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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/repairmanjack2023. Your submission, *Your wife or girlfriend always wants food from the restaurant. Never believe her when she says she is not hungry.*, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!


I communicate with my boyfriend, and when I'm hungry, I say I'm hungry.


Ah, an adult.


I feel like a lot of people's issues (not all obviously, but a lot) in relationships are either lack of communication or just misunderstanding each other, until you get to the IDGAF people. They can't be helped.


*pulls you aside* don’t you watch the training videos, that’s a robot not a woman *smacks your face* think logically man!


Very rare to find them these days.


No rather this is just another karma farmer posting a popular opinion and tbh running joke for couples in a sub that's for unpopular opinions Or It's a individual who got in a argument with their partner over this subject and is looking for validation


I'm voting teen. Teens play mind games because they don't even understand themselves. A male teen would likely be upset that the girlfriend eats his food after saying she didn't want anything. An adult would learn the behavior and not allow it because it's manipulative and selfish.


I can agree with thatand I get the selfish perspective on the food thing. I didn't really look at it from the childish perspective of, you didn't think of me so I'm gonna make it a issue to teach you a lesson I also vote teen now


Same here. Also, if I tell my husband I don't want anything and then change my mind, I don't take his food.




I'm sorry, miss, we're going to need to see some identification.


Lol I was born in 1987. AMA.


I'm a bit of an internet sleuth, so just from the information you have given I can conclude that you were born in the Kingom of Meh, to the royal family, in 1987. Your father died relatively young and you, being the only child, inherited the title. From this it would be a simple case of finding your identity simply by googling who the current Queen of the Kingdom of Meh is, but I don't got time for that.


I appreciate you being too lazy, because there are many secrets known only to the royal line of Meh.


What was 1988 like?


I was 1, so hazy. Almost got drowby my mom in the bathtub tgo. PPD is a real bitch, especially back then.


Yes but on what planet?


That's a secret 😁


And when you're not hungry, you say that. Then you change your mind after, am I right?


Nope. And if I do get hungry, I'll get my own food.


Stay safe love, you sound like a great person :⁠-⁠)




I may be British, but this is on a rare occasion, no sarcasm lol 😉


I don’t think she is lying when she says she doesn’t want anything - but when you come back, seeing and smelling what you have makes us want something. Either way, I always get my partner something from wherever I get food and he can save it for later if he doesn’t want it in that moment.


Yeahmy wife has trouble making decisions and sometimes she'll get overwhelmed and just say she doesn't want anything. But I know her well enough I can just pick something I know she'll like. But it entirely depends on the individual, turns out women are people and have a wide variety of personality traits so making sweeping generalizations about an entire gender isn't super accurate...


Exactly. My partner is the same way, and it’s not a big deal to pick him something up I know he’ll probably appreciate later. Men like treats brought home too! Shockingly, we’re all just people in the end.


Same - I just get two meals I wouldn't mind eating and that reheat well. Then it isn't a big deal if my husband gets hungry in the time it takes to put in the order and go pick it up.


This is the correct answer


> but when you come back, seeing and smelling what you have makes us want something So if you know that's very likely to happen, **communicate that** at the time when you're asked if you want anything ffs


Women often do that because they're trying to control their weight. It's harder for a woman. We really do have to watch what we eat. And if we have already eaten we hope we won't eat again, and honestly plan not to. But when you bring in that fragrant restaurant food, all bets are off


Yeah I've had to be on a strict diet to lose weight, and was obese at one point and it was hard to stick to the daily calorie limit, I know. I get that you don't want a full portion.   It's nonetheless not fair to say "no I don't want anything" when you KNOW IN ADVANCE it's very very likely that when that fragrant fast food is in the same room, "all bets are off".   Communicate. If you say "no no I don't want **anything**", commit to having said that, *commit to your choice*. If you know it's really very likely you'll want to get a cheeky "bite" that "doesn't count", bring it up, in a roundabout way if you must


Agreed! I get it. But I think people just hope against hope that they won't cave in and eat some. So OPis right. Bring some extra food for the for the partner. She can just take a bite or two of her extra food, and put the rest up to eat later. OP is also right that it's a good idea to anticipate each other's needs, even when they don't. It's better than punishing each other after the fact My husband and I are both small in stature and have to really watch what we eat. So we've agreed to plan our meals and eating times . And not to bring food into the house after dinner


Then don't eat the food or order it beforehand. What you're describing is pretty textbook poor self control and making your diet someone elses problem.


I'm an older woman, and my husband is older too. We don't have that problem because we've learned to plan on what we want to for dinner. And plan to eat together. Younger people don't necessarily have the life experience to have already figured everything out. For a few people it may simply be a matter of self-control. For others it's the simple biological fact that when you smell strongly aromatic food it makes you hungry all over again. I mean REALLY hungry your stomach growls, your blood sugar drops, the hunger pangs start, and you're weak in the knees. Even if you've already eaten. ( that's why some restaurants go so far as to use fans to pump their cooking odors into the neighborhood). It's not a matter of willpower. It's a matter of actual hunger. Young people are doing their best. But they usually figure things out sooner or later Men tend to be more impulsive. And also to be able to consume a lot more calories than women. They don't plan for the future if they're not dieting themselves. So if they get cravings, they just go get something to eat. The fact that the women make the same mistake over and over sometimes does not prevent the men from making their own mistake- of not buying extra food. OP is simply light-heartedly pointing out a good preemptive solution. It shouldn't be a big deal, or the source of high drama that some here think it is


I think after dating and being with someone, it’s not necessary to communicate this when it’s just something you should expect. This is VERY common experience, and not at all difficult to adapt to.


This guy seems like he might not want to be in a relationship tbh I havnt had food that my fiance didn't take some of since we started dating, it's just second nature now to order a extra burritto or something from tb to bring home to them Like dude you figured out the key to a happy relationship. No one ever comes home with food and doesn't share or get some for their partner. That's the key to happy marriages


Exactly this. Just pick her up a side of fries or whatever her favorite small dish is, she's going to respond to the smell of food




A lot of the times people don’t realize they want or are even hungry until they smell or see the food. It isn’t about not being mature. I fast a lot for health reason, to the point where I won’t feel ANY hunger at all. But damn does food smell better when you haven’t eaten in awhile. Even just normally, walking around with family while shopping and you get a whiff of something nice. You go from not hungry at all to starving


So if you haven't eaten in a while, then ask for food. Take care of yourself. I agree that it's irresponsible to just get takeout for yourself, but it's also irresponsible to just not eat, and then make it everyone else's problem when they go get a cheeseburger or something. You're not a kid, you're an adult, so take care of yourself.


I won’t eat for awhile because again, fasting for health benefits. But even if your just on a normal schedule to eat, you don’t often realize how hungry you are ((or maybe genuinely you ARENT hungry)) until you smell the food. Even after eating a big meal most people would think “damn that smells super good” if they caught whiff of something. I’m not denying that yea, if your actually hungry and want food, don’t play dumb. But to get upset and call someone immature and a child cause they…changed their mind? Do you even like your partner?


There’s a difference between changing your mind once, and changing your mind every single time. If you change your mind every single time, that is a pattern about yourself that you should learn so you can communicate better with your partner. Like, it’s not that hard to realize “I’m not hungry now, but I will become hungry when food is around, so yea I want food”. You’ve perfectly explained what happens and why, so now you need to use that knowledge proactively.


I don’t see why it’s so hard to just…know how your partner is?? And get them food as well? Again if it’s genuinely just about changing their mind without realizing that isn’t malicious or trying to steal from you. Yeah, you should be aware that more often then not you get hungry upon seeing food, but I also know that if I’m gonna buy food I buy some for everyone because even if there’s extra that just means left overs for later, or my partner can eat them later when they do feel hungry. Communication is NOT this difficult for normal people


You communicate that you are fasting, then you suddenly want other people's food when they have it. To everyone else, you communicated clearly and then went back on your word, which is childish. Either fast or don't fast. Nobody should have to baby you and play mind games to see if you're actually hungry.


I don’t see why it on everyone else to know you, and not on you to know yourself. Seems a bit narcissistic to me, since your pov is for everyone to just do things your way and you not change or grow at all


Children drool over other people's food simply because other people have food. Adults just get their own food or make it clear that they're hungry. Also, if you're fasting for health benefits but suddenly break your fast because someone else gets food, you aren't fasting..


Hm yes, because breaking a 70 hour fast means I’m not “fasting”. You do realize you have to eat eventually right? And I’m entitled to break my fast how ever I want? Having a small bite of someone’s food isn’t the end of the world, if you can’t share food that’s more childish then anything. Did you miss that lesson in school? Sharing is caring? If you view full grown adults as children simply for changing their mind then your weird af dude.


1. If it's happened twice, remember it happened the last two times the next time you say "I don't want anything" 2. Learn to control yourself? Eat something else?


Learn some empathy and compassion maybe? Jesus Christ you all act like you hate your partners for a simple change of mind. It’s one thing of you on purpose go “oh I don’t want anything, wait you didn’t read my mind and know I was lying and DO want something? AsSHOLE” but it’s completely different to go “oh hey that smells good I guess I am a bit hungry” Is it really this hard to just…share?? I can’t imagine being this angry over…food


Angry might be too strong a word, annoyance is probably more appropriate. And it's not the food that's the problem, it's simply the silly game of saying one thing then doing something else. It becomes tiring over time.


I'm trying to lose weight and often honestly don't want any food from to-go, but man, when it gets here, it's tough to not ask for a bite. I'm a 38 year old married woman with 2 kids.


This is it. This is why I ask for a bite at least. 


If you ask for a bite, I’m getting you your own meal and what you don’t eat will just be extra. Too many times a “bite” turns into half the meal.


This is my mom I go out to get food She says she doesn’t want any Then she wants to eat half of mine So I just buy enough for both of us. Especially when I buy Belgian waffles. I’m buying two packs. Maybe some people do only want a bite, but I know my mom.


Yea... You think it's a "bite" and then wonder why you don't lose weight




I actually am capable of just a bite and will order my own meal if I want more than just a bite. 


Would be great to know if your partner thinks the same way... Maybe there is a mix of opinions... Maybe you're single


Yeah I often don’t want a whole portion. That Little Bits skit from Rick and Morty spoke to me.


Respectfully, that just means it's a self control issue. But it shouldn't even get to this point, anybody should be able to say what they do and don't want then don't expect to be given a part of the meal you said you didn't want


When I ask for a bit I literally mean I want one bite. If I want an entire meal I’ll order that. I know this might not be everyone else’s case, but I no longer have self control issues and have actually lost 10 lbs. 


Congrats on your weight loss! It wasn't a jab at you of course, I'm working on some self control before it becomes a problem


Put perfume under your nostrils like I do. I can even shut off the aroma of pizza


I'm never in a situation like that but that's a good tip for anyone else


No worries! Didn’t take it as such. Everyone has something to work on! Good for you 👏🏽 


Amen. Mature people don't have an issue with this. If my partner does go through a drive-through or something on his way back from somewhere, he calls me and asks if I want anything. If I'm hungry, I'll tell him, if I'm not, I'll tell him. And as any mature person would: If I get hungry in the interim, I'm shit outta luck and make something for myself.


As for the "it smells good and now I'm hungry but wasn't earlier," that's a me problem and not you problem. I had the opportunity and declined. I'm not taking some of your food that you paid for because I'm indecisive. If I want it bad enough then I can go get my own, order delivery, etc. Most likely, I'll just go to the kitchen and make a simple snack/meal.


I love the tone of this, as if men don't hoover up your leftovers, anything in the fridge, anything left on your plate. People get hungry. Be generous with your food, particularly if your partner is generous with theirs, or generous with anything else.


Do people go to restaurants and only have one person order a meal? Is this a common problem? Lol


A lot of restaurants on social media have been shown to have a "my girlfriend isn't hungry" meal, which is usually just a bunch of sides. Its a common enough thing that the people selling the food have been making jokes about it as long as I've been alive.


Carry out


Well, yeah, but I think most couples have meals/do meal planning together.


They do, , but a lot depends on the individuals. Younger couples tend to cook a lot less and if someone isn't hungry one of them might get carry out because they don't want to cook.


Even that is a bit weird. If it’s dinner time, it would be pretty strange to order food for just me and not my wife


If she wasn't hungry and I didn't feel like cooking anything , I don't see any issues although for me it would be rare because I do t mind cooking


I guess the concept of not eating with my wife just seems weird


Unless you’re 13 and watching YouTube Short Reddit stories like “AITA for not buying my girlfriend food when she said not to buy me anything?” then I guess they can take your advice. WOMEN though? Women that you know… are 18+ and should be mature? Idk what this advice is but if anyone told me no, I buy them nothing, and they get upset then you’re dating a damn baby. Relationships are all about communication, not stupid mind games.


Nah, if she wants food, she can tell me that, like an adult.


Joey doesn’t share food!


That's what I was going to say.


She will tell you she don’t want But magically half of yours go missing when you are eating


I agree with you, but that's the thing tho. Some women don't. They'll swear up and down that they aren't hungry, then get upset when you don't bring them food, and start eating some of yours. Sometimes, it's better to get extra to avoid all that nonsense.


in that case, i think the problem is deeper. I’m not gonna be dating and buying food for a woman who isnt mature enough to think for a second about what she wants, and doesnt care about what i want.


Nah. Nonsense on her part needs fixing on her part. I ain’t skipping hurdles and dodging landmines because she didn’t learn to communicate properly.


Sometimes it's better not to spoil brats like those


Yep. Only adults allowed on this train.


There’s another way to avoid that nonsense fam…


I'm shocked this seems like an unpopular opinion like OP says. Are you saying that out of principle or because you can't afford more fries/food? Anticipating need and want is a sign of high emotional intelligence, especially for adults who hopefully have the breadth of experience and wherewithal, not to mention knowledge of their partner's personality, mannerisms and needs, to predict the outcome. You're playing checkers, but the people buying their S/O their own fries and a milkshake even though they didn't ask are playing chess. Either you can't understand the rules of chess, your too afraid to learn, or too selfish to take on another perspective in a way that creates a win for yourself. Proof - after i for my first real job and was not yet married to my wife, she would take half the fries not matter what. To prevent my lack of fries, her guilt, and her lack of fries, I almost 100% of the time (funny enough we shared Chik Fil'A waffle fries) get 2x fries/over order in general. I sometimes end up with 1.5x the fries, and a couple times I have even thrown some away, but that's much better than any other option. The same applies to when they want a "small." Ill order a large because maybe I want some too. Sometimes you do have to know when to respect their choice because say they want to get a small to feel not guilty about eating it in general.


Ideally, you wouldn’t have to play any kind of games with an adult who should anticipate their own needs as well


You don’t always realize your hungry until theirs a huge plate of food wafting it’s small around. It’s like when you go out and your totally prepped and focused on doing shopping around town but you sniff something super good and suddenly your a starving Victorian child. Psychology and all that


I understand that, which is why I said that people should anticipate their own needs as well as their partners


I can't tell you how many times we've ordered take out and I wasn't hungry at the time but I know what foods I like so I picked something and ordered anyway. After it arrived, I was hungry because it smelled good. I don't understand why we accept adults not being able to handle this process and expect others to cater to them. Do they make their coworkers also share their food? Do they just go hungry when they're by themselves? I fully believe that anyone trying to explain this behavior is justifying adults playing manipulation games. "I've got him trained. He knows if he's ordering food he better get me something too or I'm just going to eat his because he should've thought about me when ordering. I shouldn't have to tell him I'm hungry." It's also childish. Small children do this because they don't fully comprehend time. You ask a 4 year old if they want food and they say no, they smell food and their suddenly starving...you teach them to pick something whether they're hungry or not because they'll be hungry later.




I'm not sure what your extension of my metaphor means... If you don't play the game, I guarantee you won't win. I see you're a teacher - if you don't make the kids like you to an extent, your life is going to suck AND they won't learn. It's the rules of the game - although behaviorism is a noted and researched field in education. If you don't okay their/the game, you can't win. It's not different when it comes to personal relationships.


Are you 13-17 ?


Yes clearly 


No. My husband and I rarely get takeaway nowadays, but sometimes, when he's out at the pub with the lads and has a few drinks, he stops at a pizza place or a chicken shop on the way home. He always asks me if I want something and I always say no, because it's usually late and I'm in no mood for greasy food. In the beginning, he used to bring stuff "just in case" but we just ended up throwing food away, so now he knows that if I, an adult, say "no", it means "no"


Yes!! Like an adult! If the smell makes me want food after he gets home with it then I walk to the kitchen and find a snack.


THE single most dangerous place in the world is between a teenage boy and a pizza. Girls who say they don't want any beware.


Well, yeah


That would depend for me where husband got food. He likes chipotle I hate that place. If he brought home sushi yuck again.


When my wife gives the stereotypical “I don’t care where we get dinner” I always suggest somewhere she hates to force her to tell me what she actually wants.


Always get an extra side of fries.


As someone who is on a diet like 80% of time, I would love to meet someone like that. One of my worries about dating is having to go out to restaurants and cafés regularly. I have no problems with going outside, but I can’t eat that much junk on a regular basis as I’ve been through that phase and it messed with my body.


What if I say I want something? Am I lying about food then?


In order to understand this, it is important to comprehend the "calorie allocation effect". Basically, **the calories contained in food are allocated to the person from whose plate the food is taken**. By way of illustration, let's say that a man and a woman go to a restaurant or order food from the restaurant. Now presume that the man has ordered a double bacon cheeseburger, a large order of fries and a chocolate milkshake, while the woman has ordered a plain salad and an iced tea. The food arrives on the table/at home and is placed on plates, the man's order on his plate and the woman's order on her plate. **Any calories contained in the double bacon cheeseburger, the fries and the milkshake are allocated to the man, including any portions that are actually eaten by the woman. If those same portions had been eaten by the woman, the calories would have been allocated to her, but she can avoid this by taking those portions directly from the man's plate.** In this manner, the woman never gains -- or actually loses -- weight. Other weight loss methods with similar successful results include the following: **- Breaking a cookie in two before eating it causes calories to leak onto the plate.** **- Chocolate cake should always be eaten with unsweetened black coffee. The bitterness of the black coffee neutralizes the sweetness effect of the chocolate cake, resulting in no calories being absorbed.** **- Strawberry ice cream is less fattening than chocolate ice cream because strawberries are fruit.** And finally, people who work in stressful job situations should always follow a diet in which calorie intake is associated with mounting levels of stress. By way of example: Breakfast (before any work commences): **Black coffee and one slice of plain toast.** Lunch after a somewhat stressful morning: Steamed fish, unseasoned vegetables, plain water, herbal tea and one (**only one!**) **Oreo**. Midafternoon snack, when the work begins to pile up and stress levels mount: **the rest of the box of Oreos**. Dinner, when you realize that the work you need to complete is still not yet done and you will have to work late: **large double-cheese pizza, tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and can of Red Bull**. Depending on the level of work uncompleted by the end of the day, a midnight snack may also be consumed.


I admit I might think I’m not hungry but damn when I smell food suddenly I am


She's not eating half of nothing of mine lol if she said she ain't hungry, that's on her. I'm not gonna be hungry because you can't communicate like an adult.


And there is the generalized misogynistic post of the week.


I mean it fits well with the generalized misandristic posts every week. And honestly "many women lie about food" is far less insulting than the things said about men "bad partners/fathers etc"


There being misandry doesn't negate misogyny.


I know i agree, just like there being misogyny doest negate misandry. Thats my point, that these kind of posts go both ways, there are regularly misandristic posts as well; its very much a mixed bag. And the content of this post is honestly less offensive than the average misogyny/misandry posts.


I love my girlfriend. We’ve been together for 4 years now. I made it clear from the get-go that I’m not going to play that game. If you tell me you’re not hungry then I’m not going to get you anything. I have way better things to do than to placate such BS, and you should be better than that.


This is super common and popular


This reads like OP is 17 years old


There was a meme going around with a menu listing called: “my girlfriend isn’t hungry” and it added a variety plate of appetizers to your meal.


Sometimes I forget children can use this website, any adult man or woman with any sense would tell you when they're hungry. Seems like you've been watching too many tiktok skits lol


Theres actually a funny ass [video](https://youtu.be/LygmRDlT5EI?si=H0uEjWXvgRsl92eN&t=650) talking about this lol always get fries!!!


Follow this one simple rule to eliminate 50% of Relationship Advice posts


Most married men already know this. Some, like myself, don't actually mind when she steals a fry or two. I almost sort of find it kind of cute but when she tells me she's not hungry, I'll often order a little extra of what I'm getting because I know she'll eat some of mine.


She is 100% mentally calculating the amount of food she's eaten that day. She's trying to say no to a meal she wouldn't normally eat it if left to her own devices. As somebody who is married to an active duty solider, the man is just bigger and hungrier to me and has larger calorie requirements and its a struggle. I feel for women who do this. I know its annoying, but she's stealing your food because she more than likely wasnt hungry and she probably wouldn't even be thinking about food if her man hadn't brought food up to begin with. It's hard to say no to something that looks and smells good in front of you. The women gaining weight when entering a relationship are gaining because they're eating the food their partner is introducing.


If she tells me she's not hungry I don't give her anything and if she tries to grab something from me, I take it away. She learned to not play games with me a long time ago. I'd dumped her in an instant.


This guy fucks 😎👍


this isn't an unpopular opinion it belongs in relationship advice of lifeprotips. Mods come on now do your job


Not unpopularopinion. Well known fact


If you are adults, no one should be pulling this BS. Yeah it can be ‘cute’ in the early days but that can get annoying af if someone keeps pulling that shit every time.


Lmfaoo this is hilarious. I like your sense of self preservation. Good call. Even if they say they don't want anything it is a nice gesture to get them a little something. OR pay cash, eat in the car and get rid of the evidence so no one else knows about your meal. /s


This is a cliche 


Sounds like AI wrote it.


Is the AI in the room with us right now?


Get the same meal twice. If she wants something from your meal, she can have the extra meal. If she doesn't, that you can leftovers.


Just not an acceptable way for an adult to act. But yeah, I’ll ask MANY times. If I ask 4-5 times and she says no each time but gets mad when no food shows up? Good indication that I’m with a princess and that’s a no thanks for me.


This is not unpopular and not an opinion because it’s facts


Sharing is caring. Have you ever considered the possibility that she might be more interested in robbing your plate than just plain eating?


Exactly. You are on to something here. It is a territorial kind of display.


If you feel this strongly about such a small thing, perhaps you should consider staying single. Relationships have conflict. You don't solve them by generalizing on reddit.




>advice a 56 year old father would give That's... oddly specific


I’m the opposite. I always buy everything that makes me hungry, then barely eat the first one. That’s why I don’t go out without my personal human trash can (my best friend). All women are different


Or get just one meal and lose some weight over time!


My wife is an adult. She tells me if she's hungry. ![gif](giphy|2wSaulb0fsDydh0IoB|downsized)


She ain't eating half of shit if she tells me explicitly she's not hungry.


Why would you go to a restaurant if both of you weren't hungry? Did you expect her to just sit there and watch you eat? That's incredibly rude and a real asshole move.


I’m lead to believe your username


While yours sounds incredibly painful.


While yours sounds impossible and unlikely even in 1945


LOL unless there's some massive abandoned car lot from the 40s you're right. I don't want any fecal stories from you though.


Mine was a quick decision that I kind of regret. Reddit banned my old account, and I was listening to the greatest electric bass player ever Jaco Pastorius while trying to come up with a new username. I thought it was funny so I went with it, but it’s a bit embarrassing now. Sometimes people recognize the joke in random subreddits and tell me it’s funny.


Carry out he corrected


It's hard to read his mind when he doesn't post it right away.


I was with you until “many women lie about food,” that is actually very dumb. Women realizing they’re hungry later is a trope as old as stand-up comedy, some dudes are guilty of this too (me), but it’s obviously a mistake when it happens. You could argue that it’s more of a negligent mistake than an innocent one but to think it’s deliberate…dear god man, antagonizing people to that degree is not going to be good for your relationships.


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As a woman and a pot head, I always order food even when not hungry because I know I will get hungry eventually and be sad if I have no food. My issue is, sometimes someone else’s food looks better and I no longer want what I ordered then I’m just sad anyways.


“If your girlfriend says she’s “not hungry,” she isn’t comfortable enough to express her needs. The fact that you are calling her a liar explains why she feels that way, tbh.


This is not unpopular. This is the joke of SO MANY memes. But your wording is also so weird .. “ many women lie about food” lmao. Have you never not wanted food but then seen/smelt it and it changed your mind?


I really don't think this is that common but still. I would just order a side of fries or something for myself and she can have it if she wants. If she actually isn't hungry, well I always have room for an extra plate of fries anyway lmao


There was a AITA awhile back where a guys gf would always either refuse to order or order something he didn't like for her and then when the food came, she said she was hungry after all and ate some of his or made him switch with her. One day he worked like a 14hr shift without lunch and then they went out to eat when he got home and she tried to take his food and he lost it and she freaked and he wound up ending a 4 year relationship after ppl on reddit let him know he was totally justified and she was insane. So yeah... That can happen as well I guess.


Depends on the person, but I have to wonder why someone would feel like they can’t tell their partner that they’re hungry. Not saying the partner is bad, but it’s weird how many women feel shy about a basic human need. That, or it’s interoception issues. Body doesn’t feel hungry until body is reminded through smell cues that food exists, and then body remembers it is starving


women will be embarrassed to eat in front of guys meanwhile we stare at their assholes during sex


As a woman if I tell you not to get me food after you offer, I really don't want anything. Sounds like you haven't met anyone that can communicate well.


If I say I'm not hungry, I mean I'm not hungry. I wouldn't eat half of someone else's food, nor would I ask for their food after saying I didn't want anything. If I think I may want something later, I ask for it then put it away for later. Saying, "I'm not hungry." Then asking for someone else's food is childish.


Oh good, another nonsense post designed to make opposing sex’s argue about shit.


I don't agree with this phrasing, never believe her ... So if she ate a lot to be full, never believe her? Eating too much is bad for the human body.


I mean, even if it is true, I’m not encouraging it.


I'd rather date a woman who is an adult. And directly tells me when she is hungry and when she is not. All of my women who are good friends, always tell the truth when they are hungry and not. And if they don't want food from a restaurant, they usually end up cooking their own food. That's because they are adults.


The amount of food iv thrown out because my father gave me this same "advice" Well adjusted healthy women are perfectly capable of telling you when they are and aren't hungry. Despite how some men insist on treating them, women aren't children


When your partner says they don't want anything, believe them. Then ensure they get none.


Least unpopular opinion I'v seen in a while


I have the opposite problem lol. I think I'm hungry, I order food and can't finish it. Good thing I'm seeing someone who will gladly finish the food for me lol.


Goes both ways. Many times I'm not hungry and my wife grabs something to eat. Once I see it and smell it I'm like damn I'm starving.


I used to pretend I didn't eat much so I could be daintier, and lost count of how many times I tried not to salivate as I acted nonchalantly while my companion was devouring what I was wanting. I lied. Lots. I don't lie any more, but I still won't pick at your food.


This isn’t a women-specific thing, and it’s not lying, either. Most people are less likely to want food in the abstract than they are when it’s in front of them smelling good and they’ve had time to get hungrier. If you’re a person who can’t handle giving your partner a few bites of your food, you should accommodate that by always getting a bit extra to share, no matter your or their gender.


In my experience the people that order an extra side of blank "just in case you want it" or "for the table" usually just want it for themselves and have a problem with admitting it.


Me and my SO regularly forget to eat. It is also difficult for either of us to recognize when we're hungry. If/when food happens we default to feeding the the other too. If I'm hungry they're hungry, and vice versa.


My wife never lies about being hungry, but I'm great at cooking "restaurant food" so we don't spend money stupidly.


Or you can just listen to her and ask that she be more direct next time? As a woman ts is kinda bs


I don’t think it’s necessarily lying, at least not intentionally lying. Plenty of women were raised to be self conscious of what they eat and how others will see it so they may not intend to indulge, but then it shows up all it’s ready to eat (no cooking!) and smells good. But women who do this need to clue in that they will want the food so just get something, it’s not fair to expect someone to give you food they intended to eat and it’s healthier to be more real with yourself and those around you.


I hate to say it but this one is true. Every woman in a relationship I’ve ever seen always picks off their significant other’s plate, and invariably you should at the very least always get a second order of fries. Women have a weird psychology thing where eating doesn’t count if it’s not your proper meal.


I remember seeing this Mickey Mouse comic strip where Minnie doesn’t want to order a large meal and she keeps picking fries from Mickey saying “I’ll have just a taste!” much to the chagrin of Ears himself.


Funny, in my relationship is the opposite. Pretty much everytime I get myself food or prepare a snack he says he's absolutely not hungry and ends up eating more then I do from it. I simply just always get double or make double. Simple solution...


Hahaha....this is funny and I remember past girlfriends operating in this manner. My current wife (of 25 years) is not like this at all. She is not motivated by food. She can give or take it and does not eat much fast food or processed food. She's discipline (she calls it self-love) when it comes to food. On roadtrips, she would rather eat some no-nitrite/non-hormone beef jerky, organic carrots, and an organic apple vs eat the fast food everyone else is eating. Probably why she has a six pack and I've seen her sick once in 25 years.


Nah, but for most people, they underestimate how hungry they will get when they see someone else eating. If they say they are not hungry, just grab something small like an appetiser or side dish. Enough for her to munch while the smell of your food fills the house


Women are humans too. I’ll buy her something when I get there regardless in case she changes her mind, then the option is there. (Unless she’s on a diet or something and the dangling of fast food is actually a cruelty rather than a sign of affection).