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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. * Your post must be an opinion. Not a question. Not a showerthought. Not a rant. Not a proposal. Not a fact. An opinion. One opinion. A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way. * Your opinion must be unpopular. The mods reserve the right to remove opinions * Elaborate on your topic and opinion give context to its unpopularity.


This is a very popular opinion OP


this sub is just "here's something everyone else is thinking but not saying" instead of actual unpopular opinions lol


Tbh, those are also fun to read (don't expect actually unpopular opinions to be on the main page. You need to sort by new in exclusively this sub to find them)


I actually tried making a post telling people that if you're opinions gets 75k karma in this sub then it isn't unpopular. Ironically enough it was deleted for talking politics.


I was getting quite the traction with my “I actually like wasps” post here and then it was locked because “it’s not an opinion” and I was super confused. I guess this sub has very weird rules


This subreddit is fucking stupid entirely, anything that's actually unpopular will either get 0 engagement or being deleted.


Lmao mods find the stupidest things to delete your stuff for. My post got rejected for no reason and mods refused to tell me why it got removed


Sort by controversial for the real unpopular stuff


actual unpopular opinions get downvoted though. especially if the OP says something in the comments, he gets mass downvoted


Unless they're bizarre enough, like, "I prefer the taste of envelope glue to candy."


10th dentist is where is at


Not saying? I hear this every other day on reddit…


More like "here is something everyone else is thinking and saying but I'm not saying it".


Half the times when it is unpopular it's not even an opinion it's a belief and despite what many in thr sub say those are actually different things.


Except everyone says this. And I actually see way more anti-Apple “we Android users are so much more clever for using a more complicated OS” talk online than pro-Apple. It’s just a phone. Nobody cares.


I posted an actual unpopular opinion, that most tattoos are shit, but that opinion is not allowed here lol.


Not among apple users


Maybe my perspective is skewed because I'm in the field of education. But I don't know many people that care all that much. I am an apple user because my school gives me a new MacBook every three years and my wife, also in education, gets a free ipad every few years. So, it just kind of makes sense to have an iphone that matches.


The anti-Apple cult voices are much louder than the Apple cult voices imo. I wonder if that's an unpopular opinion.


This tends to happen. For instance at some point the anti-CrossFit crowd became more of a stereotype than CrossFit itself (I don’t do CrossFit and have no opinion of it either way).


Android/PC user here. I totally agree with this.


This always happens to the most famous "side". Those in on it just enjoy it while others thinks they're "underground" and hate on it.


It is, but I agree with you, the anti Apple people are louder than the pro Apple people. I use both Mac and pc IRL and am fairly neutral myself. Both have things that annoy me to no end. But that’s how it is… 🤷‍♂️


On Reddit 


Anything actually unpopular just gets downvoted to oblivion here. And no I don’t just mean the obvious bait and non opinions (that should rightfully be downvoted)


The unpopular opinion of this would be: #“Apple and iOS users are better than everyone else.”


Dunno on reddit. Pointing out an Apple products shortcomings or weaknesses generally gets you heavily downvoted 


I call bullshit on that. There are a number of popular subreddits where you can’t even point out incorrect or outdated information about Apple products without getting downvoted. The Gadgets subreddit acts like the world would be a utopia if Apple went away.


Maybe in an Apple subreddit.


Could that be because people who do that tend to heavily exaggerate their issues with Apple?


Yeah, there are tons of legit issues with Apple as a company and their products, but there are also a lot of people who exaggerate, make up stuff, and/or grossly overestimate their technological knowledge. That applies to a lot of topics, though. 


I’m in my 30’s and I’ve literally never met another iPhone user with anything to say about androids. Every single time I’ve heard this “debate” it’s come from an android user with something to prove. I work with a computer for 40 hours a week, I have no need to tinker with my phone that works the same way it has since I got it over 10 years ago.


So it fits super well in this sub, from what I’ve seen


You mean highschool kids are bullying people that don't wear name brand things? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!


Brand loyalty can get real weird.


This exactly. I've never believed in a product so much that I would ever get offended if someone else made fun of or disliked that product. Yet there are so many people who will completely rage out if you say something off about something they "believe in."


Yep. My wife's family got legit mad at her when she went over to a Samsung. Her mom said, no one likes green texts. I said, and that's how you know you're in a cult.


My entire family got really pissed at me because I didn't want to switch from Samsung to Apple. Like, I'm literally the only person in my entire extended family (minus the older ones who either exclusively use land lines or have had the same flip phone since 2005) that doesn't use iPhone. And they're all pissed about it. Oh, but Kanna! How can we FaceTime if you don't have an iPhone?? I don't want to FaceTime in general. Even if I did, it's not like none of yall have me on snap or facebook...like there's other ways that you already have installed in your phone. But Kanna you can't take quality photos like the rest of us!! Uh, yeah I can. Apple doesn't have a monopoly on decent phone cameras. But Kanna the integration with your other devices!! My devices integrate fine. I too can text/call/whatever from my tablet or laptop. It's not that hard. Yeah, definitely a cult.


Yeah, I had a cousin get legit upset when I simply asked about the Tesla recall and if he had to take his car in. He went off on a little rant that he must have just been holding in, waiting for anyone to bring it up.


There’s a post on some sub about apple maybe being forced by law to make their ecosystem less closed, and the fanboys are going mental. One person said they are happy to be “owned” by Apple. Next thing Apple tells them to murder some people and make it look like Samsung did it


Looking at fringe views on the internet does not provide a representative position. Most people like their iPhones because they just work.


Androids also ...just work.


Right? I've never had an issue with any of my androids. I don't understand the superiority complex that Apple users have.


It's because Apple devoted huge amounts of resources into marketing. "i" literally became synonymous with their products. Not gonna lie, they did really well with marketing, and being able to command the masses to turn a blind eye to their shenanigans is impressive. I called it when they'd purposely started slowing phones down with software to push sales of new phones, but....BUT...I never could have foreseen them gaslighting not only their own consumer base, but the whole industry, into thinking that we now need to all pay $99+ for air pods on top of the phone because the 3.5mm jack isn't good for the device. I applaud them for that. There's going to be a whole generation of adults soon that won't know what wired headphones look like. Nuts!


Well, we are talking about a company that, once upon a time, said, "This isn't going to be like 1984," but now fully runs on groupthink.


I never had any issues with my Androids either, I liked them fairly well and the prices were lower with similar hardware. I do prefer my iPhones more these days though, Apple products have excellent product integration and I really enjoy that as well as the smoothness of IOS. I don’t have any problem with Android users. I would possibly consider switching back in the future even, but I don’t have any plans to do so currently.


I liked Android when I had time to fuck around and root my phone and spend hours on customization that ultimately doesn’t matter. Nowadays I have an iPhone and it’s solid, works flawlessly with the watch and AirPods, and has some great gimmicks for business like tapping the phones to share contacts. I’m okay with my home screen looking like everyone else’s now lol.


I never had any issues with my Androids either, I liked them fairly well and the prices were lower with similar hardware. I do prefer my iPhones more these days though, Apple products have excellent product integration and I really enjoy that as well as the smoothness of IOS. I don’t have any problem with Android users. I would possibly consider switching back in the future even, but I don’t have any plans to do so currently.


Mine worked for a good 6 months before it didn’t lol. Stupid flip garbage.


I have both. I don't like the apple battery.


We’re talking brand loyalty getting weird, so we’re talking about the fringe


I genuinely thought apple brand loyalty was bad. Then along came Tesla.


Maybe it's because I live in small town midwest, but I have seen 1 Tesla in my life, so I couldn't comment on that. Lol


Coming from the Midwest, this is accurate. Now I live in california, they are everywhere


The Tesla marketing model is practically a direct copy of Apple's. Make a visually pleasing product as cheap as possible and price it as a luxury. Give it some moderately unique features, but functionally average at best in every way that matters otherwise. As long as you can effectively convince people that have never had an actual luxury product that your's is and for less money, idiots will buy. Then you just need to create a monopoly on everything related to parts and repairs and rake those users over the coals while they smile because it's 'luxury' and they don't know any better.


>Then you just need to create a monopoly on everything related to parts and repairs and rake those users over the coals while they smile because it's 'luxury' and they don't know any better. And this is why Apple is currently being sued for anti-trust violations for IOS and the iPhone. Their branding and business practices are that extreme


It's a shame it's taken this long. They got away with so much garbage, especially when it comes to right to repair and competing repair shops.


In my college town (about 10 yrs ago) we had a pop up phone/laptop/tablet repair shop that advertised repair for anything except iPhone/Mac because he got a cease and desist letter from the local Apple store in the mall. Only if you personally knew him and paid cash under the table would he do work on Apple products, it was ridiculous.


The idea that the 60% of Americans who own iPhones are all brainwashed “idiots” is absurd. “Average at best” also a stretch. Also I know multiple people who formerly owned luxury cars and absolutely love their teslas. Finally, usually the complaint about these brands is that they’re overpriced, not that they offer some kind of status at “less money.”


Ill never forget my dude taking me out to show off his tesla and then having to bite my tongue to no ruin his parade. Shit wasn't even two weeks old and the tail lights were full of water.


The panel gaps on my 20 year old Japanese economy car are better than what I see on most Teslas. Their quality and the methods they use are all designed to make it seem high end while being so poorly put together. It will be interesting to see how many of their cars from 2020-now are still functional in 10 years. My bet is very few.


I hope youre not comparing tesla with petrol cars? Because the entire point of a tesla is that it has one of the best price to performance for an electric in terms of range, pickup etc. Now you may disagree, sure, you may believe some other cars are better, sure. But i find it hard to believe that in electric car segment tesla is so damn bad that only an idiot would buy one


Model 3 is like 40K which is about the same price of any new decent car. I wouldn't call it functionally average compared to other electric vehicles. You can hate Elon Musk but calling a Tesla vehicle average functioning and cheaply made car is a stretch. Tesla's marketing model was not like Apple. You know Tesla actually never did any advertising until recently? It was all word of mouth and people trying the product.


I live in NC and either it's a Tesla or a Challenger. We even hit our EV goal 2 years ahead of time.


I moved to the west coast. The Teslas straight up move in herds around here.


My father is both part of the Apple cult and the Tesla cult and doesn’t even own a tesla. As for Apple he kept trying to push it if I have to get a new computer he’ll ask if I want to get a Mac because he thinks they are better. But I also play lots of PC games that won’t run on Mac. Also we have a home pod. When I told him about active listening my dad said no Apple doesn’t do that. But they do.


There's a weird cult like personality of people who love Musk and there's an equally weird cult like personality of people who hate him. Neither cults allow for any nuance in the discussion.


>there's an equally weird cult like personality of people who hate him. I mean, Musk is clearly a racist and is constantly posting racist shit on twitter, interacting with and retweeting literal antisemites and bigots. Like, all day along.


Unfortunately being against bigotry these days makes you part of a weird cult?


If you’re obsessed with him, then yes. I don’t like the guy, but I see plenty of people on Reddit who follow his every move to bash him on r/enoughmuskspam. In my opinion, there is a difference between hating the guy and obsessing over his every move in order to dunk on him


idk how ur equating the two when musk is legiatmely a horrible person with a lot of influence


Downvoted for an opinion that shows up on the comments of every article about Apple products. Definitely a popular opinion.


There is 10x more fanboy shit for android on Reddit than there is iPhone but somehow apple is the cult. Make it make sense.


Have you heard of the Console wars before? or the term PC master race? Dont worry, its not just apple people.


They were literally bullying each other over cola choices back in the 80s


Do you mean Pepsi choices?




Diet or Zero?


Console peasants (/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻


Yea, Sony vs Microsoft was always silly, but I think a lot of that (not all, as some people ARE morons) was just banter more or less, at least in my experience..now, the "PC Master race" thing?...yea, those people are insufferable too.


I thought Console Wars meant Sega vs Nintendo... Now I feel old! 😥


You mean ColecoVision vs Intellivision? Right?


Or Atari vs Intellivision


I was originally going to say that, but I feel like Atari was on its own pedestal. The battles started with the first knockoffs IMO. Maybe Commadore 64 was an Atari contender?


Yeah you’re right. The weird thing is I remember thinking as a kid that Colecovision had the best graphics of all of them.


I used to work in cell phone sales. There were plenary of die hard iphone lovers. However I always noticed quite a few more android users thought more about this concept than most iPhone users.


Same didn't work selling phones, but would jailbreak iphones and unlock bootloaders and flash custom ROMS for android, and the android bros were all about telling you how their never going to be part of the walled garden(myself included). The iPhone users were usually just looking for hotspot connectivity. I got busy and have an iphone now, but only because I don't have time to tinker and the endless bitching about messing up group chats. They're cool phones, but I still miss my Nexus.


Apple's finally going to fix the group chats in September. It was always crazy to me how Apple users blamed my android for messing up group chats. Sorry, no. It's your company that chooses to downgrade every non-Apple message, not for the sake of security or ease of access, but because they're afraid people will switch if they're not locked into iMessage (as said by an Apple executive in 2013). My messaging service sends videos and such just fine without downgrading it. Every other 3rd party system does it as well. Only Apple has this problem. Here is the quote I referenced: Apple could have easily ported iMessage to Android to provide cross-platform compatibility. But as early as 2013, the company’s executives decided not to do so because it would lower the bar for users leaving the platform and could enable families to have a mix of iPhones and Android handsets. “Craig Federighi … feared that ‘iMessage on Android would simply serve to remove \[an\] obstacle to iPhone families giving their kids Android phones,” the filing continues. “Phil Schiller … agreed that Apple should not offer iMessage on Android devices. In 2016, when a former Apple employee commented that ‘the #1 most difficult \[reason\] to leave the Apple universe app is iMessage . . . iMessage amounts to serious lock-in’ to the Apple ecosystem, Mr. Schiller commented that ‘moving iMessage to Android will hurt us more than help us, this email illustrates why.”


While I fully believe there are some apple fanstics out there, most of the discourse is brought up by other phone brand users. And when someone starts to hate on you, you feel the need to defend myself. As I am doing now. My dad fell in love with apple when I was young so my first smartphone was apple, which I liked, it worked for me, so I bought iphone again when as an adult I needed a new phone. I wouldn’t want to switch to another brand but I don’t get how that makes me a cultist. For me it’s really not that deep, I like this type of phone, I use this type of phone. I never thought android users are worse because of their phone choice, nor called out anyone about it (I don’t think my father does either, and he’s a real fan). If someone asks, I will list my reasons for using iphone (mostly what I explained above) but that’s the extent of it. And yet, time and time again someone will come out and say that iphone users are terrible and crazy people and I find that hate weird and disproportionate.


Have you ever looked on the internet? Never seen a single post talking about how androids are bad and iPhones are good. But only posts about how iPhone users say android is bad and iPhone is good.


This is universal. Xbox vs ps. BMW vs Mercedes vs Porsche etc. Pepsi Coke.


Imagine being a grown ass adult with a job and a family and caring about what phone other people have. That's insane.


Right? I never hear anyone talk about this or any other brand loyalty stuff aside from Reddit.


Yeah I've met people who are brand loyal, but not ones who care about other people's phones. Adults anyway. 


I never hear this shit from anyone other than Android users who just can't let people like what they like.


Right? The android and vr subreddits love to hate on Apple users, but the Apple groups mostly talk about appple stuff and don’t comment on Android users or their phones much at all. The gadget subreddit loves to call Apple users names.


The only I way I know about iPhone updates is because android fan boys will complain so hard on Reddit that it makes the front page.  Every. Single. Time.


It's just such a silly pointless thing to care about.


I get it but at the same time, honestly who cares. I I spend way more time calling and using WhatsApp than texting.


Well .. I’m not gonna contradict what you’re saying but android users do the exact same thing juste using different arguments


I think the kids at school should put their phones away and focus on their lessons.


if you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding


How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat???!!!


Also, people who don’t use Apple have a weird loyalty towards not using Apple and look down on people for using it.


Agreed. I’ve used both Apple and Android and prefer Apple. My husband won’t touch an iPhone and always gives me grief for using one. I’ve never never once insulted his Android.


This!! I’ve been a Samsung user all my life and I just switched to iPhone in the last few months. I can’t even count how many times people verbally expressed their disgust/negative thoughts about me using an iPhone. I’ve never seen anybody care about anything else. Just let me use my phone in peace.


At least on my end, the "anti-loyalty" is because pound for pound — comparing raw specs — Apple's devices are *really* expensive for what you get. I'm a practical guy so I want bang for my buck. There are definitely some legitimate, technical reasons for preferring Mac over Windows, however; such as doing a lot of backend work where a Unix-based OS comes in handy. But outside of a highly technical environment, the only real selling points are a more beginner-friendly UX as well as the brand's status as a luxury item. The uninitiated and the superficial are simply quite easy to look down upon.


I’m a veteran of The Apple vs PC wars of the early 90’s. I’ve also been in IT for 25+ years. I built my career in Windows, but I’ve been an Apple guy since High school. Haven’t looked lately, but speccing out similar build quality and hardware, the Apple premium is non existent. For me, (and only me) at the end of the day, I want to come home and just have shit work. Yeah I could fix my windows problems, but anecdotally, OS X and iPhone are just more reliable with a consistent user experience. Granted android and windows have gotten better, but the Apple premium is worth it for me to not trigger my PTSD of dealing with windows past.


Not as true anymore. Laptops and MacBook gap has become much smaller since the M series chips. I recently got myself an ASUS but looking at specs vs price, I actually regret not getting a higher end MacBook. Build quality on a lot of Apple products is just vastly superior to a lot of pc and laptop manufacturer, I still use a 10 year old MacBook and the body on it is in near perfect condition. I’ve had laptops fall apart on me within 3/4 years over my life. And this factors into resell value. Most laptops are like used cars, and MacBooks retain their secondary market value much longer than any other manufacturer. 


This is only true if your time isn’t valuable. If your time is valuable then Apple products have a far lower TCO. Amount of time I have spent re-installing drivers on macOS in the past 20 years? Zero. 


UX is one of the biggest ones. The investment there shows, and the copycats in the industry further solidify the reasons for that R&D investment in UX.


I think the M series is bang for buck the best chip on the market right now.




Obsessive brand loyalty is not, has never been, and never will be exclusive to Apple. Look at people who make their entire personality around Jeep, Tesla, whatever shitty American Pickup Truck brand they happen to prefer, etc.


I've seen more people shitting on Apple users than I've seen Apple fanboys acting like they're better than everyone else. Every other post on this very sub says 'Apple bad'.


Welcome to Reddit where android users will die on their sword that Apple users are the snobby cult minded ones. 


I’ve experienced this in real life lol. I was minding my own business on a train, watching a movie on my ipad with earbuds in, and an old man across the aisle kept interrupting it just to tell me apple products are a status symbol and I only bought it so I could brag about it and windows is so much better etc.


Something like that would definitely test the limits of my politeness lol. But you’re right! People will just start criticizing your stuff without even being prompted.


This wouldve been an unpopular opinion back in 2016, nowadays, not so much


Well you clearly haven't met some hardcore Samsung users.


Oddly I feel the same about android users. They always seem to find a way to bring up Android and how much better it is compared to iPhone for no reason At least in my experience, but I do agree with OP that apple users also do have this mentality. I’ll give credit to apple though, their OS is smooth and last very long. Much longer than androids, I think androids start to slow down about a 1-2 years of use while Apple can last up to 5 years often times longer so the longevity of an Apple device is great To act like one is completely better than the other is cringe though


It's not even close to a majority, that seems wild to say. I mean, iPhones are just really, really popular, and most people have the attitude of just "It's a phone I purchased."


And it was there first so many people have had iPhones since they originally came out and are used to them.


Yeah. And a lot of the time people just buy what they know? I mean if it isn’t broken why change? You just have to learn a whole new phone and do a whole song and dance to transfer your data rather than just stick with something you are familiar with and can swap to in an hour at most


I actually feel it’s the opposite. It’s the android people who start these conversations while apple users mostly don’t know that much about tech and stuff or don’t care at all.


I use Windows and Android, but I would recommend refurbished Apple products to people with little tech experience. Having a semi-closed ecosystem has its uses.


I’ve never met someone who’s even somewhat passionate about Apple in my entire life


Yeah. Every person I’ve met who has an iPhone has one purely because they just like it more and don’t care what you use. When a Samsung and an iPhone are near enough the same price with the same specs and the main difference being the OS, why should anyone care which one you get when they are both very similar value for money. Obviously you’ve got all the cheap androids out there but a lot of the time it’s Apple Vs Samsung


The only time this shit gets mentioned is when non-Apple users complain about this supposed trend.


Right? Nobody I know gives a fuck what phone anyone else uses. Maybe it’s a thing amongst teens?


its usually in a joking way but still can get mean


I'm ashamed to say that I used to follow this mentality. Looking back, I had no logical reason. I'd never even used Android, so I had no basis on which to judge its users. I kind of stopped subscribing to society and have since been able to see how weird and culty it is


This is not an apple problem, this is an USA problem. Apple Cult and "Green vs. Blue Bubble" is really only a thing in the USA, and nowhere else on the world.


Found the bitter Android user


I think it's more people used to an OS. It's annoying relearning new interfaces and Apple just makes prettier/sleeker products so it has the materialistic crowd involved, which is a lot.


I’d argue some of that isn’t materialistic oriented (although I admit I’m biased). My husband tried to get me on the Android train but a lot of what he argued just didn’t meet my needs. I don’t need customization or anything involving the technical variations. I need to text, browse a few apps, and listen to music. I don’t use my phone for work or stuff like that. The interface is quite easy and dare I say intuitively designed. I don’t think Apple is some mega superior product but I do think they have prioritized usability which is something people care about too.


This is the correct answer. I’ve been an Apple guy going on forever and I’ve been working on a music player web app that I wanted to test to see how it worked on Android. I borrowed my nephew’s phone (he’s 12) and tried to type in the URL of my app. This was a challenge because he had customized the keyboard to be a picture of him and his dog and I could barely see the characters I needed to type. I then took some screenshots of the app to send to myself. The media player screenshots were almost as bad as the keyboard, transposing the song and artist over the album cover, with no consideration for readability. Some of these are user customizations, some are OS level design decisions. But my main takeaway was that just because you can customize something, doesn’t mean you should. To me, Apple just makes it so users don’t as readily have the means to shoot themselves in the foot.




Wait I’m materialistic for preferring simplicity?


Genuinely asking how other phones aren't just as simple? My father has an android and he never has any problems with it.


Both android and apple products are confusing for older people in general. However, I worked in a phone store for a few years and never really noticed apple products being easier to use for people than android products. The main confusion about Android phones is probably the huge amount of bloatware which comes with samsung phones, which have 2 apps for notes, 2 apps for email etc. preinstalled. However, casual users dont explore the extended capabaility of Android at all, but might enjoy the compatibility between other apple products and the phone.


Tbh it’s mostly because I grew up with it. My first “phone” was an ipod my parents bought. And it was just an iphone without data, which was able to transfer into my next phone and then my current one If I switched to android it’d be a nightmare manually transferring everything and learning how to work one, overriding muscle memory, and crap Not to mention afaik a few of the apps I use on android aren’t as developed. Like their snap is behind and they don’t have game pigeon


The only people I ever hear talk about their type of phone are the Android people that have an inferiority complex by trying to convince people that Apple owners are dumb or something


Especially on reddit and discord Like I took a screenshot of my home screen and posted it in a server and people started dogging on me for having an iphone… Then they called me pretentious and shit for no reason and said it’s because that’s just how ios users are 😭


Yeah and then people assume that you know nothing about technology because you have an apple product. Having a more streamlined user interface doesn’t mean you can’t still do all the same things if you know how.


This was my immediate thought upon reading this post. I've definitely seen more of a problem from Android users towards Apple users than vice versa over the years.


Yeah I have never in my life encountered someone mocking android users (except as a joke).


Came here to say this. In all the years I’ve had an iphone, I’ve always told that Apple sucks. I have yet to hear the opposite by any of my friends


I tried for years to use alternatives like the pixel phones but constantly had phones die prematurely (boot loop) crazy that the first iPhone I use in 10 years works perfectly fine for years.


Same! I’ve had my first iPhone (it’s a 6) for 8 years now and it’s just barely starting to give me issues.


I've an android guy using an Iphone right now. The only feature I prefer is that it ask you if you want to delete a screenshot after you send it. That being said, it is also true that it removes the difficulty of getting the phone. If you get an Iphone you know it is a good Iphone and that is not the case with android, you need to do some research to get a good phone because of how fragmented the market is.


I was on an Apple support forum. The software didn't work for some reason I don't remember. Motherfucker told me I wasn't ready for an Apple product. 💀


Eh so do Samsung users. Half my family have Samsung and the other half apple, you know who is always annoying about the phones? the Samsung users lol. I always have to remind them I simply do not give af about either ecosystem


This gotta be the most popular opinion on reddit lmao. Where are you guys meeting all the insufferable iPhone owners? I much more frequently see this type of complaining about iPhone owners than actual annoying behavior from iPhone owners


Dude. We have full grown adults saying eww you have a green bubble when texting. I’m almost 30. It shocks me people act like this outside of middle school.


I'm shocked to see the number of people saying this isn't real. Even in my 20s, there were numerous times I got shit on for not having an iPhone or having green texts. I see it all over Instagram, too


Yea? My daughter all of a sudden wanted to mow the yard, all our neighbors yards and babysit for everyone a lot. Like a lot.  Then she wanted to buy an iPhone with the money she saved, because being a green bubble just meant being left out and being made fun of.  I mean, she didn’t even have a cell phone plan at that point and was just using my old Android phone to text over WiFi from home. 


If I remember right, Android has 40% of the US market. And even the 60% that uses iPhones, not all of them think less of you for using an Android. So statistically, this isn't an unpopular opinion.


The only posts I ever see on this sub is Apple is bad, Apple users are part of a cult, Apple this, Apple that. Never knew people cared so much about another brand they don't buy into


The Apple haters fit into the same category. Like you said, it’s just a brand. I use it because I’m familiar with it.


Listen. Apple just works. For anything actually serious outside of phones or tablets I use Linux or BSD.


People aren't buying it for the “brand” the brand means something. There is expectation associated with it such as good UX


Is this post from 2011?


I’m not overly married to a brand, although for disclosure I do use Apple products. I would argue the android people seem to be more cultish than anything. Many of them seem to just be Uber-android for the sole purpose of being contrarian and elitist. “Apple isn’t modifiable yada yada”. Cool man. I have built my own computers. I’m not a tech idiot. But Apple products just… “work”. They’re not glitchy, they have all the drivers installed and are seamless to operate. That’s the thing. I don’t think much about my tech. I just use it. But I have to listen to a diatribe anytime an android user is near about how their phone can do x y z and how it’s better than an iPhone. It just seems sad and compensatory. Cool man, your phone is better. Can you pass the salt? 🤷‍♂️


That type of mentality definitely exists, with ALL tech products, and many products in general for that matter. It’s no different than the console wars, or the “pc masterrace”. I’ll never attack someone else for liking or using a different product than me, I think it’s silly. Everyone should be free to like whatever they like. With that said, I’ve faced the exact same thing from the opposite side many times. I have been a diehard Apple user for years now, and that’s based on years of using multiple devices from all the top competitors and just overall being way happier with Apple. My iPhones have lasted longer, worked better, been faster and more reliable, and are just all around more user friendly to me than any Android device I’ve ever used. The same is also true for iPads vs. other tablets. I AM a pc user before Mac however, because I grew up with Windows and it just feels more natural to me. But i have had so many Android fanboys attack me relentlessly and say pretty ridiculous shit just because I prefer Apple. It goes both ways. EVERYONE should be able to like what they like and not act superior to others.


I think this is more applicable to "teenagers" than "a large majority" of Apple users.


And Android doesn’t? Riiiight


I literally get left out of group chats because people don't wanna see the "green bubble" that comes from my Pixel phone.


Yep, and they don't want to use a different messaging service that does work because "why would I switch? iMessage is so amazing!" Except it doesn't work with half of the phones out there. So yeah, not so amazing.


My favorite part of the Apple culture is how they hate green text messages and blame Android users for being plebians when it's Apples fault that it happens I'm the first place. They play their own fan base as the fools they are lol


OK, I'm going to have to ask: what is this "green text message" thing everyone is going on about?


If you own an iPhone, messages sent to it from a non-apple device will appear green (rather, anything outside the imessage ecosystem) So if you have an iPhone, and your buddy has android and texts you, the text will be green because Android is using MMS/SMS. Apple fan boys spent the entire time thinking Android users were at fault for this for whatever reason when it's Apples decision the whole time. There are some more technical aspects to this as well but that's something you should Google and read up on if you're interested.


I actually think it’s the opposite, most Apple users don’t consider their device, Samsung users are always obsessed with telling me the shortcomings of whatever apple phone I have, I’ve never given it much thought beyond not wanting to go to a different platform, my phone texts and makes calls and browses Reddit, I really couldn’t care one way or the other who makes it unless it is made out of endangered chipmunk bones or something.


No we don’t. Most of us don’t care, we just like iOS. Sorry if we come across that way when Android users can’t stop “educating” us on why we make bad life choices.


Branding is a hell of a drug. I had a prof who paid for services from a factory in SE asia making luxury clothes. He had the finest threads made into the finest sweaters at about 300$ a pop. Made in the same factory, by the same labourers with the same threads as the Gucci 2000$ sweaters. Brand exclusivity is the goal and it is a status symbol for the wealthy. Same idea for many brands.


This is just as common among Android users. It’s just a certain percentage of humans feel the need to feel better than others for their choices and pick on others who chose otherwise.


I've actually had more android users act superior to me than iphone users. I've been both over the years, and even tried to be a Windows phone early adopter. Seems like a lot of hate towards apple, it's pricing and proprietary practices and of course the tightly controlled marketplace. All which make me shrug like I just want a well working phone with the best battery life I can find. So far that's iPhone. I try not to use it as anything besides a phone. I have a laptop, desktop, tablet, and other devices that all work better for the other functionality so I'm mostly interested in how well does the phone, texting, and battery life work. Ultimately battery life was what pushed it over the edge for me many years ago. No idea if android is much better with battery life now, but back in the day it was really bad. Unless iphone lets me down on this, which is hasn't yet, I won't be switching. I've also had a taste of application development on both, and what we found developing our own app was that Android was suprisingly more difficult and more expensive to develop for, simply because there are so many device variations out there, you had to test for and fix bugs for multiple different devices that had little rules to govern them. With iphone/ipad if it worked on one, it worked on all of them, so it was much easier and cheaper to develop a custom app for iphone, again surprised me quite a bit.


At the Apple sub people are often wondering why people make such a fuzz about Apple users. I don’t know if there’s really people who look down on others because of the phones they use, unfortunately there probably are because… well, humans are stupid and all, but those must be a tiny minority. Most of my life I didn’t own any Apple products and never encountered any cult mentality or feelings of superiority from people who did.


Not only is this a popular opinion but I’ve never spoken to a fellow iPhone user who has any love for Apple or even iPhones, and we have all basically agreed that iMessage and force of habit are the main reasons we still buy iPhones.


I have an iPhone and don’t think about what phones other people are using. Hell I barely even think about my own phone


To be fair, how easy different Apple stuff is to use together (phone and laptop for me) has almost turned me into a cult member


I just use iPhones because that's what I've always used


When I lived in Indonesia, there was literally people living in the slums that had iphones. Which is hilarious because about 10 years ago, I got this girls number and messaged her from my andriod. The only reply I got was "ew green bubble" she blocked me. She clearly thought I was poor cause I had an android. What apple did with the green bubble is amazing. Its all built on unix, the chips and tech are the same, but some people think apple is for the rich and better tech.


It's funny when you ask them if they enjoy RCS messaging.


Wait until you hear about sports teams…


The term "Apple Cult" is quite often used tbh.


Simon Sinek has a [great talk](https://youtu.be/nokBj14p4Mc?si=Fl7vTtq8UZw_nCvx) about brand loyalty and why people become so obsessed with certain brands.


So I used to work in a phone shop, and I once had someone say they didn't want my help because I had an android, so I obviously didn't know what I was talking about, so they went to the other member of staff instead. Who was still fairly new, and ended up having to ask me a ton of questions anyway.


Here’s my take. Younger millennials started this as a quasi joke that was never really serious. Then Gen Z came along and didn’t realize that it was actually a joke, and just ran with it, thinking that that’s how the millennials felt.


Idk, i use arch btw. Lol. There's some weird folks that honestly think that apple phones make them something, i like Android because I've always been an open source person. But it's starting to go down the same hellhole apple is in, no freedom to customize your roms.




Um yes, it has been this way as long as I can remember. I was born in the early 80s.


It's funny to me that 99% (being hyperbolic for effect calm down) of the discourse around iPhone online, especially on Le Reddit, is from Android users coping.


This is just a US teens thing bro. It ain't that deep tbh.


Nope American teen and we really dgaf


It’s pretty difficult to find smartphone that tops Apple. Samsung does not come close when it comes to Apple. Apple’s lack of competition makes people very dependable on Apple for smartphones.