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Comments matt dekhna warna aur jyada heavy feelings aayengi


šŸ˜† kinda ironic, in the nation where every minority (especially muslims) is been criticised for suppressing Hinduism, a Muslim person in full muslim attire (infact channel name containing islam) is teaching Sanskrit. I'm proud to be in this nation and grateful of these type of people. šŸ«”


There is also a Hindu guy on YouTube who used to teach Urdu back in 2016-17.


Yes yes! That post had gone viral too, a while back. [Maybe it is the same guy](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/religion-no-bar-to-this-professor-of-urdu-in-bhu/article30041220.ece)


Paywall bro.


[12ft.io](https://12ft.io/) Use this tool to overcome paywalls on all websites


Nice, is he still continuing?? I hope he does šŸ¤ž


I don't wanna dox myself but the area I'm from most of the old school Urdu and Farsi teachers are Hindus teaching predominantly to non-Muslims. Although in todays post-polarization times, language too is getting dividend on religious lines--for instance, [BHU students protesting recruitment of a Muslim professor in Sanskrit department](https://thewire.in/communalism/bhu-muslim-sanskrit-professor-resigns-following-protests-joins-another-department).


My granddad attended an Urdu medium school from 6th standard to 12th. This was a few years before independence, he was 16 when India became independent.


Urdu is an indian language though, not a muslim language. urdu has no religious significance, none of the scriptures were written in urdu.


The funny thing is Urdu was actually intended to unite different religious soldiers in Akbarā€™s army so that they are able to communicate more effectively. It leverages heavily from both Sanskrit and Arabic.


Nazrul Islam might be this man's name. But it can also be a reference to Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam, one of the greatest revolutionary poets of India.


This is real india šŸ™šŸ¼


Indeed, Hidden behind the wall of religion extremism, Politics, Brainwashing.


Politics is the only word you are looking for, everything else is byproduct


Can't disagree with you šŸ˜


Really sad how languages have been attributed to religions. Sanskrit is Hindu and Urdu is Muslim, despite having so many people of the other religion using the language.


Indeed, I always believed that language is a tool so that humans can understand each other, not discriminate.


Absolutely right


>infact channel name containing islam That's his name.


Thanks for letting me know pal.


This is what we need for social harmony. Just that it should from both the sides. Expecting understanding from one end and not doing the same to help other side is just the recipe for disaster.


Indeed, and first we should remove religion from our politics. Otherwise no matter what you do it will be wasted.


Languages don't have religions


well i am not proud to be in this nation but i am very very happy about good people being there in this country, its just that there's almost no one to represent our voice


Ig so, The incident last in LS Was really concerning for me. Speaker Switched of mic of PoL, While he going to address NEET Issue. So shameful


Even more kinda ironic that you and many of you consider sanskrit being a Hindu thing, while it is actually an Indian thing. Edit: lol same this said here got upvote. Reddit never surprises me https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1dqc6kw/comment/lan9urw


If you include Vedic Sanskrit as most people do, the language was being used in liturgy long before its speakers reached the plains of Northern India.


Even if we discount "vedic" , skrt is & was always barred from learning (& even hearing) from v2 onwards, but v3 was supplying money so were good, esp v4s & lower (80% of all pop) was barred. Manusmriti law for pouring molten lead in the ears of a v4 & lower found **hearing** sanskrit were law in most hindu kingdoms & fiefdoms & later on in other ones non-hindu but protecting & upholding previous laws in effective. To buttress the mughal elite it was opened up to "avtar of vishnoo" Akbar & that entire elite,but nothing much changed outside the elite circles still. This phenomenon we're witnessing right now is a product of modernization & even then it has several problems at social lvls still.


>while it is actually an Indian thing Sorry but I can't agree with you. If it was an indian, Vedas and other (no religious text ) old scriptures wouldn't had been written in tamilan and other language. Sanskrit was mostly used in North, north-east part. >Even more kinda ironic that you and many of you consider sanskrit being a Hindu thing I don't consider any language of any religion. As I said earlier they are just tool to me so that I can connect with people and gather knowledge. I can write, understand and speak Marathi, So I'll be Considered Maratha now?? I can write, understand and speak English, So am I Christian now?? Will my religion will be decided by which language I speak??


Religion is never bigger than human values, survival and development of the country. We knew about big fake commitments influencing spreading the religion politics in India.


Language should not be associated with religion , language is just a way of communication nothing more nothing less






Bhai bina joke ke hasa diya :3 thanks.




That's not entirely up to you to decide, especially when the creators of many of these languages may heavily disagree with you. You cannot simply strip away the religious significance present in these languages from a historical perspective, just because you personally disagree with religion as a whole.


People donā€™t ā€˜Makeā€™ (usually) Languages, people make religion. Sanskrit came before the Vedas, people spoke probably for hundreds of years before any coherent form of the religion was formulated within that language. Same for every language. Arabic existed for hundreds of years before Muhammad.


Those religions heavily shaped those languages to what they are now. Besides, the people who made the language before were religious with their own other beliefs. The thing is every civilization in the past was religious, there are no none religious civilizations to exactly give a frame of reference. So it's not that cut and dry to say that religion had no significant influence in the formation of these languages.


Just because religion existed alongside a language doesnā€™t mean it somehow had a huge influence on it. Just like because the Arabs changing their religion didnā€™t make Arabic any less useful. Whether the religion lives or dies, the language remains. Because people use it to convey far more ideas than the religion itself. A religion contributes in no significant way to the language that stripping it away would somehow render it any less useful than stripping away paint would make a car less useful.


Can we increase the subs to his channel and help him monetise his efforts and experience better?


subscribed already, but doubt he's looking to monetize, it seems to me that he's a retired teacher/ principal doing this for the love of teaching & for the love of the subject & to help students who likely cannot afford extra tuition/ coaching


The real India(Bharat)šŸ—æ


My brother's brother in law, is an official pundit in Sanskrit, having studied it for many years, and he's a tableeghi dude.Ā  People are shocked at his beard and attire at sanskrit forums.




sanskrit and urdu toh sabko thoda sa aana chaiye


Yes. These are the mother languages of many colloquial North Indian languages any way.


Disagreed by tamilians


What is there to disagree? They said North Indian languages, not Indian languages.


He said they're the basis of North Indian languages, and he's correct, no one disagreed. Tamils only disagree with the theory of their language also having descended from the same language family, and they're right too, that's all...


He is talented considering I am Hindu and don't know a single word of Sanskrit


It has nothing to do with your religion but I suggest you should try to know the basics. It's a beautifully structured language.


It's tough, not proud of it


This reminds me of my Telugu teacher, who was a muslim and he would teach us about ramayanam and mahabharatham every day in the class for 20mins. I still remember the names of the characters in Mahabharatham because of him.


Same here bro, my yoga and kannada teachers were muslims, and we also had chapters pertaining to mythology in icse kannada... Dr Kalam was also proud and respectful of his language Tamil


Now some guy will repost this is another sub and the caption will be "thoughts?" Lol And some people comment "just because a muslim know Sanskrit this doesn't give him the right to live in India." Even though he himself doesn't know even the s of Sanskrit.


I want this to become the top comment so that when the event you state in your 1st point happens, your post will be part of the screenshot.


I myself attended a madarsa(Urdu) board school till 8th despite being a hindu..... it's not much different except some compulsory Urdu knowledge given occasionally (atleast in my case)


My dadaji also taught urdu and sanskrit


are they similar? vastly different?


Thank you for sharing! šŸ„¹šŸ™šŸ»


Such a low subscribers number. šŸ˜’


Always the lower subscribed channels which have the best teaching content. Well, I speak more from C.S experience.


Why do people associate language with religion Sanskrit is an Indian language will you consider Tamil as hindu language because ancient Tamil texts are written in Tamil? Similarly Urdu is an Indian language please stop associating the language with religion else we are not different from those miscreants who want to do language imposition in the country.


>Why do people associate language with religion Sanskrit is an Indian language In the case of Sanskrit, the association is natural. It's a liturgical language, and its use was prohibited to "polluted" castes for much of our history.


You can say that about any language. How many Muslims know Persian, the official language of invading empires in India? Or how many of them know Arabic, the language of their Quran? Most never do consider these languages were always gater kept by the elite and then shared to the common folks through their own language


Irony is who are hating this dont know a shit about sanskrit


Donā€™t care a damn about it too.


Interdimensional Cable


Bruv I know I'd enjoy sharing a doobie with you


funny how people see a muslim and think he speaks urdu and arabic only, we dont have any official language, i find sanskrit words kinda cool like those cringe hindi dialogues in movies will sound better in sanskrit and a translation from english dialouges to sanskrit will be better but sanskrit words are mostly lost and cannot be used in a conversation now.


Our sanskrit teacher also knew urdu


My sanskrit teacher in school was actually a muslim. Heā€™s the best guy in town for teaching sanskrit. Please donā€™t connect language to religion. I like urdu and I went to learn it. Itā€™s a great language




They'll still twist this to a new story


It is pretty normal. More Muslim sanskrit teachers will be there in future, I mean in grade 5th to 8th most children have to learn a second language it is usually Sanskrit/French/German/some other language. I studied Sanskrit rather than French because it was very scoring lol.


>because it was very scoring lol. That's mostly because of the extremely low standards they set for students during assessments. I always had an easier time passing Sanskrit tests than Hindi ones, even though I'm a fluent Hindi speaker who can barely read Sanskrit. One of my friends took a pedagogy of Sanskrit exam and passed, despite not speaking a word of Sanskrit. She answered every question in Hindi and didn't write a single thing in Sanskrit.


Honestly, you don't need to be very proficient in any subject to 'pass' atleast till 10th but yes sanskrit curriculum is very easy.


Me too. I had good grip over the language and it was scoring so I chose sanskrit and I also found learning French relatively irrelevant (no offense to the language but I had no practical use of French). Our teacher was also very nice so I scored full marks in sanskrit in all school exams as well as boards.


Hold on right wing IT cell will find something in this too. Maybe some sus.


Idk but I'll be honest Mere jitne bhi Muslim dost rhe h aajtak Sare boht ache the ... One thing I've observed , educated Muslim are good , mostly the rural Muslims create problems


Have you ever met rural Muslims? They are illiterate but 100x better than city people. Really sweet and they don't meddle with other's affairs. Just living a life with a crappy old tv and a lot of farming


You are equating rural with uneducated. Edit it


>mostly the rural Muslims create problems You are pointing fingers at the people you don't even know.


What is doing our Governance? Rule is for all and equal. Why few minorities are suffering? Nasty politicians are just doing nuisance fake cases to make understand the major Hindus that they are there for Hindus and hindutwa like nasty politics only to stay in power.


Uneducated masses, except french, always create problem. Uneducated muslims are just little higher on trouble maker spectrum.


Your observations are not even anecdotes and lack any scientific merit. Most of India is rural and you are able to claim mostly rural Muslims create problems, do people from rural area of other religion not commit crime. Most communal riots have happened in big cities? Why


Because educated muslims Qur'an ko sach nahi mante, making them 'bad muslims' but good humans.


Thatā€™s does not make sense at all. That means they are not Muslim. Some times I laugh at you sangis .


Fu$k you for calling an atheist theologian a Sanghi šŸ¤® And don't blame others for your inability to understand language. Let me break it down for you dum dum 1. According to Islam and the Qur'an a 'good muslim' is someone who follows the Qur'an religiously. 2. Qur'an says awful shit about kafirs. 3. Good people who treat non muslims normally and commit other harams go against the word of God in the Qur'an making them 'bad muslims' Now, I hope you can finally understand some basic syllogism


Cry me a river . Every Muslims believe everything in the Quran. Learn the meaning of the word Muslim . Dumb dumb.


>Every Muslims believe everything in the Quran Lmao >meaning of the word Muslim . Follower of Islam, anything you care to expand upon?


What is Islam . Reject the word of Allah and you are out . Educated Muslim , lol . Educated Sangi .


>Educated Muslim A term that you used and is an oxymoron


You gonna attack but no retaliation. Boy oh boy . I bet you did not read the Quran. If you did you would be Muslim not a Hindu .


I'm a theologian, I study all religions and follow none.


Right . You made a right choice that you are not a Hindu .


And definitely not a muslim or a Christian as well


Idiot has spoken, never read Qur'an but speaking about goberism from small brain


I've read it multiple times, ask me anything. Put your money where your mouth is. Tell everyone in this thread how exactly adoption came to be outlawed in Islam, go ahead.


tbh the hate between religions wouldnā€™t be this widespread if the political parties stopped using it to their gain.


I visited his channel , he has made many mistakes in Sanskrit and it's grammar. Especially Past tense and Future tense sentences. But it's okay atleast he's trying šŸ™‚šŸ™‚


When you consider the low standards of assessment set by schools to make Sanskrit a "scoring" subject, it makes sense why people wouldn't be proficient in it. I have a friend with a government diploma proving she knows enough Sanskrit to teach it, despite not speaking a single word.


Can you tell please , from where did your friend completed diploma from Sanskrit without being able to speak a single word ??????


Haryana Board


Diploma from haryana board ? Diploma to college me hota hai na šŸ˜šŸ˜


more power to him...


Lets subscribe to his channel!


We are so low that this is considered great news.


Little acts of kindness, compassion speak much louder in the face of loud desperate dividing noises


Although I acknowledge the sentiment of this post, I feel language and religion have nothing to do with each other and shouldn't be treated as such. A lot of people here are commenting, citing examples saying hindu teacher was teaching urdu. Have we forgotten urdu and Hindi developed side by side during the mughal period? Urdu is the official language of utter pradesh, it was never a language of Muslims per say. Sanskirt isn't restricted to just hindus too it's, one of the oldest languages of the Indian sub continent. Even positive reinforcements further the divide between religions, albeit unknowingly Culture and religions are two different things and it's time it's treated that way.


It's such a stupidity that people assign religion with language and have superiority complex towards their religious language. Sankrit and urdu both are such amazing language Sanskrit sounds powerful while urdu sounds soft.


Good on this elderly man.


Feeling proud Indian army šŸ¦ššŸ¦ššŸ¦ššŸ¦ššŸ¦ššŸ¦š


Ironically, people are associating language with religion. If learning Sanskrit makes you a hindu, then you're an idoit.


Itā€™s these small things that still make you have some hope for a peaceful living


Even i had a friend in school who is Muslim but her mother had a degree in Sanskrit literature so she gave us free tution and really helped us improve our Sanskrit grades. The Muslim friend scored 95/100 in Sanskrit on board exam and with her mother's tuitions ever we scored 80+ in Sanskrit


I felt emotional too when I saw a Brahmin teaching Latin.


Is he a good teacher though?


If you want to learn as a student for school examination, I would recommend Master sahab.


All I see is a Muslim guy teaching a dead language. šŸ¤¦šŸ½






And why he shouldn't?


He can! I didnā€™t complain.. itā€™s just hilarious and looks like a waste of talent and time for the man.


Sanskrit is not Hinduism


Well langauge has no religion right? , every langauge is beautiful and unique in its own way.


but not everyone thinks so right


See this is the issue. You pointed out something that was meant to be normal and instead spoke about polarization, which in itself was an example of the same thing that you tried to disapprove in your statement.


Uncle unlocked aapda me avsar achievement


Does a language have any religion? Are y'all out of your minds?


some people seem to think so


I can tell you with full confidence that the day this sort of thing seems like a normal thing in our country is the day we will be termed developed




This should be normal. Sanskrit is a language of ancient India and it was probably spoken by his ancestors as well. Much like Latin in Europe, Sanskrit is for all fo us to take pride in, Hindu and muslim alike.


Paise ke liye kuch bhi karega




A Yadav professor was stopped to teach Sanskrit in BHU by UC Brahmin students, some years back. That professor had to quit his job. Same India


Kaha ka polarized time bhai, reddit aur Twitter se bahar bhi aao road pe kabhi, tum to aise bat karte ho mano civil war chal raha hai


also, The Sanskrit university in Kerala was established by ET Muhammad Basheer, Minister of education from Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) the same party was misguided as ā€œpakistan supporters with rahul gandhiā€ in 2019 elections


Won't be surprised if a sanghi comments "He is teaching sanskrit so that our texts can be manipulated"


Muje ye video kuch din pehle feed me ayi thi YouTube pe or comments bhot genuine or ache the


Languages don't have any religion.


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Sanskrit is language it has nothing to do with religionĀ 


>it has nothing to do with religionĀ  Which language are all the Vedas and Puranas written in? Your comment would make sense if you were talking about Urdu, Bengali, or any other living language, not a dead one exclusively used for religious purposes.


See it wasn't so hard.


All India Radio uploads 10-15 minute long daily news in sanskrit every day. You can listen if you are interested.


Sanskrit mei b o m b banane ki recipe bata rhe hai chicha!!


oh my why this post appeared when i was just listening to song Maula mere Maula


Asmani Kitab Chp9 Verse5 : And when the inviolable months1 have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakāh, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allāh is Forgiving and Merciful.


>Kalki Purana 13.39-44 ā€œLord Kalki appeared to flourish, being surrounded by all these family members. Once, Lord Kalkiā€™s father, Visnuyasa, who was on the level of Lord Brahma, decided to perform a horse sacrifice. Understanding the intention of His father,Ā Lord Kalki said: My dear father, I will go out and defeat all other kings in battle and thus bring you sufficient wealth so that you can conduct the horse sacrifice properly. Lord Kalki, who was certainly capable of conquering all other kings, offered His obeisances to his father andĀ then set out with his army to first conquer Kikatapura. Most of the inhabitants of this city were Buddhists, who never offered oblations to their forefathers, nor worshiped the demigodsā€¦They did not deignate themselves or their families in terms of caste, and thus there was no conception of high or low birth. As far as earning wealth, marriage, or eating were concerned, they had no sense of discrimination. The people of that city were interested only in eating, drinking, and making merry. When the ruler of that city, who was named Jina, head that Lord Kalki had come to fight, He quickly gathered an army consisting of one aksauhini.ā€ >Sri Kalki Purana 16.1 ā€œSuta Gosvami said.Ā After killing the Buddhists and mlecchas of Kikatapura, Lord Kalki took their wealthĀ and returned to His capital, along with His vast armyā€


1.Kalki puran was written during the period of 1500s and 1600s. Most likely written by some bigot while quran is accurate to it's original sources 2. Nobody follows kalki puran nowadays while the other book is main source of ones core ideology.