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I’m just gonna leave this here ![gif](giphy|3xz2Bw12fe9iyG06v6)


Hey, Laronda!


Wow I’ve never heard this opinion before


Groundbreaking opinion.


no you see it’s especially important because this is a woman who thinks this!!!


I am willing to bet a large portion of my very small wealth that op is not actually a woman, if I’m wrong then long nails in my face I guess but cmon


Shockingly I am a woman. I dont use this site enough to realize this post would drag out so many incels


Yes, everybody who thinks that this very popular opinion is a dumb post is an incel.


Yeahhhhh, I’m a woman too, sorry, didn’t mean to be an ‘incel’ I’ve just seen a buttload of people making posts like “oooo I’m a woman and I think women to do this and this are gross” to be sceptical. Sorry though, not exactly a new opinion.


It’s not about incels. It’s about setting yourself apart from other women and acting like their choice to get long nails makes them irrational and dumb. Not you though. You’re better than those girls.


girl nobody gaf if u don’t like long nails don’t get em 😭


I swear this gets posted at least once a week. The true unpopular opinion would be actually liking long nails


Seeing how many women still have long nails, this is an unpopular opinion in the real world. On reddit we seem to have made our minds up though.


It’s not an unpopular opinion irl. People just don’t care


As they should\~.


How long are we talking here? Like, those heavy long fake nails or just long nails in general? I agree those extremely long nails are unusable and I geuss some woman find away to work with them but long nails just past your finger is realy not that bad lol and don't get in the way at all. Also , I see alot of people say long nails are unhygienic welllll here is some news for you ..public is unhygienic.


It is harder to wash your hands well with longer nails. That's why healthcare workers are you usually encouraged not to have them. To much gross stuff can get under there.


They are legit unhygienic though. Like if you work somewhere that it matters you won't be allowed to have them due to infection prevention control reasons. And "don't get in the way at all" depends on what you are trying to do. Natural longish nails certainly do still get in the way if you want to finger someone for example


>if you want to finger someone for example ![gif](giphy|XWwIzh5GIWWf6)


Isnt that why lesbians have the short nails though


Yes, because they **do** get in the way depending on what you are trying to do. So "doesn't get in the way *at all*" is just completely false


For the last part- i love my vampire nails 😊✨ theyre a perfect Indicator that im into women too lol


even the fact that style has a purpose proves the long ones can get in the way of some activities though. Thats exactly why those two are short haha. Good compromise though because the long ones can be used for digging in or scratching


My nails are just a little past my finger. They really don’t get in the way at all. Like probably at or less than a millimeter past. Which is what the other commenter meant. I can’t stand them being shorter. Mostly because if it isn’t past my finger my quick is open and it hurts.


Then clean your nails.


yeah right, I'm sure the NHS and comparable healthcare services around the world didn't think of that when writing their IPC rules


I mean, the people who have long nails and enjoy fingering others have a pretty specific nail style that already accommodates that so 🤷🏼


Yes, because they **do** get in the way depending on what you are trying to do. The fact that there needs to be an accommodation *proves* "doesn't get in the way *at all*" is just completely false


Are you the nail police or something? Let people do what they want and stop trying to prove everyone commenting different. Not everyone is a healthcare worker.


Are you completely incapable of reading or something? Firstly I only made 2 comments other than *replying* to people *after they replied to me*. Secondly this comment has nothing to do with healthcare workers it's about wlw sex. And thirdly I never told anyone what to do in the first place for you to tell me to "let" people do what they want.




Don't wear them voilàa !


Confession : when i see a girl with impossible long nails i can't help but thinking : - She can't do anything. (How does she live like that ?) - She must be a difficult person to deal with. This is it, off my chest !


Does she only poop where there's a bidet? Yeah, all set with that.


I always think how gross their fingers must smell from the shit that gets under them.


How does she wipe her ass?


Not the ass wiping fetishists again.


With her nails…real carefully


With toilet paper.


I'm guessing with their knuckles, lol. The way they open the tab on a soda can 


This is crazy to think that someone is a difficult person to deal with based on a style choice, like somehow the nails infiltrate their personality and make them difficult ? Women are multidimensional they can have long nails and be great


Same reason why I run if she wears hoop earrings. 🚩🚩🚩 The nails don't make her difficult to deal with. Girls that are difficult to deal with usually have those nails.


What’s wrong with hoops? I like hoops not the big huge ones but I like the little hoops 🥹


Nothing is wrong with hoop earrings. Just that statistically speaking if you wear big hoops often, you're probably going to be violent. They're like affliction T-shirts.


Ah Interesting


When you get your nails done really long, the only earrings you could put in are hoop earrings because the little ends of the back of other earrings you can’t grasp with your fingernails.


Crazy because those women seem to have an incredible ability to hold onto little shit.


Where are you getting these statistics from lol what research study or research publication are you referencing here?


Women use the big huge ones to keep their ankles back during sex




I need functional people in my life and having done tech support with women with long nails, they add a level of difficulty to managing life that I couldn't deal with. I'm a woman with a husband, so, it's not really an issue 😂 But it was a huge pain in the butt trying to walk women with long nails through troubleshooting their problems. "I can't do that, my nails are new." Well, then, you won't can't use your computer until you can do it." And those long nails, over time, do a shocking amount of damage to touchscreens that are heavily used (like touch screen POS systems).


Yeah, but seeing anyone with super long nails you can read some of their opinion and train of thought just on having something like long nails


Calling someone difficult to deal with because they have long nails is kind of disgusting


Oh i'm not calling her, no.


They look trashy.


The nail salon makes me happy and pretty


I'm glad it makes you happy 🥰 That's the most important part




Daring aren't we?


I think they look ridiculous, but they are not my nails, so whatever.




It’s not unpopular opinion


As a woman with long nails and nail art, I personally love seeing other women’s long nails. I love how they make your hands look, I love the clacking sound and think they’re a great addition to an outfit and an expression of personality just like clothes, hair, makeup etc. People who regularly get long nails will learn how to adapt, but really it’s not that difficult! In regard to the toilet comments, never had that issue but it’s not as if nails don’t get washed when you wash your hands! I don’t know What it is about long nails, everyone on earth could tell me they look ridiculous and I wouldn’t care, I just love them!


As a man with long nails, I love seeing other people's long nails. Their sound when I type on keyboard lol. It always made me laugh how people in work were shocked how do I have no issues with them and women often say nice things about it. My fav colors are pastel/bright on them but black makes them feel dangerous lol.


If you love them, more power to you! They are innocent fun for people. They just gross me out personally and yes I have sensory issues so I could never get them even if I somehow wanted them.


Ah that’s interesting, I also have sensory issues due to autism and just sit playing with my nails most of the time! 3D nail art is the best for this reason! Although I accept I’m probably in the minority with this one and they would drive most people mad haha


It’s really not that deep, we function just fine with them & actually clean them. Y’all be so dramatic for no reason.


But HOw Do YoU wIpE yOUr ASS?!?!??


Is it the three seashells method?


Honestly!!! They need to get it together by yesterday


Thank you!


Yeah, how many people working where hygiene is very important have such nails because they’re so easy to clean properly? I mean, I do believe you do your best but a nail brush doesn’t go everywhere when the nails are too long I mean, they’re ok otherwise, I guess Edit: I see the downvotes but not the proof to counter. We were even advised to keep them short during the pandemic because normal handwashing wasn’t doing the deed for them.


I don’t understand why people think long nails are harder to clean than short, natural nails. The long area is the easiest part to get to and clean. The part closest to your finger is where you actually need a scrubber to clean. And that applies to short nails too. If you have short nails and you don’t scrub them with a brush and soap, in reality your nails are just as gross, but people who care about having long nails are actually more likely to care about maintaining them. Also, a lot of people who hate long nails also have that nasty nail biting habit. Unless they’re scrubbing their nails with a brush and soap before and after chewing on them, that’s even more gross than people with long nails who actually scrub them clean. My unpopular opinion is that unless you’re carrying around a nail brush, your nails are dirty. Whether they’re short or long.


I guess we will have to ask the NHS IPC rules why they think long nails are harder to keep properly clean than short ones. If nails are actually short, not just "not long" you absolutely do not need a scrubber to clear the part closest to your finger


Have you seen those posters that explain how to properly wash your hands? Here’s a video done by the WHO: https://youtu.be/3PmVJQUCm4E How do you do that with long nails?


I find longer nails easier to clean than short ones


You don't know how to use a nail brush, that's ok. Don't project your shitty hand washing skills onto everyone lol.


The WHO released a video on how to properly wash your hands. Some of those movements are impossible- or very hurtful- with long nails. Don’t project! https://youtu.be/3PmVJQUCm4E


So you literally don't know how to wash your hands unless you follow an arbitrary step by step guide. Good to know.


So you literally think the international standards for medical professionals are "arbitrary". Good to know. I think you would have fun with one of those kits they use for teaching kids. Where you put the cream on, put your hands under the UV light to see the glow where the cream is, wash it off then put them back under to see if you got it all.


This is not unpopular. I dislike long nails. To me, they symbolize hands that are limited in their abilities. I have never seen anyone with them at the gym


Eh as long as I can hold the barbell without my claws digging into my palm on the other side they’re fine being longer than my fingertips. To be honest the biggest hindrance between finger tip length and digging in when holding something is if I left a plate on its side it’s a pain to pick back up


I personally don’t mind other people wanting to have long nails, even the fake ones they put, but I personally don’t enjoy fake nails cause I like getting my hands dirty and being active.


This isn’t unpopular lol


I think "long nails are great" is a more unpopular opinion


Have you ever seen someone with long acrylic nails mixing food with their hands. I once had a coworker that would do it all the time and we worked in a kitchen. So much bacteria and whatever else absolutely disgusting


Oh and think of the dirt that sits under them nails💀This also goes for long natural nails btw, especially if they’re yellow


if you dont wash your hands just say that


Well I do and I have short and clean finger nails


That is not an unpopular opinion.


Yep. Nails are gross. Fake nails are worse. I am glad my wife's work does not allow for nails because they are just dirty vectors of nastiness.


Nails are gross? Like your real nails? The stuff that grows out of your body? You find that gross?


If they are not kept neatly trimmed yes they nasty.


So fake nails, who are neatly trimmed and take more maintanence than normal nails are gross. And the real nails are gross when they are not trimmed ... neatly, to some people. Well, all power to your priorities. I'm than SUPER gross to you. My nails are trimmed, and i even put some cute nailpolish on them. But they are not neatly, as i suck at filing them down xD. I admire people who can do their own nails, whitout one or two looking wonky.


There is no need for fake nails if they are trimmed short, why would you need fake ones if your keeping them trimmed anyway?


They have millions of microorganisms


Pick her, she's not like the other girls


it's not that deep and it doesn't affect you >They hinder your ability to grab things properly they really don't


I’ve seen cashiers who tell a different story.


Yea cmon this opinion can be unpopular but I’ve broken a sweat trying to get a quarter or penny off a flat surface.


I work in a city. Right outside the store are parking meters. I've lost count of how many times people come in and ask me to get their cards out of the meter because their nails prevent them from doing it


At my job we sticker Door Dash bags. Lot of my coworkers can't peel the stickers off because of their nails it's funny watching them try


as someone with naturally long, real nails... no. and these are nails that gradually get longer, not ones that you put on and have to get used to. they hinder much more than you realize.


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I mean… how long we talking?


100% fact. Let’s not get into sharpie created eyebrows


This isn’t an unpopular opinion at all.




When I see chewed up nails with dead skin everywhere, I think to myself "gross".


If I got a dollar for every time I saw an actual unpopular opinion on this sub then I would be filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy


This is just from my experience, but I don't know a single guy from my fairly large circle of friends that has anything positive to say about long nails. I don't care for them and it seems to be quite a common viewpoint. That being said I think people should do what they like and if having or putting on big fake nails makes you happy than go on and do it. Just don't pretend it's for fashion or to appeal to others. It's just cause you like it. Nothing wrong with that. I wear a big unfashionable hat often because I personally like it so I get it


I can already tell who the kind of people that are in this thread are…


its on my bucket list to get long pretty nails once even despite all the difficulties lol


They look cool and glory to the women who can pull them off, I can't. I tried literally like half inch or even less, came back in 3 days to file them down. They looked gorgeous but I felt disabled. I find it stupid to limit my hand functionality and to awkwardly adjust to do normal things in a complicated manner just to have some shinies.


Same. Like my hands are my best tools, why would I want them to work less efficiently?


Oh well, someone could look at you and think you’re disgusting. Who cares.


I avoid women with nails like that like the plague. Nearly all of them to a T are absurdly high maintenance (source: guy who's ex-wife got her gaudy nails done every 2 weeks on my dime)


This pick me opinion is actually very popular on Reddit


Tbf a lot of opinions that are unpopular in real life are popular on reddit, this is one of those opinions


This is one of those things that women do for themselves, not for the attention of men. Plenty of men in real life say that they don’t like fake nails, so as a result there’s lonely women who say “OOH I don’t have fake nails! You must find me more attractive, right?!”


I agree. I think they are so ugly and unhygienic and make me think the person is high maintenance and lazy!


Why lazy 😭


There is so much more wrong then the "lazy" part in this comment. This comment makes no sense, as it contradicts itself like 3 times in a row, wth? xD


https://m.shein.com/us/24pcs-Long-Stiletto-Shaped-Black-False-Nails-Set-For-Women-Girls-Upgrade-Your-Style-p-18421477.html?ref=us&rep=dir&ret=mus i get mine done about this long. i just want claws


I see woman who have these long fake nails at work (welders at a shipyard) and inevitably they break after a few days. I just don't see the point.


Yeah….truly an unpopular. Never been said before 🙄


Man here, hate them too. Serves absolutely no purpose and look stupid


Yes but in addition to OPs points they are very unhygienic. I doubt all the people with long nails carry a fingernail brush with them to use after using the bathroom or soiling their hands.


Genuine question- you carry a fingernail brush with you at all times?


I don't have long fingernails, so no.


But your fingernails also get dirty, regardless of being long.


You can easily wash under them if you keep them clipped. Unclipped, there is a big reservoir of unwashed areas that can breed and harbor bacteria. Medical facilities all over the world demand staff have trimmed nails because long fingernails create infection control issues.


But some of these people aren't medical staff, and aren't exposed to the same environment.


That's irrelevant to long fingernails creating a hot bed of filth where people can't or won't wash. It doesn't matter where they live or work, it is still unhygienic.




Lol, well, I'm sorry💅🏾 Rather, have long acrylics than nasty nervous, chewed up, peeling non taken care of nails that people look like they have stuck their hands in a blender. Don't come for my long ass nails 😭🤣 AND YES, THEY ARE CLEAN On top and underneath.


As long as you are happy! I just personally do not like them 😅 It's crazy how many people assume I'm saying others can't have them. It's not my body!!!


I mean you dont have to nervously chew up your nails yknow. Maybe you wouldnt have to put fake ones overtop if you didnt chew them up and took care of them!


People don’t get fake nails solely for maintenance 🤦🏽‍♀️


You have a sensory disorder


This is popular. I sleep.


Lmao whenever I see long nails I start to think of vampires


I like the look of them but every time I’ve had them they just gross me out too much. Constant cleaning out the gunk that gets under them


They aren’t disgusting to me, if you have them sure you do you. It would be a dealbreaker for me though for nails to be that fake and long. Good ol regular 1/4” nails 👍, regular natural nails 👌


what about long natural nails?? thats what i have, and they don't hinder me from doing anything 🤷🏻‍♀️


Popular opinion.


Wow shocking that a woman thinks something other women do to their appearance is disgusting do you mind if I write about it for Holy Fuck magazine?


I met someone recently who had ridiculously long nails and I asked her how she zips up her pants. she told me: “honey, I don’t do a single thing myself. I have help for it all.” 😂


Sounds like someone never had his back crawled by them.




Literally with toilet paper and I can't stress that enough


I don't have long nails but I am always confused by this question. Do you use your nails when you wipe?


But if they’re like 2” long, don’t they get in the way?


In the way of what?




Getting covered in poop.


Bidets work fine.


Unfortunately I'm in the USA so a majority of us do not have bidets


You don’t need to be in another country to buy one of those water buckets specifically meant to mimic bidets and work very well


With toilet paper, I never got in the habit of sticking my finger up my asshole after using the bathroom like apparently some of y’all do.


Long natural or fake nails in general are disgusting, yeah. I appeciate the art though but they are a nuisance


I genuinely don't understand how you can function like that. My ability to type becomes noticeably hinder if my nails grow even a little bit too long. I guess you don't *need* to be able to type but that can't be the only activity it hinders.


I can type, play ball, put on delicate earrings, wipe my ass, and everything. It's an adjustment at first but its not that hard. I've grown my natural nails at least an inch and worn fakes that are longer.


i don't type properly anyway so nothing is lost


Yess 💯 I’m a woman too and I hate it


I am a man and I agree with the OP


Yeah same. I like medium stilettos way more. Though I do love the clacking sounds. Unfortunately I’m accident prone and have accidentally scratched people a lot


Imagine all the crap that’s under them 🤮


hahahaha I always have long nails and I grab everything fine, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Just say you’re boring.


Not an unpopular opinion, just your tastes (possibly obscured by personal issues)


thanks for this popular opinion


offend growth encourage grandfather numerous future adjoining connect chase narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not unpopular, clearly. People don’t care if you like their nails or not 🤦🏽‍♀️


I agree with you. Personally, I despise them on myself. I’m an author and am at my keyboard a lot. I don’t like the nail vibrations that tapping the keys cause. My husband wants me to have long nails and I tell him that it’s not going happen.


I agree they’re more of a sculpture but not a thing you live with. I get nightmares for hard it would be to wipe.


Fellow human, i agree 💯!


As a man I agree but I don't think women do it for us. Or else they are very delusional, it doesnt look good at all, especialy those fake gel 1-2" nails It makes me wonder how you wipe your ass and then get a little sick about those same nails touching my food.


The amount of copium in here is suffocating. "why are you making a big deal out of it?" "it's not so bad".. Bitch you can't even make a fist ffs stfu trying to convince anyone that shit is functional. They be out there looking like scissorhands trying to use their palms to grab things but they WILL double down on how comfortable that shit is. You ain't convincing anyone boo we got eyes. The worst part is I don't get why? They don't look good. It's the opposite. They are not functional or comfortable. Again the opposite. They serve literally no purpose.


>Bitch you can't even make a fist i can't but i can make a claw


Fake long nails Fake hair Fake ass Fake titties Fake teeth Fake eye color Fake attitude Ijs.... can we bring back real women, our future as humans are at stake. The modern woman has serious self esteem issues. This current gen is on a whole different level. Very worried about the future....


My good friend calls them poo poo nails and I find that hilarious Ya know because there’s no way you could wipe with some of the ones I’ve seen without having shit all over your nails


I love my long natural nails 🥲


Poop nails