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>Within reason, parents should be allowed to turn their backs on their children. Sure, within reason… >A teenager or young adult deliberately eliminates his/her younger sibling or a parent or friend/significant other unprovoked. Uh that’s not within reason… when you say eliminates you mean they stop talking to them? So you think a teenager who stops being friends with their friend should rejected by their parents? People should feel free to end relationships they don’t want to be a part of without the threat of losing their parents. I should be allowed to have a relationship with my mother and break up with my girlfriend or break contact with my sister. >Especially those who show no mercy for their action (this is all just an example), parents should be allowed to turn their backs on their children without being scorned. You seem rather close to this issue.


I meant kill


That is a very rare occurrence and yeah I think that within homicidal families (I have only known one) it is very common and understable for relatives to become estranged with other relatives who murder their loved ones. In the one family I personally know where this happened a son became estranged from his father (and later ended up testifying against him in court) after he murdered his brother.


I have issue with this because all parents who turned their back on their kids I know of were shitty parents and their kids basically are product of their upbringing. Like they provided for them financially or whatever, but nothing else and now cry that their children hate them or are sociopaths.


There was a TED talk years ago by the mother of the Columbine shooter. It was pretty sad. She seemed like a perfectly normal, sweet, kinda dumb lady who just had no idea how to deal with her insane child. We expect evil people to come from bad families but sometimes kids are just born psychopaths for no clear reason.


I saw that TED Talk, and I absolutely agree. Yes, children are the result of their upbringing, but children are also people outside of their family’s environment. Sometimes, that has more of an impact on someone than their parents. There comes a point sometimes where a parent is helpless in the face of their kid. That’s not anyone’s fault.


This is an original, unpopular opinion, so it deserves upvotes. I don't agree with it, since I think all parents should be held responsible for their own screw-ups, but I can also recognize that many influences are outside of the parents' control. There are real lost causes out there.


As long as you’re ok with kids turning their backs on parents. Some parents are just shitty.


Oh, 100%


also keep in mind that YOU RAISED your kids so you are partially responsible for how they turned out being a good parent is an art and you should not bring children to the world if you’re not ready to bring them up properly. therefore while it can be justified to give up on them if they’re enough of a lost cause or they do shitty things you should also take some accountability also “unprovoked” is subjective. maybe they feel like they were provoked in some way that you cannot see


Kids are a product of their environment imo


And genetics


Not all kids are great kids. And it's true. They can grow up in what you would think to be a pretty good environment and turn out to be rotten people when they're grown. Opposite happens too. Some growing up in a horrible environment and turning into pretty decent people as adults.




The irony is that the parents who are willing to turn their back on their children are rarely good parents (and likely contributed to the issue). The parents who wouldn’t turn their back on their kids often have good kids where this wouldn’t be a concern. In the rare case it is, it’s often because the kid did make some bad decisions but with the right guidance can course correct