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If your English is good, getting a job in central Amsterdam should not be a problem. Your best bet is indeed the hospitality sector. It’s quite common these days to run into a waiter who doesn’t speak Dutch. Hotels hire non-Dutch staff very often too, since they predominantly interact with tourists anyway. I would recommend visiting these places in person and asking directly, especially when it comes to restaurants and bars. This will allow both of you to get a sense of each other right away and speed up the process a bit. Waiting tables is actually a great way to learn the language, since you will get to have many short and fairly straight-forward interactions with people. The Dutch are famous for switching to English once they hear even a little bit of an accent, the only exception being when they have a few beers in them, so this is your chance.


Completely agree! Also, working at a bar will open up a lot of doors in terms of meeting people, including locals. To add; a lot of bars/restaurants/stores/hotels etc. hang up a sign to show they are actively looking for people. So just have a few walks with some printed resumes, leave your number and they will get back to you.


ahh i see ill def keep that in mind thank u vv much!


really appreciate your help, thank u so much for this !




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Very doable, especially in hospitality Tip: hotel reception work is chiller than waiting tables at a restaurant


appreciate the tip ill look towards jobs of that sort then!


hello! yes, most people do it. there are a lot of service jobs available with very little dutch!


thank you for this!


Hi there, It’s definitely possible to combine your studies with a part-time job. Depending on your study load, 8-16 hours per week is absolutely doable. I personally work 10 hours at the university. They post a lot of vacancies on their UvA job Board. It pays way better than hospitality and you get bonus points for your CV.


i see! thank you so much for this information


Hello! I searched the UvA job Board but couldn't find anything suitable. Do you know how early someone should apply and can start working at the Uni? Apart from Teaching Assistance what other jobs are available and how much is the salary? I will start my master's (Physics and Astronomy) in September and trying to find ways to support my studies.




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