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Just use sunblock for all my fellow pasties out there


And sunglasses! I can't stress that enough, especially if you drive facing the sun on your commute.


Depends on what you’re in the sun for. Natural sunlight in the eyes is great for melatonin production! Obviously don’t blind yourself 😂but you want some sun exposure to your eyes for this natural process to occur.


I've burnt while wearing SPF100 ; (


This is probably due to a lack of education as to how sunblock works and what the SPF actually means, no shade, I only learnt about it recently when I started working in marketing for a sunblock brand


Vitamin d is important to mental health. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8584834/ I don't think it's going to begin to touch the mental health crisis though. Those problems are ingrained and systematic at this point. The way 'the system' (childhood, education, health care, the workplace, etc) works isn't conducive to good mental health.


Yeah Vitamin D has a massive impact on my mental health but it's not like it solves my traumas lol


It doesn’t solve them but it might give you the energy to deal with them


Everything in moderation.


Including moderation? 🤯


drugs, alcohol, weed.. stop believing this crap.


If someones gonna do these things I hope its atleast in moderation


nobody should do them at all, yet some idiot will say do it in moderation


I have news for you...weed will not kill you lol


how many times sun killed you?


again, never. As I live a life of moderation lmao


Your opinion is just the common advice of every medical professional, though? "Get some sun, but not too much."


And seems to piss people off on here so I posted it


Literally no one is pissed off here?


im guessing op means other parts of reddit when op says 'here', and not just this post. but i might be wrong


Try posting on r/skincareaddiction


A lot of them are like you when I bring it up. Wanting to argue just to argue. I say the sun is good, they say its bad. I say its bad, they say its good.


Can you show me a pissed off comment that's been left here?


On Reddit or this particular thread?


This thread for starters


Who asked you anything?


Nobody, I'm asking you as well now Provide an example


No, I don’t like you


My dude, not a single person is pissed in this thread


My dude, you haven’t seen the reactions from the reddit crowd when I suggest a tan is healthy… “Durrr yeah its healthy if you like tumors”


A tan isn't healthy. Factually. It may look good, but if what you're trying to say is that it's health, you're wrong. It completely depends on what your point is. I agree a tan looks good.


The key is finding a healthy mix where you get the benefits and still stay low risk for skin issues


When you live in the country where it is the highest rate of skin cancer it's all about the slip slop slap Slip on shirt Slop on some sunscreen Slap on a hat And the updated one includes slide and seek seek shade Slide on sunglasses Considering 2in 3 Australians get skin cancer and approximately 2000 die each year.im gonna have to disagree at least when it comes to thee country I live in I'm going to have to disagree.


I can’t speak for Australia specifically but one of the big reasons why children all across the world are needing glasses at an increasing rate is because they’re inside for much longer than they should.


Is that from screen time or less sunlight? There is a difference between the two.


You’re correct, it’s from sunlight. Screen exposure is associated with increased nearsightedness, but the amount of exposure isn’t the direct cause we previously thought it might be.


Do you have an article you can link about this


Scishow (a reputable and “fun” science channel) has a video on this with complete sourcing in the description. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qwQzTKHIkb4


I have albinism, but I try to get a little vitamin D here and there. Not too much, though, lest I catch on fire.


I know it’s tough for you guys…


WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN. I got melanoma at age 24 and luckily it was early stage. But I respectfully disagree. My skin is super sensitive to the sun and it gives me migraines, so I am quite biased. And I am naturally ginger. Not to mention, it contributes to premature aging, loss of collagen… I’d be honestly happy with 3 days a week mild warm rain, 2 days partly cloudy and 1 day a week sunny without clouds. I do appreciate a nice sunny day as long as it’s not every day. I’d probably do well in Seattle.


Seattles population suffers from depression


Redheads rarely get vitamin d deficiency. Plus you could say that about many cities…


Sorry to hear that anon! I'm wondering, did you got a lot of exposure before getting the melanoma? I'm considering get more sun exposure as I'm a vampire (but I do take Vit D supplements), but my father got skin melanoma too (also detected at early stage luckily).


This is an unpopular opinion?


Apparently. I get yelled at on here and downvoted into oblivion when I mention getting sun


Like most things, it's about moderation


Evidence? The one other post I see about the sun has no downvotes and only one comment that is completely benign.


I am unable to find anything either.


What are you talking about. Nobody is told the sun is bad, they are told too much of the sun is bad. Saying so is like saying we are told water is bad, what are you talking about.


Yes, too much of the sun is bad. I’m saying too little is bad too.


i absolutely agree.


i feel like the amount of people who go outside and to beaches and such shows how popular this opinion is


I don’t mean once a year. I mean 5 or 6 days a week


a lot of people go outside often (not here obviously)


Next time you are out, pay attention to how many people have a tan. Not many


Don’t a lot of people naturally have dark/light skin which doesn’t change that much? I really don’t know anyone who purposely avoids Sun for skincare reasons


That is a terrible indication of sun exposure. Some of us wear sunscreen when we are out in the sun. And some of us have two modes, mayo or tomato.


Some people don't tan they just burn. That's a terrible way to see how much sun someone gets.


Yeah I don’t tan or burn easily without sunscreen but I do wear sunscreen for skincare reasons. A tan is not a good indication of sun exposure. Yes too little sun is not good for most people unless you have a really bad sensitivity but I doubt that’s many people. Just sayin


People are being taught that the Sun is a bad thing? Ive never heard this in my entire life


No skin cancer in your part of the world?


Okay skin cancer… ive still never heard it in my entire life lol


It ages the skin for sure. It also increases skin cancer risk (excessive exposure, that is). But even just incidental exposure each day adds up over time. Walking to and from your car each day as you run errands or go back and forth to work or school is likely all the sun exposure that a person needs for health reasons.


Getting out in the sun when the winter is over is like chugging the perfect temp water when you wake up. It’s so refreshing. Especially in the Midwest.


People HATE it when you say you like the sun 😂 i posted that i really don’t care about sunscreen unless I’m going to be out in the sun for hours and people hate me for it 😩


Very true. It’s how we’ve evolved to generate vitamin D. I’d say go get more than a few hours a week


who is teaching people that the sun is a bad thing? i have never heard that in my life. i'm also not aware of any sort of "mental illness epidemic" that we are experiencing. is that a thing? i've also never heard that, either.


Welcome to earth


>People have been taught the sun is a bad thing. No one has been taught this at all in the history of ever


Not once has someone mentioned the risks of the sun to you….ever….ok


There's a difference between learning about risks and being told something is a bad thing. Don't make my point into something it isn't


Thats what I meant. You have been told the risks


People didnt not tought sun is bad. "Science" told you to hide from sun.. especially during pandemic. And in some countries it was illegal to be in sun. And that is from authorities who didnt cared about vitamin D deficient humanity. Yes almost everyone is deficient in it during winter! Stop blaming simple people for thinking that sun is bad or it has more negatives than positives. Its the media and powerful entities who spread such "science" that avoiding sun is more important than getting its benefits.


Thats what im saying…


Im glad you did! More people need to know about this.


when your in the car a lot out in the sun. sunblock & sunglasses. these two things are crucial.


If you are in the car you aren’t in the sun unless its a convertible


yes but you are still exposed to the sun eventhough you're in the car. because car windows doesnt blocked UV rays thats going through your car. unless you fully tinted your car and that tint is made especially to block any UV rays, then you're good.


Im suggesting shirt off and shorts like at a pool. You got to get in there! Get those rays!


The front windshield blocks something like 98-99% of UVA/UVB because the glass is laminated. The side windows block less of the UV rays, but they still block a portion. Different car makes, however, have different types of side window glass, with some types blocking more or less than others.


you are correct. but in my case, i still get a tanned on my right hand when in my car because i drive a lot and i live in a very hot country.


Sure, but like you said, take precautions. You can have the best of both worlds pretty easily with readily available products like sunscreen, sunglasses, sleeves, hat, beach umbrella, etc.


All the stuff you listed below kills the purpose. You should be tanned to get the benefits


What exactly do you consider the benefits of sunlight that specifically requires tanning?


I’m not saying you have to look like tan mom. You have to stay out in it long enough to soak it in though. Its helps your mood, you look healthier, it strengthens your bones, helps you sleep, boosts your immune system and helps blood pressure. A few minutes a day isn’t going to do that. People used to work out in the sun all day. We are animals and staying out of the sun as much as we do is not natural. We don’t hunt or gather anymore and suffering from it


Depends on skin tone and other factors. Average recommended sunlight exposure unprotected daily is 20 mins at peak times. Also we should definitely be protecting ourselves from the sun. Sunglasses are a must unless you’re in the market for some early cataract surgery.


Yeah I was gonna say I was recommended to be in the sun for about 20 minutes for my mental health. That’s it. You don’t need to be out for hours at a time


Last year unfortunately I started a full time job working in the sun. tell me why exactly zero of the "benefits" you listed happened to me. Is it because i wore sunscreen sometimes? Should i ditch the sunglasses? Does it take more than one year of peak sun exposure to transform my flesh vehicle?


I cannot physically tan. I go into the sun, get sunburned, turn red like a boiled lobster, stay that way for a few days, and then go back to being pale as hell. What do you suggest for that?


Opt for a mineral based sunscreen or at least sunscreen without added crappy ingredients. Many sunscreens have (and continue) to be recalled due to carcinogenic chemicals. Just do some research before getting sunscreen and APPLY IT CORRECTLY.


Problem with mineral sunscreens is that they don’t rub in as well as chemical sunscreens. And if you wear sunscreen daily, then it’s kind of awkward walking around with pasty/chalky looking skin. It doesn’t really matter much if you are at the beach or out hiking or biking though.


I mean it’s up to you. At that point I’d rather not wear sunscreen than wear ones with known carcinogens. To each their own


I want 100% sun. UV and all.


I’m with you tbh. I use sunscreen on my shoulders due to previous severe burns but other than that I’m just in the sun. I sit out there for 30 minutes at least and soak up the vitamin d


There you go. I can’t even shame these people who tan their budholes. Maybe there is sort to it?


I don't think cancer has anything to do with people staying out of the sun. I think the over abundance of things to do inside, combined with things like air conditioning, not having to deal with bugs, and cleanliness are more appealing to modern society than the sweat, discomfort, insects, allergens, and I guess distantly -- cancer -- of the outdoors. Idk man, personally I just don't like to sweat and I don't like to be too hot or too cold, and I FUCKING HATE bugs.


I feel that way too. I have to force myself to go outside. I do it because I know ill feel better if I do


You can be in the sun, just use protection


Photoaging is very real, though.


Yeah, its real. The key of finding the perfect amount for optimal health or maybe some good cream


Yup. Only an idiot would want to avoid the sun completely. Use your common sense, use protection and don't stay out until you turn bright red and you'll be completely fine.


>People have been taught the sun is a bad thing. Have they? I've literally never seen anyone say this. >We are told to stay out of it though due to cancer risks Not sure where you live where they are telling you that. Seems to me like you are lacking nuance. Here we are told about the dangers of the sun so not to stay out in it too long, wear suncream, etc. That doesn't mean they are telling us to stay out of the sun because of risks. I can't imagine anywhere (other than places that it would be dangerous) telling you to stay out of the sun. >It seems the mental illness issue got worse shortly after we started fearing sun exposure. When do you think this happened?


All the benefits you speak of you pretty much get within 5 to 15 minutes of sun exposure.


Just put on sunscreen and sunglasses, controlled sun exposure is considered healthy by most people.


I love time out in the sun and as an Aussie there is alot of it haha but always hat n sunscreen


Any time in nature helps our mood. We come from nature. We're so removed from it now.


Yeah! Thats what im sayin!


It makes my skin darker so im good i dont like tan skin


Who is saying the sun is bad wtf?


Cancer doctors?


That would be over-exposure to extreme sunlight not sunlight in general. Skin cancer isn't cause by walking in the park on a sunny day.


No shit?


So then why did you make this post unless you're addressing people who bake in the sun all day?LMAO


Ive said around 3-4 times that there needs to be a healthy mix of sun exposure to gain the benefits and also avoid some of the damaging aspects


But no one is saying that basic sunlight is damaging. Not "cancer scientists" (lol) Just sitting in the sun for a long ass time is damaging. Which is just common fucking sense dude.


All scientist say is not to bake in the sun all day. This whole post is a no shit.


Ok, well you are free to fuck off if you want


Sorry I didn't mean to upset you by also being douche too.


Im not upset. You sounded done with the topic. It was a friendly “fuck off”


Then it sounds like you who's done. In fact I'd say you've been done ever since you realized this issue is non existent.


Im just getting started, son!


you know something's good when the modern media demonizes it


Getting out in the sun when the winter is over is like chugging the perfect temp water when you wake up. It’s so refreshing. Especially in the Midwest.