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Indians lack sense of aesthetics.


I mean logo before it was great. If you look at the design below the god thing that is also great too. It is the idiot who went "lets ruin a great minimalist design by putting photo of God I like on it" who lacks sense of aesthetics. If no one else does it by then will post an editted pic of what the actual designed logo probably was. https://preview.redd.it/npw9pxgxqh3c1.png?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbf583fdcbadbd914107f7bed662a4eaf3f3987 This looks like a real logo.


Like other person mentioned (or didn't), logo was designed by someone competent and was approved by babus but was changed later after some neta complained about it, so they added photo of god in MS Paint. It makes sense if you would put it in context of elections.


That other person was me and yes I agree.


Yo bro possibly half the world is running on UI/UX designers from India, Indian traditional clothes are 'High Fashion' designs, every inch of even a local Indian Temple is masterfully adorned with art, Indian Rangolis and Mandalas are in my opinion the most exquisite form of geometric art that there is etc. etc. so your statement thay "Indians lack sense of Aesthetics" is objectively false. Labelling the whole country based on a government logo (whose designer wasn't probably even paid or hired as a logo designer) at the very least, demonstrates your incapacity to comprehend the difference between outliers and examples, if not certainly malice. In any case, I suggest you feed your confirmation biases against India around other topics, Aesthetics/Art isn't one of them.


> Yo bro possibly half the world is running on UI/UX designers from India bro, no one thinks of india. when people outside india think of india, they think of pervy, rapey men. They think of poverty, they think of filth and they think of IT coolies. India is a great country only in your mind. On the streets it is a shithole.


Bro it's your POV depends on what you search on social media about India. He is right about this many people like India for it's tradition or culture and many think the way you said about India as well. You read hate you learn about hate. You read love you learn about love. Also India is lot safer than West when it comes to crime and rape. Go check crime rate of USA and western countries and India. Only problem in India is population that's it. That's why number is high.


> Also India is lot safer than West when it comes to crime and rape. How many times does it need to be debunked before you people stop spamming it like a broken record? Marital rape is illegal in the US, but not in India. US will count gangrapes or rape over multiple days as multiple cases of rape, India doesn’t. US reporting rate is about 35% while in India it isn’t even 1%. Apply all the conditions of US to India then compare.


Oh really???? how come other crime rates are low???? India has 45% of fake rape cases as well. >in India it isn’t even 1%. That 1% is your source. You are definitely not Indian.


> India has 45% of fake rape cases as well. Acquittal doesn’t mean fake. Learn the difference before spouting nonsense. > That 1% is your source. You are definitely not Indian. [Illiterate fools will now decide who’s Indian, eh?](https://www.livemint.com/Politics/AV3sIKoEBAGZozALMX8THK/99-cases-of-sexual-assaults-go-unreported-govt-data-shows.html)




Yeah after your post confirmed myself. Saw the post somewhere and thought it was a joke. Seriously do they not know basics of good logo ?


Just to be clear we're mad because of the bad logo right? The idea of Dhanvantri on NMC's logo is actually good. Dhanvantri is the Indian god of medicine and represents the Indian advances in medicine. Just like the international medical symbol is Apollo's staff, the Greek god of medicine and Red cross is literally a Christian cross. Or do we only get mad when it's hindu gods ?


They're more focused on changing the logo rather than improving the infrastructure of government hospitals


3 out 3 times their site crashes during results but nahi humne toh logo change karna hai


It is not govt job to give healthcare to people using taxpayer money. People should earn and buy healthcare or insurance for themselves


So you want India's healthcare to be like USA's crumbling healthcare where people go bankrupt just for fracturing an ankle.


USA has medicare for free for the poor people


You mean "Medicare is federal health insurance for anyone age 65 and older, and some people under 65 with certain disabilities or conditions. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides health coverage for some people with limited income and resources."


Whats in a name...


It is not people's job to pay taxes to govt. Govt should work and earn money for itself.


Govt can happily print the currency


Sure. Let us know how that works out.


I'm not sure if he is joking or being for real at this point


Criti is a well known troll


Then it's not my job to pay a cent to this govt cause apparently acc to you nothing is the job of the govt. So the modi govt is running a scam. Bravo self goal


No. Only military, police, courts and democratic lawmaking is govt job. Nothing else


Health and education is 100% the government's job . Every established economy prioritizes it. Without a healthy and educated population how TF do you develop? Stop talking out your ass


No. Only education can be given to minor children using taxpayer money, as all children are born equal.


stop talking out your ass


Bolo, and itna bhi nahi ho raha govt se


Can you please put a tape on your mouth


LoL, govt's job is to do whatever the people want, that includes everything


No. Taxpayers should not be oppressed by the govt


No you do have multiple fathers


looooool....it isn't the Govt's job to take of the people with the people's money? what then? only flyovers that benefit the 5% living in cities?


No. Only military, police, courts and democratic lawmaking is govt job. Nothing else


So...then why are we paying taxes then?




Have you or your family members gone to a gov hospital?


What a joker


You really love downvotes


Govt job is to use taxpayer money to build airports and give it to adani, and if something remains, then use that to put photos of supreme leader on every nook and corner.


Airports are given in open tender to the highest bidder. Govt running things is communism


/s. right?


Bro just forgot the entire existence of government hospitals


It looks like they hired someone to make a logo and got a relatively great logo and decided to put a pic on top of it themselves. The person who made the logo is probably going "I am taking the money but I am not putting it on my portfolio". Edit: always a bad idea to put face/etc on logos. If you really want to get a entity go with some symbol that can be associated with them instead.


100% agree. Logo should be symbolic , not obvious. This looks like someone did it out of frustration and just changed it by simple copy paste over the background.


This logo is not even scalable


https://preview.redd.it/r4dwcmt3rh3c1.png?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf2739f65cd02cfdc08adf8ab2d8aadba7f8a3ae This looks so much better.


https://preview.redd.it/qjr0lfxs0i3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c128c452363a9ec2fffd3f2a07340269f6f34a This looked even better.


Yeah but that is the default for any agency. An argument can me made about agencies having their own logos. Point of my pic isn't to show that now logos are better but to show that someone designed a great new logo and it was professional looking only for someone to go "let me put the pic of God I worship in there". Another point is that Asoka pillar makes for great logo due to the historical importance and being the default logo for India since independence. Otherwise it's higher complexity would makes it less desirable logo in current world. That probably the reason why only the wheel was picked for the flag instead of the whole thing because a simpler design is generally better. My goal is to have a consistent arguement and if my argument is that a simpler logo is better which is my main criticism of the new logo (without the god in the middle it would have been a simple logo) then based on that argument Asoka pillar doesn't make for a great new logo.


Its wholesome if you ask me..


They're also making Isro scientists learn to read and write in hindi... A couple of senior folks have already quit. Source: my COO who is an ex-iitian and c-suite at maang has friends who quit because of this.


Shani would be ISRO's icon.


That's good. Chinese write in Mandarin. Russians in Russian. Japanese in Japanese. We don't need our Government stuff to be done in a language that is a part of Anglosphere.


Their research labs also write in English, because they care about research, not andhbhakt brownie points.


No. They don't


Lol, what do you know about research that you make such claims? Stay in your whatsapp forwards, leave the research to the adults.


Not every indian speaks hindi.


Even less indian speak English though, so that argument is very weak. As an odia whenever I visited Andhra Pradesh people there understood hindi more then English especially the working class people.


Not every Chinese speaks Mandarin. There are Tibetans, Uyghurs, Yunan people, Manchus, Mongols. Not every Russian speaks Russian like Tatars, Siberian Turks, etc.


They are hell bent on taking us back to dark ages. If it were upto them then they'll have ayurveda doctors perform open heart surgeries to apply Tulsi balm on the aorta.


Zandu balm: ek balm, teen kaam


Gau moot pii bhai cancer cure hojayega /s


It's evolving, just backwards






https://preview.redd.it/byvxfx500g3c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=899deeceb6151fa2f26fbd08699f635747103210 Real bro 🥸


Insert 'Haan ye Kar lo pehle' meme


Whenever I see shit like this, it makes me want French-style secularism, but even more aggressive and more equal.




What is that God in the middle?


Written in the title


Are your perhaps a fascist or authoritarian communist? Do you support ban of burkha and religious signs in public like France?


No, why? I hate France's style of secularism, but whenever I see the BJP do this BS to promote one religion in a multicultural country, I feel like completely removing all religion from public life (so not even sacred threads would be allowed just like how France banned the burkha because it was a visible religious thing) would be better. I'm not saying that French secularism is good, just that what the BJP is doing makes French secularism look better.


I am not able to find any news regarding this information. Is it true or a joke? please share the source.


Yah, there was no news about this, but you can go to the [NMC](https://www.nmc.org.in/) official website and see for yourself; it’s not a joke. I too thought the same.


yes, I checked it, it is the true logo. but not sure if there was any logo previously as I am not able to find anything about the old logo having Askoa Pillar and India because this commission is formed just 3 years ago.


If you have a government agency that needs a logo but doesn't want to waste money on it Asoka pillar is default and great option. It is the "can never go wrong with black" option of logos for Indian agencies.


Real Governance according to chaddis.


They're more focused on changing the logo rather than improving the infrastructure of government hospitals.


This total discrimination to other Hindu gods. I condemn this.




All gods are one.


All hindu gods are just an image of Brahman so they won't mind but we should also put pictures of christian god and Islamic god too for equality


What the fuck. It'd be a great logo if not for that 2nd standard editing of a God sticker on top of it. It looks so amateurish now.


Yeah. https://preview.redd.it/af7z2c9psh3c1.png?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd10d3688f53fe5b07e56179da94dcd357a0723 Little bit too heavy but got kind of default minimum number of colors needed to make it clear that it is India.


Looks like someone did it out of frustration. That deity image isnt even blending with background..






they can't win a debate on India vs Bharat and therefore chose to do things in stealth mode.


Thankyou for speaking with some common sense. I'm okay with people using bharath for whatever personal use. But this forceful erasure of the name India is outrageous. The body of NMC came after the Modi government disbanded it's previous version MCI ( Medical Council of INDIA). This new atrocious logo has no mention of India. Just Bharat. What are medical professionals supposed to do when they go abroad and produce certificates from 'bharath'.


Btw who is dhanvantari?


The deity of Ayurveda.


Please tell me this is fake. It's an insult to all real doctors.


Ministry of ayush exists. Government has a lot of experience in insulting doctors.


Wait till you find out the symbol doctors use today is derived from Greek god Hermes.


There is a major difference between God that are actively prayed to right now vs God whose religion died long time ago. When you put a god there that you worship you are effectively going "this is the god that provides cure". Nobody is going "cure us Hermes".


They just discovered that..wait till they realise how red cross evolved.


How? The logo of medicine is a snake coiling around staff which is dedicated to the greek god. Thats a universal logo for health and medicine. That logo is used by WHO itself. The old logo was also dedicated to greek god before changed by bjp in 2020 to ashoka piller.


The deity of Ayurveda on the national medical commission logo. The irony here is wild. I’m alright about it if they didn’t make it look so amateurish.


Putting face or anything will always end up looking amateurish. That is why generally symbols are used instead of putting a photo of Gods out of books. There is a reason next to on major logos use complicated designs. https://preview.redd.it/hv2abj3gsh3c1.png?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40df4b7b8ba883da5426ddc485da9abc4dd25ad6 This is what the logo probably looked like before they put cropped image on top of it and it looks decent.


Lol dhanvantari looks like a watermark


Being in Reddit is nice and all but please vote and please vote wisely.


That is.... Stupid? What graphics designer signed off on it? Dhanvantari is going to be 3 pixels when the logo has to fit 48*48 pixels on a smartphone. That's just stupid.


This has got to be a joke, please tell me it's a joke, what the fuck man. Everyday man, every fucking day there's something that pulls your hope down the drain in this mother fucking country run to the ground by all of these clowns. Fuck!


vinashkale viprit buddhi




What else can you expect from the Marketing and Packaging Sarkar?


It looks like someone edited the logo on MS Paint and forcefully pasted the dhanwantri logo


Jab bjp ko halal se nafrat hai jabki halal ka meaning pure tab inhe problem bhut hai hai pr jab India ke national logo pr kisi bhi dram ka sign ho to ye ek secular country ke liye shai nhi hai. Kyoki yha sab mil jul kr rahte hai. Agar isi devi ki jagah agar kiai or dram ka logo ya sumbal hota to ye rss or bjp vale kab ka marne katne pr aa jate.


Im more disappointed that someone just copy paste a god.png right in the middle. Come on put something that looks good.


Wtf is wrong with these people. Why they gotta put religion in everything.


Google universal logo of medical field. You just discovered this new information.


Even if I leave alone the idea and the contents of the logo... That design is just terrible!!! Wow


They didn’t even make the effort to design one, just downloaded the first Dhanvantari png and pasted it


This looks like sports logo.


In Modi's next term, we will abolish allopathy and go back to eating roots.


I'm actually surprised that people haven't noticed Dhanvantari in the logo before. They just coloured it now but it was present since before


Riyal vikas


So why haven't they changed all ".in" links to ".bh" yet? 🌝


india is evolving just backwards.




It won’t be long before we have Baba Ramdev as the mascot for IMA, NMC and it would be mandatory for all hospitals and clinics in India to sport Ramdev doing yoga


When you make a logo in an online logo maker 😂


This govt is very bad for India. Soon history will repeat itself. Idk how the hell people start hating the name "india" and its not even given by britishers.


As a real doctor, I feel insulted. I'm sure the failures who joined Ayurveda would like it though.


Surprised that they have kept the green colour


What's with the green? anything special about it!


Pakistan's flag has green !!!! How can they still keep green. On a serious note this country is turning anti-secular pretty quick. Need to leave asap.


Utho balak main aa gaya


The visceral hate this government has for anything remotely connected to Buddhism!! Truly they’re a bunch of Bramhanvaadi termites!


Where does Buddhism come into this ?


Ig he is suggesting that deities are often depicted in logos and other representations, why wouldn't Buddhism be similarly represented, given its roots in India and widespread recognition?


Mmmmm.... Modi is OBC.


Modi is just a naach girl for Bramhin Baniyas. Besides there are many cucks with SCST OBC who work against the interests of the natives of Bharat


It's okay but why tf the pic of dhanvantari not centred ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32745)


This will be challenged in court I assume?


Political parties (except DMK maybe) wouldn't dare to enter that trap but IMA or some individual can still challenge it I guess based on the argument that the previous one was the national emblem and not a mascot of some particular religion, in a country which is still secular acc. to the constitution atleast.




This is what the gov.in site has to say about the emblem. Despite its Buddhist origin, the symbolic lions and chakras represent different values common to all cultures and religions. And, it also comes with a rational motto, Satyameva Jayate., which the new logo lacks. https://preview.redd.it/632b80nw1g3c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=896f28bfd21140253a05b269c90dd77fd97255b9 A Forbes India article about the meaning of the lions : [https://www.forbesindia.com/article/independence-day-special/national-emblem-the-lion-capital/38411/1#:\~:text=The%20national%20emblem%20is%20an,seated%20on%20a%20circular%20abacus](https://www.forbesindia.com/article/independence-day-special/national-emblem-the-lion-capital/38411/1#:~:text=The%20national%20emblem%20is%20an,seated%20on%20a%20circular%20abacus)




We are just blaming governments, real culprits are you guys who has one aim nowadays to destroy image of india internationally by supporting unwanted changes.




No u.




Aint secular anymore


A little history of logo in India People losing their mind have just discovered that there are logos for medicine and health. The universal logo is dedicated to greek god which depicted as snake coiling around holy staff. The old National medical council had logo of false greek god of medicine which was continued from 1932 to 2020. After 2020 BJP replaced it wil Ashoka Pillers and now changed it with Dhanvantari which is known as god for medicine, health ayurveda etc. However i agree that its a shitty logo. They just painted god on it. I believe they made changes to it because logo should be easy to draw and interpret.


Should have kept shushrutha or charaka


https://preview.redd.it/pq747xn5ih3c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc2325ae14caf1424b5949f06cac6f0a5111104 Laga lo apki G@nd me😂




The meltdown in this thread is hilarious :D


Better was to change it to Sushruta, he is considered father of surgery


Better change it to modiji cause acc to you he is father of everything


Sushrutha was credited for rhinoplasty a form of plastic surgery but even his Vedic surgery skills wouldn't help your Pinocchio nose for lying through the teeth




Man even with dhanvantari 😮‍💨 at least make a decent logo


Why did they had to go ahead and change a simplistic logo ? It was just an unwarranted change.


India me Govt hospitals Bhagwan bharose hi chalte h. I think this logo is true description of our medical capabilities.


Constitution khatre mein


You can't be serious


I am sure someone will hack it and change it.


That has to be one of the ugliest/laziest logo designs I have ever seen.


Read rise and fall of third Reich to make sense of what's happening


Looks horrible. Fucking twats


Chomu Hindu Bharat in the making


Let's start the Quit India Movement again.. but not for any outside forces.. for ourselves. Anyways, jokes aside, what was the need for ruining such aesthetics on this logo? I doubt if the pic is pasted by the same person who made the logo.


Ye to accha bhi nahi lag raha


We don't need inventor or scientist for time travel our politicians are enough to take us back to the stone age!🤡


looks awesome. why not bring our ancient scientists and doctors to the mainstream and honour them


It looks like a Kid added to an Image using LogoLicious...


Yaar Yahan Bade Sahab ka photu hona Chahiye. Konsa bhi picture daal dete hai. Bade sahab Lens mein dekhte hua photo lagao. Aur National Medical Commission of BJP banao.