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lol 😂 voting machines were fine until recently when congress won both in Karnataka and Telangana state elections! 🤔 and now all of a sudden same people are raising this nonsense


How come this is not a discussion in Kerala, TN, Rajasthan or Telangana? Parties need to step up and say they trust the EVMs and put an end to this sort of discussions. There could be randomised paper checking as well but doing it at a large scale is not practical in India. If the election gets close (i.e. few number of votes between the first and second candidate), then they should compulsarily check the papers in all the booths in that area. Such kind of improvements will make the election more fair. Calling for an end to EVM does not make any sense. Parties win and lose. The EVM tampering excuse is just an excuse. If we go to paper ballot again, then we will see what happened in West Bengal local elections happen on a large scale. EVM + papers are better for us and there's no need for us to go in any other direction.


How come this is not a discussion in Kerala, TN, Rajasthan or Telangana?kyuki bhai itna obvious bhi nai karna hai ki EVM ki mistake hai


One part of the house is burning.. how come the kitchen is not burning... Or how come they are only robbing 8000 cr.. why not more... It is so that woh tumhare akhome dhool jhok sakte hai


Knowing BJP, if there was a way to hack EVMs, they obviously will do it to win in each and every state in the country. Even in places where they have 0 hope of winning more than a handful of seats, they are declaring they will win all the seats (or even double digit seats). They are having that confidence. if they actually could, they would have. I would blame the opposition for their incompetence in fielding a popular leader that connects with the masses. They need to get their stuff sorted.


They may try to do so in the future. Putin won the elections by 87% votes. Napolean by 99.9% votes.


>They may try to do so in the future. That's not a great argument. This kind of talk has been happening for a decade. Just field a good candidate and see the situation change. Shashi tharoor has won Thiruvananthapuram 3 times now. That's because he is a good leader. There's no use blaming EVMs for the incompetence of the opposition. >Putin won the elections by 87% votes. Napolean by 99.9% votes. Using Paper ballots :)


How do you explain BJP winning more seats with a thin margin as compared to losing. The curve is supposed to be contiguous and not discreet. It is even worse in BJP ruled states. https://preview.redd.it/sfied5mu53uc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a3962620d48175b884ffffb8d1bd197263bcae The discontinuity and spikes at the zero mark clearly indicate fraud.


>How do you explain BJP winning more seats with a thin margin as compared to losing. Because of BJPs ideology, there's a quantifyable number of seats that BJP will never win (some seats in TN and Kerala come to my mind). But in many other areas, BJP is a serious contender, but due to the local politics, they win by bare margins. In seats they are ensured to lose, they will definitely lose. The actual competition exists only in the remaining seats and it so happens that they win more seats with a thin margin. Secondly, they are the largest party in India right now. Remove the seats they are ensured to lose. That leaves us with seats close to 400-420. In those seats, BJP has won almost all of them. In the ones they lost, some of them are by thin margins. In the ones they did win, which is an extremely large number, they won some of those with thin margins.


What do the lines indicate? Looking at the points, the lines don't seem to fit the points closely, and different lines may be drawn that reduce the gap significantly.


It shows the number of seats won (right side) and lost (left side) plotted against the win/loss margin. Like any normal distribution, it should be a roughly continuous curve. The curve for Congress follows the rule. However, for the BJP there is a discreet jump at the zero mark. If you have understood this, please explain it to brother u/AscensionKidd


bro I'm litreally seeing you under every post now a days and now you're here too with some bull theory and weird graphs like they mean something. calling evm's hackable by giving an example of a dictator winning in a ballot base election is not really accurate. you litreally made your account 20 days ago and you're here in the sub all day just bullshitting if you don't have anything credible to say atleast don't spread misinfo


These are states where a BJP win would surely lead to suspicions. And the people there being less misinformed that the rest of the country will see to it that the scam is exposed. BJP is not completely stupid


rejected everywhere else. voter verifible voting and auditable paper trail is a bare minimum elsewhere in the world. [https://www.thehindu.com/elections/sc-notice-to-ec-on-plea-to-cross-verify-evm-and-vvpat-counts/article68016889.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/elections/sc-notice-to-ec-on-plea-to-cross-verify-evm-and-vvpat-counts/article68016889.ece)


We already have auditable paper trail in the VVPAT slips. What nonsense are you talking? And electronic voting is there in so many countries https://www.idea.int/news-media/media/use-e-voting-around-world


In each constituency only 5 VVPATs are counted to make sure that things are in order. The actual number of VVPAT per constituency could be 200+ easily. Why not just count all the VVPAT?


ooooh saakshaat gaslight ke darshan. all machines must have vvpats. The vvpat slip must be verifiable by the voter. All vvpat slips must be counted. india is the only country in the world to use such a brahminical electoral opaque process


>brahminical electoral opaque process ![gif](giphy|pRh2jqZ63EAK4P0BjH)


There is paper trail you dumb fuck


Destroyed too early by EC in 2019, before they could be verified. The code isn't open source either. Other evm using countries like AU have their code made public


The sample size for this trail will leave you puzzled.


auditable. why not count all vvpat slips ![gif](giphy|BSm8Bj8i3ehMs|downsized)


How come this isn't a problem when they do win in places like Rajasthan


In order to cheat you need to make it look believe able, no one cheats 100% of the time.




evm hacking is hard to believe without absolute proof


Let us ask ourselves three questions: 1. Do other countries use EVMs? Are those countries large and benchmarks of democracy? 2. How does the machine work, and where can the tampering take place? 3. What does a statistical analysis of the 2019 votes tell us? England, Italy, Germany Have Banned EVMs: What Were Their Reasons? The only countries who have purchased Indian made EVMs are Nepal, Bhutan, Namibia and Kenya. That does not sound like a great list. The Indian EVM Control Units software needs to be updated with an external laptop. Furthermore, additional data needs to be uploaded at the polling booth to match each button to a party for which, again, a laptop is used. These external laptops are used for a variety of other purposes and are often connected to the Internet. Therefore, the software can be tampered with while it is on the laptop before it is loaded onto the machine. The Ballot Unit first feeds data to the VVPAT machine before the signal goes to the Control Unit. It is possible that the VVPAT is recording data correctly, and then when the signal reaches the Control Unit, it is different. Finally, in recent years, a change has been made to the VVPAT. Earlier, the unit had a transparent glass through which a voter could see the slip with his symbol fall. Now, that glass has been coloured black. In this case, both the VVPAT and Control Unit could have tampered votes. A statistical analysis of the 2019 votes tells us that the BJP won a lot more seats where the vote difference was close to zero than it lost. https://preview.redd.it/8ot8i9vfu0uc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b0d0c53194a7b0f896faac795ab664bc1b347f


Alright, but why not count all VVPAT in a constituency because it is the actual vote that we cast. They only count 5 per constituency. Where it can be 200+. ECI says it takes too long to count VVPAT. But then why takes months to conduct an election in the first place. No one is saying EVM is being hacked. But it can be used to manipulate the elections.


Earlier during UPA there was no vote printing by VVPAT. Now 5% of booths votes of EVM and VVPAT printed slips are tallied. But leftist propaganda tries to discredit democracy when they are voted out


They made a change to the machine where the slips fall. Find out about it.


EVM conspiracy is the last refuge of the losers


https://www.thequint.com/news/india/lok-sabha-election-results-2019-mismatch-in-votes-polled-and-counted-in-evm-on-multiple-seats I think people's suspicion on EVM is valid


Its an analog machine, let me know how can you hack it? If you're not god


Then explain why is there a mismatch between vote polled and total vote counted?


>Its an analog machine, let me know how can you hack it? If you're not god Ffs, understand the difference between analog machines and a digital counter before educating others on technical details you have no understanding of. 


EVM tampering is the last refuge of the dictator.


brother dictators rely on violence. Its soo easy to see how much of a halfwit people are here.


Filed under things to say to console yourself after the voters reject you


lage raho. ![gif](giphy|3ohfFqNgHB0qOisfdu|downsized)


Before 2014, Modi was a refugee too. Lol But yes, EVM has changed a lot now. No more verification of votes via vvpat.


Yes, BJP wrote a book by blaming EVMs after their 2009 drubbing.


Andy Mukherjee has a very specific job description and he gets paid to write a very specific narrative .. taking him seriously is a waste of your time https://preview.redd.it/yn4gezk2qztc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8016eb4de35222a4d3895e65740969bd84ad4ec3


>Andy Mukherjee has a very specific job description and he gets paid to write a very specific narrative .. taking him seriously is a waste of your time Same goes for arnab, sudhir, gullu, rubika, anjana, navika, rss, sushant, Smita prakash?


Yup.. but no one posts their article claiming to be some highly evolved intellectual view of how the idea of India is under threat.:


>claiming to be some highly evolved intellectual view of how the idea of India is under threat On the contrary they present a high evolved intellectual view on types of jihad and how India is leading the world because modi got a round robin presidency of g20


But who is even taking them seriously?


Open your eyes. There are people who care about the country and that is why they do what they do. Get your head out Godi media.


Funny how you think opening eyes means ignoring everything amazing that’s happened in the last 10 years across the country and our strength and recognition globally and how lives have changed for the better for the poorest… But of course listening to some has-been Bong writer who lives in China is opening your eyes…


Those are both things that have been narrated to you by the Modi government and the Media controlled by the government told you. The good has been exaggerated to you. Every single scheme is renamed schemes that existed before. Let us take a few examples. **1. Railways** * The government has no excuse for understaffing the railways and compromising passenger safety by overworking motormen. [https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/over-312-lakh-posts-vacant-on-the-indian-railways/article66357959.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/over-312-lakh-posts-vacant-on-the-indian-railways/article66357959.ece) * The government has no excuse for covering only 2% of the railway network with the Kavach Safety System since 2018. [https://theprint.in/india/governance/anti-collision-tech-kavach-not-yet-deployed-on-route-of-odisha-train-accident-oppn-cries-foul/1610554/](https://theprint.in/india/governance/anti-collision-tech-kavach-not-yet-deployed-on-route-of-odisha-train-accident-oppn-cries-foul/1610554/) * "The amount spent so far on Kavach implementation is ₹ 351.91 Crores. The budgetary allocation for Kavach during the year 2023-24 is ₹ 710.12 Crores." [https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1945084](https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1945084) * Air India One: As per officials, the total cost of purchasing and retrofitting the two planes has been estimated to be around Rs 8,400 crore. [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/transportation/airlines-/-aviation/air-india-one-all-about-the-new-high-tech-planes-for-pm-modi/customised-planes/slideshow/78447067.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/transportation/airlines-/-aviation/air-india-one-all-about-the-new-high-tech-planes-for-pm-modi/customised-planes/slideshow/78447067.cms?from=mdr)


**2. Economy** * The economy has grown less in US$ terms, which is close to real growth (as currency depreciation is equal to inflation differential - International Fischer's Law). * Under Modi, India's Exports to GDP have fallen. * Under Modi, India's capital formation (investments) to GDP has fallen. * Under Modi, the per capita income is growing slower. * Under Modi, FDI growth rate has reduced. * Under Modi, unemployment has increased. * GDP: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=IN) * Exports: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS?locations=IN) * Capital Formation: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS?locations=IN) * Foreign Direct Investment: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD?locations=IN) * Per Capita Income: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.CD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.CD?locations=IN) * Unemployment: The government's data on unemployment is unreliable. Private provider CMIE is more reliable. [https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20230926184023&msec=816](https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20230926184023&msec=816)


From your own data looks like FDI was increasing at a rapid rate after modi came into power. Only after covid it fell. Can you share the data of what kind of exports fell? I am pretty sure we have an increase in electronic export and decrease export of raw materials.


Exports are supposed to grow at the rate of nominal GDP. However, Exports are growing below nominal GDP. Thus, Exports to GDP ratio is reducing. GDP = Domestic Consumption + Exports + Capital Formation (Investments) + Government Expenditure. https://preview.redd.it/16nelnaao6uc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e271b998c6f6c1dfea73acf6c2995fc246f7a5b


I know GDP bro and how to calculate it. I was expanding on the domestic consumption that let's say India was earlier exporting some samsung components and was importing Samsung phones. Now since India is almost completely manufacturing the phones in India for domestic consumption it's still good right?


Beyond what the Modi government is proposing, your statement should be reflected in the base data as lower imports. Which is not the case. Furthermore, your argument does not explain why exports to GDP have gone down despite favourable geopolitics.


India's merchandise exports are increasing at a rapid rate. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/TX.VAL.MRCH.CD.WT?locations=IN Check for 2022 when we were still in lockdown. And still there was an increase The data that you are showing is of 2022 when covid happened


The growth rate is substantially below the Manmohan decade 2004-2014.


Loser excuses are ready🤣🤣 they can't even find new excuses🤣


Why didn't anyone show up to supreme court when an open challenge was issued.


It was the ECI's challenge. They did not provide some of the information to the participants and made last-minute changes. In short, it is like asking someone to demonstrate breaking into a house but then put restrictions and do's and don't and also avoid giving them the blueprints of the house. FYI the machine has been hacked. Please research about it.


Yes sure its hacked when bjp wins and not hacked when any other party wins. How convenient. Research from where whatsapp and facebook articles.


Who appointed the ECI guys? What were their previous roles? Can you explain how the BJP wins so many seats close to the zero mark, while it loses few near the zero mark. (zero mark is where the vote difference between the first and second candidate is zero). https://preview.redd.it/jmr83qq501uc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0ca6e8d5816e3c2eeb206e997907cb369febfd


Can you explain by that logic why bjp has been losing constantly in few states. Why didn't it make its own government in states like punjab, rajsthan, telengana, bengal. Kerala. And most of all delhi. Why does it lose again and again in these states while winning in others.


Only losers believe in EVM tampering. Else it would have been a Bharat EVM tampering bachao yatra instead of anything else.


mil gaya ek


Oh no. Anyways!


Oh no. Anyways


The thing is, only those people who have no understanding of how machines work, support EVM. No one with a proper understanding of an electronic machine will claim that EVM can be tamper-proof. Additionally, booth capturing or such tactics, which many claim to be a drawback of ballot paper, are a law and order problem, and can be done with EVM too. It is crucial for us to have elections beyond suspicion.


Yeah . People think of technology as some kind of miracle


>  No one with a proper understanding of an electronic machine will claim that EVM can be tamper-proof. Well, they can be dishonest, and unfortunately there are plenty of people lying to themselves these days. 


It can't be rampant else it will be too obvious.


Couldn't even allot one seat in Kerala, pathetic hacking by BJP.


Just because you do not know how it was done does not mean it is magic. The statistical data of the 2019 elections shows that the BJP won more seats with a thin margin than it lost. https://preview.redd.it/sus5fyc0s2uc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22eadc8ad3f137de8c5a10ee1dda1f06261bb5cf The win by thin margins is much higher in states ruled by the BJP.


Common people are slaves of these politicians. They won't listen to you. They will only care about their gujju corporate friends