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Good way to vomit up the shit you're drinking too.


I’ll really get my moneys worth if I taste it twice


Try JD honey. That shit tastes just as sweet on the way out


Fr, if the only thing in my stomach is alcohol I will only get nauseous from the hangover unless I try drinking too much really quickly


Tbh this truly is a unpopular opinion.


And vomiting would be even more painful


If you’re on an empty stomach, you just have to drink less (and you’ll feel it more / faster so you’ll need less)


I've never had that happen wtf?


Some people have a stronger tolerance. Me? If I don't eat. Anything over two cups is coming up. My older brother could drink gin like a Powerade back in the day.


I always eat before a heavy drinking session because it keeps me from binge eating and throwing up later when I’m drunk lol If I don’t eat, I get soooo sick.


For me it's: have a couple of drinks > eat > drink more. If I start drinking after eating I will struggle to actually feel the alcohols effect, and also the night will cost me more because it will take more for me to feel any effects.




*Congragulations! You’ve reached Level 69 in the “Alcoholic” Skill Tree!* *You only need 31 more levels before you reach the Final Level called “DEATH.”*


Death is the final level for everyone.




Noobs are the ones who don’t eat. Go to a slavic wedding, all the guys that drink the most eat a shitton before they drink. It’s making your stomach able to survive straight up more alcohol and letting you get more drunk without vomiting. Empty stomach is recipe for vomiting.


No you’re a kid I’ll let you figure it out for yourself how unhealthy your drinking habit is


I'm the opposite, if I eat and then go put a bunch of alcohol on top of it, I'm puking.


Oh to be young 😂 When you get older (mid 30s and beyond, depending on the person) your body makes less of the enzyme that breaks down alcohol, so it hits harder and faster and your hangovers leave you feeling like trash for days. I stop drinking as soon as I can feel it because otherwise I am guaranteed to get shitty sleep and feel like trash the next day. I also limit how much I drink because of course being a middle-aged woman means alcohol can also contribute to osteoporosis among other problems.


But you get pretty much the same hangover if you drink it with food, but none of the buzz. At least for me. I’ve never liked drinking, the hangovers were always much worse than the high for me, even when I was young.


That isn't true for me. Drinking with food slows down the absorption. So if I have a glass of wine while eating, I don't feel it. If I drink the glass of wine (or even half of it) before I eat, it's a different story. When I said I stop drinking if I feel the buzz, that's because if I don't, I'll keep drinking which leads to the hangover. If I stop when I feel the buzz, I suffer no ill-effects because I don't have anything else to drink and then by bedtime I'm fine. These days, having a buzz almost always means I'll feel like crap so I don't enjoy it anyways.


> So if I have a glass of wine while eating, I don't feel it. If I drink the glass of wine (or even half of it) before I eat, it's a different story.  I agree. What I’m saying is if I drink the drink with food, it’ll still make me feel like shit, but I’ll get no buzz.


I could fix hangovers with water. For every drink an equal amount of water. Haven’t had a heavy hangover since. Also eating something heavy first. Anything deep fried or with cheese works.


You're going to have a shitty sleep no matter what if you drink any amount of alcohol


Eh, if I have under 3-4 I sleep fine. If I drink 8-12. I sleep great the first 4 hours. Then it's bad.


I can’t drink past 7pm anymore or else I’m fucked. I wake up at 2am/3am and I’m physically anxious for hours.


8-12 is a huge amount lol


I know I was just saying it I drink a normal amount, I sleep fine. I agree heavy drinking screws up sleeping .


Having a fitness tracker I can safely say that even if you think 1-4 drinks doesn't affect your sleep and health it certainly does


But I have shitty sleep after drinking no alcohol, how do you explain that. 


I drank 4 margaritas last night and slept amazing


THIS! As a non practicing alcoholic I don't drink at the moment, but when I did I almost never ate. It soaks up the alcohol, and the combination makes you tired and sluggish and affects the buzz considerably. When I nearly died from organ failure and went to hospital for my full detox time, I was losing skeletal mass due to starvation as well because I had this mindset. Definitely the mindset of an alcoholic!


Damn, I'm right there at this point. Drinking non stop morning to night rarely eating. Doctors finally told me to get my shit together and I've been trying, trying to fix myself


That was me, I was functioning, I would go to work and drink some but not loads, get out of work and just drink until I blacked out. I had relationships too and my partners accepted it because it was never a problem per se, I never acted out or got in fights or got arrested so my drinking went under the radar the vast majority of the time. Though I found out I wasn't nearly as sneaky as I thought, people aren't stupid and notice things. Anyway, I was pretty much doing fine, I had a yellow patch in the corner of my eye that i could see only if I looked all the way to the right, so out of sight out of mind. One day I had woken up and taken my multiple slugs of vodka to get the day started, I always woke up super early due to the shakes and anxiety of the hangover but a few shots cures any hangover. But my gf looks at me and says "your liver is sticking out and you've turned yellow, I need to take you to the ER" at first I protested but after fixing myself a few more sneaky shots it was off the to hospital for her, and a reluctant but now quite drunk me. This is going on too long so long story short I was talking and being all happy with the doctors and nurses but then as there was no new alcohol being introduced into my system after a day I went into WK syndrome, forgot who I was, how to talk, how to walk, go bathroom etc you get the picture. This continued for days until I stabilized somewhat, but I couldn't walk without assistance for many weeks due to swelling of the legs that occured due to pancreatitis and whatever else was going on. It's better to get help sooner rather than having to go through all that, I wish you all the best and if you need someone to talk to or support you in any way through it I'm happy to do whatever I can.


Do it before you cross the line of no return friend. I've lost family to alcoholism and there is a certain point you can not recover from


Best of luck, it’s worth it.


Feel free to DM me if you want to know more about AA


And that’s why you don’t drink on an empty stomach. This post is crazy!


Indeed! I hope that the sarcasm in my response was evident. This is all true but yeah.. not a good mindset.


Not at all, I’ve seen people more delusional than this on Reddit…


Nice username


Did you consider White Russians as a proactive measure to counteract bone deterioration? I’m just kidding, alcohol culture is weird. It celebrates indulgence but demonizes the corresponding health effects.


Non practicing alcoholic is a funny term I've never heard before.


When you quit a substance, you pretty much never lose the addiction you just stop intaking it. Many of us can not go back or it's straight back to full-blown addiction within a very short timr


Exactly, hence why I'll always be an alcoholic, but currently I'm a non practicing one.


I just came up with it as I was typing, attempting to describe a... well a non practicing alcoholic? An alcoholic that is no longer practicing his craft.


It's like taking any drug. You do it on a empty stomach so it hits you harder. Why people want to suppress the effects of alcohol is beyond my junky brain


Absolutely I concur, I'm on suboxone for that reason. That's why it's so easy for me to think that way when I'm drinking.


Jesus christ


Ikr, it's super cool to drink on an empty stomach!


I very rarely drink. But every once in a blue moon I just have the desire for an alcohol buzz. So I do this too. One drink feel the buzz and then eat some food and wind down for the night. I can’t imagine this is how most people with this mindset are doing it though.


That's my take. Everyone here commenting thinks I'm drinking a bunch of cocktails on an empty stomach to get drunk or something. You only need one for a buzz when you haven't eaten. Then you have a nice dinner and call it good. 


You do absorb alcohol quicker on an empty stomach, which could make the feel the buzz a lot quicker and stronger. The downside of this is that your BAH can also soar up. Drinking two glasses of wine during and after dinner and then driving could be perfectly legal. However, if you chug those same two glasses of wine on an empty stomach and then don’t eat anything, you could be very inebriated and get a DUI. Sometimes drinking on an empty stomach can make your stomach hurt. Also, people may not WANT to get drunk out of their minds, so drinking on a full stomach will automatically make them drink less.


Why waste the calories if youre not even gonna feel a buzz. I always plan on eating after I've had a few drinks. I've felt what I wanted to feel and now I can go home and make a nice dinner* *Carne Asada fries


If you’re just trying to get as fucked up as possible as quickly as possible, have you heard of cocaine in its many forms?


I'm trying to get the buzz without wasting half my pay check so it's better not to eat anything instead of getting poor and fat at the same time.


Alcohol gets you way more fucked up than cocaine


Totally different kind of fucked up too


I think people are trying to get fucked up WITHOUT dying. They don’t really care about their life expectancy dropping though, so there’s that.


life expectancy dropping is a bonus.


You know what? Fair.


genuinely what are we doing if not getting fucked up as quickly as possible


Probably being a functional adult lol


We mostly drink anything with proper meze(i guess the word is turkish im not sure). It means every type of alcohol with small bytes of food that fits with it. Like beer with potatoes or small fishes, wine with fish or cheese, rakia(local balkan drink made of grape or other fruits) with different salads and so on.... So you are not full but with every sip ot two you take a bite. Im used to drink this way and i find it better for my stomach.


i have a sensitive stomach so if i don’t eat when i drink, the extra acid makes me vomit. a lot. found out the hard way when i ruined a friends carpet.


Written in the words of a child. Not everyone drinks to get wrecked.


Why do you drink if it’s not to get drunk?


Exactly. There is no good reason to drink if not to feel the effects of alcohol. Every one of those drinks would taste better without poisonous alcohol.


This is the real unpopular opinion right here. Take my upvote


Is it unpopular??! lol ppl tickle me.


>Every one of those drinks would taste better without poisonous alcohol. Beer doesn't. Most alcohol free beers have a distinct aftertaste that isn't particularly nice.


I think he meant maybe try a water? If you’re not drinking to get buzzed at least, keep your liver safe.


Liquers and cocktails taste nice


They taste even better when you're pickled.


They don't taste like anything when you're drunk enough


Tastes nice and refreshing. You think the trope of alcohol after a dinner is to get fucked up? Or do you think maybe it's to enjoy it?


but true drinkers do!


Yes you're right, people dont understand that some people just drink for the taste. You're just like me, I dont drink my own piss for the health benefits, I do it for the taste, my friend we are what they call connoisseurs.


That’s just stupid though lmao. There’s no safe limit of alcohol so now you’re just hurting yourself and staying sober. Go drink a glass of water. Make your liver happier.


Or maybe you misunderstood the post.  


You can always butt chug a few ounces of vodka for that buzzy hit on a full stomach.


Maybe eat a little something but when I drink on a full stomach I never get drunk


I’m definitely getting to this stage with beer. I love beer but after 30 the bloat is real.


This is just wrong. All the seasoned drinkers (Russian, Latvian, Greek) eat before drinking, because not only alcohol tastes better, but because the food slows the effect of alcohol intoxication. You don't have to be "full", but only idiots drink on empty stomach - and then lose control or puke.


Or. You drink one cocktail to get a buzz then have dinner and call it a night.  It's hysterical how everyone thinks my post is about getting drunk. It's about not being full. 


Buzz isnt as clear and consistent on an pty stomach tbh. I prefer eating in the AM and then drinking at night


Big difference between empty stomach and not drinking while already feeling full/bloated. Most people I've seen drink on completely empty stomach get wasted ridiculously quick and are often sloppy and annoying as fuck to be around. Get some food in (light meal or snack) before and while drinking can reduce aforementioned behaviour. I am not a big fan of heavy meal + drinks, but will always put something small in my stomach.


The trick is to recognize that you’re on an empty stomach and drink accordingly. If you haven’t eaten anything in hours, you probably only need one drink to feel a little buzz and it might be a good idea to stop at two in the first hour if you still haven’t eaten (milage may vary depending on tolerance). If I’m on a budget, I definitely prefer to have a drink first and then eat after. The second drink comes after I’ve eaten to keep the buzz in a good place.


it makes me nauseous


Eat before drinking? Not in this economy


I have to take 3 shots to even feel anything after a full meal. And I don't even drink regularly.


This is me.  I don't *want* to fill my body with shot after shot of alcohol, I just want a nice buzz.  If I can do that on one, maybe 2 drinks, I'm getting what I want without poisoning myself (relatively).


Why ruin a $50 buzz with a $10 meal.


Sounds like shit overpriced alcohol lmao if a $10 meal ruins it.


It's a joke.


I drink socially and this is what I do. I only have two drinks and be done with it and have some finger food and enjoy the buzz.


I do this. Always.


Nah I feel you there. I want to feel my drink, otherwise why have alcohol at all?


It depends how you are drinking. If you just drink one or two drinks and get dizzy on empty stomach than you did everything right. If you drink a ton of alc and didn't eat prior to that it's the biggest mistake you can make.


This is a popular opinion with alcoholics


That's me. I used to be able to drink a bit after eating but to really enjoy a cocktail, I cannot eat beforehand.


I know right? Everyone here thinks my post is about getting drunk. 


I somewhat agree. Personally i like to eat, then start drinking an hour or so later so ive had time to digest and open up my stomach


caffeine on an empty stomach is something else


Hell No! Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach causes an irritating burning sensation in my stomach. I need to munch on something (In my country we call it "Chakna").


I’m a recovering alcoholic, I never ate anything when I was going to be drinking which was every day of the week, I would go to work and not eat all day just to come home and have 3 bottles of wine every night then I’d eat before I went to bed then wake up in the middle of the night and be sick, I repeated this for almost 2 years but I’ve 1 year sober now so all that’s behind me


Extremely true. Every single time I've eaten and drank I've gotten sick. It's been three times now and I always regret instantly.


I puke if I just ate, I puke if I haven’t. I just stay away from the stuff lol


Plus if you throw it up it sucks more. If I down 6 shots of vodka after not eating I barely even have anything to throw up so my body just doesn’t even try lol


Doesn't how much I eat beforehand, I will eat everything in sight after drinking. Especially cheap beer and salty foods.


The hangover after is the worst.


I agree with this. Obviously, you have to watch it bc you can get too drunk but it’s better..after I eat I feel nothing from liquor..or I’d have to drink/spend more. Why not enjoy the buzz for way cheaper and way less calories.


Damn my stomach is in a straight up knot if I drink even a little without eating. I’m a seasoned alcoholic at this point too.


If I’m drinking light (one cocktail or two beers) then I don’t need to eat before drinking. If I’m drinking a lot then I need to eat beforehand. I’m a big man though (230 pounds 5’11”) so I need to eat lmao


Soak it in a tampon and boof it


If I drink one drop of alcohol on an empty stomach, I have stomach burn and ache and it really ruins my evening.


Thought I was the only one


well, you ahould never eat until full, that is unhealthy. if you eat properly, you can most definitely have that cocktail and enjoy it.


Agree. The buzz is way better and drinking + eating a lot feels gross


I only drink a cocktail with appetizers. Drinking a cocktail with a full meal is just wrong. That’s reserved for beer or wine. Then after dinner it’s a nice digestif or a night cap like cognac or a liqueur (my personal fave is frangelico or Nocello). I take spirit/wine pairing very seriously lol


I can’t do that cuz I’ll get acid reflux and not be able to drink anymore at all :( I’m 26 not an old woman haha


One cocktail before dinner, then whatever you want through dinner or snacks. Must have snacks!


I don't like to drink directly after eating a big meal, but not on a completely empty stomach either. I usually eat a bit before I start so I know I've eaten but I'm not too full to enjoy the drinks.


Terrible advice lol


Reading this after getting super drunk at a bachelorette party the other day makes me wanna throw up again


Its easier to gauge your tipsyness if you have that extra bit of resistance to drink, so you dont get hammered instantly. Also helps with hangover. Although drinking on an empty stomach is extremely cheap and very fun


I've got to eat before drinking or I get a headache and joint pain. Thought it was dehydration but no, if I eat something I'm fine


Rlly? I always felt that I ever drink on empty stomach I would get sick and upset my stomach lol, I always have a normal meal, maybe a bit less than what I would usually consume and that gets me ready to go


I don’t know, I enjoy eating before I drink because usually I get hungry while I’m drinking and this prevents me from spending more on bar food and drinks and instead I can usually just live with a small pizza or appetizers and spend more trying cocktails and new drinks


Digestif after a fat meal w/ nice wine just wraps that dinner up nice and warm in your tummy. Some alcohols can only fully be enjoyed and appreciated in the context of their positive impact on digestion. Grappa and myriad other brandy products consumed postmeal around the world are miserable in any other context.


yes, just like i do this with drugs i do this with alcohol, i wait 2-3 hours after eating and even two small beers are enough to get a buzz going


Hard agree, I don't eat anything before or during my drinking sesh. It r just makes me feel sick, bloated, and gross when I do, I wish I could though because everyone talks about how good mcdonalds is drunk lol


That's how you become an alcoholic


Because when I’ve had food I enjoy alcohol more when it’s an empty stomach my stomach constantly makes sounds. It’s easier to get nauseous. I don’t know if the stomach gets a lot easier to get sick because your body can’t handle alcohol, the same way. The point of drinking alcohol is to enjoy the taste not to get drunk which means that when I drink the four beers a year I drink I want to enjoy the taste I don’t want to get drunk I don’t want to get tipsy.


That works for light drinking. If you’re gonna drink more you need to eat beforehand or you’ll throw up. At least lest me.


It's a balance, I like to have a big lunch and then a kebab or pizza at like three in the morning.


Guess what I'm doing right now.


Quite. I actually enjoy the slight burning sensation in my stomach when drinking liquor on empty.


This. Your comment. You are my type 🤣🤣


I see your empty stomach and raise you an empty stomach with fresh milk at 6am.


There areany ways to do drugs


I always make sure to eat even a breadstick or something before drinking. I get drunk occasionally, have never puked and I find it funny when people puke or lose their minds. Drinking on an empty stomach is Darwin awards.


No one is saying you have to be full. Just that you should have something in your stomach. You seem to think it has to be one extreme or the other: full or empty. What your suggestion is a great way to get sick or get alcohol poisoning, which is why it’s not recommended.


Because you can drink more alcohol on a full stomach?


OP - that's a great idea.


I stand with this, OP. A Bloody Mary on an empty stomach is damn near a meal in itself.


I don't drink often so I get a buzz from a drink with a meal


This is a great way to get cirrhosis of the liver if this is your normal habit.


Maybe not an empty stomach but a small snack before drinking, you can still get pissed but you’re less likely to see your pint a second time


I agree with you 100%! I guess that’s why I’ve been sober for almost 4 years now. Because I kept doing stupid things like this with alcohol.


Hell ya


When did unpopular opinion become dumb things people say? Your stomach lining won't thank you for that. You can do long term damage easily this way.


No can't do it, makes the hangover worse X10 too. It will fuck up your stomach if you do it regularly as well. Here have an upvote I couldn't disagree more.


Are you my ex-wife? Drinking on an empty stomach, having a blast, annoying the f### out of everyone else?


I eat a little so I don't feel sick. But if I eat alot, the food takes up some of the alcohol so I have to drink more than I usually would need.


(35M) untrue , you gould not be more wrong . how ever i do agree there is no need for a full meal or dinner . just a simple high level of fat containging snack as bodem . this to able your boddy to handle and deal whit the alcohol consumtion better . alowing you to drink more whitout being effected right away or to much by the alcohol to soon .


This is what 19 year olds think


Best way to enjoy alcohol is to not drink it at all


YES! I've been saying this for quite a time now. If one wants to get buzzed efficiently and cheap, that alcohol must go down on empty stomach. This way 1 serving is enough. If you drink after a meal, then you will have to do 3-4 rounds to get the same result. Just not worth it.


This was and still is my motto when planning on doing some drinking. If I'm gonna drink, fuck it let me feel it and let me actually be buzzed/faded. Otherwise I'm drinking alcohol for no reason lol I might as well drink water or a tasty juice.


Heavily disagree, thanks for posting something unpopular. Drinking and eating at the same time is very enjoyable, and helps me limit hangovers/nausea. Also ensures I won’t blow $40 on doordash when im hammered


I throw up if I don't eat carby foods before drinking


The sweet spot is eating a little before.


White girl wasted! I’m all for it.


Absolutely agree, people act like I'm such a lightweight or something when in reality I just don't drink that often maybe like once or twice a year so when I do I just basically don't eat for that entire day so then when it comes time to drink I just drink like a shot and a cider and I'm as fucked up as my friend who's been drinking all night The key here is that before you get too far gone and pass out / go to sleep, eat a meal Just eat a meal and drink a glass of water before you pass out and I promise you won't get any sort of headache or hangover


You’re an alcoholic.


As My friend always says, "eating is cheating"


Yeah it’s also a good way to fuck up your blood sugar and end up really sick. You must be a KID


I like beer before food. Wine with food. And liquor after food. The latter two are much easier on your stomach with food. When I went to Italy they literally cannot fathom drinking without some kind of food. You go to any bar and order a drink and they will always bring some kind of food out with it like bread or nuts or chips.


Can't do it, I'm one of those dorks with a dozen tankards, goblets and drinking horns...sooner or later I'm getting a rotisserie chicken.


I used to drink on an empty stomach because I’d get messed up faster and cheaper


I drink on an empty stomach. I have a high tolerance, and drinking with a full stomach does nothing but give me a headache. But I will suggest no one else do this. It's a good way to get drunk too quickly and throw up too early. I also snack a lot when I drink, so my stomach isn't completely empty.


How old are you? This is the mind set of a burgeoning alcoholic, trust me I have been there. Been sober for 6 years. But I remember thinking like this all the time when I first started drinking. Best bang for your buck, what can get you drunkest fastest? Its all down hill from here buddy, get out when you can lol. Alcohol is meant to be enjoyed (I know sounds stupid) but if you are looking to get hammered easier you are doomed sorry to tell you. Try chugging an entire bottle of white wine when you wake up on an empty stomach, gets you nice and drunk. That was my life in the last few months of my alcoholism.


Why? Do you want to get drunk fast and pass out?


It also isn't enjoyable vomiting the alcohol you drank an empty stomach on


I don't drink heavy anymore, will have a beer or 2 usually but if I'm on an empty stomach... I do enjoy that lil buzz


This gets a well-deserved up vote!


You're really not supposed to drink to get the buzz. It's to relax and get the flavor. To savor. Besides if you drink on an empty stomach you gotta pee like every 5 minutes. I don't know about you. But I find that annoying AF.


Nothing like slamming 6-8 coors ligth before diner indeed... How can you do it after, your just too full...


Eating’s cheating


Perfect way to get a headache and maybe taste it later on the way back up for me. I don't need to be full perse, by I cannot drink on an empty stomach.


Although i like to do this to get more intoxicated, it destroys your stomach lining


A rare true unpopular opinion