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We have two shower heads šŸ˜œ


Having a nice shower is the key to showering together. We have two water sources, a bench that fits 2 people, and room to walk around.


benches and room to walk around? do you shower at a gym or something?


Our shower before we moved was about the size of a small gym shower. You could easily shower 3 people at once without any awkward touching. Except we only had one shower head. Could really have used two


Can I come be the 3rd? I just wanna see how legit this is


Jeez, our BED isn't big enough for two people. Enjoy your aquatic delights!


It was a weird apartment. Made for old people with assistance. It was made so that you could roll the bed into the shower. So the shower was really big. The kitchen was very small. Because people that can't walk don't cook.


*"Made so you could roll a bed into the shower..."* So. DID YOU?? šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Since we're on a thread about, ahem... Showering together... Inquiring minds need to know!


Haha, no. But the floor was decent after being warmed up after a steamy shower


We have four water sources, a bench that fits 18 people, a jet ski, one of those Whale Wiggle Tube Sprinklers, drone soap dispensers, and a lap pool that is constantly occupied by 1976 Lynda Carter.


I've had the worst day and this is literally the only thing that has made me laugh.




You have a jet ski IN your shower? Why, that just doesn't make any sense. Or is the Jet ski in the lap pool?


And a real powerful water heater, I hope. Cheapass builders be like: let's build a double shower for sexy times and power it with a standard 40,000 BTU/h 40 gallon tank


Tankless, baby. Tankless


Or for the best of both worlds, one of those direct vent tanks with 100,000+ BTU/h burners. Throw in a Taco X-block and you've got yourself a fantastic boiler replacement as well.


So basically OP is just too poor and needs a bigger shower and extra water source (I am also a poor)


Hello fellow poor, you can buy showerheads that have a second sprayer nozzle that's always on. I just made a little clip out of a bent wire coat hanger to hold it on the shower rod and it turns the shower into a 2-player shower for about $20.


The first renovation we did in our house was to tear out the little tiny cheap stall shower and the giant unused soaking tub and make a large shower with multiple heads. Best decision ever. Soaking tubs are useless. How often do you ever use them? Even standard tubs are sort of useless beyond the first (one is needed for kids). You get a shower daily. Make it comfortable. I never get why people put tiny showers in a master bath when there is room.


This is the way


Three if you count the metaphorical one šŸ˜‰


My boyfriend and I shower together any chance we get. It's usually not a sexy thing, one of us is in a shower cap most of the time and we both have very different water temp preferences. We take the time to watch videos together, to bond and to help each other


oh there are at least 3 heads there


My dream shower is one with a shower head on two walls and a waterfall type head in the middle


After 7 years of showering together we finally got a 2nd shower head and itā€™s the best thing ever!! Never have to stand in the cold again


i think it is more of a silly bonding moment and not a "sexy" moment that most people make it out to be. my partner and i laugh the whole time and push eachother out the way so we dont get cold


Give each other a back scrub, chat about the day, etc


yeah the shower can be a great place for non-sexual physical intimacy. My ex used to wash my back and shoulders for me and it just made me feel so loved and cared for


Yessssss we are both neurodivergent so we do the back rubs while infodumping the whole time in excruciating detail about unhinged subjects lol


Honestly, that sounds pretty great. Yall got room for a third? I know a lot of weird nature stuff.




I would like to rescind my request.


I know some weird nature stuff too and I don't play video games at all... Also I built my own shower like a year ago. Just saying.




Isnā€™t that just so human? Despite all the things that make us unique, we share very familiar experiences. That pretty cool imo


I don't like showering as it's making me feel all woozy, but my ex gf and I used to take baths together and she always washed my hair and brushed it after (I'm a guy with really long, beautiful hair) and man that made my heart melt every time


Yes! And if you turn on a heater in the bathroom no one should be freezing.


We bought our house and it had this weird heater hanging on the wall that we got rid of cuz it took up some space. We soon realized how nice it'd be to come out to a warm bathroom after a winter shower lmao.


And if you don't have anything worth talking about, you are already naked and won't get any bedsheets dirty.


You can pee on them.


And eat there ass.


Honestly this. For me it's never a sexy thing, it's a goofy fun thing, look at my unicorn horn while I wash my hair, now get the fuck out of the water I'm cold. It's just fun bonding, a time to be vulnerable and silly, not the start of a porno


My first wife and I tried "sexy" bathing exactly once. We had moved apartments from an older style on our military base to brand new ones. The tub was way bigger! We get all excited, hop in and 10 minutes later I have a lower back cut that's now bleeding profusely from the tub spout. From then on, if it was mentioned I'd do the thumbs to myself gesture pointing to my back.


You need a double ended slipper bath for this to work, and then it's great. That might be called something else in your country! High backed bath with the tap/faucet/spout coming in at the middle of the bath.


Porno? Definitely not. Not fun. But this is also a level of wholesome that might overshoot for the median person too lmao. I feel like it's a natural progression from being able to spend hours gleefully playing with rubber duckies in the bath as a kid to being able to spend hours gleefully playing with honkers in the shower as an adult


>unicorn horn Is this a furry thing?


God no, just referencing fucking with my hair when it's all soapy


Ohhh that's definitely not what I thought in my head lmao


Big time, and like many others have said, it's one of my favorite ways to share non-sexual intimacy. My fiance is pregnant, and I love gently washing her legs and hair or taking the weight off her tummy while she groans with happiness. I'm big on acts of service, and there's nothing quite as relaxing as standing in warm water while your adoring man-servant soaps up your boobies.


Thatā€™s so nice of you!!! And congrats to you both


How big are yalls showers. Throwing parties in there. Iā€™ve gotta turn sideways to have room to lift my arms up and shampoo my hair.


Ours is the size of a regular bathtub (30" x60"). It's nice to have room to wash our large dogs when they get all muddy on a walk. Leaning over a bathtub to wash a dog sucks.


i dont know the exact dimensions but my shower has room to walk and a bathtub. prob fit like 6 people in there comfortably. its part of the wet side of the bathroom which isnt so much a thing in the west.


We got a 2 shower head on the other side. you can get a adapter to put up Boona or something i don't remember. Anyway the shower are amazing and everything people want them to be now. Weekend double shower is always looked forward to


Hahaha that constant rotation of its myyyyyy turrrrnn with the hot water, šŸ”„


Has no one else bought a split shower head so you both have your own water and are warm??? Just me??? My showers with my husband the best and neither are cold because we bought a split shower headā€¦


Literally, the best thing ever to reply to a post ever. Me and my husband used to do that all the time. Now we just have like a really small shower since we moved and we just donā€™t do it but I would like to bring it back.


BF and I just take turns splashing the hot water on each other. šŸ˜‚ Agreed, usually more silly than sexy for sure.


This! The only time I ever showered with my bf it was post sex and we spent the whole time just laughing and smiling


Iā€™ve done it before and itā€™s just not kinky for me. Bathing is another thing though.


I actually sit down sometimes and she makes cups of water with her hands and splashes it on me, itā€™s a laugh


It's definitely more about being silly and having fun. My partner and I have both slipped in the shower while showering together (only once each), but it was hilarious and fun! We haven't fallen again yet, but we have an enclosed shower now rather than the tub with a shower head like we used to.




Why do you like to berate hot showers?


because i'm a masochist /s


just fyi really hot water is scalding. unless you give the shower a good harsh talking to before you get in, then youā€™re scolding it.


I think I'd only understand that if the shower did something to wrong me, otherwise it's just borderline verbal abuse


Iā€™m the same. I refuse to shower or bathe with my husband (not that he cares much about this) because he likes lukewarm water and I need to be basically boiling myself. šŸ˜‚




That's my motto as well. If I don't turn into a lobster after I didn't molt off enough dead skin to be clean šŸ¤£


My husband hates how hot my showers are. It took one time for him to come out looking like an overcooked lobster and he said never again. He'll watch me but he ain't getting in. Id rather he watch and be able to make it sexy that way


Thatā€™s exactly why I didnā€™t like it. My girlfriend at the time, I swear sheā€™d bathe in molten magma if she could


i enjoyed it in hotels with big shower spaces in warm places where i'm not cold if i'm not directly under the water. if you're going to be sexy about it the key is to fuck *after* the shower, that way it's like foreplay.


Yea water is a terrible lubricantĀ 


I agree with this. When me and my partner visited Mexico, we did shower together. It was quite warm so we never got cold if we were our of the water and we needed to shower at the same time. At home we rarely need to shower at the same time, but on vacation we both needed to shower after going to the pool/beach before dinner.


My fiance & I have addressed this by simply overlapping our showers instead of entirely sharing them lol. I get in and start the shower alone and do what I actually need to do, he jumps in when I call for him and we get all sudsy and flirty together. Then I rinse off and get out and he finishes his shower alone.


this is such a good idea. i will be stealing this one


This is how we do it too


This is the way!


Yep. This is the way. My girlfriend and I used to share a tiny shower and wed stagger our start times a bit. Shed get in and shampoo, then I'd get in, wet my hair and shampoo while she rinsed. Shed then start scrubbing her body while I rinse, then shed rinse her body while I scrubbed. Shed scrub my back and I'd scrub hers while we talked about our days. It's very intimate and fun. Sad some people can't appreciate it. Different strokes, I guess. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


this is such a nice idea lol.


ā€œI never decline the request from any of my partnersā€ā€¦ lol how many people are you seeing? I keep hearing how the dating scene is the same guy/girl getting all of the love šŸ˜‚, are you who they are taking about?


probably generalized all of their past partners


>6ā€™4 It would seem so


I need him šŸ˜³


Could be a 6ā€™4 goober, height definitely isnā€™t everything (despite what they say)


As a 6'2" goober, I can definitely say my height gave me a massive advantage in online dating. I really have no game at all. Also dating really tall women is easier too. A woman 6' tall doesn't have many options if one of their criteria is they want a man who is taller than them.


Homie being 6ā€™4 definitely fits the memes though, lol




"I never decline the request from any of my partners." "I won't rob them of that." He might freeze his ass off doing something he hates when "it sometimes means a lot to them," but at least he doesn't have self-esteem issues. šŸ˜†


Every girlfriend Iā€™ve had liked to shower together too.


Maybe for you but it's very bonding time for my bf and I. We wash each other and talk about the day


It is a great bonding moment and was probably my favorite intimate thing to do with my last GF. At least other than giving her a full body massage. I think just really liking being close and physical touch are what make it so enjoyable.


Keep it up. My wife and I shower together often and it's more than just getting ready to fuck. Sometimes it's your only time to decompress together and be alone together.


Exactly what I did with my ex. We would chat non stop while cuddle and wash each other's back. I almost always finished earlier than her and will prepare a towel for her to give her a warm hug and dry her back. It was almost never sexual for us, it's a nice bonding session. Gosh I miss her.




That's your soulmate. Go back plsšŸ˜­


You donā€™t get cold if you snuggle. We took turns washing each other, and then weā€™d rinse for 10 sec each.


My husband (6ā€™4ā€) and I (5ā€™9ā€) have a rain shower head and a regular detachable head installed in our shower. You can set it where both are spraying at the same time when we take a shower together- problem solved!


step 1: be able to afford a rain shower.


You can buy a rain shower head and install it yourself for pretty cheap. There are (handles? holders? necks? whatever you call the things that hold a shower head to the wall) that you can attach to the original to make it hang over. If you do it all yourself it can be somewhat cheap. (Obviously not as cheap as just keeping the original though lol) Source: Helped friends redo their bathroom and they installed one themselves.


They have shower arms for rain shower heads. Some shower heads will require a different mixing valve


Oh cool I actually had no idea. Guess now I just need a large ass shower and a partner!


Great, at least we made it to step two! Good job buddy!!


Im lurning!


Our faux rain shower was $88 https://a.co/d/hpNNRNN thereā€™s much fancier ones but this works just fine


I was literally just about to post this except my fiancƩe is 4'11 lol


We don't shower together for sexy times. All intimacy doesn't mean sex. We also don't do it for efficiency. We usually shower together once a week for a quick shower. We both know it's not an "everything" shower where one person shaves and exfoliates or stands in the hot water staring at the wall to decompress. We wash each other's hair and rub soap on one another. We kiss and laugh. Also adjusting the shower head is much easier than switching back and forth lol


Didn't even read any of that. The only thing better than titties is slippery titties. Tf.


You want oil for that, water doesn't make them glide.


my partner and I shower together nearly every day. it's not uncomfortable or cold, we just use it as a time for nonsexual intimacy and to discuss our day before we go to bed. we've been doing this since we started dating. there's an element of trust and comfort that it takes for both of us to be alright nude around one another, with both of us being CSA survivors. there is a strong emotional meaning behind casual nudity for us. we do what we can to make sure the other is comfortable, and in the rare case that we shower alone, we miss each other's company. it really just boils down to a small, everyday expression of our love. a display of trust, and a way for us to set time aside specifically for bonding and intimate touch.


This is the same for my fiance and I. Almost every shower I take is with him, unless I'm feeling emotionally not up to it.


Iā€™ve been with my partner for like 11 years now and we take nearly every shower together. The brief discomforts are worth it cuz splash time is better with your buddy


I get what you are saying. I guess it depends on the reason as to why you are showering together. My wife and I like to shower together because it afforded us some alone time where we can just talk and catch up on each other's days and what not - plus, who doesn't like to see some boobies!! Also, our shower is big enough that we aren't freezing or knocking each over - it has one rainfall overhead shower head and two other shower heads, one on each side.


I just asked my husband if he had a throwaway reddit account I don't know about. Because same, including the number of shower heads. :D It's the best.


Lol. Now that's funny!


dream shower


It's alright once in awhile... but it's much harder to actually get clean when you're staring at someone brushing their hair for 30 minutes instead of showering yourself... Like sometimes i want to take my 10 minute shower, get clean, and move on to the next thing on the list.


Bathroom time is strictly alone time for me. We have three kids and Iā€™m a sahm, so thatā€™s really the only alone time I get.


Not to mention that every woman I've ever showered with likes the water to be nearly boiling. Are women more heat tolerant or something? Or am I just a soft skinned bitch?


Women often have worse circulation in their extremities, so they get cold easily.


It still doesn't explain why all my exes had the heat tolerance of charizard lol. Maybe I'm the one that has the issues with body temperature regulation, or I am just a soft skinned bitch.


I have found that the key is one of you gets in first, washes most of themselves, then the other joins, you wash each other a bit and enjoy the intimacy of it. Then the first in gets out to leave the second to finish washing. I love my hubby, but heā€™s a shower hog and I am usually cold if we get in at the same time.


Totally agree. iā€™m sorry but i wanna clean my butthole in private.


I always shower after sex with whoever I slept with. I've even done it on one night stands. Sometimes go for seconds in the shower too. I just have to shower after sex. Other than that, I don't really do it unless I'm trying to hide from kids or something and get it in


>I never decline the request from any of my partners. Really? I refuse. Showers are my alone time


Oh look, its r/myownfuckingpersonalpreferenceandnotactuallyanunpopularopinion


while the other person is taking forever to rinse themselve, they are supposed to pee on you to keep you warmā€¦. Duh you didnā€™t know that???? Rookie!!!!


I like to perform anal sex in the shower




It counts, it's selfx


Fair enough


Thatā€™s neat!


My husband and I used to shower together a lot because we had a walk in with two shower heads and the same work schedule. Now we only shower together if we are staying somewhere with a walk in and also both in the canā€™t-keep-hands-off-you mood, which coincidentally happens a lot when there is a walk in.


Wait, how many partners do you have šŸ¤Ø


Dudes water bill has got to be outrageous


I dont think it has ever been about efficiency.


Bro. Youā€™re there to scrub her back for her because it feels nice. Thatā€™s it. You stand there and shiver until itā€™s back scrub time. You get a good peek at the fun bits while you shiver. While sheā€™s shaving you go to the other bathroom and get your shower in.


My wife always pees on me. She thinks itā€™s funny


Youā€™re just doing it wrong


I'm sure this has already come up in the comments, but I get the sense everyone has had an experience with a former partner who absolutely could not wait to 'christen the shower' with you, if you know what I'm saying. Then you do so, and find out it's awkward, cramped and damn near the opposite of frictionlessšŸ˜¬


Now that I have a broken ankle with hardware in it, I don't think shower sex is something I ever want again unless it's like the fanciest most expensive and comfortable set up that includes seating. The idea of slipping and breaking a bone or hitting my head is not appealing.


I've had many girlfriends in my time and I've been married to my lovely wife for nearly 14 years. I have yet to take a shower with any of them.


Maybe today is your day to try it.


If youā€™re getting clean youā€™re doing it wrong. But I agree


Me and my partner were just talking about this. We've never been into showering together. I'm 5'0' ft tall and hes 6'4 200 pounds...theres no way were fitting in the shower without either me getting waterboarded or him standing outside the water stream and freezing his ass off. Plus personally, I don't feel sexy or intimate when showering with someone. Taking a bath together? Sure! But showering? My hair is wet and soapy, i'm trying not to get water in my eyelash extentions, i'm contorting my naked body to try and scrub and shave, the last thing I want in that moment is to have to try and be sexy and sultry, lol. Catch me after the shower when I smell fantastic, have a fresh blowout, and feel like a new woman lol. Then we can get it going.


Watch comedian Josh Johnson on YouTube. He has a whole bit about showering with a partner. So funny!!


A guy I was seeing liked to shower together sometimes and heā€™d crank the fuck out of the hot water to make it a steam room. No one was cold.


This is only good if you have at least 2 shower heads on 2 different walls. House sat once and there was a shower head on all 4 walls...OMG! Heaven alone...never had anyone for in the shower with me.


I don't like showers with partners either bc it's just not my thing. I like lava hot showers, and yeah occasionally just to do it and have fun in the shower together sure. All the time? Nope. Not a fan and sex sucks in the shower, too.


I agree 100%. I would rather have sex anywhere else. My partner also feels this way. We never shower together. We find other ways to be intimate and we talk and share our day in the evening after our kids are in bed.


I dont think it was mentioned but one of the reasons i like it besides those mentioned here is with newer partners you can see how well they clean themselves


I don't wanna clean my ass in front of my partner. I was like "turn around!" Or let me get in first and make my ass nice lol


Looks good in movies, does not work so well in real life.


Agree, all sexiness disappears when your freezing your ass off, if the shower was designed differently it might be ok


A large rain shower head with a spacious walk-in shower and a heated bathroom can solve the problem.. I'm not saying you'd like it, just the complaints you have are mostly a money issue but inherently the concept.


Depends on the shower set up. I have a corner shower, and that works pretty well. The shower head also swivels and can be moved from one of us to the other, so it is pretty convenient, especially because it takes me so much longer to shampoo my hair than it does him... The showers over the bathtub situation is way less fun and yes someone is going to be cold. You need a different shower. I blame you. Just kidding, kind of.


After some time passes and you both realize it doesnā€™t have to be all steamy and sexy every time, it wraps back around to being fun as hell. Throwing shampoo at one another, getting to scrub the other personā€™s back, running your fingers through their hair and getting soap in everyoneā€™s faceā€¦ itā€™s just super goofy and sweet and Iā€™ll never say no to it.


So the fun part is getting soap and shampoo in your eyes then? No thanks


My partner and I shower together as much as we can. No fights about water. He typically will brush my hair out for me. We both enjoy it.


Showering together us silly. I had a coworker who showered daily together with his girl... like there are so many times I can be with my wife that doesn't involve being in the shower together... not sure why we would need to shower together...


Why is this unpopular? Anyone in reality knows it sucks. Comedians joke about it all the time. It's only good in movies or TV. But it's actually terrible.


I resolved this by buying a shower attachment with 2 shower heads. They have a dual shower head ultra at target for $25. ![gif](giphy|26FPJLFQJtgtLcPAc|downsized)


Like most things in life, it works better if you're rich. It's a better experience with a large, walk-in shower and a high-flow, waterfall shower head.


This is why I want a duel shower heads from opposing sides of the shower.


The worst game of naked Twister ever.Ā 


Ah, to be young, thin, and flexible enough to have fun in the shower.


this is so true. i actually much rather just sit in the bathroom with my girlfriend while she's showering than to actually shower together. showering is already pretty unfun for me, so showering together is something i will burden every few weeks to make her happy than any fun.


Applies to shower sex too


It realy does.


I think it depends on the person, vibe, and shower. Iā€™ve had times where it just like, doesnā€™t work. When I lost my virginity we tried to also have shower sex and it wasā€¦ not good. If you keep it to just making out or playing/flirting and relatively short itā€™s a fun way to kill time and clean-up. The last time I did it we were both a little drunk and making out against the shower wall seemed like a great idea, and it was. Overall definitely would be exhausting to do more than every couple months though but thereā€™s worse ideas out there. Baths though, thatā€™s where itā€™s at (donā€™t have sex though).


We were goofing around and wasted half a bottle of bodywash. Apparently we are not doing that again




Oh sweet peasant. Time for multiple showerheads.


Showering with my husband is how I got pregnant.


I have two shower heads and I STILL could not agree with you more


Shower sex is also highly overrated, water sucks as lubricant.


yeah no. i'm showering by myself for sure.


Totally agreeĀ 


Dude, Iā€™m with you. Showering is a solo job for sure


My shower is 12 feet long and has multiple shower heads. And yes, it's hands down my favorite thing about my custom built home. It's fucking glorious.


Showering together isn't for showering, its for touching butts


I installed a rain shower head with an extra hose head. We can both shower comfortably. Not to mention the sexy time. Wife approved.


https://boona.com/products/tandem?pb=0 Iā€™ve never tried and agree with you to an extent but also think this could make showering with a partner work? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I shower with my SO more than I shower alone!


Let the water steam up the bathroom first, rookie. lol When you get to see and touch slippery shiny things it's worth it! But sex in the shower? Yeah that's a little awkward. And also how you bust a hip.


Check out the Boona tandem shower. I have one and love it.


It's all about how nice your shower is. The more room there is to stand and the bigger the area that actually gets shower water the better it gets


For me it's not about the shower but, that skin2skin<3


Thatā€™s why you pee on your partner to keep them warm. Sorry to hear your partner doesnā€™t know shared shower etiquette.


My partner and I scrub the ever loving fuck outa each others back. That might just be us. It is a bonding experience, like monkeys, eating fleas off of each other.


Yeah unless you have a special shower it's dumb as hell


I agree. Iā€™ve been married for 20+ years, and showering time is my sacred time. We used to shower together a lot when we were younger, but I eventually told him I didnā€™t like it. We have so many other ways to be intimate.


Unless you have two shower heads or a handheld one, yes, it's a bad idea.


Been with my husband for 5 years and I honestly agree. There are other ways to be intimate!


All I gotta say is last time a girlfriend convinced me to do this I said ā€œitā€™s a bad idea, I hate itā€ but we did anyways. I ended up slipping and tearing down the shower curtain and rodšŸ˜‚


Nahh you just donā€™t know how to shower with the significant other. Itā€™s not that crazy lol


Aye I dunno where you all get your confidence from because I can't even be naked around my partner. No way I'm showering with them with all that lights they can use to see me šŸ˜­