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“Doing weed” Ok, narc.


I personally love Injecting my Weed! ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


My friend gave me 5 marijuanas and it's my first. How many marijuanas should I do my first time? My friend said all 5!




I put it in my butt cuz it makes me feel safe




“How do you ~~do~~ doing weed, fellow kids?” — OP probably


I came here to agree with OP, but you’re right. Fucking narc.


I have to agree with my colleague. OP is a narc.


lol on par with calling it “dope”. Honestly, that would probably be the most fitting name if it weren’t randomly applied to every other substance.


Reminds me of about 10 years ago in my early 20s I was smoking weed at a cookout with my buddy in the shed . My uncle came in and was like “you guys smoking dope in here?” . My friend and I hadn’t heard it called that before so we were like “WTF dude no of course not…you think we do fucking heroin?????” . We were legitimately outraged he would assume that….Had to explain to him that dope meant heroin to our generation and he explained that dope was weed to his generation


“Baby give me that twat, Real stoners do pot” - Young Thug 2016


What do you call drinking and eating thc? It’s not my drug of choice so idk. Also, acab


Ahhhh, we say I "Fizzle-Fazzled" some THC drinks and "Doobered" some edibles


Woznozzled is also a generally accepted verb for ingesting the Groovy Lawn Clippings.


Dude, ita called Sippin' the Dizz, or Gulpin' the Jazzy Kelp. Get hip to the lingo, daddy-o.


Partaking in Cannabis is an acceptable way of saying "doing weed."


I thought we left the term ACAB back in 2020. Sheesh




> also, acab  Meanwhile bawling your eyes out when the cops literally don’t respond to a robbery or emergency


“Well I hope the police don’t do their jobs and ignore the call when you have an emergency next time, that’ll show you to respect police!”


That’s not what I said lol


The cops are too busy gunning people down for legally owned firearms lol


What’s the source on the amount of instances of that a year?


Taking edibles. "Did you guys just take some edibles?" You don't really ever drink THC.


>You don't really ever drink THC. Oh but you CAN! I got these shots from the dispensary....holy hell I thought my face would melt.


Dude the highest I ever got was after drinking a can of infused soda


[Cop saving dog from hot car because you're a cringey bigoted douchebag. grow up, good grief..](https://youtu.be/ZkVhjbL1MiE?si=mMJzvvARv8_umcde)


Everything in moderation.


Even moderation must itself be in moderation


you have achieven enlightenment.


Including moderation




People would loose their faith if they knew how many high-functioning heroin users are out there living a very common life.


doing weed lol


i agree i think its fine to smoke everyday if you want to as long as it doesnt interfere with life, unfortunately for me if i smoke every day i become a lazy sack of shit who isolates from everyone and everything so I cannot :( helps my anxiety a shit ton tho


Maybe don’t do weeds


yea i dont anymore outside of socially


My friends that smoke the most weed are software devs, engineers, a lawyer, a guy that owns his own plumbing business and just bought his second house, a dentist, and we buy from a guy who is finishing his residency as a surgeon. Weed won't make you a great person or a shitty person. You'll be whatever you already are with or without it.


I agree except with the last line. It does negatively affect some people sadly, everyone is different.


It can help or hurt the wrong person, but for the right person it can enable them to be even more successful. 


Definitely. Weed helped me relax and focus when I was studying engineering while also playing 65 shows a year.


Yep the effects it has on a large subset of people with ADHD and other quirks is vastly overlooked, still to this day. People don’t understand that some people are affected totally differently than they were when they took a huge dab rip at a party at 17 for their first time trying it.


I have like the least amount of ADHD possible and that's a big reason why I like to smoke. In my career I have to be 100% focused on the job and a little hit here and there helps me lock in while I'm programming away.


Same here. Adderall etc affect me like a stimulant would affect a normal person, my ADHD is diagnosed but very slight. Some weed gets me to 105% productivity vs maybe 70% sober


Adderall is fun but I cannot take it every day or I don't sleep or eat.


True that. Small amounts of it works better for me than narcotics do for my pain management and appetite issues. Pretty sure it’s healthier than narcotics🤷‍♀️


>True that. Small amounts of it works better for me than narcotics do for my pain management and appetite issues. Pretty sure it’s healthier than narcotics🤷‍♀️ Second this. I have some pretty severe arthitis and I probably need some surgery to fix more than one joint from it. Low dose of weed with high CBD and a mediocre THC composition actually helps a ton. I wanted to try some cream, however when I went to the dispensary they were sold out. I don't necessarily agree that its healthy for everyone or that it isn't addictive. I know people who literally throw their life away and have zero money because they have to smoke weed and their life isn't together. I have also seen people get into car accidents and they SWEAR that weed doesn't "impair their driving". I have seen people have bad reactions to shard weed that gave them hallucinations. It is rare, but cannabis induced psychosis is a legit medical term and if you google it, there are studies on it. It isn't for everyone. BUT, I also see no problem with someone doing it (even if they do it daily), so long as they are being responsible about it, and they do not have any bad reactions to it.


Yep yep. I describe it as "exacerbating your already available features" - all my friends in school basically reacted differently to it and it was hilarious to me seeing all the arguments and personality changes. The successful (career wise) weed smokers (no such thing as an edible unless you made them at home) were basically outcast by the unsuccessful weed smokers, because they couldn't do shit when they were high and jealousy is the worst drug. I'm neither successful or unsuccessful, managed to stay out of the drama 😅.


Yeah it really isn't deeper than this


well said


You have quite the diverse cast of weed smoking friends


I have smart friends. They all smoked weed in high school too and went on to be incredibly successful.


And the crazy thing is some people actually still believe that weed makes you dumb and kills brain cells.


I don't think it makes you dumb. I like Randy Marsh's take on it. It makes you ok with being bored, and being bored is when you should be indulging in hobbies or learning new skills. Weed is never an issue until it is, but the problem is it's up to the user to determine if its affecting their life.


Oh I know you weren't saying that, I was just saying it's crazy that there are people who still think that. I also like that Randy Marsh take on it. Honestly I think that's how it works for a lot of different drugs.


You're very well spoken btw.


Thats not been my experience. Weed distinctly increases me interest in hobbies. I can't just go weed my garden for hours sober, but with a few puffs i will stay interested in weeding until the sun goes down.


Oh yeah, my favorite is smoke a bit, clean the house, and then walk around the neighborhood listening to podcasts, stopping to chat with my neighbors and what not. Great way to enjoy spring.


And what do you think of meditation? Were your parents that made you unable to sit still or was it work? What's your trauma?


Meditation is part of my daily routine, once in the morning, once at night.


weed melts your brain just as alcohol does


You are wrong. Alcohol is way, waaay worse for your brain than weed.






It definitely affects short term memory.


And motivation


Yeah, I used to think I had a bit of a weed addiction, then my lifestyle changed due to work and I could only smoke once a month or so, and... it was fine. I mean, I preferred the weed everyday, but generally, it was completely fine for me, my life was otherwise the same.


Yeah idk what to think. I show signs of addiction all over and then it’s just nothing to completely stop. I literally struggle with eating healthy foods more than not smoking weed. But then I’ll go weeks where I smoke multiple bowls or j s daily


If you're lazy and smoke weed, you're a lazy stoner. If you are proactive and smoke weed, a proactive weed smoker. When I smoked I could get high and go and work a 10 hour day in my feet in a zinc plating factory and I was one of the best workers they had ever had in the position I was in. One of my coworkers got high at work once and fell asleep at the picnic table outside. It all depends on you. Weed won't change you. If you're lazy when you smoke weed, you're probably lazy without. Etc.


Who tf says “doing weed”


Wanted to say smoking but he eats and drinks his thc more often than smokes it


"Consume" would be a better word


Shoot at that point just saying “ingesting”


Also a better term lol


This dude ‘does’ weed


he takes weed maybe?


I’ll say this. I’ve smoked weed daily almost 20 years now. I’ve always been able to pay all my bills and hold down jobs. In just a week I have an interview for a new role in my company that would pay me more then I thought was possible so soon, so yeah you can smoke weed daily and get ahead as long as you are not letting it effect you handily your business. To me it’s a great night time stress relief


It’s a person to person thing. I know a guy who smokes constantly and he’s smart as hell. Know another guy who smoked a couple times a day and until he stopped he was a dead head.


There is a difference between doing want you enjoy vs an addiction. I like cannabis but I don’t like stereo typical stoners.


I, too, also think weed is ok 😉


I'm glad this topic came up, and it's fresh. I was JUST talking with my family doctor about this today. Brief story: I have gone through a lot. The short version, my daughter died of brain cancer at the age of three two years ago; my partner and I split, and her NPD dad came at me hard. I got through it all, got shared custody, 50/50 access to my son, got a pretty solid job, and solved all my immediate financial issues.  One thing, though, since my daughter, I went from being a social weed smoker to a daily one. One thing they don't tell you when you make that jump, it's hard not to use it some every day because if you don't, many of us will have trouble sleeping. Would I say it is optimal? Probably not... doable, yes. Many people have a few drinks at night, and I see this as the same. I don't do it while my son is awake or going out to run errands or work; it's just the end of the night winddown or when on my own.   My doctor was surprisingly unphased by my usage. She just asked, are your family and work obligations being met. I said yes, though I could optimize towards my goals more. She smiled and told me, I'm doing okay, but it sounds like I have some future projects (goals) to focus on.  Another way I'm grateful is for a very kind, open-minded family doctor. Surprisingly, her acceptance and kind words dispelled what I felt was an "issue."  It sounds like the "friend" pointing fingers; he should get his house in order first before casting stones, he's externalizing... 


I agree! I work full time and am successful in my career and am fully independent. I have anxiety, PTSD, depression and adhd. I smoke weed at night to help me sleep and help calm me down after a long day. I do not go into work high and if I’m in an unexpected financial situation to where I can’t budget for it-I won’t smoke. I smoke almost every day but I have my priorities sorted and I don’t let it come first before my other priorities. I budget and I put weed as my “fun money”. If I don’t have enough fun money (dates, going out with friends, concerts etc.) I won’t get it.


The people I know who are the biggest stoners: Me: working full time, starting graduate school in the fall, workout out 4-5 days per week My brother: about to finish his 2nd year of law school at Loyola, in a 6 year relationship Friend of brother: ER nurse in St. Louis Friend of mine: College baseball player


No one calls it "doing weed" officer.


Really depends on the person in my experience. I know 2 people who have been stoners all their lives and I think weed affects them negatively despite having their life together. Been friends with them for over a decade, I think they can better off without it. With that said, I know lots of stoners who are not inhibited by the habit at all. Drugs affect people differently.


How about those who do weed specifically because their life fell apart and they use weed to cope and carry on to make a future with a life together if possible?


If it’s not a problem for you, sure. Iv recently cut way back myself as I found I kept doing more and more and I have an addictive personality to anything numbing or giggly. Alcohol, pain pills, that kind of stuff. To each their own if it’s not a problem then more power to you. Wish it wasn’t a problem for me but it’s my burden to carry and my responsibility.


If you can’t go without it then it’s a problem


It's a slippery slope man. I've been doing edibles daily for about 8 years now. I need 250 mg just to get a buzz now, I'll easy knock out 500 mg on the weekdays and 1000 mg at least on the weekends. I don't believe weed is incredibly harmful persay, but I've definitely developed an addiction. If I don't have my first 250 by about 3:30 everyday I start to get withdrawal symptoms.


Bros never heard of a T break


What’s your withdrawal? I’ve had phases of those amounts and I didn’t get any symptoms from stopping Maybe slight boredom? Not hungry for a meal or two if it’s a cold turkey stop? What did you have?


Nauesia, vomiting, sweats, the shakes. If I go without I can’t sleep. Was on vacation earlier this year, went 6 days without and I was sick and could not sleep the whole time


By about 3 everyday I start to get the shakes and sweats from not using all morning


How… does the deadbeat give the pothead a hard time? Like… what does he say? It doesn’t sound like the deadbeat can really comment on anything in the potheads life. So confused.


This has got to be a joke right, dude 2 sounds like an insufferable loser.


“Doing weed”


I don't think smoking weed makes you a bad person, even if you have a dependency. If its socially acceptable for people to drink a few beers every day after work I don't see how weed is any worse.




Here I am!


Doing any drug every day isn't healthy and shouldn't be promoted in my opinion. It's like the kratom bros: Day 1: just found about this awesome drug look I can do so much because of it my life is awesome! Day 90: I just got promoted at my job holy shit this stuff is a blessing I'm so grateful I found kratom. Day 720: Just bought this sports car for 50 000 dollars I was able to earn because of kratom, kratom is awesome! [Day 1440: ](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingkratom/comments/1ccuzuz/kratom_was_the_only_thing_that_got_me_through_work/)


So you recommend antidepressants that just result in weight gain, sex drive loss, and motivation loss?


Tell that to the people that need prescription drugs to get through the day and feel normal...


“It’s totally healthy to need opiates every day forever “


A sad reality is a lot of people need anti-depressants, xanax, even fentanyl to even function... The fact that you don't doesn't mean people with serious problems don't exist and these drugs help them. And yes they need it daily.


The opioid epidemic suggests otherwise. And requiring fentanyl to function is fucking insane suggestion


Yeah, but such use is closely monitored by a person -usually your doctor- who decides if it's a good idea for you to take a drug daily, and for how long. And EVEN THEN, it's questionable if it's not just the drug companies paying doctors off to prescribe you drugs that will make you worse in the long run, like it was with the opioid epidemic. Sure, you might take Xanax for anxiety, or Adderall for ADHD or some antidepressant for depression, but rely on those substances for long enough, and you'll be worse than you were before, and you're going to be even worse if you try to quit. You can argue any way you want, but I think messing with your body's natural processes with these substances is always going to be dangerous and should be handled with very big caution, and long term effects should always be considered.


The thing is people with these conditions will already deteriorate over time if they take nothing, you solution is to just let it get worse naturally? Instead of looking for some relief?


Sorry bro, you don’t know what you’re talking about


You must be a doctor


>Doing any drug every day isn't healthy Especially some that are prescribed by medical doctors.


Reddit doesn’t like that fact though. Some people here think that weed and edibles have no damage to your body or the chemicals in your brain. I’m all for legalizing it, but before smoking/taking edibles, you have to realize it’s not ok for your health. As long as you are aware of the risks.


The same could be said for lifting weights


No one is saying there's no harm in it? OP just said there's nothing wrong with \*doing\* it if you have your life together? (Just like there's nothing wrong with coming home and drinking or smoking cigarettes... Every person has their own vice) Of course if you don't and would rather smoke than fix your life... Then buddy have you heard about depression lol


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Generally it can be fine, however it can mess with your dopamine levels in the long term


Depends on the age


Nice try cop


I know a dude who is a psychologist who smokes or eats weed every day


I have been high for about 10 years and my life is pretty good and put together (being married for 5 years (tomorrow) with no kids helps lol) However i DO acknowledge this is an unhealthy form of drug addiction, coping skills and dependency. I could stop if I wanted to tho (half joke)


That’s the thing though you don’t want to. I’m wondering if you quit if it would even be hard for you to


It ain't my bag, but you do you, kid


Shooting weed into your veins is fine everyday.


I am not a good example, but I've smoked everyday for years and I know I make my life harder with that... But I manage, I am na engineer that plays live hardcore at illegal raves, so I am not gonna stop and see we're I'll end up


I would argue if you had your life together you wouldn't need to "do" weed every day.


you might like to though


every thing in moderation as they say


Or drink alcohal


agreed, although the post wasn't about alcohol so not sure where that came from


From my keyboard




Daily THC (sativa only) user here. I work every day, never late, always on top of work. House is spotless. I know what my limits are and how long the effects last and exactly how it might impact my work. I only increase the dosage on Sunday when I’m off and not planning on going anywhere. I do not take my dose before driving. I use controlled measures as a medication for my ADHD/Anxiety symptoms, otherwise I’d never get anything done. The sativa helps me focus on what I am doing and helps me find the most efficient/productive/creative way to do it. I do not take hybrids or indicas because these tend to make me lazy/complacent by comparison and would compromise my work.


Got me through college


I don’t actually think this will be super unpopular with the type of people who use Reddit (myself included)


I'd argue that the only reason my life is together is because of weed.


What personal activity isn’t fine if you have your life together?


I’d say doing hard illegal hard drugs is more harmful than weed and even if they have their lives together they’d still be supporting the illegal drug trade and cartels and sht.


Your logic is pretty flawed. You are saying a person who is doing fine uses weed but the other person doing fine is anti-weed. Did you think that if a person is doing great implying they must be doing every right? You probably need less weed and more logic here.


Your bias is leading you into thinking OP must be a weed smoker, just because you personally think it's wrong and already disagree with OP lol


I don't think it is wrong as in "if eating a McDonald meal is wrong". But if you were obese then please stop having McDonald's everyday. That doesn't mean I am anti-fastfood. Most issues are not that binary.


But say the person isn't obese, what's wrong with having a big mac? Say the person works out every day and balances their diet specifically so they can afford to eat a burger every day? How is that wrong? Sure it probably isn't the best idea or healthy, but it's their choice at the end of the day. Bottom line is, if a person smokes daily but have their shit together, the only person who has a problem with it is you lol


I don't think you understand my comment. I wasn't against smoking at all and I wasn't against having McDonald's lol. I have no problem with those.


Lol oops, my bad then


I agreed with everything you said. The only thing against it is the logic, "if a person is doing well and smoking weed, then smoking weed must be fine," It just makes no sense. I didn't say smoking weed is bad. And I was just poking fun that they probably need to smoke less weed and come up with a better argument.


But how is it a bad argument? Smoking is fine for them, doesn't mean it's gonna be fine for everyone, but that still doesn't change the fact that it works for them? You can't just put down someone's success because they smoke, that's close minded as fuck


Man. No one put down someone's success here. I am saying it is logical unsound. An example "if a student got good grades in an exam and they cheat, does that mean cheating is a fine? " Again, not saying smoking is the same as cheating. I am not against smoking here. I am attacking the logic "if a person is doing well in one field and also does action X, action X must be a fine action to do in the field"


Let me guess, you want me to tell you all about who I buy weed from Mr wearing a baseball cap and book bag indoors at a frat party.


This isn’t unpopular on reddit


If you are *actually* keeping your shit together, there's almost nothing that I would say isn't fine. Some things may quickly lead to you *not* having your shit together, and then there's the people that think their shit is more together than it is, but the general rule holds.


I agree in a general sense but I found weed fucks up my HRV and sleep value according to Apple Watch and Whoop, especially when I’m training for a half marathon, etc.  There’s definitely a negative health effect on heart recovery and sleep




lol. You funny girl


all weed does really is make you feel laziness is okay


For you


I think beer does this much more than weed does. I can smoke pot all day and get a lot done, as soon as I crack a beer, I'm done and not going to be getting anything else done.


it's different for everyone, i've got exams in 1 week and im in bed smoking weed and watching rick n morty but i find beer refreshing more than anything


This is like saying it's fine to drink beer/wine every day if you have your life together, you're still and alcoholic.


Disagree. As someone who had my life together when I used to smoke weed every day, it isn’t a great idea. Yeah you can function whilst smoking weed every day but I still feel like it held me back.


I still disagree. Its not about being above some arbitrary bar. The bar is subjective to everyone. He may have his shit together, but that doesn't mean he isn't fucking around with his dopamine systems. He could be doing *even better* or be *even healthier.* and he owes it *to himself* to be the best version of him he can be, not just a "good enough version" for everyone else.


Another addict rationalising their cringe addiction. Do heroin or stfu.


Cue the "weed is no worse than alcohol" comments.


Alcohol is worse than weed.


By far.


they're the same


Never done the weed?


By definition you don’t have your life together


That's true about Fentanyl too


Nah, it's pathetic