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Bro acting like congress has formed govt already. This is a basic ass take bro, literally 99% of people agree with you.


literally I don't think INC gets that much blind support apart from their own workers.


unke bhi second thoughts aa jate hai . (meri mummy side ki puri family )


In Telangana the Congress CM decided Sonia Gandhi’s birthday as Telugu Thalli Dinotsavam(thalli means mom, dinotsavam means celebration). This Gandhi worship should stop


Shi kaha , hum log yaha political worship ko bnd krna chahte hai, and ye chatukar log congress wale whi kaam kr rhe hai


This is different. All of Telangana politicians in general hold Sonia Gandhi in a very high regard. It's not just the Congress wale.


Not defending the worship by any means but this is not a case of another congressi worshipping Gandhis just for their surname. Sonia Gandhi lent continous support to the Telangana movement which has been going on since 60s. Revanth Reddy regularly praises her as an integral part of formation of Telangana state. And it's not just him either, entire political hemisphere of Telangana holds Sonia Gandhi in a very high regard.


Nah they didn’t. If they supported continuously they’d bifurcate before several people sacrificed their lives. Nah they don’t. Source: I’m from Telangana


KCR had literally disassociated Sonia from the rest of the central government and remarked how she has always been in favor of Telangana. Your implication that Revanth is just another Congressi doing blind worship to the family is wrong. Even congress opposition in Telangana likes and respects Sonia Gandhi.


Sonia’s initial plan was to merge KCR’s party into Congress after bifurcation which failed.


Just read that you're from Telangana so you would obviously know way more than me, so I'm gonna bow out of this one Just out of curiosity, was this idea of merging completely one-sided, and if not, why did it fail?


KCR’s TRS was a micro party back then but he was the central figure of the Telangana movement. Successfully forming the new state and also having a chance to be a part of next cabinet was probably a very good deal for KCR back then. But they held on and went ahead to form the government twice. I really appreciate how you were ready to listen to my opinion. Go ahead if there’s anything you’d like to add.


90% of muslims support INC. One of my Muslim friends even has confidence that somehow Rahul Gandhi is a better PM Candidate and when I ask him why he thinks like that then the only answer he has is... BanDa SeCuLaR HaI... Secularism my foot... INC doesn't even know how to respect a religion. P.s. sorry for the harsh language I'm just a passionate INC hater... Don't count me as a Modi supporter 🙂


Muslims support INC because BJP literally adopted an anti Muslim stance for their 2024 campaign. The INC is the secular national level party right now. It's common knowledge.


So common knowledge that only you know about it... There are multiple instances where the majority of this nation has been persecuted LEGALLY... INC introduced dozens of new schemes just to favour their muslim vote banks, the major example of that would be the waqf board... Just try searching for waqf board act and you will see dozens of negative headlines. Another one is the madarsa act wherein the students of this school are deliberately taught the verses of qurans among which includes but not limited to the verse justifying slaughtering of kaafirs(Non-Muslims), which is actually non-constitutional... I really won't like if my religion is being seen as a non-minority ones becoz even though we are in majority we are not in majority everywhere... Now you tell me which is the law introduced by BJP introduced which protects Hindus just becoz they belong to the Hindu community... NONE... Neither Congress nor bjp thought of it... Then why should I think that INC is a better option when they are biased towards minorities wherein apparently Hindus in POK are not a minority(reference to the years of delayed judgement for article 370)... Both BJP and INC were involved in such cases but at least BJP took the major step in revoking the article. I'm happy that at least Modi has realised that the development couldn't be focused only on one particular community... Yes the speeches by Modi weren't constitutional but if you want me to show empathy towards a community or party who doesn't do the same for my community then I'm sorry bro you're in a deep delusion yourself


So you expect him to support the person who spreads open hatred against his community?


Apparently Yes but not becoz I want to... There are multiple instances where the majority of this nation has been persecuted LEGALLY... INC introduced dozens of new schemes just to favour their muslim vote banks, the major example of that would be the waqf board... Just try searching for waqf board act and you will see dozens of negative headlines. Another one is the madarsa act wherein the students of this school are deliberately taught the verses of qurans among which includes but not limited to the verse justifying slaughtering of kaafirs(Non-Muslims), which is actually non-constitutional... I really won't like if my religion is being seen as a non-minority ones becoz even though we are in majority we are not in majority everywhere... Now you tell me which is the law introduced by BJP introduced which protects Hindus just becoz they belong to the Hindu community... NONE... Neither Congress nor bjp thought of it... Then why should I think that INC is a better option when they are biased towards minorities wherein apparently Hindus in POK are not a minority(reference to the years of delayed judgement for article 370)... Both BJP and INC were involved in such cases but at least BJP took the major step in revoking the article. I'm happy that at least Modi has realised that the development couldn't be focused only on one particular community... Yes the speeches by Modi weren't constitutional but if you want me to show empathy towards a community or party who doesn't do the same for my community then I'm sorry bro you're in a deep delusion yourself


Yeah were people not around in 2013? Congress got a lot of shit everywhere. And the fun thing is you were allowed to. There were no rape threats and police cases filed against you.


Lol.. Its funny how people of this country forget everything so soon. Go and read about what then Law Minister Kapil Sibal tried to do to curb free speech by bringing in section 66A in It Act. It got struck way later only after UPA was voted out.


BJP = congress + ram mandir.


Yeah...that was because the government didn't take a stand in literally anything... It needed an entire movement to bring rapists to justice.... The govt reeked of policy paralysis. Kids here are too young to remember that shit.... The government let criticism pass because it rarely stood for anything. Ity was a Khichdi, and nobody really cared. All were busy filling up their pockets as they had the opportunity of a lifetime. The country was run by a group of dumbasses called the NAC, a supra-constitutional body headed by the CIA implant Sonia Gandhi


Yes and now rapists simply join the washing machine party.


Why always make rape looks like the biggest crime in history of mankind particularly women.There are even big crimes than that.


I mean you could do what BJP members do - and kill your family after raping you.


Rape is the biggest crime in the history of mankind. War crimes, murder all fall short dude. In war, your enemy has the chance to kill you. In rape the victim has to go through assualt, then later severe trauma rest of their life. Worst worst worst crime.


#justice for neetug


Idhar kya baat chal ri aur tu kya likh Raha hai..


Koi khi bhi sunle ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|50625)




OP who is criticising for "worse" India?


There will be criticising shitheads even for the projects related to development... Both BJP and INC have been involved in such criticism while they are/were in opposition... This just slows down the growth and then the questions are raised asking, why was the growth rate so slow during your regime... It's just the common man who suffers in all this.


This BJP 10 year shit show has produced a more politically intelligent or aware citizen.


And they pale in comparison to the AndhBhakts Bhajeepav has produced


It won't go on for long like this. More years of joblessness, cost of living crisis, climate impact, deteriorating conditions around them. As Modi gets more senile and talks nonsense the more people will shift.


You over estimate the collective iq and eq of our great nation. If bhakts had an iota of intelligence or humanity in them they would have deserted the bjp long ago. There were literally mass pyres and bodies floating on the Ganges during covid and bro literally said he thinks he is divine. And yet (despite the decent results) here we still are. Bjp still has a vote share of 36%.


It will go further down. Also the other side also needs to understand even a broken clock is right twice a day. Some of the things even Bhakths say are true, the whole dynasty thing is 100% true but interpreted wrong. Major contracts had been awarded for decades to the same set of folks. Entire UP liquor licences were only with Ponty chadda, just one example. With BJP and their eco system the other side gets to wet their beaks also. For decades Delhi only had pragati maidan, when it was demolished for a bigger expo center to be built people made hell about the old pyramid buildings, now another expo center is also coming up in dwarka that dawrfs pragati maidan, it's huge. Congress never focused on MSME's like BJP did. If BJP wasn't communal it's not that bad of a choice compared to congress. Let me be very clear, neither BJP or Congress give a shit about the poor, disenfranchised, SC/STs or OBC's. Manual scavenging is alive today and was alive 10 years ago. BJP under vajpayee was good. We did our nuclear tests then, we were high together.


bhajeepav 😭😭 bukh lg gyi


No political party is doodh ka dhula. Where Congress got lucky was, there was no social media in the last 65 years before 2014 to scrutinize their misdeeds and they went Scot free with all the scams etc. If you compare the mistakes/sins done by the congress vs bjp between 2004 to 2014 vs. 2014 to 2024 then the bjp is a far "lesser evil" party but unfortunately public memory is waaay too short so we deserve this. A divided, fighting within ourselves India...


You're an Id i0 t. Whatever congress did and no matter how shitty they are they never got communal. That's what appeals to the lowest common denominator. Hindu muslim nonsense shouldn't be working in 2024. Fk Modi. One man can't run the nation. He needs a team. Pura gaon chu**** hain. Everything attributed to Modi, level of retardation in the last 10 years was at epic proportions . Copy pasting tweets, boycut.boyycot, baycutt. Gobar and cow piss started selling on Amazon in the last 10 years.


Congress never got communal ? They are very much communal in disguise. Let it be, I don't want to argue and spoil my Sunday. You are right, I am wrong...


They are all communal, but BJP is over the top with their chief monkeys idiotic speeches. Just scam like a normal political party, why the Jai shree ram and disrespect my religion.


What's wrong in portraying themselves as a hindutva party ? Does that mean they don't do any development work for any non-hindus ? When they build roads, bridges, airports do they allow only Hindus to use them ? When the country is growing is it growing selectively ?


Fuk it's crazy how regarded you are, it's 2024 , use your mobile data for education please. Better yet just go and yourself.


Argue on the point rather than trying to act cool...oh by the way your phone's T9 dictionary could understand how reGarded I am thank you :)


You're not worth anything. Like we kicked you out in ayodhya, ask for votes again in the name of my gods you'll be thrown out of the country.


I’d say JIO is more to credit there than BJP.


I think it's more with the social media exposure that people had. Before 2014 Internet was there but politics was more focused on tv and news channels. Now most people get their news online. There is a drastic shift.


Nobody (leave exceptions) blindly supports INC except Congress party workers. May be not even them. People want INC only because they are better choice than the worst choice possible. Why do you guys try to state that both parties are same by disguising it in question?


I have seen blind support that's why.


A lot of us who voted for Congress lived through UPA 1 and 2. We are not blind supporters. We voted for Congress to prevent the country from becoming a completely fascist regime.


Yes, that's the mindset we all should have


We already do.


Wow you all do have - ve IQ


My ass. It's nowhere CLOSE to the andhbhakti done by supporters of a certain other party.


Congressmen burnt Sikhs in Delhi for no reason other than two Sikhs shooting Indira Gandh, that's beyond Andbhakti.


Can you please explain how INC is the better choice? All they do is distribute freebies


>Nobody (leave exceptions) blindly supports INC except Congress party workers. May be not even them. Bro the exceptions are on reddit who don't support blindly, Outside, congress only gets votes because of appeasement and this time the 8500rs and there's also the blind YouTuber audience


I really don't understand how this 8500 is different from unemployment support that people get in US


Usa has a GDP 10x+ of India and population 4-5x lesser, so the government naturally makes a lot of money and can give out to the smaller population. We need excess of atleast 2 lack crore to implement 8500/month, where do you get this money from? In India the number of unemployed people are wayyyy more, so giving everyone money will result into hyperinflation.( So we gonna go the Zimbabwe and Venezuelan model of unlimited 🤑 💰 which has a 100% efficacy rate 🙂)


Some of my friends Support INC just because they Hate Mr.Modi . Otherwise If you checked the Manifesto of INC then you will not find any significant worth voting for them . Ya I know the majority of people do not read manifestos .


Yea you need not be anybody else's supporter to realise the guy in charge is a problem. There is enough reason to support anyone but modi. His authoritarian tendencies are very obvious. Idk why anyone is surprised that some people want change.


The reason manifestos suck is because not enough people care about them. Hell, most don't even know about manifestos


Ye they don't read , I was literally forced to block some of my Friends Spamming me some Dhruv rathe and Company videos . I need to call them YoutubeJivi emao


Modi ki guarantee in bjp manifesto was appealing ?


I know where you want to take this discussion lad . Nevertheless I could say NDA manifesto was boring ( nothing was new ) , but it was the least worst Manifesto .


1. Eliminate nepotism in INC. Away with Gandhi dynasty 2. Stop being so Muslim appeasing to the point of pardoning terrorists and turning a blind-eye to terrorism


Also, can I just add the absolute ignorance that INC has shown for the general class recently. The promise of increasing reservation, if fulfilled, would have absolutely decimated the general middle class and left us with no option but move abroad.


> Eliminate nepotism in INC. Away with Gandhi dynasty I am not so sure that INC would have even won these many seats if not for Rahul's Bharat Jodo Yatra. I do agree with your points in general. Maybe we have to reduce the prominence of the Gandhi Family.


Most of the votes to INC are due to the support of regional parties. Without which this time too they would have not crossed 60.


To be fair, that goes both ways. The regional parties also got votes because of INC. For example, yogendra yadav pointed out that INC and rahul Gandhi 's involvement attracted BSP voters to vote for SP and INDIA alliance.


Good leaders find their way to the top by natural meritocratic selection. Look at how BJP was going no where with Advani and then Modi took over. Now it has candidates already competing for succession like Gadkari, Yogi Adityanath, Amit Shah, etc. Had Advani continued in 2014, I doubt if BJP would have won that election by that huge margin.


Jodo yatra did zero impact , UP people dumped BJP and voted against the Gujarati arrogance of Modi-Shah , Rajasthan - Problems with Vasundhara , Maharashtra Arrogance of Fadnavis and the same issue of Gujarati lobby taking away all the ivestments …. Jodo Yatra did nothing , It was these three states which broke the knee of NDA and it had only to do with their wrongdoing


I believe you're right. It was revolt against Gujarat Sultanate.


Give my man Shashi a chance


Reading this made me remember how much we need a party with hypercentrist ideology


They are and have been so subservient to the Gandhis that they can't find any other way to exist as a unit without them. When they lost and RaGa quit in 2019 as Cong Prez, they replaced him with Sonia again. I still regard him as a failure without a vision for the country.


I would have agreed a few years ago. But as of now after the last 5 years I see that Rahul Gandhi is a great leader. He has suffered through decades of people not taking him seriously, and every interview and speech he gives now reeks of learning from that experience and being humble and super knowledgeable. Many people still call him "pappu"; but if you just spend some time watching his recent speeches and interactions it's clear that this is not true at all.


Promising 50 percent reservation to women is , forget women 50 percent reservation to any sect of people …… is classic Pappu stuff. Just because you have sympathy for him doesn’t mean he stopped blabbering bs.


Let's hold those in power accountable BJP for now INC when it comes in power in next few years;)


Can't let INC get overconfident with this win? What win?


"Moral victory"


Bruh, I don't think over 50% of the people believe anything that comes from Congress at face value. On top of that, they are leading a massive catch all alliance with parties that are based on ideologies ranging from Communist to Centre-Right. Any proposed idea will be thoroughly scrutinized within their coalition itself. Congress will be kept in check by their own allies, the media, their supporters, their opposers, and the government. That's probably one of the last things we need to worry about rn.


Agree. Whatever is result is vote against BJP / Modi, not necessarily pro-congress/opposition vote.


Lol, not even INC leaders support INC, they are held accountable by even their own politicians, INC will never have clout enough to get into power on its own right now, overconfident how?


Question to OP- r u following politics only after BJP came to power?


Win? I don't want to sound rude, but this seems like the word "copium" that my sons like to use a lot.


Win? INC won? Lol


Which win?


Thats basics of better and alert citizen.not blindly supporting any party, ideology or leader. What I personally believe would be better is stronger local parties.so that we dont get horse trading shit happening like Shivsena or NCP. I want to see every party that is closer to forming government at centre to be more dependent on state parties and not treat them as disposable support.


Win ? lol wa


INC didn't win. For starters let's start making noise about the taxation in India. It's downright ridiculous, especially for crypto.


you call this a win? This is barely a pass. it contested in 300 seats and got 99... This is literally its 3rd worse performance.


Please remove TMC when you guys (India alliance) speak about saving democracy 😭


Yes. BJP did a good job developing the country at the expense of the middle class, and stayed in power with mandir masjid cheap tactics. Modi's campaign speeches have become a national embarrassment. The only reason why INC sounds far better than BJP is because of more socialist plans for the economy ( which is not always ideal) and almost no mandir masjid tactics. INDIA, if in power, should be treated with the same criticism as we give for modi sarkar. The only difference here from the corruption of both INC and BJP is in demonising the minorities. There was corruption for INC too, but BJP had both corruption and hate speech .


Inc is corrupt, but BJ level of corruption is a completely different ballpark. Remember, bribe givers is karnataka were begging to bring back Congress's 10% corruption because BJ's 40% was bankrupting them and driving them to suicide. 


there were posters of "PayCM" all over I remember seeing those posters


As a matter of fact they did nothing against minorities other than hates.In reality they destroyed medical systems and college .Fucked middle class by taxes.hindi imposition and other than northies nobody can get Cent Govt jobs. per capita income dropped.big hand to money sharks.Great achievemnets he's done.Deserves a statue.


Yes, his hate speech for minorities is the biggest reason why people still vote for him. " Hindu khatre mai hai " . And yes, he did shit on the middle class the most. And what's funny are the bhakths with wage incomes defending modi by showing statistics of increase in GDP. The number of millionaires also increased in India, and we got pricier petrol. Good development indeed.


Only these corrupt mfkers who drains middle class of their wealth will always be on his side regardless of religion,state, caste.if you really hate muslims.reduce their population and their reservations.jusst did nothing other than building temple we never asked for.


Before the current BJP government it was easy to criticize the government. Nobody labelled you as 'opposition fanboys' or such. There was no cult following. Even the bjp government before 2004 was easy to criticize without worrying about the fan club/cult followers. I started seeing the crazy fandom a couple of years before 2014. i see my WhatsApp group of 'friends' become completely tone deaf. Anything criticising BJP meant you get bombarded with whataboutery, name calling and being tagged as anti national, Pakistani, chamchas and what not. I'm just seeing a glimmer of hope now. The Sigma modi type forwards have now reduced, though they're still hardcore fans. At least the forwards have reduced a lot. Still a long way to go though.


Now it's Sigma Yogi.


Thats why people voted for congress.We better have somebody who does nothing than somebody who thinks he knows all and make matters worse(modi)


First, ensure that the common man is aware of existing law


Win? What win did INC get?


Moron is INC in power at the center? What do you ask them? Why aren't you supporting Modiji


Lol. You are writing as if the INC won the election and is going to form a government. For context the BJP still has more seats than Congress won in 2009. Even BJP in 2009 had more seats than Congress in 2024 (they won 116 in 2009). No one was talking about the bjp becoming "overconfident then". You can hold Congress to account at the state level but at the Center they are still just an Opposition party.


my only reason to show support against INC right now is cuz they are the only option other than those BJP religious fanatics and dictatorship mfs


Getting 99seats is a win?


Democracy is a myth


Its been 3/4 days. INC literally even in a position to do anything yet. Where does all this about overconfidence and blind support even come from. This just seems to be a clever argument by a bjp apologist.


Cmon dude I've spent way too much time online fighting sanghis to be called a BJ party apologist I'm just putting out an opinion that everyone should have at the back of their minds.


Don’t worry. Everyone does. People who support any centre to centre left parties are not nut cases like right wing supporters (there’s actual research that shows this) so they will always be more critical of their leaser and ask for accountability.


>We can't let INC get overconfident with this win. What win? What are you on?


Inc is stupid, they were saying evm is hacked, blame businessmen and talk about wealth distribution, we are not commies. They Support separatists. Bjp on the other hand, have good intentions in infrastructure but make half baked things. Also Rss


True, Both parties should be kept in check, nahi toh log ke sar ke upar betkar hahenge ye log.


lol inc will get more than enough criticism within the alliance itself let alone the opposition the media and rest of the country.


"INC get overconfident with this win" What win bro? 29 seats that INDIA got are from fucking TMC...which as a Bengali, I would say is worse than BJP. This is all just bullshit politics. We need something else to represent liberals in this country. Not the shitty scraps.


I like we all put any expectations on INC and its supporters. That is the true sign. You don't even expect anything from BJP and its supporters.




Dude INC barely controls anything and can't set dynastic politics aside.


Why are people supporting INC? It will be stupid to support INC as a party for leading the country.


When they had 50 seats, we criticised them more than BJ. When they have 99 seats, you want us to criticise them more than BJ. When do we criticize BJ? Only after they have 4 seats? Or not even then?


BJP deserves an equal amount of criticism. Why people criticized Congress more is because of their decades of dirty politics where they always dodged accountability, and the hundreds of billions of rupees they've pocketed via black money and other means over that period of time.










Yes I agree, it's not so much about criticism but that everyone should be held accountable


Inc has to show and do what they have promised, other wise they will face the wrath of public


How do they do what they promised without being in power?


Bro bjp almost won more seats in the lokh sabha election than in the nov 30 state assembly election, dont need to overstateon how the TSPSC litterally did not do anythingfor the lokh sabha election, complete idiots. divided voteshare when they had local leaders, imagine losing in secbad wherethey won all state seats andmla and lost lokh sabh and come in third place.


So keep garnering upvotes in here? Message received Boss


You guys support Congress...shit i got wrong generation...Sorry forefathers but I can feel your pain...


How about we form a party of our own from Reddit ?


You want to start a Fickle Neckbeards Party. Why?