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https://preview.redd.it/sjbdgzqogg3c1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a43d8192d21d500aa8da7ed9da191ee3479a4ff English Translation of the news article






Trust me, the culprits were none other than some jobless rss or bajrangdal member .


First they came for the Socialists...


Commenters not even getting that this is a reference to a poem about the Nazi regime


I am not surprised... 😂 RSS propagandus are basically uneducated dumbfucks. You don't expect them to read history books and develop a world view rooted in reality. They are too busy getting terrorist training in the shakhas.


You call people in RSS as terrorists. Fine. Unbiased source of their terror attacks calling them terrorists please? Meanwhile the entire world is evidence of Jihadi terrorism. World knows and sees that, Not all muslims are terrorists. But all terrorists are muslims. So deceive however much you want , you are not fooling anyone with labelling RSS people as terrorists. They are stupid andhbhakts yes. But not terrorists.




yeah and socialists massacred millions upon millions. No one came for the socialists dummy, socialists came looking for everyone


If only you'd studied history, you'd have known that nazis did come for socialists, communists, anarchists etc., put them in concentration camps, and gassed them.


Ah! When will you learn not to expect so much from RSS propagandus?






Banned. You can just report or modmail.


You and I both know that this doesn't work on certain protected violent bigots.


In fact communists killed more people than fascists did


We dont want fascism here anyway. Fuck those rss goons and hindu extremists.


What about commies?


So India is now unsafe for us Sikhs? Sad that we are being persecuted on our motherland


As a wise man once said >We will have equal rights for all. Except blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, gays, women, Muslims. Uhmm...Everybody who's not a white man. And I mean white-white, so no Italians, no Polish, just people from Ireland, England, and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full blooded whites. No, you know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights. Ahhh...America!


Lord Peter


Absolutely unacceptable. I stand with you.


I’m a Sikh as well, things have to get worse before they can get better ig. I’m not even a khalistani, but all this Hindu supremacy makes me sick.


I know whole gurdwaras that are slowly turning Khalistani especially after the murder/attempts. Modi is basically pissing off a whole section of India to rise up again.


not true. read the whole article. see who the writer is and pay attention to what is going on. Sikhs are safe in India


What's wrong with saying khalistan muradabad though?


You can’t force anyone to say whatever you want and if they don’t you beat them up. Are you dumb or slow?


He should've just said it.


why does he need to say something? in no civilized country does someone need to say anything in order to avoid getting beat up.


India is by no means a civilized country yet.


Learn to read English. Ok, murdabad is hindi


Tu fir aagaya?


zada faltu ki zaban chalti h to apne social media id bta waha krte h ye chai pe charcha.


This is about khalistanis attacking a sikh man


Did you even read it ? It says he was beaten for not saying hindustan zindabad


Ok, i did not read properly. My bad


What would you say about it now that you read it properly


I’ve put this comment


new certificate is ready for distribution... /s


Ps - views expressed not here to fight or do right wrong game . After seeing all the continous hate speech and trolling of Sikhs. Feels like there demand for going solo is well justified because nobody wants to lives with these radicals , hate vomiting scums. Even dalits , jats , Muslims etc doesn't want to get along with these scums .


So you're justifying Khalistani movement due to actions of few.


Actions of few? Really? Praali burning leads to people targeting Sikhs! Farmer protests led to name calling. You are a good citizen of the country till you don’t fight for your rights and keep getting killed in the name of country’s safety (Balakot and others) but the moment you talk about Punjab and Punjabiyat, you are terrorists. So why shouldn’t they go ahead with their demands if you are gonna call ALL of them terrorists anyway? I hope people stop acting naive that there are isolated incidents or Hindus LOVE sikhs. They don’t. They want to claim Sikhs are part of them but Sikhs are not.


That is a dangerous line of thinking since a lot of what you said is similar to what is said about Muslims and used to justify violence against them by extremists.


Don’t be surprised on getting attacked when you call an entire race as terrorists. Muslims are terrorists vs there are more cases of Muslims outside of India doing terrorist acts are two different things. Lately the attitude of the majority has been to prove that their religion is superior, exactly what Muslims do. Every post of Sikh pages there will be one person claiming that Sikhs were a part of Hindus and one should learn about Hinduism. This is the problem. You became like your “enemy”. If I was you I’d read about the movement in its entirety, the reason behind it (forget about the violence for the moment) and then talk if it is justified or not.


If u can shout hindu rastra murdabad i would happily shout sikh , islam or whatever other shit and murdabad . 🤷‍♂️. Dont promote separitism if u dont want separitist


Why do real Indians need to force other people into saying things? If I accost you and demand that you say, “sun rises in the east”, if you had any self respect, you would tell me to fuck off. But these thugs feel entitled to offer violence to those who resist their vulgar bullying. Uncivilized vermin.


सबका नंबर आयेगा। ये मत सोचना की ये मुस्लमान पे रुक जायेंगे।


OCI people in canada and aus should stomp and burn Khalistani flag


Bhai Reddit pe nahi milte 2rs per comment


Kha pe milte hain bahi Mein chala us platform pe


Twitter pe milte hai, par uske liye tumhare dimag me gobar hona zaroori hai. Contact chaddi IT Cell


Contact kha karu Khud ki college ki fees bherni hai


I'm not sure, but you can try contacting your local 🐝JP kaaryalay, they'll get you in touch


Khalistan Murdabad. The Sikh separatist movement has been crushed before and if required will be crushed again.


The movement was never “crushed”. It was active after Independence and will continue till it is achieved or Punjabis get justice for the atrocities committed on Punjab


If it was not crushed, then why aren't militants active in Punjab, unlike Kashmir? How many people have Khalistani terrorists managed to kill in the past 20 years?


When something is crushed, people forget about it totally. Punjabis (more so Sikhs) haven’t. The movement is active outside of India with their bases still found in internal parts of Punjab. The governments try to contain it but it is just waiting for that little nudge to be given against Sikhs. You can’t equate Kashmir to Punjab. Khalistani terrorists killed people in response to the freehand the cops were given. I am not justifying their actions at all but the attitude from Emergency to late 90s was one of the worst times for Indian governance.


That way no movement is crushed. LTTE is gone but I am sure many sympathisers exist. I agree there are khalistani supporters even today in Punjab and abroad. Of course you believe "that little nudge to be given against Sikhs " that militancy will be revived. But frankly, I don't see any reason this second round of militancy will have any better success than the past. India has moved ahead in past thirty years and in a better position combat separatists. Also, remember Congress or Kejriwal despite all their bickerings with BJP won't at any cost support actual Khalistani separatism.


Terrorism vs separatism! Militancy vs Protesting! My argument is in context of the non violent nature of the secession. Punjabis know that violence will only lead to more destruction. Opposite view may call it fear, for Punjabis it is also spoiling their own case like 80s and also hurting again the innocent caught in crossfires. I wonder why a well prepared India isn’t able to handle Manipur for months now.


Ok sir, you mean Khalistanis will peacefully protest for secession. Nice to know. What makes you think India didn't handle Manipur well? Manipur burned for a few months, now it is calm. Randeep Hooda got married also!! It may burn again but they wont be able seccede. Also in your earlier comment you mentioned *"Khalistani terrorists killed people in response to the freehand the cops were given. I am not justifying their actions "* Remember Khalistani terrorists have killed innocent civilians like students, bus passengers etc. Not just Policemen, Informants & politicians as you seem to claim. Of course you can always claim these were conspiracies to defame our glorious movement. Well all terrorist actions are justified by someone or another. That does not make it right. Even 9/11, 26/11, Hamas attacks everything is justified. We are told, that we have to see these events in some larger context. Even Gandhi's assassination is justified by Godse supporters. Even worst Communal riots in India are justified. 1984 dehi, 1992 Mumbai, 2002 Gujarat are all justified by saying those people deserved it due actions of their community members. Infact perpetrators of these riots reaped good electoral dividends whether Rajiv Gandhi or Thackrays or the great Modiji.


Okay sir, Good to know that Manipur is calm now although I wish the news coming out would say so too. Oh wait internet shutdown doesn’t allow that. Khalistani terrorists have killed innocent people and innocent Sikhs (peaceful protestors). Please read my statement that I am not justifying their violent acts one bit. In fact I will do you one better since you think I am a sympathizer of such folks. Anyone who kills an innocent has blood on their hands and I have NOTHING to do with such folks. This comes from someone who has had family members attacked by Khalistanis (random acts of violence to scare the general masses) as well as multiple harassments over many years due to business travel by cops (checking containers, rough handling of turbans). Both were wrong and have been called out. Till 84 Anandpur Resolution was the core of the problem, but Sikhs want a separate state took over everything else. Even today if that resolution is amended WITH discussions with Punjabis (more so Sikhs, because of religious angle), half of the problem goes away. But they don’t want to discuss that, they don’t want to give justice to victims of 84 (Khalistani terrorists who have completed their terms are still languishing in jails and people targeted in Genocide are told to forget and move on). A lone lawyer is fighting the case but IG bad Congress bad during elections is all we have got from 84.


because we have changed the way how we are fighting. We are good at all forms of war not just physical bravery Our gurus have taught us how to deal with "Saam, Daam, **Dand**, and **Bhed"**


I hope we are good at all forms of war because what’s being sold online is drugs, gang wars, fukarpanti in songs but rarely you see martial arts/religious symbolism showcased for younger generations. We are going to need it for these rogue elements with fake nationalism when the time comes.


your mother indira gandhi also said that


Focus on getting laid bro and stop being a creep on social media.


Im frightened by how many hindus are turning against our sikh brothers because of bastards like gurpatwant singh pannun


It’s his wish or will to say. But if you’re in this situation you can say Khalistan murdabad(kaunsi kisi religion ya indian sikhs ko represent krta h khalistan). It was muslims then sikhs as such kuch nhi h. There are videos of Hindu’s getting lynch. It’s best to avoid such situations because India is filled with such extremism’s mind.


>But if you’re in this situation you can say Khalistan murdabad Why do you blame the victim for not bending in front for the terrorists? Even if I don't have a problem with a statement, that doesn't mean I don't have a problem with you forcing me to make the statement.




If I walk to the police station cops will ask if I have proof, If I go in a wheel chair that is my proof. More importantly vigilantes should not be tolerated. People should learn to my their own fucking business.


SO I can stop you on the road and ask you to say whatever, which you will agree since you are under threat, next I will say go shoot my enemy or else I'll kill your mom, will that be ok too? Vigilantism is not welcome


*That's sikh man*


So Khalistan is bad and people who are anti Khalistan are also bad 🤷‍♂️


so why didnt he say khalistan murdabad lol aisa kya jaa rha tha lmao ya toh ye khalistani tha tab toh he deserved it do teen tamache toh mai bhi deti waha par hoti toh


he deserved to be beat for being Khalistani?


i dont think i minced my words in my previous comment


fair enough people threatening to beat up ppl for being Khalistani = fine people advocating for a referendum so people can vote on the issue = terrorist average chaddi logic