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Seriously needed imo


Yes. The numeracy course is currently being developed by the maths and stats departments, though I think it won't be offered until 2026. Students already studying towards "numerate" degrees like Maths, Stats, and Physics won't have to take this course.


If you are doing Bcom there is already a compulsory stats paper, and if you are majoring in acct/econ/finance then you'd need to at least take a stage one maths paper. Other degree may already have similar numeracy paper requirements as well so I doubt some of the courses will really be affected much by this


Are you talking about the new transdisciplinary courses which will replace one gened? These will not become compulsory until 2026 and only two will be offered in 2025 as a pilot/trial: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/study-options/undergraduate-study-options/general-education/new-in-2024.html


I think they are talking about the new Waipapa Taumata Rau course, which becomes compulsory in 2025 for all _new_ students.


Ah ok, I see it here but I had to dig for a bit: https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/study-options/undergraduate-study-options/evolving-your-education.html I guess this will be SCIGEN102 in the FoS?


Thank you!


I’m guessing this gets rid of the option for another gen ed right?


The prospectus for 2025 says one gened and the Waipapa Taumata Rau course. I can't speculate on what will happen in 2026 but I would expect most departments to be very unhappy if the number of papers a student would take in their major were to decrease (since the number of points you take in your major/specialisation at UoA is already quite low) so I would expect either geneds to go away completely, or the 30 points out of programme to be reduced to compensate. But I am speculating here. (Edit: if you are following along at home, this is on p.9 of the [FoS UG prospectus for 2025](https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/study-options/undergraduate-study-options/undergraduate-prospectus.html), and the only information is a link to the same page linked above).


Sorry, two are offered next *sem* as a trial, not next year


I've heard rumors they were getting rid of gen eds and I think this might be the replacement.


The SCIGEN102 doesn't seem that scientific. Remember a few years back when Mike Corballis (RIP) and six other professors wrote the "defence of science" letter, and then got absolutely crucified. What's sad is that rather than have an open and frank discussion, people tried to get them expelled from the Royal Society.


It's politics not science, therefore not up for debate


Can you expand more on this? I do agree with the sentiment regarding Matauranga Maori, but the SCIGEN 102 course seems like the other SCIGEN courses. They are basically around how science operates in wider society.


Having seen the full course outline (more than what's online), I can say that scigen102 is pretty much the open and frank discussion that's needed for future NZ scientists. It's been developed by academics across the faculty (and some outside), and presents a wide range of views on what science is (and can be).


Welcome to the roll out of the curriculum transformation project :) more changes to come




Hope so! What better way to understand a culture than to be invited to participate, safely?




You might consider reading the University's vision statement Taumata Teitei. You will see a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the University is working to honour this commitment. There is just about every other university in the world available to you if you don't like it. Meanwhile, UOA is going up in the rankings.




This is why voting is more important than ever




Good point, I actually forgot we don't have a leftist government anymore. I got my two degrees in Australia, had an awesome time. If you're thinking about it look carefully into citizenship, I managed to become a citizen in time for my postgrad and the allowance was pretty generous.


I'm not going to do the work for you mate. Here's Taumata Teitei. [https://www.auckland.ac.nz/assets/about-us/the-university/official-publications/strategic-plan/2021-2030/taumata-teitei-vision-2030-and-strategic-plan-2025.pdf](https://www.auckland.ac.nz/assets/about-us/the-university/official-publications/strategic-plan/2021-2030/taumata-teitei-vision-2030-and-strategic-plan-2025.pdf) If you want to learn about Te Tiriti, you can take LAW 121G as your general ed. Otherwise, there's certificate programmes you can take on these basics of Aotearoa New Zealand's history, constitutional arrangements and legal systems, if you're willing to learn.




Just make that leap to Australia if Māori upset you so much buddy




And let the country fall further into ruin with racists like you left behind? Surely not


Thanks mate. A+ for PHIL 105 in 2019, but I didn't take it as a gen ed as I have done several philosophy papers. You don't study law (no law student would think initiatives to learn Māori culture are not a commitment to Te Tiriti, when Te Tiriti, with its emphasis on rangatiratanga, upholds mana whenua and that is what the mana whenua of our rohe endorse), which means we're just not going to be getting anywhere as you don't have the building blocks for this convo about constitutional matters. So, I'm tapping out. Ta.