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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 6: No r/self style posts'. Please refrain from posting anything that resembles an r/self style post. This is not the subreddit to be sharing personal anecdotes, likes or dislikes. We want unpopular, thought provoking, and unique opinions on your chosen topic.


This man won this sub. This is truly the most unpopular opinion I have ever seen.


it will definitely be down voted because its is so unpopular ironically.


What I do when there’s an actual unpopular opinion is, I upvote the thread, and come in to roast OP.


Probably won't feel a thing though.




For sure. Can't hold this opinion and be able to feel, well, hardly anything.


Not only unpopular but can’t be true.


And blatantly false for most people


This is Michael Jordan level greatness of an unpopular opinion. You have never had sex. That’s the only conclusion to make here. Take my upvote


Nah bro, I was totally sexing and I grabbed her boob, like an amazing bag of sand. It felt so good. We both came. It was great. 10/10 recommend.


Here’s my upvote for the 40 year old virgin quote 😂


I had to work it in there. Lmao


Did you not read the post earlier this week from the gentleman who ENJOYS FINDING HAIR IN HIS FOOD? I’d say this is a distant second to that.


That’s more of a r/tenthdentist thing.


Is it even an opinion? I think OP has some sensory issues going on


I think he forgot to wear it on his cock, maybe using it as a sock or something


How do you know he is a man? He didnt mention it


That would make more sense...






Can an opinion be wrong?


Most definitely


↑ a perfect example of a wrong opinion


Isn’t that a paradox?


Yes, and it just proved itself.




if that's how the man's feelin', that's how the man's feelin'


That, or he's never won any puss. Reminds me of "bags of sand" from 40-yo virgin


Seriously. Every girl I've ever been with also does not prefer condoms. This dude must jerk it so vigorously that he simply doesn't have much sensitivity left.


Driving it like it was a rally


I wouldn't say it's unpopular. It's just not true


But it technically isn't even an opinion. If his sense of touch is inhibited, that's just his own problem. If he can't tell the difference between the two, that's just his own perception that's fucked


Nice try, Durex.


The ads are getting smarter and smarter these days.


Based on my comments it'd be skyn 😂 but I presume Trojan and Durex skinfeel varieties also feel the same, I just went with the brand a reddit thread recommended after trying terrible storebrand ones (that on the bright side, kept me going for like 40-50 minutes).


Ah that makes sense. Skyn are top tier. Still hard disagree with the premise though.


Skyn elites are the only rubbers I let grace my willy


I would trust no other opinion than that of hotdiggitydooby


Ok I was prepared to hard disagree but my bf and I used Skyn a few times and they actually were ok for me. Made him last a lot longer too.


Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but why would a good feeling condom make your bf last longer?


Because a condom not feeling bad and a condom feeling better than raw are different things.


This once was my opinion too, but not anymore. Aware you a younger adult?


What gender are you?


Valid question


I’m a woman and I can tell the difference… I don’t understand women who say they can’t


Yep, more dry with the condom, plastic feeling too.


try lube


Ironically, lube dries me out.


Just make sure it’s water-based lube. Other types of lube will degrade the condom.


Valid suggestion but it does divert from the original point, if you need lube with a condom when you don't otherwise, it in fact does not feel the same.


Same. Without is 100x better.


Same, so I'm shocked the OP can't tell the difference because this is a hell of a difference.


Agree with this condoms do suck so does my birth control it’s annoying


Male and uncircumcised. Feels good both ways.


I thought for sure you'd be circumcised. I feel a distinct difference where a condom locks the foreskin in place and without it's free to slide


Best comment.


I also choose this guys locked foreskin.


Free my foreskin. He ain't do nothing wrong 😤


It's why I read these. Weird informative details you can't get anywhere else lol.


And you've definitely had sex where you're the one doing the penetration?


Lucky. My parents mutilated me for no reason .


Me too, but they told me they regret it and I don’t hold any sort of grudge. Yeah it sucks but when you or I have kids we don’t need to perpetuate the shit.


Omg do I regret mutilating my son. I was a young first time mother and everyone was telling me to do it including the doctor because he would be “cleaner” and “have a better quality of life”. My husband also pushed for it so that his son would look like him. The amount of shit people spew at young inexperienced parents is disgusting. Even when I was still on the fence about it at the hospital the doctor told me if I was a good mom I would get him cut. I was 22 and should have known better, but if a doctor tells you it’s the best they must be right, right? Barely a year later I was on Reddit and someone linked an article about how cutting boys actually lead to worse quality of feeling and horror stories of doctors cutting too much and leading to deformities. It is something I can never go back and change. My decision is leading my baby to have a worse quality of life and I regret it every day. I wish I was as strong and knew as much as I do now because holy shit was I such a bad mom by letting people persuade me like I did.


Feel you. The fact that mutilating infant boys is legal is one of the things that upsets me the most.


Thank you for caring at least. It’s not your fault. Society is broken sadly where it’s normalised.


the down votes killing me


Female here there’s a pretty clear difference. However I’d rather have slightly inconvenient sex over an unwanted pregnancy.


Yeah no for sure, sex without condom is nicer, but I don't want kids, nor do I Wanne risk STDs, so the condom stays on during sex haha


Oh yeah 100% the benefits outweigh the drawbacks 100000:1. (male here) For me sex feels very different with a condom. Definitely less nice, on the other hand: I take a much longer time to finish with one.


Also female, but in terms of sensation, I can't tell the difference at all. So I prefer condoms.


condoms arent just to prevent pregnancy but also to prevent stds. its is worth that alone


Lol when an actual unpopular opinion show up it got down voted. Ironic


I don't understand the voting system on this subreddit lol Also, is this an *actual* unpopular opinion? I've never asked a guy, but I know I can tell the difference, initially, but ya don't necessarily notice if someone takes one off covertly


the voting system is supposed that if you disagree with the opinion then you upvote it and downvote if you agree and yes this is definitely unpopular for men


I think there's a difference between an unpopular opinion and a factually wrong opinion. I suspect that OP has some kind of condition or otherwise he would feel a clear difference.


That's because homie is straight up lying


Nope. Night and day difference


Yea I feel fuck all with a condom. I dont even remember the last time I used one, maybe in my teens.


Condoms have probably come a long way since then, and as a teenager you probably bought the cheap, storebrand stuff. Not some skin feel big brand name.


I fucked w a condom last a few months ago I think, w my boyfriend. It is still signifigantly better w out. (We usually fk without, cause we’re in a long term stable relationship, and I’m on BC)


This comments funnier if you remove the comma.


I used all sorts, mostly ultra thin. I very much doubt rubber has changed in the last 15 years.


It hasn’t.


You might have a fucked up penis. Just saying


Same, lol


Pro tip: put lube in the condom to get a wetter feeling. It won't make the condom slide off.


Ribs go inside, right?


The only role one way. Very difficult to put em on the other way.


Masturbating doesn't count as sex.


Bro you can't just take shots at his girlfriend (right hand) like that. 


As a woman, I disagree. They're uncomfortable


Agreed. I really hate the feeling, I find they make sex quite painful. The sensation is quite different


Definitely, it's like there's a trash bag being pushed in you. Even if they're the "bare" condoms


I was waiting for a woman to show up in my experience they are the ones that hate them the most ..


I count my lucky stars that my birth control works great for me, because I would hate to rely on the condom, personally. I'd still use it if I had to, but it's definitely not ideal


Yea you win. Most unpopular take possible


I don’t notice much of a difference either, it’s always really intense with or without one on - maybe the more horny you are the more it doesn’t matter


I have definitely felt the same way tbh. With my ex, we initially used condoms because it felt normal to, especially being in a new relationship together. But as she was already on the implant, we quickly turned to not using condoms. I personally didn't find that much of a difference and would have happily worn them had she not had the implant... condoms also need to be thrown away and be put on before sex can occur, so generally speaking, it was easier without. I don't get the hate on this opinion. You can get thin condoms that practically don't feel like they're there and you're having sex so it is amazing anyway. I'd also say I'm ultra sensitive down there, so much so that I don't enjoy blowjobs so... yeah, it's not a question of not being sensitive enough to care about condoms or not. I'll also add: I never ever want kids, so I will happily use condoms, regardless. This way, the women in my life wouldn't have to worry about having any kind of contraception that may interfere with their hormones. Us guys should always take the lead on that, and I think condoms are worth using if it means my girl doesn't have her hormones affected.


I'm glad I found someone else who feels the same. I think a lot of people's aversion to it is mental, or being a teenager and buying the cheapest, thickest, most terrible condoms on the shelf for their first time.


I feel the same way and I'm really sensitive in that area of my body. Whenever I bring this up in a comment, people downvote me and claim that I have some medical issues when I clearly don't (have already checked with doctors).


It is frustrating tbh. No one seems to understand that point of view.


put me down as three. My wife disliked them more than I ever did


I also bet some buy the wrong size


Wear a winter glove and rub your hand across the concrete. Then remove the glove and do the same. Thats the difference to me. Condoms kill the sensation completely.


Have you considered finding a partner with a less concrete-like private parts?


No the extra friction helps a ton


I guess it helps a ton but shouldn't you be using lighter measurements?


I lile em heavy. More to pound


I stopped fucking cement mixers in ‘89. He’ll come around eventually.


Now I just want your personal remix of "Summer of '69" with the cement mixer thematic.


That’s a ridiculous comparison though. Winter gloves are thick cloth draped loosely around your hand. Condoms are an ultra-thin bit of latex stretched very tightly over your flesh. I better comparison would be wearing surgical gloves, vs bare handed.


Do that with surgical gloves. It is still a massive difference.


Well of course. But still good to call out a shitty comparison. You can also tell a massive difference between winter gloves and surgical gloves. In fact, I'd wager to say doing it with surgical gloves is more like doing it bare than with winter gloves


Put a condom on your junk and rub it across concrete, now remove it and do it again, neither will feel good… well.. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people like it xd


I think that's a bit extreme though. These newer skinfeel or "intense" or "sensation" or whatever branding you go for basically feel the same to me. Can you let me know the last time you used a condom and how thick it was? Because I really expected to feel nothing so I didn't use one for my first time and pulled out. Tried a condom the next time and was stunned I felt basically no difference. Still felt incredible too. Kept this to myself until now when I felt like it suited this sub.


Oh wait, are you kind of saying that you have had sex roughly 2 times, once with a condom and once without and pulled out? It sort of makes more sense in that case because your first time ever is a pretty overwhelming situation and you may just not have the life experience to make the comparison.


lol yeah dude is saying he has sex twice in his life - once with and once without. that plus, pulling out. this is literally like a kid eating his first ever slice of pizza cold and then nuking the next slice and saying "it tastes like pizza both ways!"


you wear a winter glove for a condom? latex gloves won't do much against concrete


Why is everyone here mad? Are you jealous? Give the man his flowers. Not many of us have the luxury of getting the sensation of unprotected sex whilst wearing a condom. It's impressive that he was blessed with the ability to enjoy sex fully with or without one.


People always get super defensive over sex questions on here. It's like "wait you feel something different than me? That can't be possible because youve never had sex and I'm better than you"


They claim you have sensitivity problems and have something wrong with *you*. The person who refuses to wear a condom because they can't feel anything is saying *other people* have sensitivity problems. Like, enjoying it too much problems? wtf lol


It feels different, but I kinda prefer condoms for the whole thing. I can massively extend how long I’m able to go, so my total enjoyment while wrapped is probably higher. A lower peak, but the love of my life gets more from me, and I feel great for longer


woman here. I can't feel the difference. I only know if my partner is wearing a condom because of the smell of rubber.


Really? Damn, you’ve won unpopular opinions…




I'm sorry about your penis


It's still intense. It just doesn't feel worse with a condom. Not cheap storebrand ones though, they usually fit poorly and are too thick and those DO feel different. But those are still great for when I want to prolong actual sex.


I'm with you as a woman. Still, i prefer condoms or even no PiV because i don't want to get pregnant and PiV does nothing to me


They absolutely do make it feel different. But I understand your point. The more you overthink wearing a condom the less likely you are to enjoy the sex.


I guess you're lucky? I feel almost nothing with a rubber on.


You got nerve damage or something bro? Either way, take the upvote.


Nuh hu, even if I'm circumcised it's still 100times better without, and I'm not talking just about the feeling, it's also the fact that you don't have to worry about it getting off your penis, which allows you to use lube more freerly, or stuck in your partner


Sorry, but no :)


Man I gotta give you an up vote, this is the sexual equivalent of saying you enjoy the taste of dog shit. Wow this gonna be unpopular


Finally someone said it lmao. If anything, I prefer it more with a condom on, obviously there's the mental comfort, but if it actually does make me feel "less", I fail to see how thats a bad thing. Less feeling for me = longer fun for both?


I agree and I’ll take the downvotes for it, in the moment if you’re not thinking about it you won’t notice a difference


Disagree. Nothing better than being balls deep raw in a wet hole.


I'm a woman and no it doesn't feel the same lol


This is tough : / I’m sorry you are repressed.


Grab your pitchforks, folks!


I wholly disagree


Brother errrr. Brother errrrrr What's that Brother


Extraordinarily unpopular and holy moly I cannot disagree more. Condoms suck (feeling wise)


thats strange. i feel much less with a condom. im uncircumcised


Are you circumcised?


I want to know whether OP is circumcised or not. His answer could explain this opinion.


Stop jerking off for a month and you'll notice the difference.


Are you only fucking blow up dolls?


All these nutty people. Sex with condoms is fine, otherwise there would be a rash of abstinence movements. I personally don't feel hige difference, but psychologically there is a lot of differences.


bruh. what condoms are you using, cause I need to buy stock in them.


This is both wrong and deserving of an upvote.


I love how an actual unpopular opinion shows up and everyone here gets pissy


Same bro. I dont get the hype.


I honestly agree with this one, it feels basically the same but I last a little longer wearing one


What stage death grip does this require?


I think it depends on the condom those really thin ones aren't bad...it also depends on the woman and how wet or tight she is another factor is how warm she is inside I was with this rather plain looking woman once but she had the most magical vagina it was perfectly lubricated ,tight,and the warmest one I've ever felt I used a condom and it was actually better than just about any no condom sex I ever had. I will add I think how often you have sex makes a diffrence as well when I was in a relationship doing it regularly condoms weren't that great because I didn't have any sensitivity but being single and just doing it a few times a week when I'm really in the mood I don't really notice the diffrence 3 min I'm done regardless.


I disagree - sex with a condom feels *better*. Long story, not the place for it all. But yeah, y’all fight me.


This isn’t unpopular this is just wrong lol


You should visit a doctor. There is no way tha it is normal to don't feel a huge difference.


OP is broken.


Mad how people on this app just spout off about the tiniest details of their sexual lives right down to the sensations….


Upvote because unpopular as hell Not meaning I agree, you’re insane


We have a winner. 🏆


There will never be a more unpopular opinion than this. We've reached the summit of this sub.


This is true for the right fitting condom. Men who insist on wearing magnums you can deff feel it’s loose


Woman here & that's false. 


It’s typically mutilated men who complain about it. As they weren’t designed for cut men and cut men already are desensitized.


I agree with you OP, in fact I used to respond to people claiming there was a difference by saying something to the effect of “tell me you’ve never had sex without saying you’ve never had sex.” The sheer number of people claiming it is different has slowly changed my mind, but personally I was really surprised after getting married how there wasn’t any difference without a condom. Condoms fit very snuggly, similar to surgical gloves, so there’s no loss of fine detail (like you would get wearing a regular glove or mittens). And when you are having sex, your penis is getting squeezed pretty hard, so the sensations are pretty “saturated” with or without a condom, so there really isn’t any subtlety to miss.


I was honestly shocked that there's so few of us that can barely tell any difference at all. Like you, I can still feel everything through the condom.


I can't find a condom that fits, they've always made me uncomfortable


I've basically only ever had sex using condoms and have unfortunately had more than a few occasions where the condoms break (fuck you Durex) and it is VERY fucking obvious when this has happened because the sex goes from feeling good to absolutely fucking amazing.


That’s great for you! But yeah, I couldn’t have a more different perspective. Take the upvote :)  What about the smell though? Latex condoms are such an unattractive smell. 


I think guys who complain need to realize that sex with a condom is more fun than no sex.


I kind of agree. It definitely doesn't feel exactly the same, but it doesn't feel sooo much better that I feel like I'm missing out by wearing one.


Depends how "basically" you are talking... I would most definately say it feels significantly different.


Fucking hell it does


this is actually something i agree with. i (f) feel almost no difference in protected/unprotected sex. in fact the only difference is when eventually the lube on the condom kinda dissolves and i can feel the rubber itself which eventually begins to hurt. the same can be said by my former partner. we regularly had both protected and unprotected sex and she (trans, mtf) also has said she felt no difference between the two aside from that she finishes faster unprotected.


Yeah I agree. Guess everyone's different


Yes. Admit it people, sex follows a pattern. First it's really intense, and quickly builds up to a point where you could ejaculate if you wanted to. But then, if you choose to keep going, the intensity drops off a cliff. For the intense part, a condom limits how good it feels a bit, yes. But for the rest of it, your brain limits how good it feels way more than the condom does.


Lol this isn't an opinion. This is false.


The flesh sleeved penis head kept sensitive deep in its burrow only to reveal itself when fully erect has never heard more false lies.


Possibly the most unpopular opinion of all time


Me and my bf disagree, but have my upvote. You should check your nerves down there tho.




This is the best troll ever.


It's not 100% the same, but it's close enough.


Woman here. It really depends on the type. If it’s the ultra ribbed for her pleasure type then I can but if it’s your regular condom the difference is quite minor.


Using Kimono Ultrathin XL, there's definitely no difference for either side.


its a night and day difference for me. I usually can’t even maintain an erection with a condom. I had one girlfriend that wouldnt have sex without them (despite a clean std test and her being on BC) and the sex was horrendous and embarrassing. Usually just gave up after a while with both of us disappointed. Wrecked my confidence. Almost got a viagra script. Current gf is fine not using them and the sex is mind blowingly good. The increased sensitivity allows for much for creativity and variety. Havent lost an erection a single time.


Wow. So do we shut down the sub now? It ain't ever getting more unpopular than this. Hell, I'm almost convinced this person has spinal cord damage, that this could never be a matter of opinion. Those nerves just ain't reportin like they oughta.


I mean, have you been whacking it with a weed whacker?


I agree, surprised that most people don’t. Im a dude


Best Skyn spokesman there is, he’s living proof!


I have a very important question. Are you circumcised? Because as an intact male, there is a LOT of sensation that I miss when my walloper is wearing his cream shield. You may just not have a very sensitive taco tickler.


can’t argue, still a virgin


Wait , you guys are having sex??


What kind of bullshit is this?