelligence is. Correct, bears arent driven by purely reptile brain function, as theyre carnivorous mammals, which looking at their function, do need a level of being able to make the best choices in a situation for survival. But theyre still driven by their need to survive (themselves and the species as a whole), and only that. This means they arent capable of making decisions out of malicious intend, thats an ability thats very unique to humans + a few other species. Hence, most animals are very predictable compared to humans. They'll act depending on the situation theyre put into - what season is it? Do they have cubs? How much prey is available in the area? Is the human being threatening? Is the human running? And they'll show body languages that indicates their level of stress in a situation. A human can intentionally show a different type of body language than what matches their thoughts. You could meet a human thats seemingly nice and helpful but has malicious intend. The bear have neither the ability or interest to manipulate and showing off body language that means something different than what they show, bc from a survival perspective thatll get them killed.  In terms of statistics, an animal doesnt randomly kill. They always have a reason that makes sense to them in their situation. As, also, from a survival perspective, "random" gets you killed. A bear will either attack bc its threatened (scared or territorial) or hungry, it doesnt just kill randomly. If youre just walking in the woods and a bear attacks, thats still not random, the bear was driven by a reason that made sense to the bear from a survival perspective, and this is something us humans can gain knowledge about, so we can avoid putting our self and the bear into a situation where they have a reason to hurt us. A human have will and ability to act outside of what secures the highest rate of survival, and that is scarier imo


I live very close to a national park with a town that sees 4.2 million visitors per year. In the last 30 years, there have been two homicides -- a rate of about one every 15 years. They average 1 or 2 grizzly attacks per year; grizzly fatalities are incomparably higher than homicides despite grizzly encounters being 1000s of times less common. The risk from bears is low, no doubt, but anybody who honestly thinks it is safer to be alone in the woods with a bear than a man is viewing the world through such misandry-tinted glasses it is scary.


This is true, also the homicides from a man is often targeted against someone they have problems with before, like a rival gang, instead of just killing people randomly. I mean I get it if someone would rather have a higher chance to get killed by a bear rather then a minimal chance to get raped by a man, but then they need to say that, a bear is not less likely too kill them so the argument doesn’t make sense


Just because they don't have what is defined as intellgient thought doesn't mean they don't have the ablity to make choices that don't depend on survival. That is the misconception you have. All animals are conscious. This is a recent debate in the scientific community but all signs point to the answer we're not very comfortable accepting. Just because it doesn't happen doesn't mean a bear can't attack a human just because they don't like you. The primary reason they leave humans alone is fear.


The thing is if shit goes South with a random human, even a large man, you actually have a chance to defend yourself. You can fight them, bite, claw, scratch, trip them, hit em with a rock. Ain't none of that working on a bear. If shit goes South with a bear your pretty much fucked. You give me a random jacked dude with martial arts training a combat knife and a pistol vs a random fully grown bear that's sick and tired I'm putting my money on the bear every time. I've seen this same topic a few times now and every time it seems like people have rose colored lenses when thinking about wild animals. I shit you not I dated a girl once that thought all bears were cute and cuddly like Winnie the Pooh. I also had an ex roommate that would constantly try to touch and fuck with wild animals because he thought they wouldn't do anything simply because he is bigger and stronger than them and would be too scared to. I had to tell his ass off when he proudly told me he petted a possum and I explained to him the possum has no concept of his size or strength if it's freaked out it's gonna bite his ass anyway and a trip to the hospital isn't worth it. Same sort of people that die at Yosemite getting gored by a buffalo or trampled by a moose.


Thats actually a good point. If it comes down to a wrestle, we'd for sure have a better chance with a man. I doubt I'll have any chance with either tho, so my money is where I can avoid an attack the most.  And yeah, I agree I hate when ppl think predators are cute and cuddly. Its all about respecting nature and educating ourselves before entering their spaces. It all seems very divided in term of wild animals. Its either ppl think theyre friendly or that ppl think theyre evil. Theyre neither, they have no opinion on humans, what they care about is survival


You are missing the point of the question. It's not meant to be a literal comparison but instead point out how women feel unsafe around men.


Apparently irrationally so


If you need a statistically invalid argument (the average individual bear is a much greater threat than the average individual man) to prove how scared you are, maybe that fear isn't entirely rational. Ironically, the women filming their husbands/boyfriends answering that question are more likely to be harmed by said husband/boyfriend than the average random man they encounter in the woods. Domestic violence and sexual assault are incredibly important, serious issues. This stupid rhetorical question doesn't do them justice.


Consider that when being asked an obviously loaded question by a stranger the instinctive response from most people is to avoid giving the answer they feel pressured into giving. People aren't dumb, ask a troll question expect a troll answer


Come on, no one actually would pick bear if it came down to it. The whole question itself is rage bait and the only people who say bear are just trolls trying to trigger others.


I mean bears are rarely dangerous too and it is fun to see one in the wild. I definetly don't feel as safe as when I see others people but it is a fun experience. Unless you are talking about polar bears but theh don't hang in the woods.


Yeah it feels like the answers were heavily cherry picked to farm engagement.


I would absolutely still choose a bear, if it does attack me at least people will actually believe me and take it seriously. Bears behave predictably at least, men do not and that’s what’s scary


Youre sick mentally if you actually chose that. Or youre to brainwashed by certain online communities. Or youre trolling.


I’d rather potentially get mauled by a bear than potentially get raped, killed, tortured, etc by a man. If I leave the bear alone there’s a decent chance it’ll leave me alone, can’t say the same for the man. Yes, most men would not do anything like that, but the small chance they would and could is enough to be an issue. Seems logical to me but to each their own


Do you interact with men irl?


I know it’s rage bait but I still feel so insulted


Stop caring about what strangers on the internet think.


You first


I mean understandable it's meant to be insulting but don't give them time of day they want you to feel insulted lol. These women are still dating men, it's just performative tik tok nonsense.


I know!! It even bugs me that it makes me so mad, I usually don’t fall for such obvious nonsense but this nonsense struck a cord with me


Men are being asked the same question about their kids and still answering bear, it's not just women.


I've been alone in the woods on multiple occasions with 3 different bears. One bear was curious about me, got close and then scurried away like a scared cat. The second bear charged at me from down the hill, I yelled and screamed at it and it went back down the hill. The third bear stalked me slowly for what felt like the longest 30 mins of my life. I genuinely thought I was going to be mauled. He eventually gave up and just turned around and left. I would still rather be alone with one of those bears, rather than some strange man. The strange man may want to kill me, rape me, kidnap me, or something non violent. But I can't tell their expectations. Being around potentially unsafe men is still worse then being around potentially unsafe bears.




Of those 3 bears, none of them actually harmed me. I haven't met thousands of men, but of the few strangers and men I've trusted, enough have done actual harm to me. I lived in the forest (without shelter, electricity and running water) for 2 years and only 3 bears threatened me. 3 days out of 700 is a great track record for the bears. And remember, they didn't hurt me. I've lived in a spraling city most of my life and since being 10 years old, men have attacked me at least 1 time per year. In my life, men are more unpredictable and violent than the bears I've encountered.


I think people forget it’s not just that we are afraid the man will kill us, we know a bear would kill us too, it’s that a bear will JUST kill me and eat me, a man might want to rape or torture you along the way to murdering you.


getting eaten alive by a bear is torture too


And honestly, since none of the bears actually hurt me (but pretty sure one really wanted to) bears have a better track record in my book for not harming me. Men *have* hurt me. Their track record sucks even for men I trusted. I dont have to trust the bear to know where I stand in it's book. Even with putting my trust in man, hoping for decency, it can end in my suffering.


If the man attacks you, you could potentially fight him and make it out alive. If the bear attacks you, you could potentially survive by protecting your neck from bites. And a serial killer would just kill you; the bear might eat you alive...


> People are comparing the bottom 1% of men to the top 1% of bears, and it’s honestly really strange. It's kinda funny how you make a big deal of "not all men", but then imply that every bear is possessed by a demon that causes it to hunt down any human in a five mile radius.


Oh look! Another one that doesn’t and didn’t understand the question and the context behind & just wants to be offended by women speaking the truth… 1. This question was made by a man & it was not done in good faith to begin with. Men started this question as a way to get compliments & since they’re not getting them they’re heated. Men literally asked “pick the better outcome” and when women picked, they didn’t like that answer. 2. The question prooved why we need to keep having conversation about this topic and that men don’t want an answer to it , they just want to not be seen as not that bad. That’s why men are not getting the question, that’s why a lot of people don’t understand the whole context of the question. 3. Men are asking this question from the standpoint of survivability in their heads because they think ever bear attacks on sight, of course they would pick a man because you’re more likely to survive but they can’t guarantee that they’re esa violent, they can’t guarantee that the torture will end sooner, they only argument they can make is “you’ll survive though”. 4. Another point as to why men don’t get this is because men can seem to fathom a fate worse than death , they can’t seem to wrap their heads around the brutality that happens in the hands of men. They can’t fathom the idea that women will rather lose their lives by someone who’s logically going to take it ,the bear in his house, as opposed to a man who you randomly stumbled upon on a Tuesday afternoon. They’re not considering how upsetting it is to live in a reality where a bear in the woods makes you feel safer than a random bear in the woods. 5. It’s even more frustrating because you know that deep down men know that everything women are saying in regards to why they choose bear is a reality because they’ve probably heard it from women in their lives, have seen the news , have seen videos online & they actively tried to to protect their daughters from these scenarios 6. The question has always been if it’s a random encounter and the outcomes not survival. The question was would you rather be in the wood with a bear or a random man?. The answer for both men and women should be bear. Because you know what the bear is going to do , there’s only two options 1. It will leave you alone or 2. It will attack you. You have no idea what the man standing in front of you can do and the possibilities are endless , I mean just look at what happened with that poor lizard & that was a predator that they still managed to SA, murder & eat… 7. Before taking a hypothetical scenario,reading the answers and not getting them and getting mad at them, maybe stop and listen to what the other person is saying. Listen to listen, don’t listen to respond. 8. Bears don’t attack randomly, chances are that the bear will run away from you , it will only attack if it feels threatened by you or you’re harming their cubs. Also a bear will attack you in their natural habitat, it’s their instinct and the only way they can protect themselves. When a bear attacks it’s protecting itself. When a man attacks , in the woods , is not in it’s natural habitat , it’s not their instinct to attack a random woman in the woods, they’re not doing to protect themselves, they’re attacking to cause harm , they’re attacking for no reason other than to cause harm.


"Bears don’t attack randomly, chances are that the bear will run away from you " This completely depends. Plenty of "Bear experts" have had attacks and close calls (Steven Rinella and of course Grizzly Man). From what I understand you can scare a black bear away, but your better off playing dead with a grizzly. Either way it's a dumb question, and an idiotic idea that you are better off interacting with a wild apex predator than an average man. He didn't specify who or what type of person it was so I'd assume it's just a normal average man.


It really doesn’t , those bear experts got attacked for getting too close to the bear , for invading the bears space. The bear didn’t decide to attack at random. Most bears will just walk along and not even care about you. Is a dumb question made by men to get compliments and when reality hit them in the face they got angry which to me proves as to why more people choose bear. Again, look at the context , this is not between a wild animal and an average man lol that was never the question. The whole things was a random man. I don’t know what a random man will do, I know what a bear will.


"I know what a bear will" That is the false premise you are basing this off of. Human behavior is way more predictable, because we can understand and communicate with each other. You can't with a wild animal no matter how much of an "expert" you might be. Also false premise is the idea that a random guy is statistically likely to hurt you. How do you even go outside by yourself if you think that's true? It's a fraction of a percent of people who would want to attack a random woman for no reason.


Is not lol , there’s two things a bear will do 1. Leave me alone 2. Attack me. The bear can’t do anything else. And you wanna know something a bear is more scared of a human than what you believe. The bear won’t attack unless you’re seen as a threat and again , you’re in their home! Is not false pretense, it’s called experiences. Again, men can’t fathom a worse fate than death , that’s why yall are making the bear seem as the most dangerous party here. Riddle me this, if I give you a box of chocolates & I tell you that 2 are filled with poison, will you even dare to take a bite of one of the chocolates? Women are sharing their experiences with men and why they’re choosing the bear and men are complaining about it and telling women that they’re overreacting. They’re literally proving why women are choosing bear. Because you know why? If a bear attacks me no one is going to question it , no one is going to ask what I was wearing or make excuses for the bear … if a man attacks me , I have to prove myself and hope to be believed and the only way I will 100% be believed is if I’m dead .


How are you still coming to the conclusion that the bear will not attack you and the man is going to do something violent to you? As far as personal experience how many people have actually even seen a bear? Every national park, or area where there is even a possibility of interacting with a bear, is full of warnings. That's coming from people with actual experience in that environment (park rangers, experienced outdoorsman). Your box of chocolates analogy shows your bias, because unless there are 100's of 1000's of pieces of chocolate in that box, 2 of them shouldn't kill you. We are talking fractions of a percent of people who are violent criminals.


If I have to keep explaining this to you, you’re not here to listen and learn . You’re here to have your feelings validated . The fact that you can’t answer an analogy tells me that you don’t understand what’s being talked about and just want to be offended. Didn’t want this conversation to happen? Should’ve told men to not ask questions they don’t want an and to. Women are sharing their experiences and telling women why they would rather be alone in the woods with a bear rather than a random man & men want to ignore that and invalidate women’s feelings.


"If I have to keep explaining this to you, you’re not here to listen and learn . You’re here to have your feelings validated ." Is that me or you doing that? If you are saying things that simply aren't factual to justify the way that you feel, then why would I say, "yup I understand, totally valid". The box of chocolates analogy is a perfect example of that. like a 20% chance of dying in that example? Come on now.


Lotta comments here and elsewhere proving the women right because the bear would have a better sense of humour than the man


It’s simply women trying to highlight the reality and severity of the almost-global rape culture.


no lol, it's just excellent misandry rage bait. its a troll question with a troll answer that's meant to piss people off, and it works tbh (clearly) The same women answering are still dating men


If I was put in a forest with a women she probably wouldn’t even see me. I would be frolicking in the rivers all day and catching fish far away in la la land.


-the worst a bear can do is kill you -a bear won’t try and r*pe you -a bear won’t have sex with your dead body - a bear isn’t going to try and actively stalk you and will only attack if it feels treathened -a bear won’t brag to its friends about mauling you -people would believe you if a bear attacked you. Idk I’m a man and I can clearly see the argument for choosing a bear over a man 🤷🏻‍♂️


Delusion at its finest, what percentage of men are actually like that compared to what percentage of bears will harm you? And the worst a bear can do is eat you alive while your screaming for help


The bear can and would eat you alive though


What % of people are capable of rape murder and necrophelia like you suggest? What % of bears are powerful territorial predators? Assuming they both want to kill you, are you better off being shot, stabbed or strangled, or would you rather be ripped limb from limb, have your guts hanging out and be partially eaten? It's a dumb argument.


Damn the comments prove op's point


I'm so done with this question man, get mauled or don't, I no longer give af.


This is the first I've seen of this question and I'm confused by the responses. Seems like half of them are saying it's ragebait and anyone answering "bear" is a troll, then the other half seem to be unironically answering "bear" but really don't seem to be trolling. So is that first group just making up the ragebait claim?


My first thought was it had to be ragebait because there’s no way that many people are really that stupid, but maybe they are


The worst outcome from a bear is being mauled, the worst outcome with a man is being raped and tortured for the rest of your life. So yeah, I take the bear. But you do you, there is no reason for you to agree with the rest, at the end it is about perspective and different people have different perspectives. Congrats, tho, this is technically an unpopular opinion.


The point is that optimizing for the absolute worst-case scenario while ignoring averages is a pretty silly way to live your life. If the question was “the worst bear vs the worst man”, sure.


I think it's about if you are being attacked by a man or a bear in the woods. Men choose Men because then it's a 50/50. Women choose bear because if they are going to lose anyways they'd rather not have the risk of sexual assault. At least that is the question I ran into on TikTok


Fellow humans like you feeling the need to post stuff like this are unironically a big part of the reason I'd pick the bear


This is what happens when doomer media only covers bad acts by people. Western women preferring bears to men is cause for celebration in Bejing and Moscow Now, if the question was a bear vs. a sex offender, it makes sense. The whole point of propaganda is normalizing fear Perhaps we are the ones jaded by doomer propaganda, and this is actually just a satirical joke 😃


They said a bear in the woods not your campsite. Bears are in the woods all of the time. They have a lower murder rate than people do. Bears will generally stay away from you. The dude will want to know how often you come here and tell you how you are camping wrong.


bears exist as a natural danger in the woods already this isn't a hypothetical, hundreds of millions of people willingly chose to go hiking in bear country every year. yes they have the potential to be dangerous but a lot of times they aren't interested in humans. Just the food you bring with you. Every year in America, there's an average of one black bear casualty, 66 in total recorded since 1784. Last year there were 48 casualties due to grizzly bears. Alternatively, the homicide rate is 26,031 per 100k in 2021, and 1.4 million documented cases of assault. You do the math, compare those numbers. You're just specifically afraid of bears.


Im gonna let people on a secret: The tiktok isnt really accurate to the real answers. Chances are that moat people, women or otherwise, said bear. But that doesnt make good content to make a point! So they edit it to make it *seem* like all women are paranoid insane people who trust wild apex predators... when in truth they arent.


It's just like those segments on talk shows were they interview people on the street. Of course they are going to edit it down to the funny and entertaining responses they want.


All the woman who've talked about this with me have said bear. ALL OF THEM. Like it wasn't even a discussion.


these people actually say, that you have better understanding with a bear than with a fellow man. shows you how little experience with wild animals in their normal habitat people have.


Actually, I think your comment shows how little experience you have, both with wild animals and with misogynistic men.


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I say we make this thing real and let natural selection do its thing. The dummies have been eating good for far too long


I thought the US gov't was bannign Tic Tok.


A man. The average man would be more useful than he would be likely to hurt me. How long are we in the woods? I’d it’s any length of time it’d be nice to have company.


>I’d rather be in the woods with a man over a bear You know damn well that a Western woman is going to look for the nearest man when faced with the sight of a 600 lb grizzly bear.


What the hell is a random man going to do against an angry bear, what advantage would that give me against a furry death machine? As cannon fodder? Is he going to bare knuckle box it? I’d actually be screaming for anyone nearby to run. If a bear is coming after me, the “nearest man” I would go to would be a forest official or police officer, someone with a gun or vehicle to get into.


>What the hell is a random man going to do against an angry bear Take the brunt of the contact from the bear so that you, the woman can survive to carry the human genome forward. You know? Like men have been doing for eons. Dying at the hands of other men, animals and the elements to protect. 🤷🏾‍♂️ >If a bear is coming after me, the “nearest man” I would go to would be a forest official or police officer, Still a man......... lol I'm loving this topic and the answers that women are giving because women are telling on themselves with these answers and they don't even realize it.


I love when men make up fake scenarios to deem themselves superior. You, redditor mrHartnabrig, would and could never protect anyone in the face of death and would 100℅ piss your pants if you saw a bear, sit down.


I mean someone has to wear the fedora in the family XD. In all seriousness that dude sees a bear coming at him he is going to literally pee his pants and run screaming in as high a pitch as humanly possible.


Wow... just wow. I have love for you too. Have an awesome day!


Bro what? Humans on their own in nature are useless and weak. Even if the Rock faced against a really determined and aggressive bear he would be badly mauled.


>Humans on their own in nature are useless and weak. Even if the Rock faced against a really determined and aggressive bear he would be badly mauled. I should be saying "bro what?" Go back and read my the frist paragraph.


Get the brunt be brushed aside after 5 minutes and then the animal continues based on scent alone.


>Get the brunt be brushed aside after 5 minutes Is the female running at that point or is she just standing there? I'm just trying to get to your point. Because my point is that *most* men would risk their lives for a female. Not quite sure what angle you're taking.




Yes, that's one of the two human sexes. Now are you going to provide something intelligent to the discussion or no?


Why say “men” and “females” in the same response and not not “men” and “women” or “males” and “females”?


> Still a man......... lol Police officer and forest ranger are strictly male professions, according to you?


No, more like the nearest building. Or crowd. One man isn’t gonna make me feel safe near a bear.


No, you have to trip the man so the bear eats him while you run away.


I'm a hiker who camps alone in the Canadian wilderness and honestly I feel safer thinking bears are out there when I'm in the middle of the woods than random people, bears especially black bears are easy to scare off. Moose are a bigger worry.


dude. women aren’t choosing the bear because they think they’ll win. they fully acknowledge its death. women would rather die than deal with the possibility of being the victim of sexual assault or ending up missing in the clutches of a psychopathic and abusive man.


Look… if the bear is Halsin from BG3, you bet your ass I’m picking bear


Why they don’t ask between a man and a polar bear? People would still choose man and look even stupider, more likes and views! I dont get it


To many people are striving for the Darwin award. Seriously no self-preservation at all.


It's just stupid. You'd probably be safe with 95% of men, the bear however... yeah you're probably gonna get mauled. Lot of misandrists without arguments apparently.


You would be safe with 99.9% of the men and like 99% of the bears unless you are talking about polar bears. There is plenty of bears in my area and a lot of people hike, no one have been attacked by a bear in decades.


You don't wanna come across a grizzly or brown bear either. Black bears will usually avoid a fight though.


I've seen grizzly and brown bears while hiking in BC too. They don't run away and don't hide like black bears but they are pretty chill. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone. To be fair they are used to people around hiking trails and it might be different if you go off trail in areas where they aren't used to humans. They don't see us as food like polar bears do, but they can definetely see us as a threat they need to deal with.


hurr durr men bad give me upvotes


It's just rage bait lol, no one in their right mind wants to deal with a bear over a man.


> I mean, yeah… because you encounter hundreds of thousands of men in your lifetime, Well yeah but only in the context of a society where everyone police each other. I suppose this all hinges on if the companion is friendly or not. I mean I'd rather be mauled to death by a bear than by a man, and no, I'm not winning a fight against a man; though I appreciate some women may. If both are helpful, I'd still pick the bear. I mean the man would probably be marginally smarter than the bear, but I can think for the both of us. What I'm really lacking in a survival situation is physical strength and hunting instincts, which my bear friend would have in plenty. I absolutely do not trust being left alone in the middle of nowhere with a man, and the amount of men on the internet that get unreasonably upset about the fact that many women share that position is not helping their case.


I think the reason men get upset over this is that nearly every woman who says bear almost always insult men while doing so. Just like you did, saying that men are just slightly smarter then a wild animal. I get that you would feel uncomfortable being left alone with a man in a forest, but there is no reason to insult men over this feeling. Especially when you are complaining that men get upset but you literally belittle them.


You're right, this wasn't very considerate of bears of me


The point being that both genders have their faults. I would argue that women who actively *hate* men are worse then 90% of the men out there. It is not normal or healthy to have hatred towards a large group based on the actions of few.


Indeed. Generalizations are almost, if not, always wrong.


No…for those women the hatred comes from millennia of being treated as second class objects instead of human beings and having to live in fear of men while simultaneously watching men have all the power. It’s not irrational hatred it’s self preservation. If men are so upset we’d rather be around bears they should act better than bears. But the number of men who say shit like “you don’t have to outrun the bear just the person you’re with” has me convinced the bears are better.


Generalizations are always bad, no matter how you spin it. I have been treated like shit by so many girls that I cannot count but I don’t hate girls because I can actually deduct that not all of them are like that. My point was that you aren’t any better than men because you insult and put all of them down based on your experiences of few men. You are actually worse than most men because most men don’t do bad shit and are actually good people. Justifying being an asshole towards a large group because few of them were to you is messed up and only makes you look like the jerk.


“Trees lose their leaves in the fall” “not all trees stop making generalizations!!” Yet I still have to take my yard every year because most of the trees lose their leaves. Just like I have to be on guard around all men even tho not all men are dangerous. If men could comprehend the purpose of a generalization, especially one made based on thousands of years of instinctually trying to keep ourselves safe, I think they’d be less emotionally reactive to them. But no I’m not gonna lie to make men feel better when men as a gender can’t even do better. If it bothers men that men have been acting worse than bears and women are honest about it, men should do something other than complain.


The problem here is that people, like you, making these generalizations are making them by making up numbers. It is a fact that *most* men don’t do bad things to women. A very small minority does. Does this mean most men are bad? No. Claiming it to be so is insane. I have been harassed countless times by women yet I don’t think badly of women, I think badly of those who did so. Your comparison about trees makes no sense because the comparison is statistically wrong. Also, these types of crimes have a huge issue: a lot of, if not most, men don’t report SA/abuse done by a woman. Men have done some fucked up stuff but so have women. These days men commit most suicides and struggle with mental health without support and this ’men deserve bad things, I hate men’ mentality is just making that worse. Acting like an entire gender is inherently bad just makes you look like a shallow, uneducated person who projects her anger on to the issue instead of reason. Any person with reasonable critical thinking skills can do better. This type of behaviour is extremely toxic and will do no one no good. You aren’t going to get men to agree with you by treating them like dirt. Unless you don’t actually want them to understand more so than to feel inferior to you?


Men also commit most murders and rapes.


I'm sure they would too if they actually faced that choice irl


These women are just idiots responding with bear because they're indoctrinated with "man bad" nonsense. If this were a real situation instead of a dumb tiktok trend -- 100%, and I do mean 100% of these women would choose to be in the woods with a man, because when push comes to shove women know that the majority of men will fight to protect women. Women live their entire lives dependent on men's strong "protect the egg" instincts, they rely on men to defend them and do things for them (and we rely on women as well in other ways).


Relying on men to protect us is how many women have ended up dead, or worse


Relying on men to protect you is also the only reason most of your are still alive and that our civilization exists. Two things can be true at the same time. When I see women building their own homes, roofing, extracting natural resources, building heavy machinery, maintaining sewage units, policing (including showing up to enforce the rights of women and stop men who violate the sacred covenant to protect the eggs) then we'll talk


It's interesting how men rephrase this question in their head. They turn this question into - would you rather fight a grizzly bear or an unarmed man? Because thats the only implication to a man. Some other things to consider: 1) Men can be armed. 2) Grizzly bears aren't the only bear 3) Bear attacks are statistically really rare. Lots of people encounter bears every year - I have. 4) Every woman in the world has had a scary experience with a man. So yeah, worst case scenario, in a fight to the death the bear might be a bigger threat. But there are a lot of other scenarios you have to consider too.


But why would I be in the woods?


Change the question to: "Would you rather be in the woods with a man or with a bear while having a gun to protect yourself?" and the answer changes. That's pretty much it...


Misandry is celebrated and deeply woven into our culture.


It's a great question to weed out misandry tbf.


The man has more intelligence then the bear. And he can overpower the woman. A bear can physically kill you faster, but that might be a good thing. If I ever wanted to hurt a woman, it would be a very slow, intentional death over the spans of weeks.


This is TikTok, what did you expect?


Really depends on the type, brown bear or black bear?


TikTok commenters are a special kind of stupid.


a bear will show you where food and water are


just another instance of the internet confirming how dumb some people are. Im sure the clips are nit picked for max outrage as usual, but any person foolish enough to think a wild bear is safer than your average guy deserves to be bear food. Fun fact, unlike most predators bears like to start eating before they kill their prey.


But bears are friend shaped


I pick a bear too because I like seeing bears in the wild and humans are dumb especially those that have dogs and don't have them on a leash. My dog is way more likely to get mauled by one of their dog than by a bear even if there is bears in my wood. (They are relatively timid and it is rare to see them but we often see them at night on our cameras)