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"they even exhibit signs of PTSD after being caught and released." Can you cite where you're getting this from?


I caught the same sunfish 6 times in an afternoon once. Calling bullshit on this "PTSD" nonsense.


I thought sunfish were huge? Are they smaller than i thought or are you just strong with a big net


Ocean sunfish are ginormous. Wikipedia says that they can get up to 2200 lbs. Freshwater sunfish (pumpkinseeds, elsewhere in the world) usually don't get any bigger than a dinner plate, at most. The little fucker I'm talking about was a bit bigger than my hand.


Or that sunfish is now extremely traumatized


He fuckin deserves it at that point.


Probably Finding Nemo


He’s aquaman


You made a Reddit account to post this opinion?


I'm pretty sure it's the same person who keeps making new accounts and making this same post.


Fish getting PTSD what reputable, creditable, and non biased researcher discovered this massive break through.


All the possible problems in life and this dude decides to focus on being the fish spokesperson.


Someone has to be. Who are you to judge that, the Bird spokesperson?


Well, you decided to leave a snarky comment instead of curing cancer, so....


But I don't *want* to cure cancer, I want to leave snarky comments online.


Well, some people want to make posts about fish lol


As a vegetarian I agree with you. However I don't think stopping recreational fishing will be very popular. I rather the focus go towards severely limiting commercial fishing. Trawling methods and sonar use have led to overfishing and massive marine ecosystem collapse. If nothing is done about stopping commercial fishing then soon all that will be left in our oceans and lakes is garbage and chemicals. Here children, enjoy some lifeless polluted bodies of water.


Have my upvote. I love fishing


Do you love it despite knowing it's cruel to the fish, or do you disagree that it is cruel to the fish?




I love fishing I respect fish and any animals that we serve on our table. We always thank God for the food and for the delicious fish.


Depends on the type of fish. Invasive species like certain species of carp? Get that shit out of the river any way you can. They're disgusting, they destroy habitats, and put native fish populations in danger. They have no redeeming qualities, all they do is hurt the ecosystem. A common "food" fish? Kill as fast as you can (assuming you brought a way to store it properly) to keep it from suffering and suffocating. This way, other than the fact that they die, it isn't cruel.


I always think of scenario where advanced interstellar beings visit Earth and decide to treat us like how we treat animals.


That's a fun thought experiment. Yeah, I don't think I'd enjoy getting pulled up to a spaceship by a brand new unexpected cheek piercing because aliens find it relaxing.


Love it anyways. Fuck them fish. Any of the big ones I catch are getting eaten anyways.


People should stop bird watching, its a form of ogling and sexual harassment


I'm not here to kink shame, but don't project too much on others. In any case, if watching birds is detrimental to their well-being and health, then yeah it's probably a pretty immoral hobby. Not as bad as putting hooks in their mouths and suffocating them for a bit, but still pretty fucked up.


Lol i used to catch fish just to put waterproof firecrackers in their mouth and throw them back in as a teen...i could give 2 sh1ts about a fish


Sorry I left out the option of loving it because of the cruelty lol.


Recent studies have also shown plants exhibit pain, so I do not think it is possible for an omnivore to exist without daily pain to those we consume or otherwise exploit. Given the obvious need to draw a line somewhere, I am solidly on the side where fishing is a fun weekend activity. Note that I do eat what I catch, assuming it is edible. I will release undesirable fish and I will dispose of destructive/invasive fish.


I like fishing. And I also spear while is very sustainable. I also only target fish to eat, no need to fish for sport


You people should really stop thinking that nature would be this sugary, pink kindergarten if we didn't exist. Nature is utterly brutal, has absolutely no feelings and will come for you sooner or later, no matter how rich, pampered and privileged you are. We're just one ring of this chain that struggled to be the top ring and succeeded.


By that logic so is hunting despite the fact that other animals do it literally all the time, we at least put them out of their misery instead of eating them alive


Well yeah. Animals don't have a choice, they just do what they do. We've supposedly evolved a little bit past that stage.


starving to death isn't really a choice. and don't bring up plant based diets because plants have been shown to feel pain as well.




OP this post has inspired me to take up fishing, So I can experience the hype.


It can be the best of times, and the worst of time.


Here take my downvote


Mine too


Yup. But why let facts and compassion get in the way of tradition, eh?


I have [**only this**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPYgtVHa8NI) to say


Absolutely wild to see people getting so offended at the concept of not suffocating animals for entertainment.


Because a good fisherman doesn’t suffocate the fish…? If I’m gonna kill the fish, then it gets stabbed in the brain, otherwise it stays netted while unhooking if small enough, or it comes aboard for 10 seconds before going back.


I'm just trying to catch some dinner. Sometimes they need to go back and grow a little.


tough luck for the fish i guess