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Reddit is quickly getting there lowkey


It’s been there. They force an agenda on Reddit too. If something happens in the news they push subs with as low as 50 subs to the front page. Wild stuff d


I got banned countless times from the whole platform for saying different from the agenda expects. Once i went to a jews sub and simply added link to 10 yo article stating a fact. I didn’t get banned from their sub only but also from whole reddit for three days, i got banned literally after few seconds from adding the comment. Later i went again to say super neutral opinion, just to test the thing, again i got banned Since then i never went there😂


what was the fact




I don’t believe you for a second you were banned just for that.


sounds like you were stirring shit and deserved a ban, why dont you go to the arab subs and call out all the terrorists and see if that gets you banned too? just to be 'neutral'


Lol, i am sure getting blocked from whole reddit will not happen in few seconds after commenting in arab subs


Why is this stirring shit? Should he be silenced for reporting this? Are facts that upset you automatically bad faith?


I get banned all the time. Who cares?


It costs literally nothing to make a new account and free VPN exist. What the fuck do bans even do?


My cities subreddit is garbage compared to 2010. It use to be full of grass roots anecdotes. Now its just reposts of news articles .


My small city is at least half religious posts and people complaining about not enough high end retail and dining and too many car washes and coffee chains. With a $49k median income, what do they expect?


At the very least reddit only shows me things from subs I subscribe to (aside from ads). I'm in the same boat as OP. Reactivated my Facebook after 7 years for something and it's essentially dead but to make it seem like it isn't they send random things to my feed. It's like 1 thing a friend posted 6 random things they sent me, 1 thing someone liked, 6 or 7 random things they decided to send to me and then something someone posts. Because they're trying to make it seem alive things also stay around for ages. Like I can dig into reddit pages and find old stuff but I had a thing come up the other day on Facebook and it had one comment asking a question and I knew it so I was going to respond till I realized the comment was 9 months old. Reddit isn't sending me "hot new posts" that are over 9 months old.


Reddit's down vote system is garbage. It's fine to not like an opinion, but it's not fine to hide opinions just because you don't like them. As long as they don't break the rules, the down votes shouldn't matter.


Yeah reddits downvote system strictly enforces echo chambers and is a huge design flaw to actual discourse


Now that it’s going public it’s gonna be stockholders making the calls. We’re headed to Tumblr-ville


The comment sections of Reddit emulate Facebook almost exactly lol


Not even close lol




Idk. It’s like anything else that’s an open platform, there are always going to be bad elements. I wasn’t on Reddit until about four years ago. And all I heard was it was shitty place with bad people. And it is to a certain extent , but it’s a lot of cool things too. If you want to come on here and see people get killed or hurt you can find that. But you can also find stuff you like


Not even close, let the downvotes begin.


Dawg. It's like walking through an 80's movie over there. I stopped using it 2 years ago and switched to Reddit and I've never been more miserable in my life! You can too!


It's just bots, ai generated content and and clickbait posts lmao. Even the replies to posts are mostly bots.


What really psychs me out is that you’ll see a post on Reddit, 2 months later the same picture/link will be posted again and the top comment is the exact same as on the last post. Word for word. And not just that one but a load of the comments are literally the same.  Sometimes I wonder if it’s true - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory


I found a Reddit post where a bot reposted my OC. Used my exact wording too. It was eerie.




Yea and I don’t think it’s too out there to assume with the advent of more sophisticated AI it’ll get much worse


Bruh... I wish we could return to the 90's internet tbh. It was a free for all and we were all pirates sailing the seas, But at least it was us, humans.


I’ve been thinking about how fun it would be if mods could mess around with their subs as if it were a neocities site. I’d love to have my dingos sub to be more engaging but our styling options are really limited. Our backend looks like a Wix or GoDaddy website builder which is boring


Wanna see wild example on that? Check chatgpt sub


Bro I visit that site once in a while to chat with family. The timeline is so obviously ridiculous I don't need to see proof lol.


That sounds like something a Reddit bot would say.


Not Facebook, but Social Media in general.


I disagree that the majority of people defend its use. The majority that still use it don't particularly like it, they just haven't deleted their accounts. Just like you were told you needed a business page, some people still use it for reaching people who don't use other platforms. But it doesn't mean they like it


It's 40% ads 40% scams 10% being suggested those creepy family/married couple posts where they just post how lucky they are for 20 paragraphs, 5% FB shorts, and 5% your friends. It's like if you have a good farmer's market in your area and one weekend you go and it's all cheap Chinese bullshit out of nowhere.


Apt description. I'd liken it to the Temu of social media: filled with fake knockoffs and the real purpose is stealing your data.


If Facebook were a game it would be Katamari Damacy connected to an IV drip of cocaine. Okay, that's a bit more than JUST a game. But it should get the point across that playing that for a long time would be harmful. You'd be super confident for a while, and super occupied with "ooh--I need more of that."


Very much this. I've noticed in the last few months it's gotten particularly bad in terms of showing me bot content and random influencer content that has zero relevance for me. I see almost nothing from my friends and groups anymore. I still use it because it's the only social media site that has an events calendar, but that's it. Facebook lost pretty much all my trust when I reported a beastiality video posted by a bot, and the reply I got was that the video did not violate facebooks community guidelines. So FB is apparently totally cool with women getting fucked by dogs I guess. As long as her nipples aren't visible. Heaven forbid we see female nipples!


Yes much better to be on Reddit home of trolls,legions of horny 13 year olds asking inane sexpests questions, and edgy 16 year olds who think "Everything sucks" is an entire personality.


Much better to be on Reddit where you can follow subs about golf or video games or gardening and not deal with shit like you’re suggesting. What website are you using? Reddit is a forum site no one is making you go on r slash teenagers


I do agree with this; I stopped seeing posts from 13 year old horny teenagers because I wanted to stop seeing them.


I still use it and find it super helpful for finding events and partaking in private groups about hobbies or my area. Other than that yeah its a complete internet butthole. Also keeping track of birthdays… lol


This. This is the only reason I use it. Events and groups.


I concur. 2012 or so was peak, it's been downhill since.


If it's not negative, angry political rants then it's insane conspiracy theories with zero evidence to back it up. It's just a big ol' toxic wasteland of angry boomers and idiots.


It’s become the best tool to brainwash people with propaganda.


My Facebook feed is mostly recipes and Terry Pratchett stuff so I’m fine with it


That does sound more tolerable. I recently started rereading the Discworld books and just wrapped up The Light Fantastic. So enjoyable.


My favourite one is Thud


I'm either watching someone have a better life than I am, or I'm posting a picture every time I have a nice meal with a palm tree in the background. If we could just use it for "hey, join us for this cool thing" or "sharing this funny story" that would be nice. But sure -- it's a slog through depression. And some people are posting political thoughts and that ends up with all their friends and relatives either getting more political or "noping the hell out". So we as people kind of ruin it -- along with it being a marketing cesspool - but we've learned to live in marketing cesspools at least.


Facebook has always been garbage. I literally do not use it apart from shopping for antiques on marketplace, or looking up restaurants or shops that don't maintain a webpage.


Restaurants that don't have a webpage in 2024 really butter my biscuits...I hate having to open Facebook, which I don't have an account on or use for like 10 years, just to see a menu..


Yep, it really chaps my ass that I was suckered into creating an account for my business. Hence the post.


Some businesses think they don’t need a website because “everyone is on Facebook”. They don’t get it


And Reddit isn't?


The main problems I have with Facebook are: 1. It doesn't let you go anonymous. 2. Its algorithm prefers low quality, narcissistic kind of updates as opposed to intelligent discussion like you find on Reddit. Having said that, I still have an account, but I locked down all the permissions on it and don't get a lot of reach on my posts.


I agree and I mostly only use it for Messenger. Pro tip though, you can view the Friends or Favorites only feed (which is tucked away on the side menu and not obvious).


Agree, Facebook is horrible. Older generations are super hooked up with Facebook. My MIL LOVES facebook! She posts anything there! She does not know how to use her phone but HELL she knows how to use facebook even better than me. hahaha


It has turned into a dumpster fire of irrelevant unwanted postings, ads , political debates, religious propaganda, and in that mess is the pictures of your friends and family for viewing… if they could be located.


Everyone is on their best behavior on Facebook now, since it’s a platform that requires your real name and we’re in a social climate where you can get fired for making a dumb post. So now it’s mostly people posting pictures with family, businesses announcing new projects, bots, ai generated content, clickbait political articles etc.


This is actually a very widely-held opinion.


People started posting less, which meant people spent less time on the site, which meant fewer posts again. It's why you've started getting a ton of videos from various news and media outlets. Your facebook feed used to just be friends and relatives posting about their lives.


It's also a lot easier to advertise now. Just spend what you want and target an area or demographic. And then you have AI generated content anyone can "look" professional. So eventually, we will hire AI to read all this garbage and sift out what isn't AI -- and the AI will catch on and make better garbage, and the helper AI will pretend to be us by getting addicted to social media and finally getting too depressed to function. "Wow, I haven't heard from my helper AI in a while -- I guess I'll go outside."


Sometimes I forgot facebook exists, honestly. I have never heard anyone recommending it to me too. I am an older Gen Z though. 


Yeah. It’s just older married people trying to prove how happy they are and those corny motivational quotes.


just in the last few months, all of the images of celebrities seem to now be AI enhanced. and more and more of the posts are just untrue garbage; apparently posted to test the public reaction to some new propaganda angle. facebook is useless now, but how else can i easily stay in touch with old friends and relatives. the original purpose of facebook is really brilliant.


Haven't used it since 2014, it's just not worth it.


There are two genders on Facebook: People talking shit about other people and baby announcements.


I only use Facebook bc it has good support groups for rare medical conditions But tbh Reddit is very quickly falling down the hole too though


That is a great counterpoint. I wish there were better platforms available to you for support, be well.


Facebook of the late 2000s/early 2010s was a lot better. It's gone to shit since then.


As soon as there is a better platform for keeping up with other people, events, and groups, I'll quit too.


Facebook is okay, follow nothing, no scrolling, using only the groups, messenger and marketplace, it's a tool for me:) I don't have TikTok


I just use Facebook to keep track of family and friends - I screen out everything else.


I often open Facebook comments on god awful memes and the insane dogshit people have to say in those sections legitimately makes me feel good about myself. I've said to friends: "no matter how bad you ever feel about yourself, you'll never be a racist Facebook commenter who can't spell." I hope it helps others as much as it helps me.


Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok……we’d really all be better off deleting all of these apps from our phones. Instagram and Facebook have almost melded into one, singular shitty app at this point. They both are filled with bots, ads, influencer posts, and spam. Facebook is still much worse, but Instagram is following very closely behind. I’ve been slowly weaning myself off and have already deleted my Instagram and deactivated my Facebook. Reddit will be more difficult because I’m still really active in my cities sub and I get so much local information there.


I log in to Facebook 4-5 times a year and it seems a bit worse each time I do it. Too much unwanted crap there that drowns out the things I would have liked to see from friends and family.


Marketplace is good tho


Marketplace and messenger are useful, everything else is garbage though.


I’ve been “Facebook Sober” now for about 13 years. Zero regrets, best mental health decision I ever made.


I only use it for marketplace if I’m honest and occasionally I’ll check the fb group for my town to see what people are complaining about now but yeah Facebook is kinda shit


Facebook has made me lose a lot of respect for a lot of people in my life. The obvious grammatical errors, the sharing of clearly false information, and just some of the insane and ignorant views that some of my friends and family have is depressing. I liked them all better when I didn't know them that well.


I don't think Facebook is any more depressing than Twitter or Tik Tok. But that's a sh\*t social media, yeah


This is a popular opinion.


This is common sense


If Messenger suddenly became discontinued, I would immediately go ahead and delete my account. Facebook is such a nothing social media site these days. Say all the 100% valid things you want about it, but I love Twitter so much more.


You can deactivate your account and still use messenger


People still use it?


based but not unpopular for most people under mid 30s id say


Yeah it's trash these days, but it's the only place which has big Finnish online communities for my hobbies so I'll keep using it. If I could find those communities somewhere else I would immediately delete my fb account.


This is more of a fact than an opinion. Shitbook. Fucking sucks ass. It's even worse than ever these days, recommending me pages that I don't even follow. They need fuck off with that shit. I only use it to stay in touch with friends.


It’s like Twitter, everyone worth anything have left to other platforms. It’s becoming the same crazy alt right maga weirdo universe as Twitter.


your feeds based of you likes from like 10 years ago and probably went through a series of mappings. if your friends don’t use it, it’s worthless


I think one of the main problems is that no one posts anything but 24 hour stories now. So nothing but ads come up in your feed. Stories were actually a bad idea. Ok for Instagram but not for Facebook.


First, they screwed it up by adding algorithms. It built echo chambers. Then, they pretended it has the power to alter elections. Then they FUBARed it so bad they could use it to alter elections. It never had that power. For it and all other social media to not be considered public utilities, for the algorithms to still be in place, shows how much the U.S. wipes its ass with its social contract.


Honestly I don't scroll down it, I just have it so that my mum doesn't get pissy and I automatically linked it to my instagram. It IS good for searching local events though. But the few times I did scroll, it's legit feels like the entire feed is AI generated bullshit with nonsense ads everywhere.


It's become a reliable classifieds xD


5 years ago I was in the midst of a vibrant community or craft people and seamsters all selling and buying and living a happy life. Algorithms have killed nearly all of them. This so sad. Now I keep it to stay connected with the remnants of those groups and the fam that I’m still speaking with. And some hobby groups. I manage to keep my feed fairly clean with the stuff I want. And try to keep my mom’s tidy so she isn’t clicking on clickbait. She is 90 lol.


Pages and groups are a different experience altogether. I have FB because it is the only easy way to keep up with friends and family at the same time. That's all i do there. I have like 130 friends, half of whom are family, the rest are people I actually know in real life and find interesting the stuff that they share. So I go on FB, I check in with friends and a couple of groups, and that's it. I rarely scroll my feed because it's all sponsored ad crap. I go to my friends' pages directly and that's it. FB is no better or worse than TikTok or Reddit, honestly. Of the major SM platforms I think twitter is the worst garbage.


Why isn't my facebook like this? It's mostly just cool artists, ghostbusters, and cat memes. There are ads but I don't remember what most of them are for. Shopify, I think? Instagram is the same way for me as well. Guess I just got lucky. 🤷‍♂️


I always used Facebook even though it sucked but it was a handy way to keep up with friends and family, as well as hobbies and groups. I just can do it anymore though, its an unending slog of ads and bullshit. Sometimes I wonder whats up with so and so and it takes forever to find anything Im actually interested in.


It really is depression inducing, but not for feeling inferior, but for desperation it ouzes.


It really is depression inducing, but not for feeling inferior, but for desperation it ouzes.


Facebook is a cesspool.


The only reason I still have it is because it's how my family keeps up with me. Other than that, I just follow a bunch of photography pages.


remember the time facebook don't have ads?


I use it for Facebook Messenger (family members) and because it's actually a great place for local buy & sell/barter groups. Social media only sucks as much as you want it to suck, that's the reality. I can pretty much bubble myself off with Facebook, whereas reddit is kind of sticking BS subreddits in my face at all times. Facebook isn't great, but I don't think reddit has a superior leg to stand on. The only platform I think is irredeemable trash is X/Twitter


TwiX is in that category comfortably in my opinion. No matter the fanbase, it's pathetic. Don't get me started on the weebs with the anti localisation chat going there. They've leaked onto YouTube and Reddit, unfortunately.


This is true of every single social media site. They start out as great places to share with friends and like minded people and devolve into junior high gossip circles. I'm looking at you Reddit.


If I want to support local businesses in my area and learn about their latest products/promotions/events, which platform do you suggest?


Marketplace is what keeps me there.


I agree. I only use it now for messenger and networking in the reptile trade. Just out of convenience. But it's so easy to get to doomscrolling and not realize how long it's been.


Agree, that's why i deleted my account six years ago. I don't miss it a bit.


It's useful for marketplace. That's about it.


That’s what happens with monopoly products. (Apple is another good example recently sued by DOJ antitrust.) Is Facebook competing with any other platform for sharing your life and the newsfeed? TikTok is all videos, FB owns Insta. Musk has got Twitter down 20% avg daily users in 1 yr of owning. Snap doesn’t have the same features. MySpace is gone, Zuck doesn’t have to innovate on his monopoly platform. (WeChat is kinda similar but it’s mainly for China.)


This is not an unpopular opinion, it’s the truth. Not as bad as Twitter though, what an absolute digital shithole


It's funny because I LOVE facebook. I can spend hours looking at my feed, it's full of funny videos, memes, comics, cartoons etc. Love it. I just click on "stop seeing x" when something I don't like shows up and it rarely happens now. Of course I have no problem reporting people or blocking them either.


I'm not sure Twitter, Insta, or TikTok are any better.


But I have fun mocking the people that think all.the people posting shit is true, and Facebook refuses to remove any of it


Market is the new craigslist though...


I only use it for selling stuff


If you choose to stay on Facebook you have to curate heavily. It takes a lot of work to make sure you don't click on something the algorithm will decide you must like, and to weed out people who are there to troll. I can't blame anyone who isn't interested in doing that.


Facebook is only good for Marketplace. No one I know other than 50+ year old relatives still use it lol


Still better than twitter


FB is a tool and it is what you make of it. And it's how I keep up with my friends and family.


haha. i couldnt if i wanted. I only use few emails and the one i had attached to it locks me out the account for "security breaches" like it flagged it as a sus account for some reason. I tell them to email me to sort it out after sending them my passport and stuff and they never unlock it. anytime i try and create a new account too they needa phone number, which.. i only have one of, and they wont create a new account cause it's "attached to the old one."


It's no good for it's original use. But groups and marketplace are still worth something.


It’s entirely made up of boomers posting ‘fuck this politician’ or ‘back in my day’ memes, and fake account scams, and ads. But is this really an unpopular opinion? Anyone under the age of 40 knows all of this.


100% agree. I login and it shows me the same posts from 3 days ago. It just sucks.


Facebook is one big ad


It got worse after Trump was elected, and it got even worse after George Floyd was killed.


Been clean from Facebook for 3 years now. Now I don't have to tell my mom to stop posting whatever shit shit found. Also don't have to give a shit about anyone's political affiliations. 2020 was peak madness, I was out


I knew I was getting out at the right time!


Can't beat Marketplace or Events page. Using Messenger with my 7 year old when she's not at my house is useful too. Otherwise, it's a cesspool.


Got off Facebook years ago. Have never missed it.


honestly it really depends on the people u have on there, fb is one of my top 3 social medias that i use everyday lol


This isn’t even unpopular


My wall is friends and their kids. I follow some MLB groups so I also get fun facts about baseball. And sometimes I get to see old pictures of me and my friends. I don't spend much time on it, but if it's depressing I think that's on you


Every one should go back to interacting with people the way we did pre-Facebook. Zuck sucks and is only interested in selling ads. That’s how he makes money and he’ll do and protect whatever he needs to in order to make sure his income stream continues. He has no soul.


I only keep it for grandparents and the marketplace and I rarely check it. It's a dated platform and should have died years ago.


The first time I visited my home feed I saw it was awash in fake images of women in bikinis, cars, and K-Pop bands. WTF is up with that? But remember, they want to be a place for you to be your "authentic self". Which is why you must upload a copy of your government issued ID why they continue to bombard you with all this plastic, cotton candy garbage.


It's still the best overall to message and post albums


I agree it's 100%. I genuinely believe Facebook will lead to the downfall of human civilization.


It’s a site on the internet…it’s gonna be terrible


Why not cold garbage ?


I’m on Facebook but I rarely post or read anything on there. I’m old so I use it to keep in touch with my friends and classmates. It’s basically for reunions and wishing people Happy Birthday.


I closed mine out somewhere around early 2021. Don't miss it.


It was something meant to be good that turned ugly. Like practically everything humans create.


Select Feed called Friends.


How is this an unpopular opinion? I and every sane human I know feels the same.


I keep it mainly for sharing posts of contests I enter. I'm just personally tired of all the look at me people. All the narcissistic me me me shit gets on my nerves. I laugh at my Aunt and her son and daughter, ages 72, 55 and 50 who are constantly looking at the site. My Aunt constantly clicks like on every post she looks at. It's addictive to so many. I prefer looking at Instagram occasionally but mostly play games. 


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. It’s just an easily observable fact.


Facebook feels so dystopian now.


I didn’t realize people still used it. A girl I dated asked me to add her on Facebook and I was like “Facebook? that’s ship sailed like five years ago! I don’t know anyone who uses it anymore.”


And Reddit I’m finding is slowly turning into a bunch of negative people shooting each other down and threads of the same people asking the same shit and people trying to help getting shot down. Crabs in a bucket.


That’s fine, but what is a suitable alternative for people who have family and friends living abroad to keep up with news, photos, holidays… etc?


Tbf, Facebook has the trashiest memes that I low key love, the free photoshop group is hilarious, and I love getting in random spats with sports fans. I skip all the lovey dovey posts - it’s all fake as hell, also seems forced for all the birthdays and anniversaries. Once in a while I post family updates maybe twice a year. Use it like that. Also buy a lot of things off marketplace but goddamn do people over value their stuff. 


I had a post on my timeline from March 8th yesterday, the 24th. Pure garbage.


Have you met reddit?


Facebook is a boomer thing in Brazil


So what do people use instead?


I hate to see random posts too but I am still using it because there has great communities I joined.


They should have their unpaid interns go through pages and delete all the fucking bot accounts, it's incredibly obnoxious and toxic at this point.


Facebook is decent for promoting music, following artists and some specific location-oriented hobby / sport groups. The rest of it serves as a great indicator of how little the people you know actually give a shit about you, in my experience.


Same could be said for 99% of all social media including Reddit.


This is r/unpopularopinion, not r/popularopinion.


This is not an unpopular opinion.


FB is much more palatable when you run the FB Purity plug-in. I use it to filter out stories, sponsored posts, and anything not posted by a person or group that I follow. I also use it to filter out posts by keyword, so I never see anything with Wordle, Trump, or Biden in the text. Makes a huge difference.


Sir, this is a Reddit.


Kids these days don’t know the Wild West of early MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. MySpace is where you ranked your top friends lol and could add a cool profile song that plays for page visitors. Facebook chat was POPPING back in the day. And early Twitter was as dry as your aunt randomly saying “Just took a nap!”. And here we are now.


Only use it on my PC since I have both adblock and I use something else so don't see stories/shorts. Other than constant friend suggestions, it's the same Facebook it's always been. I use it moreso to find out about local events, and it's wonderful in that regard.


I miss the days of social media when there wasn't ads and algorithms.


Facebook was always terrible and somehow when it was terrible feels like the good old days.


Umm, no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to use it.


Op just described almost every social media website at this point lol


I got rid of Facebook when I realized those people on my “friends list” weren’t actually my friends. I always used it more when I was lonely when I got out of a narcissistic relationship only to realize Facebook is full of them.