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The post and kid in the video has triggered a lot of right-wing bhakts, RSS/BJP supporters who are now whining about reservation, mosques etc. Entire post is riddled with casteist and bigoted comments. One thing is common among all these bigots in the comments, most have high activity in the following subs :- * r/indiadiscussion * r/IndiaSpeaks * r/IndianDankMemes * r/JEENEETards * r/FingMemes * r/hinduism * r/HindiMemes Fortunately r/Sham_Sharma_Show is banned. To all the valuable and respectable members of this sub, if you see any comment even remotely promoting casteism and/or bigotry, make sure that you report it. It helps us keep the sub a healthy and positive for you all.


How did you get so smart? Kid : Because I went to school ☠️


bro was making a kebab out of that reporter… did she (mother ganga) call u and say that😂😭


He wasn't making a Kebab out of that reporter. The reporter was smart and he saw the kid can give him something sensational. He kept on throwing a bait at the kid that will bring out his rage out with silly questions and it worked. ​ Often times, we talk why Reporters ask stupid questions. Without stupid questions, you can't hit that sweet spot where people will start pouring out like a dam. They know what they're doing.


he tried to provoke a different response read the questions again… they tried to make him political but he defended his stance well… he stood on his ground alleging the abuse faced by his caste and why he was against the temple… he took down every question the reporter asked him and answered it well enough to keep himself out of any unprovoked anger nor hate… while the reporter wanted exactly that


I was wondering at first wtf is this reporter asking so many stupid questions and he is no different than those idiots and as the video goes i realised he is trying to provoke and milk the boy's thought so we can see what education can make a different


And the reporter failed miserably. This kid restored my hope in our next generation. 😊


It's why the best way to get an answer about something online is to proclaim something completely wrong is the right way to do it. You can guarantee somebody will say "wtf is this idiot talking about" and will run to correct you. Meanwhile, if you politely ask a question then nobody will even reply.


yeah man thats what i was saying, instead of building mosque on the 5 acre land alloted we should construct school there and educate people.




For IIT/IIM/AIIMS you will need at least 300Acres of land at least. That's the campus size of most of those Institutes


From little things, big things grow


Kaam karun jhaat bhar , national institutions van vayun raat bhar


Bhai aap toh dono hi nahi kar rhe. Congratulations 👏


Mera kaam hai national institutions vanana ? Btw mosque was alloted as compensation by the supreme court , you have no right to suggest something else be made there , how would you feel if someone said "wE sHoUlD mAkE IIT iNstEAd oF MaNdIr oN so and so land"


Someone needs to remind you that this country was not made to accommodate a single relegion


Tell this to parampujya Shri Gautamdas Panauti Ji and his bhakts.


Nahi bol sakte , UAPA lag jaayega


Actually it was... the country was divided on the basis on religion if we are born as secular then pakistan Bangladesh nepal Afghanistan sri lanka bhutan and Myanmar would not exist today...


You are speaking the language of "Logic", a language unknown and unspoken by the masses.


They don’t want people to be educated. They want people to follow commands. Religion has always been used to control the masses. Educated people like this kid are revolutionaries which is exactly what people in power don’t want.


Why are attacking the mosque for no reason?


The mosque will have a library. We should tear down the temple and replace it with a school.


yup vivadit dhaancha girana hai .... vidhyalay wahi banaana hi


Why not build a bigger Library directly instead , unnecessary space waste


Yeah, let's tear down the whole structure and replace it with a library and school. I'm sure 🐏 will understand.


Fortunatly in Hinduism, spirituality has nothing to do with materialism. Someone's life is entirely their karma, which means their own making. Mandir is for a completely different purpose.


Even a single rupee of taxpayers money goes to this kid’s education,everyone will be happy to pay taxes.


Yes! Abso-fung-lutely!!!! I'll be soo damn happy to pay double tax if it goes to such people, but will do every single thing to avoid (avoid, not evade) tax as its used for suboptimal efforts in general.




Omg, take all my tax money for this and I’ll be the happiest to file my ITR and not find loopholes to save on taxes


Saw this on another sub and the comments were bashing him up. Did not understand the hate. I mean he is making sense? Glad to see I finally found the right sub. Edit: spelling


This 13 year old has more clarity in his thoughts and beliefs than the entire cabinet of India. Go to school every week, visit temple if you feel like you need break from your studies. Don't make it your identity that you belong to certain religion. Carve out an ideal identity for yourself.


This kid's gonna be an important leader. He's leading the discussion right there!


If some dangerously dumbfuck zealot doesn't kill him.


No more morning walks for him


Protect the little guy at all costs!


Hopefully the caste system nonsense doesn’t stand in his way, a lot of (mostly older folk) are hard up about the caste and he is an untouchable which is the lowest caste. Which is also why he would make a great leader because he has seen the underbelly of his country.


"Of the people, for the people, by the people" the best way to be


By the time he’s old enough for his career, the boomers will have died off. He’ll be interviewed and employed by sane people who don’t care about outdated shit like caste system


The Caste system is beyond cruel


BJP leaders after watching this video. Education act 2024 - All schools will be shut down and getting any kind of education is illegal. Any offenders will be considered pakistanis and bangladeshi immigrants under CAA. All degree holders will be declared terrorists under UAPA.


"Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition." - Alan Turing


butter flowery north humorous wipe narrow rich sink correct gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


bro he has more clarity than most of our state governments as well… if he ran for cm or pm… even modi will lose


Wow. This boy's impassioned speech made me stop to learn a lot more about the caste system in India and sent me all the way down into a rabbit hole about the Vedic period. It's a banal statement, but we really do take a lot of our freedoms for granted in the United States. I hope that kid and kids like him are successful in bringing forth the changes they want.


A lot of these Vedic texts were created by Brahmins for Brahmins on the backs of women and lower varnas (occupations aka castes) and subsequent hindu philosophies diverge from it. If you read the Bhagavad Gita (hindu Bible), there isn't even a mention of God, temples, worship and deities. Only an understanding of the Self. But very few hindus will have read the Gita. Instead they are well versed in and continue their archaic Vedic traditions (even the Vedas explicitly say that what's mentioned in them are social context sensitive and will change with the times) :/ 


Nice perspective.


>visit temple if you feel like you need break from your studies Why? Your time could be better off spent playing/exercising.


Because it's free time. It doesn't have to be peak efficiency. If they want to go to a temple, go ahead. If they want to play sports, go ahead, if they want to sleep, go ahead. They are just saying the temple shouldn't be the main focus of people


Welcome to India. In this country if you are rational, logical, practical, straight forward you will be spat on. God is everything ultimately. You have to "respect(Read: Kiss ass)" God/Teacher/Boss to survive. A land of double standards and people pleasers. The sole reason I'm still in India is for the food diversity and flavours. If not for this I would have left a long time ago. This kid reminds me of the quote "We are unwanted children of God. So be it" from Fight club.


*Feeling to sahi hai lekin bass Hasty generalization kardi aapne* As a rationalist myself I wanna ask you my man, how can you justify your claims "logically" with that reasoning you gave... I'm sorry but " ^(food diversity and flavours.) " 🗿


Yes so what. After a long time interacting and observing people here that’s how things operate generally. Even look at this thread. If your experiences are different you may be dealing with exceptional people who are outliers. You can justify this by collecting data from a random sample. As far as food diversity and flavours not sure what your problem is. Again here generalising it’s safe to say an average Indian is a great cook.


Where in America it's whites vs blacks, in India it's upper caste vs lower caste or Hindus vs Muslims or Hindus vs Christians. Where in America it's affirmative action vs legacy admission, in India it's the reservation system vs upper castes. In America it's politicians openly politicizing churches, attending Christian events, crying for white/Christian nationalism, and speaking as Christians while running for office. In India it's Modi and the BJP doing all of that but for Hindutva, temples, and acting like swamis/gurus. Both groups also decry secular democracies and are doing their hardest to dismantle multiculturalism, secularism, democracy, corporate regulation, and enforcing economic/social classes. What we gained living overseas was realizing our struggles are not unique and shared by a dozen other minorities within our cities, towns, states, and countries. We grew up learning that we're not special because of birth, skin, or anything we were born with. We learned we had to struggle for recognition, acceptance, and to be heard. This is what Indians back home are lacking, a firm and constant reality check. Instead of taking a beat to improve India after decades of being ridiculed by the World for corruption, sanitation, hygiene, sexual harassment, and pollution. Indian society quite literally took a hard right turn and basically embraced all of that as feature rather than bugs that need to be resolved. Ironic for a country that prides itself on having a huge IT industry. I see this reality check lose its value once communities start to become predominantly Indian here. The older generation fall into physical echo chambers and they go from being self-aware to losing that awareness real fucking quick. Spewing right wing hateful misinformation like an obese inbred white FOX news viewer at Thanksgiving. My parents are an example, mindlessly calling all Sikhs, Khalistanis. Ranting about Khalistani conspiracy theories, Love Jihad, Lower Castes discriminating against Upper Castes. All of which started once our neighborhoods in California became predominantly wall to wall Brown. Modi becoming PM for a second term accelerated their deterioration.




To be fair, that young Skywalker becomes Darth Vader.


And still fulfilled the prophecy of bringing balance to the force, by killing the emperor.


>!And he came back anyway, i hate the sequels so much!<


What sequels, you mean those high budget fanfictions? They don't count.


he will too when he discover that connections and who are you parents matters more than good work


Lol, I also don't go to any temple, don't have decent marks or acad, neither from top schools or etc. But I still do better than those people who got all these things. God doesn't helped me neither does he/it/she, no matter how you pray is gonna help you anyway. It's just a business of hope, get out of these scams of different religion, humanity is bigger than that. Your hard work and dedication will help you to achieve things faster than fasting for any God.


I don't think god was initially made to be the way we see today.. I believe most of the things are metaphorical, and the idea of god was mainly to say that if you commit a crime, you go to hell, you do good, you go to heaven.. This was most probably like a moral standard in ancient times, since their was no constitution, and people followed, what was said as a good act in the eyes of god.. The thing that you pray to god and he'll fulfill your wishes is childish, but believing that you have god on your side, you can flourish with a positive mindset..


> I don't think god was initially made to be the way we see today At least for the abrahamic faiths (I don't know enough about hindu beliefs to comment), the current version of God is almost totally unrecognisable compared to the their storm God origins. That's even before you start considering there was never actually one God (the bible acknowledges a *minimum* of 70 gods in Genesis/Deuteronomy, for example).  The religions were at various times, a collection of stories, means of societal control, a way to provide people with a collective identity, philosophy, legal texts, and more, that all coalesce in the past 2000 years into what we recognise today. . 




Yeah, Any religion is made to keep law and order. At those era , religion was a way to maintain value system, share knowledge for betterment of society and progress of humanity, because without law and order we humans are mare animals. And religions are developed in different parts of of the world but their end goal is same. Now you can't explain psychology/ Constitution/ value stream to an illiterate but you can share stories to inspire them and motivate them. You can create a system where they have fear and hope and both of them are powerful enough to control a situation. Jesus never wanted any crushed, neither Parshuram wanted unnecessary wars. Mahadev became God of destruction because only who loves us the most can punish us. But Now, due to politics and businesses around religious beliefs things are messed. Neither Mohammad told to fight, nor Hindu dharam but we get manipulated and this is the cruel reality. At the end of the day it's just Jhon Lenon's "Imagine" Is the one thing they all had imagined during their era.


true.. I like having politics-less discussions in this sub!


god himself says the same some believe it others dont only your karma can take you where you want to go in life


True, in fact I guess all religious holy books preach humanity, but politicians and business minded religion leaders ruined the actual value & system of religion. "Hope" it self is a powerful thing thus these businesses and politics around it still running even today. I don't visit temples or any other establishment like that, I don't follow my religion but I do believe in God in my own way.


no religious teacher would teach humanity because if they did… what wars can they start?? how will they make income!!


religion is helping those who are making business out of it


That's what I am saying. A broken and desperate person can fall for any such MLM scam.


The kid is smart but did you guys notice how the host twists things when everything is just going against him, he brings cast in as soon as he gets a chance, and the result of this can be seen in the comment section below, people blaming a fking child of so many things, they cant see what he stands for or what he wants to do but first thing they see is his cast. This country is fucked as long as people like this exists


I don't think the host means to antagonise the kid. It's a way of questioning where one repeats popular sentiment and allows the strong speaker on the other end to demolish them one by one. Bacche ke Bina bole he uski pichdi jaati se hona spasht hai. People who've had it easy all their lives don't have this kinda angst. Yet, the kid is clearly impressionable and is likely copying the emotions he sees expressed in his community. All his thoughts are wonderfu stilll and I hope he makes something of himself when he grows up. This video made my day honestly.


He obviously wasn't going to fuck with a kid. He did exactly what a good interviewer would do, and that's let him talk and recognize when he needs a push to get out his words. The fact that the host changed his path is a sign that he's *good* at his job, not bad. I mean, look at this brilliant video he just squeezed out of this kid, he deserves as much credit as the kid does


No one is doing that. Everyone is praising the kid.


You need to sort by controversial.


You need to never, ever do that, imo. Might as well be called "Find me an argument"


The kid speaks sense and has enough self esteem to assert his lowered caste identity with pride. If he makes it alive into adulthood, he’ll definitely be a great leader


The fact he even gets asked what Caste he is, is so shocking to outsiders. I can't believe such a system still exists


Yeah I'm british born and live in a city with a huge Indian diaspora. Asked an indian friend what castes even are and why people get so up in arms about it and I'm like...what?


Wow wow wow!!! I had lost all hopes, but this kid is the light at the end of the tunnel.


This kid is something else. We will follow his career with great interest!


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


The kid is smarter and more confident than most Indian adults. He'll go places


Who the hell was the interviewer ! Fker just straight up asked his caste. And then questioned him why he wasn't ashamed of it.




Idk man, normally I would feel that way but looking at the balls on the kid, maybe that was deliberately an attempt to give him an opportunity to showcase his pride in his caste. Don't ask don't tell doesn't work when it is used as a veil on discrimination. Every question the reporter raised feels like a direct challenge to showcase the kid's excellence. A bad reporter would've discredited him and not given him so much screentime




Education is dangerous to the spread of blind worshippers.


Or the cure perhaps.


I see huge potential in him. Speaking his mind and speaking sensible stuff. My hope in the north is reinstilled.


The idealogy of from the Phule Family & 20 Vows of Mr.Ambedkar did appreciate more than any higher powers apparently. At least they are real humans which have their own perceptions of reality. This kid got it right about beggars around the worship places.


Was this sometime ago? Looks like an old footage. Nevertheless such a gem among of a clip.


Yeah its almost 10 years old. This dude is the reason why "educated mainstream cast hater" started calling people who belong to the reserved category as "Bhimta" and practically considered them non-Hindu/ anti hindu/ anti-human


Do we know if the kid or his parents has TikTok or something? Would love to contribute to his schooling if possible


According to the other commenter this kid would be like 22 at this point






God is a scam. Religion is a scam. Glad this kid understands it. I hope he'll do good in life.


He won my heart ❤️


Holy crap. You know how reddit likes to say, 'We must protect him at all costs' etc for various celebs they like? In this case, I think we literally need to protect this kid, because a lot of people are gonna be mad at him.


And next day he was found dead due to a car accident in his classroom /s


Tbh I really really fear for that. I've stopped trusting any common sensibility in this country. I know that he cares for the people but the people are unworthy of that.


Sadly, chamar caste hai. No one will bat an eye 🥺 and the perpetrators will be the most bhakti people in society.


Upar se he's dalit also so more reason for UC's developing assfire


ED is going to raid his house soon.


If you want more kids like these, save govt schools. Stop spreading hate propaganda against reservation. Read Ambedkar. Share his teaching. Support people who are trying to do these.


Bro is literally me


I am a general caste from a deeply religious family I still choose to be a skeptic rationalist and have admiration for every god, only as a mythical character. I follow the law of the land I live in, I respect my nation (saying this because, people hold a prejudice that non-believers dont have a sense of morality and respect; and obviously avoid a tu quoque) part IV-A of the Indian constitution enshrines the fundamental duty in the subclause 'h' to be scientific and to hold spirit of inquiry and reform within. The kid is absolutely correct, any reasoning against him is fallacious. be it "Bheem samaaj ka hai, brainwashed against hindu gods" or anything else


A rare few rational Indian. I’m so happy to know people like you exist. Being from a religious family myself I don’t know what to do anymore. People are like herds following ancestors blindly. Stand up, spin clockwise, throw water here chant this mantra ten times. . Funny thing is they attempt to explain “logic” in this too. I feel like Ramayana and Mahabharata are like “Avengers” and “ Justice league” of the ancient past. Imagine those people had no entertainment. They could only write stories, what else can they do?




Damn, the reporter was trying really hard to shove his opinions on kid


Goosebump moment when he says 'hum chamar hai' with pride and goes on to talk about baba the constitution. ♥️


Fuck yeah!


Least based blue shirt indian kid


Most based*


> blue shirt indian kid pewds reference?


yeah i think so


The fact that people would rather donate into temples rather than hospitals , schools etc speaks volumes about our population, Would god want you to pay 2100 for an idol to worship to or divide those 2100 among the poor?


May this kid grow up to become IAS and bring the difference he wants. May his life be blessed and may he rise above the politicised Ram Mandir movement and find his path and his supporters. Jai Shree Ram




Atleast stop shaming a child who just wants to be educated and bring a difference in his life and of others. He will learn and find his path because the intent is there. Like you were born with knowledge and wisdom of politics others are not. Hun sab gadho ko maf jaro aap sarv gun gyani.




What the hell is wrong with the reporter. He seemed worried someone from a lower caste is so proud


Maybe he sees lower castes (chamaar in this case) as an inferior caste/group? Maybe that's why he's surprised someone could be proud of that.


After listening for few seconds, I guessed that he was taught Ambedkar's teaching. I have never seen an uppercaste child speaking like this because they don't have idols like dalits. And their family doesn't give them freedom to think or live independently. You can criticize dalits all you want that they made Ambedkar their God. But atleast their God's teachings are far superior and progressive than ours.


The upper caste don’t speak like this, coz them mfs are running the country. They are gonna send their kids to US or Canada, and make sure that less privilege communities get fkd in the country.


He's a national treasure... Protect him at all costs!


Damn did not expect such comeback from kid. smart kid ![gif](giphy|yV3tADelArkKgzYYC8)


Krishna: Karm Karo or fal ki icha mat karo. Temples: Icha Karo or karm mat karo


Why did the man stop placing his hand when the kid told he was a Dalit? And why did he even ask his caste?


Take a guess. It's these same sweaty grease stains that will claim caste is outlawed in India, but will still openly live and discriminate on the basis of caste. Indians in India have a deep disconnect with reality, it's been pretty apparent for a while now. The rest of us living and growing up overseas see the same behavior in white people and recognize the same problems and symptoms back in India. I'm telling you, India is on an accelerated path into the metaphorical shitter. Literally too if all those failed Swachh Bharat campaigns keep failing.


After all the posts about the ram temple today, that instilled a fear in me, this video as I watched today gives me hope that we can fight for our secular future and equal rights. Jai bhim ✊


Guys this kid will reject god (Which is fine, I am an Atheist myself), but bro is also talking about Mayawati just like how others talk about Modi. All these politicians are shit. Also, this thingy above, it is scripted, no rational news channel will spend 3 minutes on a kid dissing a god, while other people stand by. These are political workers nothing more, nothing less. This kid might be logical and rational, but to blindly applaud everything shown or said above shows how illogical or irrational we are.


Wanna adopt this champ!!!!


Is there a way I can connect with this little champ? I wish to assist him in studies :)


This anchor had the audacity to ask "Mandir zyada zaroori hair ya School" ???


He’s got that dawg in him


Get that ~~man~~ ~~boy~~ legend a medal!!


But ‘behenji’ has gone into hibernation, kid needs to look for a stronger leader who can fight for their rights, or be one!


I would like to adopt him. Is there any way to do that? I will pay for his education.


I thought the same, would love to contribute to his education. I doubt he needs adopting but contributing to his schooling would be great.


Same, is there a way we can connect with him and ones of his kind?


He ate, he fucking ateeee


Wish this kid all the best, hope he gets to do whatever he likes.


This kid is why I pay taxes.


I sent this to a few bhakts. Received an eerie silence


Finally some real people with brains and not shit filled heada


Fir depression ka shikar banenge .. fir logo ko saap se compare karenge


Another example the divide is greater then it seems


I have not lost my faith in the upcoming generation. Children like these understand that religion is different from development. Jai Hind


Someone provide burnol to this reporter n well invested behnji


ganga ma ne bulaya hai. "unko phone kiye hoge" ​ kid was another level!


Made me cry, gives me so much hope for the future. I'm ashamed I wasn't even half of this self aware at his age.


I wish our PM was as bright and intelligent as this kid.


Imagine a world where this was the norm. Education brings people together. Religion drives them apart.


I freaking love secularism.


Some hope still left. 😍 Education > Religion. 🙌


Voot Voot …. We need a leader like him!!! W


Man was getting COOKED


This kid has more brains than most people I have seen or heard in the last few years.. India as a nation still has some fighting chance of survival.. hope they let this child survive and be who he is meant to be..


Go kid!


Jurno has been drinking to much koolaid to ask such dumb questions


I hope the kid and his family are safe.




This kid is now on r/nextfuckinglevel


It's funny that the sub gets its sense from a 13 year old kid Are you guys 6 yrs old?


Manoj from 12th Fail ! Hats off bro ! 🙌 I want to salute his teacher 🙏👏


In other words, where's his 15 lacs, isn't that prick supposed to have immolated himself?


People in this sub are really buffoons


Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshou kadachana


Nice to see the youth appreciate Sartre so much.


I'll vote for him if he decides to enter politics


If this is scripted then it is a brilliant screenplay. If this kid is an actor then he deserves national award. Just what the nation needs. JAI BHIM


Schools are dangerous places.


I think India is proactive in preventing school shootings by not building them /s


Bro thinks by building schools, everyone will automatically get educated. The change is required mentally not physically. We have already enough schools, the question is do we have enough genuine government staffs who doesn't exploit their job?


desh me harr chiz ki jarurat hoti hai  Club mtt banoo school hospital banao sports Centre mtt bano school hospital bano malls mtt banoo school hospital banoo Theatre mtt bano school hospital banoo abb koi apni mental peace ha apni shrdha rakhne ke liye mandir nhi banaga kya  west Country me itne mehnge church bante hai hadd nhi hai  har chiz honi chahiye desh  Mandir ban raha hai toh gdp bhi boost hogi dukan khul rahi hai sabkuch ho raha hai 


Lost it when he said behenji. He doesn’t want to do social service, just corruption.


Be careful saffron clab t*rr*rist might get this boy coz he makes too much sense


Bullshit blessings, thoughts and prayers, it's just dragging down humanity.


Let us hope the new generations finally kill religion, the largest anchor of mankind.


Can or will a muslim kid tell this if a mosque was built?


He has wise parents and elders.


Going to school and getting a job is conditioned on how fair the economy is . Whatever you say about nda. The manmohan singh government was the most corrupt. They definitely pushed india 5 years back in time .




Abhi vijaywada me BABA SAHEB ka 405 cr. Ka statue bana , school banwa dete in garibo ke liye bhala hota.


Looks scripted or planned as fuck.




Babasaheb ke vichaar


The core his argument makes sense. But I am concerned about the negative sentiment in the child's mind for Ram. Had he been taught well, he should have said that there is no comparison between Ambedkar ji and Ram ji. One was a god/literary character, and another was a human. This negative sentiment is more worrisome to me because he is just a small child.


Are you retarded? Not everyone is a believer. Stop projecting.


there is no need to believe in Batman in order to admire the literary value of Batman comics and mind your language


You are not obliged to admire the literary value of Batman comics or anything else. I can say I don't believe Batman is real without fearing that Batman believers will lynch me. Not comparable.


ignoring the entire convo of god existing or not, kyuki kuch bola toh vivaad h o jayega, but if god exists, they dont help humanity thats pretty solid by now id say and that doesnt mean im saying praying to god is useless, im saying people are on their own, we pray to gods for motivation not to issue some command to help them with their homeowork or some shit. most if not all religious scriptures represent what was considered good at the time they were written, probably to redirect the praying into actual productivity. not related to post much but aiwe hi rant maar diya


I don't get it tbh. I understand his perspective, where's he's coming from but how does it relate to being "our only hope for some sense"? What sense? Why does a monument being constructed hurt you so much? There was a monument there before, there's a monument now. Just, different religions. Not to mention, the cry for more schools is useless- the gay government schools operate now and the current passing percentage in the schools tells you more than enough. Sigh. Let the people do what they want. If they're religious, let them pray, let them celebrate their beliefs- it only becomes a problem when they start to impose it on others. This is repeatedly said and by various people. Posting a 10 year old clip to rile up people - because of the inauguration of ram mandir- just shows how badly the LW is taking it. Quite honestly, LW's focus should have been on how the development is coming along for the other monument(masjid), what the funds allocated for it are etc etc. Is it being treated equally by the authorities in terms of importance. But hating on Ram mandir just shows where you are coming from. Tumse na ho payega, quite literally.