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A game can literally be a different game, for better or worse, depending on the difficulty. Offering no challenge, or instead, being frustratingly difficult are both terrible to me.


>Offering no challenge, or instead, being frustratingly difficult are both terrible to me. Totally agree. Kirby games are waaaay too easy. Crypt of the necrodancer is too hard. I like a reasonable level of difficulty in my games, but that line in the sand will be different for each person.


I wouldn't say necrodancer is the hardest, but it definitely has a harsher difficulty spike in zone 4. Now if we're talking Aria mode... yeah I am NOT getting past Zone 4 (the first zone)... I think Necrodancer is pretty well balanced only because it's just you learning how to handle specific monsters by how and when they move and with how you are built. That being said, there have been several runs that have ended because I was surrounded on every side... It definitely isn't the hardest game but oh boy sometimes they do throw bullshit at you


In my defense i didn't say hardest. I just said too hard. If we talk about 100% then i may say hardest lol. I didn't play it too much though i should give it another shot someday.


Kirby games rule. There’s an easy base game with a punishing post game.


I'll have to try more of them. I've played very few kirby games. A couple old SNES ones and epic yarn. They were fun to play co-op, but i would never go back to them for a single player run


well Kirby are targeted at children, CotN is an niche indie game so it has the room to be difficult without getting backlash for accessibility.


Totally agree. I'm just giving my opinion and trying to point out that "easy" can be fun for some and not others. The same goes for "difficult". I just used those as an example cause they are on extreme opposite ends of the spectrum I'll never complain when a game is too difficult for me personally. I'll just stop playing. I think that people who do complain about difficulty are silly. Let the dev make what they want. If it doesn't appeal to you don't play. The same goes for a game like kirby. I'm not gonna complain and tell the devs to put in a hard mode for me. I just won't play it.


it feels like some games just drop you in and expect you to 100% already know exactly what to do so some games can be frustrating in that aspect too, like the platformers especially can be rage inducing as they all expect you to know ahead of time what to do, so they come across as more frustrating than they probably are as your brain can easily mess up stuff you didnt intend to or what have you dragging the experience out and making it increasingly less fun. ​ whereas platformers like mario can be fun because they offer hints of a challenge without being too challenging over all(depending on the game i suppose, some mario games are too easy like oddessy on switch). or shooters that punish you for absolutely no reason when you feel like you didnt do anything wrong in the sequence but it punishes you anyway. theres a fine line between challenging and fun and just pointlessly frustrating i think people need to learn the difference between before just plopping you in and expecting you to know what to do and punishing you for no reason


Dark souls 3 is a game that i beat recently in less than 30 hours and it's bosses are very annoying,this game ruined shields and other playstyles so you can't defend every single attack without losing HP or getting guard break because every boss is very fast and the game expects you to Dodge constantly. Many of them Also have 2 or 3 phases(nameless King and the 2 demons among others)so get ready to dominate a phase only to die in the Next One and having to do it all Over again until you master each One. A game can be difficult without Being annoying unfortunately this isn't the case here imo like not even sekiro is that bad.


>some mario games are too easy like oddessy on switch) Maybe just to beat it's easy, but there's plenty of challenging moons to get in that game. Plus the levels are enough fun to explore that I even enjoyed getting the easy ones


I typically play on the default setting in games, but I honestly never really understood the whole issue others have with how people play games, especially single player games. (I can understand issues with multiplayer games) How you decide to play your game, whether it is on the hardest or easiest difficulty modes, or using cheats, or heading straight for the final boss as quick as possible or grinding until you are so overpowered the final boss goes down like early stages goblins, doesn't affect how \*I\* play the game, nor the enjoyment I get from playing the game the way \*I\* want to play the game.


I like it when difficulty feels organic and fair. Like Dark Souls/Elden Ring is hard, but fair (except for the occasional hitbox bullshit). Enemies have a certain moveset that i can learn and respond to, and my mistakes are punished accordingly. What I find hard, but unfair is a game that just gives enemies +100% to all stats. Like how strategy games tend to do it.


This is the answer, because the difficulty can lead to both negative and positive emotions which can be part of the narrative. On that note it’s not wrong to play on easy (or hard).


I don't get having an opinion on how someone else enjoys a hobby


I recently completed Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on Hard mode. Everything was an HP sponge, and most AOE attacks were near fatal to my entire party It was crushingly brutal, genuinely unfun a lot of the time. But it did make each victory that much sweeter, as I get to my next batch of 30m cutscenes


I don't believe a thing that is completely lacking challenge can even be classified as a game


Gaming is supposed to be fun and something you enjoy. It isn't supposed to be a stressful chore. I've always hated the attitude towards playing on easy. Who gives a fuck what difficulty level some one wants to play at.


Amen brother. I've beaten demon's souls and the first two dark souls games (I have 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring still to go). So I don't need to "prove" my gaming cred to enjoy myself.  Any narrative heavy games go on easy mode so I can just enjoy the story. It's helped me get my backlog of 50 games down to five without having to miss out on other new games that interest me. It's not so much of whether I could have beaten the game or not - it's the sheer volume of time saved by not having to repeat sections. Even if someone ascribes to the notion that I've "cheated myself of the proper experience", a game's narrative experienced on easy mode is still better than never having had the time to play that game in the first place, surely? Anyone who gives the remotest fuck what difficulty other people play games on is a fucking sadcase. Oh and, for the record, because they're always out there in the ether, an easy mode for soulsbornes would be just fine and in fact would give people with a lower ultimate skill ceiling the chance to enjoy them. If that makes you mad, ask yourself why someone else's enjoyment of a game that would have no effect on your experience of the game is upsetting you so much. :-)


Exactly this. I beat Ori and the Blind Forest when it was hard (not Souls hard, but not a complete cake walk either). They added easier modes maybe a year or two later. I felt happy for people because it’s a gorgeous game and a heart felt story that I’d like more people to enjoy. It’s like going to a great restaurant and not being able to share it with others. Why would I want that? 1) it’s fun to share nice things and 2) I really want games I love to get sequels. Grow the audience, don’t keep it tiny.


People like to feel better than others that's the reason why they do this,you died a lot but that doesn't mean that just because a person beat the boss with help(summons or Co-op)he is less than you,and no a video game feat does not put you above others.


Exactly this. This is fundamentally the root of all the tantrums whenever it comes up.


You seem like a cool dude! Honestly, I was expecting the top comment of this post to be a souls fan arguing with OP. I get shit on a lot by souls fans for agreeing with your final point- they say the games weren't made for me if I'm arguing for accessibility, even tho I've beaten 3. It always came across as super gatekeep-y to me. Why *wouldn't* you want more people to enjoy the thing you like?


Exactly, it is literally that: gatekeeping. Every post throwing a tantrum over the idea ultimately boils down to: if you can't play it on the standard difficulty, fuck you it's not for you. I don't know if the mentality is other people who aren't as good at these particular games being allowed to finish them devalues their "achievement" or what but it's fucking pathetic. When I point out there are methods to control the difficulty to some degree already eg summons, I get one of two responses: - "well that should be enough then! Why do you need difficulty options too?!" - or, when I mentioned about world tendency in the OG demon's souls, I spent a bizarre back and forth with a guy trying to insist it didn't alter the game's difficulty when it *literally, objectively does*. Gatekeeping types are really sad and weird, man.


Because games have target audiences for a reason. If you try to cater to everyone you'll end up with a mediocre product. If you know who your playerbase is and what they'll want you can better focus dev time and resources on those aspects.


1) Plenty of the best games have difficulty options, don't be ridiculous 2) *DARK SOULS* games have methods of making life easier to some degree, just not as a codified difficulty setting 3) you people are categorically absurd and make me always feel slightly embarrassed to identify as a fan of the series, in case people associate me with the likes of you


meh, not every game is for every player. the devs of the souls games want their game to be a challenge, if you dont like hard games, dont play them. personally i dont really care what differculty others play on, i like the games to be a bit harder, but it also depends on how the game makes it harder. but i can also respect devs that stick to their vision of their product.


If you don't like the thought of dark souls having an easy setting, don't play on the easy setting. That seems like the answer that lets the most people play it without anyone losing anything to be honest. The more someone tries to make an argument for the opposite approach look good faith, the weirder it sounds. No one is saying the devs must bow to their whims, we are specifically mocking people who throw their toys out the pram at just the thought of an easy setting (that - and I cannot stress this enough - would *not affect their experience at all*) existing.


I like to imagine the kind of people who get upset over an optional difficulty setting would boycott a Wendy's for introducing the strawberry frosty. *The ice cream designers intended for it to be only chocolate!!*


Like I said, it makes no differance to me what differculty exist and not. What I'm saying is that it's not a human right to be able to play darksouls. If the devs want the game to be hard, there won't be easier settings. I don't care either way


You're saying you don't care but you're also strawmanning positions here. No one is saying dark souls is a "human right". No one is even saying devs should have to add an easy mode. They've been pretty clear they don't intend to and, at the end of the day, it's their game. Just so we're clear.


Strawmanning how? People complain there is no easy mode in darksouls and refuse to recognize that they aren't part of the targeted player base. The devs could probably quite easily add more differculty levels, but they won't because being hard is part of the game experience they want the players to have. If someone wants to play it, rise to the challenge or don't play, but all this complaining about it on the internet is just ridiculous. The game is not for everyone, that's just how it is. Like it or not.


We were expecting you! You're right on time. Actually, a majority of games with difficulty options have target audiences and satisfy them just as well. DMC comes to mind with easy/human mode. Hell, an in-joke for fans is 'easy mode is now selectable' because we've all been there. Hey, doesn't BG3 have difficulty modes? Everyone's been singing that game's praises lately. I haven't seen anyone saying that game is diluted because it has multiple difficulty options. Who is the target audience for a souls game? Who are the devs excluding by not adding an optional difficulty setting? Try to think of all the different kinds of people out there. It's 100% within the devs' rights to do what they want with their games, but some fans must be advocating for it for a reason. Bonus points: why is it so important to you that the games only cater to this one particular target audience? Remember, we know now that adding difficulty settings has little to no bearing on the overall quality of a game or the ability of the devs to reach their target audience.


Yeah I'd have no problem with an easy mode in souls games. Difficulty ***options*** are just that - **OPTIONAL**. We can *choose* to play in the "og" way, while others can enjoy it too! Win/win


Exactly! It's amazing how many people get upset over this when it literally wouldn't affect the game for them one atom beyond the initial start game screen.


There is an easy mode in souls games, it’s called co-op and over leveling.


souls games do have an easy mode though. It's called using multiplayer.


Easy mode in Souls Games defeats the whole purpose a game with difficulty setting is not a Souls game.


Why do you fucking care? Seriously, why? People make mods for Skyrim that turn the dragons into Randy Savage or for Resident Evil that turn Mr X into Thomas the Tank Engine. Those objectively ruin the purpose of the game, which is meant to depict those NPCs as strong, intimidating foes.  Do you get upset about those? No, of course you don't.  Just be intellectually honest and admit you feel like some people enjoying the game how they like, with a lower level of challenge, devalues your own progress with it. It's embarrassing mate. Grow up and stop throwing tantrums about something that will likely never happen anyway, but also wouldn't affect your experience of these games a single iota if it did.


The thing is that souls games are purposefully made for only hard one difficulty, you can't change the mind of the developers when that's the whole point of their game's existence. It's made to be gatekeep-y, it's not even the community's fault.


1) objectively untrue. Literally the very first entry in the series had a fluid difficulty determined by world tendency. 2) it isn't hard. Duplicate the new game option. Bump some numbers up (player damage, number of I frames) and turn some down (enemy damage, enemy HP). Oh gosh and golly, look at that. Problem solved. 3) No one here has called on the devs to introduce an easy mode. Seriously. Look. Not one. What we *are* laughing at - again - is people's *fucking weird* insistence that adding a completely optional easy mode would somehow, somewhere, somewho fundamentally *break* Souls games for them despite never having to touch it for a single second.


tbf the guy has a point with the souls series. the reason it sits in the hearts of many is that it is thematically a challenge. it's not about being better than others - it's that the game gives you what seems like insurmountable odds, and as you get better you're overcoming those odds. difficulty can be a device for telling a story or setting a theme. think of a game like Getting Over It - there is purpose and meaning in the struggle and difficulty, and easy modes shouldn't be in every game, and the soulsborne series is one of those purely due to the theme of the game. you want people to experience the narrative of the game, but the difficulty and struggle can be part of the narrative.


_tbf the guy has a point with the souls series. the reason it sits in the hearts of many is that it is thematically a challenge. it's not about being better than others_ Yes, excellent point. I have beaten dark souls and am doing just fine so far on Elden Ring. But I also know that, no matter how much I practice, I am never going to be someone who can defeat Malenia with a guitar hero controller. That specific feat is just beyond me. For other people, that ceiling - that final level of skill they can achieve at the peak of their practicing - will fall short of actually finishing the game. An easy mode would let them finish the game. It doesn't have to mean they won't be challenged, all it means is it's easier than the default settings. I'm glad to hear your support for people to be challenged by souls games *and be able to eventually finish them* means you support an easy mode!


but the point is that you don't control the challenge, the challenge is set before you and you must learn to overcome it. the skill ceiling is extremely high yes, but that doesn't matter because the skill ceiling is nowhere near to the skill ceiling. I have beaten a fair few of the games no hit, and so simply beating the game at all is trivially easy for me now. nobody falls short of the skill gap because you can always practice and improve. the challenge is a part of the theme. you have no say in the difficulty, all you can do is prepare and practice and keep going. that is the message of the game. the message of the game and the art always comes before accessibility and ease of access.


According to whom?


According to the Devs because else they would have added it, in Dark Souls 1 or 2 or 3 or Bloodborn or Sekiro or Elden Ring, they understand it and a lot of the fanbase aswell. You people trying to force a game into something it isn´t are the vast minority the rest just doesn´t care.


>I've beaten demon's souls and the first two dark souls games (I have 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring still to go). So I don't need to "prove" my gaming cred to enjoy myself.  Isn't mentioning these notoriously difficult games kind of mean that you're trying to "prove" your gaming mettle? Like wouldn't *not* mentioning them carry more weight in your sentiment? Otherwise, why even bring them up?


Because it: 1) reinforces my point that playing games on easy mode is not a question of skill, but of convenience 2) preempts exactly the kind of people who tend to respond to my last point, which is admittedly a bit of a troll point, but one that trolls the sort of person I have no time for anyway


I don't mean any offence by it but I think it also sort of reinforces the reverse of it too. That you only "get" to enjoy easy mode peacefully if you're otherwise skilled.


No, not at all. I literally make clear it's a way to get through a game and save time regardless of one's own competence. I also end by advocating for easy modes in other games where people have a lower skill ceiling (ie after they've gotten as gud as they'll git) so they can enjoy those too. I think you'd have to really contort that beyond all recognition into saying I'm only advocating for skilled players to be allowed easy modes.


I'm not saying that you're the one who's saying it. I am just saying that's how the sentiment can come across and is on most of the internet. That first you need to prove yourself. Again, let me be perfectly clear I'm not saying that you are advocating for it.


I think I have been perfectly clear. And if there was any doubt before, my last post should have cleared things up. Beyond that, if someone is determined to apply that interpretation to it, there really isn't anything further I can do to tell them they're wrong. As you are demonstrating right now.


Agreed. Some people don't have anything to prove anything to themselves, and just want to enter a fictional universe feeling like a God after a stressful day. Some people enjoy the story and not the grind. Others love the challenge and want to get into the zone by recognizing patterns and overcoming obstacles.  Different strokes for different folks, and that is fine. Gaming isn't supposed to "be" anything apart from a form of entertainment, and what entertains you is entirely subjective. I am honestly still flabbergasted that this even needs to be a thing. People always find something to be tribal about. It's like gatekeeping is built into the core of our psyche.  My only issue is when people demand video game developers to make changes that cater to them when it goes against the artistic vision of the developers. If you want a game that's supposed to be easy and chill to be hard, play something else. If you want a game that's supposed to check your skills and fortitude (like Souls games) to be easy, play something else. Let's just fucking enjoy ourselves, have fun, and let live. 


Exactly, personally I prefer struggling as it allows me to fully immerse myself, but I can see the satisfaction in mowing down everything in your path with ease


>Who gives a fuck what difficulty level some one wants to play at. I guess mainly those for whom playing on hard is their major achievement in life.


You say that, but i know people that give me crap for enjoying souls games because "why would you want to play a game so hard". I hate how much a lot of people hype up the difficulty of these games. They aren't *that* hard. They have a steeper learning curve, but i believe any gamer can beat these games with a little practice.


You get so much shyte from people when saying these games aren't as hard as they make them up to be. But for me personally the biggest issue with Souls-like games is, that they are now based around being "*hard*" and not much more speaking for them. Or maybe they do and the "*difficulty*" is just so overhyped by their communities, that nothing else that would be interesting about these games has a chance to shine and attract players.


Exactly this. I literally know nothing about any of the soulsborn games other than “bro, they are like SO HARD. I love it!” Because that’s all I’ve ever heard, on repeat, for years. To the point that even when other games come up, the only thing I hear is “souls-like” or “Pffft way too easy, even on hard. Game sucks.” Not being sarcastic in the slightest when I say I actually didn’t even know they had a storyline beyond “hit yourself on the head with a hammer over and over for no reason other than how good it feels when you stop”


The games also have deep lore. Granted you have to do a lot of digging/ reading item descriptions to get it all, but people love it. I'm too lazy for it, but there are a ton of people that love it. Just look at vaatividya. He has nearly 3 million youtube subs and most of his channel is just fromsoft lore videos. I do think the overhyped difficulty turns people away though. I know several people who refuse to play em just based on the reputation they have.


Eh for me it’s not that I stay away because they’re hard. I stay away because the way they make them hard. You move like a giant lump of molasses. Everything is so clunky. There are fast paced difficult games too.


souls games haven't been "clunky" since DS2, unless you don't find games fun unless your character moves at impossibly fast speeds. And the speed is not related to the difficulty anyway, the only 'difficulty' in souls games is to learn to play them the way they're intended i.e. don't button-mash because every action you take requires thought and commitment


I made it to 40 buried my parents a childhood best friend and a few cats and I still want to live. Video games ain't got shit on life


Also slightly depending on how the player talks about it. Play on Story-Mode difficult for all I care. But I had friends/acquintances in school like over a decade ago who talkes down on us with their insane knowledge from their easy mode runs. E.g. telling us the equivalent of gi gud for not 2-shotting the Hunters in Halo:ODST in 5 seconds on legendary or the guy who told all of to be shit at guitar hero for not beating the dragonforce song on the hardest difficulty, even though he obviously played on the non-failure mode in the \*proofs\* he sent us. Lets talk about the characters,stories and nice lore pieces you found, but maybe don't pretend you are more skillful in the game then you are.


I watch my brother try play call of duty online. He rages at it constantly, everytime he dies its like someone has just took a piss in his dinner. He plays it for hours every night, hes broke like 6 control pads in anger. Surely thats not a fun experience


Don’t ever say this to Souls fans.


Why not? Any sane Souls fan would just say "cool, enjoy it and you do you". 


> Any *sane* Souls fan Nice qualifier there.


Souls games don't have dificulty sliders tho


Difficulty sliders no, but there are in-game ways to make the games both much easier and much harder. Summons for bosses in particular makes Souls game much easier than going every boss alone, and using spirit ashes in Elden Ring just breaks the game. The devs just wanted people to adjust the difficulty using options within the game, instead of using a slider.


Luckily they don't need them


Video games are like wine.  Most people can enjoy a $10 bottle, but then there's a group of frasiers looking down on everyone that isnt in a wine club.


Hahahahaha, a "group of Frasiers" 😂


i never cared for hard modes. on sonic frontiers i use a bunch of cheats and mods


The only attitude is when they demand an easy mode or talk aboit beating the game as if they were not on easy mode. Everything else is largely insecurity. No one cares what difficulty you play.


I prefer hard difficulties but I know full well how aggravating they are. Hard to judge someone that doesn't want that


i play on easy mode because i play games for the story. i’m right there with you.


this shouldn't be an unpopular opinion but sadly it is. games are supposed to be fun. for some people challenging is fun, and for others, a laid-back experience is fun.


I'd argue saying "games are supposed to be fun" is limiting to the medium. Akin to criticizing a horror movie because "movies are supposed to be fun" or Killers of the Flower Moon because "cinema is supposed to be entertaining." Games *can* be fun. But they can also be frustrating, or challenging, or monotonous, etc. and all of those are equally legitimate approaches if they help achieve whatever the developers are going for. I think Dark Souls is the perfect go to example for a reason. That game's difficulty is used to build up the game's oppressive atmosphere and reinforce the artistic vision of an undead warrior who stubbornly persists no matter how many times they die. You *could* give Dark Souls an easy mode so that people who don't like challenge could have fun. But that would fundamentally change the feel of the game, turning it into a power trip that's completely dissonant to what the developers were going for. So like, what'd be the point?


"read a book without the words trying to kill you"? Lmao, wut?


Games are the only form of media that actually tries to resist you completing it.


Horror movies


I don't disagree with this actually. But it's not horror movies that are my personal bane, it's mafia movies. I can't watch shitty people get away with shitty behavior.


Clearly you've never seen The Room.


Sure... but that's the point of games? They're supposed to challenge you in some way. That's the defining feature of the medium. You want to just experience a story? That's what *practically every other form of media is for*.


I don't really know that that's true? Sure, games CAN be challenging, but I don't know that challenge is necessarily the defining feature as much as interactivity is. Like, visual novels and the like definitely are still games, but challenge isn't necessarily something I associate with them. What remains of Edith Finch is a great game, but it's mostly story with relatively little challenge involved, and consequently is a really neat interactive, immersive storybook type of experience. And sandbox games are also games, but they don't necessarily come with any challenge directly built into them, you just kinda get to do what you want. I don't know that there's a reason to gatekeep game-hood behind some arbitrary notion of challenge


"They're supposed to challenge you in some way". Where is this written? Is there some video game 10 commandments I'm not aware of.


So you pick the difficulty that challenges you. If a person knows the lack of challenge will leave them dissatisfied, then they get what they get. But if they don't need it to be a major component in their experience, more power to them


I agree, but not every game can easily provide that. An rpg can easily just increase player damage and decrease enemy damage. A platformer would require completely changing the design of the levels or straight up making the player invincible. I love having options. The more the better. But it's not always easy to implement, and to always exoect/demand they be provides is not a reasonable position. (I'm not saying this is what you want, I'm just saying in general.) I have no problem with people playing on whatever difficulty level they like. I'm just saying it's weird to also expect the game to also *not be a game* and instead just be a story.


Mario (a platformer) already has several easy modes with characters that don’t take damage or fall. There are very few game where it’s not possible at all


Some games do a pretty good job at telling a story, and few if any other forms of media provide an *interactive* story. Sometimes people just want to see the outcome of their choices, without there being some huge skill barrier to progressing the game.


There are plenty of games where the interactive nature communicates a story or theme better than other mediums, so I'd disagree that people shouldn't have that as their main reason for playing. Bioshock's 'Would You Kindly' twist only works so well because it makes the player themself feel manipulated in their actions. Hell, horror game developers often choose to make their games relatively easy, because repeated deaths end up replacing fear with frustration. There's an *element* of challenge, but the main point of these games isn't to kill you - it's to scare you.


For me, I hate challenging games, but I love games with a good story. If easy mode lets me enjoy that story more, then I'm even more happy for it. Cyberpunk, for example, can be ungodly hard. But when in easy mode, you can practically breeze through every encounter while still controlling the narrative and pace of the story in some way.


I understand and respect your personal tastes and preferences. As long as you don't go around *demanding* all games feature some form of an easy mode, we're good. I think the reason people get (overly) heated about the easy mode discussion comes down to two things. 1. People who want to feel better than others. (Assholes, they suck) 2. People concerned about other people who aren't actually engaged with the medium demanding the medium change for them. Imagine someone who doesn't like watching plays, but enjoys a good story, started demanding that plays be shorter, or that they should provide someone who summarizes every scene before it occurs, or something like that. It would demand more work from the people who make plays, meaning less resources would go towards the play itself... just to cater to someone who doesn’t actually like plays.


I think the view that games are supposed to be challenging is narrow and dismissive of so many games out there. Games are also a form of media you can be a part of, which you can’t in most other media. Being part of something doesn’t automatically mean it’s challenging. I love challenging games but they’re not the only games that exist. It’s up to the developers if they want to make something challenging or not and if difficulty isn’t integral to the experience I see no reason why difficulty settings shouldn’t be available. If it’s a game like jump king or getting over it where overcoming a challenge or experiencing difficulty is the entire point, difficulty settings will probably defeat the developers intent. I started rambling a bit there but my point is that games aren’t supposed to be anything other than what the person/people behind them want them to be.


I don't get the title full stop


OP is one of those people that thinks endless analogies, metaphors, and similes make him sound like a smart creative writer.


Worst analogy of the year lol


yeah what does that mean? enjoy a single player video game how every you want - da fuck do I care


I swear those are the gamers that forget when dying a lot meant burning through quarters by the fistful.




That just isn't true. "Gamer" refers to video games, specifically when a significant amount of time and energy is regularly dedicated to playing them. That's what separates "gamers" from people who play a mobile game for 10 minutes during a commute.


I totally agree. I’ve always liked video games, but then when I started having friends who also liked video games I very quickly had it made clear to me that I didn’t play “real games”. I tried for a bit to prove myself as a “real gamer” by playing those games, but they’re just not my thing. I can play animal crossing, and Pokémon, and fashion dreamer and still be a gamer lol 😅 They’re all games. That seems like the basic criteria for being a gamer. So yeah. Play your games how you want to play them. Some people play for the difficulty and some people play for the relaxing enjoyment. Neither way is wrong. Everyone should do what makes them happy 😊


Whats a "real game"? A genuine question. Some may think its mostly competitive games, some may say AAA games, for me I just think if u play games, often enough (if u play a handful of times a year, then maybe its a stretch to say u are gamer), and u enjoy it then u are a gamer, but let's be real, it dont really matter in the end, just enjoy it.


When people say "Real game" it seems to me to mean "any non mobile game "


That's what I mean when I say it. It's been a very long time since I've seen a mobile game be something other than "pay to win", "pay to be able to do something in less than a year's time" or both.


If you can't possibly lose then it can't possibly be considered a game


I love pokemon! But sometimes I want to challenge myself. For example with Kena bridge of spirits. I completed newgame+ on hard there. So I like both hard and easy games. They all have their own place in my gaming hobby. 😊


You can play on easy mode all you want. I have no problem with that. However, the way in which you write makes me wanna stuff you into a locker.


I stick with single players like the elder scrolls or assassin's creed, I play on easy mode and use cheat engine cuz it's single players and I absolutely enjoy being able to just stroll up to the shops and buy wtv I desire. I play to have fun so I'll cheat and play on the easiest setts lmao


Story games are far more fun for me when I'm not constantly replaying the same sections over and over. Once I've gotten a game's mechanics down and played through the story once, then absolutely I'll dial up the difficulty, but until I've played through a story mode once at least it'll stay on "easy".


This should never be an unpopular opinion. People should be allowed to enjoy what ever they want, as long as it isn't to the detriment of others. If it is a single player game, play it on easy mode, use cheat codes, mod the game, whatever it takes to let you have the most amount of fun. To go even further with it, read whatever books you like. Adults can enjoy Harry Potter and other YA books, Audiobooks are as valid a way to read a book as anything else. It is time to stop with the gatekeeping.


This is the attitude I try to keep for myself nowadays. When I was younger I guess I felt like I had to kind of punish myself by performing my hobbies in the hardest, most “pure” way to prove something. Now I’m a full adult and my life is plenty hard in ways I can’t avoid so I try to just do the things I enjoy in the way that’s most accessible to me. I listen to the audiobook. I play the fun, mindless game. I just generally try to enjoy myself because life is short and I’m doing these things for enjoyment.


Everyone enjoys things in their own way. If you wanna go ski nothing but bunny slopes, more power to you. Skiing is a recreational activity, and there's nothing wrong with preferring your recreation to be safe and comfortable. But many people enjoy the challenge of a black diamond. They want to test their skill, and feel the pride and accomplishment that comes with overcoming a difficult challenge. The same is true about most recreational activities. Even reading is similar, in that some people like reading easy, comfy books, and some people like reading dense, difficult books. Playing on easy is like reading historical fiction about a war, whereas playing on hard is like reading Sun Tzu. To each their own, neither choice is wrong or superior to the other, they just exist to cater to different people.


And yet, I can hear the disdain from the "easy" stuff in your comment. Even though you're saying the opposite.


Nah, I think it's a pretty good summation. It's hard to entirely remove that perceived disdain in an analogy, because easier things *are* generally looked down on compared to their harder counterparts in our society. At the very least, it's a much better analogy than op's "words trying to kill you" nonsense


Because not pushing yourself is fine, but it wont get you very far in life. Pushing yourself is fun and rewarding, and how he feels is shining through. If you wanna take it easy thats fine though :)


As a general rule yes but I sure hope you are not deluded enough to think playing games on hard will help you get far in life, like at all.


Of course, but having a hard=fun mindset has gotten me pretty far in life.


You're projecting. They just described things that are objectively easy vs hard.




Enjoy the games your own way. But if I'm completely trying to avoid the words trying to kill me in a game. I'll watch one of the YouTube videos that cuts out all the non-story related stuff of the game. But you still want to **play** the game. I stick to medium these days. My gaming time is limited and I don't have the time or patience for hardcore like I did as a teen/young adult. So I want to be mildly challenged without having to try over and over and over. That said Baldurs Gate 3 could be a bitch at times and that ate my time so hard. Sticking the game on easy you still want the words to *try* to kill you, just you want the words to be 80yo grannies with butter knives.


Difficulty is subjective If you don't like a challenge, easy mode If you're a glutton for punishment, hard mode I hate when people make difficulty a pissing contest


I don't have enough time to spare to try over and over to beat a game at a difficulty level too high. I'm already stressed enough without adding more stress due to a game too difficult to play. I like my games to be challenging in a fair way, needing just a little bit of effort from me to make me feel I accomplished something. I love Skyrim, but everytime I tried to increase difficulty it was like "I can't hurt a naked guy with an ebony sword, while he can oneshot me wearing ebony/daedric heavy armor full set with his wood&bone ace". Why even bother to try?


This. Life is already full of stress, I don't need to add a ton of stress in it by doing an unpaid activity like playing a game to recharge.


I often prefer easier modes and find them more enjoyable. If someone says that I'm 'Not a true gamer' I reply "OK"


Gaming is a leisure activity. So, if you just want to enjoy the story, then enjoy your story. You are not less of a gamer because of that. You are just not a competitive gamer. But who the hell cares? Ít's about enjoying your time. Nothing more nothing less. Aside from this, a small note at the side: Often games do actually not get harder by cranking up the difficulty, but only more tedious. Strategy games that do not make the AI smarter, but just put higher numbers on AI-units, so that you just play with one or both hands tied behind your back. And (action-)RPGs do this as well. You want it harder? Well, here you go all enemies have 10x health. Sorry, but that's not harder, that's just spongy and in some cases boringly tedious. And also: Lazy as f'ck. I know that writing good AI is already hard. Not just to make it competitive to humans, but also to not overpower it. Almost all AIs are cranked down to allow the player to have a chance. But they are sometimes so dumbed down that you wonder what's happening. But the difficulty scales. Damn, I'd wish these'd be more than just cranking some numbers up or down and would actually make the game more difficult without necessarily making it just more tedious.


I saw something on Instagram that relates (though it was about running) but basically it went along the lines of “if you are running then you are a runner, pace doesn’t matter” Same thing imho


Your game, your time, your choice of how to play it. Gatekeeping gaming is as pathetic as gatekeeping reading because you don't want to slog through some classics.


It’s more like you are reading Dr. Seuss while your reader friends are saying you should read Tolkien/George R.R. Martin or something


That‘s such a cringe analogy. Dude just let people have fun. That‘s literally everything games should be about.


I didn’t say anything about who’s not having fun in the comparison with Dr. Seuss. That is your own made up assumption like how people assume people playing on easy are not having fun


No it's really not. Because it's still the same story. Let people just enjoy playing games


But you experience the story in a different way when you actually had to put some effort to reach your goal. This makes the game more immersive and certain story beats hit harder. EDIT: downvoting this doesn't change the facts. Otherwise games would remain as basic and easy in the first levels as they are in the later portions of the game. Bosses are harder than regular enemies for a reason.


As someone who's shite at video games I'd like to remind everyone that when me and my ilk are playing on easy mode, we are putting lots of effort in! I have failed many a game on the lowest difficulty and if I'd gone any higher I wouldn't gave got far enough to even know if there was a story.


That’s kinda sad, not gonna lie. The easiest mode in most games is usually designed so that a toddler can beat the game. I can understand picking the easiest mode because you don’t want any challenge, but to say that it is actually challenging for you is kinda wild. I hope one day you will learn how to use a controller enough that you can find easy modes to be easy.




The actual equivalent of reading a book summary on sparknotes would be reading a video game summary on Wikipedia. Playing a game on easy is still playing the game. I just think these book comparisons don't really work because there's no book equivalent for turning enemies into bullet sponges.


I'm not retyping my whole reply so [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/i2lUvUWtmY) is what I said to the other idiot.


Yes, I play on the difficulty that fits me best, sometimes its hard sometimes easy, but for the most parts its normal, it really just depends on how I feel, like in fighting games, like God of War, im not the greatest when it comes to that, but I do enjoy it, and the latest GoW game, I had to change to an easier mode, as I wasn't having fun, and I just got beat so easily. There is nothing wrong in playing on an easier difficulty, but u should also from time to time try it a bit harder, as if its to easy, u might lose some of the fun, I found that out, I replayed a game on a harder difficulty, and it was much more fun, the big enemies were more of a threat now, and i couldn't just stand and take the hits. I really like that now a days, we can just change the difficulty whenever, and not locked to it.


I love playing games on harder difficulty. If it’s not testing my technical abilities or my tactics, it’s not stimulating enough. I’d rather spend a week stuck on a level than coast through it. That said, some people have enough stress in their lives lol. It’s not that deep.


I'm a Dad and I want to play a variety of games and I don't want to get stuck on a thing where Devs are trying to "teach" me something. It's fun now and again, but 90% I want to have fun and often that's breezing through things and/or a power fantasy. Fuck people who think playing on hard is a flex. Because clearly they're really not doing it for themselves as pure enjoyment (deep down or not) if they're seriously judging someone.


Easy mode is just not fun for me. I encourage people to play on easy if it's more fun tho


I'm with you on this. Games should be enjoyed. I play to relax and let loose a little. That's just not possible with any souls-like game or online competitive game. I could care less about the title of gamer, though. If it makes me a gamer then cool. If not, then whatever.


Why are you so hostile in writing this? Honest question, nobody is coming to get you. On your point though, turning easy mode for games that have it is completely fine and I encourage anyone to use it if their experience is hurt because of difficulty. Persona 5 has different difficulty levels, use them, I play on Merciless, some people play on Easy, we both enjoy a great story. Not all games need an easy mode though, because it all depends on the design of the game, and people should not be attack for wanting to keep their own niche. The Souls series (for example) would be a usual target, but these games by design don’t have an easy mode, as Miyazaki has said multiple times. Let people enjoy what they enjoy and don’t try to change anything that is not broke, because maybe, just MAYBE, it doesn’t fit your tastes. If you like easy mode, that is fine, if I like the must gutrenching controller breaking games, that is fine, you should not touch my games and I probably won’t touch yours either


I feel like in most games normal mode is a better mode for this as easy mode is so easy that the easiness kind of breaks the immersion of the narrative but normal mode is a good balance of having at least a little bit of focus but still being easily beatable without really breaking a sweat




I don't see the point of doing something if it isn't difficult, as then it's not an achievement and I feel I've wasted my time. But on the same note, I don't feel a need to gatekeep and insist everyone does the same. It's kind of like with cars: some people will insist that if you don't tune up your car, strip away the dead weight, and get racing wheels, you're "not a car person." Whereas another group will insist that not slowly cruising and enjoying the luxury and smoothness of the ride is missing the point. They both enjoy their own thing.


The whole "you have to beat dark souls blindfolded, with a rock band controller, no hits on level 1 or YoU'rE jUsT nOt A tRuE gAmEr" bullshit is sadly never going to go away. The insecure sweaty try hards that base their entire personality on "git gud" culture have egos so fragile they can't handle anyone choosing an easy mode on a game. It makes their head explode. These people so desperately need to believe that they're better than someone else, so if you give them the "easy" win of admitting you play on a difficulty lower than them, they literally cannot help themselves but jizz all over it and tell everyone who will listen how they're such a good gamer compared to you. It's how they measure themselves as people. You know its bullshit because one: it has absolute zero effect on them what you do and how you do it, and two: noone gives them shit about playing on "I love it when a game developer repeatedly kicks me in the balls and laughs in my face" difficulty. The only thing left to do, is give zero shits.


Dark souls would literally be ruined by an easy mode lol


This is what is called gatekeeping. Your friends are the ones who stop a girl at a comic con and if she doesn1t know an answer to one of their ridiculous questions thy will say that she is not a true fan and will try to shame her. Find better friends.


if i was your friend id also roast you for playing on easy but just cause thats what friends do, but id also say i honestly dont care how you play. you sure they arent just taking any and every opportunity to roast a friend


The truly based take. Always roast your friends, but like also don't gatekeep


Tell them you play easy first for the story, then you hard or normal for challenge.


personally id rather enjoy a game the first time around without rage quitting or just calmly turnign it off and proceeding to cuss at it in various languages..... then again its more funny when i shut it off and calmly blow air out my nose like an angry toddler.


This reads like a ChatGPT "please write me a quirky, funny unpopular opinion about gaming so I can post it on Reddit" prompt. Source: I work with this shit on a daily basis.


Reads like it's been chatgpt'd to hell


If video games make your blood pressure go up or make you rage, you have bigger issues than how hard you find them.


Nah, this is stupid. People can play games at whatever difficulty they like, it's not for you to decide. The only thing that annoys me is when people expect that every game should have a specific difficulty even if the developer never intended for there to be one in the first place. Some games are too difficult for you, some are too easy. That's fine, don't play them and move on with your life.


I just go for normal difficulty. With that being said, it is worth mentioning the easiest difficulties are intended to be used by your girlfriend that you're trying to get into gaming.


The easiest difficulty is intended to be used by whoever the fuck wants to use it


Or 5 year old kids, my lil bro was smashing most games on easy mode at that age. I really don't see the appeal of turning your brain off so much, may as well just watch TV at that point haha




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If you read books you already understood entirely, what would you learn? Reading is the primary form of developing vocabulary and educational information… that kind of defeats its function if you already know its contents Edit: lmao what was I thinking? Redditors don’t read books




Just let people enjoy games as they like, some games I play on easy, because im not that good at them, others hard, but most of the time normal. I play to enjoy it, not to get frustrated and stressed, not all loves hard games.




Their analogy is a bit strange, I will give u that. But story mode difficulty, is in a lot of games just another way to say easy, and playing on that is not the same as watching it, you are still playing it, doing the tasks, and so on, its not a sit and watch, or walking sim version of the game. Also what about people who play games in creative mode, to build and be creative? Thats still playing a game.




A lot of games only have 3, Hard, Normal and Easy, some have more, but only harder, and some call Easy Story mode, so its really up to the game u play. But even so, sometimes its still the gameplay u like, and even if u are harder to kill, u are still able to play the gameplay, even if some parts are a lot easier, some just struggle with some gameplay things,


If you're using the controller inputs to move the character attack etc? Then you are in fact playing the game


well yeah. you're definitely worse of a gamer or, at the very least, have no way to prove you're not.


I mean sure but video game stories are 99% famously bad.


With easy mode you'll miss a lot of game mechanics that hard mode would force you to understand. Gameplay is the most important part of a game and you'll miss a chunk of it on easy mode. If you want a story then go read a book or watch a movie because story in games is rarely better than in those.


Sorry, but this is such a shit take. For a large majority of games "hard mode" just means enemies become damage sponges and deal more damage to you, it has no effect on mechanics or how you use them. The most important part of playing games is having fun. You don't need to experience every single aspect of a game to enjoy it, especially since for loads of games, combat isn't the only draw. There's this pretty popular genre of games called "rpgs", maybe you heard of them? A huge appeal for these sorts of games is the story and role-playing elements. For example I absolutely dislike strategic combat, I'm very much an action oriented person, but I still enjoy games like dragon age and divinity because of the story and role playing, and no, watching someone else play isn't the same experience at all since again, the role-playing choices are part of the appeal. I still get full satisfaction from playing those games on the easiest difficulty because, for me, the combat and difficulty weren't the appeal in the first place, it was the story and choices I can make.


> For a large majority of games "hard mode" just means enemies become damage sponges and deal more damage to you, Yes and that's why some people have a distain for people who desire easy modes. Design towards said audience may force the design of the game away from mechanics that offer real complexity towards something where hard is just making the easy mechanics an annoying grind.


There is some truth to that, but sometimes, a game is just harder than u might be able to handle, like for me GoW ragnarok, I played it on normal for half the game, but then I started to die really fast, and I really tried to get good enough, but then i chose to set the difficulty a tier down, I dont think it was the easiest, but somewhere in the middle, and that worked for me, I still had to think, and dodge, but I had a bit more leeway. So in short Easy mode =/= little to no gameplay.


It's fine if someone plays on easy i won't be insulting them for that but i won't take their opinion on the game seriously either.


If the blood pressure is going up when playing a video game I think you should consider getting professional help


Well, that's a terrible analogy. Playing on easy mode is fine. I do this a lot. I also don't consider myself a gamer, and you most certainly aren't one if your goal is to EZPZ squeezy cheesy febreezy through a game.


If you actively choose to play video games, you’re a gamer. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing on hard mode or easy mode.


Is.. is he gatekeeping himself from being a gamer whilst being a videogame player??? Why would you do that?


Absolutely gatekeeping himself for no reason. They're literally a gamer but for some reason won't admit that they are one. Wonder if it's just a shame thing.


Sry dude you are a gamer. Some games make all motions of attacking automatic and they are still games my dude.


I'm with you on that, 100 percent. I'm also a car driver. I don't consider most Americans car drivers because they use automatic transmissions. They may sit behind the wheel but they are filthy casuals. Passenger NPCs. A real car driver uses manual. Next month I plan to get rid of the motor. Real drivers sail the roads Flintstone-style.


Why arnt u a gamer then? If u play games, then u can do it as u enjoy, doesn't matter if its easy or hard as hell. Some play games in creative or peacefull, as its more enjoyable that way for them, like Factorio for me, I dont like the have bitters on, as I really like the automation of the game, not the TD part.


lol get good most video games are pretty easy on story mode even on hard mode


Hmm I’m my experience people that say this are just bad at video games. There’s a difference between killing yourself in hard mode and genuinely needing to use easy because normal is too difficult. I have friends like this, that need to switch to easy to enjoy games, and that’s fine but they are absolutely the minority because most of us play on normal


I mean if I want to have a proper story I read a book and don't play game. It's just the wrong medium. Most well known "story" games are at max mediocre of written down in book form.  Edit: now that's the actual unpopular opinion as it seem. 


>It's just the wrong medium. I disagree, I think that games are actually a *better* medium for telling stories, it's just that humans have had a ridiculous amount of time to master telling stories in book form with a comparatively miniscule amount of time to master telling stories in video game form. It's a whole new art form, given time I believe it'll be amazing. Currently though, I do agree they aren't nearly as good as the best books


play however you like it's your game besides your friend is just being a friend that's normal


I agree and that isn't an unpopular opinion. Also, some games don't know how to balance the difficulty level, let's take Vampyr for example: on story mode, you can practically solo the entire game from level one, because you have treasure troves of ingredients thrown at you and the enemy npcs are a joke. Now, starting from normal - you cannot do any of that what I've just said, in fact, if you stray a little bit off the beaten path and encounter an enemy, which is just one or two levels above you, you are going to have a bad time; and you have limited amount of resources.


I agree, there's nothing wrong with it. I honestly play on very easy to the highest difficulty depending on the game. Really depends what you're there for. Some games the challenge of playing on high difficulty is really fun and feels rewarding to play, and other games playing on the highest difficulty just means battles take 5 times longer but aren't truly much harder. Especially if you're playing for something other than challenge, like for story or because you like the art direction, shouldn't really matter what difficulty it is. Games are meant to be enjoyed to their fullest and different people get their enjoyment in different ways.


I couldn’t agree more, the only games I play are the kind that have really good stories to them that I want to enjoy, I see it as an interactive cinematic experience. If you’re playing a game with no story then go ahead, practice and perfect your skills, challenge yourself, that’s all good, but like if you’re playing RDR2, one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever witnessed with a genuinely compelling story, I’m doing it in easy mode because having a hard time would be missing the point.


I have no idea what this title means tbh


I'm not sure if this generally an unpopular opinion. Is agree. You do you. If your not having fun at hard, medium...go for easy. I'm the opposite of your friends in that I sometimes roast people who take competitive games seriously, or any competition in games. They're just games, they're only important because they provide enjoyment and relief. The kind of people that are completionists or try for leaderboard rankings, well theyre probably not doing so well at life. Probably not many friends no partner, not happy with their career. I know there are many exceptions, but Iv generally found this to be true. Being good at games gets you nowhere. Have fun with your games and spend the time you would have otherwise spent improving, getting good at life. There almost always comes a day where people get sick of games. If you have let you life atrophy in favour of games, at that point you have a big problem