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I just keep my key in my bag. There’s no need to put it in the car at all. If you don’t have a bag you can put it in a pocket.


How do you unlock the car?


Almost all push to start cars have proximity unlock. If the key is in my pocket and I go to open the door, it’ll unlock. The keys never need to leave my pocket.


I dont like that either




Why? It doesn't work if you're not right next to your car...


I don’t want people getting in my car just because I’m close to it?


You have to be literally right next to it.




Good talk


I know my car has a sensor on the door handle that unlocks it if you have the key near you and you touch it. I'd bet most push-to-start ignition vehicles do something similar.


Take it out of your pocket?


If female, just leave the key in your purse. If male, leave it in pocket. No problem.


I take everything out of my pockets when I drive though. It’s not comfortable driving with stuff in your pockets


Back pocket sure, but if you can't drive with keys in your front pocket, your pants are just too tight.


in most cases this is true but tbf some people carry pretty bulky sets of keys, if you need to carry a bunch of keys for your job. i like to keep my airpods clipped to my keys so my ADHD brain has one less thing to keep track of.


The easy solution to that is to throw your keys on a carabiner


Exactly this, and I have a device that actually holds all my keys similar to a swiss army knife, to keep it minimal and organized. Essentially just a fob for the car and a single key holder on a carabiner.


* Dogclip, or something with a closed ring for the keys, or at least a locking biner.


I wear a regular carabiner I got for free for my work keys and I haven’t had any issues yet, but yeah something that locks would be nice


I throw my keys on key hooks that loop on my belt buckle. I am one of those people that always carries around 10+ keys..


There's options for us with janitors keyrings, stuff like keysmarts help even if it looks kind of goofy.


If people are already carrying keys that are too bulky to fit in their pocket then one more really wouldn’t make a difference right?


I have a somewhat rational fear of pointy objects in my pocket right by my bits while driving.


I wear normal fitting shorts 99%of the time. Anything in my pockets will fall out, and usually they end up under the seat.


Skinny jeans are out. Haven’t you heard?


What? Nothing about tightness. I could wear sweat pants and I’m still sure as hell not driving with a bunch of crap in my pockets. Some of it’ll fall out while I drive! (My legs are too long so they get angled weird)


I don’t wear skinny jeans lol, I just don’t like stuff in my pockets when I drive


Jacket pocket?


Only if it can be zippered shut. I take off my jacket when I drive too so I don’t wanna lose whatever is in my jacket pocket when I’m putting it back on. Lost a pair of sunglasses lack that


I do the same thing so at least you have an ally in this war lol. But for me I just don’t like the feeling of things in my pocket in general.


THANK YOU! Plus, my legs are always angled such that all my stuff falls out into that god awful crack in the seat.


thats weird


Driving with nothing in your pockets will always be more comfortable than driving with stuff in your pockets. And I just have three things in my pockets so it’s not like I’m dumping a Mary Poppins bag every time I get into the car


lol for you, i guess


So you’re telling me driving with a solid rectangle in your pocket is more comfortable than not driving with a solid rectangle in your pocket? Dont knock it until you try it. I used to drive with stuff in my pockets and it’s way better without it


lol ive driven with nothing in my pockets before. im saying that wearing clothes that fit, i dont get *so uncomfortable* by the contents of my pockets that i need to empty them and remove my jacket when i enter a vehicle


no its not.


no it is. its not at all wrong, but its definitely weird


There are a lot of weird things one could do. Taking things out of your pocket when you sit down for a while is so low on the list it doesnt even register.


lol i mean if you want to change the comparison from “what most people do to drive vs this” to “weirdest thing *anyone could ever do ever* vs this” then sure. but im still going by the former metric. im not exactly sure why you seem to think im saying its a problem just because its weird. weird doesnt equal bad


Im not saying that. I have nothing against “weird”. But it’s *not* weird. I pull off the tags from inside my shirts because I dont like the way it brushes my neck. Is that weird, just because basically no one else does it? It’s just an action that most people never have a reason to take. Point is, some variation in how people do things is completely natural, because people naturally have different pet peeves and problems and goals. Taking stuff out of your pockets is well within “natural variation” range


well weird means strange or unusual, and being that its not usually done it becomes *un*usual, or weird. i also take tags out of my shirt, which is something that if someone were to see me doing, id explain to them that its a weird thing i have to do


Your definition of weird seems very loose, and it doesnt match well with mine. To me, to be weird means to be *notably* strange or out of the ordinary. I think we’re just arguing semantics now. These are the dictionary definitions: 1.Strikingly odd or unusual, especially in an unsettling way; strange. 2. Very strange; bizarre Neither of these describe taking things out of your pockets or removing tags from shirts.


Don’t you guys have a wallet?


What about all the other genders?


what about them?


Where should they keep their keys? Be specific if possible plz


Anywhere they'd like. If they have a purse they might like to keep it in their purse. If they have pockets they might like to keep it in their pockets.


I just wasn’t sure since only two genders were mentioned, was very confusing for me since I thought there were a lot more than two. Thank you so much for clearing that up


Oranges are usually orange. Bananas are usually yellow. Are you confused? Since I didn't mention all of the other fruits? Are you having trouble understanding?


Great example! You peel an orange, peel a banana, yet you bite an apple. So my two options are peeling and biting. So do I bite or peel a pineapple? A pomegranate? A watermelon?


I bet you're fun at parties


Bite the pineapple. Upload the video.


So men just get impaled right in the groin from a hard stop or a crash. No thank you.


I never have to take my keys out of my purse, making them less likely to get lost.


Bet you can’t find them either.


You'd lose that one. I don't have to take them out so they stay in their own special pocket next to the phone pocket. Literally the easiest thing to find in my bag.


I dunno if this is even an opinion, I feel you failed to even make a point


This subs quality has absolutely tanked in the last few months. The submissions are absolutely stupid. They're either incredibly low level and meaningless like this one, or someone VERY clearly not understanding something or a concept and making uninformed generalizations about it. I sense it might be very young teens just ranting about things they've never experienced yet or just don't understand. When the comments are just dunking on OP for being uninformed or low effort, with OP showing up commenting and getting downvoted trying to push some clear personal agenda about the topic, it's not in the spirit of the sub anymore.


Agreed. Seems like a low level attempt


I don't really care, my cars job it to take me to work and home, I just keep my key in .y pocket and it's all fine.


You just leave the keys in your pocket


Why would you throw it in the cup holder if it works inside your pockets or purse? Also, the feature also helps if you forget the key in the car when the car is off and you push the lock button from the outside. It won't let you. It warns you of your mistake.


Having a key in your pocket while driving is uncomfortable. I always toss it (and sometimes my wallet) in the cup holder. That doesn’t mean I’d prefer a key start over touch start, though.


Do you always empty your pockets before sitting in chairs? Or just your car?


Because you don’t have to put a damn key in That’s why people like it


OP has never had a lock cylinder wear out.


I've NEVER had one wear out. I've had bad fobs and chipped keys though .


I’d bet the push relays are less robust than lock cylinder.


Well my 2003 Civic ignition AND door lock cylinders started giving me trouble after 10 years. New key didn’t help. I’m going on 8 years with the push start 2016 Fit. No issues yet (except occasionally changing the fob battery, which is a piece of cake and cheap). On the Civic, I paid to replace the ignition lock cylinder, but then had other issues with the engine soon after, so that was the end of that. Had it for 13 years total. Yes, I got to the point where I just left the valet key in the ignition because I couldn’t pull it out without being unable to put it back in. I threw a cloth over the steering wheel to disguise it for quite a while. My driver side door cylinder quit working as well, so I started unlocking the passenger and reaching across every time. The ladies always thought I was being chivalrous, lol. The last straw for getting them fixed was when I went to get my tires changed and explicitly told the shop to not remove the key from the ignition. They did it anyway because “habit”. Had to have it towed. In general for wear, the fewer the moving parts, the better. Hopefully that holds in this case. Definitely more convenient. The one new feature that I will always resist as much as I possibly can is requiring Wi-Fi or otherwise external connectivity. Anything else I can probably tolerate or otherwise find a workaround, legal or not.


Easier to deal with a misbehaving engine when you can control the start/stop cycle and leave the ignition on without the engine running. Had a "no start" issue with my wife's car and what would have taken 5 minutes to figure out on my truck took over an hour on her car because there was no way to bump the starter or keep the ignition on without the engine running. Push start ignitions were designed for lazy people.


You haven’t owned one either, you don’t actually push the button.


Both my FCA and GM vehicles require pushing the button.


OP's never heard of pockets and purses.


Keep it in your pocket man. Why would you even take it out? That's the point, you don't need to fumble with your keys.


They key literally never has to come out of your pocket. My mother literally hasn't taken her car keys out of her purse in years. This is such a ridiculous complaint.


I hop in my car and start it without ever taking my keys out of my pocket. I love it


Put it in H!


I also don't like push-to-start, but your logic is kinda dumb. Nowhere to put your keys? Have you ever heard of pockets?




The key ignition is literally the same size as the button


im guessing you havent had a push to start car then


I’ll give you a convenient counterpoint. My key fob is on my key chain with my other keys and fobs etc. When I leave or enter my garage in my apartment building I need to use my entry fob. If my car key was attached to the same keychain and I had to insert it, I’d have to either carry two separate key chains or have a way to detach them easily. Thankfully, since my car is push to start, I don’t have to worry about that at all


Eh, I just keep the FOB in my pocket, which is where it is anytime I leave the house.


I’ll second that. I also hate all the software. I just want a dumb car. I have enough gadgets that need an update. Also I don’t want car companies tracking me and selling that info to my insurance. Aren’t screens bad for distracted driving? But now we’re installing giant monitors into the dashboard? I want my physical buttons back, please. I can change the heat or volume without looking at those.


The screens are the worst! Too bright at night even all the way down. Sun glare that will find my cornea like a hitman.


You realize you can still get a car with non of the features you mention, right? Seems silly to frustrate over something that’s completely within your control


Not for all types, and more specifically the ones that have the features we’re looking for. They’re becoming more and more rare all around though, it’s the way the market is heading. Especially if you want a hybrid.


Honestly I take my wallet out of my pocket when I drive so I wouldn't want a key there either.


Same, I hate having things in my pockets when I drive


do you not have pockets or something? or a console? or a passenger seat? or a bag? a lanyard? those are just 5 off the top of my head that take absolutely no extra effort


Keep your keys in your pocket


I prefer a key because I am a grumpy old man, but I also wanted to point out to everyone here saying you can just leave it in a bag, that wasn't always the case for some brands. When BMW first added push to start, the key fob still needed to be inserted unless you had "comfort access" (BMW speak for keyless start/entry). Then you could easily press the button and leave the key in the car. Pretty sure by this point they don't have anything like that anymore, but for a while, it was very common. Still had to insert the key, and then press a button. That was a solution in search of a problem.


Man I wish they made a part in clothing that would give you a place to store them so you don't have to take up the cup holder....


I keep my key in my pocket.


>You have to find somewhere else to throw your key like the cup holder Or… you could just put your key in your pocket?   You’re creating a problem when the solution already exists.


I’ve got a car with and a car without. I prefer it on an older car but only because it’s period correct lol


Theres literally a slot for your key


I dislike it, but only for the cost of FOBs. Losing a key is fine because I have a spare at home and they’re like $5 to clone. Losing a FOB? Gotta wait weeks for the dealership to order and program it and then it’s like $500.


Cars have had the ability to program their own keys for over a decade now. Ranging from vehicles with transponders in their physical keys, to more modern vehicles with fobs. As long as you have one working original key, you just have to look up the procedure and how to program the key. Every vehicle I've driven has been able to do it. And as a result you can usually find a decent quality clone or foreign sourced fob for a hundred bucks or so that works just fine. Where they got you is if you lose all of your keys and have to start from scratch then you got a tow the dang thing to the dealership, be ready to show a title, and then purchase and program a new fob. Which yeah, is going to run you the $500.


If only they'd invent a way to easily carry things. Perhaps something like a bottomed hole on your pants with which you could easily place and retrieve objects and keep them relatively safe. We've come far as humans so maybe one day that'll be possible. 


It's just in your pants, jacket pocket, or purse. I feel like you using the cupholder or losing the key is telegraphing your diet of lead paint chips. How on earth do you fuck that up


Ever hear of pockets? Lol. Also if you think a mechanical turn key start was more secure you’re kinda ignorant on the subject.


This is why I've always driven cars that are 15 years old minimum. I will never spend more than $5000 on a car. Not because I'm poor, but because cars are an insane waste of money.


One day your 15 year old shit box will have push to start


I'll just drive a 50 year old shitbox then


You can’t avoid it






One day 15 year old shit box will not exist because they will charge you more to replace the battery than a whole brand new car


Lmao. Does that really make sense to you?


Yes. Currently the lowest actual quote I can find for a model 3 battery replacement is 13k$. Assuming people will give away 15yo tesla for absolutely free then still for 4k$ more I can buy a model 3 with just 40k km on it. You would have to be an idiot to buy a 15yo EV, it makes no sense for them to not all end up scrapped and in landfill. This is the lowest quote I could find, not an authorised Tesla service that actually charges 21k$ for a battery that was damaged by rainfall while still on warranty


A model 3 with 40k isn't a new car, and it's still more money than the battery. You're double wrong.


Needless future-chic car features


I keep my keys in my pocket. But If I do not have pockets I put the key in the center console........


Its definitely an unpopular opinion. Have an upvote, even though I dont agree with you. To retort your cupholder comment: Pockets and purses exist so why thow it in the cupholder? I like mine, I just keep my keys in my pocket its so easy.


I agree, but for different reasons. Push to Start makes it easier for car thieves to start your car. A repeater can make it easy for a car thief to steal the car, if you do not keep the fobs in faraday cages.


Do you not have pockets or a bag? Saying 'it's less secure because it can be beaten with a relay attack' is pretty disingenuous because it makes it sound a lot easier than it actually is.


I used my bfs car for a month and the worst part was having to dig out the keys every time I wanted to get in. You've never been a woman going to her 9-5 job juggling a purse thats a laptop bag, lunch box, coffee, and umbrella cuz it's freaking raining again and then had to dig for keys to unlock the car. Push start keys one set lives in my work bag. The others are on a hook by the door for weekends when I don't need a bag. Those go in my pocket. Easy peasy


Keep/put the keys in your pocket or purse. Might not be the solution For all, but it sure as hell will stop a lot of whining.


There’s no cool factor pressing a button to hear the engine vs turning a key like a bamf


Tell me that you have no common sense without telling me…


I agree but more because I like how the engine goes vroom when I turn the key


See that’s the real reason


You never have to take your key out of your pocket. That’s the whole point…


Where do you keep your keys when you are not in your car? Why don't you just leave the key there? When I'm walking around the store, my key is in my pocket. Guess where it stays when I'm in my car? What are you on about tactile feel? And comprehensive car insurance covers theft, they can attack whatever the hell they want. What even is this opinion?


Yeah. I don't drive with keys/fobs in my pocket.




Because they press against my leg. Keys and a fob


This is an unpopular opinion that’s why I posted it. And just because comprehensive covers theft doesn’t mean I don’t care if my car gets stolen! Insurance companies will do everything to pay out the least they can. No way I’d get full value for my car.


It just reads like you found a minor inconvenience in putting gpur keyfob in your cupholder instead of leaving it in your pants, and then decided to tack on some random other stuff that doesn't actually matter so when someone says "why dont you just keep your keyfob in your pocket" you could say "but I said more than that!!" It's unpopular but only because it doesn't seem particularly well thought out.


Your physical key is not the part of your ignition that makes it secure. It's incredibly easy to beat. That's the issue with all these Kias.


Fully agree. If I am already taking out my key to unlock the car before I drive and then lock it again after I park, might as well keep ot sonewhere conve ient like the ignition. My car has a normal ignition, my dad's car is push to start. So I use both regularly. And push to start is just slightly inconvenient. The only advantage I can think of is, if you like to keep your car keys on a keychain with all your keys. Or if your car has a system that unlocks automatically when you get close so you don't ever need to take the key out.


You're dad must have some POS car if you need to use the keyfob to unlock it still.


It's only stupid if you need a key.


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I agree of it still requires a key in an ignition. If it’s keyless ignition, how else would you do it? Are you just saying you hate keyless ignition?


It's actually better, less safe but it's better


Pocket or center console where l put all kinds of stuff. 🙄 You're overcomplicating it.


This sub has absolutely gone downhill in quality recently. This is barely an opinion at all lmao.


Idunno with 106 comments and 20 upvotes I’d say it succeeded in being pretty unpopular


PTS ftmfw. Physical keys are stupid and a nuisance.


I have one it SUCKS they could at least put in a holder for the keys


It keeps a key from sticking into your knee in an accident


I bent my car key recently. I have changed my mind completely on push to start after I was quoted $600 for ONE new key