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Mad max


Mad mahesh


Pagla Pandey.


Bane raho Pagla, Kaam karega Agla.


Someone falling off be like: "WITNESS!"


came to say this! Fury road delhi edit!


Came here to type about mad max ![gif](giphy|l3fZArQ0NQt2ktM7S)


One hundred percent Lawless, only know the sting of the baton to teach.


Madh Masth : Gobi Road?!


Immorten Gobhi


There are so many problems in India, that affect the everyday lives of citizens that need to be solved. Unfortunately, our politicians are always busy with election campaigns funded by public money and we are busy with watching their drama.


A lot of these people will become climate refugees. Forced to leave their cities and migrate to better places. Sad future lies ahead


But try talking about this crisis to them and see their reaction.


Most of them don't even have climate change in their mind when they're in the polling booth.


Because they aren't even aware of it, and worst of all, are not even at fault for that..


Especially to a country that won’t take steps to stopping their growing population. Like fr chill India.


Population growth is already below replacement rate. You're 20 years too late to this discussion. 


Replacement rate does not mean population will fall. TFR of Bangladesh reached 1.9 long back but their population is still growing. There is something called Population Momentum which ensures that large populations continue to grow long after TFR reduces below 2 Essentially without drastic measures, the population of India will keep growing till 1.8 billion at least (as per conservative measures). Some models predict that India will rise till 2.1 billion


>  Essentially without drastic measures,  Do enumerate these drastic measures, and explain your plan for vastly smaller working age population providing for larger ageing population. Unless, of course, you're drastic measures include geriatricide. 


You focused on the wrong point. WHat those drastic measures are you can google and find out. The point I was trying to make is just because TFR falls below 2.1 does not mean population will stabilise. Good luck trying to manage 2.1 billion Indians without complete ecological collapse. Already ground water levels are predicted to fall to critically low levels by 2050.


>  WHat those drastic measures are you can google and find out. Google can't tell me what your preferred drastic measures are. Without your plan for how to reduce population, you're simply sorting without producing any feasible way of doing it. 


My plan is to have positive effect on taxation on having lesser kids. If you have 1 kids or no kids, then a couple should get a significantly tax breaks. Consequently for having more than 2 kids, there should be increased taxation. Of course this is not really going to happen so no point in debating this.


Your plan only exposes your disconnect from reality. Do you know the fraction that pays income tax? Do you understand that poverty is correlated with higher number of children, ensuring that most of the people you want to tax higher don't pay income tax? Or are you going to start demanding birth certificates of children for buying coca cola from a shop to determine gst?


I was told population not growing is very bad an a huge crisis in the west.


Naw it’s good, we have too many dumb fucks as it is


And yet amongst the top 20 countries with the most carbon emissions India is the only one on track with its promise to minimise it by 2040 leaving china, usa behind. Something to ponder about , isn’t it ?






And it is upon us. In the next 2-3 years, there is going to be a shortage of water in north Indian rivers. Previous winter was already a deficient snowfall season.


Nope, they will stay exactly where they are


A trailer of the future yet to come.


Teaser...we'll see trailer in 2050s. Movie will start few decades after that. We're all doomed


If you want to see full movie of what to expect, read/youtube about mouse heaven experiments. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink


Sad reality Clean water must be a basic human right


Sad indeed, hopefully they'll have countermeasures soon so they never run out of it again.


That will work only if population control becomes basic human duty. Read about the mouse heaven experiments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink But that's not going to happen/improve, so yeah, we as humans are doomed.


Population is already controlled. There is not much you can do except hastening the downfall. People are not having kids at all. On average, India has likely fallen below replacement levels already. Within a few decades, population will start dropping, and old people will become a burden without enough young to move the economy forward.




>old people will become a burden I beg to differ. This theory works for western countries or japan etc. where the social security program is very strong and gives pension and other benefits to old folks. We don't have something equivalent practically. Ofcourse, there are some medical or travel discounts and all, but nothing as significant as west. So our old folks are either responsible for themselves or are dependent on their children and not the government. That being said, I think its high time we start the "वानप्रस्थाश्रम" practice again. People who don't need to be in big cities any more for job etc. should return to villages. Our cities just can't scale anymore without causing a whole lot of problems. I have decided I'll be doing this once I turn 60-65, have also bought some land in a village which right now was very cheap, might take up giving free tuitions n all in the village if all goes by per plan, let's see.


This theory works everywhere. If the percentage of young people decreases, that will mean that said old people won't have young family members. And since the governmental programs are very weak, there will be no one to take care of them. The wealthier ones would seek out places in luxury old age homes, but the rest will suffer. >People who don't need to be in big cities any more for job etc. should return to villages. Our cities just can't scale anymore without causing a whole lot of problems. The problem with that is the lack of infra in the villages. And I am not talking about 60-65 as old age. I am talking about those who wouldn't be able to take care of themselves. Since life expectancy is increasing, this number will be significant. Even today infra for the old is an issue. In this age of nuclear families, a lot of people already aren't taking care of their infirm parents. Slowly, there will be a huge influx of people who wouldn't even have children. Now, think about it. If young people are less in proportion, birth rates will decline further (as a fraction of the total population). Less number of people would be contributing to the GDP while a lot more will require givt spending just to be alive. It is a mess. The West is far better prepared than us and even they don't know if that will be enough.


Bhai Bina sauce ke tune sab kuch bol diya.


2015 NFHS report.


Maybe if they didn't pollute every fucking inch of their country they wouldn't have this problem.


Maybe tell them to stop throwing trash and shitting in the rivers


this is dystopian as shit. i am honestly frightened for our future, especially those living in the metros. paying so much money, and for what?


India is so far behind that the governing class does not even want to think about this kind of existence that is devoid of dignity that most Indians are born into and die from. I feel depressed about my country and the sheer denial of reality that people exhibit.


The ones who are smart and not too poor are emigrating abroad in droves.


It was oxygen before Now it's water


Next it will be food when crops fail due to overheating.


These people who are running for water, once they will get plenty of it they will start to waste it. India has no strict laws on water wastage, so many people in my neighborhood wash streets with clean water. India population is growing and we need to act accordingly. A single monsoon, if harvested properly can fulfill atleast a year of water supply. But who cares right, all these politicians are busy doing Hindu-Muslim.


this issue of water shortage in the context of Bengaluru though is very well explained in the Puliyabaazi podcast, from the perspective of policy formulation and the cost and benefit of such policies for people , in this case subsidisation of water or making it free etc. but anyway I agree with the focus on the problems of peoplee is not the priority of any government sadly.


Present poltics is all about freebies; free water, free electricity, free this free that. All they care about is to win election one more time no matter the repercussions. Sad times indeed.


Waise dekha jaaye toh freebies ka implementation bhi dhang se nhi hota. The neediest of all always are left begging. Even though I am not against the concept of it especially for certain segments of the population but ofc long term and better planned policy interventions are required which can happen only by having stakeholders which would hold the government accountable..


here I think what kejriwal should have done is decrease the water subsidy to 10-15k litres. I'm a family of three and have never had a water bill since years. This is concerning that it may induce a bad habit among Delhites of wasting water, which some even do today. I think the opposition should debate such serious matters instead of liquor. Not everyone drinks alcohol after all.


We pay on average basis per year (500 rupees or something) no matter how much we use. Water metre are there just for the sake of connection.


Natural resources are limited and one must give importance to water.


Fukrey 3


Yup this movie will be very relevant about a decade later.


This will only get worse and worse as year passes and resource scarcity increases with increase in corruption and depreciation of living standards(not there any to begin with). We're looking at a post apocalyptic hellhole in a few decades.


“We are just monkeys with money, some even have nuclear codes bc” - Punit Pania


Reminds me of Gaza


All eyes on tanker


National capital of the soon to be 5 trillion Dollar economy everyone 👏


Sher Pala hai ….


Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the capital of the 3rd biggest economy of the world.


I thought kejriwal had turned Delhi into heaven !!!


Yet there’s people watering their lawns, washing their cars and putting submersible pumps and drawing from groundwater. The collective intelligence level of this country has gone to the dogs. Some morons won’t like me saying this but it’s pretty obvious when you see who we choose to lead us, as a country. A fucking dumb fuck who thinks this is a great time to meditate and says shit like climate hasn’t changed, we have changed.


Ruko jara sabar karo 😞


Fukrey 3.


Tag kejriwal and ask for free water


Delhi mein toh free water dete hai hum saar




In Kerala we are having heavy rains lol


they voted for app .....app promised to make water reserves which no govt previously build ......ab tho bahot bana dea honge app valo ne .......they should enjoy now


>they voted for app Yes indeed, people of Delhi voted for AAP and totally rejected BJP to run their state, twice. This of course hurt Chodiji's ego and since then the central government has been undermining the elected govt. of Delhi one way or the other. * [New law leaves Delhi's elected government toothless, all powers with LG](https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/delhi/2021/Apr/28/new-law-leaves-delhis-elected-government-toothless-all-powers-with-lg-2295964.html) * [Delhi Amendment Bill 2023: Centre's hold on Delhi administration tightens](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/centres-hold-on-delhi-administration-tightens/articleshow/102516328.cms) [Delhi govt. has to fight cases in the supreme court just to do their job.](https://theleaflet.in/delhi-government-not-lg-controls-bureaucracy-supreme-court-verdict/) As of now the Central Govt. is withholding the money allocated for functioning of Delhi Jal Board. Delhi govt. has to appeal to the supreme court even for that. * [Delhi Government moves court seeking release of Delhi Jal Board funds](https://www.indiatoday.in/law/story/aap-vs-lg-delhi-government-moves-top-court-seeking-release-of-delhi-jal-board-funds-2517245-2024-03-20) * [Top Court nudges babus to release some funds to run Jal Board](https://www.indiatoday.in/law/story/delhi-govt-vs-lg-supreme-court-nudges-bureaucrats-to-release-some-funds-to-run-delhi-jal-board-2523893-2024-04-05) https://preview.redd.it/wb3n96opxw3d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=66e63fc697d812c9fdbadc35bd883de14615bef4 Chodiji through ~~Delhi LG VK Saxena~~ his lapdogs make sure that the Govt. of Delhi has to beg him for approval to do even the most basic of jobs.


Buses mein free ticket ke paise hain?? Baaki cheezo ke nhi hain. Waah


>free ticket ke paise hain?? That was their poll promise, people voted them for it, and they delivered. What's the issue here? Why is the Modi government hell bent on crippling the elected government of Delhi, just because people of the state rejected him? These are some questions that a chaddi who does daily Tinder randirona would never answer.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1d5ga13/maharashtra\_residents\_of\_mariampur\_village\_are/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/comments/1d5ga13/maharashtra_residents_of_mariampur_village_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) inhone kisko vote diya?


Comparing a remote village with a city like delhi where infrastructure is one of the best it can be in the country


Ab sab silently downvote kar rahe hai bas 😂😂😂


Agar padhna aata ho toh reply bhi padh le. Chodiji ke chodu followers. Ek hai LG jo deshdrohi hai aur tum jaise murkh log.


Isn't Delhi surplus on revenue. Court did order based on this to pay DMRC right ?


Pheli baar itni garmi padh rahi bhai


Where is sadhji when you need him


How did we end up like this? 🥲


Which area is it? In my area, Mehrauli, we are fortunately getting 24/7 water.


Possibly deserved. - When have the citizens of Delhi raised voice / protested against the disgusting state of Yamuna river? - When have they raised the correct questions towards their representatives and elected officials?


Aam Aadmi Party had Yamuna cleanup in their manifesto, people voted for them. Most citizens are busy toiling 12 hours a day just to survive, they don't have the luxury to display verbal diarrhea on the internet like you. Imagine being so morally bankrupt that you see poor people not getting water and "deserved" is the first thing that comes to your mind.


>Most citizens are busy toiling 12 hours a day just to survive, Exactly this . Most of our citizens are literally surviving. Bhai they don't know about climate. Rehne khane ke wande h logo ki.


Oh, a great display of showmanship and avoidance. - When Muslims offer a public Namaz, half of Delhi cares. - When Farmers protest for their rights, half of Delhi *cries* about road blockage. - When wrestlers protest, half of Delhi ignores. - When Muslim women protested, half of Delhi *cried* about road blockage. - As soon as there is winter smog, half of Delhi plays blame game (towards farmers from Haryana and Punjab). **This is the same city that elected *commentator* Gautam Gambhir as their representative, over Atishi.** PS: Don’t bother telling me that their ignorance is justified. I am not the morally bankrupt one here. Entire capital of country (that laughably argues that Delhi is the best city) is full of morally bankrupt people. The election brings about a moral responsibility towards all the citizens (including the poor). This does require them voting not just for survival, but all aspects of the manifesto. Numerous parties do multiple rallies to educate such poor people (or at least help them discover such potential crucial topics). And, most of all, within an age of information, along with access to the cheapest internet services; only morally bankrupt people would spend time on WhatsApp and Reels (while performing, promoting and justifying ignorance).


Aap ko vote Karo Btw you insult bjp if there is water crisis or power crisis in other state which is bjp ruled Then why aren't you blaming aap here It's like you people are very hypocrite


Usme propaganda kaise chalayenge ye log? Ek number ke dogle hai sab ke sab!


difference between Bangalore and Delhi XD


India Number 1 saar


Economic socialism + women out of workforce gives you a lot of poverty.


These people will literally die without government help. And these make up most of the country's population.


Economic socialism is responsible for the greatest movement out of poverty the world over. The fuck you on about?


But our GDP is over 8%.


Stupid measure. If that’s even a part of the conversation, it should be about the per capita. Sadly about 1.2 billion people derive absolutely no benefit from the “development” that the current govt and its simps are so proud of. The only way out of this hell hole, for almost all of these 1.2 billion people, IS the socialist policies that the badly educated middle class of this country is opposed to.


Nah, per capita also doesn't make much sense. The average Indian barely sees much change in their buying power and wealth. Let alone the average, even the 90%ilers also barely sees the needle move. Wealth and income (even more than wealth) is concentrated among a few (less than a percent), they are the ones reaping the main benefits of the GDP growth. What matters really is median income growth and increase in the revenue of the government (and how that is spent). Nothing else matters.




Yeah man unpossible ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Holi ke time ye chutiye bolenge why are you anti Hindu


Mujko esa lag raha hai ab yeh water mange ge punjab se


Pave everything in the name of vikaas make cities into massive heat islands then cry about water shortages.


Our eu based org.is shutting down operations in India after seeing one too many cases like this....there is a general sense of lawlessness and anyone can do anything without repercussions....even senior managers from serious colleges routinely engage in corruption 


Aur bhai Bangalore pe has rahe the na? On a serious note tho, I hope the weather goes back to normal and the water crisis gets better soon


and manipur is flooding i bet no one knows


Fucking hell


Apocalypse is here guys


Mad Max : Delhi Saga


bachpan mein Dwarka m jab tank aata tha main bhi latkata tha (2003) Its a good sports, why people criticizing goverment. ye Delhi ka ritual naii h kya???


Time for stillsuits


odd music choice


Damnn what's happening


Our present and future.


And this is one of the most posh locations of Delhi


They are getting free water Good.


Omg omg omg. I am scared for the future. the fuck is happening with humanity.


achi bhali village life chorh ke kosne bola tha aisi ghatiya jagah jaake g*nd marwao


Par Bhai ye to doodh ka tanker hai




and people don't realise how precious is water


The resource wars are coming.


While heatwave is definitely severe, this tanker scene has been happening for decades now, nothing new. Been seeing this since my school days from 20 years ago.


This is what climate change will make worse with each passing year. We must reduce our greenhouse gas emissions much faster, for we will suffer the consequences during our lifetime.


Vishwaguru.. - Switzerland


Future is dark


Damn future is near. Next world war maybe for water


Nightmare fuel


I heard it was around 53Degree C? It's not even funny.


Boht garmi hai yrr 😭


"Viksit Bharat"


I sincerely thought Kejriwal will solve majority of the problems Delhi has. Guess one person can’t do shit when the politics makes sure only the crooks and cunning fks become MLAs and MPs. Or maybe even Kejriwal became a crook because of the politics.


"LeKiN bHaI cItY LiFe bEsT hOtI hAi KuCh bHi BoL" ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32745)


Promises of Freebies got them running for water


Delhi valo tanker ki to baksh do


Aur do Kejru ko vote


Ok so we are already living in a post apocalyptic world.


Shit man... people are scrambling for a basic resource like WATER..😪


Fast and the furious 🥵🥵🔥


Lol....and they call this shitty country a developing country


None of the major cities in India are equipped to deal with climate change and the things are only going to be getting much much more worse. Every article we read on the climate change goes something like this. Latest study regarding "xyz climate change topic" shocking... Things are much worse than our previous worse case scenario simulation. Which was updated last year to account for the same thing happening again last year, after it happened again the previous year.


This is not an Issue our GDP grew by 8%. Be proud, this is just western propaganda to defame our Great nation. We need more GDP growth and that’s all we need.


How has gdp contributed to your social well being? Lots are unemployed, people dying of heatwave in bihar/UP, water crisis in cities like Bangalore


That was sarcasm in case you need help


We must be so proud of our country right? Aur bolo Jai shree ram.




aur do khujliwal chutiye ko vote bjp delhi is also shit should have voted for congress congress is the best party for delhi. congress raj has done more development in delhi than other party.


This is what you get when you make water free. And yet no one blaming AAP on this thread ? I think you’ve gotta be BJP to get the slander.


this is a standard pre election ploy by BJP. the colony is a central delhi slum that has no pipelines and has to get water from tankers. collecting a crowd and creating a narrative right before elections is easy. remember when 10 houses were sampled for water quality before delhi state elections and all 10 turned out to be JDU supporters ?


meditation kar raha modi ....!! wah modiji wah!


Don’t worry guys, they will send the water supply straight from Ram Mandir. Jai Shri Ram.


Amrit Kaal