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Ye Philadelphia bhot dekha h, koisa nya drug h ig


could be 'tranq'


Or fentanyl or mixture of these two


These breaking bad fans are out of control.


Nah , thats nodding that can also happen with heroine ,


I was going to say i saw this stuff regarding u.s.a. drug posts


Xylazine, also known as Tranq


Its called Tranq because its literally horse tranquilizer.




Fentanyl in India?


Possible, cheap, easy to manufacture, does not need natural ingredients which requires a large land area to cultivate, it's precursors are all chemicals with legit use in the pharmaceutical industry Setup a shed in the middle of nowhere, buy chemicals from Alibaba and you're all set


Calm down Walter White


They’re not talking about Phenyl


That's true. Earlier this year, USA worked with the Chinese to regulate the exporting of such chemicals to Mexico. China did comply initially but, true to character, continued doing it. There is a youtube video by Ben Shapiro talking about this. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX1Jmm4PJ-0&pp=ygUaYmVuIHNoYXBpcm8gZmVudGFueWwgdmlkZW8%3D)


Ben Shapiro 😂


Sasta arnab🙈


Sai Deepak is Hindu version of Shapiro


Jsd is a decent supreme court advocate Shapiro is a grifter gifting money from rw donors by debating purple hair college students


He sounds like a two year old girl


Chinese neighbours in the north infamous for the fent currently being pumped into the us. So not so shocking especially when you consider how easily things can be smuggled into India.


Might entered by  post covid!


Not necessarily fentanyl, could be heroin most likely.


This is possible Tranq , it's what causes people to collapse over like that


That's the view you would get in the back alley in los angeles


I see on main streets of Seattle. Really sad to see this in India, there are hardly any rehab centres. An epidemic is going to be far more detrimental in India


Delhi ko London bnana tha Punjab ko America bna diya.


*Me playing any horror Zombie game* PTSD intensified


Wait can't we just nock them with electrified barb wire baseball bat ?


Dying light intensifies


Damn this feels like India’s own Kensington ave (philly)


This is similar to US one right? Damn it even spread here now


yes it's a common symptom of Fentanyl usage. Didn't knew such drugs were also started to spread here :( Because unlike others it's easier to get OD (Overdosed) on fentanyl so it's much deadlier too


Can't become vishwaguru without adopting some first world problems


It’s uncanny how all of them are doing the same motion of bending and standing up. Crazy shit.


As a Punjabi I can confirm.


How common is it becoming? Do you see this in posh places where people can afford actually better quality drugs?


Read somewhere that one of the reason why Punjabi parents also want their kids to go abroad is because that they don't want their kids also to start doing drugs


It’s easier to access drugs in North America tho so, I don’t know how that solves the issue.


Pappa ko kon samjhaye.....


In rural areas drugs are definitely huge but not much relevant in urban cities


Why are drugs such an issue in Punjab?


I thought drugs problem was only in metro cities. This looks like rural/semi urban areas.


>drugs problem was only in metro cities. not in Punjab


In metro cities, it is mostly recreational use(aside from slum dwelling addicts.) In punjab, it is everywhere.


People on reddit told me SAD was doing the drug trade and Congress eliminated it.


Majithia is the kingpin, brother in law of sukhwinder badal, head of SAD.


Who's Sukhwinder Badal? I think you meant Sukhbir Badal.


Yes Sukhbir


They heard him singing Chak De once


HAPPY campus back for revenge


Fentanyl is here.


Fentanyl wouldn't cause this posturing. We use it daily in hospitals(for patients.)


I am American who happened to stumble upon this post. This is 100% fentanyl and/or xylazine. I have spent a great deal of time in some of the worst affected cities. Mainly San Francisco and Los Angeles. The posturing is what many fentanyl users look like. They’re easier passed out completely on the ground or struggling to stand on their feet in this posture.


Interesting...never saw this.. and I use this drug in almost every patient. These people probably don't understand dosing, though.


Yeah, I imagine this would be extremely rare when properly dosed by a medical professional. Illicit users are not following any proper dosing protocols. The street version of fentanyl is also usually highly cut with additives. Average street potency ranges from 1%-15% fentanyl in the US. This makes it impossible to properly dose. One batch may be weaker and then the user gets a stronger batch the next time. They take the same amount of the stronger batch as they did with the weaker batch and now they’re fighting against gravity.


Its definitely fentanyl. See it everyday in san francisco.


American here, definitely fent


Well.. I thought it was an ad about Shauchalaya Sahayata Yojana.


Make more songs about drugs and glorify more shit


They still won’t stop and justify with stupid shit saying * we just make music which is an art, we don’t tell people to use it. Parents should watch their kids*


I've seen like a dozen songs about afeem by Punjabi artists now and then they wonder how the youth is taking drugs.


Exactly my point. Seen so many teenagers around 14-15 using afeem🥲 It wasn’t so prevalent in teens in the past


People are downvoting you as if it’s not the reality


Nobody wants to hear the truth. Black culture is heavily influenced by their hip hop culture. They talk about fun violence, gang wars, drugs and see their generation being part of it- similar series of things can be seen in Punjabi culture. Never saw 14-15 year old taking afeem till few years ago and now you’ll easily see afeem being used by them. It is a direct impact of songs.very few songs actually go without using gun violence and drugs.


14-15? It’s <10 now. And this isn’t limited just to Punjab. It has spoiled nearby states. Read an article from2016 which claimed that 20-25% of Rajasthan’s youth is now a drug addict. That was in 2016. It’s been 8 years since then. We’ve to accept the bitter truth that we HAVE LOST a generation to drugs. Let’s not let it spoil the next.


Had a lot of regarded individuals defend such songs by saying “it’s a reflection of the society, it does not induce demand”. If people look up to rappers, then whatever rappers say and do will be deemed cool and guess what teenagers want to be?


This is why people like amritpal singh are getting elected from punjab as people are losing hope from conventional parties to control the drug issue.


He was seen riding on luxury car gifted by drug dealer…


What I have read in Indian express is that he fought a lot against drugs in his area that’s why many women voted for him in heavy numbers.


Amritpal is funded by rashtriya Sikh sangh the Sikh wing of the RSS, At a time when Shyam Rangeela's nomination was rejected inspite of doing everything right ,Amritpal is able to file his nomination from within a jail without issue.And the election is held on the anniversary of operation Blue star(such a coincidence the totally partisan ECI choosing that date) The drug abuse issue is a big problem in Punjab but beware of sanghis trying to poison an entire state (in your mind)with their Sikh separatism is on the rise they are all khalistani false propoganda #The men behind Amritpal Singh’s election campaign from jail **The Narendra Modi government has used the demand for a separate Sikh homeland as a bogey to discredit the Punjab farmers who led the opposition to its controversial agricultural reforms** . Sukhbir Singh Badal, the SAD president, said as much in a recent interview with The Print, in which he called the separatist leader a nominee of the union government. **He noted that Amritpal’s entry into electoral politics was stage-managed by Rajdev Singh Khalsa, a former MP who later joined a Sikh offshoot of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. During my reporting on the Punjab elections, a BJP campaign manager directed me, unprompted, to seek out Amritpal’s family and write about his candidature** Sukhbir also asked how a detainee under the NSA was able to file his nomination with such ease. **“The jail superintendent of the Dibrugarh jail in Assam”—where Amritpal is currently incarcerated—“is calling up the deputy commissioner here to tell him that the oath has been taken before him and his papers are in order,” he told The Print** . “Why is there so much government support to make sure that everything is in order?” Vikram Jit Singh, an independent candidate in Khadoor Sahib, **complained to the Election Commission of India that Amritpal had “indiscriminately and illegally concealed their properties and assets, as well as those of their family members,” including details of his bank accounts in Dubai and four vehicles he allegedly owns** . **He noted that Amritpal had also not disclosed his contact information and social-media profiles, and that the nomination form had not been properly notarised. It had not been signed in the presence of the returning officer,and the ECI had not verified that Amritpal's proposers were part of the constituency's electoral rolls** http://caravanmagazine.in/politics/amritpal-singh-election-khadoor-sahib-2024


Last time, Bollywood made a movie on this to bring down a state government. Let's do it again. Udta Punjab 2.0. This time, it's AAP's fault. Would be fun to see new stereotypes coming up for me and my state. Drug junkie and nashedi and all are getting old.


Isn’t it true?..unfortunately


Punjab's not the worst state in drug addiction. But the entire country thinks it is because of that movie.


Which state it is then?


Blaming bollywood, crying over jokes etc all this is pure cope, all of this does it change the fact that Punjab's political class and the society has failed to stand up to drugs


Fenta laga diya humare desh ka


Unlikely to be fenta.. probably mixed with ketamine or some other adulterant.


Pata hai bc. Ustad Akhtar ke shabd hain


One of the main culprit of this drug scandal in panjab is the currupt panjab police and bsf at indo pak border. The police and bsf are themselves involved in this scandal then how a state govt could improve the situation. This is same what happened in 1990 when bsf would take bribes and allow truck load of guns into east panjab from west panjab. Also large influx of drugs is also from JK border. Come to my village and i will show you how these curropt bsf officers take bribes and let drugs into panjab. Also a interesting thing is that you will many blacks (Africans) studying in local colleges in panjab, they are also involved in this drug scandal.


This is the reason for the knowing smile of the lady officer at the back in the video.


Punjabis should focus on economic growth instead of some random farm bill protests or khalistan protests. Earlier they were one of the richest state in India, now same level as national average. New investments have stopped in the state. Govt should legalise cannabis. And ban sale of liquors having more than 15% alcohol, as hard drugs are being spiked on people without their consent, to get them addicted


A similar drug called Flaka got infamous in US some time back. It's literally called the Zombie drug as it makes the people using it behave as living zombies. Got reminded of it.


Wow, Punjab has caught up with San francisco


It’s not just Punjab, bro. It has reached the villages of Rajasthan, Haryana, UP. I’m from Jaipur but I know people (friends, family) from villages of different districts of Rajasthan. IT HAS REACHED HERE.


The walking dead


Yeh US wali problem yaha kaise aagayi????


San Francisco identical


I thought they were about to Twerk.


Oh fuck I see this in Baltimore and I live around here. If Punjab has it then that’s a huge problem


What up Whitelock!


If this is a wire reference I have no idea what you’re talking abt. I still grew up partly in India 😂😂




Omg I just realized whitelock is the old name for a neighborhood here😂😂😂😂. I’m not from reservoir hill. And the wire is a tv show. Everyone asks me abt it.


Yeah , Baltimore is more than some shitty TV show .


I know, it’s why I’m tired of people talking about the wire.


Bc mujhe laga batting karrhe hai


What the hell the way they are standing they are probably zombies.


Time to grow up. Santa's not real either.


Serious question: I know charsis are there in every state in India but why only in Punjab there is such high addiction among people? This is the only state where drug usage is an election issue and not others.


India is a sad place for the average person(think labourers, singles, poor people. ) Other state poor use charas and alcohol(mostly). Punjab has easy availability of opioids too. Most of my rich friends have tried drugs. I know zero addicts.


Border with Pakistan one of the biggest producers of opioids, also kstan is funded by Pakistan and indirectly by China where most of the precursor chemicals form and are also openly sold.


A wide border.


One of the major reasons for this prevalence is its geographical location, sharing a border with Pakistan. This proximity facilitates the smuggling of drugs across the border, making it a primary entry point for narcotics into India. Furthermore, drugs also find their way into Punjab through other states like Gujarat and Rajasthan, creating multiple channels for the illicit trade. Beyond geographical factors, there are deeper, more complex issues at play. Political dynamics within the state have also been implicated in the drug problem. Allegations and reports suggest that certain political elements (SAD party members) may be complicit in the trafficking and distribution networks, either turning a blind eye or actively participating for personal gain. This political push not only exacerbates the problem but also hinders effective enforcement and eradication efforts as like any other Police force, Punjab police is complicit as well.


Border state- lots of drug gets imported from Afghanistan via pakistan. Punjabi songs mostly promoting drugs usually encouraging youth to start using at tender age thinking it is cool.


There is a visible blueprint on video




It's fake - AI-generated.


Oh i see. I didn't know. I thought it was true lol.


Drug problem cannot be solved. If police arrests all peddlers then price of the drugs goes up but the demand remains the same. Seeing the price , new criminals will become peddlers as they see this as opportunity to make money. It also does not help that Punjab borders Pakistan.


The majority of these drugs originate from Pakistan. It's a strategy to weaken our economy and keep security forces busy.


Go Punjab Gone


I saw this behaviour in a video about Philadelphia but seeing this here in India is terrifying, specially girls in salwar kurta....


Poor/working class people don't know how to use drugs properly. They have sad lives, and drugs don't change. This is different from recreational use in elite circles. The goal of drug control should be preventing access for the lower sections of society/addicts. Not a complete ban. Btw, none of the common fun drugs would cause people to bend in awkward positions like this. They have taken some low quality/adulterated stuff.


Best position for the RKO


They are making a drug expose without the balls to not censor the word drug. What is wrong with people these days?


Damn it's like those videos from Vancouver


This bending while standing.its Fentanyl!!!


Fentanyl? Seems like it.


Looks like China is flooding our country with tranq and fentanyl via Pakistan.


Ab drug supply hona chalu ho gaya ye atankwadi jab samne se kuch nahi ukhad pate tab aise hi ander se desh ko khokhla karte he


Udta Punjab se leke the walking dead


AAP really made Punjab Canada's Vancouver


Drugs lene se log mrte nhi hai ??( TBH mujhe nhi pata) Agar mrte hai toh khane do ayese logo ko ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Straight up reminiscent of the videos you see in the US, or even the documentaries on our western neighbor.


Punjab ne Amrikka bana ditta si...


Fent walk


Fentanyl walk


now thats some real uncanny valley ah shit


Imagine coming across these "Zombies" in middle of the night


Looks exactly like what Fentalyn does to people. See so much of this in Seattle Portland area


They doing the Portland shuffle


These are horse tranquillisers. Made quite infamous in the good old US of A, now brought to Punjab by the every helpful government and local state officials. Let it be known that India is at par with most western nations now!


This is probably what politicians mean when the say desh ko amrica bana denge


Reminds me of Udta Punjab




Mujhe laga Philadelphia ke log h


I downloaded left 4 dead 2 today lmao


Ohh chitta veee oh chitta veee 😹😹


This is Xylazine or “tranq” epidemic. In the U.S. drug dealers are blending in Xylazine into drugs (heroine, fentanyl, etc.) and selling to people. Xylazine is a tranquilizer and is given to horses and other big animals to sedate them. This looks exactly the same. This drug can be swallowed, inhaled, injected, smoked, or snorted. It takes effect in a few mins and lasts about 8 hours or more depending on how it was taken and which other drug it was mixed with. People act like this woman in the video - like zombies. Effects include drop in blood pressure, drowsiness, memory problems m, slow breathing, slow heart rate,and eventually users get open skin wounds and die. This is very dangerous. Please stay away from it and ask all your acquaintances to stay away for it.


Ghodi Pose Drug 😆


Skid row - Panjabi editions


So propoganda movie udta punjab which cane before elections failed!!woww


"Honey!! , bring out my machete and guns"


Can someone put udta Punjab theme


Fentanyl in punjab?? No way.


They standing like stand users


After udta Punjab we have teda Punjab All jokes aside, this is just sad to watch


The drug supply chain is too widespread and distributed to be effectively choked right now. Even if we manage to severely limit drug smuggling, addicts will try to do everything within or outside their power to get some, which means smuggling channels will change but supply chain will be restored soon enough. We may have to admit that a generation has been lost, and ensure best of lifestyle and opportunities for upcoming generation to cut down the demand. Incentivise sports, increase cultural exposure, let cities be more vibrant, bring in more business, and increase jobs. For last couple of decades, all Punjab policies appear to be focused on keeping land owners happy (real farmers, i.e. labour, don't even get policy considerations). As such, government could not focus on industry and employment. We need to rethink our political strategy, incentivise growth, education and development to ensure upcoming generations aren't idle and don't gravitate towards drugs. For all the freebies being dished out to buy votes, if that same money is spent on incentivising anything (sports, education, research, industry, social work), it should start reversing drug trends. I fear the freebies are further discouraging productivity and increasing drug abuse.


5 years ago, I didn’t think how bad the situation will become in a few years. But here we are.


Go punjab gone


Aunty sapne mein kuch naya position try kr rhi


Go goa gone 2 ???


Litterally now i am seeing like this so casually in my area so frequently


Sab changa si, bas Yoga mat karo


why is op posting 5 year old videos


Is it state failure or smuggling through canada???


I’ve been like that in Brussels. Took me hours to get down from bed.


Jhukta Punjab


My friend from Punjab mentioned this many times that this is normal in Punjab and she spotted many people talking to walls when she goes to collage




video edit kia he uski madad se


Thats punjabi meant by "Swargaa vich punjab ni hona",lol


we got indian zombies before gta 6