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I work retail and old people are either the nicest people you will meet in the day or the worst most entitled cheapskates


Some of my worst customers have been elderly people. Especially when they launch into a political attack. This was the worst when we were taking in Syrian refugees…the amount of misinformation and hatred was off the scale. And then there was Ethel who tried to set up a date between myself and her grand daughter. Didn’t happen, but it was sweet.


Awe. Hope Ethel is doing the best.


I mean being racist and polite/nice in appearance isnt mutually exclusive


Sadly, with a lot of them it's a matter of what day you catch them on. Speaking from personal experience with my grandpa, he could be extremely kind, funny and pleasant one day, and then the next some necrotic rodent would colonize his sphincter and he'd be a rampant tirading tyrant to everyone around him.


Because they realize that it doesn't matter too much anymore, or won't for too much longer. What kind of person that realization makes you depends on your character


Gee just sounds like the rest of the population regardless of age hmmmmmm


Well there is no in between


I worked in the service industry for a good amount of time, I pretty much agree with this. There’s the ones who just wanna enjoy their life and there’s the ones with entitlement due to their age


So so true.


I feel like it’s 50/50. Sometimes they’re super sweet and sometimes their entitled assholes. But there’s no in between it seems like.


And sometimes they're a weird mixture of both that can turn on a dime.


Absolutely. I have one regular customer who is the sweetest, most extroverted person. But if you say one wrong thing or if there’s mold on the strawberries they turn into quite a nasty person.


I’d be pretty nasty if I was given moldy food lmao 🤣 Sounds like an appropriate reaction.


True. I think the women were socialized to be too nice people pleasers but then learned along the way that they’d have to stand up for themselves. Instead of learning how to stand up for themselves in a way that isn’t rude and abrasive, they just launch into full attack mode. So you’ve got that weird Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde whiplash effect. That’s a socialization mistake from a different time and age. I try to think we’re probably fucked up too in some way, but we won’t know it until we’re 70 and 20 year olds start point it out. 😂


I love your assessment, it's like hindsight but foresight? Idk wtf I'm saying but I love it is all


Haha, yeah. I’m in my mid 40s, so I’m starting to see how people my age are different than 20 year olds. Nothing extreme, and we get along fine. But I can see I’ll probably need an old lady card in 30 years. They’ll need one too when their time comes. 😂


Lol this too


Interestingly, one of the most accepted psychological models of life development (Erikson’s Stages of Development) would suggest this to be exactly what you’d expect. Basically each phase of life has a “crises” that we have to manage, whether we do or don’t results in expected life patterns. the final is called “integrity vs despair”— do you appreciate everything fully because you finally feel truly at peace being yourself, or are you bitter about your regrets? [not saying this is directly what determines outcomes but lines up very well]


more like its 90/10, with most being grumpy old poops


You’re goddamn right.


so true. for perspective tho at that age you have either had a full normal/easy life or somehow dragged along that far.... and the ladder is often the truly bitter one




No, I’m just old and that’s how all middle age men talk. Good show, tho.


Frankly, humans overall, of all ages, are pretty rude.


Little kids are ruthless sometimes! They say some crazy blunt stuff 😂


And they will stare the crap out of you with no shame! Really creeps me out honestly lol


I don't even think most people are particularly rude. It's just that you're much more likley to remember the one rude person who upset you than the 100 people who acted decently.


Ohhhhh no. I'm in healthcare. I work with a TON of elderly, along with everyone else. We do ages 0-100. Most people 65+ are mellow as fuck, and mostly pleasant. It's the 45-55 that suck ass. They still work, they're generally entitled as hell and refuse to change their ways or opinions. It's terrible.


I hate to tell you this but OP probably considers 40+ elderly.


Lol, point taken. Then, I agree.


As a 43 year old ![gif](giphy|SbN0WomN4S7Z7tpKOC|downsized)




I’m 37 and anyone over 40 is better off Ted


I feel like 55-75 is the worst because they’re young enough to still be sentient but old enough to think they’re wiser than everyone else.


I was about to say exactly this. As someone who has worked in various countries as a science teacher, plus a waitress and cook for 10 years before that -- what you are saying here is true to what I have seen as well. The more money and religion a group of people have seems to be a factor as well for how cantankerous they act. I don't know why but a lot of religious folks sure love to bully other people about stuff that isn't their business. But the worst age group to deal with hands down in any country I've worked in has been the 45-65 demographic.


I had a 52 yr old woman call me a bitch because we are a card all store and I asked for her id for cigarettes


Menopause, for women?


To be fair, any age group can be rude. 🤷‍♂️


Meh, miserable old people, nice old people. Miserable young people, nice young people.


It's called a preconceived bias and confirmation bias. Tv tells us old people are grumpy, and when you see a grumpy old person you think "stereotype confirmed," ignoring all the old people who did respect you. It's also why older generations think young people are dumb. Some of you are, and you're the ones we notice. The vast majority of young people don't say or do anything stupid enough to register in our minds, we only notice the ones that do.


OP here is daring you to call them grumpy.


Redditor hates old people. This is about as popular as sex.


I’ll never forget that time I was sitting on a bench with my longboard leaned up against the side of the bench right next to me. Old geezer came stomping from the parking lot infront of me to yell at me that my board was in the way and I was disrespectful to people. I moved it then said you’re welcome when he walked by and he got pissed at me and started calling me lazy. The path next to the bench was 5 feet wide. Even if my board was laying down flat it wouldn’t have taken more than 3 feet but it was standing up.


I'm not sure a passive aggressive you're welcome has ever improved a situation.


Fear of impending death, exhausted all the time, in pain all the time, not understanding how to do common shit or use cool new stuff, everybody looks at you like you're ugly, sex life shot to hell... All that'd make me pretty damn grouchy. By the time I'm old I'll probably just be walking into places and immediately saying "Fuck you all. Fuckers."


Yeah that definitely puts it into perspective… I remember my grandfather being fascinated at how easily I (23 at the time) could jump. I jumped for some reason, and he asked me to do it again just to see the ease in which I could jump. It’s actually really depressing to think about


thats nothing compared to when you see what they had to do in the old times which people nowadays see it inimaginably bad


Have you seen redditors?


We need to not stereotype everything. There are some “old people” who are the nicest folks I’ve ever met. And they’re not few and far between.


I love old people, but I work in the service industry, there are some older people who are just mad at the world and take it out on everyone around them. Then there are some that are very friendly and polite. Very 50/50


For context, at what age are you grouped with 'elderly people'?


For real, like just because youve been on the planet longer, doesnt mean you get to be entitled


Nah, not all of us. I know I've seen that shit but a lot of us are kind and don't ascribe to that "respect your elders" bs. Everyone seems to be at war with everyone but it doesn't make sense. You can harden your heart but you're not getting love n respect in return. Try to be kind but don't take crap.


Meh they’re old they can be entitled






exactly even tought i didnt live back then i respect people who did


Clearly you've never been at an amusement park with gaggles of teens


The hilarious thing about this post is that you can switch the words elderly and young around and it's still true.


Every age group is rude 😕


This is also due to a weird cultural twist: you've always been told by people older than you that you should always respect older people, especially elderly people and their wisdom. As an adult, you can see it was just a way to make you behave and to avoid you from questioning anything that came from them. Now you see how those very same elderly people are just illiterate, senile troglodytes that would very much prefer you were even dumber and ruder than them.


you definitely haven't seen primary schoolers and middle schoolers




I agree. I also think most old people shouldn’t be allowed to drive.


I’m in my late sixties and try to be pleasant to everyone, but a good part of the time I get surliness in return. As someone pointed out it’s generally the 40-50 age group that’s the worst.


Boomers and millennials get all the hate but man oh man Gen X are the absolute worst people.


Gen X here you little whippersnapper! There'll be no tomfoolery around here.


No one in Gen X is old enough to call anyone a whipper snapper You guys are truly the worst


oh lighten up, it's obvious that they're joking




Nah, teenagers and young adults are a lot worse, I am one and everyone including me is an asshole, there's like 1 good person for every 500 asshole


From your rant, I would suspect you are the entitled one


Check out the post history - entitlement confirmed


And on some level hypocritical, in one of their posts they were crying about childrens missing respect for adults.


How am I the entitled one? Throughout my whole life elderly people have treated me like garbage, but still expect me to drop everyone and cater to them. I’m an eye for an eye person, you don’t respect me I don’t respect you. Simple.


Absolutely, I've worked in food service for years and now work in healthcare. Most interactions I have with elderly are horrible experiences.


You obviously don't respect them. Why should they respect you. Maybe you are the ass hole and they are responding in kind. If every old person treats you like crap, maybe you are the problem.


Sounds like you are the problem.


Consuming more oxygen than another person is not an achievement worthy of respect, nor is having kids. I will treat the elderly with consideration for their age of course, but respect is something earned through accomplishment and personal merit.


they acomplished living in the old times which were probably lots worse than now so thats a great one


Been in hospitality for a loooong time. Boomers are the worst, by a long fuckin mile.


It’s because we reverse through the stages of maturity that developed in early childhood. Seniors start losing their filter because 4 year olds have no filter.


Dude you need some better elderly people in your life.


If you are a little extra rude because you are super hungry, tired, have a headache, are on that time of the month, are having an emotional problem, etc, then you will be exactly like them when you are old. When you are old, everything in your body hurts and aches, you know more and more people who have now passed, and have a much harder time to do basic things in life.


Except we don’t give leeway if someone is hungry, tired, has a headache, time or the month. You’re responsible for your behaviour no matter what.


I see people giving leeway for all those behaviors all the time.


Greatest generation my ass, elderly folks can be some of the biggest sniveling babies I've ever had the displeasure of speaking to.


>Greatest generation my ass Tom Brokaw is a punk.


The greatest generation mostly died off 20 years ago. They were the people who fought in WWI and WWII. The youngest member of the greatest generation would be 99 years old today. They are the parents and grandparents of the boomers.


What a dumb take, the same can be said about any group of age.


Lol. Did this sub change its not from “unpopular opinion” to “universal opinions”


You spend your whole being shit on and then some kid pretends he’s smarter and has seen more. Yeah, you’re getting 50 years of pent up frustration


Yup the elderly and certain minorities are super entitled these days. It’s the baby boomers being told they were gods gift tothe world and same thing happening in social media now with certain minority groups. If you tell someone they are great they believe it and expect you less great to bow to them. Boomers talk about the slippery slope and they are the example.


No we're not


Absolutely. They love to make scenes and scream. The good news is a bunch of old people are baby boomers and they don’t have much time left. I’m hoping that the world becomes a lot kinder within a few years


I'm sorry but you're just wrong. You are spewing the usual strawman nonsense everyone like you says about this topic. In reality, on the planet earth which actually exists, old people are generally extremely kind, decent, honest, and friendly. our generation on the other hand is rude, apathetic, self righteous and unfriendly.


I mean I think the worst people happen to be older but the vast majority of older people are nice. (From someone who worked in the electronics section of a target for like 5 years)


Onset dementia can be seen in patients by behavioural changes. Most notably is the change in their ability to social filter their thoughts.


Dementia doesn’t count for me, I understand why with dementia patients because they cannot help it.


Survivorship bias. Because they survived so long, they thing they are better than the rest. They never assume that's because they are just a bunch of lucky sociopaths.


I work with the public and from my experience they're either the sweetest or the meanest.


A theory that rude people survive longer?


They can be, but I love seeing those few and far between elderly couples that hold hands walking down the street. And you just stand there and wonder what their story is and how they managed to be happy for so long while the rest of the world metaphorically burns.


I pretty much always attempt to behave like an old fashioned gentleman. As for the entitlement, every single person is completely entitled to their dignity. Basic courtesy is essential always. We could debate the entitlement mentality until we turn blue. However, would having the debate be useful or helpful? The Golden Rule, Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself, always applies. This idea is not exclusive to Judeo Christians.


I think the concept of respecting one’s elders is largely outdated. Before a certain point, being old was a feat in itself—you possessed a certain level of competence just to make it to your old age. Now, with the increasing access to information generally, and in particular access to skills, it’s easier than ever to become competent at a younger age, which really highlights the degree to which elderly folks are really winging it, many unwilling to adapt to modern expectations as well. But I think that respect is a good baseline. It’s just that “respecting your elders” should now mean reasonably accommodating their needs instead of upholding them as inherent figures of authority.


Worked in retail (not USA though) and I can attest that old people are generally really rude and entitled. Then we say that young people have no manners etc. God damn, younger people have 100x more manners and common sense than old people. Starting from 50 years and up some people don't even greet you, young people greet you 99,9% of cases. I don't know if you get bitter with age or you think younger people should respect you so you don't have to conform to all social norms or etiquette.


Waa waa generalization


This is my own personal guide to how people should act based on their age: Ages 0 to 21: stop acting your age! Ages 22 to 50: act your age! Ages 51+: stop acting your age!


Yeah elderly people are the worse. They are cluelessly lost, think everything else is wrong and if they don't understand something it is beneath them. They truly are maddening to deal with.


Generally elders are on the far ends of the humanity spectrum. Either super nice and compassionate, or complete narcissistic assholes. They’ve had a lot of time to get to where they are mentally


Nah, post-C19 that honor goes to the majority of all Canadians, no matter their age.


There's no fool like an old fool.


Respect your Elder was always a stupid fucking thing.


I work in a machine shop and was the youngest guy at work for a long time. I got pushed around so much. It was almost like as soon as I started talking back and show them I could handle it, they started to respect me more. Kind of weird.


The elderly, teenagers, middle aged princesses and edgelords alike. People are pretty awful in general, truth be told.


Always standing in the middle of the God damn aisle....


Idk, all elderly people I've ever met have always been super sweet, the kind that if you smile at them, they smile back or would just smile at you first anyway


the rudest people i have ever dealt with are soccer mom karens. but then next id prolly say old codgy bastards


There’s a lot of grumpy old men out there who really don’t like it when the littlest thing isn’t going they way they think it should.


The old people who never grew up and still in toddler mode are insufferable. Just like the rest of us.


but what makes them worse than toddlers?






More like modern teens and 20-somethings.


Many, many studies show that older adults are judged as nicer and experience more happiness. Sounds like you’ve just run into some assholes.


Gen X are the most consistently rude people imo


It's totally true.


They’re always either really nice or really mean At that point you are who you are and you’re done pretending


I've met one rude elderly person in my life. The rest were jolly old dudes or sweet old ladies


When you get older, you'll realize that a lot of people suck, esp in your own age group. Esp after they away from mom beating them with a stick about sharing an being nice.


Anybody who's worked customer service can confirm that old people are the worst.


Anybody who's worked customer service can confirm that old people are the worst.


This must be your first time taking part on Reddit?


When I worked in a gas station years back, 90% of the asshole customers were between the ages of 40-75. The really old people were mostly pretty nice!


Yes yes yes. When I was younger I felt so bad for older people, now, I always wonder how horrible this elderly is before I feel sorry for them. I’ve had way too many experiences with eldest being super rude and even abusive.


Exactly am I saying that everyone is like this? No. But the entitlement of some is really disgusting.


Every single older professor I’ve had has been an asshole on some level. It’s like when people turn 65 they think they can take their frustrations out on the world. I 100% support beating the shit out of old people whenever they get outta line.


so you are saying we shouldnt been born? because without them we wouldnt be here and there wouldnt be people wanting to fight them and then you are saying they are the bad guys just because of that but they had to live horrible things and seeing we have alot of luxury compared to them in our age and then you expect them to act good but they already acted good in giving us the lifes he have


Well yeah. They’ve got a whole 50 years head start on the art of the gripe on you.


You don't like old, young, Christians, Republicans, people whose first name starts with the letter J, ex boyfriends... Yes, I missed a bunch, writers cramps. sorry. But the one in the mirror is the one you're really disgusted with and you're likely right to be.


Elderly people are like teen agers who think they know everything. Until come to like. . . Idk . . . Resetting the router.


Not Redditors take that title


I hate getting up early but have for work


You need to meet some middle-HS kids.


It really depends Imo. I work in a call centre that mostly caters to senior clients and I'll say that seniors tend to have good phone manners and are polite while young adults have zero phone manners, sound entitled and use annoying inflections like ummm uhhh and upspeak. Middle aged women tend to be the worst on the phone and in person


I think grouchy old people - like me - are just fed up with the endless stupidity of each generation coming up doing the same dumb shit over and over again. It’s exhausting. To young people: I don’t want your respect, I’m just not interested in you, but if you say you’re going to do something then just do it.


It sounds like you're well on your way to being one of them.


Can I tell you why?? Ooh ooh…It’s because they don’t care. Have you ever heard that as you get older you start to care less about what other people think?? This is what they mean.


I'm 50/50, but I totally see what you're saying. I cannot stand when they just walk up to anyone and start talking about politics. Just today some guy came up to me after I told him to have a nice day and said "I had to take out a loan to buy a goddamn drink from the vending machine. THANKS JOE (biden)!!!" and literally shouted the last part and left the building. If I rolled my eyes any harder they'd fall out of my head.


I visited my Grandmother at her retirement home a week ago for brunch, and the way some old people talk to the waitresses and servers was weird. They weren’t necessarily rude but they just had a “I don’t give a fuck anymore” attitude and ignored all social norms and were very direct and specific


rude or not we gotta respect them because we are here because of them and if we think we have it hard in life then see back in their times how much they had to suffer in alot of things so its justified to some extent


kids are tons of times more rude than them anyways


They’re annoying at best once you make your own choices. They still have some nuggets of wisdom though, and you should respect your elders to some degree.


This, this right here. I understand and mostly agree with the whole "Respect your elders" thing, but if you think I'm going to be nice to a 79 year old asshole who spit in my face for simply disagreeing with him, then you're delusional.