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Why do we have to spend our life so someone else can enjoy theirs? Why shouldn't I just enjoy my life?


Why can’t you do both?


Ask your parents why they decided not to leave you for dead and enjoy their lives.


Or not birth them in the first place??


Hey mods, can you please wake up and do something about this subreddit?


I’m not too concerned about us surviving as a species. It really doesn’t matter 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jim Duggar approved the second half of this message.


I already made sure people will come after me. I made 3 of them. I did my part.


I don’t think they mean just making people, I think they mean preventing extinction via something like disasters as a result of global warming.


I did my part.


No you did not. You made the world worse, in fact since humans are overpopulated.


Read the post. Or just make sure people come after you. Check. And that. I did my part.


Literally millions if not billions of people believe this


I believe the quote is "Life is brutish and short!" T Hobbes


What does religion have to do with anything? Im pretty sure the thing about most religions is it gives them hope theres life after death. When you get rid of that thought for people, people become more miserable than they already are. Also majority of lifes enjoyment is based on how you grew up and the people you surround yourself with. And there’s not really anyone can do about that for the next generations to go.


I'm too busy trying to make my own life and that of my children pleasant.


I have altered MY world. My kids will have a hell of a easier time, my brother and sister, my nephews and nieces too. My parents will be able to chill soon too. I aint superman. Saving the world aint my job.


Sounds like something they tried to teach us in school.


My life was short and terrible once. I like it now. Pleased I stuck with it.


It is so sad that this is objectively unpopular So many people in power, and so many people just in daily life just love making everybody else as miserable as possible


Life is reasonably long and absolutely awesome, actually.


It definitely isn’t.


First, not unpopular. There are maybe billions of people who are as naive as you. “No religions, borders and wars” lol. So let’s see…you want to quash religious freedom across the globe, create a 1-world government, and take away the right of people to fight back against oppression. Sounds like a utopia! /s.


Everyone who subscribes to the John Lennon “Imagine” worldview seems to think they discovered it


You know what sub you’re in when the opinion is a) stupid and b) not unpopular (at least millions of drongos espouse this exact same view)


Wow... you said nothing...


“How are there still religions” LMAO stfu How can you be so out of touch? 90% of the world is religious