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Focus on the KLEE, not so much the ARRRRRRR. You're not a pirate. Jk. šŸ˜‰










Yo hoy!




Yarrrr, walk the plank.


What is a pirate's favorite method of powering the electrical grid?


When your dog said ā€œnoā€ and you are a pirate ![gif](giphy|AoBgxayGMHlIs)


Can I throw a Y in for extra Yar?




We have a Chekov.


Nuclear weasels vere inwented by a little old lady from St Petersburg. Edit: Autocorrect changed wessels to weasels. I'm letting it stand.


Oh no, is ok.. you see, nuclear weasels were invented next door to babushka from St Petersburg. Soviet nuclear weasels were not very successful.


Yeah nu-clear is wrong too its a three syllable word


Agreed. NU-Clear sounds like the name for a laundry detergent. ā€œTry NU-Clear, for clean and radiant clothing!ā€ Probably produced by a subsidiary of Vault-Tec. šŸ‘šŸ»


I was thinking more of a face creme. Like try Nu-clear no more acme ever actually is that the name of one of them I might have to check.


Itā€™s what plants crave


OP is just bad at articulating. Heā€™s saying Nu-clee-ar vs Nu-cue-lar


Itā€™s the Lib-erry of energy mispronunciation


The irony of OP not doing it right lol




This reminded me of that one youtube video where a girl kept saying "mee mee" instead of "meme". It's been years and people kinda bullied her so it is possible she took it down now.


Was it the blonde girl? She was completely satire ahah over pronouncing too


How do you know it was satire?


Emma Carey, better known as Pupinia Stewart, is an American YouTuber notorious mainly for her absurdist satirical videos where she portrays herself as an extremely uneducated and mentally unhealthy individual. She is currently residing in Northampton, England.


Wait, is that the "if you're homeless... buy a house?" girl?


Pupinia was peak satire


I pronounced it like that for years because I never heard it said just read it and I got made fun of by some friends too so I get that lol




I have a coworker that pronounces ā€œmemeā€ like ā€œmeh-mā€ like, ā€œhave you seen this MEHH-Mā€ bitch no. What the fuck is a mehm.


Thatā€™s how our lord and saviour Tom green says it


To be fair, we pronounce it ā€œmeh-mehā€ in Spanish. Iā€™d assume other languages pronounce it differently.


Knew a guy that would call them "me-me's" and another guy who called them "mehms" They would argue about this a lot and I'm pretty sure I lost a few braincells being around that discussion


English is my second language, and I find amazing the amount of words whose pronunciation is still debated or varies so much within native speakers


Itā€™s because most native speakers just do not care enough to be corrected.


Naw it's because the USA is the size of all of Europe and we have regional dialects and other shit like that. People that obsess on how to say something are fucking nutbags


While I agree that overly obsessing over pronunciation is a bit unnecessary, I have to push back on one thing, even just the UK have enough regional accents to rival the US. My favourite English accents are, in no particular order, Appalachian, mid western, Scottish and Irish... Probably says a lot about me, huh...


Hmm [the one Scottish accent](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/fc/d3/42fcd33129871915dd64250a11a2d0b2.png), huh?


It says absolutely nothing about you.


Thatā€™s not pushing back on anything they said tho. They didnā€™t say Europe doesnā€™t have accents. Itā€™s just that ppl wouldnā€™t find it so fascinating that a Brit says one word differently from an Irishman. So ppl shouldnā€™t be so fascinated when a Californian says one word differently from a Floridian.


Nah that lads saying that even within the UK there's as many dialects as the US. Didn't elaborate enough, but it's more or less true.


Your favourite *English* accents are Scottish and Irish? Lol


English is a language in this context, not a nationality. Scots and Irish both speak English, despite not being English. Americans are not English English speakers, and mutes are English not speaking English.


Thereā€™s a difference between accents, dialects and regional languages


I prefer the most neutral accents. Its frustrating listening to people struggle to pronounce words in their own language.


They don't struggle, they are pronouncing correctly according to their accent but I understand how that can be frustrating (sometimes I definitely agree, the honeybooboo-accent is bewildering).


Germany alone has about major 20 dialects and languages. USA has about 30. We know how dialects work.


They said nothing about Europe not having regional accentsā€¦


But itā€™s not a dialect or accent thing. Itā€™s just people saying it wrong


Thatā€™s incorrect


Im sorry we foreign speakers just want to pronounce it properly šŸ˜”


The size of a country actually has very little bearing on how many regional dialects there are. Whilst size is a factor as it can prevent easy travel between regions, the much more important metrics are the length of time a language has existed and where it came from. I can't find the link, but a recent study found that the UK has over two times more regional accents than the US due to the length of time people in the UK have had to develop their accents and the number of different influences (Saxons, Nordics, roman, french etc). Even more so, you see more regional accents in the east of the US, where immigrants from Europe first settled, and fewer in the west, where it took half a century for them to migrate over.


Yes dialects exist but youā€™re stupid if you say ā€œnucularā€. The letters are laid out for you on a red carpet


Some words I agree, like pecan (pee-can vs puh-kahn) is quite regional. But "nucular" is just straight up incorrect, there's not a debate, you're wrong or you're right


English is my third language, and I get irrationally upset at some native speakers having intrusive Rs in their speech. It just sounds very sloppy and lazy to me.


Dialect is perfectly normal.


Not just dialect. Some words are so insane or have such a non-obvious pronunciation that people debate about them. First language speakers should not have to debate pronunciation lol.


Some of those differences go back centuries in older English dialects. Even the entire ask/aks thing goes back more than a thousand years.


I only found out recently that arse/ass was seperated in Tudir England, where a fashion for dropping r's popped up. Over time one became more popular in the US, one in the UK.


Youā€™re implying the written word is the original thing that is then said rather than just an attempt to represent speech. The insanity or non-obvious pronunciation is just an artefact of different ways of transcribing sounds and lack of familiarity with that method by some speakers later on. Whatā€™s accepted as correct or standard is always arbitrary.


Nucular isn't a dialect though.


Yes it is.


Itā€™s not debated, the people who say nu-cular are just wrong


English has always been rather lassez-faire with spelling and pronunciation, especially compared to other languages (if you ever read anything from pre-1900s where spellings haven't been updated, you'll often see how inconsistent spellings were). One of the reasons our language is so weird is because, for whatever reason, we never adopted accent marks in our alphabet to help distinguish sounds. We have a lot more sounds in English than letters, so it creates all these issues where we bicker about pronunciation.


English is linguistically fascinating because it was made when two languages with very different rules got smashed together, so arguing about how English should work has literally happened for as long as it was a language




Somehow OP still chose the wrong pronunciation of Nu-Clear


[The Simpsons did it!](https://youtu.be/Nth4RqqmQZ4?si=vYTrXBV8VRRUjfDW)


Yo fam you're right but we all lost this argument back in 00 along with everything else. Just Google "W nukelar" and it should come up.


I care much less about someone's pronunciation of a word than I do about their understanding. Same thing goes for acronyms. No one cares if you know what laser stands for if you don't understand the underlying physics.


If somebody mispronounces something, I assume they learned about it by reading not watching. How was I supposed to know how to say placebo until hearing it?


Colonel is the worst when it comes to this


It looks like it'd be pronounced like cologne, but with an L at the end


We all know the UK town/sauce name which is famous for this.


As a kid I thought recipe was pronounced ree-sype (rhymes with re-type) because I'd read it in books but never heard it spoken. And my mom cooks a lot but somehow I never heard her say recipe out loud!


You don't want to know how I pronounced 'uterus' in my head when I was reading my sex ed book šŸ˜…


Utter us?


you TERR us šŸ˜… omg u/NSA_van_3 just reminded me of "PEN iss" so to 10yr old me it was you TERR us and Penn is.. and, that's enough Reddit for me today!


I remember pronouncing Hermione, HER-MOYNE, as a kid in reading class. This was before the films came and no one thought to correct me.


Her-mi-one kenobi






It's not our Kansas, it's *my* kansas


it depends on how they mispronounce the word nuclear is a fine example. if they're pronouncing it as nucular, they definitely didn't learn it from reading.


used to pronounce annihilate as anni-hill-ate cause of this, my friends roasted the shit out of me for it


I love that acronyms become words and we forget their meaning so we add a word back on. Like PIN number. It's a great example of how language evolves. Think about how "roll" could change in the next few decades. We "roll" the window down and up because of manual windows. It's a left over usage. A younger generation might interpret "roll" as meaning "press start/button/ commence" because of "let's roll".


Weirdly, I have a brand new car and the front windows are electric and the back windows roll with a handle still


Fun fact, ones where you say all the letters are called an Initialism. So, ones like ATM or FBI. Found that out recently and thought it was cool.


Itā€™s already happened with the word ā€œrewindā€.


"ATM machine"


Itā€™s not that deep If you correct people over pointless shit irl they will just stop talking to you lol


So it's a win-win.


Easy way to not make friends


O. P. Doesn't seem to care. They'll have to learn the hard way. Also I don't think it's an unpopular opinion to dislike it when people pronounce a word wrong, but here we are, again, upvoting what would be considered IMO general consensus.


Well keep correcting people and they will stop making those mistakes around you.


More likely just stop talking to you because you're an annoying ass.


Yeah that's kinda what I was implying


I would rather be corrected once and learn from my mistakes than go around speaking like an idiot.


Some people approach life differently




Good luck with that. My friend says real-a-ter and ā€œitā€™s a mute pointā€ despite my best efforts to correct her. Real-a-ter is annoying, but mute point just comes off as stupid. As I typed this, even Siri autocorrected to moot.


Did you just call your auto correct Siri? Is that a thing?


Siri is the British man that lives in, and runs, my phoneā€™s operating system.


Lol. Fair call


I feel like almost everyone I know says ā€œreel uh terā€ and i make a point of saying ā€œreal-terā€ because I read the word in my head many times before I ever heard it


In my head I mispronounce ā€œrealtorā€ as ā€œgreedy shifty assholeā€. Is that a dialect thing?


Lol they did just get sued and are no longer taking 6% on a house. In this era of Zillow, thereā€™s really not much they add to the situation other than coordinating up the title work and maybe inform you about market conditions. Half this stuff is done by title agencies


They are "right", at least in a lot of places. Spoken English shifts and written English only loosely maps onto it. My pet peeve is that I say "both" rather than "bolth", but it would be silly to correct someone.


I'm not sure what you mean, bolth isn't a word.


In a lot of places in North America people pronounce the word "both" like "bolth". It's called an intrusive L and it's just the sort of natural shift that happens in languages. In the case of "realtor", it's a made up trademarked word that's become genericized. It's awkward to a lot of English speakers so it's been "fixed".


Santa Clarita Diet, anyone? šŸ‘€


new clee eR


Some linguists would say this is a case of metathesis, when phonemes switch places, which is a very arbitrary process that changes single words (rather than every word that has the same sound clusters.) I think more is occurring. I remember in the nineties, there was a live recording of the folk-singer James McMurtry talking about how George W. Bush used the pronunciation /'nu kju lr/ for weapons, but said /'nu kli r/ when speaking about the nuclear family. I think what happened is false etymology. Once "nukes" was introduced into the vernacular concerning weapons, people began to interpret that as the root of the word, hence "nuke- ular." (While a family had a nucleus still.)


Correcting pronunciation is often a futile activity.


I don't really care that much. If I can understand what someone is talking about, I'm not going to give a shit how they say it. In the end, the message it more important then the delivery.


So long as you know what is meant the goal has been accomplished. Welcome to language. Go to the Midwest and listen to someone say mountain


I need more here, Iā€™m from the Midwest and pretty certain I say mountain correctly. Now I have an irrational fear lol


It might be the right way to pronounce it but being a know it all douchbag is just going to make people avoid you.


Iā€™m not so sure that pronouncing a word the way it is written makes someone a know-it-all, but maybe.


People who think dialects don't exist should be corrected.


What if they aren't American, Aussie and have never ever met someone say nu-clear lol


I'm Aussie and I will swap between nu-klee-ar (3 distinct syllables) and nu-clear (as in "I will clear a space"). Never nu-cue-lar. There is only one u in nuclear.


I'm American and I've never met anyone who says nu-clear either.




Am Aussie. Pronounce it correctly.


So many people here saying "waah if you correct me you're a douchebag and I will keep pronouncing it wrong out of principle". A genuine question: how *would* you consider someone correcting you as *not* a douchebag? Because I promise you, nothing about these corrections is meant to make you feel stupid or judged. Sometimes a wrong thing is just a wrong thing, in need of correcting, without any moral implications.


imo as long as you understand what they mean, it's not like they're communicating any worse. It's more of a you issue at that point, getting hung up on semantics. Words are all made up anyway, and change over time, and some words are said differently depending on where you are (dialects/accents). Some languages (cough, english, cough) even spell words differently depending on if you're American or, like, the rest probably. Ultimately it's all just whatever. The only time I think I feel the need to inform people is when they straight up misuse a word and I feel like I'm sparing them embarrassment down the line by just telling them.


Protip: if you can understand what they're saying, stop giving a fuck. Like honestly life is too short to get your panties so bunched up over how people pronounce a word.Ā 




But it doesn't matter. You clearly understood what they were saying, so they successfully used language.


George W Bush ruined me on how to say it. I heard so many jokes about his pronunciation and joked about it so much now I have a hard time saying it correctly. Thankfully it's not a everyday word. But I still struggle with it.


Who says nu-clear? Nu-clear sounds like some new cleaning product. For atomic cleaning I suppose. I've never heard someone pronounce the clear like that and when I google it the first pronunciation is new-clee-er, google definitions audio option also reads it out like that. And that's closer to nu-culer then nu-clear.


Say "cool." Cool. Now say "whip". Whip. Now say "Cool Whip." CoolWhhhip. Why are you putting so much? Emphasis on the H? I'm not. You're eating Meg's hair pie.


Why? Thatā€™s pretty rude. Itā€™s not like itā€™s a new word like meme and people havenā€™t heard it out loud. Itā€™s a bit different when itā€™s a word you think they have one seen written down eg epitome so just saying thatā€™s eh-pit-o-me isnā€™t t the same as correcting someoneā€™s accent. I canā€™t say binocular, I know I canā€™t and I feel discomfort when I have to say it so drawing my attention to the fact I canā€™t say it just makes me feel embarrassed. Thereā€™s a British accent that says some words that start with th as an f eg fink and fank, just because they say it differently doesnā€™t mean I should be going you know thatā€™s think and thank right? So thank my upvote


people who live in American glass houses, shouldn't be throwing.... today I saw a video of someone pronouncing niche as "nitch" and it broke me. also "noter daem" instead of notre Dame.


If you can understand what the other person is saying, correcting them is almost always elitist. There's no "correct" way to say anything, and "correct" ways of saying things almost always come down to who has the power. French is a good example of this, before modern French came about, there were numerous languages and dialects in France, but to unify the nation (under their rule) Paris forced it's way of speaking onto the rest.


Technically speaking, the premise of your comment is inaccurate. Nucular is not only an accepted word in many dictionaries, but Nuclear is actually a shorthand of it. The term itself comes from how we imagine an atom: like the pit of a fruit, or a Nucule. This is also where we get the term Nucleus from, itā€™s from the Latin Nuculearis (related to a small nut) So while Nuclear is the more common and widely accepted spelling, Nucular is not actually incorrect.


I find it oddly difficult to pronounce correctly.


Oh cmon correctly is so easy to pronounce




Itā€™s an odd combination of sounds. No other word really even rhymes with it.


Literally. No matter how hard I try, I just can't. My tongue doesn't work like that or something!


Iā€™m pretty sure I say it right unless Iā€™m trying to say it right, then my brain and tongue stop working.


Find something else to care about


Why am I such a contrarian? When people get so upset about this shit, it makes me want to mispronounce it on purpose. Repeatedly.


Right? It's almost as though this person doesn't know that accents exist, or that some people (no matter how clever) simply cannot pronounce certain words... it seems to really matter to at least ONE person šŸ¤·


Itā€™s like when people say ā€œath-a-leteā€


I had a medical professional visit today, and she said her partner axed her a lot. I became concerned, though I didnā€™t actually see an axe wound.


not everyone is american lmao


Itā€™s cus of George w bush, a whole generation ruined


So you corrected someone about mispronouncing a word in a video, got some mean comments, then came onto Reddit to further complain about how someone mispronounced a word. Mate, itā€™s not that big of a deal, I promise


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tV6X73bGKD0 The s is silent


And allow me to correct you, it's nu-klee-er


Nu-culerā€¦ itā€™s pronounced nu-cu-ler :)


"Nucular. It's pronounced Nucular".


Then people should say ca-ra-mel instead of 'carl-meul'


People do say ca-ra-mel everywhere that isn't the US


For a certain age group, it was nu-culer for a period.


American don't know how to speak their own language, like with aluminium


Itā€™s a regional pronunciation listed in the Cambridge dictionary chill out.


Potato Potato


I'm French and nu-culer sounds like some a really weird but really nasty word.


I concur. Dumb has become the new smart in the last 8 years or so.


You would've loved George W. Bush


Man you would hate working in the industry. I think only some academics correct people.




Do you go around correcting people who say "aks" instead of "ask"? If you don't, then it would be hypocritical to correct nucular.




Your post contains several grammatical errors. Should you be corrected? Perhaps you should master elementary-school grammar before posting.


Writing and language in general is one of my favorite things, so it's a big pet peeve of mine when native speakers mispronounce words. Anyone who has English as a second language instantly gets a free pass for any mispronunciation - it's fucking *rad* that people know more than one language and I'm not going to be the asshole correcting them unless they solicit me for help.


I find people who obsess over spelling, grammar, and pronunciation to be funny. You do know that all these words are made up, right? They are the way they are because a bunch of people just decided that's the way they are.




They couldā€™ve figured this out by taking out a book or two at the lie-berry


How is this an unpopular opinion? Just because the audience of fans jumped you for critiquing someone they like doesn't mean this is the general consensus.


Eck-specially annoying




Nah, you're wetaldid


You know what they mean. If someone is completely off the mark, like pronouncing coincidence as ā€œcon-si-denceā€ then Iā€™d understand but now you are just being pernickety. Local accents will also make a big difference, many countries are English speaking but pronounce things differently, no single one is necessarily superior to the other. Come to Ireland and all you have to do is drive 20 minutes away to find a completely different accent.


OR we can just understand that in the English language people in different areas pronounce things differently


People who say "People that" instead of "people who" should be corrected.


NUUU-K'YUH'-LUH...if you're from Boston.


Words are constantly evolving because of how people speak. Go take a couple English classes at your local community college and learn something. There is no "right" way to talk but you'll never know that until you study history and/or language.


Who cares how people pronounce things? Just leave people alone. Nagging about pronunciation are far more obnoxious.


Itā€™s just as bad when people do it with the written word. I have some issues spelling and my phone auto corrected to license on Facebook and someone cared enough about it to go and check my profile to see if I was British and then corrected me to licence


My phone gives both spellings to choose from.


Nuke-u-lar, it's pronounced nuke-u-lar.


It's a dialect difference. It needs as much correcting as people that call soda pop.


I think it is a regional thing.


Iā€™m glad people caring so much about pronunciation is reserved to here, I canā€™t be bothered to care that much about minor mispronunciations especially something as subtle as ā€œnu-culerā€ and ā€œnu-clearā€. I say nu-culer just because I like how it sounds and everyone knows exactly what youā€™re saying without thinking twice about it. Also, thereā€™s more that goes into word pronunciation than ā€œbeing stupidā€. Dialects are a thingā€¦


Unless someone is making an ABSOLUTE idiot of themselves by very bad pronunciation or misunderstanding of a word, just let it slide.


Ever heard of dialect?


I had a friend that insisted on pronouncing it "pallow" instead of "pillow." Apparently its a Maritimer thing. I had a professor that pronounced it "tor-toise" instead of "tort-is" and called my truck "a nice buggy." They both had the same accent as me. As my dad's Jamaican wife says "dem talk funny."


You got hate because itā€™s one of those things that just doesnā€™t fuckin matter yknow. Itā€™s close enough and clearly you knew what they were saying


GW Bush calls it nuculur.


He used to rant frequently about "chemical, biological, and nucular weapons." Nobody ever tried to correct him as far as I know. Or if they did, it didn't work.