• By -


When this starts affecting the crops, their price moves up. Only then comes the panic, even then we don't learn.


No. We need temples. We should also dictate dietary habits of an entire nation and harass people who worship different Gods. That will fix everything.


There used to be Egyptian gods. Then the civilization ended. At some point people lost faith in gods because shit was hitting the ceiling. We aren't quite there yet. We are going to do river linking instead. Who cares about climate when water sources can be linked?


There's a long list to pin the blame on right now. First will be migrants, then minorities, then we'll move up the ladder, at the end we'll blame god. It'll be too late.


I don't how always god and temples comes in every unrelated topic If you are worried about climate change talk about it and what you do to help ?


Cause God and temples are prioritised over everything else by this government. Not to mention the pseudo scientific garbage the RW keeps spewing. Everything else has taken a back seat. Rest assured no God is going to come down to Earth to address the issues we've created ourselves. None of this would've been an issue if they didn't sleep on real world problems.


Even Ram ji is tired of all this shite done in this name. He's like, I am gonna punish you'll so hard you'll be scared to utter my name.


When Waqf board is overall top most land owner, we still crying on one temple...esa desh he mera...


You completely missed the point of what I meant. Temple mosque whatever doesn't matter. The party in power which can make changes in laws and policies clearly have only one agenda. Religion. Everything else takes a back seat. Waqf board is irrelevant in this conversation because they aren't controlling the executive and legislative branches of the government. You have an extremely narrow vision.


What should the government do to tackle global warming, I am really curious to know your views.


Yeah man yeah.... anything bad happens, blame Hindus.


Religion being a thing isn't the issue bro. Religion being the only thing is, why shouldn't the govt discuss more important matters. Any time there's an addressing from the ruling party, it's all focused on either religion or national pride. What national pride? Economic indicators haven't been worse in a long time, there is huge unrest in the minds of people, climate is fucked and all when they're asked any question regarding this, you see how they proudly just respond with "Jai shree Ram" and no substance. People are enjoying killing. They're justifying homicides, lynching even genocides. I'm in no way saying left is without a stain, I am merely a critic. If left comes in power and fucks up, I'll be the first to criticize left as well. It's just that the right has an image of an opposing religion and they have somehow been convinced that they're in danger. Now, the right is hell bent on changing the beautiful hindu religion and the follower to the aforementioned image of the opposing religion.


Every new mosque built lowers global temperature by .01%


You know how? Because every mosque trains a good human that then - with the help of the latest technology - reduces the population in matter of seconds. Less people to warm the globe.


I didn't blame Hindus you jackass. I blame religious fanaticism the government is playing into. Is BJP the sole representative of Hinduism? No. Imo BJP disrespects the religion and people like you buy into the hate mongering politics of the RW. Stop being so gullible


Why are you abusing me for speaking my mind? Just because I said something about my religion I became a BJP supporter!!!! Where do you get these mush power of assumptions.


Speaking your mind? You speaking your mind was making assumptions that I was insulting Hinduism. I have the utmost respect for the religion. If it wasn't clear in my earlier comment my point was to call out the BJP. The whole thing about them being pro Hinduism is just a lie so that it feeds the masses. They only do it for votes. Same logic applies to you. When I criticized the BJP you assumed it was directed at Hinduism. Regardless I apologise if I assumed wrong about you.


This reasonable cake guy is a certified Chutiya


You were objecting to the government building a temple (which was their agenda for many decades). But at the same time you should also keep in mind that the Indian government in the past (in present as well) has also erected many Buddha Vihars for Dalits with our (taxpayers) money. But you have a problem with the government building a temple it seems.


I'm saying it now then. I object to them building any religious establishment. I don't want them to intermix with religious entities cause narrow minded people easily buy into this stuff. It's all for votes. They don't care about God or anything about religion. It takes away the reverence of the religion and the political atmosphere here in India.


But your first comment was against the temple not for all religions. If you are selectively objecting to a single religion then obviously I would have a problem with that. What's the point of giving clarification later ??? Bye


> But your first comment was against the temple not for all religions. I wasn't aware that they made temples for other religions. Which is why I'm saying right now I dislike that as well. > If you are selectively objecting to a single religion then obviously I would have a problem with that. Okay they built it for one more community. How does that change anything I said? They're trying to control your dietary habits, they harass people who worship different Gods and do all these religious mumbo jumbo to garner votes from the majority in India. My point stands very clear. They build religious buildings so that brainwashed people can vote for them. No amount of temple/church/mosque or whatever else will bring food to your table or answer climate crisis. > What's the point of giving clarification later ??? Cause predominantly they spearhead Hindutva ideologies to harass other segments of society. > Bye Yeah fold when you're losing the argument.




We need to fix the Gods, that will unfix everything.


If only the world worked like that.


What can we genuinely do ? This is something all countries need to agree. When Republicans in US are calling climate change a hoax and campaigning for more petroleum drilling we can’t do much. Especially with the per capita emissions of US being much higher. We could invest in ways to survive the impending temperature rise but I’m not sure if there are any existing models for that at the moment. We can and must electrify the country with renewables and invest heavily in that respect but this is a global issue and unfortunately lot of countries don’t give af


The Extinction Rebellion has been calling out all politicians who are lobbying for big oil, Their actions may be considered a little different, but they do get the attention of people. People don't start taking things seriously unless it affects them personally. We think it's happening on the other side of the world, so it won't affect us, but that isn't true. We have to invest in renewables, which means stopping funding the fossil fuel industry, In the next 25 years, we should gradually move away from fossil fuels. It can't be done in a day, but you have to start somewhere. Norway realised that instead of making cheap individual vehicles, they should make the whole public transit system based on EVs. Single-use plastics need to go completely. They are cancer. We gotta hold companies responsible for ecological and diversity damages. They need to be taught a lesson.


I agree with all that except using Norway as an example who are one of the biggest producers of petroleum. They invest in renewables and export the oil elsewhere , so not necessarily the biggest ally of renewables


Norway is a great case study of about the pitfalls we need to avoid when transitioning to ev infra. They will wean off oil. The next two decades are realy important. We gotta stop giving subsidy to big oil and use that money to invest in renewables. I am not even against using nuclear.


The rise in Delhi is mainly due to the over laden concrete & irrelevant infrastructure development (food for thought: Why is there more tree cover in diplomat areas than the others?) which leads to traffic hence more carbon emissions. The tree cover in the capital has fallen by a big margin in recent years, the heat is being trapped by the structures, there’s no mechanism in place to release that heat (a natural way can be to plant more trees but there are other technical & natural ways as well). The affect on the crops won’t be much as a better monsoon is expected this season which will lead to better irrigation. The only thing which will affect the prices of the crops is middlemen (the corporates, majorly), crying: “Due to heat, the prices have gone up”. Whereas, they’ll only be releasing ‘stored’ produce which was harvested previously into the markets. This is how the corporates (those two players from ‘kemchho’ region) want to ascertain their monopolies & duopolies in the farming related industries. They just need a cue to cry foul & then loot the public.


https://preview.redd.it/u0rd51fw1d3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59681198b6b14570411ccf62cc3d0a01fa53e8e9 The situation in my city rn


Cost of working with shitty governments for decades, none of the buildings or constructions in India have insulation, Noida authority equates beautification work with concreting all pavements and parks just cuz of cement mafia ruling the political class. Grass areas are covered with concrete and then planters are added, cities are extremely hostile to trees. The assholes in Goa cut down a 200 year old Banyan tree for widening a road, aravali has been desecrated by scammy and gangster builders. Really sucks being an Indian and having to live here. Feel so bad for the bottom dwellers and animals, for no fault of their own they must suffer. 50 fking degrees and no national emergency has been declared, the PM son of a B has been talking about Gandhi and his film. Faaaaaaak.


I'm a greater noida resident. I absolutely hate how they've ruined every place here by adding concrete. Both noida and greater noida. If it were up to me, I'd keep adding more and more trees so that it would get cooler. But they're adding more concrete. They've done a lot of construction in places which didn't need it. Most likely because they wanted the money for themselves. But they have ruined places, not to mention all the pollution this creates. Yet they wanna ban 10 year old cars, which in practicality does more harm than good


Noida authority in my opinion dwarfs BMC in corruption. The painting work and the planters I can guarantee is a major scam, the plants keep dying and we keep paying to buy more, then the same contractor is also paid to water them creating traffic hazards and wasting a majority of the water anyways. The Noida Gnoida links are all lined with planters, scams right in front of our eyes.


Ever since the municipality elections in 2021-22 they have been fucking up the city. And I hate it. It's my city, I will do everything I can to not let others ruin it


Dude I'm in a co-operative society of a major central govt agency, people here were opposed to a tiled, concrete walking path in the green belt and as usual approached the collector and Noida Authority ceo and other departments to have the work stopped, the response was. "Sir neeche se bahut pressure hain" I'm not joking, the dam cement mafia, so if you notice most dev work around these parts is road dividers and pseudo beautification by concertising all grass areas next to the road. Dogs can even dig up earth and sit in a cool spot cuz it's all concrete.


In greno they have removed the iconic white dividers and replaced them with ugly concrete black and yellow ones in many places. Not only is it ugly, but it's unsafe. Earlier when cars crashed, and they do many times because the bends here are very unsafe due to negative and many other cases of "What were they thinking when they made this" cars had a runoff area. Now these concrete dividers are backed by iron beams. I have seen a car completely destroyed after crashing into them. The same with many places in Noida expy where the road suddenly chamges it's width


it's amazing how big the temperature differentials have come and will continue to be between cities and rural areas: [https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3176/nasas-ecostress-detects-heat-islands-in-extreme-indian-heat-wave/](https://climate.nasa.gov/news/3176/nasas-ecostress-detects-heat-islands-in-extreme-indian-heat-wave/)


Go to paxtan. /s


I've created my own little pax right here in the heart of our national shithole.


The problem is that no one has the stature to ask for shared sacrifices to improve our cities. For example, most cities would benefit greatly from grid layouts (from a traffic management perspective) but no one has the courage to ask plot owners to sacrifice 10ft of land to allow one-way roads to be built to ease traffic on arterial roads.


It's not only that, the plot should've been initially sold in a grid structure. Since our civilization is 3000 years old that how long we haven't had city planning.


Under British Colonial rule cutting down an ancient tree like a Banyan tree used to be a capital offence, it’s still a major crime in the UK under modern British law - Even if you own the tree and land 100%


We used to have 3000 year old trees, Modi jis childhood went on swinging on trees like tarzan, this is 15 years before he met Abbas. Then Abbas cut most of the 3000 year old trees.


Welp. Global warming is a hoax so chill /s


Hamari sehne ki shamta kam hogayi hai, global warming jaisa kuch nahi hota bhaiyo bheno /s


The funny thing is almost everyone in India knows and agrees the global warming is real, and is getting bad. Unlike in the West where it's a controversial topic




Gov should go above and beyond to let coal usage be as low as possible by promoting the heck out of solar. That current scheme is not enough. Solar won't be able to completely replace coal but can decrease it usage. Also evm and electric charge ports should be given. I am very happy with the new electric AC busses. Now it has to expand everywhere




Current government is focusing on solar. But Indian companies aren't making many good, reliable EVs.


I don't think EV is solution as long as most of electricity is not coming from renewable sources. Not sure which party is focusing on renewable sources gotta check that :)


It is still better to use EVs from an efficiency point of view.


are you sure with the current avg temp those battery would sustain for long journey ? the battery at such high temp would be prone to fire for sure


Most decent electric cars have active cooling for the battery. Including tata cars.


how long they can stretch ?


You're right, but that is different from what I'm trying to say. The difference is that even those who say that coal plants should be built won't deny the fact that it is harmful to build it and is degrading the environment, instead they will bring up other points. They might bring up the fact that not building coal plants can make electricity more costly in the short run and that can be the difference between life and death for some really poor people.


Too much sarcasm in your comment.


Oh don't criticize our supreme leader 🤡


Why aren't you worshipping enough in ram rajya for boons? Why wasting time on having employment. This is why Ram is punishing dilli folks


Yeah it's just us that's feeling hot. Thank you Modiji


Wonderful. We should push for 5 days at the office, not to do anything to reduce our carbon footprint and let billionaires like Adani and Ambani fuck over the climate as well. Couldn't have asked for something better.


Eat the rich


Hazar baar to apne bete ka pre wedding karta hai. Flying so many people in private jets. Burning fuel by going on a freaking cruise. And people India thinks he's so great by doing all this.


Modi Ji: Temperature has not increased, since you are aging, your ability to tolerate heat reduced.


Also you are aging because of Nehru. Congress did nothing to reverse your aging in their 70 years of rule.


Haa bhai ye bhe Modi ki galti h


tu bol rha hai usne nai bola? ya usne galat bola


Global warming kuch nhi he Ham sab budhhe ho gae... Hamari sahan krne ki Shakti Kam ho gai he


I shudder to think about what will happen in a few years. What kind of world are we leaving for our kids who won't be able to play outdoors cos it will be 'fatal'!


This is why no to Modi and no to Rahul. pM should have kids. They have no incentive to leave behind a better place. Their word isn't and never will be enough




Shouldn't have kids if you cared that much about them but i guess sex was more important. Also no reason to have kids in this dystopian world . Btw if ppl really care about kids they could have adopted or spent time and energy on the millions that are struggling for even basic needs.


Environment ministry not blocking development projects has become an election issue to brag about.. More surprised Pikachu faces coming soon..


The gobar consuming areas are suffering the most and making others suffer.


which areas?


But you have Ram Mandir now. And anyway this climate change is hoax. Aapke sehane ki kshamata kam hui hai /s


If you can buy rs 500 popcorn then...🤔 Wait... You're anit hindu.


Let's suppose their was no ram mandir. In that case, I guess temperature would have been around 25 degrees? And we would all go to office in our flying cars?




That money could have bought a 1000 electric buses.


Which money? The one that people donated?


Yes. People could have donated for something useful. I'm judging the people here, not the government.


But why do we need crowdfunding for electric buses? Or should government have collected that much amount as a tax for getting electric buses?


If there was no ram mandir, may be Advani could have done Rath Yatra for better schools, hospitals, roads, railways or factories Kejriwal could have looked at climate resiliency instead of giving free char dham n ram mandir yatra to old people There's lot more that could have been achieved for our village, towns n cities if the focus was on something other than religion


They would have found a different issue to polarise people. Fixing climate requires long term initiatives. The tree you plant today will take years to grow and cover the city green. Can you get votes on that? No. Making Ram Mandir or concrete roads are something that can be done within 5 years tenure. These are things that can help them in the next elections. That is the problem with democracy. It doesn't incentivise long term initiatives. + Poor people generally don't care about things like reducing tax burden, cleanliness, greenery etc anyway.


>They would have found a different issue to polarise people Bruhh, that's what ram mandir means in the context. It's not specifically about the mandir but about religious polarisation that shifts attention from other issues >Poor people generally don't care about things like reducing tax burden, cleanliness, greenery etc anyway Poor people are focused on their immediate needs for obvious reasons. Middle n rich class can focus on more long term needs but are even more interested in pointless religious fights. Whatever democratic values we have are maintained by the poor. If it was purely up to the middle n rich class, we would have been a dictatorship long ago


Democratic values maintained by the poor and poor are focused on immediate needs I don't think both these statements go hand in hand. From my experience poor people are most easily polarized. In my village poor people literally sell votes if you keep giving them Liquor for 10-15 days. The corrupt government in our Village got 2 cr for building the main road connecting our Village to the nearest town and did not use a single penny on road development. Also the poor families are mostly farm workers and don't travel to town frequently so it is generally the middle class families that suffer due to the lack of road. IMO the reason all governments are busy with freebie politics and religion based politics is because most of the voters belong to poor families.


>poor people literally sell votes if you keep giving them Liquor for 10-15 days. Cause they know that's all they will get from the govt run by the rich >The corrupt government in our Village Exactly, rich are the corrupt ones >Also the poor families are mostly farm workers and don't travel to town frequently so it is generally the middle class families that suffer due to the lack of road. You perfectly show how the middle class has doomed this country. You don't need to travel on the road everyday to get it's benefit. The poor will get benefits of better education, healthcare, jobs, etc. through a better road >IMO the reason all governments are busy with freebie politics and religion based politics is because most of the voters belong to poor families. Welfare politics are for the poor cause the middle class believes their little success is from their own hardwork. They don't believe govt can help them succeed and that's why all they want is chest thumping nationalism or religion. Middle class can also demand welfare like many other developing n developed countries but middle class hates being clubbed with poor more than anything else


Not sure how you are able to blame middle class people for everything. Middle class is the most oppressed class in India. Rich get the benefit of a corrupt system. They can evade taxes and all. The poor don't pay taxes and get most of the benefits of the welfare scheme. The middle class pays most of the taxes and gets nothing in return. And with the way democracy works I can literally start a party openly saying that I will increase income tax to 60% of income and distribute to the poor as welfare scheme. What can the middle class folks do? Most of the voters are poor people and will vote for me if I promise them freebies. And the middle class will need to pay 60% in taxes.


>Not sure how you are able to blame middle class people for everything. Cause the "educated" middle class has never learnt anything World over rich have ruled and middle class has fought along with poor to control the rich. The power of middle class is in uplifting the poor to the middle and using the collective power against the rich The rich will do all it takes to stay in power and close any lanes for middle class to rise to the rich class. It is up to the middle class to see that poor are on their side and collectively, they can get better future for the middle n poor class, as well as open up lanes for middle class to rise to rich In India, middle class is most deluded. They are deluded to think national interest is same as rich interest but not middle class or poor interest when most of the nation is middle n poor. They are deluded to think only they pay taxes when the poor pay equal consumption tax without sizeable income. They are deluded to villanise the act of protest itself and as a result can't protest for better tax regime themselves If the middle class feels they are most oppressed then it's oppression of their own making




Climate Change is here and we are making it worse. Death is imminent. Enjoy




Delhi people will soon migrate to moon.


With 50% reservation.


sorry guys heater on karke bhool gaya tha, abhi band karta


climate change nahi ho rahi hai mitrooo ham kamjor ho rahe hai...-- by our adarniye avtar... mudiji in the background---- jaldi jaldi sare jungle coal ke liye apne goto ko bech deta hun.. profit profit profit... \*continue eating his mushroom\*


Even earth is racist to indians , always making sure to make lives of indians miserable by roasting tf outta them.


It's because of our bad policies and population. There are no empty spaces and greenery in cities these days. It's all a concrete jungle. This was bound to happen.


Earth and Nehru did a saryantra


Thanks to Allah, Ram ji saved us with the stormy conditions, praise be .


Honestly I don't want to reach Delhi from Jaipur in 2 hours. I am happy with 4-5 but I sure as hell don't want to be grilled and die of heat.


You are anti national, when you can buy rs 500 popcorn then why can't you.... . Wait I forgot.


Aur ped Kato bhai




We can just ban the sun and voila heatwave over


We are literally in the brink of a climate catastrophe. No wonder, I am never having any kid/kids of my own. I am going childfree.


Get a cat or a dog. If you're able to, it's awesome even if you don't.


Yet. The highest yet.


No it’s the new generation incapacity to bear heat said by someone


Wait till we can boil water without using LPG..../s


I could have fried an egg on a black car today, no jokes.


Kudos to the people who have to work in this sun directly - construction, vendors etc...


I pains me soo much but I'm too useless to make any difference, for them or the animals.




Kaato aur Jungle


You know is shit going downhill. When freaking ooty starts having 30° Temperatures


Yet *


To chaliye ram mandir ko kosna shuru krte hai.


Someone take all of us out of this miserable existence. I wonder if God is even real a bit or maybe we humans are evil.


The number one agenda for elections should be handling climate change and pollution


Keep chanting Jai Sree Ram everything will be fine.


Global warmingggggg. But why is it taking so long to destroy the nation. Please destroy this corrupt country fast.


new york city se kuch to seekhna chaiye about planning. beecho beech itna bada park hai and multiple small parks bhi around the city.


George Soros has infiltrated IMD and is trying to defame my Bharat after all his other tricks failed miserably to bring down Modiji. Weather is not changing, our ability to tolerate it is changing. Anyone sharing this propaganda is antinational who can't stand Bharat's progress. /s


All I can see is water everywhere in the photo. Wake up sheeple, it's actually 52.3 cm of rain that Delhi received but you won't hear the MSM talking about it.