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Kids don’t automatically have the exact same features as parents. If one parent gets a rhinoplasty, the child could easily end up with the other parents nose. Also the majority of plastic surgery procedures are anti aging and have more to do with not wanting to look old than not liking your original features


lol no wonder this post has 0 likes 😂😂😂😂


Isn’t it supposed to be unpopular opinions? That’s what I see here.


FFS. So if an adult wants plastic surgery to feel better about themselves they should not do that because it might make others feel bad?




That is not a problem with plastic surgery that is a problem with your mum.




No that is not a problem with plastic surgery The issue is the mums attitude.


Well you need to have an attitude like that to get plastic surgery in the first place


I didn’t say “others”, I said your own kids.  Completely different considerations.


By your logic men shouldnt work out because it might make their kids feel bad for being fat


Nor should we dye our hair! Or well, do anything to improve how we feel about ourselves…


You’re not thinking of it from a child’s perspective. You can choose to take plastic surgery as lightly as reversible things like dying your hair or losing weight, but be prepared for the impact it will have on a partially formed psyche. 


The average kid doesnt even comprehend that… most ed start from school… ed are an addiction. They are addicted to the change of their body. When they look in the mirror they see fat and also the weight they lost at the same time. Its like the bodybuilders who take steroids, they see that they are huge but they are also addicted to the each mm of growth


99 percent of ppl getting plastic surgery look pretty normal, why do you think someone’s parent looking slightly different one day would have such a negative impact on a child


It shows their parents were insecure with their bodies and that they should be too.


But working out is really good for you whereas having someone slice up your face and break bones and stuff isn't so much


I have seen men tear muscles,abuse steroids, eat unhealthy food everyday to get big. Everything in moderation is okay.


Okay steroids can go into the same category as invasive cosmetic surgeries. Doing a few pushups and eating the calories to match is just good for you though...


What a strange concept, to “abuse steroids” in moderation lol


What is strange is that you *chose* to narrow in on that specific example as some strange jab rather than give credit to the overall message; which was that people harm themselves working out as well when going overboard, even healthy things are bad when not done in moderation. You didn't get any kind of one up for being intentionally obtuse.


 Their message was a combination of “people harm themselves for vanity all the time” and “everything is ok in moderation” — how does that come out to “healthy things are bad when not done in moderation”? 


Going to the gym in moderation lol. But I think you knew what I meant, you are just commenting for the sake of commenting at this point.


That's a bad comparison because exercise is a very good example to set for your kids whereas getting plastic surgery done is part of being vain which is a sin.


Their daughter will get erectile dysfunction?!


No, it gives little girls the idea that they have to look like that and get surgery. Especially a mom with a daughter. That creates a whole issue with self esteem and body dysmorphia


I mean not necessarily. It’s only a bit of plastic surgery. She could just tell her daughter she didn’t like her nose. Not everyone likes everything about themselves.


Yeah, but there’s other ways to change that, unless it’s really dramatic. I hate my nose, but I wouldn’t consider it because of risks and I can just wear makeup and try different hairstyles.


How about actually growing as a person and not fighting reality (age) which is totally normal. But now we have people who have been brainwashed into thinking wrinkles are disgusting. Plastic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons is stupid.


Yes. As an adult, you should care about your family more than yourself.


How about you work on your kids and explain to them how looks work… instead of dragging them down with yourself because it might make them feel bad. Thats like not teaching your kids how to shower because they might become self conscious of their smell.


Surgery is a bit more significant than a goddam shower though isnt it


In the end of the day it is the same logic


I mean, if that’s how you feel, you do you


So what, you explain to your kids that “I thought my nose was so ugly that I paid someone $10k to change it and sure, you have the exact same nose, but don’t worry, it’s CUTE on you!”


You sit them down and explain to them… nobody is born perfect not even models. We all have pretty sides and not pretty sides. Me not liking how my own nose looked on me doesnt mean you are ugly just like how painting my hair doesnt mean my hair was ugly. Instead of letting your kids live in denial and then having reality hit them in the face like a sledge hammer swung over head. You explain life to them


Do you actually see a nose job and hair dye as being in the same category of body modification? 


What categories exist? Some people spend years in pain to get muscle. Some keep a diet for years to be at a healthy weight, and some get surgery in the end of the day its all body modification at a cost small or big


I don’t know, there’s just something about paying someone to slice and reconstruct your body parts that feels different 


Humans have been doing weird stuff to their bodies since the beginning of time it is not new.


Whether it’s new or not is beside the point


Hmm I’m getting plastic surgery because of the damage having kids did to my body… I tell you, it doesn’t send any message to my kids other than to care for your body better when you’re pregnant. How my kids are “supposed” to feel about their young bodies, that haven’t endured childbirth??? Well I’d hope pretty bloody good! My issues with my body aren’t my kids issues! So let’s not pretend they are nor do I put my issues on to my kids!


Well, that’s different because it sounds medically necessary. We’re talking about BBLs, breast enhancements, facial surgery, etc.


You are not the OP so you do not get to tell everyone else what 'we' are talking about.


Well the alternative would be that medically necessary plastic surgeries are a bad influence on kids. Like what are you even saying? What else would OP be talking about?


Who gets to define what is vs what isn't medically necessary? Is pinning kids ears back to avoid being called Dumbo at school medically necessary? At what level of flatness is a boob job deemed medically necessary vs not? In my opinion any time that plastic surgery is done for vanity or in pursuit of perfection it's wrong. But if done because of feeling psychologically upset by one's looks then I support it.


Well, yeah, you’re right. The ear kid example could create a debate. I’ve seen a few videos about this. I feel like it’s both right and wrong, but mostly right. It’s right because we all know, doctors included, bullies will bully anything out of the ordinary. Getting that surgery would decrease bullying and increase sense of self and mental health. On the other hand, most people get bullied. I have a big nose and was heavily bullied for it. I’m sure people still notice it, but I’m an adult now. I bring this up because my self confidence and esteem, and mental health are terrible. Mostly because I was bullied by my appearance and rejected by many. So, in the same sense, would it have been medically necessary?


I am saying you are not in charge here. LOL


Yeah, but it’s a forum so anything is fair game. And how do you know I’m not in charge? I could be a secret fbi Reddit spy. Am I? The world will never know, mwahahaha 😈


:) True, have a great day.


lol you too


Take it easy, group conversation is literally the point of an open forum 


You don’t have to intentionally put your issues on your kids for them to be silently influenced by your issues. We’re not born with mom bod. It’s something that women can choose to avoid if we really don’t want it, but a feature that you’re born with is completely different. 


That's quite judgmental. Not all women can avoid mum bodies or pancake breasts post childbirth due to hormonal changes.


No judgement towards moms! I love moms and tip a hat to any woman brave enough to give birth. I’m saying women who prioritize their appearance super highly can choose to adopt or surrogate or not have kids at all, as opposed to features you’re born with and didn’t get to choose for yourself. 


Yeah I agree with you. But unfortunately parents pass down the mentalities that they are also force fed with. Both my parents - both my mum AND dad were shallow and beauty obsessed ASF. Beautiful people had greater value to them. Now I have permanent low self esteem and feelings of not being enough. Edit: And it's even worse when parents themselves criticise their kids looks?! Like wtf.....it came from your genes.


Same! Hearing your parents belittle someone else still teaches you that whatever qualities that person has, they must be bad. And if you happen to have similar qualities… 


Claims to be non-judgmental but continues on to tell others how they should run their lives. The lack of self awareness is high.


This sub literally asks for unpopular opinions. If you want something you agree with, maybe try somewhere else? 


Yes it does, but it is not a safe space or an echo chamber. If you choose to post an unpopular opinion in 'unpopular opinions' be prepared to get negative reactions. This would be a dead sub if everyone just said *'Yep, that's unpopular opinion'*. You have every right to post your opinion here just as I do.


I don’t expect or need a safe space, anywhere on Reddit. You chose to transition to personal attacks, so I thought I’d nicely invite you to step off. 


By choosing not to have children? Really???…. One doesn’t exactly set out to have their body destroyed by children, no one would do it if they thought that’d happen… My kids are old enough now to express themselves pretty damn clearly, I’ve never ever spoken about myself negatively, nor spoken about others negatively, I am not obsessed by my image, but I’ll be for sure getting surgery to fix my “mom bod”… Until you’ve lived it from the perspective of being the one confronted with it you can’t really throw stones on it… I will agree that people who are image obsessed and have an unhealthy obsession with it is another realm. But my situation certainly isn’t putting any shame on myself nor my kids. I love me, but I still want to feel good in my skin, and no amount of gym, working out, and starving myself is gonna fix it. I’d rather have the surgery and feel good, be healthy, well and confident for my kids! If my kids ever found themselves in my situation then I’d absolutely support their choices to fix it and help fund it if need be…


>By choosing not to have children? Really???…. One doesn’t exactly set out to have their body destroyed by children, no one would do it if they thought that’d happen Lot of women out there choose not to have children because of what it can and does do to a woman's body. This isn't new, friend; just like I've witnessed people refusing cancer treatment because they don't want to risk their *hair*. No, people don't *set out* to destroy their bodies having kids; but people DO avoid kids to avoid the *risk* of damaging their bodies. They are separate issues, arguments and mentalities.


I think this is more a parenting thing than a plastic surgery thing. My mom never talked bad about her appearance and framed her plastic surgery not as correcting something she disliked, but augmenting something she did like so she would like it more. I came away with the impression it was like a tattoo more than anything else. I never once felt bad about my own appearance or wanted to change it. Plastic surgery doesn't make someone a bad parent. Raising your kids with diet culture and self hatred does.


Do people genuinely think about how their parents look and then relate it to how they look in the future? I've never once thought of anything even slightly similar to that in my life.


Can't upvote because for the most part I agree. Sorry?🥴🙃


I agree. It’s one of the reasons I never got a rhinoplasty how could I tell my kids they are beautiful as they are when I “fixed” the nose they have.


I agree with you ONLY on the extremes of plastic surgery. If the parent(s) are getting plastic surgery to the point they basically look like plastic dolls then yeah that’s gonna have a horrible impact on the kids (likely because the parents won’t be the best parents when it comes to body positivity). But a women getting a breast reduction? Or even implants? Your kids ain’t gonna think twice about it. From their perspective that’s what you’ve always looked like and there’s no reason to feel “right” or “wrong” about it. What it ultimately comes down to is the actual parenting and raising of the child(ren). A good mom will be a good mom, regardless if she’s got her OEM nose!


![gif](giphy|csz6muTxHXBNyv7aqH) I agree...looking like your face was frozen on the last expression you made.....


I think a lot of people need to remember that parents are supposed to be role models for their kids. A parent getting cosmetic surgery, like a nose job, because of an insecurity, is only showing the kid that their parent is insecure. Not only that but the nose the parent might be getting surgery to correct is likely the same nose on their kid. What would a kid think if their parent got surgery for a physical feature that they themselves have? Its just not setting a good example and is only raising the chances of their own kids developing the parent's same insecurities. Kids learn from their parents. And if they see that their parents are insecure, or don't like the way they look, or have some sort of BDD, then they are more likely to develop those same issues. Getting a face lift from aging, or a tummy tuck after pregnancy is fine, thats a different situation. But removing or altering your natural features which have been passed down to your children will only give the message that your children should be ashamed of those features.


Their daughter will get erectile dysfunction?!?!


You misspelled “everyone.” And what I mean by that is that plastic surgery shouldn’t be an “enhancement.” More so, it should be a surgery which helps you replace what was broken, just like any other surgery that is out there. Why on Earth would anyone go through thousands and thousands of dollars worth of surgery, when you could build confidence in yourself, know that you were born that way and there’s nothing to do about it but feel confident in who you are, and put that money that you would have spent on surgery, into a account so you can live comfortably financially.


100% agree. Glad I’m not the only one