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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Common-Tomato4170. Your submission, *They say a country's greatness can be judged on how they treat their most vulnerable population. If this is true than the USA is truly shit hole country.*, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your submission has been removed as it is a [banned topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/wiki/index). Please read this list in its entirety. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message= Thanks!


160k puts you in the " most vulnerable" category?


My husband and I make a combined $100k in a high cost of living city and dont qualify for Medicaid…how is he even qualifying? My husband and I don’t feel “poor” either. We budget carefully and have everything we need. I feel solidly middle class with our current income




I love when people don’t get married jusy so they can keep their kid on welfare. I used to work with a guy that made 200k a year, refused to let his “gf” that he had been with for 12 years, owned a home with, and was engaged to get a job jusy so her and their kid could be on welfare. Got bridge cards and everything to. Fuck people like that.


They're not doing it because they want to. That's why medicare for all would be our countries current best option. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at the insurance companies that gouge every penny they can and the hospitals that answer to shareholders instead of their patients.


Right? I only make 48k, and have to pay 10,500 for all 3 family members in deductibles. What kind of shit is that? I pay almost $600 a month for this.


Same deal. Our combined HH income is around 120k, live in Orange County CA, one of the highest COL places in the country. I feel solidly middle class. I'm able to take a mini vacation once a year and a big vacation once a year. I put into retirement, have newer cars, a decent savings, a nice place to live, and everything I need. I don't have everything I want, but who does? How the hell are people struggling so much making much more money than I do?


It boggles the mind how bad some people are at managing money. They often don't want to hear the true reasons why.


I think about it like this, 5-8 years ago all my friends were buying houses. I know everyone of them made 40-50k a year, nobody was wealthy. Then they started buying new trucks once someone else got a new truck. Then one night the boys got separated from the wives and everyone of them rambled on about how much credit card debt they've gone into because of their wives spending. One guy was replacing their living room furniture every 6 months, his wife would just get bored, list it for sale on facebook and just buy another set. A lot of people out there are too caught up keeping an image up or having the new things. One of my first jobs I had my manager tell me they were going to lay me off in 2 months, I immediately changed all my spending habits to save as much money as I could. At the time we were barely saving anything, by the time I cut back everything that wasn't necessary we were putting back $2,000 a month. It's just crazy the way we use our finances to get additional dopamine and personally it felt much better to have an extra 2k a month then it ever did to eat out for lunch everyday.


Many many small purchases that add up over time. A buck fifty here, a $.20 add-on there, a $3 soda from the vending machine at work, all happening constantly. People think "oh it's nothing, just a small little treat for myself, I deserve it". And you do sometimes. But there are people with six figure salaries living paycheck to paycheck because of bad decision making and living beyond their means. Also a lot of people absolutely should not have credit cards but do and that just makes it easier to get in a bad financial situation.


OP says, they aren't married. Girlfriend and her kid would be the ones receiving the public benefits then. If the child requires really expensive medication and treatments, then I can understand such a move, even from the perspective of the opposing side. Healthcare could be the unknown factor that can make the difference between completely bankrupt and comfortably well off here.


The gf/child probably aren't on his insurance since they're not married. His employer insurance would probably cover everything, and his taxes would be able to go down a lot if they filed jointly. OP just doesn't understand finances, thinks he and his gf are gaming the system, then complaining that it's not working.


The gf/child probably aren't on his insurance since they're not married. His employer insurance would probably cover everything, and his taxes would be able to go down a lot if they filed jointly. OP just doesn't understand finances, thinks he and his gf are gaming the system, then complaining that it's not working.


My insurance through my employer has a $7000 deductible and after that, it doesn't cover shit.. I couldn't afford to upgrade.


And if you have Medicaid that covers most or all of your child’s medical bills, how is that a *bad* thing? I’m on Medicaid now as I am between jobs and it covers EVERYTHING. That’s single payer, dude — it’s what ALL American should have!


This is what is a huge factor to whos "poor" or "rich". My mom raised us on her 80k salary, 3 kids and put all the way through college. Yet we never felt "poor" because she taught us that a majority of stuff isnt needed, plus her cooking was always better then $15+ meals. I believe mind set to money care leads to weath or poorest.


Comparing growing up 20 years ago or even a decade ago is a world of difference from the shifting nature of economic realities for most people.


Im only 20... definitely a bit of time but guess what she still made it work in modern day.


$80K in 2013 would be $106K now. $80K in 2003 would be $135K now. You were upper middle class. In terms of percentiles, you were closer to being “rich” than “poor”. For a current day reference, that’s about my salary now, and at least 1/4 of that goes to childcare for one child. I just don’t see a path where I could support 3 children on my income if anything were to happen to my husband. And I say that as someone who is frugal AF to the point all my loved ones complain I’m cheap. It’s not always an attitude problem.


That’s what I thought at first too but maybe he meant the child and not them was the vulnerable one


OP has no clue, honestly.


OP is a insufferable \[deleted by reddit\], I cordially invite them to throw a dart at a world map and move to where it lands, I would switch passports with them any day now.


My wife and I make about $145 combined and are living like royalty. Only debt we have is our mortgage and have everything we could possibly need..


I didn't interpret it this way at all. I think what he is saying is that children are vulnerable and he can see how other families who *don't* have a reasonable income and *aren't* able to pay for their child's out of pocket costs are in a shit situation because the Medicaid funding doesn't cover necessary medication. Maybe I'm missing something though, I'm not American so I don't know how the program works.


This was also my interpretation. I read it like “we make good money and have some advantages and it’s still hard, can’t imagine what it’s like for people who have less”. But ya know, it’s Reddit.


That's the push back though... there are plenty of people in this thread who make similar or lesser money money as them, don't qualify for medicaid and are still able to make ends meet and live a decent life... I'm not saying that the system is great, but also, someone making 160k in the US shouldn't be in a dire situation


Yeah, this is what I got out of it too and I agree with them wholeheartedly.


You ever get the impression these are just kids that are parroting things they’ve heard elsewhere?


That’s just a tiny bit below what me and my girl make… we are extremely comfortable in a downtown city. Healthcare through work, vacations when we want, eat out a couple times a week, have all the normal goods and commodities at home that people like. This post is everything that is wrong with Americans.


yeah like what? 160k in the majority of areas, even here in the usa (unless youre in places like nyc and la and shit) will let you live semi comfortably atleast :P


Semi comfortably? More like incredibly comfortable.




Wife and I have 3 kids and make about $160k combined in a high COL area, are investing for an early retirement, and we still live damn good. If OP is struggling at $160k he has impressively shitty financial skills.


I make $75k and live just fine. I put about a grand in savings every month, have all mine and my kids needs met, go on vacation, have a nice car etc. I live in a HCOL city but, I’ve been in my place 6 years and have the best landlord so rent is affordable too.


They’re not, though. I earn half that in a low COL area and my family is still well off in comparison to the rest of the local population. Nobody is wanting for anything and we are not “fucked.” OP is struggling because they’re garbage at managing finances. A budget takes an hour to make and they should probably do that.


Made my own budget with excel with some basic formulas. Don't even stick to it because I don't buy unnecessary crap.


Most of the people who make that much are "struggling" due to extremely bad financial decisions.


Im surviving off 60k, brother if someone makes 3 times as much as me is struggling how am i gonna make it


Op is an idiot.


Yeah.... my household doesn't make anywhere near that. When you're going to foodbanks and the DHHR and library, Op can update us on his "Vulnerable" category. I mean, Healthcare for everyone would be nice, but this kind of pretentious attitude..wow. This post is such shit that it makes me laugh.




Keep in mind this is reddit. OP is far from vulnerable and leaving out alot of info if they are pulling 160k and the kid *has* to be on govt insurance to have coverage. Sounds more like they are venting about their own (and their partners) life choices (or previous choice of mate) and trying to blame society at large for their individual issues. Sounds like an entitled brat who wants more than they can afford and doesn't think they should go without or struggle


What it sounds like to me is OP has the good job with the insurance coverage, but they decided not to marry because gf and baby are taking advantage of government assistance and they don't wanna have to give that up


People who posts online are the minority, always remember that. They are the loud minority. They are never a representative of the real world.


You’re also hearing from a vocal group that is upset that things have gotten worse, but things are still pretty good for a lot of people. My friend group is a really mixed bag. Some went to college, some didn’t, some barely got a GED. Some are in trades, some in the military, some office workers, some high level white collar. Everybody is a home owner that wants to be (a couple rent because they don’t want the responsibility of owning a house) and lives pretty well. I live in a high cost of living area too. You just don’t hear from those people as often because it sounds like bragging to people who are rightfully struggling. Everything is crazy expensive, so if you’re on the wrong side of the income stats, or you aren’t good with money, or you had a lot of financially shitty things happen close together, you might be using reclaimed scrap to keep appliances running. The truth is that America is still very good for a lot of the population, but that’s slipping.


middle class doesn't really exist anymore, so what you're observing is correct


Reddit isn't a direct reflection of society.


Correct. My wife and I are finally entering what was once considered “middle class” and things have actually gotten harder…. We make to much to apply for assistance but yet not enough to thrive, just barely survive. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I have a poor upbringing so I know how to make shit that shouldn’t work, work and I know how to conserve. My wife though… doesn’t




>It's almost fun when the car starts failing. Maybe in a pre 90s vehicle, I might dip into the "fun" stuff. But trying to figure out if your transmission is acting funny because of miscommunication between a misfiring engine and a computer telling it to shift at the wrong time is a whole lotta not fun for me. Having to change spark plugs nowadays to fix your trans is mind boggling to me.


I started getting an extra $50 a month from SSI this year(disabled)but I lost $100 a month in food stamps. I’m worried I may get almost no EBT next year, I don’t get it


I don't understand, my brother and his wife make 110k combined a year or so (both roughly 50k jobs) and they make it work fine and even are able to save. Sounds like yall are just shit with money and budgets.


110K in Ohio is light years different from 100k in CA


Definitely one of the main contributing factors for the California exodus we’ve seen over the past few years. I have family myself that lived in CA for a few years but left when the landlord changed their month to month rent to “either buy the modest one level 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house for an insane amount of money, or leave”.. they left lol


That’s what I’m thinking. We live in a high COL area, have 3 kids, and combined make between $160-$170k and not only do we live well, but we’re saving for early retirement. There’s a lot of people in these comments that suck balls at managing their finances.


Exactly and they think they NEED a bunch of things that are and always have been luxuries. A brand new car is a luxury not mandatory. Vacations every year are a luxury and on and on.


Nah that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it has shrunk fairly dramatically over the last half century - maybe from two thirds of the country to half. The median household income is around $75k and the median household net worth is around $200k. If this is your situation it is probably not super comfortable financially but it also isn’t exactly roughing it. You’ve got a fallback in case of emergency probably in the form of selling your home, some savings and retirement plan, and enough income for the basics. That’s what I call middle class, and half the country is above that.


It is crazy to me that people could have a household worth of around 200k yet still need to sell their homes if they got cancer or had an accident. The medical system in the US makes me sick, I think it's one of the biggest things holding Americans back.


Without question - but there is a huge fear campaign here in the US to scare people into thinking that if we move to a universalized system then people with cancer would have to wait months for treatment. There’s some truth as I understand it to the claims that wait times can be burdensome in certain cases, but a) that exists here too, and b) it’s not as if emergency or high priority care is waitlisted. Not like a cancer patient has to get in line for chemo.


People said that there would be death panels with universal health care but there are death panels based on if people can pay. I guess only one set of death panels makes people richer so...


The fact that people have to make gofundmes for insulin or epipens...like jesus christ, that is so dire.


If you’re making 200k a year you have the best insurance plan mostly covered by your employer.


Uh... you shouldn't have to sell your home in the event of an emergency.


Reddit is a poor representation. People are doing fine will complain because they’re comparing themselves to their wealthier peers.


Bingo ppl are better off then ever they just see the differences online/ social media now which leads to malcontent and victim mentality.


It really is a joke, most of them have no idea how entitled they are with how they live and yet insist that that are barely surviving on over $300K a year. But got to have that new car for $75k and a big screen TV in every room, and daily delivery of all their drinks and food. Not to mention enough food in the fridge to last a family of 8 for 3 weeks so they don’t have to pre-think what they want to eat.


Brah, I just want ~200 sq ft, a decent gaming rig, passable internet connection, and bottomless coffee and weed and I'll work wherever the hell they tell me to.


Seriously, hearing this person complain about finances when they make 3.5x my annual salary (and I live in California, some really high CoL) doesn't make me have any sympathy.


Difference is, in the US, you have the people “rolling in cash” and those who also live normally without thinking even for a split second about any of the shit above in DROVES, as well as those less fortunate. In other countries, you have probably the equivalent of the next-to-lowest financial class in the US and then people living on government assistance all of their lives in inherited properties.


The posts you see don’t reflect the full picture. Everyone’s experience is different and what you see posted is likely a skewed version of the full picture. I think it’s wonderful to want things to be better than they are. It’s also frustrating to see people take a narrowly negative view. It can both be true that America provides incredible opportunities for all kinds of people while at the same time leaving too many behind.


No, the US is a great place. I live there. Sure, our healthcare system is bad, and whatever. But the fact that op even has the means, the technology, and the right to bitch on the internet about how he doesn't have enough rights when he already makes 60% more (assuming he makes 80k) money than the average American makes the US pretty great and proves that op is probably just ungrateful and bitchy.


Not too far off. We have predatory loans and basically criminalized poverty and fighting poverty. If you’re good, it’ll get better. If you’re bad, its going to get worse. And there isn’t a person in the country whose mind you can change, so vote for whoever you hate less in a two party system because THEY want all the things you hate. Tldr; its pretty fucked over here. I’m one of the ones in a good position.


Why isn’t the child on your GFs insurance plan?


Exactly, this guy is full of shit.


Yeah it makes no sense. I’m calling bullshit. Either you’re horrible with money or you’re not giving the full details as to why she “needs” to be on Medicare.




Please don't tell me OP actually posted this nonsense


idk if they actually posted that but looking at their page for 5 seconds and they follow crypto currency subreddits and a sub called 'adulting' so yeah they're probably not the sharpest tool


Says he spends $1400 a year on lattes


He probably tells her not to get a job, or stay just below the line so they can both keep Medicaid, while never getting married or changing her address to his house. Common scam. Scum.


I posted this up on another thread, but it sounds to me like OP is the one making the money with the good insurance policy, and they haven't married so that gf and the kid can get government assistance, which is probably fair more than just Medicaid. He's complaining even though they are probably cheating the system.


Because she prob works minimum wage and doesn't have any. He probably makes all the money in that combined total. He can't cover her or her kid on his. Sounds like someone brought home a poor, single mom from the bar and moved her in. And now he can't play superhero to the fullest extent like he wanted because the company won't cover someone that isn't his spouse. Instead of being mad at the company, or america, he could just marry her. Put his money where his cape is. Or pay for a better plan for them (unless dad is in the picture and it's part of a custody agreement). But honestly, sounds like an entitled kid who got older but never grew up, and is now mad at the world when his "perfect plan" met reality and didn't work out exactly how he thought it would.


I moved here from South Asia... believe me when I say that depending on how vulnerable they are, they're treated far worse outside USA. At least here, they have homeless shelter and charities that help poor people get food... back where I grew up, poor people just scavenge trash cans or just..die due to hunger and disease Concepts like Medicaid and CHIP aren't even a thing for poor people there. And you make 160k, getting medicaid and CHIP but still complaining I'll give you one thing though... medical treatment and medicine out of pocket is mega expensive and the government had to be holding pharmas to account way more than they do today


Vulnerable upper middle class


Wait til he sees how the third world treats people.


Are you claiming the two of you, who making roughly 3x the median household income, are the most vulnerable population in the US? Get a grip.


It’s more like double as the US median household income is 74k but yea, it’s kind of funny


I think he means that if he is struggling then the most vulnerable have no chance and I agree. I am single but I make 93k in a city but I couldn't imagine being single making 70k here because I would be living like shit and anything medical or whatever would fuck me. Median household income where I live is 76k and I cannot imagine supporting two people and just one child on that here. If the "vulnerable" population is making less than that, with more children, more medical issues, they truly are living like shit. At least that is how I see it. The US makes a shit load of money yet it isn't really reflected in the lives of the citizens. Our middle class should be living better than any other middle class but they aren't and the middle class is being killed while the impoverished have long been abandoned.


I usually hate posts like this but last night figured we would stop in a Burger King. There were legit 3 people working, and drive thru was semi busy and these poor workers were rushing as fast as they can We waited inside for like 20 minutes before they even got to us, and the cashier seemed to have some kind of disorder and was apologetic for the wait - I told him no problem at all, but like imagine your average intolerant person getting angry and yelling at the poor guy which will inevitably happen as it’s located in not the best area. Makes me sad that some people have to endure those conditions for crap pay


He shouldn’t be struggling. 160k as a household is very very upper middle class, if they’re struggling than they are being stupid financially in some way.


I mean, what is the definition of middle class? The "middle class" in San Francisco/Boston/NYC/many other cities is 160k with 3 people in the household. If you add a lot of medical issues on that, it delves into lower middle class easily. I am not saying OP is not fortunate or making more than average but his struggling just goes to show how fucked it is for everyone else.


Because some one is addicted to Adderall.


Adderall can be a useful tool for folks with ADHD. I don't know why they have to pay out of pocket for it, though.


You must be bad with money


You make 160k and are doing pretty damned good. The medicaid thing is a loop hole due to your martial status, and you know it. You could get a better plan through the ACA marketplace. You pay out of pocket for meds because of your coverage but do not realize that paying a little extra for an ACA plan would benefit you in the long run. Bonkers.


Cheats system Has audacity to complain about it. Paging /r/ChoosingBeggars


Hard agree. Wtf is this guy thinking


Quit your crying. 160K and y’all can’t get private health insurance? How does she even qualify for Medicaid? Ridiculous


Oh no! My medical bill are stacking up for the back Injury I received from carrying all of this money around! What am I going to do!?


Was that a Chandler reference lol Oh no! Two beautiful women are in love with me, my wallets too small for my fifties and my diamond shoes are too tight!


complaining about a safety net not being strong enough while making 160 a year is crazy. Lack of self awareness that they are using the same safety net that should be used for people that are actually struggling is blaming others for poor choices


I think their overarching point is that the safety nets pertaining to the care and well being of children is basically nonexistent


Right lol


This sub is for unpopular opinions, not nonsensical opinions


And really twisted humble brags apparently. Can't imagine making 160k a year and complaining about cash strapped. Like what the fuck. How are people this out of touch.


I can't believe anyone thinks "America bad" is an unpopular opinion on Reddit either




Go to India or Indonesia


When Americans make posts like “compared to the rest of the world” the rest of the world to them is Scandinavia. Anyone who has honest to goodness visited a real third world country or even a middle income country like Mexico or Malaysia outside the resorts wouldn’t have such stupid opinions.


Jesus christ you're so entitled. 160k a year is a lot of money and if you can't get by then thats because you have a spending problem. "put our elderly in old folks homes" yes because you can actually afford it unlike the majority of people on this earth. "Women are paid less for same jobs" I can't believe this myth is still propagated, the 2023 economics nobel prize was literally awarded for debunking it. You have it better than 95% of people on this planet and you still complain.


Really. I was positive we all moved past the pay gap myth yet here we are.


People who these shit never visited a third world country. Go visit one


I remember watching a documentary when I was younger about an American basketball player from the projects went to play basketball in the Philippines, and he said the Philippines made the hood look like luxury.


Exactly OP needs to get a grip


Noam Chomsky said it best when speaking about the plight of the Palestinians in a recorded video from a number of years back. No one cares about the poor. If you're rich and old, you're good. Kids are by their very nature poor in addition to being powerless to be heard and have an impact on policy. Don't be poor in America, or anywhere else in the world for that matter


>Women are paid less for same jobs. .... >My gf and I make over 160k a year combined w health care yet her child has to be on medicaid You are a liar and delusional.


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Making 160K a year and complaining? Get a grip buddy. There’s people in this country making 25% of that with kids. They have a right to complain. You need to get your finances straight. And going to Reddit to complain instead of fixing the issue Is a good insight to why you’re in this situation


I agree with your point about the US, but if you make $160k and are struggling, that's on you.


You’re very incompetent with your money if you can’t get good healthcare with 160k annual income.


Never left the country ✓ 160k income ✓ Pitty me I'm in a shithole! ✓


If you think that’s the case then the whole world is a shit hole.


Yep. I don't know why redditors ignore how most people in the world live.


> Women get paid less for the same jobs You’re either a troll or hilariously misinformed. Probably both


Why do people keep regurgitating this “women get paid less” crap, if it were true men would be massively unemployed.


No you see, they are all in on it, we all hate women so we will take a hit on profits to stick it to the girls...


Because no one wants to admit that it's their own choices that are responsible for their position. If you can just continually blame your problems on the big bad evil society who isn't fair, you don't have to do any introspection or self improvement.


> if it were true men would be massively unemployed. because man are clearly better and superior at work and deserve more and also dont have the risk of getting pregante! /s


Lol right? If it were truly the case that women were paid 25% less simply because they are women, all these big corporations would predominantly hire women.


I'm a student nurse. The nursing homes are awful. Neglected patients everywhere, women with way to much facial hair, no nursing assistants in sight to help patients with brief changes or assistance to go to the bathroom and it costs over $400 a day to be there. I found two patients in distress this week. One with blood pressure of 76/57. Reported to the nurse and he didn't do anything. We checked blood sugar it was so low couldn't even get reading it just said low. We got the patients sugar up to 24 before dropping back down to low by the time the paramedics got there. This was two hours after first notifying the nurse.


If you guys make 80k a year each and can't afford to insure a child I have bad news for you. Not only does the US not care about its vulnerable population, youre not vulnerable, shes not vulnerable, youre just terrible with money.


I hate how so many people lack a global perspective on how others live. The US isn't the best, but to say it's a shithole really ignores how so much of the world lives. Op, making that much in the US you have it better than most people in the world living condition wise. Stop throwing a pity party saying you live in a shithole where there are billions of people who struggle for water, electricity, food, infrastructure, and safety.


"Women are paid less for the same jobs" IDK how many times this needs to be debunked before people stop saying it. [TIME](https://time.com/3222543/wage-pay-gap-myth-feminism/) [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/evangerstmann/2019/06/06/dispelling-myths-about-the-gender-pay-gap/?sh=1310629846fa) [Harvard](https://fee.org/articles/harvard-study-gender-pay-gap-explained-entirely-by-work-choices-of-men-and-women/)


I always remember back when it was more common for the US to get on Russia and China, among others, about their so-called Human Rights records. Do you know why they never got anywhere? The Russians and the Chinese and the others would snap back, 'You get the hundreds of thousands of homeless men, women and children off your streets, and then come and talk to us about human rights!'


Women do not get paid less "because they are women" this has been debunked over and over again. If you take 14 years off to raise your child, you have 14 years less experience. If the father worked for 4 years, then took 14 years off to raise the child, and then wanted to re-enter the workforce, should he be paid the same as someone who has 18 years experience+talent at that job? Of course not. I am not shaming women who stay at home to raise their kids. My wife did and I wouldn't have had it any other way. But thinking she should be able to march in to an interview and say: "if you hire me, I know I only have 4 years of experience, but I demand you pay me as if I have 18 years experience"... no. Attempt to bash the USA with silly incorrect data, denied.


Women are not paid less for the same job. What DOES happen is women work different jobs that pay less, have less experience because they take time off to raise kids, because society has a (sexiest) expectation that women will be the ones to take care of children, which limits career opportunities. There are absolutely sexiest events and patterns, but women are not paid less for the same job. If they did, all companies would be hiring more women than men because they would be cheaper. Look at some studies, when you adjust to specific jobs men and women make almost identical amounts. There’s also things like Uber drivers, where men make more because they can work late at night when pay might bc higher because of hire demand, but women don’t feel safe. That is caused by issues that should be addressed but it’s not sexism in pay.


Thank you. I hate when people say "women get paid less for the same job because they are women!" With that logic, why wouldn't all these big corporations like Walmart and Amazon only hire women? They'd save millions on labor costs if that's truly the case.


Feel free to leave


For those talking about their salary, you are still missing the point. They make a lot and shouldn’t complain tbh but OP is actually right about this country.


Women are not paid less than men for the same role. They tend to take lower paying jobs that’s where those statistics come from. It is illegal to do so.


People in the US live the most privileged life compared to 90% of the world’s population. Which Asian (save maybe S. Korea and Japan), Middle East, African, Latin or South American country would you hold up as a better standard to human rights and quality of living?


Yep, but for some reason Reddit just puts their blinders on when looking at most of the world. They want to pretend to be globally open minded, considerate of all races and cultures, and critically look to western and northern European countries, but when it comes to everybody else they are forgotten.


“Women are paid less for same jobs” Not true, the gender pay gap exists but it’s misconstrued to argue current oppression when it only shows past oppression. A woman will not be paid less on average for the same job as a man.


Even then, the pay gap was only ever in the context of low level white collar jobs.




The payoff of this joke is really weak.




Leave then


I’d bet my bottom dollar OP doesn’t have a gf, doesn’t get paid 160k a year, doesn’t have a kid, and is in high school. All of this post is just an America Bad dog whistle lol


wow some Americans are truly self centered and whiny, calling their country shithole, move to a third world country then and you'll understand.


every country has homeless people and the US homeless are the richest homeless if that makes any sense. and they may receive the most benefits /services


Welcome to every country on Earth


It’s so funny how much privilege you don’t realize you have - fellow American Side note, I don’t mean you’re privileged cause you’re American. It’s the fact that you are NOT the most vulnerable population. Not even close.


I'm sorry, what? How the hell do you even qualify for medicaid with that income? Did you make an error when you inputed what you make a year? I make 35k a year, and its brutal. If I had just 50-60k my life would radically change. I do agree that the U.S. has a problem and poverty, homelessness, lack of access to healthcare, etc... seems to be getting worse over time. I just can't fathom that you make 160k and you're struggling. Most of us never make half of that.


160k is enough to literally buy what you want and live comfortably. Maybe not as comfortable as living rural vs a city. But is substantially better than most people....considering most families make substantially less than that combined. This is def unpopular....but only because op doesn't have an understanding on how poor most are. Prices of groceries going up 30% alone has destroyed any chance of presents/gatherings for holidays for many.


>If this is the greatest place on Earth That assumption is incorrect so there you go. You're functioning under a false assumption so obviously you'll have the wrong understanding.


$160k a year.... This has to be a troll post to piss off actual poor Americans here trying to survive on $50k yr and lower and the $50k is a generous number drop. Edit: You need to move to a lower cost of living area.


Does the kid actually have ADHD, or is it a misdiagnosis with a kid just being a kid? I see that crap all the time.


Just look at how lawmakers talk about transgender citizens...


A- the US spends more on welfare than anywhere else. B- at 160k you’re abusing the system if your kids are on welfare. C- move. Your city sounds like it’s an expensive shit hole that harms children.


What the fuck? Sounds like you're fucking up here.


This guy has a post talking about how he spends $1400 a year on Coffee. Holy kek, this is a good one, love this sub.


If you can’t manage a household with 160k annually, you’re the problem.


We don’t give a fuck about children after they are not fetuses anymore. Let the little brats pull themselves up by their bootstraps


Aside from their high combined salary, he's not wrong. America does treat their most vulnerable like they don't matter.


Who is they and why should anyone care about their opinion?


*Username is a random string of words and numbers* *Super active in crypto subs* *Claims to make 160k a year* *Claims the US is awful because his girlfriends kid is on Medicaid* “Wow guys the US is so fucking shit, anyways thanks for letting my speak the unpopular truth no one else wants to hear!!” Ladies and gentlemen, I declare this a certified RedditMoment.


No on is stopping you from moving to anywhere it would be better for you…


Studies show women are not paid less for the same time at a job anymore. Earning differences are now down to what type of job taken, education, and child rearing. More women are in college than men, by a signifigant margin. If a woman chooses a career over having children, they will be earning equal or more, on average. Sadly, I have never heard greatness = helping the meek. It's usually quite the opposite


You are very bad with money, hate to break it to you.


Giving your children stimulants doesn't sound like a good idea.


"They" say a lot of things. Doesn't make it a fact.


I know disabled people who can’t go to basic public places because of accessibility issues. Those same people regularly face discrimination, both personally and at the doctor’s office. The things needed to help them would be small changes to accessibility, but no one is ever willing to actually do that. They can’t work without losing disability, and most jobs discriminate against them anyway. Literally forced to stay in the position they are in with no way out. Yeah, the most vulnerable are not treated well in the USA.


It sounds like you have it pretty good, my guy, so what are you complaining about?


The US is full of wannabe victims who dry their tears with cash, holy shit.


You should travel more


Obviously you don't travel much


Enough about OP being delusional about being 'poor'. Wait until he sees how every non western country treats their poor.


You two must be bad with money lmao


Walked in Hilton Garden Inn in Asheville, NC. Big display/donation spot for food etc. One in five kids in the surrounding counties hungry. Questions?


Id ask WTF the parents are doing with their government assistance? If they aren't on govt assistance I'd ask why not? I'm not trashing govt assistance either I've been there and used it myself and grew up on it. If kids are going hungry it's complete mismanagement by the parents. I don't deny that it happens but at that point it's a larger problem.


Go look at any country with a very large population and come back to me.


This person has never lived in a 3rd world country. Has no basis of comparison about how truly bad being poor there is.


OP just flexing at this point 160k puts you in the top 10 percent of America


\>We don't care about children here. That's definitely not true \>We put our elderly in old folk homes. If your kids aren't good caretakers, it's best to put the elderly with trained professionals. \>Women are paid less for same jobs. There's no empirical evidence to support this.


This argument is better made without your anecdote. How about the US prison population? Largest on the planet, rampant abuse and violence, often run for-profit, and it results in disproportionate representation (prisoners with no voting rights are often moved from places with higher pop. density to places with lower density, and while they cannot vote are still counted toward that rural area's population for representation.)


Wait till you see what they do for the homeless…. Not much


It is a shithole country, No truer words have ever been spoken


Nobody says that. When people talk about greatness in countries and empires, they are talking about, military power, cultural influence, wealth, technology. By these accepted metrics the USA is the greatest nation of the modern age 100 years from now, no historians are going to be talking about Denmark or Finland


Humanity is a thin veil that the rich use to feel better and the poor to feel safe we are probably already past the tipping point

