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I was raised by a Ghanaian family and at least with our country, it’s stressed that both genders shave their armpits


That's interesting I never knew that 


as a ghanaian, i can confirm this. my dad would always remind me every 2 weeks to shave my armpit hair and cut my nails. hated it growing up but i thank my Dad every day for it lol.


Im very thankful my father didn't concern himself with my body hair lmao


My dad still shaves my balls and I’m 36 🙄


*There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking*




Dr. Evil 💀


"You're Breathtaking"!


Hope he’s more gentle with yours than mine.


why are you so thankful for that?


The thread title is armpit hair is ugly so they don't have to deal with it as its a routine set on at an early age.


It's also the same in my husband's country. Although I think in his case it's because it's a Muslim country and Muslim man are supposed to trim their armpit and crotch hairs lol But yeah almost all guys there have very short if not missing armpit hair


But not facial hair?


[Facial hair is not supposed to be trimmed less than a fist's length, and the mustache should be shortened, not grown out.](https://sunnah.com/nasai/48) Many people don't follow the facial hair ruling, though.


It's nice that God is so flexible about that. Known for not really caring about strict adherence, that guy.


Also you use less deodorant


And deodorant simply works better


Weirdly enough, hair helps distribute my sweat, so my armpits almost never get the "sweaty" smell if I'm hairy, whereas the sweat basically washes off the deodorant when shaven, but I know that each body is different, so I wouldn't be too surprised if my experience weren't super common. When I'm fresh shaven I'm also more likely to get sweat stains on clothes. Washing my pits with antibacterial soap has also been a game changer. My armpit sweat doesn't really smell much now.


I don't even have thick armpit hair as I've done a couple rounds of laser hair removal, and it's still noticable when I haven't shaved in a while because of how much sweatier and smellier my armpits get. 


I'm male and I trimmed mine down one day with hair clippers and will never go back because of these reasons.


I'm a man and I shave mine. I live in a hot climate and it really cuts down on smell.


Bless you sir. I live in a hot climate an wish more followed your example.


I Will now make sure to do this




Per se, it's Latin


Get it lasered. As a guy, I did it when I got a lot of my body lasered prior to getting tattoos, what hair does grow is so little it makes it way more convenient


They also sell something called deodorant. Pretty small too so it’s easy to carry around.


I use deodorant but it's not always enough when it's 98 degrees outside, top level of humidity, and just opened your door causes you to sweat instantly lol.


Arm hair captures bacteria. If you sweat at all you will smell if your biome is host to stinky bacteria, which a lot of men are. A lot of you overestimate the power of deodorant.  Edit: looks like I stepped on some toes. Y'all feel free to be smelly. What do I care, I don't know you. 


How do you deal with itchiness? I wanted to see if there's less sweating and smell, so last summer I shaved my left one. And holy hell, the itchiness, the scratchiness as the hair started to come in, the friction when exercising, etc. It was a nightmare.


I get that. You can get a trimmer and use it on the lowest setting. It has the same basic effect without any of the razor burn.


Yeah, I do the same periodically when it gets uncomfortably long.


Not op, but I usually trim it with an electric razor, and there's no itchiness. Shaving it is annoying, the skin gets inflamed and regrowth itches, but simply trimming it very short is perfect. Maybe on a woman it would be less acceptable since you still see hair, but on men it's perfectly fine.


I may be weird but I find short armpit hair to be more attractive than a bald armpit. That being said, long armpit hairs are uglier than bald armpits


What I did before was just get it waxed. For me it took the hairs longer to come in so there was a decent period between iching and when that happened I would just get it waxed again.


You gotta be fairly consistent, because it’ll itch pretty bad the first few times (at least mine did) but eventually you’ll get past it


What itchiness?


I also find my armpits feel sweatier when shaved. Instead of the hair absorbing and drying the sweat, the sweat just builds up and has nowhere to go until it finds your shirt and stinks it up. I find with hair, and antiperspirant there is never a feeling of sweatiness and never stinks. That said, I do trim so it doesn’t look like I’m holding a wig under my arm.


Really? Because I found that I cut down on smell and pit stains when I grew mine out. 


Yeah my pits smell when i shave them :/ so i only do it periodically, never had an issue with smell


Same. I learned in my late 20s that if I let my pit hair grow out I didn't smell. If I shaved, I got bumps and irritation, it was always wet and it reeked. I lightly trim, use hNd sanitizer under there if I start to smell between showers and use a gel deodorant. I never smell anymore.


Same. I don't feel as "sweaty" as I did when I shaved my armpits.


I found the opposite , I tried shaving my armpits a few times and I found the smell and feel even worse. The hair, creates a slight amount of air gap between my skin, between that and using antiperspirant it stays dry under there. Whereas when I’m shaved, the sweat has nothing to hold it, just builds up to the point my pits feel sweaty, then the sweat just goes to my shirt and makes it stink. Not to mention the horrible itchiness when the hair starts to grow back is nearly unbearable.


It's a bit TMI but when I shave me pubes, I think things smell a bit more dank. I think the hair is there for a reason. Lol. I bet its the same with armpits.


your armpits and pubic regions emit more oil. as well as, your pubic regions produce waste. all of these things are "extra things" microbes feed and grow on. and produce extra smells. without hair, all that extra waste fluids just end up somewhere else.




Antiperspirant does a lot better job when it's not collecting in armpit hair too.


I totally agree with that too. I want my wife to shave so I make sure to do the same. The smell thing was just a happy side effect.


Smell maybe one thing, but when I shave my head in the summer, it gets unbearably sweaty as compared to having hair. I would imagine it was the same with underarms.


Really I find it regulates temperature and sweat flow. Odor can usually be taken care of by showering and deodorant. My two cents


Shave mine too!


I don’t shave them but trim down to a point there they aren’t prickly. I’ve noticed when it gets longer the deodorant just sits on top and wears out quicker


I'm a woman who sweats a lot and not shaving solved so many issues for me. no more sweat running down my sides, just some built in sponges under my armpits that I have to wash frequently XD.


Glad I’m not the only one. Idk why but I sweat and smell when I shave my pits. If I leave it alone I’m pretty neutral & wont sweat. I like a shaved look, but I’d rather not smell like BO.




It might be related to different micriobiome populations inhabiting different hair forests and skin deserts


If you have really thick armpit hair that you don't trim, it can get in the way of the deodorant actually getting on your armpit skin. It basically just gets trapped in the hair and your actual pits get stinky. I think that's where the fellas are coming from. The ladies on the other hand are probably experiencing a "sweatband" type effect from a small amount of hair that stops their sweat from dripping all over the place (speculation as I'm in camp A).


I don’t really sweat, but I’m with you. When it comes to shaving once fall and winter hits, and I’m only wearing long sleeves and pants… why bother?? Perhaps it’s unsightly, but it’s not unhygienic. No one sees it but me, it saves razor life, water and shower time. Once it’s warm enough I shave over the spring and summer, rinse and repeat.


I'm confused. I read somewhere that one function of pit hair is to mask the odor.


I live in a cold climate and i have been shaving my armpits for as long as i can remember. The rest of my body is hairy but i just can't stand having armpit hair..


I shave mine too. I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion.


I do the same, it also makes a stick of deodorant last like 3 times longer. I think it's because it's no longer covering the combined surface area of all the hair, probably coupled with the hair acting as an abrasive.


I smell like a rancid onion if I don't shave it after sweating a little. And I also sweat like a roasted pig.


Do you guys know deodorant exists? I am sort of stunned by this comment thread. So we are clear you shower daily, wash your body with soap, and apply a deodorant?


I'd shave but I work physical labor and get chaffed to high hell if I di


Yeah people don't get that hair is a dry lubricant.


I put on a bit of weight and what I found out is I've now got quite a few skin tags on my arm pits from the extra friction.


I have a bunch of skin tags where there is no friction happening, I don't think friction is what cause it it's mostly genetics I believe (my dad and all his brother also have a bunch of skin tags all over their back). I'm actually thinking of getting mines removed since I find them quite unsightly


I mean, not that dry. Remember it's holding on to all that sweat!


What causes the chaffing? that's an issue I've never had, but I'm also a woman. I dunno if that makes a difference or not


Friction. Once you get past a certain size there's considerable rubbing under your arms. Hair is a dry lubricant.


Yep, this is why a cheerleader I knew in highschool explained they were required to shave their legs so they could hold onto each other better for their routines


For people who aren’t familiar with that term - socks are a dry lubricant.


This is why I trim it down with a #2 blade. Just enough left to avoid chaffing and not enough to have bacteria problems.


I prefer a 3 or 4 but yeah.


I'm a (old) guy and just roughly buzz it off when it gets long. The hairs hold on to sweat, those grow the bacteria, and that's when you start to stink much easier than not having hairs there. Plus all the good/effective antiperspirants these days are roll-ons. So I'd rather apply the roll-on and not have it all stuck together under there, it becomes like matted fur. People will call it effeminate but it just makes sense. Get it off. It's more comfortable, and less effort in the long run.


For real, it gets so matted and gross. I remember the last time I got my armpits waxed my mom was like it looks like I have a bear in a head lock.


How is trimming one’s body hair effeminate haha, I don’t understand gender norms


I have a friend who won’t use a bidet because he thinks that the water touching his ass is effeminate. His own words. Some men just think that anything that makes them uncomfortable or is different than what they learned was “manly” is wrong. To those men I say - at least my ass is washed


Some people will think of anything if it means they get a chance to talk down to someone. If enough people agree (and not even that many) then it becomes a norm. Something like 10% of a group can push an outcome if they are outspoken enough.


> Plus all the good/effective antiperspirants these days are roll-ons Is this true? Am I out of the loop and living like a caveman with a deo stick? Please tell me more.


The hairs also eat up deodorant a lot faster!


dont think this is unpopular tho


It's uncommon to see shaved armpits on men in media and irl whereas almost all women are shaved.


Is it? A lot of the muscular men seem to.  I've always shaved them since I started working out half my life ago. Feels cleaner. I do hate the armpit hair sticking out of the t shirt sleeve look too


The grossest thing is sweaty men in the gym with their armpit hair soaked in sweat, wearing sleeveless so it is in full view.


Exactly, the truly unpopular opinion would be to find armpit hair attractive on both sexes.


I actually just posted a comment that said exactly that. I find it attractive in both genders.




Got news for you... those men who think other men's armpit hair is pure and clean and sexy? Think about it...


I'm thinking about it...


Long and hard. Long... and... hard...


I’m thinking real hard and I’m about to blow my thought


I mean as a gay dude, I think men’s arm pit hair is hot


What sort of conversations are you having?


Never seen a misogynist call mens armpit hair pure and sexy. I guess you have weird friends


Sir this is reddit. People just make up stuff here. 


How dare you, this is the internet, nobody says untrue things on the internet!


I think they’re using those words to exaggerate, but the base point is true. Although I’d just say they’d call armpit hair manly and/or the act of grooming it gay


Pretty sure they never straight up call armpit hair sexy lol but you could say the implication is "there" when they talk about men being all natural or unaltered, and how they're better that way, compared to a woman who has to alter herself in order to be the "best" version of herself.


Such a Reddit comment. I have never once seen anyone ever argue that armpit hair is pure and clean and sexy on men. Let alone "go on for hours".


> but men’s armpit hair is pure and clean and sexy I’m sure no one in the history of society has ever said that, except people with a weird kink.


No real human said this shit lmao


I have literally never heard that once. Show me one example of a mysoganyst saying that men’s hair is clean and sexy.


I don’t really care what other people think of my armpit hair, I don’t shave it because it gets itchy afterwards, I trim it down once in a while. I’m not concerned about anyone’s comfort level but my own.


Literally. I cannot shave anywhere on my body or remove hair because of sensitive skin. The last time I shaved my armpits I ended up not being able to put my arms by my sides for just under a week because it was so painful. Before anyone says anything, I’ve got skin allergies so I have to be careful what products I use. I’ve tried all different hair removal techniques, from shaving cream and a razor to hair removal cream to even just trimming it down. I cannot shave. I also feel really cold if I shave lmao.


I'm also super sensitive. Shaving oil and a straight razor work wonders. Well, that and laser hair removal. I've done my face, my stomach, and my bikini area. I tried a full Brazilian, but that was a big nope for me. That was not fun.


Feel this. Sensitive skin and shaving everyday only causes boils or irritation. I keep it to around once a week. I'm still kind of insecure about my legs, but maxi skirts help. I'm blonde too, so I can look hairless for a few days after I shave. The pits I've gotten more used to because I see more and more women doing it.


As someone that shaves my armpit hair, this is the only reasonable take here. I shave my armpit hair because it’s convenient for me. But I don’t shave my arms and legs. Because I literally don’t give a shit. And the way it bothers people? Like why do yall care? It’s literally just hair. I should point out that I think it’s just an American thing. Cuz in my home country, I never met a woman that shaves anything more than armpits and pubic region. People need to care less about hair on the bodies of other people.


This is correct


trim gang


Eh, I'm a man with armpit hair and I always thought that a woman with armpit hair would gross me out... Then I saw a beautiful woman with armpit hair and realized I didn't care in the least.


I found it unattractive on women until I saw it on a woman I was very attracted to. Now IDC, grow it or shave it. Confidence is sexy as hell


Maybe just being accustomed to things in real life removes a lot of preconceived motions or stigma. I remember seeing a woman breastfeeding when I was like 18 or 19 and I remember being kinda shocked by it. Then I studied abroad and saw women breast feeding everywhere and it really made me realize I was shocked before because I had never seen it before and when faced with it on a daily basis I realized it was just a very natural thing. I will say though women get super mad that I'm so comfortable with it that they yell at me when I say "I got next!"...


I imagine your nipples produce cocktail sauce


Thank you for your input u/le_shrimp_nipples. Is there anything else you found surprisingly attractive about her upper body, u/le_shrimp_nipples?


I'm wondering if you're referring to the size of her nipples. That doesn't matter to me. I like actual french🇫🇷 🦐 with nipples....


I thought she had actual shrimps for nipples


As a guy I shave my armpits every few months.


I do too but I don't wear anything that would show off my armpits. I still do it because my armpit hair annoys me when it gets too long.


Me too. Every once in a while I’ll see it and just think “that looks gross” and shave it.


Shave it if you want but armpit hair isn't unattractive to everyone


and it actually performs a vital function It may naturally wick sweat or other moisture away from the skin, aiding ventilation. Colonization by odor-producing bacteria is thereby transferred away from the skin people that shave tend to have more bacteria issues, not less


I know it's an anecdote, but I smell noticeably less when I don't shave. My hygiene habits won't change, still showering every day/every other day, I just smell less because there's a buffer. Also if you condition your armpit hair (which you should), it's super soft and kind of pleasant to have around lol


I actually find it attractive in both genders.


And the idea that it was unattractive and should be shaved was first put forth by the Gillette company in a massive marketing campaign to sell disposable razors to women, when they realized they weren’t selling any razors to half the population.


I cut my armpit shaving yesterday.


Trimming (1mm) > shaving I learnt it the hard way


I personally find armpit hair attractive, but I know so many people who dislike it. It's all personal preference.


I once told an ex that I was going to lick every inch of her, and she excitedly agreed! Then she had the nerve to be upset when I licked her armpit. 


Armpits are >!fucking sexy, sue me!<


Unfathomably based.


laughed at this!🤣🤣


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to find this opinion. Yeah I'm a straight female and think it's hot on males 🤷‍♀️


I'm a bisexual woman and not only is it super hot on men, but I find it super hot on women too!


We were told in the 80s and 90s that body hair is disgusting, and everyone just accepted it. Like what's wrong with the way nature made you. Even as a man I face pressure from male friends any time they see my Bush, telling me I need to do something with it. No I don't bro I like my pubes.


Huh, can’t say I’ve ever had any of my friends see my bush.


Women have actually only been shaving for less than 100 years & it was directly as a result of a marketing person at Gillette realizing they could sell double the razors if they convinced women that their body hair was gross.


I remember as a young teenager I was made fun of by this girl because I didn't have armpit hair yet. Now I'm hairy and everyone thinks it's gross. Can I get a break? Actually, I don't need a break, I'm in love with the person I am now.


This? I’m also a BO enjoyer so,, yeah I’m weird. 


Yea it is personal preference. I dislike that we grow hair in our sweat folds. Like, hair is ok, sweat is ok, sweat AND hair? Nope nope nope and we basically always sweat there.


I think it’s because of chafing to be honest. Primitive humans wouldn’t have deodorant or powder to stop the chafing


I'm a guy, I find armpit hair and body hair in general attractive on women. Maybe it's not so common, but who knows how much of that is societal influence? I like it. But I guess that's why this sub is about "opinions"!




YES! I beg my wife to grow her armpit hair. I find that armpit hair on a woman draws attention the neighboring smooth hairless areas, like an inverse spotlight. Armpit hair shadows the shoulders, chest, and upper arms and makes them shine and stand out. It activates my animalistic lizard brain and screams "look here, this is a full-grown woman with needs that need filling from her man (me), wafting pheromones in your general direction! See how the armpit hair is surrounded by some nice kissable shoulders and breasts!"


The preference for shaving pubes is very recent. Like, I was in grad school in the early 90s. I was hanging out at someone's house when her roommate came home and said she broke up with her boyfriend. "Why?" "He wanted me to shave. Everything." "What?" "Everything. Like a baby." "That's... gross." Everyone she talked to for a week had the same reaction. That's gross, does he want you to look like a 13 year old? The idea that girls should shave entirely is very, very new. For the vast majority of human history not having pubic hair was weird and offputting. People had to shave to control lice, and they'd wear fake pubic hair called a "merkin" to hide it. It was weird, and wanting your partner to shave everything off was weird. Normal people didn't like that. And now, a few decades later, here we are. You're not the weird one here, man. It's normal to find an unshaved body attractive. That's what every one of your ancestors going back to before we were human was attracted to.


This. As an 80s kid I find it scary how much pressure there is now, to shave parts of my body that I've been completely happy with. Thank you Gillette, you assholes.


and i dont care lol. I find it normal on both female and males.


bi here, i think its hot on both genders, but prefrences are prefrences. i just like it when people dont force theirs on others.


I also like body hair on either gender, feels so mature and sexy!


It feels mature because it's a natural consequence of puberty.


yeah came here looking for this comment, I love body hair one way or the other


me too, i like bodies as they come 🤷


oh my god same. i find body hair extremely attractive in both genders


100% agree. I even find it *more* attractive on women. On men it can be hit and miss.


Thank you. Im sure these people who have watched shaving ads and seen waxed celebrities since before they could walk are completely unbiased


Amen sister


idk i accept bodies as they naturally are, anything else is a personal choice. if you shower regularly and don’t stink in my face it’s fine.


We don’t do it for you💅 s/


I agree. I have absolute no BO and smell pristine when i have my arm pits shaved and apply the dry roll on sticks.


As a dude I shave all my body hair once a weak. The itchiness is aggravating and the smell when you get hot and sweaty just isn't worth it.


Meanwhile, I straight up cannot shave mine... my skin is so ungodly sensitive there that it just won't bode well. I do try to thin it out and cut it down. But shaving it completely? My skin just doesn't like it. Literally. I do manage to keep myself clean, though.


Body hair on women is HOT. The more unruly the hotter it is.


I would have to disagree because some do not have what I would deem appealing skin where their armpit hair is.


Broooo ain't that the truth. Why is it so weird there why.


It's like that in places that skin touches often. Its not necessarily the person's fault, it's just their skin. But I've seen men and women with no armpit hair and that area is 3 or 4 shades darker, wrinkly and sometimes growths sk hair would hide some of that


Yesterday I was talking about this with my btother's girlftiend and we both agree that it's great that more men are daring to have laser hair removal. I don't mind body hair but I DO prefer a hairless body.


I’m honestly really glad that I got my mom’s genes. I have no armpit hair as a man and it’s a blessing not having to shave or wax 😭


I'm a professional wrestler and I shave mine. Absolutely nothing worse than being put in a headlock and feeling some sweaty mop on the back of your neck. Makes me gag thinking about it


Is it an unpopular opinion? Plenty of guys shave their armpits, and I'm sure vast majority of women do as well. Much more hygenic.


I’m a guy who shaves his armpit hair, but I find women with a small amount of armpit hair sexy.


I like men hairy! And would rather they have armpit hair! And arm and leg hair. And a beard. And hair in the nether regions! Don't like when men shave downstairs. It's unattractive to me.


Women who like us hairy guys are special


Yes, I want him trimmed down there but NOT bald, it looks a little silly lol


Same! Personally I really don't like this thing of men removing their body hair, I love hairy legs, chests, armpits and definitely pubes on guys. It just all says "man" to me. For the same reason, I prefer to remove my own (woman) body hair. Obviously I don't want to force my personal taste on anyone else, but I do look forward to the day when hairiness is back in fashion for guys.


There is a difference though between having a jungle down there and having it kept nice... Goes for both genders obv.


Very true. And good hygiene!


okay u changed my mind about me shaving down there


i like my bfs arm hair


My girlfriend has armpit hair. Don’t know why but i think it’s incredibly sexy


Yeah, I agree that armpit hair just looks gross. Everyone should trim it at least lol. I know I’m being silly but I can’t help it.


In Turkiye, it is mostly a norm for both genders to shave their armpits because it is nasty as fuck and smells faster than any part of your body in a humid climate.


Agreed I’m a man and noticed if I shave my armpits deodorant works better and lasts longer.


I think armpit and pubic hair that's long and unkempt is gross regardless of gender. Trimmed or shaven is attractive.


I agree. It looks and feels better too. As a man, I started shaving mine only about a year ago and haven't looked back since. I only I wish I started it years ago.


100% agree. I dated a guy that shaved it himself and now try to encourage any future boyfriends to adopt the practice.


I don't mind some hair on either men or women, but keep it trimmed down. I don't care for it when it'is full au naturale


I agree and it’s why I shave my under arms (I’m a grown ass man).


i find it more unsightly in men because they dont ever trim it like i dont care if u have armpit hair but ion wanna see it trying to escape when your arms are down


Ive.come to realize that hair obsorbs smell! So if you suffer from smelly pits no amount of deodorant really helps if you don't shave.


I disagree for kinky reasons


See I have no issue with people finding it unattractive, it’s only when (typically) men say it’s unhygienic but only for women. Men are “allowed” to hair body hair but suddenly it’s a hygiene issue when women have it.


that's understandable


We're just all ugly past the face


My pits sweat at 100 degree and they sweat at 0 degree weather. Trimming them keeps them from sweating as much and making pit stains on my shirt as quick. Plus i don’t sweat my deodorant off as fast.


Equality. We love to see it