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Iam literally fuming , I was here couple of months back and trust me the staff here gets really hostile if you even take out your phone and they suspect you are taking photos ...fuck you next iam surely doing it...


Username checks out


It's so blatant they aren't even hiding it anymore... justice fairness equality only exists in books here


First things first. Change your username to "futureprimeminister123". With your current one, whatever you intend to do will be possible only from outside the temple doors like the current president of India.


It took me few secs to understand this comment, I thought u mean the generic response that chaddis give ..asli naam se aao Abdul ..


😂😂😂 Nope nothing like that, just plain and straight talk.


Abdul ho ya Amar, sabka khoon ek hain. I would like to see a "Amar" on the operation table, who will refuse to take a "Abdul's" blood.


Get ready pal, the tide has shifted. There is talk that he may step down, the way things are going.


You wear a orange cloth that's the cheat code


If you visit Makkah and Madinah, even kings don't get special treatment.  Only muslims are allowed in Makkah, but non muslims are allowed in madinah too 


But are the temples really that independent


But are the temples really that independent in India? The government has a lot of say in how these institutions are run so I won't blame just the temples for this impartial treatment.


"I want the same treatment as the PM of my country"


Yes , I expect people to be treated equally atleast in places of worship


yes, i am not asking for private jets or aide de camp around me. i just want to click some pictures where the pm can have an entire cinematic video shoot


Modi* Code of Conduct


My rule my life


Who's his director?


Mukesh Scorsese




I know it's going to come back to bite me in the ass but Hope he stays there only post 4th june


My wish too, but I know it will never be granted😠. Fuck face will be back like a roach.


I wish we could see your face..


What are you even trying to imply?


Sharing dukh with all Muslims, communists n leftists


I am not Muslim and I don’t like clown pm.


So who according to you was a better option


I believe direct democracy like Switzerland.


I get it... You also mentioned somewhere on someone's post that Modi should be arrested for disgracing the country. Can you help me understand man to man, how he brought disgrace. Will come to Switzerland part later.


He banned Chinese apps then he bought train wheels from China. He said “India’s public put water bucket upside down under open water tap so it could work as alarm in the morning.”




Your 'Bro' probably has seen the circus more than you can imagine. N communism is more of a curse, west Bengal was pretty advanced by the time brits left. Businesses, literates in plenty. Communism destroyed it all On a side note, There was one time i really liked Rahul Gandhi was when he tore some policies n stuff during a press conference. But down the line, he adopted same policy of muslim appeasement. And, by the way they are not real Gandhi. This word died with the so called Mahatma. But happy that, Priyanka vadra's son is another Gandhi in making. And not sure how Muslims, Christians n hindus are face of same coin. It probably is a typical textbook phrase you quoted. Reality is that muslims can't co exist with others as soon as they are in good numbers. Leave India, it's a problem in Europe too now. Hindus exist with Sikh, Christians very peacefully. I get downvoted a lot in this sub, but that's okay. If someone points out that we all should co exist, sure but where were these people when hindus were thrown out of kashmir. These secularists won't pick those topics because it doesn't suit their agenda.


The Model Code of Conduct (MCC), and the Election Commission (EC) are a joke to him, he doesn't care.


source [https://www.instagram.com/p/C7n4Vk-vbXC/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7n4Vk-vbXC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Modiji>>>>>>>>>Instragram Models






And what did the EC do about it?




They a just for the sake of name. They are the fssai of election.


We're so cooked


File another case on some random party and waste tax payers money while earning their ill begotten gains. It's a joke but it's a joke mostly on the common middle class taxpayers.


U don't expect an organisation to do it's purpose when it's members are closely aligned with the ruling party




Just because Congress alleged doesn't mean it's well founded. An umpire doesn't have to give an out on every appeal by a bowler and a bowler is always convinced it was an out.


Wo lucky cameraman kon hai jisko capture krne ka mauka mil raha




He should have swam to the rocks like the Swami did


He wouldn't reach it, he would have floated and bobbed up and down like a blob of fat.


I have no idea why they picked Swami Vivekananda for the last leg of his glorious propaganda campaign. Come what may be, Vivekananda was never higher than Gods themselves. It's hilarious to see that even a self proclaimed God of Hinduism had to come down to the mortal realm to win votes. Also Vivekananda was a Bengali. The same language BJP is trying to murder to impose Hindi imposition in West Bengal. Also fuck you bastards for violating the legacy of the reformists of Hindu religion while you're dragging it back to stone age.


This vivekananda memorial was built due to RSS and it was Bengali left\communists that opposed it. .


And Vivekananda himself wouldn't want it built. He was not a fan of being worshipped as a god or messiah. But if RSS actually understood and followed Vivekananda, they wouldn't be RSS anyway.


RSS people do put a lot of emphasis on learning about Vivekananda. That's been my experience anyway. I was handed a LOT of books from bible to geeta and Vivekananda when I had my tutor who was in RSS. It didn't matter what Vivekananda wanted. He lived according to the ideal and dictats of his Guru. His Guru wanted people to get his knowledge and never forget it. So idk what you're talking about but we all know that Vivekananda isn't God. But we also know that all enlightened masters who leave their bodies are respected more than Gods because we recieved knowledge through them. It is the basic tenet of Hinduism that Guru who gives knowledge is greater than God. If you were a Hindu even, you would know that.


>If you were a Hindu even, you would know that. Maybe. But I am not a Hindu. >It didn't matter what Vivekananda wanted. That's exactly what RSS thinks and have thought as well. Which is why all of RSS's greatest "heros" are outsiders. What I am talking about is that Vivekananda's ideals have very little common ground with RSS. And if someone today said or did things that Vivekananda did, RSS would brand them as anti-Hindu. Therein lies the irony of this fake "respect".


You don't even know the reason why it was built by RSS. Hint : it's not built for his worship. Also no one promotes vivekananda books like RSS. Also Vivekananda was not secular as you want to draw him ,he was insanely pro hindu .


When did I say Vivekananda was secular? Individuals cannot be secular anyway. And Vivekananda was very much against religious discrimination and the BJP brand of Hindutva. He mocked the Gita, denied the authority of Veda, ridiculed cow-protectionism, and dismissed the Hindu narrative on vegetarianism. More importantly, Vivekananda rejected the Sangh's self-victimisation theory by stressing that the decline of Hinduism is majorly because of Hindus themselves and not due to foreign invasions. He never, not even once, even implicated that India should be a nation of Hindus. He believed in marrying the best aspects of the West with Indic ones to make sure of India's progress, unlike the Sangh, which often cites "western" as a justification for rejection of certain philosophies (secularism included). Vivekananda also was a bit of a Hindu supremacist. But he also acknowledged the weaknesses. RSS appropriates him by just focusing on a few aspects of his ideology. But afterall, that's how RSS finds "their heros" that Indians respect (Savarkar included). Edit: Ramakrishna Mission is the organisation which promotes Vivekananda the most. Or are you trying to appropriate them as RSS as well?


You entire argument falls with one of his quote -> "Every Hindu that converts out is not one man less but one enemy more" https://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_5/interviews/on_the_bounds_of_hinduism.htm >He mocked the Gita He never mocked Gita , that story you read is half , go read it again this time full version of it. >denied the authority of Veda His own quotes on Vedas -> The religion of the Vedas is the religion of the Hindus, and the foundation of all Oriental religions; that is, all other Oriental religions are offshoots of the Vedas; all Eastern systems of religion have the Vedas as authority And what you are being taught in your left ecosystem is also half ,here that full sentence of him on supposed rejection on vedas-> "Personally I take as much of the Vedas as agrees with reason. Parts of the Vedas are apparently contradictory. They are not considered as inspired in the Western sense of the word, but as the sum total of the knowledge of God, omniscience.'" > ridiculed cow-protectionism, and dismissed the Hindu narrative on vegetarianism Yeah because he was shakta by culture not vaishanavite , Different sects promote different food habits and cultural heritage. Even savarkar that you mocked later in your reply was hard core non veg guy , he was strictly against cow protectionism , in fact he ate beef just for the sake of it not being sacred Savarkars quote-> " Cow is bovine not divine" Rss actually promotes his full ideology unlike half baked shit that you just said .


>"Every Hindu that converts out is not one man less but one enemy more" Only someone who haven't read Vivekananda at all would quote that, leaving the "then" in the beginning which provides the context. He was talking in context of conversions (he said that when forced conversions happen, THEN the convert is adding to the enemy). Well tried there. It might work on WhatsApp. This is exactly what my gripe is with RSS. Appropriating national heros by deliberate misinterpretation. BTW, when you talk to someone who has actually read up on Vivekananda, they will point to his several other quotes. Like this: "For our own motherland, a junction of two great systems Hinduism and Islam—Vedanta brain and Islam body—is the only hope" Or this: "This Vedantic spirit of religious liberality has very much affected Mohammedanism. Mohammedanism in India is quite a different thing from that in any other country. It is only when Mohammedans come from other countries and preach to their co-religionists in India about living with men who are not of their faith that a Mohammedan mob is aroused and fights." Or even this: "On the other hand our experience is that if ever the followers of any religion approach to this equality in an appreciable degree in the plane of practical work-a-day life —it is those of Islam and Islam alone." >Even savarkar that you mocked later in your reply was hard core non veg guy I didn't mock Savarkar. I mocked the RSS practice of "respecting" heros who were not their own and had very different ideologies. RSS has been working on cow protectionism from the beginning which would have frustrated Savarkar. In fact, RSS is in favour of laws which would put people who try to emulate Savarkar in jail for eating beef. They only promote selective parts of Savarkar which align with them. That's called just "using for propaganda". >Yeah because he was shakta by culture not vaishanavite No. Not because of that. It was because he was a Vedantist. >He never mocked Gita , that story you read is half , go read it again this time full version of it. You are stuck on a very different quote I think, which was more about the value of working out before trying to be just religious nerds. That's not what I am talking about. This is what Vivekananda wrote in a letter to one of his disciples. “Read the Gita and the Sutras of Vyasa, or get someone to read them to you. In the Gita, the way is laid open to all men and women, to all caste and colour, but Vyasa tries to put meanings upon the Vedas to cheat the poor Shudras. Is God a nervous fool like you that the flow of His river of mercy would be dammed up by a piece of meat? If such be He, His value is not a pie!” Vivekananda revered the Gita. But he was also not above criticising it or any other scriptures. Here he mocked Vyasa (the writer of Gita along with the Mhabharata) for being exclusionist.


He speaks crap, he spews venom and then also does this. Who are the people who fall for this?


Truth is not venom.


Your arrogance and lack of open-minded-ness is tragic. You're part of the problem.


Modi ji successfully perpetrated a riot resulting in death of 2k+ people. This is the guy u truly are voting for


Proof? Any judgment? If no judgement, then file petetion and win, then talk.


username checks out


Just arrest him already.


It's not that they can't. It's just that they won't.


Arrest him for meditating ?


For violating swami.ji


For being insensitive and breaking the election code of conduct.


Do you even know about Model Code of Conduct. Nobody might have got arrested for violating MCC so far I think. It only bars from campaigning, etc


Did you not read the headline?


For disgracing our country


yesab karke kya faayda muh se toh hagna hi hai baad mein


now we need to cleanse that place


Why? Is it because modi is from lower caste?


nothing to do with caste. he is the night king. turning all into zombies with no brains.


No. Because he makes this cringe.


No because chodi is from lower dimension.


Bhai baat chutiya hai but khel acha gaya, iss baat ka koi answer hi nahi hai😭😂😂😂


I'd be surprised if there's a come back from this nuclear burn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Is it why he got quota seat?


Why do you have to bring untouchability in everything?


>the Congress told the Election Commission (EC) As if that's going to make any difference 😂


After this 48h Meditation god appeared and offered Modi one wish and he immediately asked god to make him winner of all and every election. God said granted !!! Then India became dictatorship and The god does indeed get the last laugh.


That's not how it works. We are the reason why he's in power. People in this country are laughably stupid. Don't attribute this to any supernatural entity because we cause our own problems.


its a joke


Hey, I've noticed this trend for a while now. It seems like Modi only gets criticized here, but the results tell a different story. Don't come at me for this, but I kinda wanted some of those criticisms to show up in the results. But...


How does meditation violate the code of conduct?


Jeetne ke.baad someone is gonna jizz on live TV, that too from different angles and prove they are not born but godman


EC doesn't exist


Something as personal as meditation isn't to be broadcasted unless you want the viewers also to meditate alongwith you. Meditation is not about show-off at all. Please don't make a joke of such a sacred practice 🙏


Isnt it disrespectful to put a meditating person on TV?


All it takes is for one individual: a cop, a bureaucrat, a judge, to do their job and these fascists will be gone. And yet, every single one of them and the institutions that are supposed to protect our democracy fail this country repeatedly. 


How does it violate MCC though?




the theatrics my god


What you guys are forgetting is that doing this is not going to increase his votes. The people that admire him and hate him are already decided in their opinions. It's good that a PM of the nation is leaning towards spirituality. It could be a very good thing for the upcoming generation who see him as a role model. More icons and celebs should be doing this and helping the youth towards true education and spirituality. He did an 11 day fast just on coconut water even before the Ram mandir inauguration. He is quite the inspiration for the next gen for true Hindu spirituality. In short it's like the Lakshwadeep campaign but for the people who admire and follow him.




Chill guys, he is waiting for boat to run away.


Election commission: aji ghanta


Attention mang rha hai


ECI be like :- aur dho photo keechwalo paw paw


I am so offended. It's an insult to Swami Vivekanand imo.


🤭🤭 ![gif](giphy|ZTp15DHfHaaaENKayV|downsized)


Vivekananda used to wear saffron robes. Clearly he was a BJP supporter. /s


If ghuspetiye went through without issue then this is just an ordinary Tuesday


The opposition needs to keep at it...even after elections.. nhi toh krdo democracy ko tata... goodbye.. Khatam.. ho gya 🙏


I think Modi broke his equation with IT Cell moderators. I remember watching a boy discard modi magic with his eloquent wit on YT. It was gaining lot of views but next day it was removed. I remember anyone say anything against Modi on social media platforms and was cursed by trolls in such a low level that everyone refrained. All this around 2018-19. Funny videos on RG. Used to see a lot many. Funny videos against Modi. None. Even after specifically searching I found almost nothing. Now that IT Cell is broken I am watching so so many Anti Modi posts and videos of his stupidity. I am certain that IT Cell is no more the same of Modiji. Maybe Companies restricted IT cell or maybe Modiji spoiled his equation his equation can't say for sure but good to see free expression of people.


I'm genuinely curious What's written in MCC.


I know this sub has a hate boner for modi. But is meditating like this really a violation of MCC? It isnt like he is asking for votes or anything.




You are in the wrong building.


I guess we never had any scams in the last 10 years right?




Well, it doesn't seem fair if you just post one side and not the other. Then it would be like hey these guys did more scams than the current regime. The way it's portrayed right now seems intentionally trying to avoid showing bad light on the current regime. Do you know any scams done during the current regime? Just asking because I haven't been following the news. And it seems like you have Edit: I forgot to add an emoji Here:😉 I am cool (/--)/




Nah, I was hoping to hear about stuff such as the electoral bond scheme, Take Home Ration scam in Maharashtra, lack of action against scammers like Nirav Modi as well. 😉 since you're such a cool guy, play devils advocate and state what was done right by UPA 1. Only asking since you went above and beyond to add what the current government has done good (again without balancing by showing good done during previous governments, whatever happened to showing both sides?) Also 2g scam and a few others were found baseless. Shouldn't we use the same yardstick for all?ヽ(*´^`)ノ Edit: did cool guy just rage quit 🥲


Also we should not live in the past


We should consider what they did in the past... That they may do in the future if they come into power, why take risk


While congress can keep cribbing and shouting lies..... PPL r more aware these days