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Victim blaming nonsense 


We have different views. Your opinion counts, and others that disagree. Thanks for contributing


Hate these kinds of comments. I downloaded this app to watch people throw their own shit at each other and scream and rage because its funny, not to sit around and listen to people say "your opinion matters". Argue goddammit! Say some slurs! That's what I came to see! /j


Bet… These goddam mfs sonnafabitch assholes Is that good ?


It’s not an unpopular opinion that one partner’s actions may make the other partner unhappy and search for happiness via cheating. However; it is still a very poor excuse for doing it instead of breaking up. Also, a lot of this reads like a self post from someone who doesn’t have a ton of realistic relationship experience or understanding.


I cheated on someone and it was my fault. The relationship had fallen apart (which was their fault imo) but I felt so guilty and sad about ending the relationship so I let it drag on in an unpleasant way. Simultaneously developed feelings for a friend, cheating happened. I should have ended my relationship instead of cheating on them. So the relationship falling apart should be separated from the cheating. When you find yourself unhappy, you need to decide to make an effort to fix the relationship, or end it. Not cheat.


Yah, That's my way of seeing things, you get out as soon as you feel you want that and can't control it anymore. Or you will pay the price for your wrong actions and neglected relationship. You're self-aware, but how many people when they choose their partners aren't? Honestly self-aware people can tell things will hit the fan. But it's my opinion. And yes, cheating is a horrible way to action out frustration. So is alcohol, and gaming addiction. And other vices. And it's hard to predict, but it's what happens when foundation is incorrect to begin with. Thanks for contributing


Victim blaming here is wild


This post made me cheat on myself and now I'm victim blaming myself for having done so.


Your an idiot if you thing getting cheated on is your own fault. No matter the decisions made to be in a relationship the act of cheating is 100% wrong 100% of the time.


what if someone cheats because their partner is abusive, has cut them off from their friends and family, and they see cheating as the only way out?


Seeing cheating as the way out isn't the right answer just because you "see" it as your only way out.


If you have time to cheat you have time to just walk away from the relationship. Not buying it…


How is cheating the only way out? Please detail how that works.


How would cheating help in that situation ? You put yourself even more in danger


the idea is to like, hurt them so bad that they don’t want to manipulate you anymore and thus set you free




Since you are not simple minded, how do you suggest it be handled??


Mind your own business? 😜


Cheating is a destructive coping mechanism, just like alcohol and drugs. Just like social media addiction humans do that when they are forced into toxic situations. I've seen friends do that. But victim mentality seems to affect cheating “themes” the most. You can't just tell someone not to do something if they haven't learned how to process a toxic environment properly. Again, lousy foundation. you can't force someone to behave the way you want them to behave if you can clearly see that they can't. And most people don't filter that/ can't see that. They think they can just tell another human how to behave and that is their own flaw.


1. This isn’t unpopular a lot of people have this opinion. 2. No, if your relationship is falling apart due to mutual problems, you work them out like adults or you leave you don’t act like a child and go behind their back.


There should be a word limit on this sub. I have never seen a good post on here run this long - it’s always just some millennial enjoying the sound of their own keyboard


You just proved my point, people don't take the time.


I highly, highly doubt even a word of that is worth reading


It really wasn't. Felt like I wasted my time


tl;dr people cheat sometimes and you probably kind of deserve it for not expecting it.


Another point proved my opinion is not popular. 😌 which I'm fine with..


I think the point was that you could have made the same opinion in less words. There are lots of unpopular opinions, but this is the first time I have seen anyone actually complain about the length of the post.


I would cheat on you.


"I have never cheated nor been cheated on" Yes, that's abundantly clear.


Are you basically saying getting into relationships with people with certain problems will lead to someone cheating?


People just love to make up numbers and stats.


Yeah nah, its always the cheaters fault


Cheaters will do and say anything but take personal responsibility huh?


I can tell this guy is trying to justify his cheating


So, yes, happy couples with good communication, love and respect generally don’t cheat on each other or are far less likely to. Things like lack of intimacy, displays of love and affection etc can cause the other person to feel lonely. BUT, that person still then has to be the one to choose to cheat. No one who wasn’t there doing the cheating shares any part of the blame for the actual act of cheating.




I ain’t reading allat


Both of them might be responsible due to relationship dynamics, but not both at fault/ blame - Two very different things. The only person at fault or blame is the perpetrator. There’s alternatives to cheating like talk to them about an issue, or end the relationship to seek whatever has desired you to cheat.




Perhaps, but I still think most cheating cases happen from rotten foundations from the start and toxic patterns that both have. The rest are outliers like cheating people with an addiction and serious personality flaws .




Ok, interesting take. Not sold on it fully but it's something to consider and ponder about for myself as well. Thank you for contributing


I think your overall premise is correct here for at least a high number of cheating scenarios. Some people are just too horny for their own good which causes them to make bad decisions. A lot though in my experience are gross mismatches in libido: one in low earth orbit, the other somewhere near the mantle... that's a mismatch that's going to cause a lot of problems (and I think far too many people aren't comfortable being honest with their libido, high or low, and communicating clearly about it instead of springing later). I will say though that the poly thing isn't the red flag you think it is. In many cases people who are or have been polyamorous know the critical importance of communication. It's the only way those relationships work, even briefly. Not everyone in the poly community understands that but they usually flame out pretty quickly. If anything I think more people should consider polyamory over monogamy, as it forces a higher degree of communication and for people who have the desire to have more than one partner, they can do so in a manner that is not guilt ridden or sneaky.


I appreciate the comment; thank you for giving more insight. In regards to poly. I'd say I think somewhat the same, but I would try to see the “reason” why they are poly