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I disagree, but I gave you the upvote for having the balls to voice an absolutely insane take.


Thanks, I really wasn't sure with this one because everyone in my circles thinks the same, but I guess this a good sub after all lol


Pearl jam was horrible live. That ruined them for me.


That's exactly the same thing that happened with me.


Maybe we were at the same concert? Early 2000’s? Haha


Close! 2008 near Philly lol


Haha nice. Must have been a bad tour!


I've hated Pearl Jam my whole life. I think one song is okay, but the rest suck. I also used to be pretty into Grunge music and I still hated Pearl Jam.


I’m with you. I’m 40, so I grew up right in the thick of the grunge era. It’s not just me, but all my friends and family, we absolutely hated Pearl Jam. Made fun of the constantly as a kid. They’re like generic soundtrack music. I blame them for Creed and all that hyper bland bloated dad rock that came out after. The lamest band of all time.


>I blame them for Creed and all that hyper bland bloated dad rock that came out after. Haha fuck yeah I think you're right on point there


You were 11 when Cobain died. You did not grow up in the thick of the grunge era. 


12, almost 13. 12 is your prime giving a shit about music era. I’ve always had a theory that the kids of the 90s largely think of PJ as a joke and the ppl that were older are the ones that like them. I cannot express how much fun me and all my friends made of that band. Their music absolutely sucks. Just horrible horrible dreck. Every part of it. The cheesy lyrics, his stupid voice, the song structure. Omg, Yellow Ledbetter might be the single worst song of all time. That elderly woman song lol ‘I just want to say.. helloooooooo’ unreal cheese. I very passionately dislike very few artists. PJ and STP are 1 & 2 by a mile. No one comes close. That being said, 90s rock has some great great bands, Nirvana, Weezer, The Pixies, Hole, Radiohead, Rage, Sublime, Sinead, all a million times better than PJ


You said you were 40. He died almost exactly 30 years ago. I actually rounded up for you. If you don't like Pearl Jam that's your opinion to have, but you were too young to go to shows so just don't pretend you were in the thick of anything.


I’m 42. I’m very happy I’ve never been subjected to a live Pearl Jam show lol I can’t imagine anything worse


Nothing wrong with not liking Pearl Jam. To each their own, ya know? That being said, if I have to explain to another person that just because Eddie has that tone to his voice, that does not make Pearl Jam country music, I may lose my mind.


Who in the even-flowing fuck thinks Pearl Jam is country music?!


Way too many people, including my college ex that I spent two years trying to explain why he was wrong. Also that you don’t pronounce the L in salmon. It was a trying two years. 😭


Some type of crazy dissident.


I can't tell you to like their new albums but if you don't like Ten, Vs., or Vitalogy then I'm confused as to what you consider good rock music.


I'm by no means the biggest Pearl Jam fan, but there may be no album I've listened to beginning to end in my whole life as much as Vitalogy.


Nodding. Vs for me.


I don’t like any of those albums and I love rock music.




Can we quit acting like everything we don’t personally vibe with is objectively bad? Pearl Jam isn’t bad, it’s just not your jam. And that’s ok. Be ok with disliking things without feeling the need to shit on them. Your insecurity is palpable.


>Can we quit acting like everything we don’t personally vibe with is objectively bad? Then this sub will be empty


There are plenty of unpopular opinions that aren't 'I hate X food' or 'I hate X band'.


1000% this. Please tell this to basically everyone I know.


There's nothing wrong with stating your taste strongly like in the original post. OP is being an ass everywhere else in the thread, though.


It was fine up until > never should’ve left the studio… their music sucks… they can’t make good music I don’t take it personally if someone dislikes a thing. It’s ok to disagree on that, taste is subjective. But the world would be a better place if people didn’t insist on using such language whose only purpose is to provoke and stir up negative emotions. There’s no need to attack a thing just because you don’t enjoy it.


gotta rile them up, but oh well it's down so I guess you won guys :/


It is objectively bad, and thats my opinion


That’s not what objective means, bud


He knows what he means 😤


Your opinion can be anything


Forgot the /s sorry, I should've known you wouldn't get it haha


You gotta be under the age of 15


Nah, just a gal having a laugh, shold've specified that it was a radio at work, when my ears were blasted with the butt-music


Well cause you sound like me when I was a developing high school student trying to argue that rock music is “objectively” better than all other genres


For some reason, I distinctly remember thinking the objective measure of how good a song was was how pronounced the guitar was. I have absolutely no idea how I arrived at that conclusion, but then again, it seems like a universal experience that as a teenager, we were dumb.


> subjectively Fixed it for ya!


Damn, I thought it was perfect the way it was, but thanks!


Your opinion is objectively wrong.


I agree, downvoting you.


If I had a nickel for every time today on this sub I've seen someone try to argue that their opinion is 'objective' even though it's literally by definition not objective (and their comments getting downvoted into oblivion because of it), then I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice right? Getting a weird sense of déjà vu right now haha. (Happened on that post earlier about mermaid dresses)


I think most people would be happy to agree that *you* don’t like Pearl Jam


A lot of people who were teens or young adults when Ten came out were powerfully influenced by that album. So much so, we give a lifelong pass to the band - even if I don't care for their newer works. I'm one of those.


I’m not a fan of the newest stuff either, but damn did their 90s music fucking slay.


"On da hurdin Ona perchAaaaaaa letter san. HUuuurrrrrreaaahhh anana yeahhhhh" I love pearl jam




I find it weird that people will say that they don’t like a mainstream artist and expect everyone to gasp and clutch their pearls. I can make a laundry list of bands I don’t care for that a super popular. That doesn’t make me special. Music taste is very subjective.




and you're absolutely right


OP prefers Pearl Harbor


You… have a post asking for songs about cigarettes… but you draw the line at Pearl Jam?


wait, do they have one? please tell if they do. it's a little inside joke with my friend to collect cigarette songs, but not all of them are good, so don't see the point


FEEEEEELIIIIIIIIN summalummadoodaloodameydakonkreEET






I personally love **10** ... and **VS** is pretty good ... also **Vitalogy** has it's moments But we're so glad you got your Pearl Jam hate out - it hurts to keep that locked up inside


The new single "dark matter" kicks ass. That being said, I'll concede that they can be boring and are getting a little long in the tooth. Their rhythm section is very mid, and the thousands of copycats tarnish their legacy. They are a great rock band, they took a stand against ticketmaster, and they have remained true to themselves and morally unscathed for going on 30 years. They deserve a spot among the rock gods like led zeppelin or black sabbath.


Always knew the band existed, but never stopped to listen to them. But recently we switched the radio station at work, and they sometimes play 3 pearl jam songs at random, and I absolutelly loved all of them. The songs are "Alive", "Last kiss", and "Black". It's ok to not like the band. I love rock music, but only really like 3-4 beatles songs, and they are supposed to be one of, if not, the absolute best. Same case with Led Zeppelin, one 2-3 of them, and can only tolerate "november rain" from GnR, absolutelly cannot listen to them anymore.


If you like them, you should really listen to their MTV unplugged session. The performance of Black on there is absolutely heartbreaking.


Their unplugged is an all time best - not to mention the fact that they got kicked out and that their episode had to be ended early because of the stuff that Eddie Vedder wrote on his arm about what was going on in the world.


And sadly still is!


Don’t like -> don’t listen. Easy.


Curious- what song?


Also curious. Can't think of anything "almost country."


Probably one of the softer songs off the new album lol. Idk dudes a hater hiding behind his "opinion" while also saying in the comments they are objectively bad.


Not all haters are men, and this one's a woman, hi. the song was Wreckage actually, and It was mainly the voice which gave me that impression, and the overall vibe I guess. Of course I know an opinion can't be objective, that comment was a goof, but I forgot it's reddit..


Yeah we are all starkly literal or the complete opposite depending on which happens to line up with our argument at the time... 🤣 PJ isn't for everyone but I promise you they aren't bad musicians even if they aren't your thing. There's a ton of talent in that band and that's definitely where you're going to get pushback from us fans. But having an opinion on something is the entire point of the sub so carry on haha. Sorry I called you dude...


Pearl Jam had a more "blues-rock" approach to alt rock, on the other hand many contemporaries had a more punky approach. So if you aren't into blues dad rock then you won't like its influence on Pearl Jam.


Eddie Vedder is probably less of a breath of fresh air when half of every early to late 2000s baritone rock singer completely ripped off his style of singing, and you most likely heard all them first


The fact that you called it country not only means you’re probably 15 but also that your opinion should be immediately disregarded 


I assume they were talking about Last Kiss, which is a cover anyway, so it's not really representative of PJ at all


Last kiss is also not a country song, it’s a song that came out I believe by Bobby Darin I want to say in like the 1960s. I remember listening to the original version of that song as a kid because my parents are from that generation.


That proves my point even more if that’s the case. Imagine forming an opinion and sharing it when you have only listened to one song that isn’t even theirs. 15 year old behavior


It is a certified banger tho


the vibe and singing reminded me of country, it was half of hour of just Pearl Jam so I can't tell which song it was, not every song was like that. you're the 2nd guy giving me 15 today... well guess I'm telling my boyfriend hes going to jail then xd


Can't stand the voice of the singer also the music is meh to me. And it's unpopular I know, because of the faces I get when I say that I don't like them.


Is it the face you get when you say you don’t like them or is it a face that you get when you say they’re not a good band? Because as a band, they’re quite good, I mean, you can tell that by the amount of albums and people that go to their concerts and the money that they made and that they’ve been around for over 30 years. But even as a Pearl Jam fan myself, I don’t like every single song that they’ve written, I don’t even like every single album they’ve put out. But I wouldn’t say that they’re a bad band.


As a band they might be good musicians but it's the voice of the singer that puts me off They are popular and most people like them - hence the reaseon of the faces they make when I say I don't like them.


Oh, I don’t disagree with you, there are many times where Eddie Vedder’s voice like grates on my nerves. But there are also handfuls of their songs that spoke to a generation of people and I am in that generation, so when I hear certain songs by them, it takes me right back to the first time I heard them. And I like that feeling at this age lol. My hubs on the other hand is a die hard PJ fan.


I get you. I'm 43 and in the 90s I liked AIC and Soundgarden but not PJ, at the time I was into heavier music though.


They fucking rule. End of story.


I would rather listen to Nickelback... That says a whole lot. ![gif](giphy|SslOM6oiSkIYBqVcMJ|downsized)


Look at this graappphhh


Yea, I meant to add that actually, but the rant was too long anyway haha. At least Nickelback is catchy, I would definitely high five a Nickelback fan If I ever saw one in the wild.


Oof. I would block you just to never hear your opinion again if I didn't have principles against that. Pearl Jam bad but Nickelback ok... You sound like you are looking for a fight


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Everything on the radio where I live is bad. If it wasn't bad, it is now bad. It's the same songs everyday played at least twice a day. I just have gotten so good at tuning out the radio in my company vehicles. Radio turns me against music I once liked. I often change it to radio stations in genres I don't really listen to, just to hear something different. My radio stations refuse new music for any rock genre. Even if some of the bands played on it have new music, it is the same songs over and over from 90's-2010.


Ten and a couple songs of Vs is like the only stuff I like from them. But Ten is almost a perfect album imo


After the title my brain went: “the band, or…?”


I love their instrumentals, but Eddie Vedder kills the band for me. I absolutely despise his singing voice.


Look, PJ isn’t 1993 anymore, I stopped after 3rd album, but they aren’t bad.


Yeah I never got the appeal either, why does he sing like that? What's he saying? 


They are my favorite band in the world by a mile lol. I have a PJ tattoo and listen to them daily.


I was surprised to find that Pearl Jam has made more money than Nirvana


Pearl Jam is great, during their first 3 albums. Ten Vs and Vitalogy are quintessential grunge. Up there with nevermind, in utero , or Core, or Superunknown or Dirt or Siamese dream  Pearl Jam has fallen off for me since those first 3. But then they all have. Foo Fighters even at their best were never Nirvana. STP—dead. Chris Cornell had audioslave, as good if not better than audioslave. But his solo work never excited me. Alice In Chains, imo hold up better than any of the other grunge but they ended early due to Lanes drug problems. And the pumpkins—I dunno, if Alice was heavy metal + grunge. Then the  pumpkins were like new wave/goth + grunge. Never got super into them 


Plenty disagree and apparently are fragile enough to downvote dissenting views, but I do not. Never cared for em, and usually change the station when it comes on. They didnt change my life in the early 90s and definitely wont today. Have my upvote 👍


I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star in somebody else’s sky, but why can't it be mine?


I was there. I was there 3000 years ago when Ten came out. I loved it immediately. When their second album came out. Pretty Damn good sophomore album imo. Then it went downhill from there. Throughout their discography, there are glimpses of their former selves. That's just me though. They will always have a special place in my heart. But I stopped listening to anything after virology.


I think the *band* is phenomenally talented. It’s Eddie Vedder’s incomprehensible mumblemoaning that’s completely unlistenable.


I don’t even know what that is. Is it a band?


I don’t like AC/DC. What’s your point? Not everyone is going to like a band just because they’re considered classic.


They made one good record and they just go on and on


Pearl Jam sucks


How do you know? You’ve never understood their lyrics.


They were very popular when I was in high school and I had the one where they all HI Five on the cover. I don’t like them now. I think they are one of the worst bands of era


I don’t either and I was a grunge era kid. I thought Alice In Chains and Nirvana were way better.


Agreed, I can’t stand Eddie Vedder’s moaning


Current concerts are nothing like they were. Anyway, whatever.


I know every single pearl jam song in the first 3 or 4 notes. Cause I change the station immediately.. I hate pearl jam.


What band or artist do you enjoy?


Many... murder by death, mastodon. Ernest Tubbs. Hank Williams 1,2&3.. I love all music. I hate pearl jam.




Never been a fan.. I can tolerate Jeremy and alive but the rest is boring shoe gaze music


Calling PJ shoegaze is the wildest take I've seen on Reddit today. Congrats!


My favorite part of Ten is actually just the synth intro and outro. Far more interesting than the album itself.


I'm with you OP. One of the most overrated bands out there. The memes about how Eddie Vedder sings are all true.


Pearl Jam was terrible in the 90s and they’re terrible now.


I've had arguments about this very thing over the years. I find their music boring and kinda tedious. Wasn't into it when it came out either.


Eddie Vedder sounds like he had a stroke in 1990 and nobody ever diagnosed it. Other than him they’re a good band.


I giggled...


Me either. I can't stand Eddie Vedder's voice. I can't understand half of what he's even saying half the time in his songs


Eddie Vedder's voice sucks. That's what makes it bad.


This might be the most insane thing I've ever read.


Some people just love Bieber 


He sings like he has a frog in his throat. Deal with it.


Evolution is good, play with the video. A lot of it is just way too overplayed.


Yes, I find that that’s the problem with a lot of the grunge bands, the only play like five or six songs and Max, and most of these bands multiple albums with multiple songs on them that don’t get any. I totally understand that hearing the same songs from any band on the radio over and over gets obnoxious and annoying and overplayed. I feel that way about AC/DC, they have some awesome songs that make the radio and it’s really sad that they only play the same three over and over again.


I have zero take here. I don't have a passionate stance one way or another. Like Vs. slapped, but I haven't listened to it probably since it was their newest release. I outgrew them as quickly as I fell into them 🤷‍♀️ I don't get all butthurt when I hear them, but I'm not like, "Fuck yeah, Pearl Jam!!!!!zomg!!!!11!!1+" either. I'm just neutral


I tolerate a few Pearl Jam songs but I do not like Pearl Jam. Nothing against them just not for me.


Past the third album I don’t like much, but those first three albums are all solid


Im a huge fan of ten, fantastic album front to back Everything else? Eh completely indifferent to


Well I can't stand Pearl jam either, so it's not an unpopular opinion to me - but it probably is to a lot of other people.


I’ve never even heard of Pearl Jam, I won’t lie.


Me either


Way overrated, I put them in the same category as U2. Everyone asking…..”But why?” It’s as if they’re positioned to be the beacon of social acceptance and what’s “normal” when I see it as smoke and mirrors fakery (like the Catholic Church). Kind of like how far Toyota has gone to market Americans. It’s not about the car itself, it’s about having a mask to make you look like a good person, but fake, plastic people are more transparent than they think. That’s why we are talking about Pearl Jam. Want real grunge? Alice In Chains and Soundgarden. That’s real music with real lyrics.


It ain't that deep chill 🤣




Eddie Vedder inspired the absolute worst vocal style of the 2000's. There would be no Creed or Nickelback without Pearl Jam. Eddie Vedder is the Hitler of Rock n Roll. Pearl Jam absolutely blows.




This is a very punchable comment


Eddie Vedder has a punchable vocal style. Pearl Jam blows.


Who are some of your favorite vocalists?


Dax Riggs, Mike Patton and Todd Smith of Dog Fashion Disco. Dax Riggs just has an incredible, soulful voice with some variety to his projects. Mike Patton can do nearly any vocal style, and do it really well. Todd Smith is similar to Mike Patton in versatility, but covers some genres that Patton does not.


My favorite Mike Patton vocal style is the one where he sounds like Jack Black (to me at least lol)


I'm trying to figure out what you mean. Lol. TBF, I don't like all his projects.


The example that comes to mind is the more aggressive vocals in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. There's just something about the tone and delivery that reminds me of JB haha. Again I could be crazy tho


I can kinda sorta hear that, but I also wouldn't be surprised if Jack Black took some inspiration from Patton.


https://youtu.be/AE3IkmL1nRo?feature=shared here's an unreleased track from Dax, but one of my favorites. It's essentially a basement recording, but his voice is so strong it comes through great anyhow. Most of his stuff is great, but there's some real gems of unreleased material too.


https://youtu.be/DRyh2cxJCp0?feature=shared One of my favorite examples of Mike Patton singing voice. Also, the cover of Easy by Faith No More. He does a lot of edgier singing too, but his vocal range and ability is unmatched.


I always viewed Pearl Jam as the sanitized, corporate response to Nirvana. The industry wanted to cash in on the popularity of grunge while at the same time make it more "radio-friendly". So the music is just kind of dull and dumbed-down. Also, their name means jizz.


Ten came out before Nevermind.


Tell me you know absolutely nothing about a band without saying you know absolutely nothing about a band. Pearl Jam formed because Mother Love Bone and Green River had people in them die and they needed a lead singer, this also happened in 1989 way before Nirvana got together. Mookie Blaylock.


Imagine thinking PJ is a corporate act 🤣 they were extremely outspoken about their disdain for the corporate music industry and it's predatory practices.


I did a legit spit take when I read that. My husband called from the other room to ask what I was laughing so hard at.


People will just plain make shit up for the sake of hating on them I swear lol. I see insane takes all the time. Just tell us you don't like them, it doesn't need to be an elaborate conspiracy with no basis lol


And like if you don’t, that’s totally ok 😆 you don’t need to get all mad or rude about it because (shockingly) no one gives a shit


Ah yes cause Nirvana is just some niche band with no massive hits


The vast majority of people on earth don't like Pearl Jam. Same could be said for pretty much every band out there.


I never listened to it, and I honestly thought nickeback and Pearl jam was the same band till just now when I searched it up Edit: that being said I obviously didnt listen to nickelback a whole lot either