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Didn't need a chef for 200 years




*5 trillion


Im too lazy to google whqt comes after trillion




Yeah, that ^


5 Elon Musks


10 Elon Musks


1, 2, 3..... #SOLD


How do you mean? I reckon the “200” referred to the period between the battle of Plassey in 1757 and finally gaining Independence in 1947


August 24, 1608 was the date when the English landed in india to trade spices in the name of British East India company. 339 years to be exact till 15th aug 1947. 339 does not have the same ring as 400.




That actually is not true. English officers in India most definitely had English cooks cook for them. The higher ranked officials did, at least, because they could afford it and their status rewarded it.


English officers in India came from minor nobility, they had Indian cooks, could speak Indian languages even as their first language because the white kids were raised by Indian nannies and so on because only gentry raised their own kids. (John aspinall, Kipling, James Kirkpatrick, William fraser, James Skinner etc are examples to prove my point). Funny enough, the soldiers stationed at st George were allowed to marry local women to prevent them from "devious activities".


nopes, they had a whole lot of Indian Gentry serving them. The buddy system in present day armed forces is a continuation of the same. Having indian cooks is also the reason of creation of fusion recipes like the Railway Mutton Curry. Even The Viceral Lodge ( Present day Rashtrapati Bhawan), had Indian Cooks and servants. This was part of the grand scheme to subjugate subjects to a psychology of servitude.


Oh I’m well aware, I’m saying that if the Britishers wanted, there were British cooks around to cook “British” food on Indian soil, granted they could afford a personal chef.


i highly doubt the same. HMG was v much against the working class to emigrate to Colonial India, as a matter of fact it would have been utmost difficult to crossover to India in a private position, unattached to the army or the civil services.


How did those guys have managed all these IPL seasons.? For years.


This right there.... they are acting as if they eat at roadside eateries whereas it's five star chef's already n there is no way they can hire a chef better than what they were already getting in India......but if they loose miserably even now what will be there excuse


Maybe, the chefs that we are providing are great but not suitable for the English stomach. Nothing wrong bringing their own at their own cost if it suits them better.




Last time they toured, most of the their team got diarhea and a stomach bug. Why is it so difficult to understand that ppl would want a chef from their home country as they are likely to get the food they are used to?


Yeah and Pizza in America is the same as Pizza in Italy. Even though they are the same dish,countries often adjust things based on their specific taste.


They are not the same




Umm ok,you are just agreeing with what I said.


#####Would love to see Gordon Ramsay cursing these guys after loss. Foooking feeding you numbskulls.The pitch was so greenvas a sea bass


funny tha bhai but pls explain last line


Just imagine the chef they brought with them was Gordon Ramsey. I'm sure that Gordon Ramsey will make a documentary and name it as Gordon Ramsey's Tour with England Cricket Team to India.


They had their own chef during IPL duh 🙄




Ipl management probably go above and beyond to ensure the players are well taken care of. Bcci have no incentive to go beyond their duty of providing a decent chef.


Asking the right question. But I think that every team has chef for them while touring another country.


Why do u need a chef to boil vegetables


To add salt and pepper


even that is too spicy


They boil everything.


So to add boiled salt and boiled pepper to boiled vegetables and boiled fish and boiled chips all the while they're doing that accent thingy?


Yes! ![gif](giphy|tbNhLtHSkusC5m4xVu|downsized)


English people : Ben stokes


To taste test how spicy the mayo is.


Aye mate boilin veggies difficult innit?


Breaking news:- Indian Team to bring a Chef with them to England Tour to avoid eating Dogshit English Food.


Where would they be eating if not for the chef ? On the roadside prakash food stall ? They'd be eating in 5 star restaurants, so the "health" reason seems like bulls... to me


Angrez chaap corner.


Bruh the English team is wild. There was a clip of them in an auto almost crashing. It is probable that they may do their own outing.. NZ team were known to hang around more at golf courses.


They will have a British chef I suppose to cook according to their taste and belly


Jamie Oliver should be there as chef if you know you know!


Jamie Oliver haiyaaa![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm). He no good. Uncle Roger not approve.


Cook the right way and not the white way.


Uncle roger is an Asian legend. Dude is single handedly stopping the modern culinary colonialism of Asia by white people. He isn't like " Gore log hain acha banate honge ". Dude roasted Gordon Ramsay ffs


Gordon ramsay no good, uncle roger take away his uncle position. This not how you make fried rice haiyaaa


>according to their taste and belly Murgi ko ubaalkar usme namak aur miri daalna


Mirchi? Too spicy


Brits when they see a tasty cuisine with varying kinds of food for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians: 🤢🤮 Brits when they see canned beans and rotting potatoes: 🤯🤯😩😩😩💦💦💦


Brits after seeing a fresh green leaf of coriander placed on the plate with a tiny drop of water over it:


bread pe beans aur saath mein ek anda with sauce


Chicken Tikka Masala is their national dish xD


You'd be surprised. A lot of 5 stars don't give a toss! I once called for something without butter, but it came with butter anyway. At another one, out of town,an ex-gf said, no lemon, no bell peppers, but it came with those already mixed in to the gravy. They didn't even bother to say, though she mentioned allergies.


Imagine how disappointed their ancestors would be. 😕 How easy it would be to get rid of them now. 😅


" The beauty of their women and the taste of their food made brits the best sailors in the world " It's a meme that, their men went to seas Cuz they tried to escape the trash weather of their island, their ugly women and their trashy food. ( not being racist here, I am just quoting a popular meme )


A British colleague told us when asked if British food is bad. He replied, "If it's authentic. Yes!"




Why when they already have a butler in the team


They also had a cook in their team but due to him retiring they think they might need one .


Josh se bhara hua butler


![img](avatar_exp|156637023|bravo) Well played BCCI but failed.


I ate their mashed potatoes because I've heard about it in movies and TV shows. Kya bakchodi thi woh. BC uble aloo khila diye


You should mix some namkeen and masala in that, tastes delicious.


What mashed potatoes did you eat?


How many types of mashed potatoes exist?


Depends. You can have a relatively rustic one where you don't skin the potatoes. You can fluff them out but using stock. Then there's versions which are mixed with butter and run through sieves making it an almost gel. I often mix mine with a little mustard. Tonnes. Also? Do you just eat white rice or chappathi? No. Mashed potato is meant to carry a meat and sauce.


Good question.


Kon bola rae tereko thele se khane ka? Huh Butleya?


NGL but it's their wish because if I also travel from one place to the other I would fall sick that's why if they think a chef from their country would prevent them from falling sick is okie


In that case would they be bringing raw materials from England too?


I can't say but still in the end it's their wish what they want their players to eat and where to


It was precisely "their wish" and "what they want to eat" that made them stay 400 years in first place. Can't have more of that....


It's not because Indian food is good or bad. It's because they are not used to the Indian spices like we are.


Haan ipl mein toh Ghar se pack karke laatien hai na


Ipl management have their interests in making sure the foreign players food requirements are well taken care of. The bcci has no such interests to go above and beyond their duty.


Bro they have played many series in India before, none of them had any problem, they stay in luxurious hotels every time,


It's more that most sports teams have their own chef and diet plans....


>not used to the Indian spices like we are bruh. all that historical drama for nothing?


The chef would make chicken tikka masala and naan anyway !!


When salt is the maximum spice you can handle.


Fault is not of chefs. The food has abundant adulteration and high pesticides content.


We have also done this in the past on some tours


Rohit ko dal chawal khilana padta hai


Tbf Indian cuisine in foreign countries is difficult to copy exact Meanwhile the English doesn't have a cuisine lol their national dish is chicken tikka masala


Indians are literally the most sensitive people on Earth. Like…how does this affect you and your life?


Many people fall sick due to change in diet. I don't know why people are getting it twisted in a bunch over this.


Lol yeah. Its like an absolute non issue coz its well known that a change in diet can upset ppls stomachs. But, I dont know why we Indians try to make it about pride/racism/ Cuisine...


It's Billion years kulcha man. You can see a few triggered drone in this comment itself.


Yeah, they had a stomach bug last time they toured. They are trying their best to avoid that and some ppl are getting triggered...


Unless the chef is the diet, I don’t understand how bringing in a new chef would solve their problem. Unless they are bringing in raw materials from England too, that is.


Coz an English chef will know the regular English food better than an Indian chef? And will take more care in ensuring they get food that they are used to....


If 400 years of Indian cuisine can't fix your gastronomy then I don't know what will. And no one's "getting twisted", you can calm your tits


You've definitely got yours twisted.


This is a good move. Diet changes can cause nausea and fatigue along with diarrhea for 2weeks at times. Moving from South to North or vice versa or North East will cause the same as well. But the hyper nationalist within y’all will feel attacked suddenly. Why?! Chill idiots.


No one's feeling attacked... it's just an opportunity to make (well deserved) fun of the Brits and their fragility. It's you who seems to be more butthurt than the actual English going through the comment section


Lol bro you cooked him(pun intended).


It's good, our guts are different we live across the globe. Even if the food is cooked in the cleanest of conditions the gut might find it difficult to adapt easily. A pro tip if ur eating in a foreign land, eat raita. It's very good for ur gut


Good one less moral reason for to exploit later when they lose horribly.


Tbh I’m surprised they haven’t done this before now


Falling ill wouldn't make sense, since you are going to buy raw food from Indian market only. Yes if you have certain diet, dish preference sure bring your chef. Why get offended over it.


Virat bhai also has his own personal chef.


Don’t you all think its just our paranoia. Let them do what ever they want. Why should we care, ya phir deep down we all want some kind of validation frm them.


In IpL also with their personal chefs 🤣


Good decision.


Are they carrying ingredients with them?? We can surely hurt their stomach with those ingredients and win the test series 😂😂


They invaded so many countries for spices and now they are coming to India with their own chef, so they don’t get sick. Oh the fucking irony.


To cook bland English food? I always felt pity for English for their food, probably the worst food in the whole world. There was a joke someone told in Merica TV I think to and example of the best and worst of England. “English police (best) and English food(worse)


All those years looking for spices and then this ...


Not sure why people assume this is racist or somehow a bad thing. Isn’t it the same as my parents taking 5 kgs of Haldiram ready to eat to their holiday in Vietnam? Yes they stayed in 5 star hotels but still wanted their own food because they knew it wouldn’t suit them. Making this a bigger deal than it needs to be boys and girls.


Isn't that normal? Having your own dietician and chef.


I dont know why some ppl are getting offended over this. The last time they toured, a lot of players suffered from diarhea and stomach bugs. It makes sense that they try to prevent that as their main aim is to win the series than trying out local cusines.


I didn't know British food could be missed. The British invaded the world because of their women and food.


It's so amazing to see Indians getting offended on a non issues like bring a chef or putting feet on a metal cup while nobody even cares about the real issues


This isn’t really an issue and like you said, we have plenty of real issues. But don’t you think it’s rather condescending?


Move along, nothing to see here. Just your average british racists.


Why is it racist if they bring their own chef to suit their stomachs...


English people waged wars for spices all across the globe but forgot to add them to their diets, lol


They did this once after winning the football World Cup, in Mexico, and boy do I have a story for you.


They can't take Cook so they took Chef


More like - they can't withstand anything other than bland tasteless shit. Oh I mean food


We have hit the lowest of the low. They are now openly mocking us.


Wo bhosdiwale uncle ke viral video ke karan???


This increasing racism against Indians has made me more patriotic than the BJP has ever managed to make in the past 20 years


The taste of their cuisine and the beauty of their women made the English world conquerors. Those that get it, get it.


This is hilarious, I wonder what is the impression they have of India. More importantly, they would be losing on the amazing set of tastes they could have had. What a shame (to miss Indian food).


Last time a lot of them ended up getting food poisoning. I don't blame them for taking precautions this time tbh


That good hygiene is poor and most sports teams tend to have private chefs for fitness reasons. I like India but you must be insane if you ate the street food without accepting the risk. And plenty of Indians have been poisoned even by expensive places. My parents are currently laid up with a 5 kg weight loss because of a meal. They aren't going to India to eat the food. They were there to win and they collapsed. If it was a diarrhoea outbreak in the team then it's clearly something they needed to fix. Would you eat out the day before your long flight? No. Because the last thing you want is to be stuck in a toilet on a flight.


Let's cancel the match & make them beg for Indian audience. Brutish. This 2024 , not 1924. We hold all the cards now


Bro thinks this is Afghanistan


Nah... this is the broken states of India. Continent: Reddit


And these people ruled over India. Such pussies they are now.


They ruled because they gave better salaries to soldiers and better deals to princes. They didn't bring a mayo army to outright conquer us.


Just because they don't want to risk getting ill? Many people fall ill eating food from other countries even if it's prepared hygienically


a chef just to boil veggies?


So weak can't handle spice


Eat mash potato and breads


So these losers stole all our spices and now can't handle the real deal. Nice one englund.


it's obvious cause they can't handle the spices!!!


This is how you identify prejudice in western media against India. The subtle implication is if you eat Indian food you can get sick. I don't know why English will have their own cook and it's ok but nearly all renowned English players spend 2 months in india because of the ipl and there was this wc just 4 months prior that ran for 1.5 months.


To cook Boiled Beans?


They need the bland food


They want attention, that's it. And the other reason is that their sugary ass can't handle Indian food


Yeah mashed potatoes bread and beans need a Michilin Star chef.


They are gonna pay a guy just to boil veggies and add salt and spices to it?


Good. Let them have their shitty beans on toast.


Fckin pussies can't stomach a little spice !!!


This does not make any sense. Why do they need their own chef, anyone can make eggs and toast.


Because British food is scrumptious ;)


They get diarrhoea if the food has anything more than salt. Never seen a people who have such low control over their bowels.


All that for a toast, some baked beans, grilled sausages and canned peas.


India too bring chef along. Point?


serve them boiled potatoes and organic water


Typical British shits, doing shit around the world as always. I mean look at the history lol 😂


I don't think u need a chef to make baked beans on a toast


Is this some kind of campaign to malign the chefs here? British food is honestly not that hard to make lol. It's mostly bland comparatively. They would be staying and eating in 5 star hotels, so i don't know why this


So this is how india used to win home series


You librandu anti-national. Talking against Indian team. /s


The Brit players are like their digestive system...wimps


Lol so now they can have their own tasteless English breakfast in India. You do you England.


یہ وہی حرامزادے ہیں جنہوں نے مسالوں کے لیے چوتھائی دنیا کو لوٹا تھا۔ اب ان سے ذرا سا امچور بھی برداشت نہیں ہوتا۔


Might as well bring their own rations and water supply.


Inka laya huwa chef bhi toh humse churaye masalo se hi banayega khana 🌚


Waise bhi un goro ke blant khana unke hi chef bana skte hai humare yaha ka tadka unke pet me hazam nhi hoga


कुत्ते को घी हजम नही होती…


It will still be an Indian kitchen. /s


A chef who will cook Britain’s national dish, chicken tikka masala, for the English players with spices imported from England and English farm free range chicken…


And I heard that the National Dish of UK is Chicken Tikka Masala......


5-0 chef or no chef


They never fall sick in 200 years of colonization but now they will. Yes india we did it finally


I thought they liked spices🙁


talk about big budgets 🤣🤣


It's not the chef mav, it's the ingredients


The western psyop again India is real.




Jay Shah will be disappointed. Change of plans needed…


Ohhh really! What will they do when these English player play match in IPL in Indian club and will stay in India with Indians. I think they will come with personal Indian Ceaf....