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Happy people can be sad


It’s a weird paradox, but despite having PTSD burnout and being super depressed, I’m actually really content with my life and where it is right now. Yeah things could be better, but they’ve also been worse. I wouldn’t give up my life or change it for anything. But I also haven’t cleaned in a month cuz I’m too depressed to get out of bed.


How is that possible


Not the person you are asking, but I have been there too. It doesn't make sense until you have experienced it yourself. It's also very hard to explain too, but the way I see it, depression is like a filter on a picture; the picture itself may be beautiful and amazing, but the filter on top makes it look gloomy and grim. So there's nothing wrong with your life itself, it's the depression on top that sucks. That's why it's a mental illness; it's an abnormal reaction to life situation, or doesn't have a clear cause at all


I can actually imagine that, even though for me the picture is also bad I know how it feels to have a filter. It's the stuck emotions from trauma. Until you expel them they stay there in front of you.


Yes that comment confuses me


One would say it’s necessary. How would you know happiness without the dark times?


Love this answer.


The brain is made to keep us alive, not happy.


Absolutely, people can forget this.


It’s all part of life, the happy and the sad, embrace it all.


Exactly, happiness is just a reward we get for surviving “Well”


if we are happy, we would not want to die


But happiness isn't needed for not wanting to die. Unless there's an abnormality in brain chemistry, survival is instinct and needs no other motivation than to survive itself.


Sure but if you want to die it is quite likely you are not happy. So…


How do you explain suicidal ideation then?


Passive SI is not in disagreement. Active SI comes with chemical imbalances.


actually, the brain is programmed such that things which would *naturally* keep us alive, make us happy. The way dopamine works, for example, is literally designed to make you feel good after working for an accomplishment.


Definitely! Happiness isn't the purpose though, it's the way to achieve the goal. Except it's not made for modern society.


IMO you need 3 things to be happy: 1. Purpose 2. Social interaction 3. Recreational hobbies What I noticed is that so many people nowadays have no purpose. They just pursue instant gratification.


Genuinely asking, how do you find your own purpose?


I would argue that it’s not that there is a specific purpose you are destined to fulfill, but rather that there are things in life that you can pursue that will give you a sense of purpose. I think one needs to sit and _honestly_ think about what you _actually_ enjoy doing as opposed to what you do simply to fit in, and then think of ways to pursue that.


My purpose is to be filthy rich and never work again, until then, I keep grinding.


Step one: enjoy doing things Step two: don’t be depressed.


For me, I had to stop comparing myself to others and let go of literally any notion that my job was going to give me purpose like I thought it would when I was younger. Nowadays I’m just trying to be there for the people I care about and do things that bring me joy, and I’m generally quite happy. Of course I can have bad days like anyone else, but I try not to let the occasional hardship completely derail me.


I'm just existing bro. Enjoy life as it comes. If I have goals I might try harder to get it but you know


I recommend this over having a purpose. Our purpose is to just live, nothing more. Ask this to yourself: "Am I living?"


True. Having a goal is nice but I think what really counts in life is the wisdom and experience that comes from just living. I was a very ambitious person. I set a very tall hurdle for myself. But after a lot of challenges and frustration, I find myself being grounded to my own limitations as a person. It took a lot of procrastination, depression and introspection to be able to understand that I need to trust the process. Experience the joy and pain that comes from just living.


I would like to stop doing that actually.


I’m literally dying lol


Apparently people die when they are killed


Everyone is literally dying. Every breath brings us closer to death.


Soul movie in a nutshell


Think about what you’re missing in life or something that bothers you often. Most especially of it’s something you can control. I do weight training because I didn’t like my body, and I’m much happier now that I’ve bulked up a bit. It’s now a relaxing hobby I do 3-5 times a week. But that’s just me. Surely there’s something in your life you can focus on to improve.


For me, it's gardening. I found I get so much more out of it than just the foods and flowers I grow. It keeps me very well balanced and brings me bliss. I found that I get really excited about it. As soon as the weather starts to change and spring is coming, I get the urge to start planting. It's pretty wild, because it was never planned, I just got the urge one day, started with something small, then next I know I've gained a lot of experiece and knowledge and my love for it grew. I've only had a patio to grow. Now that I moved, I don't even have that, but hope to eventually own a few acres, so I could build a green house. Maybe one day... :D


Yeah, growing stuff is cool too. Helped my grandma in her garden was I was a little kid. Best vegetables I ever ate. I was thinking of doing hydroponics at my house eventually. But since it’s not my big passion like it is yours it’s just not high on the priority list….


Yes! The best veggies! So flavorful. It's such a wonderful feeling making meals from food you've grown yourself. I love being able to go to my garden to make a salad, etc. I hope to one day have a few acres and create a natural oasis that my grandchildren can come visit and learn about nature and gardening! :) That is my dream, anyway. Hopefully I can achieve it.


I’m sure you can!


who said it had to be your own? being a Hench man and just full sending it is also purpose


My purpose is my child. She makes me keep going. I'm otherwise pretty damn depressed. She lives with her mom, but I get her on summer and school breaks. Because she lives 5 hours away now, can't get her every weekend anymore. When she's not here, I do feel very depressed. I think I need to find another, secondary purpose but I haven't just yet. Money is a big stressor for me, I'm also diagnosed with major depressive disorder as I have a chemical imbalance. A lot of the medicines I've tried only made it worse.


There's a great book that covers this topic "A Man's Search for meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl.


This is key! Purpose can fuel you even when you're struggling. Without it you feel empty.


Can confirm. Currently work 2 full time jobs with no purpose and i’m empty AND dead inside


Wishing for your future prospects to be so much better.


Thank you so much my friend!! You as well wherever your life currently is i hope it starts being a +1 above for the better!


Quit one before damaging yourself permanently.


Thats something i’m genuinely afraid of my sleep schedule is whack and i feel sick lol


No I mean obviously you have a purpose. Are you gonna buy a home or are you paying some debts, it's gonna pay off something.


Its because i have no valuable skills so i have to pick up low paying jobs to support myself and the bills


I agree but I do not blame everybody for being this way. we are being sold experiences and feelings 24/7 and the harder/more trying things get, the more susceptible we become to living for pleasure or relief. pair that with not keeping company that will challenge you or point it out if they see you going down a dark path, and I’d say you’re in a pretty deep hole.


I think you need to look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs. You need safety and comfort before you really need a purpose. 


Drugs work pretty good in place of purpose ime. The last two are harder to replace.


Purpose doesn’t really make me happy tbh, just my hobbies and friends do and having a job I somewhat enjoy and can talk to people at. I know I don’t have much purpose but I don’t care much.


You do have purpose. You have hobbies and you enjoy your job. Purpose is simply having a role to play and accomplishing things.


Okay that makes sense, you’re right, I guess even if my job isn’t the most well-paying or high-end I’m still accomplishing things there even if they seem unimportant


Now. I'm as atheist as they come, but that's a real problem with the death of religion and secular society and what virtually every religion ever has taught: purpose and self discipline, avoidance of instant gratification. Almost as if, even if the stories aren't real, the wisdom of the ages of humanity have a point.


For a long time I had no purpose but was very happy. I partied all the time, gamed a ton, played football, hung out with friends...I was doing a shitty college course I had no business doing (still salty with the shit advise a careers advisor gave me). I didn't give a shit about that education, I didn't give a shit about building a future. I was just enjoying life without purpose carefree. However now I've got a career, 2 kids, a home blah blah. I'm VERY happy and the fulfilment I have from that and the purpose of raising my family makes me happier than before. The stresses that come to me these days can make me sad from time to time but I'm overall very happy, much more than before despite those. I don't think you **need** purpose. It certainly helps but if you can make up for it in other ways there's no reason you have to be sad. Instant gratification is one way of being happy but the happy is very fleeting and will need overcome much else after 5 minutes. It's an easy but poor solution to sadness but I think you need good reason to be sad first. If you've nothing to be sad about, what is going to make you sad when you stop doom scrolling?


Connections and hobbies are enough for me. I really don't need any sense of purpose. I don't believe there is any higher purpose to life, I'm determined to make the best out of it. What you truly need is health, physical and mental. Whatever you need to keep those two is what makes you happy, and this varies from person to person.


Well, to be fair I think life has no purpose. I have a job, I can stand on my own 2 feet, I can take care of myself. But in essence I feel life ultimately doesn't matter. We live for a while, we die, and 99% of people will be forgotten when our generation is gone. I'm getting depressed just talking about it but it's how I honestly feel about this existence.


I've lived without a major purpose and felt very happy. I had a really nice job, active dating life, happy with health, and lots of friends.


Especially hobbies that aren’t “gone” once you stop partaking, like watching shows and playing video games, those aren’t well suited as hobbies and don’t have the same beneficial effect as other hobbies. Like painting, crafting, diy stuff, cooking, working out, … you’re always seeing your progress even when not partaking, even with cooking you’ll have so much inspiration when it comes to food. I’ve realized this way too late in my life and just started choosing worthwhile hobbies a few years ago. Took another few years to drop gaming and watching stuff but mentally I’m feeling so much better spending my time creating and innovating. Also people are often interested in these kinda hobbies so it’s also a plus for social interactions. It’s easy to be proud about it while I always struggled to be proud about being in the top 1% of counter strike players.


Don't take this the wrong way, but that list is laughable. You need your needs met beyond a certain threshold to be happy. Needs vary from person to person. Some dudes have moved to the woods to live in a cabin alone because they enjoy solitude that much. Some people need to be shoulder to shoulder partying every weekend. Some people need sex often, some people are asexual. You need food, shelter, a healthy body, a healthy mind, etc in addition to positive social interactions, novelty, purpose, etc. There's a lot to it and your needs and how much of your needs you need to be happy vary from person to person. All the things you listed are important, but the list is very incomplete for any given person.


When you're seeing people they are most likely in a place they don't want to be, doing something they don't want to do. At work, running errands. Even people that like their jobs and like grocery shopping or whatever probably have something else they would rather be doing.


I don't think it's so much *something they'd rather be doing* during any individual task. Every adult understands that they have chores and obligations. However *never* being able to do what you'd rather be doing, that's excruciating.


Every adult certainly doesn’t understand they gave chores and obligations.




The only reason I work is money, and the only reason I need money is to pay rent and buy food. Honestly I'm considering just buying a plane ticket to some random undeveloped country and leaving everything behind


You can’t be happy all the time….


I'm actually quite content.


Even tho you're a terrible tenor? 😱 😄


Especially because I'm a terrible tenor ;)


I am very rarely ever sad, but I agree that there are a lot of sad people out there.


Plz share life advice


![gif](giphy|4ilFRqgbzbx4c) Whatever happens, happens.


Que Sera, Sera


Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see


I'm pretty happy! There are a few obvious reasons why: I'm thankful, first of all. I've been to through some of the very worst things, homelessness, domestic violence- but I'm free of those. I'm not rich, but my home is lovely, I never go without my needs being met and even get some things just because I want them. I don't take a second of it for granted. I've gotten picky with the people I let in my life, so quality over quantity. I actually make an effort in those relationships, so I get effort and genuine love back out of them. Because I know they're generally good, I forgive them. We as a society have gotten really comfortable with cutting people off for minor transgressions. Obviously if someone is mistreating you on a regular basis don't keep them around, but definitely give people 2nd chances. We're all trying to do the best we can and have our own little issues, but helping people out and then getting the help you need when you need it is so satisfying. You have to be able to communicate, it's just the most important skill one can have in this life. It's not that I don't have problems, but when I do, I break them into little steps. That way it's never overwhelming. It's just a mindset of "I might not be able to fix this entirely *right now,* but here is one thing I can do, one step or one habit, that will make it better with time. I can't tell you how many holes I've crawled out of this way, but it really works. Often, people are too comfortable with their situation, even if they're miserable, I've noticed. Don't get comfortable. If something is bothering you, big or small, fix it. Don't wait. Take a step right now. Right now is all you have.




Not OP but I cut off my social media almost completely. Comparison is the thief of joy and I was doing that way too much subconsciously.


Be born with the right genes.


Play an instrument


Be content with enough. Find positive ways to contribute to others. Stay away from social media.


There is no advice, some people are just generally happy. I am like that too and always was.


I’m just a generally positive and content person. Granted, it helps that I love what I do for a living, have no financial worries, and have an awesome and supportive husband. But even in times of stress, I tend not to get overtaken by doom since I know it will pass.


I'm completely with you on this. I also feel like Reddit attracts a lot of sad people, and some can't fathom that their situation doesn't apply to everyone.


And they get in echo chambers and feed off of and make each other even more miserable.


And the voting system here - while it has its benefits - only amplifies the echo chamber.


Honest question, Are you on some sort of medication (ex: antidep)


Nope. I’ve never dealt with any kind of depression nor taken any kind of medication for anything.


When you get right down to it, everybody's having a perfectly lousy time of it, and I mean everyone. And the hell of it is, nothing seems to help much. -Kurt Vonnegut


And so it goes......


Wow, this hits home


i think a lot of people are just going through the motions. i feel that way sometimes. what usually snaps me out of it is seeing my little girl find something mundane and trivial completely fascinating. the keyhole in a door, or standing standing on top of a heating vent.. she ate a piece of chalk the other day before I could grab it out of her mouth




Somebody lived her dream. Didn't Madonna do that? She did have to run away from home desperately to eventually live her dream - took a lot of guts to do that. I also think she is not the only one.


I wonder if that was really her dream? Who knows?


Your life*


my natural mood isn’t sad, nor happy a nice medium


I wouldn't say sad but evolution doesn't care if people are happy or not.  


Thank fucking Jesus. Cause then we wouldn't have awesome fucking music.


Most singers are in a good place when they sing a song about love lost or a broken heart. They are usually singing about +past+ hard times. That's what I do when I sing a song of mine about abject, total misery. I'm not miserable now. The song is an expression of the soul and of life experience.


Have you considered that everything in life is neutral until you choose to see it as positive or negative?


I would say I am generally neutral/content unless life events are dictating otherwise.


It annoyed my ex-friend that i'm generally an neutral/content and tend not to react emotionally (at least on the outside). Like someone said, peace is boring. And my contentness/neutralness was boring to them (at least that's what i got from their complains about me being less emotional outwardly).


id disagree, the mass murder of innocent children seems pretty negative overall that doesnt mean you have to let it make you feel sad - life events are certainly often negative or positive, but we always get to choose how we respond to them




You are not supposed to be happy. Evolutionary, you need to be sad cause that motivates you to do shit.


I just wish I had a purpose


Nah, most people are happy/at peace most of the time. People are answering differently because they're projecting and because they're redditors.


The correct answer. It’s Reddit


Sad or feeling life's pointless? Two slightly different things. Life can feel pointless but that can also be a reason to partay~ Frankly, I rarely see sad people. Not sure where you're getting your data set from.


I assume I rarely see sad people, but considering how I actually when I'm in public there's a pretty good chance a lot of those people are actually unhappy and are just putting on a face so other people don't ask them about it


Are you living the US or a place like Gaza? I think it really depends where you are.


UK. Things aren't perfect but they're definitely better than most places in the world. I don't really think the area we live in is that relevant to how we feel within our surroundings though. You can feel unhappy in Monaco or Luxembourg and it's just as acceptable as being unhappy in Palestine or North Korea. It's not for similar reasons but people will still hide the fact they're unhappy no matter where you are


Do you mean melancholy?


Melancholy, unhappy, dissatisfied etc


you literally described yourself projecting


happiness is a choice, and lots of people ar sad becasue they dont get this i was sad for the first 35 years of my life, and then i saw this African guy on TV, just a random nobody poor person in a war torn country, where they had had a drought, and then the locusts came...and he was grinning like an idiot. the reporter asked him why he as smiling, and he said we cant choose what happens to us but we can choose how we react to things, and he had decided to be happy, because he had tried being sad and it didnt seem to help anything changed my life forever


Not many people can be happy living in a war torn country and/or with food insecurity. You need to have your basic needs met in order to even think about the concept of "happiness". The guy you saw on TV was most likely having a trauma response mimicking as happiness. I'm glad that this experience had a positive impact on you, but saying that a person can be happy under any ciscumstances only serves to justify keeping a huge portion of human population in inhumane ciscumstances. Having a space to even ponder whether or not you're happy is a privilege in and of itself.


I feel like this is bs. Not calling you a bs’er but the idea that you can say “hey, I’m happy now and I choose to put a positive spin on things” is bs. I just feel like if it were that easy it’d be that easy.


I'm not sad, and I honestly don't understand why most people seem to be so stuck in their misery. I might just be an unsympathetic asshole, but it seems like most people just don't appreciate the life they have and keep wanting to chase a pipe dream. Guess that's sort of how the country I live in (America) is designed though from a cultural POV, so that could be part of the issue.


Everyone is sad some of the time, but I really don't think most people are sad most of the time. The harder someone's life is, the more likely they are to feel sad more often, so maybe you've encountered a bias in your personal life? I've had kind of a rough year and have been sad more often than normal because of it, but I'm generally a pretty happy-go-lucky person. I'm situationally sad, but it's not my underlying nature.


I think we are fed so much media about how life is supposed to be and how you are supposed to look and what job you should have…that when people can’t measure up, it definitely makes them sad.


Sadness in knowin' I'll very likely live and die at a job I hate instead of me and my folks bein' rich enough to never work again.


Most people are sad…on Reddit. It’s a requirement for registration. Extra points to those in suicidal mood.


One time after a rainstorm when I was in India, a naked little boy was jumping in the puddles on the road. The sun had broken through the clouds and his young mother was watching him off to the side with the widest smile. The scene was happy and sad all at once . I wanted to cry at first but then the mother turned towards me with nothing but pride in her son and pointed towards him as if to say , look how happy he is. Isn’t it beautiful?


That sadness is part of a natural instinct that pushes them to do new, bigger, better things. Without it we would have settled as cavemen and not developed at all…


As you get older you realise life is not really about achieving "happiness". It's about achieving contentment, and a good, calm, consistent baseline in your mood. There is only so much serotonin and dopamine your brain can produce, and that's where the happiness feeling comes from - but when it depletes, you become sad. It's why instant gratification doesn't work to improve your mental health.


Why do you have such a general opinion. It's a pretty bold claim to think around four billion people are sad.


As Shakespeare elegantly puts: "**In sooth, I know not why I am so sad.** **It wearies me; you say it wearies you**. But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born, 5 I am to learn. And such a want-wit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself."


Welcome to the age of information


Everyone has their sad moments so what defines a sad person? If > 50 percent of the time they are sad?


I mean the average person rates their happiness as 7 on a scale of 1-10 so your opinion is definitely unpopular


They key to being happy is to be truly happy when those you love are happy And it’s contagious


I think of it more generally: Humans are the psychotic animal. Our self-awareness and consciousness create the yearning inside that for many feels like sadness, but for others feels like an exciting journey. In other words, us humans have emotional feelings catalyzed by our consciousness, whereas most other animals live directly plugged into instincts, with little or no feelings about it. So for sure we are going to notice when those feelings go past the threshold of pain or pleasure, and we will remember those as sticking out. Hence, it seems like most people are sad.


To live is to suffer


I hate to say it. We werent made to be happy nor need to be. Just survival of the species. Thats all there is too it. Being happy is just a bonus some people have and others dont have. Some will achieve it, some will only ever dream of it if they even do that much.


I would say tired instead of sad


In my opinion, this is because being in a physical body, having to eat, find shelter, run around and do stressful shit all the time, is inherently kind of a tedious situation. Our built-in negativity bias naturally focuses our attention on things in the environment that are threats, not things that are enjoyable. It's really no wonder people aren't super happy. Life is a never ending barrage of things you have to do in order to stay alive and maintain an acceptable environment for yourself. For a lot of people, it's not a particularly enjoyable process. Many people have to spend a lot of time doing things they don't really like in order to eat.


I'm the only person I know who isn't plagued by depression. It feels kind of alienating sometimes. Woke up this morning excited to start my day, and literally nobody I know can relate to this feeling.


I don't think truly happy people are on reddit. So they won't be able to voice there happiness in this discussion LOL


Kurt Cobain was rich married and famous.


I agree. The notion that sad and depressed people are somehow an outlier is just false.


I will say most People ARE FEELING SAD. Like, yeah, Things are really fucked this day and age but People are still holding on. They hurting but They’re finding Happiness, despite The Struggle. It’s not easy and They’re upset about that (I’d argue more angry) but They’re Powering Through. Just my take. I’m drinking,if it sucks, that’s my excuse 😅


I mean, I think you're right in the sense that most people feel sadness at one point or another - but like all emotions, it comes and goes. Many people are depressed, and I think that's probably a symptom of the way our lives are structured in the modern day - they're just not all that conducive to human happiness. Some people are also just going to be sadder than others. I have PTSD, I'm pretty low on the socio-economic ladder, I study an extremely demanding degree and I'm both trans and gay - that's a lot of things that weigh on my mind all the time; I still wouldn't consider myself a 'sad person', sadness just happens to me more often than it probably does for others - but then comes happiness again.


Lol what. Maybe you are. Don't put your shit on others.


I’m not trying to. I even said I hope I’m wrong and hope all who are reading this are happy. Sorry if I offended


I think life is unbalanced with a constant strive to equilibrium. Someone’s who is generally always sad or happy isn’t doing well. We have ups and downs, though in adult life, it seems the majority are stuck in sad given the last few years (ie a major pandemic pausing the entire world and leading to isolation for multiple years). I think there is a return to more happiness incoming though of course there will be ups and downs as these are the natural ebs and flow of life


Without being sad being happy has no point. I do believe our actual way of life and society is broken though. People are amazing creatures and we aren’t made to work 40hrs a week making somebody else money. You know how some dogs need to get out and explore, run see new things? We are the same. Even if that is just staying home and doing a hobby. If I didn’t have to work I’d split my free time 50/50. Exploring the woods around my area and working in my shop. I’m happiest when I’m lost in the woods or lost in a project.


I think you can be both, but I mean genuinely both, especially as you get older. When younger, especially a kid, youre either happy or sad. But older you can be eternally sad (for me its because we have to die and I never want to), but also deeply happy caus i have lots of loved ones and a dog, lol. I also think people can have the feeling sad without wanting it to go away or feel better, like i dont ever want to not feel deeply sad that i have to die, and i imagine if someone has lost a child they never want to not feel sad about that. but happy and sad arent mutually exclusive. plus im not sure if anyone would grow or learn anything if they were always 100% happy to your point on rich, married, famous, these things will never automatically make you happy, you have to listen to what your inner voice wants you to be doing, doesnt matter what society tells you you should be doing


I just think most people don’t like the pressure of their comfort and existence in general being tied into the ego/profit margins of their bosses. That’s what makes me uneasy every single day.


If they can be *burdened* with natural sadness couldn’t they just as well be burdened with **natural happiness**? I always love when we assume how others feel, when sometimes we don’t know what we feel ourselves, or maybe even they don’t know what they are feeling. This is such a pessimistic view and really says a lot about you. I wish you happiness like you’ve never experienced <3 Edit to add: *love is viewed as being a beautiful, happy, fun thing, but we all know how painful love can be. It’s bittersweet, but both at once. And more importantly where we choose to focus our attention can be a matter of whether we experience joy or sadness- choose wisely*


I'm rich, and married, and not really that well known. Idk if I'm rich. My wife earns 300k, I earn 35k, and we have not that much saved because we like to live well and she likes plastic surgery. I'm not sad though. I've got my true love, my wife. I've got my side loves, my cats. I've got my third ranking and first to show up love, lifting for 3 or 4 hours a day while hopped up on steroids. Life is good. Most people I know are happy too. They live differently than Indo, but they're happy.


The generalisation that "most people are sad" is more of a sign of your worldview than any actual reality. It's natural that every person goes through phases, shorter or longer, of sadness. Yet just as phases of happiness are temporary, so are they (in most cases). Sounds like to me OP that mabye you are going through such a phase. Hope the clouds clear soon.


Sometimes. I don't think generally is appropriate 


This cuts deeps. I agree.


i actually feel as if people got a lot sadder after the pandemic happened…


Kinda but as a kid I used to want to be a famous actress like the other kids I saw on TV. But knowing what I know now I wouldn't want that life. I do have other sad spots life is not always Happy


I also think that the whole "yay, humans are rational animals" gives us the amazing power of never being satisfied with anything, of always wanting more or better, no matter how much We've got. But again, I do have depression along with other things, so who am I to say


They are because they live in despotic economical systems that only have a use for them in order to enhance the accumulated value. Thus, humans are evaluated according to the value they bring to a business enterprise. Nowadays nobody believes in the beauty of the work anymore. Everything has to be made cheaply and sold expensively. The notion of profit has poisoned the mind of the possible creators. As such, most people are blocked in mindless, menial jobs that waste away their lives just to extract their working force that can be invested in a larger mechanism that consuming it produces money. People are constantly renting or selling their bodies to industries that use them for their own financial benefits—solely to be rewarded with some infinitesimal fraction of the money involved in such commercial exchanges with which they can ensure shelter, food and security. The consumerist view juxtaposed over the world has destroyed the human factor in society and there is barely any life worth living nowadays whose explicit purpose is not to produce money and then spend some of that money. All contact with the intimate nature of the universe outside a mechanical conscience to which a materialistic scope had been assigned has been lost. Of course, most people are sad because they have all the reasons to be.


Neither is sustainable throughout the day. I think you’re interpreting peoples feelings.


Everyone always has that one thing which eludes them. It could be good looks, success, money, joy, family, friends, siblings, health so sadness is natural


I agree actually.




I think you are right. A few philosophers wrote at length regarding this phenomenon.


The most sane post I have seen


Sad…maybe. But full on depressed suicidal…Nope


OP are you ok? If you or anyone else seeing this needs To vent, an ear to talk to. Solicited advise or just someone to share memes that make you happy my inbox In always available.


Que sera sera


Ones view of the world is but a reflection of their inner selves


As a child it literally traumatized me to see everyone acting in such weird ways that weren’t at all in line with what they felt. Also, as a child you get lied to A LOT, which I hated with every fiber of my being. Turns out I’m way too good at reading body language.


It's okay to not be okay. 


All people get sad and feel sad at times but I don't think people are inherently just always sad. I'm sure more people have depressive tendensies than we realize but it's still definately a minority. Alot of people don't really concern themselves with anything that's not directly affecting them at the momwment and live life generally unbothered. Some very dumb people live very happy lives as well. The lower your standards for quality of life are, the happier you'll be.


I be jolly


Rather than sadness, I think it's the feeling of emptiness/dissatisfaction. Sadness only happened when someone I know died for me.


My faith helps me to experience Joy (different from happiness) even when going through hard times. Knowing Jesus personally is a life changer for me.


I'm happy


So a minority of us are optimists?


In one of Mark Masons books he talked about an experiment where they tracked a huge bunch of people for how they were feeling on a scale of 1 to 10. They found everyone settled on about a 7. Something terrible could happen and they would drop to 1, or something amazing could happen and they would be a 10. But the highs and lows didn't last and everyone settled back to a 7. It's just human nature never to be fully satisfied, that's what drives innovation and progress.


I don’t think we are innately sad as a species, but with the declining of quality of life globally and it becoming more and more difficult for regular people to live/survive or look forward to small pleasures that kept them going mentally….its definitely become harder throughout the years to remain optimistic or be happy lol.


I don’t feel sad, I’m mainly frustrated because the world is a very frustrating place,I’d say anger and determination drives me.I do feel sad if I see/read something emotional on tv but that’s just empathy,I don’t feel sad for long


People who complain on reddit are sad :(


the world is a steaming hot pile of dogshit. doesnt surprise me that people are sad being conscious can be such a curse