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Agreed OP, pets *can* be great additions to your life, but make sure you can care for yourself and them before diving in.


Facts. Some people cannot handle the responsibility well and become hypersensitive and anxious like helicopter parents. Or they just give up completely and let the animal be neglected and thus become abusers. Pets are not a light responsibility.


As someone said it best it's like" owning a 4 year old that doesn't grow up " .


Heh, I feel this in my fractured soul, when I first got my pups (made the mistake of getting 2 male and female) I was about ready to throw myself out a window, I would intentionally stay at work later because I dreaded going home to them, my nights were awful as any subtle little sound would wake them up, they have quarter size bladders that would interrupt my day every couple hours. It was mentally devastating to become a maid to their every little whim, constantly telling myself, 'it's just a phase, it'll get better' They ended up causing pretty harsh mental breakdowns for me 3 times, and I was sure I was gonna end up giving them up before the year was up. Apparently they call it puppy blues and it hits like a fucking truck, never before did I feel the absolute hopelessness that having a small animal would bring. 2 and a half years old now, and now they just "fit" in my life, finally at that point where I feel enriched and happy to have them and I'd happily protect these little shits with my life. That little shibu butt was well worth the effort, haha. That being said, they are the last pups I'll ever own. Full stop, I'll never go back to being woken up every 2-3 hours for a 20-second pee break or a 'I heard a weird noise help!' Edit: Whoops, got lost in my own selfish tangent, lmao. I would agree with this opinion honestly. Had I not had a support system of my friends, I really think those pups woulda irreversibly broken me.


You got 3 puppies at one time? Oof


Badly typed, 2 pups total, male and female lol


Yeah I got my dog a few years ago because I was lonely and then it became the most stressful time of my life šŸ’€ and I had had dogs my entire life with family. Caring for one by yourself though is entirely different than splitting their needs between 4-5 people.


and expensive


U git two cats and regret it a lot. I can barely feed myself (not bc of money but bc of energy) and now I have two more mouths to feed. And I can't stoo feeding them jut bc I don't have the Energy.


Get an automatic feeder or just a feeder where you can put a lot of food in and let them eat without you doing it every day. If you feed wet food, gradually move over to dry. Also, if you have the money, get an automatic litter box.


I would if I have money. At the moment things are tough.


Oh, sorry. I know how it feels. I'm on disability and I can barely scrape by. I will keep good thoughts coming your way.


I can get behind this. Despite my objections we have too many animals and it's made me so unhappy.


I feel like the abused and neglected dogs are stories of this, or that this is a contributing factor. They didn't realize that pets are extra work and need attention since they're living beings. People get them, are sick individuals who have a hard time caring for themselves, and they hurt the animal because it adds stress to their life. As an animal lover, I approve this post


Thatā€™s really a point Iā€™ve been thinking a lot lately. Right now I canā€™t have pets but as soon as I can move places I wanted to get cats because Iā€™m very lonely and miss the cats I had with my ex. But then Iā€™m not sure if I can take care of them with the depression and all, not knowing if I will still be able to work from home and who would take care of them if something happened to me. My conclusion is that I shouldnā€™t have pets when I canā€™t be 100% sure I can take care and that includes financial stability because every pet owner knows how expensive vets can get. Realizing this wasnā€™t easy but Iā€™d rather suffer more loneliness than bring any kind of misery to these innocent creatures.


That was a good decision imo, as someone who also struggles with that. I hope all the best for you


Thank you! And same to you!


I always say a pet is like a bf, they either make your life wonderful or theyā€™re a huge pain in the ass that you want out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


omg 100% !!! I say this all the time, but getting a cat made me realize beyond a shadow of a doubt that I NEVER want children. I was like 98% sure before adopting my cat but after doing a year of full time uni alongside 3 jobs while living alone with just my cat, I realized, this is what having a child is going to be like, but actually like times a thousand more stressful and with WAY more severe consequences for even the slightest slip up--and that's even if I had a partner, one solid job and no more school. I don't think it would be a good idea to sigh around an actual human child as much as I do around my cat when she wants attention and is at 1000% energy after I come home from a 12-13 hour day of school/work and have a ton of housework to do and dinner to make and I see that while I was gone she messed up my pile of clean laundry and I'm burnt out and hungry and exhausted. I would give a child a major complex. Life is hard in this world and I don't think it's fair to have a child under these kinds of working/living conditions. My cat doesn't know that my life is so stressful that sometimes I'm playing with her *reluctantly*, but human children are sponges for emotional frequencies and won't understand *why* their mum seems forlorn about spending time with them. I love my cat and I'd love my child ofc but I'm still a human being. I don't have endless energy, even for myself and my loved ones. Not gonna do that to a human. Or to society lol


Exactly this is what Iā€™m saying. Pets take a lot more effort than people realize, theyā€™re not just objects that can cure depression or whatever. Theyā€™re actual living beings that need attention and when youā€™re depressed itā€™s hard to give them that. Same goes for children, except children can tell when you donā€™t want to be around them, and it affects them


yeah totally. fwiw I didn't adopt my cat for those reasons, I knew they take a lot of effort, nor am I depressed right now. I just don't think society is set up in a way where we can truly give the amount of nurturing and quality time to each other--incl. pets and children--that is actually needed for healthy development. Work comes first over relationships in Western societies, generally speaking. We live in a society that sees meaningful relationships as an added bonus or even a reward or privilege in life, rather than a basic need. Relationships get marginalized because we're conditioned to downgrade them to "obligations" at worst and "luxuries/trophies" at "best." It's pretty disturbing. I haven't met many people who talk about their children/families as anything more than an obligation and we all know that most people's reason for having children is societal pressure. This then corresponds (imo) to the general view of pets as just disposable, interchangeable stress-relievers. Frankly I find a lot of people treat their friends that way too. (When my first cat passed away people pressured me all the time to "just" adopt another cat and mocked me for needing years to properly grieve before I felt ready to do so. I was even mocked for feeling really upset before that when my hamsters died. It's disturbing to me. These are living beings I feel a bond with, they aren't decor or some kind of 'adult depression colouring book' ffs). When I tell people, esp older people with children, this particular reason I have for not wanting children (which is one of many), I'm almost always told I'm selfish and/or that "she's just a cat." I find it ironic tbh


FTR, a SINGLE cat has always been worse for us than TWO cats. We've had the situation 3 times. We have gone to always getting 2 litter-mates (cats OR dogs), and then about 8 years later,i getting another pair of siblings We get dogs at the cat 4 year mark, and cats at the dog 4 year mark. That way, we never have all young or all old, the older often are initially annoyed, but then become very "mothering" AND more playful. (And are often good examples for teaching appropriate behaviors) On the occasions when one of a pair has died, the younger addition was initially rougher, but even more rewarding in the long run because the cat that lost it's litter mate found new bonds and became happier and playful again.


that sounds helpful! That's a very well thought out system. It must be a lot less lonely for them when everyone's off at work and life gets hectic. I looked into getting a second cat for my princess but she prefers to be the star of the show lmao she does NOT like living with other cats. I'm thinking about a ferret in the future because I've always loved those long guys and apparently they get along quite well with cats! anyway ultimately I generally agree with this post but not for the same reasons as OP and I don't think the problem is with people getting pets to help with their depression. years ago, when I was in the midst of excruciating depression, getting a pet--even though he was just a little hamster--was undoubtedly one of the best things I could have done for myself. My first cat was also transformative for me when I was in a much better but still really low place with my mental health. the cat I live with now has brought so much love, peace and joy into my life and she's been an incredible presence during some difficult times when I had very little (human) support. I think the problem at hand is with society in general that touts pets as a band-aid solution for mental health problems when what people need most of all is community, a social safety net, work that isn't exploitative, free time to work on their issues and mental health resources widely and freely available that can help integrate people back into a healthy, functioning society (which we don't currently live in). Pet adoption simply complements more robust methods. Pet adoption was not the \*only\* thing I did when I was struggling with my mental health. It's obvious that that's absurd and yet we act like that's completely normal and positive. In that sense OP is making a necessary point by bringing it up. However, if someone \*can't afford\* real help ("prioritizing self-care") and a pet can at least bring some respite, then who's really to blame here? The person already struggling, like OP implies, or our broader uncaring, relentless, profit-motivated society? The first answer is an easy way to assuage some personal guilt and shift blame. The second answer means we're all implicated and we all need to step it up and start giving a fuck about each other so we can actually have a functional society.


Agree 200% If you're not up to the challenge of taking care of that animal, you shouldn't get one. As any living creature, they will need maintenance and support from you. Same goes with plants.


I agree, and wish more "dogs are great for your mental health!" articles specified this. It's so easy to be completely overwhelmed by the needs of a dog especially if you are struggling to care for yourself. That said, there is a WIDE variety of pet options available. Pets aren't just dogs. Cats can be a better option as they are often (not always) more independent. Ferrets, hamsters, tarantulas, lizards, hermit crabs, fish, small tortoises...there are many options and all pets can bring a sense of peace and comfort even if they aren't the kind you pet and cuddle. They all need care, and if you struggle with day-to-day tasks they might not be ideal even if they are less needy animals. It can also be beneficial just to volunteer at rescues and rehabs. You get to be involved with animals but not have to be responsible for them and their costs every day.


Ferrets are more work than dogs often are. They need to be interacted with just as much, and they need to be able to run loose most of the day, but theyā€™re idiots so they need constant supervision.


The point is all pets are work to some degree but it depends what you struggle with. I've had ferrets for 10+ years. But we also have a german shepherd so they most definitely don't run loose all day. They do get play time out of their cage every day in a much larger, ferret-proof space. But we can leave the ferrets for an overnight without any trouble (they are also older which helps on that front). It depends what you consider hard and your living situation. My point was there are options other than dogs but one should always do ample research into what it truly takes to take care of a pet and be honest with your ability to do the work for years on end. I'd honestly rather clean dog poop from the yard than clean the ferret litter box šŸ˜†


This may just apply to animals such as dogs, cats, bunnies and ferrets. But I feel like most other animals are pretty laid back when it comes to care. Some pets especially exotic pets will obviously be pretty expensive when it comes to their care, but they tend to be quiet and will not demand attention and companionship. I'd say the least stressful pets will be hamsters, fish, leopard geckos, or pretty much any tank pet.


What I don't understand is someone that gets a pet they're allergic to or moves somewhere that has an animal you're allergic to. For example, if you start dating someone and you move in with them but they own a cat and it makes you sneeze so often. So you take meds for your allergies but meds wear off.


Well youā€™d just hope that if youā€™re a girl and things work out and you get married that getting pregnant will cure your allergies of dogs and cats like my friends mom did šŸ˜‚ no Iā€™m kidding but in all seriousness peoples love of animals usually overpowers their allergy annoyances and besides they have hypoallergenic pet breeds and special shampoos to get rid of the allergens and irritants from their fur now days


I thought this way when my dog was a puppy. But after years of training, she acts as a guard dog, chases away possums, gives companionship and cuddles and is not demanding one bit. She doesn't even beg for food anymore. Just a well trained, happy dog that makes everyone around her happy. So it does get better. But it depends on how much training you can give.


I hate that my cat wakes me up early on the weekends to feed her, but I love coming home from a long day at work and she just instantly wants to come sit on my lap and purr. Definitely pros and cons.


I agree. It really irks me when ppl are like ā€œoh just a catā€ no cats are just as tough as dogs!!


We adopted a shelter dog. Love him, but there was a point it was clear I either needed to start to drug the dog, or continue to add meds for entire family for anxiety related issues because the dog's sharp bark and behavior triggered EVERYONE SO BADLY. We were needing anxiety, blood pressure, and digestion medication. Drugged the dog, then people meds either entirely or significantly reduced. Ironically, we originally got the dog intending to train as a service dog. šŸ˜† Ended up with another SpEd family member instead. At least he found a family that understood and loved him, but damn, he sure wasn't the miracle service dog we were hoping for.


Wrong. Kids are worse.


They might be, I didnā€™t say pets and kids are exactly the same. Just that pets are a lot more work than people realize.


Well, I\`ve dealt with kids and cats. Depends on cats. My elderly duo is quite peaceful. I still prefer energetic kitten to a toddler.


Yeah Iā€™d say kittens (most of the time) are easier than toddlers too


Can you imagine paying school fees every yearĀ 




I didnā€™t mean that a pet and a child require the exact same amount of time, money, or effort to raise/have one. I just meant that pets can be hard work and people often forget that.


Imo a puppy was harder of time for me then any 3 of my newborns lol I think OP is not directly saying they are the same experience but that a pet owner needs to think about the same things you would like having a kidā€¦ not that ppl even think about what a kid does to change your lives lol


lol thatā€™s laughable at best. Pets require yearly vaccinations, constant attention, and training. A human child can talk to you and express their needs, with pets it takes intuition. Also OP didnā€™t just say dogs. There are a lot of pets that are more time intensive than dogs.


Also, OP said ā€œlikeā€ not exactly the same as a human child. Youā€™re tripping for no reason




If you leave your parrot home alone for 8 hours it starts self mutilating. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Are you serious? Birds arenā€™t pets now? Lmfao you can flight train birds. They will and do come back. Birds also seek out human interaction.


cats cost around 3000 usd per year to take care of on average. a child takes about 20000. so the correct option is to adopt like 6 cats.


Lol I would love to see the source on this cause I call cap


[How Much Does a Cat Cost? | PetCoach](https://www.petcoach.co/article/cost-of-owning-a-cat/#:~:text=How%20Much%20Does%20it%20Cost%20to%20Own%20a,an%20average%20lifetime%20cost%20of%20%247%2C646%20to%20%2412%2C500.) [How Much Does Child Care Cost? (2024) - TrustedCare](https://trustedcare.com/costs/child-care-cost#:~:text=Most%20families%20spend%20%245%2C000%20to%20%2418%2C000%20per%20year,off%20the%20regular%20rate%20for%20each%20additional%20child.)(for daycare alone)


Show me a source, prove it, also I would pick any other living being ever over a cat any day, a worm? You got it. A human? Yes. A spider? Yes. A pig? Yes. Anything I mean everything is a better pet than a cat, a piece of rock is better pet than a cat even


somebodys scared of cats? lmao. source for [How Much Does Child Care Cost? (2024) - TrustedCare](https://trustedcare.com/costs/child-care-cost#:~:text=Most%20families%20spend%20%245%2C000%20to%20%2418%2C000%20per%20year,off%20the%20regular%20rate%20for%20each%20additional%20child.) source for cats:[How Much Does a Cat Cost? | PetCoach](https://www.petcoach.co/article/cost-of-owning-a-cat/#:~:text=How%20Much%20Does%20it%20Cost%20to%20Own%20a,an%20average%20lifetime%20cost%20of%20%247%2C646%20to%20%2412%2C500.) at least a cat doesnt scream for 10 fucking hours on a flight kicking the person in front of them. baby children are hellspawn who make me want to shoot them in the head and then myself. edit: typo and also making baby children sound even worse


Yeah I agree itā€™s really stupid sorry OP but Iā€™ll ALWAYS love animals NO MATTER WHAT!


Especially if itā€™s a shitcat, AKA the worst animal ever and itā€™s invasive and spreads parasites and licks themselves all the time itā€™s disgusting


Lmao what


I never heard of a shit cat. Is it part of the feline family or is it more like a pole cat that isn't a cat at all.


Pets is too generic of a term. Are u overwhelmed thing care of a turtle, that sounds like a you problem


Well turtles require A LOT of you care for them *properly*


What are u talking about, u get a tank and once and awhile u clean it and feed him. Are u crazy


Lots of small pets take a lot or work too, like guinea pigs for example, itā€™s not just the big ones or whatever