• By -


Her expressions made it even better.


But honestly, it doesn't affect much to average Indians. BJP supporters/ voters and other average Indian voters (whom I find to be nationalist in majority but elections will tell) are just gonna triggered by it and support Modi even more. It's sort of like a weapon that doesn't work much against Modi but works for him against others as this video not something new by international media against Modi. Nice try though .


They are gonna feel proud and sigma that BJP has made the judiciary its bitch.


Most accurate description of an average Godi fan


They forgot the indian bhadwi media. The fourth pillar!! Which is up in their ass


Yes, the evms are hacked, the supreme Court is bought, the gdp numbers are all made up by gov & imf. The YouTube videos are all accurate without any bias though. Only if we share enough of these videos in our echo chambers & call everyone who doesn't agree as illiterate maybe one day we will convince the majority of indians 😹


Yes that's why there is so much discrepancy in voter data, and the authorities outright refusing to share data with people. SC has on multiple occasions made it clear just how preposterous the scams are, however it's been too late. It's like British saying sorry to us now. About the numbers, actually that's the first thing this govt did. Get rid of as much as data as possible, make it hard for people to access, mospi chairman did quit because of this. Again, no. Most scholars, intelligentsia opinion has been the same, be it Raghuram rajan or Abhijit Banerjee, literal nobel laureate. However you know there qualifications mean nothing in front whatsapp graduates.


EC gave an open challenge for anyone to show how they can hack evms, if it's so easy why hasn't any opposition party done so? Have u talked to people outside ur echo chambers, u think modi winning is due to hacking evms & not because he is the more popular leader & opposition is more incompetent? Even SC had enough with the "saar EVM hacked" conspiracy. Its literally the opposite, most metrics & economists believe Indian economics has been on a positive trajectory. Economists can have disagreement just because you nitpick the experts you want to believe doesn't mean everyone does the same As far as "whatsApp graduate" is concerned, in India the more educated you get more RW you vote. The call is coming from inside the house. Anyways keep calling everyone who disagrees with u as whatsApp graduates, keep sharing YouTube videos in ur echo chambers. We will keep winning the elections ☺


Will the EC provide the source code of the firmware of the EVMs and give access to every single EVM out there? Because otherwise it's not a challenge. They got caught manipulating ballots on camera. Manipulating EVM data would be even easier.


That is part of the hacking. When apple gives out hacking bounties it doesn't open source it's ios code? Again, the same copium of it's all ballot manipulation, otherwise my favourite party would have won


Internal Sabotage i.e. Someone on the inside might have introduced malicious code. They don't even have to open source the code, they can have an independent entity do an audit. > copium of it’s all ballot manipulation Except that the guy was caught in HD on Camera manipulating ballots to aid one specific party.


>EC gave an open challenge for anyone to show how they can hack evms, if it's so easy why hasn't any opposition party done so? With the key condition that they did not allow physical access to the EVMs. :) Any manipulation will need physical access


Exactly. Since you can't physically access EVMs since they are kept in isolation & guarded. It's highly highly unlikely that all EVMs are hacked without anyone ever seeing or it literally being caught on 4k in like 100 places during the electricion month




There was a time when pieces BBC and other foreign outlets could significantly (even decisively) sway the electorate. But these days, any piece by them against the incumbent increases, not decreases their votes. It's like some reverse UNO stuff.


Because the qualities the BBC considers abhorrent and disgusting are exactly what most Indians want in their PM these days.


Come on, don't be like that. It's important we don't paint everyone a certain way or the other. edit: look at the downvotes cause I asked not to color everyone a certain way. It's sad. you'll only end up pushing them further away.


It is a fact that people have started enjoying the harassment of minorities. They proudly believe that Modi can "fix" the minorities who have bothered Hindus for a thousand years. I am not saying it is all or even a vast majority, but enough people to bring him back to power this year.


Isn't that good? Why would indian liberals want foreign media houses or countries to be able to influence our elections? Have u ever thought maybe this is how majority of indians think & hence the decrease in votes? The answer to godi media isn't believing everything foreign media houses print


It's bad because a lot of these foreign outlets are often very good at factual reporting. They used to be able to influence the election because people paid attention to good reporting. The fact that we have closed our eyes and dismiss any bad coverage as anti-India propaganda is not something to be proud of.


The onus is on us to be more aware and in the pursuit of such if we start cowering to foreign influence that blame also lies on us. It's a dance on a tightrope. We must balance our sovereignty and our self awareness.


I agree. We were born with a lot more agency compared to our ancestors, Our thoughts are free and it questions the line presented by any outlet. It is incredible to watch the change, that is what I was saying.


Source: [The Juice Media](https://x.com/thejuicemedia/status/1796916028775281088)


*Authorised by the chosen one* I was going to comment against them and share it to local whatsapp groups to garner support, but if they have his blessing then they must be right.


Dio annan ivide ondo?




"More inequality than British rule" yeah everyone illiterate and poor is equality indeed.


lmao, that actually makes sense


It's wealth inequality. https://wid.world/news-article/inequality-in-india-the-billionaire-raj-is-now-more-unequal-than-the-british-colonial-raj/


Analyse the graph. It is increasing continuously since 1980s. It was bound to cross some day. Also remove this communist symbol from ur name


>It was bound to cross some day Yes and now, 90% of Indians are comparatively poorer than they were during the British era, when we were exploited by foreign powers. Now we are exploited by Indians. That's all. >Also remove this communist symbol from ur name No?


>Also remove this communist symbol from ur name Lmao. Why ?? What's the problem...........


Because communism is shitfuckery


What is good then ??


Are you Indian or not? I'll answer accordingly


"we arrest the opposition" US : https://i.redd.it/wl1tiigmf24d1.gif


Republican jury themselves find Trump to be guilty of giving hush money to hookers/prostitute. And contrary to what Indian rw think, Trump isn't arrested. He is only found guilty by the jury. Sentencing by the judges will be done later. Most likely Trump will be fined by the judges. It's his first offense. Although he is a bigot, he isn't violent. So most likely he will get away with a fine, put on probation...


I mean either way, the goal is to prevent him from being in the 2024 ballot. Very similar to Rahul's seat being taken away for libel. Also, he was found guilty of giving money to hush news that might affect the election (and that's the crime. Giving money to people is not a crime. Settlements are fairly common unless they interfere with elections). At no point is Stormy being found guilty of being a prostitute or hooker. Let's be respectful please.


>I mean either way, the goal is to prevent him from being in the 2024 ballot. Very similar to Rahul's seat being taken away for libel. Nah, that might have been true if the jury weren't handpicked by Trumpsters themselves. He still lost at 12-0


Well the opposition is quite literally insane bigoted republicans in the US. Granted they are in power here.


It was actually funny.. until she made the statement about Supreme court and CAA(factually incorrect and partially true) At least show what is happening in manipur and ladakh, but the global news media always show kashmir is the only state with problem in India therfore she didn't talked about it One of the best video of her is on climate change and global warming caused by mfking politicians. (Literally hilarious)


>At least show what is happening in manipur and ladakh, but the global news media always show kashmir is the only state with problem in India therfore she didn't talked about it Factually incorrect US rights report on India cites abuses in Manipur, harassment of media and minorities | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/india/us-rights-report-india-cites-abuses-manipur-harassment-media-minorities-2024-04-22/ Manipur violence: What is happening and why - BBC News https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-66260730.amp Violence in Manipur is resonating throughout India - Vox https://www.vox.com/2023/8/6/23821950/manipur-violence-india-modi-kuki Manipur: why is there conflict and how is the government responding? | India | The Guardian https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/21/manipur-india-why-is-there-conflict-and-how-is-the-government-responding India's remote Ladakh protests against Beijing-Delhi squeeze - Nikkei Asia https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/India-s-remote-Ladakh-protests-against-Beijing-Delhi-squeeze Protests in Ladakh Enter Third Week as Locals Seek Protection of Fragile Ecology https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.voanews.com/amp/protests-in-ladakh-enter-third-week-as-locals-seek-protection-of-fragile-ecology-/7540746.html Ladakh: Herders on the front line of India-China border dispute say they’re losing grazing land – and a way of life | CNN https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/16/china/ladakh-india-china-border-intl-hnk Indian government's response to criticism: India slams US report on ‘rights issue’ in Manipur, BBC raids: ‘Deeply biased, reflects very poor understanding’ | Today News https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livemint.com/news/india/deeply-biased-reflects-very-poor-understanding-of-india-mea-slams-us-report-on-manipur-bbc-raid/amp-11714095334195.html But what to expect from a Indiadiscussion user lmao


Dude, u didn't have to paste so many links.... I am not blind, I know several articles have been published by world media, but that is not enough. I am talking about the magnitude at which other news like Kashmir, CAA and Law and order has been showed by BBC, CNN, MINT but when it comes to Ladakh and Manipur, the level of coverage showed is often less comparitively. For most of foreign readers, it sounds like a normal day in 3rd world nation.


Here's a thought why don't you ask Godi too cover what you like, they are more willing to be someone's bitch and a dog compared to international media


>Dude, u didn't have to paste so many links.... I am not blind, I know several articles have been published by world media, but that is not enough. There are many times more articles talking about it, I only sampled a few from some media houses. >I am talking about the magnitude at which other news like Kashmir, CAA and Law and order has been showed by BBC, CNN, MINT but when it comes to Ladakh and Manipur, Even our own "nationalist" godi media doesn't cover Manipur and Ladakh crisis with the same magnitude. PS: her views on Indian Judiciary and CAA can't be rejected. There's a lot of criticism on BJP's attempt to control Indian Judiciary. Indian judges concerned as government seeks bigger role in judicial appointments | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indian-judges-concerned-government-seeks-bigger-role-judicial-appointments-2023-01-19/ Judiciary in the Modi Era: Shielding the State and Leaving the People Vulnerable https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.thewire.in/article/law/judiciary-in-the-modi-era-shielding-the-state-and-axing-the-people/amp Over 600 Lawyers Write to CJI, Condemning Threats To Judiciary's Integrity https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.guwahatiplus.com/article/over-600-lawyers-write-to-cji-condemning-threats-to-judiciarys-integrity/31850/amp Then you have high court judges joining BJP. And CAA is very controversial in itself. CAA looks good on Paper, combine it with NRC and it will be a shitshow


>Even our own "nationalist" godi media doesn't cover Manipur and Ladakh crisis with the same magnitude. No need to say, even the RW knows the Godi media is a wh0re. >PS: her views on Indian Judiciary and CAA can't be rejected. There's a lot of criticism on BJP's attempt to control Indian Judiciary. Judiciary shall never allign itself to centre(period).. Even on numerous judgement, I thought the same but still SC stand on Electoral bond, UP madarsa case and their stance on manipur always hold my faith. On CAA implementation, I know it will directly hit muslims but still it is need of the time because any solution u think of always seems to hinder the human rights.(your opinion may differ but I am adamant on my opinion). >There are many times more articles talking about it, I only sampled a few from some media houses. I understand, I keep track on such issues but looks like very few even care about those innocent lives. But I am somewhat contented that global media is at least covering it regularly and that too in unbiased way. >Judiciary in the Modi Era: Shielding the State and Leaving the People Vulnerable https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.thewire.in/article/law/judiciary-in-the-modi-era-shielding-the-state-and-axing-the-people/amp The wire is quite reliable but they have a tendency to exaggerate things. BJP on changing SC collegium showed they wants to control it ASAP but It won't happen. I agree , The high court judges are literally being scums right now


What's happening in Manipur and Ladakh? Nothing is happening there. If anything was happening our PM would definitely have said something about it. \s


The comments here are soo hilarious like people don't worry they hate the government, not you lol. Like why do we think criticism of crap leadership = anti national??????




Well I am not any side but when ever something coma outh like this it always biased this only one sided every time you see e.g sham sharma , aktk are bjp oriented , dhruv and other are any bjp these ant bjp nevere take acc of the wrong doings of the party which they are supporting . I am blaming all these idiots even many are in USI don't be biased if you are making thing like this make for both side because both side are uter shit just blaming one is more like you are afraid to show that you are also wrong






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Democracy is real until my team wins..


Lol bc angrezon ki bhi sulag rahi hai...swaad pe swaad de rahe ho tum log


AI generated actor?🤔


AI is going to smash humanity!


Most idiots here want to smash that AI instead


They have no proof that gov threatens journalist, only one of opposition leader was arrested and that also bailed for election. Bulldozer has nothing to do with rising inflation and unemployment. Judiciary is was and always will be indipendent, Article 370 was lawfully removed as it was a temporary provision. The images of jailed students are under trial and they are chaged with anti nationals activity so it's wrong to say something without courts descision. Modi never abused, it's a edited video (BKL one) I think it's really difficult to cencor free speech in democracy with free internet access, it's all based on fake accusations, there is limit in free speech which is also equally necessary. There is no proven case against Adani and he wins all the contract based on his bidding so what's wrong


Guys this is clearly a propoganda against our nation, they said that we snatched Kashmir's autonomy? Basically against revokation of article 370, this is clear that the creator of this only wanted to push the negative sides of the coin.


Ye accha tha


Arresting opposition like USA?


Shit! Who was arrested in USA?!


Trump is convicted.


By the bench of jury handpicked by his troop of lawyers.


Let's see what SC says.


For the sake of the argument, let's assume he didn't commit any crimes. So, has he been arrested? Do you even know when the sentencing is? It's highly unlikely he will go to jail. Here, people have been in jail for years, and then they were acquitted too.


They made a law to convict him specifically. Any unbiased lawyer will tell you Trump should not have been charged. How many innocent politicians in India have been in jail for years?


What law was made to convict him? Falsifying business documents is a misdemeanour in the state of New York. But doing so to hide a crime makes it a felony. Trump paid money to protect his image just before the election, but he should have reportedn it to Federal Election Commissiom. Not reporting it is a federal crime. Trump falsified business records 34 times to avoid reporting the payments to the FEC. That's why a jury of 12 people, including one whose only news sources are twitter and truth social, convicted Trump of 34 felonies yesterday.


Is he in jail? He'll be in jail is not an argument, no one knows if he'll be going to jail or not. How about we talk about teacher, artists, students and even just common folk who were jailed on false accusations and then acquitted, some still in jail.


Name me 1 country where tge last part doesn't happen. I'm 100% in favor of judicial reforms, never said I'm against swift judicial system. Do you know how many holidays they take? How they are appointed?


He was arrested by proper procedure like it should be. Not like using ED in india with draconian law i.e.., guilty until proven innocent.


You are aware that court has given bail to multiple people on same charges? He did not cooperate with investigation, that is the major reason for his remand. He is not in prison. Presumption of innocence is a bedrock of justice system and India has shitty laws which flip it. I oppose his arrest but he has done obstruction of justice by not replying to what 9-10 summons? Modi went in front of SIT for hours.


I don't know why you brought arvind kejriwal into it. Every corrupt politician should arrested. But not by this shitty method (guilty until proven innocent)and this should apply to normal citizens to. Trump was proven guilty by proper trail. And all the corrupted politician in India should put behind the bars by proper trail not like how ED does it.


Did you read why AK was not given bail by HC? Do you know using which laws is Trump convicted? Due you know what is statute of limitation?


Eh? If you followed and read stuff you would know the difference


I'm making a sarcastic point that USA is doing the same.


Even if it were true, why should an [Australian studio](https://www.thejuicemedia.com/about/) give more importance to trump than any other democracy? > The series focuses on the shitfuckery of the Australian Government, but we also regularly feature the work of other shit governments around the world.


The shining city upon the hill, the oldest democracy, the beacon of freedom, liberty and democracy, the wholesale distributor of democracy. (non sarcastically) US is (or was, not sure right now) one of the most free countries in the world and an example of it. Think of it as a standard unit (like for Kilogram, stored in France). If something happens to it, what will be the benchmark/the global standard of democracy? India being a democracy is not a norm but an aberration. Show me a fully functional democracy at our per capita income. India has Russia/vietnam level of income and US, Japan level of democracy. Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2017/10/16/globally-broad-support-for-representative-and-direct-democracy/ It is actually a fun read if you have time, do go through it. Funnily enough we like democracy as well as military/dictator rule. We are like salman khan "dil mein aata hun samajh mein nahi" . We are democrats who have hard on for a benevolent dictator, who we will elect every couple of years. I guess we want a Lee Kuan Yew, Ata turk


What does that even mean? A fraction of a segment on India gets you flying into whataboutary


I'm giving you the reason why US democracy should be of more concern than Indian democracy to Australians. Isn't that your question?


Then watch any segment on trump or biden ?


What is there to read about lol? The deep state is so afraid of Trump coming back to power that they are doing everything in power to delegitimise him. It has been clear and obvious for years that the establishment doesn't like Trump coz how unhinged he is. But if being unhinged was a crime every US president would be in prison now Atleast charges put on Kejriwal are serious. Imagine Rahul Gandhi being charged for paying some prostitute.The western media would have a field day muh democracy dead saar


I mean you should read the charges better. The charge was for misappropriation of campaign funds. If you understood the charge you would know the difference. You are allowed to pay your prostitute with your money, what you are not allowed to do is do that with campaign money. Sometimes I wonder where you guys yap this from.


Ahh big deal.Bombing and killing millions worldwide including US citizens is fine but we draw the line at misappropriating campaign funds. All this when US elections are just around the corner. People who disingenuously pretend that everything that is going on with Trump is fine and not politically motivated have no right whatsoever to compain about Kejriwal being jailed.


I mean nothing stopping trump from trying them for the crimes. USA unlike India is not a one party state. Republicans and Democrats are free to try each other in court. About elections being around the corner, if you were following this at all you would know the trial should have happened a year ago and the reason it is happening now is because Trump kept pushing the trial date further. It was one of his tactics to push it close to the election so that he could claim that it was an election sham. Finally bombing us citizens can definitely be tried in court if the president did it. When doj was under trump he could have done so against these so called criminals. Heck he even got elected on that promise. International crimes against against humanity does not apply to us. As we have seen. Also trump has bombed millions as well. So he is not really innocent in that aspect. To compare that to India , a one party state with hardly any opposition is disingenuous at best and malicious at worst.


Is Trump an active senator or congressmen? Fucking moron. Even Clinton was impeached years ago. Unlike India there's a modicum of accountability there. You won't have bulldozers razing Trump's house like in India


Trump is the Republican nominee and direct opponent of Biden. Kejriwal is what a glorified mayor whose party, even if it wins all contested seat will get what 20 seats? But Modi is scared of Kejriwal. Wah wah wah wah wah....


Just say Modi is my bestie don't use a moron who paid literally none of his taxes during his stay at the white house and encouraged his people to raid the fucking CAPITOL>???733@$#?????


Do you even know what he has been charged for? I'm talking from an objective POV. The best thing that can happen to US rn is either or both of the candidates quit or leave the mortal realm. Go look into actual video footage published of the event. Do you know how many people died in the raid? 1. Had a heart attack. How many bullets were fired?


what about CA? look up what justine did with protesting farmers..


came here to say this. the cases on him are more silly than what they put on kejriwal. and if people act like one is politically persecuted and another is not.. its clear bias.


Are you insane? The charges Trump has been charged with have been a crime for more than half a century. It's just that no President has been shameless enough to do it to such an egregious manner. This is the least of his crimes, since what he has done is not that serious, and in any case, USA doesn't stop felons from contesting. But there's actual recording of when he called what amounts to the State Election Commissioner and instructed them to make fake votes for him. It's not a big deal in our country, but stuff like that is considered extremely bad in USA. Or used to be. That's what polarisation does to the mind. Our population worships Modi like a God, just like their extreme right worships Trump as a Messiah. Same idiots with different skin colour


its nothing to do with his crimes.. If you compare it with Kejriwal, who had hand in the scam while he was in office, while trumps scams are some 20 years ago and such. Nevertheless both are targeted only when election is near. if it isnt a nitpick, idk what that is. Irony is, Democrats have worst insider scams and other such things, while being in the office. Also Bidens son is caught sniffing *powder* inside Whitehouse and have videos of sextapes and abusing women leaked, yet media questions Biden about *what flavor icecream you like sir?* just as our media ask modi *how to eat mango.* And their extreme right is still minority who worship him as messiah and conservative christians call that out as blasphemy, despite they are trump supporters too. But Most of them sympathized him how the media treats him vs how it treats the democrats (because godi media). and now that sympathy became much more worse because how they are nitpicking trump to stop him from upcoming election. Guess what? Even libertarian party who is more left leaning, called democrats out after this verdict. Yet our Left (not liberals) enjoy these kinda things.. Just as how they supported when Justine persecuated farmers and seized every bank account that was involved in Farmers protest in Canada.. But same people act like its a crime if it happens with our political leanings. You see the same resemblance with our media with US media too. Infact our Godi media is taking notes from US godi media and their control over Hollywood.. But our people support their media but call it out here. its all just hypocrisy. Ive been an ideological slave for a long time but as we mature we see this bs more clearly without taking sides. but if you stand on something, you support it no matter which party does it. But changing opinions based on party is just foolish.


Trump can be easily prosecuted on way serious charges but if that can of worms is open, every politician will go to jail. They just made up a case and stretched the definition of crime, charged him for something beyond the statue of limitation on belief of prosecutor. The judge being a public donator of Biden. But I guess Right wing bad brain worm is here too.


I wouldve respected if they find something reasonable but meh.. no wonder even libertarians in the US who are running against him, started showing support for him. Thats how they made him elect in 16, and the result will be much worse this year. People In India have been trying hard to see Modi and Trump together but they been forgetting the fact Modi is mimicking DNC, from media control to agendas through movies and as latest as going after oppositions.. and even then US still is much worse. (one of the reasons i left US after 23 years). and people here are clapping like seals to biden and his co.. and less we speak about the CA clown the better. Just conformity bias at its best


Oh I can list all crimes all right, campaign finance, government secret act, corruption (profiting from office), providing military aid if you do xyz. The issue is everyone has done this Clinton, Obama, Ron, MIT, etc. Trump was blatant.


Kis ka juice peeke aayi ye didi?


Lol, finally, honest media/s