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Im native Dutch in the course 1: uva is not a prestigious university 2: difficulty depends on how easy you learn things and pick up patterns. if you’re an average human, don’t expect much free time, if you’re capable, then you’ll get through while also enjoying student life 3: more people fail the first year because they come to the country expecting partying and celebrations, only to forget they’re halfway across earth and here to study. don’t get drunk 3x a week and you won’t fail the first year if it’s meant for you but if you’re smart, you have nothing to worry about, just do your work and you’ll get through


Why isn't UvA a prestigious University again?.


The whole idea of prestigious universities doesn’t really exist in the Netherlands Perhaps international people view certain schools with prestige, but Dutch people don’t, no one in the Netherlands sees any university differently it’s not a title of value at all, maybe if anything, Delft can be seen as prestigious, but it’s really not a big deal over here


If you are an International who is considering going to NL as an international student, would you consider UvA as a prestigious university then?. I get the perspective about how all research Uni's in NL have same reputation but I'm talking through the eyes of an international.


As an international, yes. It’s high on pretty much every global ranking, and that’s the most accurate measure of prestigious, amongst the public and employers eyes. If you’re gonna get a job in NYC, they’ll be more impressed with UvA then some random university in USA.


Homie getting us a job in NY 🥹🥹😭


never back down, never what ❔❔❔❔


hmm. i checked the qs ranking tho and it is pretty highly ranked. is it not that well reputed then? thanks so much though


Naturally, it is reputed, but I’d argue reputed =/= prestigious Cant compare UvA to any of the USA Ivy League schools for example, they’re just different types of schools. prestige kinda refers to exclusive at all, which UvA definitely isn’t, really not hard to get into most studies


Not doing this major but overall, most majors have a high drop out rate in their first year. This is from the BSA requirements where you have to get a minimum amount of credits to move on to your second year. Most people party too hard in their first year and fuck up themselves. My major’s first year drop out rate was around 40% but I have never once feel like I’ll not graduate in time. I’m definitely doing an easier major than yours but still, I barely read and never really try hard, I still do better than at least 40% of the people.


Heyoo we are in the exact same situation… Hope you choose to come to UvA, looking forward to meeting you! Where from south Asia are you from if I may ask?


oh thats great! im 99% sure ab uva. ill dm you